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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detecção de padrões de coexistência arbórea e processos ecológicos em zona de contato de florestas ombrófilas montanas no sul do Brasil

Mello, Ricardo Silva Pereira January 2006 (has links)
A tese versa sobre a detecção e avaliação de padrões de coexistência de espécies arbóreas, buscando esclarecer as relações entre a diversidade fito-estrutural e os fatores condicionantes em escalas local e regional em uma zona de contato entre duas regiões fitoecológicas (Florestas Ombrófilas Mista e Densa). O trabalho está dividido em duas abordagens; a primeira trata de um inventário fitossociológico de comunidades definidas como “sítios”, onde o grau de singularidade local é avaliado através da identidade das espécies com maior valor de importância (VI) estrutural e de suas possíveis conexões fitogeográficas, bem como através de indicadores de diversidade alfa e beta. Na segunda abordagem, comunidades são definidas estatisticamente (Multivariada, Análise do Valor Indicador das Espécies) com base na composição e abundância de espécies (área basal dos troncos), testando-se a hipótese de que comunidades distintas devem diferir pelo menos na diversidade específica, fertilidade do solo e ou produtividade primária (produção de serrapilheira PS). O estudo foi realizado no Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata, localizado na borda sudeste do Planalto Meridional Brasileiro (29o30’S; 50o11’W). Cinco sítios de 100m x 100m (dois sítios no planalto, dois na encosta e um na borda planalto-encosta) foram selecionados, onde em cada sítio as árvores (DAP>10 cm) foram medidas e determinadas em vinte e uma unidades amostrais de 100m2 (regularmente distribuídas). Sessenta e seis espécies foram levantadas, no conjunto Cabralea canjerana e Myrcia retorta tiveram os maiores valores de importância. A primeira caracteriza a encosta e a segunda o planalto, sendo ambas co-dominantes no sítio da borda do planalto-encosta. Riqueza e diversidade foram maiores nessa borda, menor no planalto e intermediária na encosta. A beta-diversidade apresenta-se maior com medidas de abundância do que apenas com a composição de espécie, em função da diferenciação das dominantes, caracterizando comunidades discretas, indicando ao mesmo tempo um contínuo gradiente florístico. As análises de ordenação e agrupamento foram utilizadas com dois tamanhos de unidade amostral (100 m2 e 500 m2), das quais somente a última apresentou padrões interpretáveis, similares aos obtidos fitossociologicamente nos sítios, onde dois principais tipos de vegetação apresentam afinidades fitogeográficas e riqueza de espécies peculiares. Os subgrupos refletiram processos histórico-ecológicos mais recentes, como a perturbação antrópica e condições locais especiais. A determinação de espécies com valores indicadores significativos é útil para a diferenciação ecológica dos tipos de comunidades. Apenas uma comunidade diferiu significativamente das demais na fertilidade do solo, devido à condição especial topográfica e litológica. A produção de serrapilheira destas florestas foi similar aos valores médios das florestas brasileiras tropicais e subtropicais. Conclui-se que, na zona de transição estudada, tende a ter um ecótono da vegetação associado à transição geomorfológica planalto-encosta. Algumas considerações sobre o alcance metodológico de detecção de biodiversidade e das perspectivas de pesquisas integradas sobre os processos ecossistêmicos são apresentadas. / This thesis searches to detect patterns of the arboreal species coexistence on a transition zone of two phyto-ecological regions, Mixed and Dense Rainforests, contributing to the knowledge of ecological processes on the local to regional scale. The work is divided in two approaches; the first is a phytosociological inventories aiming to answer if in this zone exists a set of local communities with similar floristic-structural patterns, or not, and what are their phytogeographical affinities; the second tests the hypothesis that the communities types statistically defined have indicator species and differs in specific diversity attributes, soil fertility and the primary productivity (litterfall). The study was carried out at CPCN Pró-Mata, a research center located on the southeastern border of the Meridional Brazilian Plateau (29o30’S; 50o11’W). Five sites of 100 x 100m (two plateau sites, two slope sites, and one plateau-slope site) were selected; the trees (DBH>10cm) were measured and determined and twenty-one sampling units of 100m2 (regularly distributed), in each site. Sixty-six species were surveyed. Cabralea canjerana and Myrcia retorta had the highest importance value indexes. The first species characterizes the slope; the second species characterizes the plateau; and both are co-dominant at the slope-plateau site. Richness and diversity (Shannon index) were higher at slope-plateau transition, lower at the plateau and intermediate at the slopes. The Beta diversity shows that the sharpness between slope and plateau communities is more associated to species abundance than to species composition only. The Ordination and Cluster analyses were used with two sized sampling units (100 m2 and 500m2), which only the latter showed interpretable patterns, similar to those phytosociological results, where emerges the two main vegetation types indicated the broader regional floristic affinities and its influence on species richness. The sub-groups reflected more recent local historical-ecological processes, mainly identified as anthropic disturbance regime and special local conditions. The Indicator Species Analysis was very responsive to the present objective helping to define the best indicative species and ecological context. Soils differ significantly only for one group, differentiated by special topographic condition and lithologic origin. The annual litterfall of these forests were equivalent among sites and they are similar to register for average the tropical and subtropical Brazilian forests. Conclude that in this transition zone trends to have a vegetation ecotone is associated to the geomorphologic transition slope-plateau. Then, communities types statistically defined reflect hierarchically phytoecological regional affinities and particular ecological conditions. Some considerations about methodological biodiversity detection integrated to researches about ecosystem process are shown.

O lugar do homem na natureza, a natureza do homem no lugar: gestão e conflitos no Parque Nacional do Itatiaia - RJ

Paula Vergne Fernandes 13 April 2010 (has links)
A presente investigação visa dar subsídio à melhoria da gestão das áreas naturais protegidas que são afetadas pela irregularidade fundiária. Para isso, o objetivo foi identificar, analisar e descrever a maneira pela qual os conselheiros, moradores, funcionários, pesquisadores e visitantes da Parte Baixa do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (PNI) percebem e interagem com o mesmo, assim como os possíveis conflitos de interesse, ressaltando a importância da participação das comunidades envolvidas e a qualidade das relações sócio-ambientais construídas no lugar ao longo do tempo, propondo formas partilhadas de criação, gestão e apropriação das áreas naturais, de modo a dividir a responsabilidade sobre o patrimônio natural e seus recursos. O atual momento vivenciado no Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, em que distintas articulações e proposições estão sendo (re)feitas, descritas e discutidas, são analisados, buscando compreender como os atores sociais do PNI sedimentam os conflitos encontrados, assim como a existência ou não de laços afetivos com o Parque. Para isto, foi utilizado o método qualitativo da pesquisa participante, através da aplicação de questionários. Os moradores/sitiantes expressam emoções, trazendo identidade, sentimento de pertencimento e personalidade ao lugar, sempre carregado de muita afetividade e apreensão pelo futuro de sua propriedade. Os outros atores sociais, com raras exceções, não demonstram comprometimento afetivo com o lugar, relatando significados conceituais e generalizados, teóricos ou essencialmente práticos, relativos à natureza, administração e gestão do Parque, juntamente com o sentimento ético de obrigação para preservar a natureza, mostrando indignação pela insuficiente proteção ao mundo natural e pelas decisões governamentais pautadas exclusivamente em condições políticas passageiras. Os turistas/visitantes se destacam por relatar sempre grande preocupação com as gerações futuras e os pesquisadores pelas condições insuficientes oferecidas para realização de pesquisa científica. As diferentes motivações encontradas são passíveis de transformar sentimentos, atitudes e valores nas pessoas, colaborando para novas políticas de gestão ambiental no Brasil e como se posicionar diante dos impasses sociais colocados pelas populações residentes em áreas naturais protegidas. / The current investigation aims to subsidize the improvement in the management of natural protected areas which are affected by latifundiary irregularity. For doing so, the goal was identify, analyze and describe the way counselors, inhabitants, employees, researchers and visitors at the Low Part of the Itatiaia National Park (INP) perceive and interact with it, in as much as possible conflicts of interests, emphasizing the importance of the participation of the involved communities and the quality of socio-environmental relationships built in the place throughout time, proposing shared ways for the creation, the management and the appropriation of natural areas, so to share the responsibility over the natural heritage and its resources. . The current time at INP, in which distinct articulations and propositions are being (re)made, are described and debated, trying to understand how the social actors at INP sediment the found conflicts, just as the existence or not of affective links with the Park. To do that, it was utilized the quantitative method of the participant research, through the application of questionnaires. The inhabitants/land owners express emotions, bringing identity, a sense of belonging and personality to the place, always charged with much affectivity and concern about the future of ones land. The other social actors, with rare exceptions, do not demonstrate affective commitment to the place, reporting conceptual and generalized meanings, theoretical or excessively practical, concerning nature, park administration and management, together with an ethical feeling of obligation to preserve nature, showing indignation with the insufficient protection of the natural world and the governmental decisions exclusively guided by transient political conditions. The tourists/visitors are noted for always reporting great concern with future generations and the researchers with the insufficient conditions offered for scientific research. The distinct motivations found are likely to transform peoples feelings, attitudes and values, collaborating for new environmental management policies in Brazil and also in how to stand in face of the social embarrassment placed by the population residing in natural protected areas.

Local Political Ecology and the Effect of Globalisation : A study of Industrial Water Pollution in Tirupur, South India / Lokal politisk ekologi och globaliseringens påverkan : en studie av industriell vattenförorening i Tirupur, Södra Indien

Malm, Jennie January 2004 (has links)
Globalization and international competition put pressure on local communities to adjust to international standards of price and quality in production. Tirupur in India produces clothes for exports to the first world market. Because of the process of dyeing and bleaching of fabrics the river Noyyal that flows through the town and the surrounding ground water have become polluted. At the local level actors, like the state, business, NGOs and grassroots take action in different ways depending on their interests. The aim with this thesis is both to analyze the situation at the local level from the views and actions of different actors and how the local situation is influenced by globalization. Qualitative interviews have been made with representatives from these actors in Tirupur and its surroundings. This material has then been analyzed from the theory of Third World political ecology and globalization. The conclusions drawn from this study are that the situation in Tirupur cannot exclusively be explained at just one level. Local, national and global politics affect Tirupur. A politicized environment characterizes the local situation where actions against the pollution are not taken for the benefit of the powerful. People also lack empowerment to take action because of dependency on the industry. At the national level centralization is a problem in India because it results in difficulties for the civil society and people to reach elected representatives and influence from the local community. Another problem is the policy maker’s lack of understanding of the local situation. At last globalization limits the way to handle the pollution because of the global competition and the retreat of the state. But it also gives possibilities for the civil society to grow stronger internationally, perhaps with the possibility to create a change.

All-inclusive hotels’ packaging of the northern coast of Jamaica: creating and maintaining an environmental bubble

Eriksson, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
This study contributes to the existing discussion about international tourism by exploring the role of all-inclusive hotels in the creation of an environmental bubble on the northern coast of Jamaica. Moreover, it examines what type of Jamaica is being sold by the hotels and who is included and who is excluded from the environmental bubble. The purpose of this study is to analyze how all-inclusive hotels on the northern coast of Jamaica are selling their travel packages. In order to do that, this study makes a qualitative media analysis of digital website advertisement from all-inclusive hotel’s websites. Social scientists agree that one characteristic of all-inclusive type of tourism is the separation between guest and host. I argue that the website advertisements by all-inclusive hotels are contributing to this separation.

Každodennost v socialismu na Podblanicku / Everyday life in the period of socialism in the Podblanicko region

Lapáčková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The topic of the thesis deals with everyday life in Podblanicko Region during the socialist era. This is a local research that tries to show the memories of rural people on the period of normalization, defined by the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, in terms of food, clothing and housing. The research deals with the strategies, tactics and improvisations of the inhabitants of this region in the period of socialism, among other things focused on the lack of required goods in shops, poor supply, searching for not very high-quality construction materials and fashionable clothes. Apart from individual expressions, it deals with community style that inherently belongs to the rural population. The era of socialism is strongly ingrained in the mind of the people who lived at that time. It is clear from many sources that before the year 1989 people in the countryside did not live just meaningless lives, remarked and emptied by a totalitarian regime. In many cases, they tried to ignore the regime or they just were not interested in it. In their everyday life they created values, which were more important to them. However, they were able to realize the values mostly only partially. In order to achieve the things they considered important, their ingenuity, strategy and tactics were essential. A life in the...

Activating Community to Enable Residential Energy Efficiency

Roswell, David 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Towards integrating conservation in development: a discussion of the role of the community of Apo Island in influencing development with reference to tourism in their local environment

Olivier, Suzanne, M.A. (SS) 31 March 2007 (has links)
Many developing countries, rich with natural resources, have turned to tourism as a source of national growth and subsequently an increasing amount of local communities are being "developed". Despite its importance to developing countries, tourism has been covered scarcely in the literature on development studies. Local communities that find themselves in a situation having to deal with tourism related development, face many challenges. Contrary to previous work on development which considered poor local communities a threat to the natural environment, current views emphasise the role of the community in bringing about participation, conservation and consequently Sustainable Development. Therefore, if tourism can be seen as a possible path to Sustainable Development, the role of the local community in its development is of vital importance. This research investigates the role of the local community in integrating conservation in tourism related development by means of a case study on Apo Island. / DEVELOPMENT STUDIES / MA(SS)(DEV. STUD)

Towards integrating conservation in development: a discussion of the role of the community of Apo Island in influencing development with reference to tourism in their local environment

Olivier, Suzanne, M.A. (SS) 31 March 2007 (has links)
Many developing countries, rich with natural resources, have turned to tourism as a source of national growth and subsequently an increasing amount of local communities are being "developed". Despite its importance to developing countries, tourism has been covered scarcely in the literature on development studies. Local communities that find themselves in a situation having to deal with tourism related development, face many challenges. Contrary to previous work on development which considered poor local communities a threat to the natural environment, current views emphasise the role of the community in bringing about participation, conservation and consequently Sustainable Development. Therefore, if tourism can be seen as a possible path to Sustainable Development, the role of the local community in its development is of vital importance. This research investigates the role of the local community in integrating conservation in tourism related development by means of a case study on Apo Island. / DEVELOPMENT STUDIES / MA(SS)(DEV. STUD)

Poverty alleviation by means of integrated development planning : the case of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality (Dr KKDM) / Thabo Daniel Borole

Borole, Thabo Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Across the world, war has been declared against poverty because of its devastating effects on local communities. The world has made a concerted effort to fight the effects of poverty through developmental agencies and regional integration bodies such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organisation (WTO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). In an effort to complement the efforts of the above–mentioned agencies and bodies, the South African government has developed its own poverty alleviation strategies, policies, initiatives and Acts that focus primarily on alleviation of poverty on the level of local government. The Constitution of South Africa, 1996 provides the guidelines to several regulations and Acts (such as the Development and Facilitation Act, 67 of 1995, the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000, and the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 117 of 1998.) that support the alleviation of poverty on the local sphere of government. The Integrated Development Planning programme was formulated and implemented to alleviate poverty at this level. The purpose of this study was to determine how the level of poverty within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality could be alleviated through effective integrated development planning. A quantitative approach was followed because the target population response rate was expected to be large. In addition, the research design for this study included a literature review, analyses of official documents, observation and data sampling through questionnaires and scientific analysis of the responses. The study found that IDP objectives aligned to service delivery targets were unclear and did not depict the aspirations and needs of the community. The programmes aimed at the infrastructure coupled with skills development programmes and job creation initiatives could assist in the alleviation of poverty. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Les (dé)connexions du développement : ethno-géographie systémique de l'aide au développement et à la conservation forestière à Amindrabe, Madagascar / The (dis)connections of development : systemic ethno-geography of development assistance and forest conservation in Amindrabe, Madagascar

Rivière, Mylène 26 September 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche part du constat d'un dysfonctionnement de l'aide au développement et à la conservation. Depuis les années 1980 et malgré la succession des stratégies de l'aide, les résultats restent souvent insatisfaisants, médiocres, voire contraires aux effets recherchés. Pour comprendre ce phénomène, nous partons d'un territoire forestier, Amindrabe, situé au Centre-Est de Madagascar. En nous focalisant sur ce territoire, ses habitants et les programmes d'aide qui le ciblent, nous prenons progressivement conscience des logiques sous-jacentes à ce système global du développement : qu'est-ce qui s'y passe concrètement ? Comment est-ce organisé ? Pourquoi ces dynamiques se poursuivent-elles malgré des effets décevants ? La singularité de notre proposition est de nous détacher de la littérature surplombante pour partir du perçu et du vécu des habitants et des porteurs des programmes. Cette analyse empirique et qualitative amène à poser un regard critique sur les croyances fondatrices des stratégies de l'aide. Nous mettons en lumière une organisation hiérarchisée et compartimentée en différentes sphères déconnectées entre elles et déconnectées de la réalité locale. Les croyances, illusions et intérêts de chacun participent à renforcer l'incompréhension entre sphères et à détourner les actions des objectifs initiaux, par un processus qui se répète. En décortiquant un système d'acteur particulier, ses mondes et ses dynamiques du local au global, nous invitons le lecteur à un plongeon au-delà de ces incompréhensions. / This research is based on the observation of a dysfunction in aid for development and conservation. Since the 1980s and despite the succession of aid strategies, the results are often unsatisfactory, mediocre or even contrary to the desired effects. To understand this phenomenon, we begin in a forest territory, Amindrabe, located in the Central-East of Madagascar. By focusing on this territory, its inhabitants and the aid programs that target it, we gradually become aware of the underlying logic of this global development system: what is actually happening there? How is it organized? Why do these dynamics go on despite disappointing effects? The singularity of our proposal is to detach ourselves from the overhanging literature to start with the perceived experiences of the inhabitants and the bearers of the programs. This empirical and qualitative analysis leads us to take a critical look at the founding beliefs of aid strategies. We highlight a hierarchical and compartmentalized organization in different spheres: disconnected from each other and disconnected from the local reality. The beliefs, illusions and interests of each actor contribute to reinforce the incomprehension between spheres and to divert the actions from the initial objectives by a process that repeats itself. By anatomizing a particular actor system, its worlds and its dynamics from local to global, we invite the reader to a dive beyond these incomprehensions.

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