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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viabilidade ambiental de traçados rodoviários: o caso do trecho sul do Rodoanel Mário Covas, São Paulo / Environmental viability of road designs: the case of south section of Rodoanel Mário Covas, São Paulo

Ferreira, Vinícius Gregolin 14 May 2012 (has links)
A definição da localização de um empreendimento é uma das principais decisões que determinará a magnitude e a importância de grande parte dos impactos ambientais negativos resultantes de sua instalação e operação. Porém, é visto que a dimensão ambiental normalmente não está presente nas análises de localização do projeto que ocorrem previamente ao licenciamento ambiental, levando-se em consideração apenas as dimensões técnicas e econômicas. Um dos motivos atribuídos a esta ausência é que normalmente não existem ou não estão disponíveis informações ambientais de natureza secundária que revelem restrições territoriais para a localização do empreendimento previamente ao processo de licenciamento ambiental, sendo normalmente produzidas posteriormente durante a elaboração do estudo ambiental dentro do processo de avaliação de impacto ambiental. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar as possibilidades para o estabelecimento de uma base referencial de informações sobre potencialidades e restrições ambientais e territoriais como suporte ao estudo de alternativas de traçados rodoviários, previamente ao início do processo formal de avaliação de impacto ambiental e de licenciamento ambiental do projeto. Para isso, foram identificados quais são os principais fatores territoriais necessários à análise prévia de viabilidade ambiental de traçados rodoviários, utilizando-se como estudo de caso do trecho sul do Rodoanel Mário Covas, na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Foram aplicadas técnicas de geoprocessamento para trabalhar os dados encontrados e assim, foram produzidas três diretrizes de traçado a partir das restrições ambientais, as quais foram discutidas junto da potencialidade do território, identificando alterações que podiam ter sido feitas no traçado construído da rodovia. As discussões mostram que, ainda que existam certos limites (como a padronização dos dados trabalhados e a escala trabalhada), é possível compatibilizar potencialidades e restrições territoriais ambientais na concepção de alternativas de localização, previamente ao processo de licenciamento ambiental, para o caso de empreendimentos rodoviários. / Defining the location of an enterprise is one of the key decisions that determine the importance of the negative environmental impacts resulting from its installation and operation. But, the environmental dimension is not normally present in the analysis of location of the project that occur before the environmental licensing, considering only the technical and economic aspects. One reason for this is the fact that the environmental information of a secondary nature, which reveals territorial restrictions to the location of the project, is not available or are not systematized and available for this preliminary analysis, and it is usually produced later during the preparation of the environmental statement within the process of environmental impact assessment. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the possibilities for setting a reference base of information on environmental and territorial potential and restrictions, as a support for the study of alternative road designs, prior to the environmental impact assessment and environmental licensing of the project. For this, the main territorial factors, necessary for investigating the environmental analysis of road layouts viability were identified, using as a case study of the southern section of the Rodoanel Mario Covas in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. Geoprocessing techniques were applied to work the found data, and then, three road designs guidelines were produced from the environmental restrictions, which were discussed with the territorial potential, identifying changes that could have been made in the constructed road layout. The discussions show that, although that are limits (as standardization of the discussed data and the worked scale), is possible to reconcile the territorial environmental potential and restrictions in the concept of road designs, prior to the licensing process for the case of road projects.

Análise locacional e espacial da estrutura produtiva do estado do Tocantins

Sousa, Ronildo Borges de 14 March 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisou a concentração e integração produtiva dentro do estado do Tocantins, para o período de 2005 e de 2015. Para tanto, foram utilizados o método de análise regional e o método de Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais (AEDE). Para o primeiro método foram estimados os indicadores de localização, o quociente locacional (QL), o Índice de concentração de Hirschman Herfindahl (IHH), o Coeficiente de Associação Geográfica (CAG) e o multiplicador de emprego. Para o segundo foram estimados o indicador de Moran global (I de Moran) e local (LISA). Para a fundamentação teórica foram utilizadas as perspectivas de desenvolvimento regional mais relevantes no cenário para o estudo. Os resultados apontaram, quanto a análise dos indicadores locacionais, que os setores que mais predominam na maioria dos municípios deste estado são: administração pública e agropecuária, extração vegetal, caça e pesca. Já quanto a análise espacial ficou constatado através do índice de Moran global que os setores que mais se destacaram por apresentar uma autocorrelação espacial mais significativa, no ano de 2005 ou no ano de 2015, foram: os serviços industriais de utilidade pública, a administração pública e a agropecuária, extração vegetal, caça e pesca. A estatística LISA demonstrou que os setores que mais apresentaram clusters com altos valores do QL foram o de serviços industriais de utilidade pública, o de serviços e o da agropecuária, extração vegetal, caça e pesca, os quais representam os principais fomentadores da economia tocantinense. Por fim, os principais resultados desta pesquisa indicam que o desenvolvimento regional dos municípios do estado do Tocantins não se apresentou de forma homogênea, nem no tempo e nem no espaço. / The present dissertation analyzed the concentration and productive integration within the state of Tocantins, for the period of 2005 and 2015. For that, the regional analysis method and the Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data (AEDE) method were used. For the first method the location indicators, the locational quotient (QL), the Hirschman Herfindahl concentration index (HHI), the Geographic Association Coefficient (CAG) and the employment multiplier were estimated. For the second, the Moran global (Moran I) and local indicator (LISA) were estimated. For the theoretical basis, the most relevant regional development perspectives were used in the scenario for the study. The results showed that, in the analysis of locational indicators, the sectors that predominate in the majority of municipalities in this state are: public and agricultural administration, plant extraction, hunting and fishing. Regarding the spatial analysis, it was verified through the Moran global index that the sectors that stood out the most for having a more significant spatial autocorrelation in 2005 or in the year 2015 were: industrial utilities, public administration and agriculture, vegetable extraction, hunting and fishing. The LISA statistic showed that the sectors that presented the highest clusters with high QL values were those of public utilities, services and agricultural, vegetable extraction, hunting and fishing, which are the main promoters of the economy of Tocantins. Finally, the main results of this research indicate that the regional development of the municipalities of the state of Tocantins did not present itself homogeneously, neither in time nor in space.

Critérios de alocação de áreas prioritárias para a conservação em terras privadas / Criteria for allocating priority areas to the conservation in private lands

Galati-Barbosa, Ana Carolina 17 September 2012 (has links)
A elaboração de metodologias de seleção de áreas para proteção em terras privadas é considerado importante arcabouço teórico para subsidiar os órgãos gestores na implantação desses espaços. A maioria das metodologias sugere grande aporte de dados primários o que encarece os custos. Nesse sentido, alguns autores (RANIERI, 2004; MOREIRA, 2011) têm trabalhado com a seleção de metodologias baseadas em dados físicos de relevo para geração de cenários e suas aplicabilidades na alocação de áreas para a conservação em propriedades privadas. Entretanto, em seus estudos a vegetação nativa foi considerada única, não avaliando as fitofisionomias que seriam ou não protegidas em cada metodologia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi preencher estas lacunas e avaliar a possibilidade da conservação equitativa das diferentes fitofisionomias presentes na área de estudo. Além disso, comparou-se este estudo aos propostos anteriormente a fim de subsidiar o tomador de decisão na escolha do melhor cenário de seleção de áreas prioritárias de conservação. Para tanto, manteve-se o município de São Carlos como espaço amostral. Os resultados obtidos foram elencados de acordo com potencialidades de ação e fragilidades ambientais, deixando para o tomador de decisão a escolha definitiva destas áreas. / The development of methods for selecting areas for protection on private lands is an important theoretical framework to support the management agencies in the implementation of these spaces. Most methodologies suggests a large input of primary data which adds to the cost. In this sense, some authors (RANIERI, 2004; SMITH, 2011) have worked with the selection of methodologies based on physical data relevant to generate scenarios and their applicability in the allocation of areas for conservation on private property. However, in their studies the native vegetation was considered unique, not evaluating the physiognomies or not that would be protected in each methodology. The objective of this study was to fill these gaps and assess the possibility of equitable conservation of different vegetation types present in the study area. In addition, this study compared to previously proposed in order to support the decision maker in choosing the best scenario for selection of priority areas for conservation. Therefore, it remained the city of São Carlos as sample space. The results were listed according to potential for environmental action and weaknesses, leaving the decision maker the final choice of these areas.

Participation of African immigrants in the labour force of South Africa: Insights from the 2001 population census.

Mohammed, Isam Yasin Adb Elgadir. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The study examines the participation of African immigrants in the South African labour force with the central question revolving around whether the immigrants create jobs through the establishment of their own businesses or take jobs from the locals. Analytical frame work used in this study includes descriptive statistics, chi-square test for association and standardized residuals, two-way analysis of variance and logistic regression. Demographic, locational and socio-economic characteristics were studied using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Two-factor analysis of variance was used to examine the differences on average in the African immigrants&rsquo / participation in the labour force, while logistic regression was used to investigate the effect of some demographic characteristics on employment and work status.</p>

New Paradigms in Medium-Term Operations and Planning of Power Systems in Deregulation

Barot, Hemantkumar January 2009 (has links)
The operation of a large and complex electric power system requires meticulous and rigorous study and incessant planning. All the players involved, must plan ahead to account for the uncertainties that can affect the hour-to-hour, day-to-day, medium-term and long-term supply of electricity. Medium-term operations and planning provides the players with guidelines and strategies for short-term operating decisions vis-à-vis the market. Adequate planning helps the players to mitigate or be prepared for unforeseen circumstances encountered during scheduling of electricity generation at any stage. This thesis focuses on some aspects of the least explored medium-term operations and planning issues in power systems in the deregulated electricity market environment. The issues addressed in the thesis are diverse but inter-linked as medium-term problems, which have surfaced due to deregulation or are outcomes of unique thought-processes emerging from the restructuring phenomenon. The thesis presents a novel approach to security coordinated maintenance scheduling in deregulation wherein the ISO does not generate a maintenance schedule by itself, but assesses the maintenance schedules from individual gencos by incorporating them in a medium-term security constrained production scheduling model, and verifying whether they result in unserved energy at one or more buses. Based on the information on bus-wise unserved energy, the ISO generates corrective signals for the genco(s), and directs them to alter their maintenance schedules in specific periods and re-submit. The proposed scheme exploits the concept of commons and domains to derive a novel factor to allocate the unserved energy at a bus to a set of generators responsible. The coordination scheme is based on individual genco’s accountability to unserved energy at a bus. Another important question addressed in the thesis is whether there is a need to consider customer’s locations in the power system when the utility provides service to them. In other words, whether the reliability of the load service provided by the utility varies across the system, from bus to bus, and if so, how are the Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), which are determined from market auctions, affected by such variations. The thesis also answers the important question of how the LMPs can be differentiated by the Load Service Probability (LSP) at a particular location, so that it is fair to all customers. A new approach to determining the bus-wise LSP indices in power systems is proposed in the thesis. These LSP indices are arrived at by defining and computing bus-wise Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) indices. The discrepancy in LMPs with respect to the bus-wise LSP is then investigated and the bus-wise LSP indices are thereafter utilized to formulate a novel proposition for LSP-differentiated LMPs for electricity markets. The thesis furthermore addresses the medium-term Transmission Reinforcement Planning (TRP) problem and proposes a practical approach to TRP by making use of standard design practices, engineering judgement, experience and thumb-rules to construct a Feasibility Set. The Feasibility Set helps in limiting the type and number of reinforcement options available to the transmission planner in selected existing corridors. Mathematical optimization procedure is then applied considering the Feasibility Set, to attain an optimal set of reinforcement decisions that are economical and meets the system demand in the medium-term, without overloading the transmission system. Two different solution approaches- the Decomposition Approach and the Unified Approach are proposed to solve the TRP optimization problem.

New Paradigms in Medium-Term Operations and Planning of Power Systems in Deregulation

Barot, Hemantkumar January 2009 (has links)
The operation of a large and complex electric power system requires meticulous and rigorous study and incessant planning. All the players involved, must plan ahead to account for the uncertainties that can affect the hour-to-hour, day-to-day, medium-term and long-term supply of electricity. Medium-term operations and planning provides the players with guidelines and strategies for short-term operating decisions vis-à-vis the market. Adequate planning helps the players to mitigate or be prepared for unforeseen circumstances encountered during scheduling of electricity generation at any stage. This thesis focuses on some aspects of the least explored medium-term operations and planning issues in power systems in the deregulated electricity market environment. The issues addressed in the thesis are diverse but inter-linked as medium-term problems, which have surfaced due to deregulation or are outcomes of unique thought-processes emerging from the restructuring phenomenon. The thesis presents a novel approach to security coordinated maintenance scheduling in deregulation wherein the ISO does not generate a maintenance schedule by itself, but assesses the maintenance schedules from individual gencos by incorporating them in a medium-term security constrained production scheduling model, and verifying whether they result in unserved energy at one or more buses. Based on the information on bus-wise unserved energy, the ISO generates corrective signals for the genco(s), and directs them to alter their maintenance schedules in specific periods and re-submit. The proposed scheme exploits the concept of commons and domains to derive a novel factor to allocate the unserved energy at a bus to a set of generators responsible. The coordination scheme is based on individual genco’s accountability to unserved energy at a bus. Another important question addressed in the thesis is whether there is a need to consider customer’s locations in the power system when the utility provides service to them. In other words, whether the reliability of the load service provided by the utility varies across the system, from bus to bus, and if so, how are the Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), which are determined from market auctions, affected by such variations. The thesis also answers the important question of how the LMPs can be differentiated by the Load Service Probability (LSP) at a particular location, so that it is fair to all customers. A new approach to determining the bus-wise LSP indices in power systems is proposed in the thesis. These LSP indices are arrived at by defining and computing bus-wise Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) indices. The discrepancy in LMPs with respect to the bus-wise LSP is then investigated and the bus-wise LSP indices are thereafter utilized to formulate a novel proposition for LSP-differentiated LMPs for electricity markets. The thesis furthermore addresses the medium-term Transmission Reinforcement Planning (TRP) problem and proposes a practical approach to TRP by making use of standard design practices, engineering judgement, experience and thumb-rules to construct a Feasibility Set. The Feasibility Set helps in limiting the type and number of reinforcement options available to the transmission planner in selected existing corridors. Mathematical optimization procedure is then applied considering the Feasibility Set, to attain an optimal set of reinforcement decisions that are economical and meets the system demand in the medium-term, without overloading the transmission system. Two different solution approaches- the Decomposition Approach and the Unified Approach are proposed to solve the TRP optimization problem.

Locational Marginal Price Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks under Deregulation

Lai, Yi-Jen 15 August 2005 (has links)
Power systems all over the world advance towards the direction of deregulation in the past few years. Introducing competition mechanism and the principle of market rules in deregulation. Utility companies will face unprecedented changes and challenges. Taiwan power company is also working on the deregulation direction with a competitive environment opened up, it will improve the scientific and technological levels and the service quality of electricity. Load management functions as the marginal price of electricity is predicted. Consumers can get Real-Time Pricing information determine their own buying strategy. One most representative deregulation example in U.S.A. is the PJM(Pennsylvania¡BNew Jersey¡BMaryland)system combining generating, transmitting, distribution and sales of electricity. It offers the information of real-time power supply and is one of the cases in the world. Historical data in the thesis comes from PJM. Artificial Neural Network was designed to the Locational Marginal Price(LMP), considering the factors such as temperature and other relevant data from deregulation with the introduction of various parameters in forecasting, and the use of week as a counting base. LMP will be forecasted. The forecasted results will be to check the accuracy and performance with initial data.

Participation of African immigrants in the labour force of South Africa: Insights from the 2001 population census.

Mohammed, Isam Yasin Adb Elgadir. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The study examines the participation of African immigrants in the South African labour force with the central question revolving around whether the immigrants create jobs through the establishment of their own businesses or take jobs from the locals. Analytical frame work used in this study includes descriptive statistics, chi-square test for association and standardized residuals, two-way analysis of variance and logistic regression. Demographic, locational and socio-economic characteristics were studied using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Two-factor analysis of variance was used to examine the differences on average in the African immigrants&rsquo / participation in the labour force, while logistic regression was used to investigate the effect of some demographic characteristics on employment and work status.</p>

Deregulated power transmission analysis and planning in congested networks

Song, Fei January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, methods of charging for the transmission system and optimising the expansion of the transmission network under the competitive power market are described. The first part of this thesis considers transmission tariff design. In the proposed approach, not only is all the necessary investment in the transmission system recovered, but also an absolute economic signal is offered which is very useful in the competitive power market. A fair power market opportunity is given to every participant by the new nodal-use method. The second part of this thesis considers transmission system expansion. All the tests are based on the Three Gorges Project in China. In this thesis, to optimally expand the transmission system, the LMP (Locational Marginal Price) selection method and the CBEP (Congestion-Based transmission system Expansion Planning) method are introduced. The LMP selection method is used to select optional plans for transmission system expansion. It is especially suitable for large transmission systems. The outstanding advantages of the LMP selection method are simplicity and computational efficiency. The CBEP method produces the optimal system expansion plan. For the first time, generation congestion and transmission congestion are separated within the system expansion problem. For this reason the CBEP method can be used in a supply-side power market and is suitable for the Chinese power market. In this thesis, the issue of how to relax the congestion in the transmission system have been solved. The transmission system can obtain enough income to recover the total required cost. For this reason more and more investment will come into the transmission system from investors. The risk for the independent generators is also under control in the CBEP method. Even when the system is congested, the uncertainty of LMP is taken into consideration.

Mapeamento geoambiental como subsídio à seleção de áreas para implantação de centrais de tratamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos: aplicação ao município de Santa Cruz da Conceição-SP / Geo-environmental mapping as a subsidy for the area selection for urban solid waste treatment centers implantation: application to the Santa Cruz da Conceição municipality – São Paulo State

Brito, Hermes Dias [UNESP] 07 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Hermes Dias Brito null (hermesdiasbrito@gmail.com) on 2017-01-31T19:13:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Mestrado - Com Ficha Catalográfica Com Resultado APROVADO.pdf: 22594453 bytes, checksum: 22369cef94e96dfba0f49e3648bd4d46 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-03T15:39:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 brito_hd_me_rcla.pdf: 22594453 bytes, checksum: 22369cef94e96dfba0f49e3648bd4d46 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-03T15:39:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 brito_hd_me_rcla.pdf: 22594453 bytes, checksum: 22369cef94e96dfba0f49e3648bd4d46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-07 / O desenvolvimento tecnológico e a implantação de Centrais de Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos (CTRSs), incluindo aterros sanitários, podem conduzir a soluções favoráveis ao processo de tratamento e recuperação de resíduos sólidos urbanos e disposição final de rejeitos. Estas instalações podem agrupar diversas tecnologias em um único sistema, cujo funcionamento leva à economia de energia e redução de gastos com transporte, o que pode redundar em um balanço energético positivo. Todavia, se mal planejada, a implantação e funcionamento das CTRSs podem causar impactos ambientais negativos aos recursos hídricos, ar atmosférico e à saúde dos seres vivos, em particular da população humana. Por isso, as fases de planejamento e implantação devem estar em consonância com o processo de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental, sendo indispensável a realização de estudos para a seleção de áreas ambientalmente compatíveis com o seu funcionamento. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir o desenvolvimento de um mapeamento geoambiental voltado à seleção adequada de áreas para a implantação de CTRSs, tendo como foco de aplicação o pequeno município paulista de Santa Cruz da Conceição, que apresenta expressiva inconformidade ambiental em relação à gestão dos resíduos sólidos e destinação final dos rejeitos; em torno dele, num raio de 100 km, vive uma população de cerca de 7,4 milhões de pessoas. A integração de informações obtidas com o levantamento bibliográfico efetuado, a geração de banco de dados (incluindo fatores físicos, biológicos e sócio-econômicos) e a análise multicriterial em ambiente SIG conduziram à elaboração do referido mapeamento. Este teve como base fundamental estudo prévio de compartimentação fisiográfica da região do município, levando-se em conta principalmente os aspectos de permeabilidade, resistência a erosão e estabilidade a movimentos gravitacionais, que foram integrados com dados de fragmentos de vegetação, declividade, áreas de gerenciamento de risco aviário de aeródromos regionais, informações do plano diretor municipal e normas técnicas e legais. Entre os resultados obtidos com o trabalho, destaca-se, centralmente, a definição de áreas propícias à implantação de CTRSs, incluindo incineradores, e de aterros sanitários em valas e em camadas. Áreas incompatíveis para estas ações também foram reconhecidas. Este estudo oferece elementos para discussões e tomadas de decisão ligadas ao processo de implantação de Centrais de Tratamento de Resíduos e empreendimentos a elas associados, sendo aplicável a outros municípios brasileiros. É, portanto, contribuição para a estruturação de um ordenamento territorial sustentável. / Technological development and Solid Waste Treatment Plants (SWTPs), including landfills, may lead to good solutions to the process of treatment and recovery of urban solid waste. These facilities can group various technologies into a single system, whose operation leads to energy savings and reduction of transportation costs, which may result in a positive energy balance. However, if not properly planned, the setting up and operation of SWTPs can cause negative environmental impacts to water resources, atmospheric air and the health of living beings, in particular the human population. Therefore, the phases of planning and setting up of a SWTP should be in line with the process of Environmental Impact Assessment, and it is essential to carry out studies for the selection of environmentally compatible areas of functioning. This study presents and discusses the development of a geo-environmental mapping focused on the proper selection of areas for the implementation of SWTPs, with the application focus on the municipality of Santa Cruz da Conceição, a small town in the state of São Paulo, which presents significant environmental nonconformity in relation to management solid waste and disposal of waste; around it, within a radius of 100 km, lives a population of about 7.4 million people. The integration of information obtained from the literature performed, the generation of database (including physical, biological and socio-economic elements) and multi-criteria analysis in GIS environment led to the preparation of this mapping. This work had as fundamental element a previously established physiographic subdivision of the area, and took into account mainly the aspects of permeability, erosion resistance and stability to gravitational movements; these parameters have been integrated with information on fragments of vegetation, declivity, poultry risk management areas in regional aerodromes, information on director municipal plan, and legal and technical standards. Among the results obtained from this work, there is, centrally, the definition of areas for setting up a SWTP, including incinerators and landfills (in ditches and in layers). Incompatible areas for these actions were also recognized. This study provides elements for discussion and decision-making related to the implementation process of waste treatment plants and projects associated with them, being applicable to other municipalities. It is therefore contributing to the structuring of a sustainable land use.

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