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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kmitočtové syntezátory / Frequency Synthesizers

Lapčík, Josef January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns with analysis and dividing of frequency synthesizers and design of DDS, PLL synthesizers. Base types of frequency synthesizers are described including differences between methods of their operation. Base circuits of both – DDS and PLL synthesizers and other important circuits are described in details at design part of this thesis. Design of DDS and PLL synthesizer is described in particular sections. Both synthesizers are directly realized and stand-alone control applications are created. PLL synthesizer is also ready to control thru Agilent VEE program environment. Particular example application is designed in Agilent VEE. This application is used as basis of attached lab project.

Entwicklung einer monolithisch integrierten 2,44 GHz Phasenregelschleife in der LFoundry 150nm-CMOS Technologie

Scheibe, Niko 30 August 2010 (has links)
Die Spezifikationen und Toleranzbereiche heutiger Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenübertragungstechnologien nehmen immer weiter an Komplexität, aufgrund der steigenden Informationsmenge, zu. Zur Verarbeitung von Daten in Frequenzbereichen oberhalb von einem Gigahertz sind Referenzsignale notwendig, welche ein äußerst geringes Phasenrauschen aufweisen um benachbarte Kanäle nicht zu beeinflussen. Diese Referenzsignale werden in Mischerschaltungen zur Modulation oder Demodulation zwischen radio frequency (RF)- und intermediate frequency (IF)-Signalen verwendet. Die benötigte Signalform ist eine Sinusschwingung, die nicht durch digitale Schaltungsblöcke erzeugt werden kann. Daher ist die Notwendigkeit von analogen LC-Oszillatoren gegeben. Die Erzeugung von höchst stabilen und hochfrequenten Signalen war lange Zeit teuren Silizium-Germanium-Technologien vorbehalten. Jedoch erfordert der steigende Integrationsgrad und der hart umkämpfte Markt, die Entwicklung von RF-Schaltungen in günstigen CMOS-Technologien. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Landshut Silicon Foundry soll dazu eine monolithisch integrierte Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) mit einer mittleren Ausgangsfrequenz von 2,44 GHz und einem Phasenrauschen kleiner -115 dBc/Hz bei einem Abstand von 1 MHz vom Träger entwickelt werden. Dabei wird das Hauptaugenmerk auf den Kern der PLL gelegt, welcher einen spannungsgesteuerten Oszillator, einen Phasen-/Frequenzdetektor, eine Ladungspumpe, einen Schleifenfilter und einen Frequenzteiler beinhaltet. Außerdem sollen Testszenarien vorgestellt werden, um die Eigenschaften der gefertigten PLL zu bestimmen und zu vergleichen.

Phase Locked Flow Measurements of Steady and Unsteady Vortex Generator Jets in a Separating Boundary Layer

Hansen, Laura C. 18 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Vortex generator jets (VGJs) have been found to be an effective method of active separation control on the suction side of a low pressure turbine (LPT) blade at low Reynolds numbers. The flow mechanisms responsible for this control were studied and documented in order to provide a basis for future improvements in LPT design. Data were collected using a stereo PIV system that enabled all three components of velocity to be measured. Steady VGJs were injected into a laminar boundary layer on a flat plate (non-separating boundary layer) in order to more fully understand the characteristics and behavior of the produced vortices. Both normal (injected normal to the wall) and angled (injected at 30° pitch and 90° skew angles to the freestream) jets were studied. The steady jets were found to create vortices that swept the low momentum fluid up from the boundary layer while transporting high momentum freestream fluid towards the wall, a phenomenon that provides the ingredients for flow control. Pulsed VGJs were then injected on a flat plate with an applied adverse pressure gradient equivalent to that experienced by a commonly tested LPT blade. This configuration was used to study the effectiveness of the flow control exhibited by both normal and angled jets on a separating boundary layer. Time averaged results showed similar boundary layer separation reduction for both normal and angled jets; however, individual characteristics suggested that the control mechanism of the two injection angles is distinct. Steady and pulsed VGJs were then applied to a new aggressive LPT blade design to explore the effect of the jets on a separating boundary layer along the curved blade surface. Steady injection provided flow control through freestream entrainment, while pulsed jets created a two-dimensional, spanwise disturbance that reduced the separated area as it traveled downstream. A detailed fluid analysis of the uncontrolled flow around the blade was performed in order to identify the separation and reattachment points and the area of transition. This information was used as a basis for comparison with the VGJ cases to determine flow control effectiveness.

Specialty Fiber Lasers and Novel Fiber Devices

Jollivet, Clemence 01 January 2014 (has links)
At the Dawn of the 21st century, the field of specialty optical fibers experienced a scientific revolution with the introduction of the stack-and-draw technique, a multi-steps and advanced fiber fabrication method, which enabled the creation of well-controlled micro-structured designs. Since then, an extremely wide variety of finely tuned fiber structures have been demonstrated including novel materials and novel designs. As the complexity of the fiber design increased, highly-controlled fabrication processes became critical. To determine the ability of a novel fiber design to deliver light with properties tailored according to a specific application, several mode analysis techniques were reported, addressing the recurring needs for in-depth fiber characterization. The first part of this dissertation details a novel experiment that was demonstrated to achieve modal decomposition with extended capabilities, reaching beyond the limits set by the existing mode analysis techniques. As a result, individual transverse modes carrying between ~0.01% and ~30% of the total light were resolved with unmatched accuracy. Furthermore, this approach was employed to decompose the light guided in Large-Mode Area (LMA) fiber, Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) and Leakage Channel Fiber (LCF). The single-mode performances were evaluated and compared. As a result, the suitability of each specialty fiber design to be implemented for power-scaling applications of fiber laser systems was experimentally determined. The second part of this dissertation is dedicated to novel specialty fiber laser systems. First, challenges related to the monolithic integration of novel and complex specialty fiber designs in all-fiber systems were addressed. The poor design and size compatibility between specialty fibers and conventional fiber-based components limits their monolithic integration due to high coupling loss and unstable performances. Here, novel all-fiber Mode-Field Adapter (MFA) devices made of selected segments of Graded Index Multimode Fiber (GIMF) were implemented to mitigate the coupling losses between a LMA PCF and a conventional Single-Mode Fiber (SMF), presenting an initial 18-fold mode-field area mismatch. It was experimentally demonstrated that the overall transmission in the mode-matched fiber chain was increased by more than 11 dB (the MFA was a 250 ?m piece of 50 ?m core diameter GIMF). This approach was further employed to assemble monolithic fiber laser cavities combining an active LMA PCF and fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) in conventional SMF. It was demonstrated that intra-cavity mode-matching results in an efficient (60%) and narrow-linewidth (200 pm) laser emission at the FBG wavelength. In the last section of this dissertation, monolithic Multi-Core Fiber (MCF) laser cavities were reported for the first time. Compared to existing MCF lasers, renown for high-brightness beam delivery after selection of the in-phase supermode, the present new generation of 7-coupled-cores Yb-doped fiber laser uses the gain from several supermodes simultaneously. In order to uncover mode competition mechanisms during amplification and the complex dynamics of multi-supermode lasing, novel diagnostic approaches were demonstrated. After characterizing the laser behavior, the first observations of self-mode-locking in linear MCF laser cavities were discovered.


Mirihana Arachchilage, Gayan S. 01 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Isomerization-Locked Alkene Analogues of Xaa–Pro Dipeptides in the Proteins Collagen and Bora

Arcoria, Paul Joseph 25 July 2022 (has links)
Collagen is one of the most abundant human proteins. It exists as a right-handed superhelix called the triple helix. The triple helix consists of three left-handed polyproline type II (PPII helices) that intertwine around a common axis. Each PPII helix has the repeating peptide sequence (Gly–Xaa–Yaa)n with a high content of (2S)-proline (Pro) in the Xaa position (ca. 28%) and (2S,4R)-hydroxyproline (Hyp) in the Yaa position (ca. 38%). Unique to the prolyl amide is the ease of cis-trans isomerization. Since the triple helix necessitates that all peptide bonds be in the trans conformation, isomerization is the rate-limiting step in collagen folding. However, eliminating isomerization with a trans-locked alkene isostere destabilizes collagen-like peptides. Collagen is stabilized by electronic interactions, namely the n→π* interaction. Halo-alkene isosteres may be used to recapture these electronic interactions and stabilize a collagen-like peptide. An in-depth conformational analysis was conducted at the MP2/6-311+G(2d,p) level of theory to determine the viability of conformationally-locked halo-alkene isosteres. Fluoro-alkenes and chloro-alkenes were modeled at both the Gly–Pro and Pro–Pro (as a Pro–Hyp mimic) amide positions. Compared to the collagen crystal structure PDB ID: 1K6F, we found the fluoro-alkenes were closer geometric matches to both Gly–Pro and Pro–Pro than the corresponding chloro-alkenes. The chloro-alkene was predicted to have stronger n→π* interactions. The trans-locked proteo-alkene was also analyzed to understand why it destabilized the triple helix. We found that these models had other local minima close to the desired PPII geometry, likely leading to enhanced backbone flexibility. This deleterious flexibility was not predicted for either fluoro-alkene or chloro-alkene models. The conformationally-locked halo-alkene isostere Fmoc–Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-Pro–Hyp(tBu)–OH was designed and synthesized as a (Z)-fluoro-alkene Gly–Pro isostere. We used the chiral catalyst, L-Thr, for asymmetric aldol addition to cyclopentanone, which inadvertently enhanced the yield of the wrong enantiomer, in contrast with aldol addition to cyclohexanone. A Mg2+-promoted Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction afforded the (Z)-fluoro-alkene over the (E)-fluoro-alkene in about a 2:1 ratio. The two diastereomers, Fmoc–Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-L-Pro–Hyp(tBu)–OH and Fmoc–Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-D-Pro–Hyp(tBu)–OH were separated by supercritical CO2 chromatography. The collagen-like peptides Ac–(Gly–Pro–Hyp)3–Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-L-Pro–Hyp–(Gly–Pro–Hyp)4–Gly–Gly–Tyr–NH2, Ac–(Gly–Pro–Hyp)3–Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-D-Pro–Hyp–(Gly–Pro–Hyp)4–Gly–Gly–Tyr–NH2, and the control peptide Ac–(Gly–Pro–Hyp)8–Gly–Gly–Tyr–NH2 were synthesized on solid-phase resin. The CD spectra of all three peptides showed the characteristic collagen triple-helix signature. The folding stability was determined by thermal melting (Tm). The peptide with the fluoro-alkene guest, Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-L-Pro–Hyp, was found to have a Tm value of 42.2 °C. The Tm of the control peptide was found to be 49.0 °C, a difference in stability of only ΔTm –6.8. Thus, the (Z)-fluoro-alkene as a Gly–Pro isostere forms a relatively stable triple helix. The peptide with the Gly–Ψ[(Z)CF=C]-D-Pro–Hyp guest was shown to have a linear relationship between ellipticity and temperature, indicating that a stable triple helix did not form. The enhanced stability of the (Z)-fluoro-alkene compared to the (E)-alkene Gly–Pro isostere (Tm = 28.3 °C) may be due to a stabilizing n→π* interaction, as determined by NMR deshielding of the 19F nucleus in the collagen-like peptide. In biological systems, isomerization of the prolyl amide is catalyzed by enzymes called PPIases. The PPIase Pin1 specifically catalyzes isomerization of the pSer–Pro sequence from the cis-conformation to the trans-conformation. Pin1 plays a crucial role in the G2→M transition of the cell cycle, implying the importance of cis-trans isomerization. The dipeptides H–Ser–Ψ[(Z)CH=C]-Pro–OH, H–Ser–Ψ[(E)CH=C]-Pro–OH and native H–Ser–Pro–OH were synthesized by literature methods, and activated for aminoacylation of tRNACUA for in vitro transcription-translation. Aminoacylation by chemical methods required the synthesis of a pdCpA dinucleotide. Formation of the dipeptide-dinucleotide complex was not completed because protection of the Ser side chain was problematic. On the other hand, conversion of the dipeptide into the 3,5-dinitrobenzyl ester conjugate allowed for enzymatic aminoacylation using the dFx flexizyme, an RNA enzyme. The native dipeptide was successfully coupled to tRNACUA and is ready for incorporation into a full-length Bora protein by in vitro transcription-translation. Both cis- and trans-locked alkene mimics have been converted to their respective 3,5-dinitrobenzyl ester conjugates. / Doctor of Philosophy / The proline amide (Xaa–Pro) in peptides and proteins is unique in that it allows for cis-trans isomerization. The triple-helix region of human collagen consists mostly of the repeating sequence (Gly–Pro–Hyp)n. Xaa–Pro amide-bond isomerization is rate-limiting for triple-helix formation. We eliminated isomerization at one position in a collagen-like peptide with a locked alkene mimic of Gly–Pro to attempt to stablize the triple-helix. Our computational results predicted that a fluoro-alkene Gly–Pro isostere would be a close geometric match for the native amide. Experimental results showed that a collagen-like peptide with a fluoro-alkene Gly–Pro isostere has an unfolding temperature that is 6.9 °C lower than the native control peptide. 19F NMR data of the collagen-like peptide shows a surprising deshielding of the fluorine nucleus, suggesting its participation in a stabilizing n→π* electronic interaction, similar to the native amide. Isomerization also plays a key role in proper cell division. We followed established methods to synthesize the cis- and trans-locked alkene mimics of Boc–Ser–Pro–OH and converted them into the 3,5-dinitrobenzyl ester conjugates. The 3,5-dinitrobenzyl ester is recognized by the dinitrobenzyl flexizyme (dFx) for enzymatic aminoacylation of tRNA. Once the alkene isosteres are aminoacylated, they will be incorporated into a full-length cell cycle regulatory protein called Bora to determine whether the cis- or trans-Pro state is necessary for healthy human mitosis, and which results in cancerous human mitosis.


MARLON MEDEIROS CORREIA 16 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Diferentes tipos de lasers podem ser usados para gerar pulsos de luz com uma ampla faixa de durações de pulso, energias e potências de pico. As técnicas de Q-switching e mode-locked são relatadas há anos por vários autores e pesquisadores e são frequentemente utilizadas na geração de lasers de pulso ultracurto com duração de pulso no domínio do tempo na faixa de nanossegundos até femtossegundos. Uma configuração, com ganho fornecido por um amplificador óptico semicondutor (SOA) e amplificador de fibra dopada com érbio (EDFA) é proposta e emprega a técnica de gerenciamento de dispersão para gerar um trem de pulsos ópticos exibindo alta potência de pico, taxa de repetição ultra-baixa e largura temporal curta, habilitando que este laser seja usado como uma fonte para aplicações de alta resolução em reflectometria óptica no domínio do tempo (OTDR). A operação mode-locked é conhecida por ocorrer apenas em lasers ordenados padrão por um longo tempo e até recentemente foi encontrado também em lasers de fibra aleatórios desordenados (RFL). Embora tenha havido progresso no sentido de travar modos espaciais e longitudinais em lasers aleatórios, a literatura carece de relatos sobre geração de pulsos limitada por transformada de Fourier, apesar das muitas décadas de campo. O autor demonstra experimentalmente um mode-locked random fiber laser (MLRFL) operando como um refletômetro óptico de domínio do tempo sensível à fase. Aqui, a saída total do laser fornece o sinal de detecção, em contraste com o pequeno sinal retroespalhado medido em um OTDR convencional. O laser opera como um sensor acústico distribuído (DAS) e sensor de temperatura distribuído (DTS). / [en] Different types of lasers can be used to generate light pulses with a wide range of pulse durations, energies and peak powers. Q-switching and mode-locked techniques have been reported for years by several authors and researchers and are frequently used in the generation of ultra-short-pulse lasers with time-domain pulse durations from the nanosecond to femtosecond range. A configuration, with gain provided by a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is proposed and employ the dispersion management technique to generate a train of optical pulses exhibiting high-peak-power, ultralow repetition rate, and fast temporal width, enabling this laser to be used as a source for high-resolution optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) applications. The mode-locking operation has been known to occur only in standard ordered lasers for a long time and until recently it was found to also occur in disordered random fiber lasers (RFL). Although progress has been made towards locking spatial and longitudinal modes in random lasers, the literature lacks reports on Fourier transform-limited pulse generation despite the many decades of the field. The author experimentally demonstrates a mode-locked random fiber laser (MLRFL) operating as a lasing phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer based on random feedback from a sensing fiber. Here, the full output of the laser provides the sensing signal, in contrast to the small backscattered signal measured in a conventional OTDR. The laser operates as a distributed acoustic sensor (DAS) and distributed temperature sensor (DTS).

Synthesis of constrained tricyclic nucleosides and the core of nagilactone B

Giacometti, Robert 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit deux thèmes principaux: 1) la conception, la synthèse, et l'évaluation biophysique des nucléosides tricycliques, et 2) la synthèse de nagilactone B, un produit naturel norditerpenoïde dilactone de la famille de produits naturels “podolactone”. Le premier chapitre décrit la stratégie de design rationnel des nucléosides nommé “restriction conformationnelle double” basée sur les études de modélisation structurales des duplex ADN–ARN modifiés. Cette stratégie implique un blocage du cycle furanose dans une configuration de type N- ou S, et une restriction de la rotation torsionelle autour de l’angle γ. La première contrainte a été incorporée avec un pont méthylène entre l’oxygène en position 2′ et le carbone 4′ du nucléoside. Cette stratégie a été inspirée par les acides nucléiques bloqués (ou “locked nucleic acid”, LNA). La deuxième contrainte a été réalisée en ajoutant un carbocycle supplémentaire dans l'échafaud de l’acide nucléique bloqué. Les défis synthétiques de la formation des nucléotides modifiés à partir des carbohydrates sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations aux stabilités thermiques qu’ils apportent aux duplex oligonucléïques dont ils font partie. Chapitres deux et trois décrivent le développement de deux voies synthétiques complémentaires pour la formation du noyau de nagilactone B. Ce produit naturel a des implications pour le syndrome de Hutchinson–Gilford, à cause de son habilité de jouer le rôle de modulateur de l’épissage d’ARN pré-messager de lamine A. Ce produit naturel contient sept stereocentres différents, dont deux quaternaires et deux comprenant un syn-1,2-diol, ainsi que des lactones à cinq ou six membres, où le cycle à six ressemble à un groupement α-pyrone. La synthèse a débuté avec la cétone de Wieland-Miescher qui a permis d’adresser les défis structurels ainsi qu’explorer les fonctionnalisations des cycles A, B et D du noyau de nagilactone B. / The present thesis comprises two major themes: 1) the design, synthesis, and biophysical evaluation of conformationally restricted tricyclic nucleosides for antisense applications, and 2) strategic approaches for synthesizing the core of nagilactone B, a norditerpenoid dilactone from the podolactone family of natural products. Guided by structural studies of modified DNA–RNA duplexes, Chapter One focuses on a proposed dual-conformational-restriction strategy, in which two modes of conformational restriction are incorporated into a single nucleotide modification: 1) locking the furanose ring in an N- or S-type configuration and 2) restricting rotation around backbone torsion angle γ. The first constraint was incorporated by way of a 2′,4′-anhydro bridge that is found in the scaffold of locked nucleic acid (LNA), while the second was realized by annealing an additional carbocyclic ring to the modified nucleoside. The synthetic challenges associated with preparing these highly constrained molecules from carbohydrate-derived starting materials are described, in addition to the corresponding improvements in duplex thermal stability they provide to oligonucleotide sequences containing them. Chapters Two and Three describe complementary approaches for the synthesis of the core of nagilactone B, a natural product with implications for Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome, as a consequence of its ability to act as a modulator of splicing events leading to lamin A. This natural product contains seven stereogenic centers overall, including a syn-1,2-diol moiety, a γ-lactone, and a pair of quaternary stereocenters, which are complemented by the presence of an α-pyrone moiety. To address the synthesis of these structural features, the utility of the Wieland–Miescher ketone was explored with an emphasis on synthesizing rings A, B, and D of the core of nagilactone B.

Diode laser 1.5 micron de puissance et faible bruit pour l’optique hyperfréquence. / High power, low noise 1.5 micron diode lasers for microwave photonics.

Faugeron, Mickael 22 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la conception, la réalisation et la caractérisation de diodes lasers de puissance, faible bruit à 1.5 µm sur InP pour des applications d’optique hyperfréquence, notamment pour des liaisons optiques analogiques de grande dynamique pour les systèmes radar. La première partie du travail a consisté à modéliser et concevoir des structures laser DFB ayant de faibles pertes internes. Ces structures, appelées lasers à semelle, incorporent une couche épaisse de matériaux entre la zone active et le substrat pour agrandir et délocaliser le mode propre optique des zones dopées p. La complexité de la conception résidait dans le bon compromis à trouver entre les performances statiques et dynamiques. Nous avons réalisé des diodes-lasers DFB avec une puissance > 150 mW, un rendement de 0.4 W/A, un niveau de bruit de 160 dB/Hz et une bande passante de modulation à 3 dB de 7.5 GHz. Les composants ont ensuite été caractérisés puis évalués dans des liaisons analogiques. Nous avons démontré des performances de gain de liaison, de dynamique et de point de compression à l’état de l’art mondial. En bande L (1-2 GHz) par exemple, nous avons montré des liaisons avec 0.5 dB de gain, un point de compression de 21 dBm et une dynamique (SFDR) de 122 dB.Hz2/3.En utilisant la même méthodologie de conception, la dernière partie du travail de thèse a été consacrée à la réalisation et à la caractérisation de lasers de puissance à verrouillage de modes pour la génération de train d’impulsions ultra-courts et la génération de peignes de fréquences. Ces structures présentent de très faibles largeurs de raie RF (550 Hz) et de très fortes puissances optiques (> 18 W en puissance crête). / This work focuses on the design, realization and characterization of high power, low noise 1.5 µm diode lasers for microwave applications and more particularly for high dynamic optical analog link for radar systems. The first part of this study deals with modeling and design of low internal losses DFB laser structures. These specific structures are called slab-coupled optical waveguide lasers, and are composed of a thick layer between the active layer and the substrate. The aim of this waveguide is to enlarge the optical eigenmode and to move the optical mode away from p-doped layers. The main difficulty was to find the good trade-off between laser static performances (optical power, efficiency) and dynamic performances (RIN and modulation bandwidth). We have succeeded in developing high efficiency (0.4 W/A), low noise (RIN ≈ 160 dB/Hz) DFB lasers with more than 150 mW and a 3 dB modulation bandwidth up to 7.5 GHz. We have then characterized our components on wide band and narrow band analog links. We have demonstrated state of the art gain links, dynamic and 1 dB compression power. In the L band (1-2 GHz) for example, we have obtained an optical link with a gain of 0.5 dB, a compression power of 21 dBm and a dynamic (SFDR) of 122 dB.Hz2/3.Finally we have applied the methodology and the design of slab-coupled optical waveguide structures to develop high power mode-locked lasers for ultra-short pulses generation and for optical and electrical comb generation. We have demonstrated narrow RF linewidth (550 Hz) lasers with very high power (continuous power > 400 mW and peak power > 18 W).

Etude et réalisation de circuits de récupération d'horloge et de données analogiques et numériques pour des applications bas débit et très faible consommation. / Study and realization of analog and digital clock and data recovery circuits at low rates, implementation on ASIC and FPGA targets

Tall, Ndiogou 10 June 2013 (has links)
Les circuits de récupération d'horloge et de données sont nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de plusieurs systèmes de communication sans fil. Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse concernent le développement de ces circuits avec d'une part la réalisation, en technologie HCMOS9 0,13 μm de STMICROELECTRONICS, de circuits CDR analogiques à 1 et 54 Mbit/s, et d'autre part, la mise en œuvre de fonctions CDR numériques programmables à bas débit. Un circuit CDR fonctionnant à plus bas débit (1 Mbit/s) a été conçu dans le cadre de la gestion d'énergie d'un récepteur ULB impulsionnel non cohérent. Ces deux structures ont été réalisées à l'aide de PLL analogiques du 3ème ordre. Un comparateur de phase adapté aux impulsions issues du détecteur d'énergie a été proposé dans cette étude. Les circuits ont ensuite été dimensionnés dans le but d'obtenir de très bonnes performances en termes de jitter et de consommation. En particulier, les performances mesurées (sous pointes) du circuit CDR à 1 Mbit/s permettent d'envisager une gestion d'énergie efficace (réduction de plus de 97% de la consommation du récepteur). Dans le cadre d'une chaîne de télémesure avion vers sol, deux circuits CDR numériques ont également été réalisés durant cette thèse. Une PLL numérique du second degré a été implémentée en vue de fournir des données et une horloge synchrone de celles-ci afin de piloter une chaîne SOQPSK entièrement numérique. Un circuit ELGS a également mis au point pour fonctionner au sein d'un récepteur PCM/FM. / Clock and data recovery circuits are required in many wireless communication systems. This thesis is about development of such circuits with: firstly, the realization, in HCMOS9 0.13 μm of STMICROELECTRONICS technology, of 1 and 54 Mb/s analog CDR circuits, and secondly, the implementation of programmable digital circuits at low rates. In the aim of an impulse UWB transceiver dealing with video transmission, a CDR circuit at 54 Mb/s rate has been realized to provide clock signal synchronously with narrow pulses (their duration is about a few nanoseconds) from the energy detector. Another CDR circuit has been built at 1 Mb/s rate in a non-coherent IR- UWB receiver power management context. Both circuits have been implemented as 3rd order analog PLL. In this work, a phase comparator suitable for “RZ low duty cycle” data from the energy detector has been proposed. Circuits have been sized to obtain very good performances in terms of jitter and power consumption. Particularly, measured performances of the 1 Mb/s CDR circuit allow to plan an efficient power management (a decrease of more than 97% of the receiver total power consumption). In the context of a telemetry system from aircraft to ground, two digital CDR circuits have also been implemented. A second order digital PLL has been adopted in order to provide synchronous clock and data to an SOQPSK digital transmitter. Also, a digital ELGS circuit has been proposed to work in a PCM/FM receiver. For both CDR structures, the input signal rate is programmable and varies globally from 1 to 30 Mb/s.

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