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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of constrained nucleosides

Salinas Hernandez, Juan Carlos 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Nuevas técnicas de simulación y optimización de circuitos osciladores y lazos de enganche en fase de microondas

Domínguez Mosquera, Jacobo 25 June 2009 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de técnicas para la simulación y optimización del diseño de circuitos osciladores y lazos de enganche en fase de microondas. La intención de estas técnicas es que puedan ser utilizadas por el diseñador para optimizar las prestaciones de este tipo de circuitos durante la etapa de diseño. Por este motivo, se ha intentado que en todo momento las técnicas puedan ser utilizadas en combinación con un programa comercial de simulación de circuitos de microondas.En el caso de los circuitos osciladores, inicialmente se han optimizado sus prestaciones cuando se utilizan como osciladores controlados por tensión. De esta forma, se han desarrollado una serie de técnicas que, en combinación con simulaciones en un programa comercial, permiten la linealización y extensión de la característica tensión-frecuencia. Mediante una técnica de control de estabilidad, se ha optimizado la respuesta dinámica del oscilador ante entradas variantes en el tiempo. En concreto, se ha aumentado la rapidez de respuesta eliminando transitorios lentos oscilantes que distorsionan la señal de salida deseada. Esta técnica se ha aplicado al caso particular de osciladores controlados por tensión utilizados para generar señales chirp, como puede ser en radares Frequency Modulated Continuos Wave (FMCW). Se ha analizado también el fenómeno del "injection-pulling", en el que una señal interferente desplaza la frecuencia de oscilación. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una formulación tipo transitorio de envolvente cuyos coeficientes pueden ser identificados mediante simulaciones de balance armónico en un simulador comercial. La técnica permite incrementar la robustez del circuito oscilador ante estas señales interferentes. Dados los problemas observados en el simulador comercial para simular la característica de ruido de fase en osciladores con estructuras acopladas, se ha desarrollado una técnica de simulación de ruido de fase que solventa estos problemas. La técnica obtiene la característica de ruido de fase a través de simulaciones de transitorio de envolvente en combinación con el uso de generadores auxiliares. Estas simulaciones pueden realizarse sin problemas usando un simulador comercial. Los resultados de todas las técnicas han sido corroborados mediante medidas en varios tipos de osciladores de microondas. Finalmente, se ha realizado un estudio preliminar para combinar el uso de series de Volterra con la técnica de transitorio de envolvente para la simulación de la respuesta transitoria de los osciladores.En el caso de los lazos de enganche en fase, se ha desarrollado un programa propio que realiza un análisis no lineal de lazos acoplados o "Coupled Phase-Locked Loops" (CPLL). Estos sistemas son utilizados en aplicaciones tales como en control de apuntamiento de antenas "phased-array". El programa, basado en una formulación tempo-frecuencial del sistema, permite la obtención de los rangos de operación del CPLL mediante una caracterización no lineal de los elementos que componen el lazo. Se delimitan los rangos de histéresis, y se analiza la variación de estos rangos en función de los parámetros del sistema. Se analiza la estabilidad de las soluciones estacionarias, teniendo en cuenta parámetros tales como el retardo del lazo. Mediante el control de la estabilidad y un análisis de tipo transitorio de envolvente, se optimiza la rapidez del sistema en el seguimiento de entradas moduladas. Finalmente, se analiza el ruido de fase, separando la perturbación en fase en distintas componentes. Esta separación permite clarificar el efecto del ruido en el control de apuntamiento de un array de antenas. Las predicciones de las técnicas han sido validadas mediante medidas en un sistema CPLL a 2 GHz. / The objective of this work is the development of techniques for the simulation and optimization of the design of microwave oscillator circuits and phase-locked loops. The intention of these techniques is that they can be used by the designer to optimize the features of these kinds of circuits during the design stage. For this reason, a lot of effort has been put along this thesis to ensure that the techniques can be used in combination with commercial microwave circuit simulators.In the case of the oscillator circuits, initially, their features have been optimized when used as voltage controlled oscillators (VCO). In this way, different techniques are proposed for the computer aided design of these circuits. The first technique allows setting the operation frequency band for specific values of the tuning voltage. The second technique imposes a linear frequency-voltage characteristic with the aid of an auxiliary generator. To follow this characteristic, the circuit is solved in terms of an ideal capacitance, synthesized, at a later stage, with the tuning varactor embedded in a linear network. In the third technique, the oscillator response to a sawtooth input, used to generate a chirp signal, is improved, eliminating spurious frequencies, not observable in steady state. To illustrate the techniques, a VCO operating in the C-band has been optimized and used to generate a chirp signal with low nonlinear frequency distortion. The injection-pulling phenomenon in oscillator circuits has been also analyzed. Injection pulling by interference signals is an undesired phenomenon in front-end oscillators, which causes a shift of the oscillation frequency and degrades the output spectrum. A semi-analytical formulation for the insightful analysis of injection-pulling phenomena in the presence of a modulated carrier or chirp signal is presented. The formulation enables an efficient analysis of interference problems difficult to simulate with harmonic balance or standard envelope transient. It allows the modification of the original design in order to reduce the injection pulling to the desired levels. The techniques have been applied to an oscillator at 6 GHz. Considering the problems found in commercial software to simulate the phase noise characteristic of coupled oscillator topologies, a numerical technique for the determination of the phase-noise spectrum of free-running oscillators is presented. The technique is based on envelope transient and can be applied to any commercial simulator on which this analysis method is available. The main advantage of the technique is that it allows simulating the near carrier phase noise spectrum, including possible resonances. The elements providing the oscillator phase-noise spectrum are obtained from envelope-transient simulations of low-computational cost. Comparisons are performed between the presented technique and other existing techniques, such as the carrier modulation approach. The technique has been successfully tested on the simulation of the near carrier phase noise spectrum of an oscillator circuit at 6.3 GHz. Finally, a preliminary study has been carried out to combine the use of Volterra series with the envelope transient technique for the simulation of oscillator transients.Regarding the phase-locked loops, in this thesis, harmonic-balance (HB) and envelope-transient formulations of coupled phase-locked loops (CPLLs) are presented. The CPLL has the added difficulty of its autonomous behavior since no reference oscillator is present. The new formulation takes into account the autonomy of the system, introducing a special set of state variables, which depend on the autonomous frequencies. The hysteresis phenomenon in CPLLs is analyzed in detail, efficiently obtaining the pull-in and hold-in ranges through HB. The pole analysis of the perturbed HB system enables an accurate prediction of instabilities and resonances. Due to the CPLL autonomy, there exists an inherent noise accumulation effect. This effect is taken into account, analyzing the perturbation in terms of accumulation and deviation components. The envelope formulation allows simulating the CPLL behavior in presence of modulation signals. The influence of the stability of the steady-state solution on the modulated signals is investigated. The simulation results have been successfully compared with the measurements in a manufactured CPLL system at 2 GHz.

Fehlerbezogene Hirnpotenziale bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) / Response-locked brain potentials on children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Kühnert, Ulrike 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Optimization of rectifiers for aviation regarding power density and reliability / Optimierung von Gleichrichtern für die Luftfahrt unter Berücksichtigung von Leistungsdichte und Zuverlässigkeit

Liebig, Sebastian 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The intentions of the so-called "More Electrical Aircraft" (MEA) are higher efficiency and lower weight. A main topic here is the application of electrical instead of hydraulical, pneumatical and mechanical systems. The necessary power electronic devices have intermediate DC-links, which are typically supplied by a three-phase system with active B6 and passive B12 rectifiers. A possible alternative is the B6 diode bridge in combination with an active power filter (APF). Due to the parallel arrangement, the APF offers a higher power density and is able to compensate for harmonics from several devices. The use of the diode bridge rectifier alone is not permitted due to the highly distorted phase current. The following investigations are dealing with the development of an active power filter for a three-phase supply with variable frequency from 360 to 800 Hz. All relevant components such as inductors, EMC-filters, power modules and DC-link capacitor are designed. A particular focus is put on the customized power module with SiC-MOSFETs and SiC-diodes, which is characterized electrically and thermally. The maximum supply frequency slope has a value of 50 Hz/ms, which requires a high dynamic and robustness on the control algorithm. Furthermore, the content of 5th and 7th harmonics must be reduced to less than 2 %, which demands a high accuracy. To cope with both requirements, a two-stage filter algorithm is developed and implemented in two independent signal processors. Simulations and laboratory experiments confirm the performance and robustness of the control algorithm. This work comprehensively presents the design of aerospace rectifiers. The results were published in conferences and patents. / Hauptziele des sogenannten "More Electrical Aircraft" (MEA) sind Effizienzerhöhung und Gewichtseinsparung. Ein Schwerpunkt hierbei ist die Nutzung von elektrischen statt hydraulischen, pneumatischen und mechanischen Systemen. Die notwendigen Leistungselektroniken haben DC-Zwischenkreise, welche mittels aktiven B6 und passiven B12 Gleichrichtern aus dem Dreiphasennetz gespeist werden. Eine mögliche Alternative ist die B6 Diodenbrücke in Kombination mit einem aktiven Netzfilter, welcher aufgrund der parallelen Anordnung eine höhere Leistungsdichte aufweist und darüber hinaus mehrere Geräte gleichzeitig entstören kann. Die alleinige Nutzung einer Diodenbrücke ist aufgrund des hohen Anteils von Stromharmonischen nicht zulässig. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines aktiven Filters für ein Dreiphasensystem mit variabler Frequenz von 360 bis 800 Hz. Es werden alle relevanten Bauteile wie Induktivitäten, EMV-Filter, Leistungsmodule und Zwischenkreiskondensator ausgelegt. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem kundenspezifischen Modul mit SiC-Dioden und SiCMOSFETs, welches vollständig elektrisch und thermisch charakterisiert wird. Die Änderung der Netzfrequenz beträgt bis zu 50 Hz/ms, was eine hohe Dynamik und Robustheit von der Filterregelung verlangt. Weiterhin ist im statischen Fall eine hohe Genauigkeit gefordert, da die 5. und 7. Harmonische auf unter 2% geregelt werden müssen. Um beiden Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, wird ein zweistufiger Regelungsalgorithmus entwickelt der auf zwei digitalen Signalprozessoren implementiert wird. Simulationen und Labormessungen bestätigen die Robustheit des Regelungskonzeptes. Diese Arbeit stellt umfassend die Entwicklung von Luftfahrtgleichrichtern dar. Die Ergebnisse wurden in Konferenzen und Patenten veröffentlicht.

Blockchain Technology : a new domain for Cyber Forensics

Rasool, Muhammad Ahsan, Muhammad Shafiq, Hafiz January 2018 (has links)
Traditional database with no prior security measures is becoming challenging in the era of data technology. Database storage on a central location with single point of failure and vulnerable to cyber attacks is getting exposed to big risk of being hacked with the evolution of powerful machines and modern hacking techniques. Since its commencement, the BlockChain technology has shown a promising performance for application buildup in diversed fields of life from cryptocurrency to smart contracts and decentralized applications. Although multiple studies on privacy, data confidentiality and security issues of BlockChain are performed but a systematic examination is still needs attention. In this thesis work we conduct a systematic study about the vulnerabilities of BlockChain system and review the security enhancement solutions that may point to a good future direction for further research into the area of BlockChain technology and its applications. Smart contracts are self-executable objects hosted on the 2nd generation blockchain like Ethereum, carry billions of SEK worth of cryptocoins and cannot be updated once deployed. Smart contracts are generally considered secure objects but the systematic analysis of technology and source code exposes a new class of vulnerabilities which are more likely an ethical aspect of programming than the software coding errors. Besides the literature review we empower our results with a static code analysis especially with the perspective of cyber forensics.

Tecnologia assistiva: um teclado virtual evolutivo para aplicação em sistemas de comunicação alternativa e aumentativa

Loja, Luiz Fernando Batista 03 December 2015 (has links)
People withmobilityandspeechrestrictionssimultaneoushaveverbalcommunicationandbody language impaired.Inthemostextremecasesthepatientsaredeprivedofalltheirmovements and speechcapabilities.ThissituationischaracterizedastheLocked-inSyndrome(LIS).The augmentativeandalternativecommunicationtechnologiesprovidemethodsandsoftwaresthat allowthesepatientstocommunicatewiththeexternalenvironmentandpeoplearoundthem. Among thevariousmethodsandexistingcommunicationprogramswecanhighlightthevirtual keyboard.However,datainputusingthiskindofkeyboardisconsiderablyslowerandmore tiresome forpeoplewithLIS.Thisworkaimstobuildanassistivevirtualkeyboardtoassist patients withseveremobilityrestrictionsandspeechtocommunicate.Toachievethisgoalit wasconductedtwosystematicreviewsandaliteraturereview.Fromtheknowledgegained from theseresearchswemodeledanddevelopedanassistivevirtualkeyboard.Moreover,we designed andimplementedanevolutionarymethodologythatallowsthekeyboardtoadaptitself to user svocabularyandwritingmode.Finally,anexperimentthatcomparesthetraditional method keyboardsoptimizationwiththemethodologyproposedinthisthesiswascarriedout. / Pessoas comrestriçõesmotorasedefalasimultâneastêmacomunicaçãoverbalealinguagem corporal prejudicadas.Noscasosmaisextremosopacienteéprivadodetodososseusmovimen- tos edacapacidadedefala.EssasituaçãoécaracterizadacomoaSíndromedoEncarceramento (SE). Astecnologiasdecomunicaçãoaumentativaealternativasãoresponsáveisporproporcio- narem métodose softwares que possibilitamacomunicaçãodospacientescomoambienteeas pessoas queoscercam.Entreosváriosmétodoseprogramasdecomunicaçãoexistentespode-se destacar otecladovirtual.Porém,aentradadedadosutilizandotecladosvirtuaiséconsidera- velmentemaislentaecansativaparapessoascomSE.Oobjetivodestetrabalhoéconstruirum teclado virtualassistivoparaauxiliarpacientescomrestriçõesmotorasgravesedefalaaseco- municarem. Paraatingiresseobjetivoforamrealizadasduasrevisõessistemáticaseumarevisão de literatura.Apartirdoconhecimentoadquiridodessasrevisõesfoimodeladoedesenvolvido um tecladovirtualassistivo.Alémdisso,foielaboradaeimplementadaumametodologiaevolu- tivaquepermiteotecladoseadaptaraovocabulárioeomododeescritadousuário.Finalmente, foi realizadoumexperimentoquecomparaométodotradicionaldeotimizaçãodetecladoscom a metodologiapropostanestatese. / Doutor em Ciências

Operation of Three Phase Four Wire Grid Connected VSI Under Non-Ideal Conditions

Ghoshal, Anirban January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The necessity to incorporate renewable energy systems into existing electric power grid and need of efficient utilization of electrical energy are growing every day. A shunt connected Voltage Source Inverter(VSI) capable of bidirectional power flow and fast control has become one of the building block to address such requirements. However with growing number of grid connected VSI, new requirements related to harmonic injection, higher overall efficiency and better performances during short term grid disturbances have emerged as challenges. For this purpose a grid connected three phase four wire VSI with LCL filter can be considered as a general module to study different control approaches and system behavior under ideal and non-ideal grid conditions. This work focuses on achieving enhanced performance by analyzing effect of non-ideal conditions on system level and relating it to individual control blocks. In this work a phase locked loop structure has been proposed which is capable of extracting positive sequence fundamental phase information under non-ideal grid conditions. It can also be used in a single phase system without any structural modification. The current control for the three phase four wire VSI system has been implemented using Proportional Resonant (PR) controller in a per phase basis in stationary reference frame. A simplified controller design procedure based on asymptotic representation of the system transfer function is proposed. Using this method expressions for controller gains can be derived. A common mode model of the inverter system has been derived for low frequencies. Using this model a controller is designed to mitigate DC bus imbalance caused by sensor and ADC channel offsets. A multi-rate approach for digital implementation of PR controller with low resource consumption, that is suitable for an FPGA like digital controller ,is proposed. This multi-rate method can maintain resonance frequency accuracy even at low sampling frequency and can easily be frequency adaptive. Anti-wind up methods for PI controller have been studied to find suitable anti-wind up methods for PR controller. The tracking anti-wind up method is shown to be suitable for use with a PR controller. The effectiveness of this method under sudden disconnection and reconnection of VSI from grid is experimentally verified. A resonant integrator based second order filter is shown to be useful for active damping of LCL filter resonance with a wide range of grid inductance variation. The proposed method utilizes the LCL filter capacitor voltage to estimate resonance frequency current. Suitability of fundamental current PR controller for active damping alone, and with the proposed method show the superiority of the proposed method especially for low switching frequencies. Design oriented analysis of the above topics are included in the thesis. The theoretical understandings developed have been verified through experiments in the laboratory and can be readily implemented in industrial power electronic systems.

Génération d'ondes millimétriques et submillimétriques sur des systèmes fibrés à porteuses optiques stabilisées / Generation of millimeter and submillimeter on fiber systems with stabilized optical carriers

Hallal, Ayman 24 January 2017 (has links)
Je rapporte dans ce manuscrit une étude théorique et expérimentale d’une source compacte, fiable et bas coût d’ondes électromagnétiques continues et cohérentes de 30 Hz de largeur de raie, accordables de 1 GHz à 500 GHz par pas de 1 GHz. Ces ondes sont générées par un photo-mélange de deux diodes lasers DFB (Distributed Feedback) très accordables autour de 1550 nm, stabilisées avec des polarisations orthogonales sur une même cavité Fabry-Perot optique fibrée. J’ai conçue des électroniques de correction très rapides pour chaque laser permettant d’avoir une bande passante d’asservissement de 7 MHz limitée par la longueur de la boucle. Je démontre des suppressions de bruit de phase jusqu’à -60 dBc/ Hz à 1 kHz et de -90 dBc/Hz à 100 kHz d’écart d’une porteuse électrique à 92 GHz. Je mesure aussi une dérive de fréquence de ~170 kHz d’un battement à 10 GHz à long terme sur 7,5 heures de verrouillage continu. Je montre une conception optimisée d’une boucle d’asservissement intégrée de quelques dizaines de cm de longueur qui réduit le bruit de phase de 18 dB à 1 MHz d’écart à la porteuse optique et des couplages phase-amplitude réduits dans la cavité d’un facteur 50 par rapport à ceux estimés expérimentalement. L’ajout d’un troisième laser DFB stabilisé en phase sur un oscillateur local permettrait d’avoir une source continûment accordable sur 1 THz. La source d’ondes continues permettrait également de générer à partir de fibres hautement non linéaires et dispersives des impulsions pico- ou femtosecondes à un taux de répétition fixe en remplacement les lasers DFB par des lasers plus stables. Je calcule par simulation une gigue temporelle de 7,2 fs sur un temps d’intégration de 1 ms à 40 GHz de taux de répétition. / I report in this manuscript a theoretical and experimental study of a compact, reliable and low cost source of 30 Hz linewidth, continuous and coherent electromagnetic waves tunable from 1 GHz to 500 GHz in steps of 1 GHz. These waves are generated by photomixing two distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes at 1550 nm which are frequency stabilized with orthogonal polarizations on the same optical fibered Fabry-Perot cavity. I have designed very fast electronic control filters for each laser allowing a 7 MHz servo bandwidth limited by the loop length. I demonstrate phase noise suppressions down to -60 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz and -90 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset frequencies from a 92 GHz electrical carrier. I also measure a ~170 kHz frequency drift of the beat note at 10 GHz on the long term over a continuous 7.5 hour locking period. I show an optimized design of an integrated servo loop of few tens of cm length which reduces the phase noise by 18 dB at 1 MHz optical carrier offset frequency and the phase-amplitude couplings in the cavity by a factor of 50 compared to the experimental one. The addition of a third DFB laser phase stabilized on a local oscillator allows the possibility to have continuously tunable source over 1 THz. The continuous wave source also makes it possible to generate fixed repetition rate pico- or femtosecond pulses from highly non-linear and dispersive fibers, replacing the DFB lasers by further stable lasers. I have calculated by simulation 7.2 fs temporal jitter at 40 GHz repetition rate over a 1 ms integration time.

A multi-dimensional spread spectrum transceiver

Sinha, Saurabh 21 October 2008 (has links)
The research conducted for this thesis seeks to understand issues associated with integrating a direct spread spectrum system (DSSS) transceiver on to a single chip. Various types of sequences, such as Kasami sequences and Gold sequences, are available for use in typical spread spectrum systems. For this thesis, complex spreading sequences (CSS) are used for improved cross-correlation and autocorrelation properties that can be achieved by using such a sequence. While CSS and DSSS are well represented in the existing body of knowledge, and discrete bulky hardware solutions exist – an effort to jointly integrate CSS and DSSS on-chip was identified to be lacking. For this thesis, spread spectrum architecture was implemented focussing on sub-systems that are specific to CSS. This will be the main contribution for this thesis, but the contribution is further appended by various RF design challenges: highspeed requirements make RF circuits sensitive to the effects of parasitics, including parasitic inductance, passive component modelling, as well as signal integrity issues. The integration is first considered more ideally, using mathematical sub-systems, and then later implemented practically using complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The integration involves mixed-signal and radio frequency (RF) design techniques – and final integration involves several specialized analogue sub-systems, such as a class F power amplifier (PA), a low-noise amplifier (LNA), and LC voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs). The research also considers various issues related to on-chip inductors, and also considers an active inductor implementation as an option for the VCO. With such an inductor a better quality factor is achievable. While some conventional sub-system design techniques are deployed, several modifications are made to adapt a given sub-system to the design requirements for this thesis. The contribution of the research lies in the circuit level modifications done at sub-system level aimed towards eventual integration. For multiple-access communication systems, where a number of independent users are required to share a common channel, the transceiver proposed in this thesis, can contribute towards improved data rate or bit error rate. The design is completed for fabrication in a standard 0.35-μm CMOS process with minimal external components. With an active chip area of about 5 mm2, the simulated transmitter consumes about 250 mW&the receiver consumes about 200 mW. AFRIKAANS : Die navorsing wat vir hierdie tesis onderneem is, beoog om kundigheid op te bou aangaande die kwessies wat met die integrasie van ‘n direkte spreispektrumstelsel (DSSS) sender-ontvanger op ‘n enkele skyfie verband hou. Verskeie tipes sekwensies, soos byvoorbeeld Kasami- en Gold-sekwensies, is vir gebruik in tipiese spreispektrumstelsels beskikbaar. Vir hierdie tesis is komplekse spreisekwensies (KSS) gebruik vir verbeterde kruis- en outokorrelasie-eienskappe wat bereik kan word deur so ‘n sekwensie te gebruik. Alhoewel DSSS en KSS reeds welbekend is, en diskrete hardeware oplossings reeds bestaan, is die vraag na gesamentlike geïntegreerde DSSS en KSS op een vlokkie geïdentifiseer. Vir hierdie tesis is spreispektrumargitektuur aangewend met die klem op KSS substelsels. Dit is dan ook die belangrikste bydrae van hierdie tesis, maar die bydrae gaan verder gepaard met verskeie RF-ontwerpuitdagings: hoëspoed-vereistes maak RF-stroombane sensitief vir die uitwerking van parasitiese komponente, met inbegrip van parasitiese induktansie, passiewe komponentmodellering en ook seinintegriteitskwessies. Die integrasie word eerstens meer idealisties oorweeg deur wiskundige substelsels te gebruik en dan later prakties te implementeer deur komplementêre metaaloksied-halfgeleiertegnologie (CMOS) te gebruik. Die integrasie behels gemengdesein- en radiofrekwensie(RF)-ontwerptegnieke – en finale integrasie behels verskeie gespesialiseerde analoë substelsels soos ‘n klas F-kragversterker (KV), ‘n laeruis-versterker (LRV), en LC-spanningbeheerde ossileerders (SBO’s). Die navorsing oorweeg ook verskeie kwessies in verband met op-skyfie induktors en oorweeg ook ‘n aktiewe induktorimplementering as ‘n opsie vir die SBO. Met sodanige induktor is ‘n beter kwaliteitsfaktor haalbaar. Hoewel enkele konvensionele substelsel-ontwerptegnieke aangewend word, word daar verskeie wysigings aangebring om ‘n gegewe substelsel by die ontwerpvereistes vir hierdie tesis aan te pas. Die bydrae van die navorsing is hoofsaaklik die stroombaanmodifikasies wat gedoen is op substelselvlak om integrasie te vergemaklik. Vir veelvoudige-toegang kommunikasiestelsels waar ‘n aantal onafhanklike gebruikers dieselfde seinkanaal moet deel, kan die sender-ontvanger voorgestel in hierdie tesis meewerk om die datatempo en fouttempo te verbeter. Die ontwerp is voltooi vir vervaardiging in ‘n standaard 0.35-μm CMOS-proses met minimale eksterne komponente. Met ‘n aktiewe skyfie-oppervlakte van ongeveer 5 mm2, verbruik die gesimuleerde sender ongeveer 250 mW en die ontvanger verbruik ongeveer 200 mW. / Thesis (PHD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Generation of Modulated Microwave Signals using Optical Techniques for Onboard Spacecraft Applications

Yogesh Prasad, K R January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with optical synthesis of unmodulated and modulated microwave signals. Generation of microwave signals based on optical heterodyning is discussed in detail. The effect of phase noise of laser on heterodyned output has been studied for different phase noise profiles. Towards this, we propose a generic algorithm to numerically model the linewidth broadening of a laser due to phase noise. Generation of microwave signals is demonstrated practically by conducting an optical heterodyning experiment. Signals ranging in frequency from 12.5 MHz to 27 GHz have been generated. Limitations of optical heterodyning based approach in terms of phase noise performance and frequency stability are discussed and practically demonstrated. A hardware-efficient Optical Phase Locked Loop (OPLL) is proposed to overcome these issues. Phase noise tracking performance of the proposed OPLL has been experimentally demonstrated. Phase noise values as low as -105 dBc/Hz at 10 KHz offset have been achieved. Optical modulators, owing to their extremely low electro-optic response time, can support high frequency modulating signals. This makes them highly attractive in comparison to their microwave counterparts. In this thesis, we propose techniques to generate microwave signals modulated at very high bit rates by down-converting the corresponding modulated optical signals to microwave domain. Down-conversion required for this process is achieved by optical heterodyning. The proposed concept has been theoretically analyzed, simulated and experimentally validated. Amplitude Modulated and ASK modulated microwave signals have been generated as Proof-of-Concept. Limitations posed by OPLL in generation of angle modulated microwave signals by optical heterodyning have been brought out. Schemes overcoming these limitations have been proposed towards generation of BPSK and QPSK modulated microwave signals. Integrated Optics (IO) technology has been studied as a means of implementation of the proposed concepts. IO components like Sinusoidal bends, Y-branch splitters and Electro-Optic-Modulators (EOMs) have been designed towards optical synthesis of modulated microwave signals. Propagation of modulated optical signal through these IO components has also been studied. An all-optic scheme based on Optical Beam Forming is proposed for transmission of QPSK modulated signal. Limitation of phase-shifting based approach, in terms of beam-squint, has been brought out. True-Time-Delay based approach has been proposed for applications demanding wide instantaneous bandwidth to avoid beam-squint. Algorithms / numerical methods required for analyses and simulations associated with the above-mentioned tasks have been evolved. This study is envisaged to provide useful insight into the realization of high-speed, compact, light-weight data transmitting systems based on Integrated Optics for future onboard spacecraft applications. This work, we believe, is a step towards realization of an Integrated Optic System-on-Chip solution for specific microwave data transmission applications.

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