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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Trees in the Andes:

Jost, François Paul 21 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
High mountain regions including the Andean region are very sensitive to climate change. Farmers in the central Andes of Peru are increasingly being exposed to the impacts of climate variability. This transdisciplinary research uses field laboratories, combining the farming system and the sustainable livelihood approaches, to carry out social, ecological, and financial assessments so as to identify sustainable and resilient livelihood strategies for small-scale Andean farmers. The first research step studies and characterizes farm household systems, influenced by their biophysical and socioeconomic contexts, for which two vulnerability indices were elaborated. Focused on the climate variability, the five livelihood assets and the three IPCC’s vulnerability components, these indices show the highly sensitive conditions of most communities with poor health conditions, access to infrastructure and public services. Farmers’ capacity of response is often limited by the low on-farm diversity and lack of organization. Thereafter, sustainable livelihood strategies were identified. These include on-farm intensification and non-farm labor intensification for lowland and better-access communities. In the middle-access and highland communities, where temporary migration is a common coping strategy, sustainable scenarios include an increment in diversification strategies through agrobiodiversity and a larger share of tree-based production systems. Furthermore, research step II explores local strategies to cope with agricultural droughts and evaluates, by means of natural resource assessment methods, agroforestry systems as an alternative to reduce their negative effects. Mainly affected by the increasing variation in precipitation events, farmers identify off-farm and on-farm diversification as adaptive strategies against agricultural droughts that reduce the weather dependence and covariance between livelihood activities. Among the introduction of more resistant crop and pasture varieties, the incorporation of trees in their system is desired because of their positive influence in soil moisture and crop yields. Soil moisture in agroforestry systems with eucalyptus trees is 10-20% higher than in agricultural systems during the beginning of the wet season. Differences in the soil moisture during the end of the dry season and in the potato yield are not evident between these systems, although an area without sowing reduced the agricultural output in 13-17% in agroforestry systems. Research step III seeks to maximize the efficiency of resource allocation in farm household systems by developing a linear programming optimization model. This financial assessment underpinned the need of additional off-farm activities for resource-scarcer farmers. In addition, under interest rates below 15% the model includes tree-based production systems as part of the optimal solution. However, with increasing interest rates, a higher share of land is used to cover household’s basic needs and fewer resources are available for capital accumulation activities such as forestry. Variations introduced in the model show that pasture systems are more sensitive to changes in the production outputs, whereas variation in farm worker wages and tree prices affected less the optimal solutions, making farming systems less sensitive to these market changes. Finally, the incorporation of tree-based systems have proved to be a sustainable and resilient livelihood strategy against climate variability available for particular farm household systems of the study area. / Las zonas montañosas, incluyendo la región andina son muy sensibles al cambio climático. Los agricultores de los Andes centrales del Perú están cada vez más expuestos a los efectos de la variabilidad climática. Esta investigación transdisciplinaria utiliza laboratorios de campo (field laboratories), combinando los enfoques de sistemas agrícolas y de medios de vida sostenibles, para llevar a cabo evaluaciones sociales, ecológicas y financieras con el fin de identificar estrategias sostenibles y resilientes para los agricultores andinos de pequeña escala. La primera fase de la investigación caracteriza a los sistemas agrícolas familiares, influenciados por sus contextos biofísicos y socioeconómicos, para lo cual se elaboraron dos índices de vulnerabilidad centrados en la variabilidad del clima, los cinco activos de los medios de vida y los tres componentes de la vulnerabilidad del IPCC. Estos índices muestran las condiciones de alta sensibilidad de la mayoría de las comunidades, con malas condiciones de salud y poco acceso a la infraestructura y a los servicios públicos. La capacidad de respuesta de los agricultores es a menudo limitada por la baja diversidad en las actividades agrícolas y la falta de organización. Posteriormente se identificaron las estrategias de medios de vida sostenibles. Estas incluyen la intensificación en las actividades agrícolas y la intensificación del trabajo no agrícola en las comunidades de zonas bajas y con mejor acceso. En las comunidades con menor acceso y zonas altas la migración temporal es una estrategia de afrontamiento común. Los escenarios sostenibles en estas comunidades incluyen un incremento en las estrategias de diversificación p. ej. a través de un aumento de la biodiversidad agrícola y una mayor proporción de sistemas de producción asociados con árboles. Por otra parte, la segunda fase de la investigación explora las estrategias locales para hacer frente a las sequías agrícolas y evalúa, por medio de métodos de evaluación de recursos naturales, los sistemas agroforestales como alternativa para reducir sus efectos negativos. Afectados principalmente por el aumento en la variación de las precipitaciones, los pequeños agricultores identifican a la diversificación de actividades dentro y fuera de sus parcelas agrícolas como una estrategia de adaptación frente a las sequías agrícolas que reduce la dependencia climática y la covarianza entre las actividades de subsistencia. Dentro de la introducción de variedades de cultivos y pastos más resistentes, como parte de la solución, los agricultores desean la incorporación de árboles en su sistema debido a su influencia positiva en la humedad del suelo y en los rendimientos de los cultivos. La humedad del suelo en sistemas agroforestales con árboles de eucalipto es un 10-20% mayor que en los sistemas agrícolas durante el comienzo de la estación húmeda. Las diferencias en la humedad del suelo durante el final de la estación seca y en el rendimiento de los cultivos de papa no son evidentes entre estos dos sistemas. A pesar de esto, el espacio sin siembra dejado en los sistemas agroforestales redujo la producción agrícola en un 13-17%. La tercera fase de la investigación busca maximizar la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos en los sistemas agrícolas familiares mediante el desarrollo de un modelo de optimización de programación lineal. Esta evaluación financiera respalda la necesidad de actividades adicionales no-agrícolas para agricultores con recursos más escasos. Además, con tasas de interés por debajo del 15%, el modelo siempre incluye a los sistemas de producción forestales y/o agroforestales como parte de las soluciones óptimas. Sin embargo, con el aumento de las tasas de interés, una mayor proporción de tierra se utiliza para cubrir las necesidades básicas del hogar y menos recursos están disponibles para las actividades de acumulación de capital como la silvicultura. Las variaciones introducidas en el modelo muestran que los sistemas de pastoreo son más sensibles a los cambios en los condiciones de producción. Por otro lado, la variación en los salarios de los trabajadores agrícolas y en los precios de los árboles afectan en un menor grado las soluciones óptimas, proporcionando sistemas agrícolas menos sensibles a estos cambios en el mercado. Finalmente, la incorporación de árboles en los sistemas agrícolas ha demostrado ser una estrategia de vida sostenible y resiliente a la variabilidad climática disponible para determinados sistemas agrícolas familiares de la zona de estudio. / Hochgebirgsregionen einschließlich der Andenregion sind gegenüber dem Klimawandel sehr empfindlich. Die in den zentralen Anden von Peru lebenden Bauern sind mehr und mehr den Auswirkungen durch Klimaschwankungen ausgesetzt. Diese transdisziplinäre Forschung nutzt Feldlabore, die das System der landwirtschaftlichen Bewirtschaftung und Ansätze zur nachhaltigen Lebensunterhaltssicherung kombinieren, um soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Erhebungen durchzuführen, so dass nachhaltige Livelihood-Strategien für die Kleinbauern in den Anden aufgezeigt werden können. Der erste Forschungsschritt untersucht und charakterisiert die bäuerlichen Haushaltssysteme, die durch ihre biophysikalischen und sozioökonomischen Kontexte beeinflusst sind. Hierfür wurden zwei Vulnerabilitätsindizes herausgearbeitet, die Klimavariabilität und die fünf Güter des Sustainable Livelihood-Konzepts im Fokus haben, sowie die drei Vulnerabilitätskomponenten des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Diese Indizes decken die hochgradige Sensitivität für die meisten Gemeinden auf, aufgrund des schlechten Gesundheitszustandes sowie dem Mangel an Infrastruktur und öffentlichen Dienstleistungen. Die Fähigkeit der Bauern damit umzugehen, ist zumeist begrenzt durch eine geringe Diversität und fehlende Organisation auf den Farmen. Anschließend werden nachhaltige Livelihood-Strategien aufgezeigt. Diese umfassen die Intensivierung der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft und der Arbeitskraft außerhalb der Landwirtschaft für Gemeinden im Flachland sowie besser erreichbare Gemeinden. In Hochlandgemeinden und Gemeinden die schwer zugänglich sind, ist temporäre Migration eine geläufige Bewältigungsstrategie. Nachhaltige Szenarien in diesen Gemeinden beinhalten eine höhere Anzahl an Diversifizierungsstrategien wie die Steigerung von Agro-Biodiversität und dem Anteil an baumbasierten Produktionssystemen. Forschungsschritt II untersucht lokale Strategien, um die landwirtschaftliche Dürre zu bewältigen und bewertet – mit Hilfe von Naturressourcenbewertungsverfahren – Agroforstsysteme als eine Alternative, um die negativen Auswirkungen der Trockenzeiten zu verringern. Beeinträchtigt durch zunehmende Niederschlagsschwankungen, identifizieren Bauern die Diversifizierung von landwirtschaftlichen und nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten als Anpassungsstrategie bei landwirtschaftliche Dürre, wodurch die Abhängigkeit vom Wetter und die Kovarianz zwischen den Aktivitäten für den Lebensunterhalt reduziert werden kann. Neben der Einführung resistenterer Kultur- und Weidepflanzen, ist die Einbeziehung von Bäumen in das System wünschenswert, aufgrund ihres positiven Einflusses auf die Bodenfeuchte und Erträge. Die Bodenfeuchte in agroforstwirtschaftlichen Systemen mit Eukalyptusbäumen ist während der beginnenden Feuchtperiode 20% höher als in landwirtschaftlichen Systemen. Die Unterschiede der Bodenfeuchte am Ende der Trockenzeit und bezüglich des Kartoffelertrags sind zwischen diesen Systemen nicht markant, obwohl eine Fläche, auf der keine Saat ausgebracht wurde, den landwirtschaftlichen Ertrag in Agroforstsystemen um 13 bis 17% mindert. Forschungsschritt III versucht die Effizienz der Ressourcenzuordnung in Farmhaushaltssystemen zu maximieren, indem ein Optimierungsmodell mit Hilfe der linearen Programmierung entwickelt wird. Diese ökonomische Erhebung unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit zusätzlicher nichtlandwirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten für ressourcenärmere Bauern. Bei Zinsraten unter 15% umfasst das Model baumbasierte Produktionssysteme als einen Teil der optimalen Lösung. Mit steigenden Zinsraten wird jedoch eine größere Bodenfläche dazu verwendet, um die Grundbedürfnisse der Haushalte zu decken und es stehen weniger Ressourcen für Aktivitäten zur Kapitalanhäufung wie Forstwirtschaft zur Verfügung. Die in das Modell involvierten Variationen zeigen, dass Weidesysteme sensibler auf Veränderungen des Produktionsausstoßes reagieren. Schwankungen bei den Löhnen der Farmer und Veränderungen der Baumpreise beeinträchtigen hingegen die optimalen Lösungen weniger. Dadurch sind die landwirtschaftlichen Systeme gegenüber Marktschwankungen weniger anfällig. Abschließend erweist sich, dass – für bestimmte Farmhaushaltssysteme im Untersuchungsgebiet – die Einbeziehung baumbasierter Systeme als nachhaltige und resiliente Livelihood-Strategie angesichts von Klimaschwankungen nützlich ist. / Regiões altomontanas, incluindo os Andes são extremamente sensíveis aos impactos das mudanças climáticas. Pequenos agricultores da região central dos Andes Peruanos estão progressivamente sendo expostos aos impactos das variações climáticas. A presente investigação transdisciplinar utiliza “field laboratories”, combinando os enfoques de sistemas rurais e dos meios de subsistência sustentáveis, visando uma avaliação social, ecológica e financeira, com intuito de se identificar estratégias resilientes e sustentáveis para os pequenos agricultores Andinos. A primeira etapa do presente estudo investiga e caracteriza os sistemas rurais, influenciados por seus contextos biofísicos e socioeconômicos, para os quais foram elaborados dois índices de vulnerabilidade focados na variabilidade climática, nos recursos dos meios de vida (cinco capitais) e nos três componentes da vulnerabilidade do IPCC. Esses índices mostram as condições altamente sensíveis da maioria das comunidades, com más condições de saúde, acesso à infra-estrutura e serviços públicos. A capacidade de resposta dos pequenos agricultores é frequentemente limitada pela baixa diversificação de actividades na exploração agricola e falta de organização. Posteriormente, foram identificadas estratégias de subsitência sustentáveis. Estas incluem a intensificação tanto do trabalho rural, quanto do não-agrícola para as comunidades de terras baixas e mais acessíveis. Para as comunidades altomontanas e com menor acesso, a migração temporária é uma estratégia de enfrentamento comum. Cenários sustentáveis para essas comunidades incluem um incremento nas estratégias de diversificação p. ex. aumentando a agrobiodiversidade e a parcela dos sistemas de produção florestais. A segunda etapa da pesquisa explora estratégias locais para lidar com as secas agrícolas e investiga, por meio de métodos de avaliação de recursos naturais, sistemas agroflorestais como alternativa para reduzir os seus efeitos negativos. Afetado principalmente pelo aumento da variação da precipitação, os agricultores identificam a diversificação tanto no trabalho rural, quanto no não-agrícola, como estratégias adaptativas contra secas agrícolas que reduzam a dependência do clima e covariância entre atividades de subsitência. Entre a introdução de culturas e de pastagens de variedades mais resistentes, a incorporação de árvores em seu sistema é desejada por conta da sua influência positiva na umidade do solo e no rendimento das culturas. A umidade do solo em sistemas agroflorestais com árvores de eucalipto é de 10-20% maior do que em sistemas agrícolas durante o início da estação chuvosa. As diferenças na umidade do solo durante o final da estação seca e na produtividade da batata não são evidentes entre estes dois sistemas. Apesar disso, o espaço sem semeadura deixado em sistemas agroflorestais reduziu a produção agrícola em 13-17%. A terceira etapa da presente investigação visa maximizar a eficiência da alocação de recursos em sistemas agrícolas familiares por meio do desenvolvimento de um modelo de otimização de programação linear. Esta avaliação financeira sustenta a necessidade de atividades não-agrícolas adicionais para agricultores com recursos escassos. Ademais, sob taxas de juros abaixo de 15%, o modelo inclui sistemas de produção florestais como parte da solução ideal. Contudo, com o aumento das taxas de juros, uma parcela maior da propriedade é usada para garantir as necessidades básicas, e portanto, menos recursos do agregado familiar estão disponíveis para atividades de acumulação de capital, tais como a silvicultura. Variações introduzidas no modelo mostram que sistemas de pastagem são mais sensíveis a mudanças nas condições de produção. Ademais, variaçãoes nos salários dos trabalhadores agrícolas e nos preços de árvores afetam menos as soluções ótimas, tornando os sistemas agrícolas menos sensíveis a estas mudanças do mercado. Por fim, a incorporação de sistemas florestais provaram ser uma estratégia de subsistência sustentável e resiliente contra a variação climática para determinados sistemas de agricultura familiar da área de estudo.

Trees in the Andes:: Sustainable livelihood strategies for risk reduction

Jost, François Paul 10 October 2016 (has links)
High mountain regions including the Andean region are very sensitive to climate change. Farmers in the central Andes of Peru are increasingly being exposed to the impacts of climate variability. This transdisciplinary research uses field laboratories, combining the farming system and the sustainable livelihood approaches, to carry out social, ecological, and financial assessments so as to identify sustainable and resilient livelihood strategies for small-scale Andean farmers. The first research step studies and characterizes farm household systems, influenced by their biophysical and socioeconomic contexts, for which two vulnerability indices were elaborated. Focused on the climate variability, the five livelihood assets and the three IPCC’s vulnerability components, these indices show the highly sensitive conditions of most communities with poor health conditions, access to infrastructure and public services. Farmers’ capacity of response is often limited by the low on-farm diversity and lack of organization. Thereafter, sustainable livelihood strategies were identified. These include on-farm intensification and non-farm labor intensification for lowland and better-access communities. In the middle-access and highland communities, where temporary migration is a common coping strategy, sustainable scenarios include an increment in diversification strategies through agrobiodiversity and a larger share of tree-based production systems. Furthermore, research step II explores local strategies to cope with agricultural droughts and evaluates, by means of natural resource assessment methods, agroforestry systems as an alternative to reduce their negative effects. Mainly affected by the increasing variation in precipitation events, farmers identify off-farm and on-farm diversification as adaptive strategies against agricultural droughts that reduce the weather dependence and covariance between livelihood activities. Among the introduction of more resistant crop and pasture varieties, the incorporation of trees in their system is desired because of their positive influence in soil moisture and crop yields. Soil moisture in agroforestry systems with eucalyptus trees is 10-20% higher than in agricultural systems during the beginning of the wet season. Differences in the soil moisture during the end of the dry season and in the potato yield are not evident between these systems, although an area without sowing reduced the agricultural output in 13-17% in agroforestry systems. Research step III seeks to maximize the efficiency of resource allocation in farm household systems by developing a linear programming optimization model. This financial assessment underpinned the need of additional off-farm activities for resource-scarcer farmers. In addition, under interest rates below 15% the model includes tree-based production systems as part of the optimal solution. However, with increasing interest rates, a higher share of land is used to cover household’s basic needs and fewer resources are available for capital accumulation activities such as forestry. Variations introduced in the model show that pasture systems are more sensitive to changes in the production outputs, whereas variation in farm worker wages and tree prices affected less the optimal solutions, making farming systems less sensitive to these market changes. Finally, the incorporation of tree-based systems have proved to be a sustainable and resilient livelihood strategy against climate variability available for particular farm household systems of the study area.:1 Introduction - 1 - 1.1 Introduction and justification - 1 - 1.2 Objectives and thesis statements - 2 - 1.3 Outline - 3 - 1.4 Definition of terms - 5 - 1.4.1 Vulnerability - 5 - 1.4.2 Resilience - 7 - 1.4.3 Agroforestry systems - 8 - 1.4.4 Farming system approach - 9 - 1.4.5 Farm household system - 10 - 1.4.6 Sustainable livelihood approach - 10 - 2 Framework and study site - 14 - 2.1 Theoretical framework - 14 - 2.2 Methodological framework - 18 - 2.2.1 Field laboratories - 18 - 2.2.2 Methods - 19 - 2.2.3 Methodology applied in research step I: Vulnerability in Achamayo - 21 - 2.2.4 Methodology applied in research step II: Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 29 - 2.2.5 Methodology applied in research step III: Modeling small farm production systems - 33 - 2.2.6 Selection of case studies - 34 - 2.3 Study area - 35 - 2.3.1 Soils and topography - 35 - 2.3.2 Weather - 37 - 2.3.3 Agro-ecological zones and vegetation - 38 - 2.3.4 Climate change - 40 - 2.3.5 Socioeconomic characteristics - 42 - 2.3.6 Population - 43 - 2.3.7 External determinants - 71 - 2.4 Case studies - 47 - 2.4.1 Lowland communities (L) - 49 - 2.4.2 Middle access communities (M) - 50 - 2.4.3 Highland communities (H) - 51 - 3 Vulnerability in Achamayo - 53 - 3.1 Results - 53 - 3.1.1 Sustainable Livelihood Vulnerability Index (S-LVI) - 53 - 3.1.2 IPCC Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI-IPCC) - 68 - 3.2 Discussion - 71 - 3.2.1 Climate variability and extreme events - 71 - 3.2.2 Human capital - 71 - 3.2.3 Social capital - 71 - 3.2.4 Natural capital - 71 - 3.2.5 Physical capital - 71 - 3.2.6 Financial capital - 71 - 3.2.7 Livelihood strategies following the S-LVI and LVI-IPCC indices - 86 - 3.3 Conclusion - 92 - 4 Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 95 - 4.1 Results - 96 - 4.1.1 Farmers’ experience and perception on climate variability and agricultural droughts - 96 - 4.1.2 Agricultural droughts in the farm household systems - 97 - 4.1.3 Farming forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 102 - 4.1.4 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 104 - 4.2 Discussion - 110 - 4.2.1 Climate change and agricultural droughts - 110 - 4.2.2 Farm forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 115 - 4.2.3 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 117 - 4.3 Conclusion - 121 - 5 Modeling small farm production systems: optimization of resource allocation - 123 - 5.1 Methodology - 124 - 5.1.1 Optimization Model - 126 - 5.1.2 Plan of optimization - 128 - 5.1.3 Production systems - 131 - 5.1.4 Constraints - 134 - 5.2 Results - 138 - 5.2.1 Model - 138 - 5.2.2 Interest rates - 142 - 5.2.3 Sensitivity analyses - 146 - 5.3 Discussion - 151 - 5.3.1 Cash flows - 151 - 5.3.2 Model outcomes - 152 - 5.3.3 Interest rates - 155 - 5.3.4 Sensitivity analyses - 159 - 5.4 Conclusion - 169 - 6 Synthesis - 171 - 6.1 Lessons learned - 171 - 6.1.1 Research step I - 172 - 6.1.2 Research step II - 175 - 6.1.3 Research step III - 176 - 6.2 Conclusions & outlook - 179 - 6.2.1 General conclusions - 179 - 6.2.2 Outlook - 181 - References - 185 - Appendix - 199 - / Las zonas montañosas, incluyendo la región andina son muy sensibles al cambio climático. Los agricultores de los Andes centrales del Perú están cada vez más expuestos a los efectos de la variabilidad climática. Esta investigación transdisciplinaria utiliza laboratorios de campo (field laboratories), combinando los enfoques de sistemas agrícolas y de medios de vida sostenibles, para llevar a cabo evaluaciones sociales, ecológicas y financieras con el fin de identificar estrategias sostenibles y resilientes para los agricultores andinos de pequeña escala. La primera fase de la investigación caracteriza a los sistemas agrícolas familiares, influenciados por sus contextos biofísicos y socioeconómicos, para lo cual se elaboraron dos índices de vulnerabilidad centrados en la variabilidad del clima, los cinco activos de los medios de vida y los tres componentes de la vulnerabilidad del IPCC. Estos índices muestran las condiciones de alta sensibilidad de la mayoría de las comunidades, con malas condiciones de salud y poco acceso a la infraestructura y a los servicios públicos. La capacidad de respuesta de los agricultores es a menudo limitada por la baja diversidad en las actividades agrícolas y la falta de organización. Posteriormente se identificaron las estrategias de medios de vida sostenibles. Estas incluyen la intensificación en las actividades agrícolas y la intensificación del trabajo no agrícola en las comunidades de zonas bajas y con mejor acceso. En las comunidades con menor acceso y zonas altas la migración temporal es una estrategia de afrontamiento común. Los escenarios sostenibles en estas comunidades incluyen un incremento en las estrategias de diversificación p. ej. a través de un aumento de la biodiversidad agrícola y una mayor proporción de sistemas de producción asociados con árboles. Por otra parte, la segunda fase de la investigación explora las estrategias locales para hacer frente a las sequías agrícolas y evalúa, por medio de métodos de evaluación de recursos naturales, los sistemas agroforestales como alternativa para reducir sus efectos negativos. Afectados principalmente por el aumento en la variación de las precipitaciones, los pequeños agricultores identifican a la diversificación de actividades dentro y fuera de sus parcelas agrícolas como una estrategia de adaptación frente a las sequías agrícolas que reduce la dependencia climática y la covarianza entre las actividades de subsistencia. Dentro de la introducción de variedades de cultivos y pastos más resistentes, como parte de la solución, los agricultores desean la incorporación de árboles en su sistema debido a su influencia positiva en la humedad del suelo y en los rendimientos de los cultivos. La humedad del suelo en sistemas agroforestales con árboles de eucalipto es un 10-20% mayor que en los sistemas agrícolas durante el comienzo de la estación húmeda. Las diferencias en la humedad del suelo durante el final de la estación seca y en el rendimiento de los cultivos de papa no son evidentes entre estos dos sistemas. A pesar de esto, el espacio sin siembra dejado en los sistemas agroforestales redujo la producción agrícola en un 13-17%. La tercera fase de la investigación busca maximizar la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos en los sistemas agrícolas familiares mediante el desarrollo de un modelo de optimización de programación lineal. Esta evaluación financiera respalda la necesidad de actividades adicionales no-agrícolas para agricultores con recursos más escasos. Además, con tasas de interés por debajo del 15%, el modelo siempre incluye a los sistemas de producción forestales y/o agroforestales como parte de las soluciones óptimas. Sin embargo, con el aumento de las tasas de interés, una mayor proporción de tierra se utiliza para cubrir las necesidades básicas del hogar y menos recursos están disponibles para las actividades de acumulación de capital como la silvicultura. Las variaciones introducidas en el modelo muestran que los sistemas de pastoreo son más sensibles a los cambios en los condiciones de producción. Por otro lado, la variación en los salarios de los trabajadores agrícolas y en los precios de los árboles afectan en un menor grado las soluciones óptimas, proporcionando sistemas agrícolas menos sensibles a estos cambios en el mercado. Finalmente, la incorporación de árboles en los sistemas agrícolas ha demostrado ser una estrategia de vida sostenible y resiliente a la variabilidad climática disponible para determinados sistemas agrícolas familiares de la zona de estudio.:1 Introduction - 1 - 1.1 Introduction and justification - 1 - 1.2 Objectives and thesis statements - 2 - 1.3 Outline - 3 - 1.4 Definition of terms - 5 - 1.4.1 Vulnerability - 5 - 1.4.2 Resilience - 7 - 1.4.3 Agroforestry systems - 8 - 1.4.4 Farming system approach - 9 - 1.4.5 Farm household system - 10 - 1.4.6 Sustainable livelihood approach - 10 - 2 Framework and study site - 14 - 2.1 Theoretical framework - 14 - 2.2 Methodological framework - 18 - 2.2.1 Field laboratories - 18 - 2.2.2 Methods - 19 - 2.2.3 Methodology applied in research step I: Vulnerability in Achamayo - 21 - 2.2.4 Methodology applied in research step II: Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 29 - 2.2.5 Methodology applied in research step III: Modeling small farm production systems - 33 - 2.2.6 Selection of case studies - 34 - 2.3 Study area - 35 - 2.3.1 Soils and topography - 35 - 2.3.2 Weather - 37 - 2.3.3 Agro-ecological zones and vegetation - 38 - 2.3.4 Climate change - 40 - 2.3.5 Socioeconomic characteristics - 42 - 2.3.6 Population - 43 - 2.3.7 External determinants - 71 - 2.4 Case studies - 47 - 2.4.1 Lowland communities (L) - 49 - 2.4.2 Middle access communities (M) - 50 - 2.4.3 Highland communities (H) - 51 - 3 Vulnerability in Achamayo - 53 - 3.1 Results - 53 - 3.1.1 Sustainable Livelihood Vulnerability Index (S-LVI) - 53 - 3.1.2 IPCC Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI-IPCC) - 68 - 3.2 Discussion - 71 - 3.2.1 Climate variability and extreme events - 71 - 3.2.2 Human capital - 71 - 3.2.3 Social capital - 71 - 3.2.4 Natural capital - 71 - 3.2.5 Physical capital - 71 - 3.2.6 Financial capital - 71 - 3.2.7 Livelihood strategies following the S-LVI and LVI-IPCC indices - 86 - 3.3 Conclusion - 92 - 4 Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 95 - 4.1 Results - 96 - 4.1.1 Farmers’ experience and perception on climate variability and agricultural droughts - 96 - 4.1.2 Agricultural droughts in the farm household systems - 97 - 4.1.3 Farming forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 102 - 4.1.4 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 104 - 4.2 Discussion - 110 - 4.2.1 Climate change and agricultural droughts - 110 - 4.2.2 Farm forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 115 - 4.2.3 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 117 - 4.3 Conclusion - 121 - 5 Modeling small farm production systems: optimization of resource allocation - 123 - 5.1 Methodology - 124 - 5.1.1 Optimization Model - 126 - 5.1.2 Plan of optimization - 128 - 5.1.3 Production systems - 131 - 5.1.4 Constraints - 134 - 5.2 Results - 138 - 5.2.1 Model - 138 - 5.2.2 Interest rates - 142 - 5.2.3 Sensitivity analyses - 146 - 5.3 Discussion - 151 - 5.3.1 Cash flows - 151 - 5.3.2 Model outcomes - 152 - 5.3.3 Interest rates - 155 - 5.3.4 Sensitivity analyses - 159 - 5.4 Conclusion - 169 - 6 Synthesis - 171 - 6.1 Lessons learned - 171 - 6.1.1 Research step I - 172 - 6.1.2 Research step II - 175 - 6.1.3 Research step III - 176 - 6.2 Conclusions & outlook - 179 - 6.2.1 General conclusions - 179 - 6.2.2 Outlook - 181 - References - 185 - Appendix - 199 - / Hochgebirgsregionen einschließlich der Andenregion sind gegenüber dem Klimawandel sehr empfindlich. Die in den zentralen Anden von Peru lebenden Bauern sind mehr und mehr den Auswirkungen durch Klimaschwankungen ausgesetzt. Diese transdisziplinäre Forschung nutzt Feldlabore, die das System der landwirtschaftlichen Bewirtschaftung und Ansätze zur nachhaltigen Lebensunterhaltssicherung kombinieren, um soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Erhebungen durchzuführen, so dass nachhaltige Livelihood-Strategien für die Kleinbauern in den Anden aufgezeigt werden können. Der erste Forschungsschritt untersucht und charakterisiert die bäuerlichen Haushaltssysteme, die durch ihre biophysikalischen und sozioökonomischen Kontexte beeinflusst sind. Hierfür wurden zwei Vulnerabilitätsindizes herausgearbeitet, die Klimavariabilität und die fünf Güter des Sustainable Livelihood-Konzepts im Fokus haben, sowie die drei Vulnerabilitätskomponenten des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Diese Indizes decken die hochgradige Sensitivität für die meisten Gemeinden auf, aufgrund des schlechten Gesundheitszustandes sowie dem Mangel an Infrastruktur und öffentlichen Dienstleistungen. Die Fähigkeit der Bauern damit umzugehen, ist zumeist begrenzt durch eine geringe Diversität und fehlende Organisation auf den Farmen. Anschließend werden nachhaltige Livelihood-Strategien aufgezeigt. Diese umfassen die Intensivierung der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft und der Arbeitskraft außerhalb der Landwirtschaft für Gemeinden im Flachland sowie besser erreichbare Gemeinden. In Hochlandgemeinden und Gemeinden die schwer zugänglich sind, ist temporäre Migration eine geläufige Bewältigungsstrategie. Nachhaltige Szenarien in diesen Gemeinden beinhalten eine höhere Anzahl an Diversifizierungsstrategien wie die Steigerung von Agro-Biodiversität und dem Anteil an baumbasierten Produktionssystemen. Forschungsschritt II untersucht lokale Strategien, um die landwirtschaftliche Dürre zu bewältigen und bewertet – mit Hilfe von Naturressourcenbewertungsverfahren – Agroforstsysteme als eine Alternative, um die negativen Auswirkungen der Trockenzeiten zu verringern. Beeinträchtigt durch zunehmende Niederschlagsschwankungen, identifizieren Bauern die Diversifizierung von landwirtschaftlichen und nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten als Anpassungsstrategie bei landwirtschaftliche Dürre, wodurch die Abhängigkeit vom Wetter und die Kovarianz zwischen den Aktivitäten für den Lebensunterhalt reduziert werden kann. Neben der Einführung resistenterer Kultur- und Weidepflanzen, ist die Einbeziehung von Bäumen in das System wünschenswert, aufgrund ihres positiven Einflusses auf die Bodenfeuchte und Erträge. Die Bodenfeuchte in agroforstwirtschaftlichen Systemen mit Eukalyptusbäumen ist während der beginnenden Feuchtperiode 20% höher als in landwirtschaftlichen Systemen. Die Unterschiede der Bodenfeuchte am Ende der Trockenzeit und bezüglich des Kartoffelertrags sind zwischen diesen Systemen nicht markant, obwohl eine Fläche, auf der keine Saat ausgebracht wurde, den landwirtschaftlichen Ertrag in Agroforstsystemen um 13 bis 17% mindert. Forschungsschritt III versucht die Effizienz der Ressourcenzuordnung in Farmhaushaltssystemen zu maximieren, indem ein Optimierungsmodell mit Hilfe der linearen Programmierung entwickelt wird. Diese ökonomische Erhebung unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit zusätzlicher nichtlandwirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten für ressourcenärmere Bauern. Bei Zinsraten unter 15% umfasst das Model baumbasierte Produktionssysteme als einen Teil der optimalen Lösung. Mit steigenden Zinsraten wird jedoch eine größere Bodenfläche dazu verwendet, um die Grundbedürfnisse der Haushalte zu decken und es stehen weniger Ressourcen für Aktivitäten zur Kapitalanhäufung wie Forstwirtschaft zur Verfügung. Die in das Modell involvierten Variationen zeigen, dass Weidesysteme sensibler auf Veränderungen des Produktionsausstoßes reagieren. Schwankungen bei den Löhnen der Farmer und Veränderungen der Baumpreise beeinträchtigen hingegen die optimalen Lösungen weniger. Dadurch sind die landwirtschaftlichen Systeme gegenüber Marktschwankungen weniger anfällig. Abschließend erweist sich, dass – für bestimmte Farmhaushaltssysteme im Untersuchungsgebiet – die Einbeziehung baumbasierter Systeme als nachhaltige und resiliente Livelihood-Strategie angesichts von Klimaschwankungen nützlich ist.:1 Introduction - 1 - 1.1 Introduction and justification - 1 - 1.2 Objectives and thesis statements - 2 - 1.3 Outline - 3 - 1.4 Definition of terms - 5 - 1.4.1 Vulnerability - 5 - 1.4.2 Resilience - 7 - 1.4.3 Agroforestry systems - 8 - 1.4.4 Farming system approach - 9 - 1.4.5 Farm household system - 10 - 1.4.6 Sustainable livelihood approach - 10 - 2 Framework and study site - 14 - 2.1 Theoretical framework - 14 - 2.2 Methodological framework - 18 - 2.2.1 Field laboratories - 18 - 2.2.2 Methods - 19 - 2.2.3 Methodology applied in research step I: Vulnerability in Achamayo - 21 - 2.2.4 Methodology applied in research step II: Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 29 - 2.2.5 Methodology applied in research step III: Modeling small farm production systems - 33 - 2.2.6 Selection of case studies - 34 - 2.3 Study area - 35 - 2.3.1 Soils and topography - 35 - 2.3.2 Weather - 37 - 2.3.3 Agro-ecological zones and vegetation - 38 - 2.3.4 Climate change - 40 - 2.3.5 Socioeconomic characteristics - 42 - 2.3.6 Population - 43 - 2.3.7 External determinants - 71 - 2.4 Case studies - 47 - 2.4.1 Lowland communities (L) - 49 - 2.4.2 Middle access communities (M) - 50 - 2.4.3 Highland communities (H) - 51 - 3 Vulnerability in Achamayo - 53 - 3.1 Results - 53 - 3.1.1 Sustainable Livelihood Vulnerability Index (S-LVI) - 53 - 3.1.2 IPCC Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI-IPCC) - 68 - 3.2 Discussion - 71 - 3.2.1 Climate variability and extreme events - 71 - 3.2.2 Human capital - 71 - 3.2.3 Social capital - 71 - 3.2.4 Natural capital - 71 - 3.2.5 Physical capital - 71 - 3.2.6 Financial capital - 71 - 3.2.7 Livelihood strategies following the S-LVI and LVI-IPCC indices - 86 - 3.3 Conclusion - 92 - 4 Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 95 - 4.1 Results - 96 - 4.1.1 Farmers’ experience and perception on climate variability and agricultural droughts - 96 - 4.1.2 Agricultural droughts in the farm household systems - 97 - 4.1.3 Farming forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 102 - 4.1.4 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 104 - 4.2 Discussion - 110 - 4.2.1 Climate change and agricultural droughts - 110 - 4.2.2 Farm forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 115 - 4.2.3 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 117 - 4.3 Conclusion - 121 - 5 Modeling small farm production systems: optimization of resource allocation - 123 - 5.1 Methodology - 124 - 5.1.1 Optimization Model - 126 - 5.1.2 Plan of optimization - 128 - 5.1.3 Production systems - 131 - 5.1.4 Constraints - 134 - 5.2 Results - 138 - 5.2.1 Model - 138 - 5.2.2 Interest rates - 142 - 5.2.3 Sensitivity analyses - 146 - 5.3 Discussion - 151 - 5.3.1 Cash flows - 151 - 5.3.2 Model outcomes - 152 - 5.3.3 Interest rates - 155 - 5.3.4 Sensitivity analyses - 159 - 5.4 Conclusion - 169 - 6 Synthesis - 171 - 6.1 Lessons learned - 171 - 6.1.1 Research step I - 172 - 6.1.2 Research step II - 175 - 6.1.3 Research step III - 176 - 6.2 Conclusions & outlook - 179 - 6.2.1 General conclusions - 179 - 6.2.2 Outlook - 181 - References - 185 - Appendix - 199 - / Regiões altomontanas, incluindo os Andes são extremamente sensíveis aos impactos das mudanças climáticas. Pequenos agricultores da região central dos Andes Peruanos estão progressivamente sendo expostos aos impactos das variações climáticas. A presente investigação transdisciplinar utiliza “field laboratories”, combinando os enfoques de sistemas rurais e dos meios de subsistência sustentáveis, visando uma avaliação social, ecológica e financeira, com intuito de se identificar estratégias resilientes e sustentáveis para os pequenos agricultores Andinos. A primeira etapa do presente estudo investiga e caracteriza os sistemas rurais, influenciados por seus contextos biofísicos e socioeconômicos, para os quais foram elaborados dois índices de vulnerabilidade focados na variabilidade climática, nos recursos dos meios de vida (cinco capitais) e nos três componentes da vulnerabilidade do IPCC. Esses índices mostram as condições altamente sensíveis da maioria das comunidades, com más condições de saúde, acesso à infra-estrutura e serviços públicos. A capacidade de resposta dos pequenos agricultores é frequentemente limitada pela baixa diversificação de actividades na exploração agricola e falta de organização. Posteriormente, foram identificadas estratégias de subsitência sustentáveis. Estas incluem a intensificação tanto do trabalho rural, quanto do não-agrícola para as comunidades de terras baixas e mais acessíveis. Para as comunidades altomontanas e com menor acesso, a migração temporária é uma estratégia de enfrentamento comum. Cenários sustentáveis para essas comunidades incluem um incremento nas estratégias de diversificação p. ex. aumentando a agrobiodiversidade e a parcela dos sistemas de produção florestais. A segunda etapa da pesquisa explora estratégias locais para lidar com as secas agrícolas e investiga, por meio de métodos de avaliação de recursos naturais, sistemas agroflorestais como alternativa para reduzir os seus efeitos negativos. Afetado principalmente pelo aumento da variação da precipitação, os agricultores identificam a diversificação tanto no trabalho rural, quanto no não-agrícola, como estratégias adaptativas contra secas agrícolas que reduzam a dependência do clima e covariância entre atividades de subsitência. Entre a introdução de culturas e de pastagens de variedades mais resistentes, a incorporação de árvores em seu sistema é desejada por conta da sua influência positiva na umidade do solo e no rendimento das culturas. A umidade do solo em sistemas agroflorestais com árvores de eucalipto é de 10-20% maior do que em sistemas agrícolas durante o início da estação chuvosa. As diferenças na umidade do solo durante o final da estação seca e na produtividade da batata não são evidentes entre estes dois sistemas. Apesar disso, o espaço sem semeadura deixado em sistemas agroflorestais reduziu a produção agrícola em 13-17%. A terceira etapa da presente investigação visa maximizar a eficiência da alocação de recursos em sistemas agrícolas familiares por meio do desenvolvimento de um modelo de otimização de programação linear. Esta avaliação financeira sustenta a necessidade de atividades não-agrícolas adicionais para agricultores com recursos escassos. Ademais, sob taxas de juros abaixo de 15%, o modelo inclui sistemas de produção florestais como parte da solução ideal. Contudo, com o aumento das taxas de juros, uma parcela maior da propriedade é usada para garantir as necessidades básicas, e portanto, menos recursos do agregado familiar estão disponíveis para atividades de acumulação de capital, tais como a silvicultura. Variações introduzidas no modelo mostram que sistemas de pastagem são mais sensíveis a mudanças nas condições de produção. Ademais, variaçãoes nos salários dos trabalhadores agrícolas e nos preços de árvores afetam menos as soluções ótimas, tornando os sistemas agrícolas menos sensíveis a estas mudanças do mercado. Por fim, a incorporação de sistemas florestais provaram ser uma estratégia de subsistência sustentável e resiliente contra a variação climática para determinados sistemas de agricultura familiar da área de estudo.:1 Introduction - 1 - 1.1 Introduction and justification - 1 - 1.2 Objectives and thesis statements - 2 - 1.3 Outline - 3 - 1.4 Definition of terms - 5 - 1.4.1 Vulnerability - 5 - 1.4.2 Resilience - 7 - 1.4.3 Agroforestry systems - 8 - 1.4.4 Farming system approach - 9 - 1.4.5 Farm household system - 10 - 1.4.6 Sustainable livelihood approach - 10 - 2 Framework and study site - 14 - 2.1 Theoretical framework - 14 - 2.2 Methodological framework - 18 - 2.2.1 Field laboratories - 18 - 2.2.2 Methods - 19 - 2.2.3 Methodology applied in research step I: Vulnerability in Achamayo - 21 - 2.2.4 Methodology applied in research step II: Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 29 - 2.2.5 Methodology applied in research step III: Modeling small farm production systems - 33 - 2.2.6 Selection of case studies - 34 - 2.3 Study area - 35 - 2.3.1 Soils and topography - 35 - 2.3.2 Weather - 37 - 2.3.3 Agro-ecological zones and vegetation - 38 - 2.3.4 Climate change - 40 - 2.3.5 Socioeconomic characteristics - 42 - 2.3.6 Population - 43 - 2.3.7 External determinants - 71 - 2.4 Case studies - 47 - 2.4.1 Lowland communities (L) - 49 - 2.4.2 Middle access communities (M) - 50 - 2.4.3 Highland communities (H) - 51 - 3 Vulnerability in Achamayo - 53 - 3.1 Results - 53 - 3.1.1 Sustainable Livelihood Vulnerability Index (S-LVI) - 53 - 3.1.2 IPCC Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI-IPCC) - 68 - 3.2 Discussion - 71 - 3.2.1 Climate variability and extreme events - 71 - 3.2.2 Human capital - 71 - 3.2.3 Social capital - 71 - 3.2.4 Natural capital - 71 - 3.2.5 Physical capital - 71 - 3.2.6 Financial capital - 71 - 3.2.7 Livelihood strategies following the S-LVI and LVI-IPCC indices - 86 - 3.3 Conclusion - 92 - 4 Agroforestry systems and agricultural droughts - 95 - 4.1 Results - 96 - 4.1.1 Farmers’ experience and perception on climate variability and agricultural droughts - 96 - 4.1.2 Agricultural droughts in the farm household systems - 97 - 4.1.3 Farming forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 102 - 4.1.4 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 104 - 4.2 Discussion - 110 - 4.2.1 Climate change and agricultural droughts - 110 - 4.2.2 Farm forestry systems and land-use decision-making - 115 - 4.2.3 Influence of trees in the soil moisture and yield - 117 - 4.3 Conclusion - 121 - 5 Modeling small farm production systems: optimization of resource allocation - 123 - 5.1 Methodology - 124 - 5.1.1 Optimization Model - 126 - 5.1.2 Plan of optimization - 128 - 5.1.3 Production systems - 131 - 5.1.4 Constraints - 134 - 5.2 Results - 138 - 5.2.1 Model - 138 - 5.2.2 Interest rates - 142 - 5.2.3 Sensitivity analyses - 146 - 5.3 Discussion - 151 - 5.3.1 Cash flows - 151 - 5.3.2 Model outcomes - 152 - 5.3.3 Interest rates - 155 - 5.3.4 Sensitivity analyses - 159 - 5.4 Conclusion - 169 - 6 Synthesis - 171 - 6.1 Lessons learned - 171 - 6.1.1 Research step I - 172 - 6.1.2 Research step II - 175 - 6.1.3 Research step III - 176 - 6.2 Conclusions & outlook - 179 - 6.2.1 General conclusions - 179 - 6.2.2 Outlook - 181 - References - 185 - Appendix - 199 -

Inpact of livelihood diversification on household food security : the case of Hurungwe District, Zimbabwe

Ncube, Admiral 23 October 2012 (has links)
This study examines the role of livelihood diversification in promoting household food security with particular reference to Hurungwe District in Zimbabwe. This focuses on assessing the contribution and impact of predominant livelihood diversification strategies in study area. The study employed qualitative methods of research entailing focus group discussions, observation, key informant interviews and literature review as methods of data collection. The study revealed that limited access to credit, skills development, markets and transport infrastructure weaken the efficacy of nonfarm livelihoods to improve food security. Key recommendations are that government, NGOs and communities must work in tandem to increase livelihood options for food insecure communities. Suggested strategies include increasing access to micro finance, vocational skills training and other support services paying attention to gender considerations. Areas requiring further investigation which emanated from the study include the impact of the shift to tobacco farming and how biotechnology has affected smallholder farmers. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

The impact of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) on the communal livelihoods: A case study of areas surrounding Ruti Dam in Gutu and Buhera districts in Zimbabwe

Chihona, Stuart 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Ruti dam is located on the Nyazvidzi river, and is home to many Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus), which rely on fish and livestock for food. The community also relies on the dam and riverine for its resources. The investigation of crocodile impacts on humans and livestock, the trends and seasonality of attacks and identification of other predators resulted in formulation of research. The field interviews, using a structured questionnaire, field observation and focused group discussions were mainly used in data collection. Threats posed by crocodiles were identified as mainly human and livestock depredation, which has increased since the introduction of the crocodiles into the dam. The crocodile depredation varies between seasons, due to differences in water levels in the dam, and availability of alternative water sources. The attacks were mostly during the dry season and at the beginning of the wet season, when there were fewer water sources and when the water was dark and murky. The study assessed the human-crocodile conflict situation, based on interviews with the local residents and focused group discussions with fishermen. The conflict arose with livestock farmers after animal kills and fishermen, in cases of death, injury or damage to fishing gear. The killing of either humans or livestock was during the early hours of the day. Hostile attitudes of the residents towards crocodiles were high (83.9%). The majority, given the chance to eliminate the crocodile, would do so mercilessly. These negative attitudes can only be ameliorated when the damage is adequately compensated. The absence of compensation has increased the conflict, though no retaliation is taken against the crocodiles. The crocodiles prefer cattle in their kills (41% and 48%), followed by goats (38% and 25%), and, lastly, humans, in Buhera Rural District Council (BRDC) and Gutu Rural District Council (GRDC), respectively. Livestock farmers who stay close to the dam and Nyazvidzi suffer more losses, as their animals are more oftenly exposed to the dangers of crocodile predation, than those of farmers who stay far away, as they can use alternative water sources, and their animals are less likely to be exposed to the dangers of the crocodiles. The settlement pattern in BRDC has had an influence on predation. The farmers have also developed new livestock management techniques to reduce the loss of livestock. The fishermen suffer net damage on most occasions of their fish catches, as the crocodile might have learnt to follow the plastic floats on the water for easier prey from the nets. The fishing strategies have been developed to reduce fish loss. The death of fishermen is mostly that of people who enter the dam without canoes; no deaths were recorded of fishermen in canoes. Also, no capsizing of canoes has been recorded in Ruti dam, as fishermen always move in groups. Attacks in the Nyazvidzi River were on women and schoolchildren. Hyenas, as with the crocodile, have contributed to high kills of livestock (71.1%) and human kills were also reported in 2012 and July 2013. Though conflicts exist in the area, recommendations were made which might help to lower the conflicts. Educational campaigns and direct incentives from predator losses were identified as the main factors in conflict resolutions. The information on the importance of the predators and how or when it kills should be taught to respondents as they will be able to protect their livelihood. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

An analysis of the impact of land registration and certification on the sustainable use of farmlands in northwestern Ethiopia : a case study

Ermias Ashagrie Abebe 11 1900 (has links)
This study analyses the impact of land registration and certification scheme on sustainable use of farmlands in Debre Mawi and Densa Bahta rural kebeles of Amhara region in northwestern Ethiopia, with a view to contributing to the theoretical debate on tenure security and more realistic policy advocacy on the sustainable use of farmlands. Within the framework of qualitative research methodology, the case study approach helps to observe and understand the relationship between land titling and sustainable use of farmlands in Densa Bahta and Debre Mawi kebeles of the Amhara region in Ethiopia. Specific methods employed were focus group discussions, in-depth interviews and observation, complemented by context analyses of relevant documents. It was found that land titling has contributed to a high perception of security of land tenure among study respondents. However, results show that land titling has both positive and negative impacts on sustainable use of farmlands. The positive impact of land titling is ascribed to its assurance effect and legal obligation imposed on farmers to adopt proper land management practices. The negative impact of land titling arises from its failure to address the existing inequality in possession of farmlands among the village communities. Failure of farmers’ high perceptions of their security of land tenure to translate into sustainable land use practices has implications for the relative importance of productive asset endowments, self-efficacy and risk perception on the sustainable use of farmlands in the Amhara region. Interviewees that follow unsustainable farming practices were endowed with relatively lower pieces of farmland and disadvantaged in possession of other productive assets. They also demonstrated a low level of self-efficacy and a risk-averse attitude to adopting conservation technologies, as they possessed smaller sizes of farmland compared with the village and regional average. The study urges a holistic approach and comprehensive analytical framework to understand the synergy of several factors that affect the sustainable use of farmlands. / Environmental Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

The socio-economic impact assessment of Lower Gweru Irrigation Scheme in Gweru Zimbabwe

Dube, Kaitano 11 1900 (has links)
M.Sc.(Geography) / This study aimed at examining the social and economic impact of rural irrigation schemes with a particular focus on the Lower Gweru Irrigation scheme. The general objective of this study was to assess if rural irrigation schemes can act as livelihood security assets in transforming rural livelihoods, reduce poverty and attain food security in light of climate change. Results are based on findings from self-administered questionnaires directed at farmers and irrigation stakeholders, and face to face interviews involving farmers and stakeholders. Using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Microsoft excel and Health 24 web BMI calculator it was concluded that; Lower Gweru schemes, is a source of livelihood security securing food security, reduce poverty and creates rural employment. Regardless of various challenges faced by rural irrigation farmers, irrigations act as poverty and climate change buffers, providing an opportunity for communities to raise their Human Development Index and attain sustainable development. / Department of Geography

Living with the Bui dam; implications for community livelihoods

Arthur, Jones Lewis 04 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to develop an understanding of the effects of the construction of hydro dams on nearby communities. The construction of the 400 megawatt Bui dam (8o16I 42II N, 2o143I 9 I I W) in Ghana has inundated seven communities and nearly a quarter of Bui National Park, including the destruction of community resources that provide for the livelihood needs of the people living near the dam. The dam led to the resettlement of seven communities, coordinated by the Bui Power Authority. Concerns expressed about the resettlement process indicate some weakness in stakeholder consultations relating to the resettlement, as well as weakness in the development of opportunities to address the anticipated effects of the Bui dam, including effects on community assets. These issues were examined through a study of how the construction of Bui Dam was perceived by local communities representing several ethnic-linguistic groups, including the Ewe, Mo, and Nafana. A mixed methods approach was used in the research, including document analysis, quantitative interviews of 329 households, key informant interviews with 22 households, and case studies of four families, including two families each from resettled and non-resettled communities. Data was obtained from 13 nearby communities, 7 of which had been relocated because of the dam. The study considered examined how the Bui Dam was perceived to influence seven capital assets: cultural; natural; social; human; political; physical; and financial. Overall, people perceive these capital assets to be decreasing in most aspects as a result of the Bui Dam, with some variability among households. This variability was explored through analysis of a number of predictor variables: relocation, ethnicity, livelihood type, age, and gender. Villages not relocated tended to perceive effects less negatively, as did people of Nafana ethnicity, and those who rely mainly on a farming livelihood. Gender and age had little effect: gender mediated effects on some aspects of social and political capital, while age affected only some aspects of cultural capital. Further analysis through the use of multiple regression analysis was undertaken to determine the relative influence of each of these predictor variables. Overall, each multiple regression analysis was significant, with high R squared values ranging from 0.761 to 0.260. The most powerful predictor was whether communities had been relocated or not (“relocate”), which was significantly related to each capital asset, with beta values ranging from 0.826 to 0.418. “Livelihood” was the next most important predictor variable, significantly related to all capital assets and with beta values varying from 0.520 to 0.231. “Ethnicity” was a significant predictor for four of seven capital assets, with beta values ranging from 0.133 to 0.055. “Gender” was a significant predictor variable for two of seven capital assets (social capital, with a beta value of 0.084, and political capital, with a beta value of 0.119). “Age” was a significant variable for just one capital asset (cultural), with a beta value of 0.038. In summary, this study is consistent with other studies that have examined the effect of dams on the livelihoods of nearby communities in that for most households the consequences have been negative, although not as severe for those households that were not forced to relocate, people of Nafana ancestry, or people who rely mainly on farming. The presence of Bui National Park may have moderated these negative effects somewhat, through employment provided in the park; and through ecosystem services such as vegetative cover in the park supporting cloud formation and rain occurrence / Graduate / 0366 / 0534 / 0628 / jonesarthur2002@yahoo.co.uk

Gestion des ressources naturelles, dégradation de l’environnement et stratégies de subsistance dans le désert de Thar : étude ethnographique dans la région du Marwar, au Rajasthan en Inde

Gagné, Karine 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les origines et les effets de la dégradation de l’environnement dans le désert de Thar, au Rajasthan en Inde. Elle expose les processus politico-économiques qui conditionnent la gestion des ressources naturelles dans la région du Marwar depuis l’indépendance de l’Inde à aujourd’hui. Les modes de gestion des ressources environnementales et agraires dans le contexte du système jagirdari, un système foncier domanial qui prévalait dans la région avant l’indépendance de l’Inde, sont d’abord présentés. S’en suit une analyse de la manière dont les diverses idéologies liées au développement postcolonial ont reconfiguré le paysage socio-administratif et environnemental de la région. Ces transformations ont engendré des désordres écologiques qui ont donné lieu à une crise environnementale et agraire qui connaît son paroxysme avec les nombreux déficits pluviométriques qui sévissent depuis la dernière décennie dans la région. À partir d’une recherche de terrain effectuée dans la communauté de Givas, l’impact – au plan physique et métaphysique – de ces problèmes environnementaux sur la population locale est examiné. L’étude porte également sur les réponses à ces changements, soit les stratégies de subsistance adoptées par la population locale, de même que les interventions déployées par une organisation non gouvernementale et par l’État indien – à travers le National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). L’analyse démontre que l’expérience de la dégradation de l’environnement, à travers ses effets et les stratégies d’adaptation qui s’en suivent, est tributaire de facteurs politiques, économiques et socioculturels et donc différenciée selon le genre, la classe et la caste. / This research focuses on the origins and the consequences of environmental degradation in the Thar Desert in the State of Rajasthan, India. It outlines the political and economic processes that have influenced how natural resources are managed in the region of Marwar since Indian independence. First are presented the modes of agrarian and natural resources management that were current during the jagirdari, the pre-independence land tenure system that prevailed in this region. This is followed by an analysis of how different ideologies of postcolonial development have reshaped the social, administrative and environmental landscape of this region. These changes have led to ecological disruptions which have given rise to an environmental and agrarian crisis that has now reached a critical point with the rainfall deficits of the past decade in this region. Based on field research conducted in the community of Givas, the implications – physical and metaphysical – of these environmental problems are analyzed. The study also looks at the responses generated in order to cope with these changes, namely the livelihood strategies adopted by the local people, as well as the interventions from a non-government organization and the Indian state – through the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). The analysis reveals that the experience of environmental degradation, through its effects and responses, is conditioned by political, economic and sociocultural factors, and thus differentiated by gender, class and caste.

Global Discontents

Khatri, Priyadarshini A 01 January 2005 (has links)
My creative project explores toys as means to express economic issues of globalization. By exploiting the educational and imaginative aspects of toys for adults and children, I intend to reflect on the impact and pressures of globalization on employment, technology and environment. In creating these toys I hope to make a visual statement concerning critical issues of human survival, sustainability and the divisive side of globalization.

The perception of the community on the socio-environmental impacts of Metolong dam and reservoir in Lesotho

Sekamane, Thabang 12 1900 (has links)
In the Kingdom of Lesotho, large dams are currently being constructed with the sole purpose of selling water to the Republic of South Africa, in order to earn royalties and to generate electricity for Lesotho. The focus of this study was to investigate the perception of the community on the socio-environmental impacts of Metolong Dam and Reservoir in Lesotho. A qualitative research methodology was adopted and grounded theory was used in collecting data from the study area. Qualitative research techniques used were document analysis, field notes and semi-structured interviews. After conducting an audit which evaluated the accuracy of the initial Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by comparing actual to predict impacts, it was found that the perceptions of the community on the socio-economic impacts of Metolong project were: the community had poor education due to expensive school fees and their level of education did not help with dynamics on climate for they are complex and not easily to be understood, alcoholism existed due to unemployement, cultural constraints existed dominated by the patriarchal structures on the land and decision making, compensation policy was not honoured by project developers, the project brought benefits and loss of life-support resources, people are unable to grow wheat, beans and peas for their fields are taken and the community experienced loss of building sand that is not addressed. Information obtained helped the study to close the gap which appears not to have been addressed by the Government of Lesotho Department of Water Affairs Lowlands Water Supply Unit, 2008. Results of the study revealed that local villagers in the study area were happy with the project benefits, but they were discontented with the project as they were not incoporated in the management and supervision of the project. Rather, the local villagers were engaged only as labourers. The study recommends that when large dams are constructed, local villages should not be given promises that are dressed with many enticing commitments. The reason is that, communities never asked for the project, but it is set forth authoritatively as obligatory upon them. Project authorities should increase their efforts to fulfil promises made. Not only that, they should have respect, compassion, care and dedication when dealing with affected people. It is in this regard that the Local Based Project Execution and Observation Model is proposed, which will incorporate local villagers in the management steps of all large dam developments within their communities, in order to contend with environmental impacts of large dams. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

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