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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samspelsdialogen : utvärdering av ett arbetsmiljöverktyg. / Samspelsdialogen : evaluation of a work environment tool.

Aronsson, Emelie, Johansson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
En kvantitativ studie har gjorts på två grupper inom vården i Västra Götalandsregionen, där en av grupperna hade använt sig av verktyget Samspelsdialogen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om Samspelsdialogen är ett effektivt verktyg för att påverka känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Detta gjordes genom att jämföra de två grupperna. Det under-söktes även om arbetskontrollokus (WLOC) skiljde sig mellan dessa grupper samt om det fanns samband mellan internt WLOC och högt KASAM. Dessutom undersöktes om äldre respondenter hade starkare KASAM än yngre respondenter samt om KASAMs komponenter förklarar olika stor del av totalt KASAM. I studien deltog 117 personer varav 55 ingick i experimentgruppen och 62 i kontrollgruppen. Respondenterna besvarade en enkät som bestod av frågor som var baserade på de teorier som låg till grund för undersökningen dvs. Antonovskys KASAM-teori samt Spectors arbetskontrollokus. Resultatet visar att experimentgruppen hade ett högre KASAM-värde än kontrollgruppen. Det fanns ingen skillnad i WLOC-poäng mellan grupperna men däremot fanns ett samband mellan internt arbetskontrollokus och hög KASAM-poäng. Det fanns ingen skillnad i KASAM mellan äldre och yngre respondenter. Hanterbarhet visade sig vara den KASAM-komponent som förklarade störst andel av KASAM-poängen och experiment-gruppen hade högre känsla av hanterbarhet än kontrollgruppen. / Program: Organisations- och personalutvecklare i samhället

Contribuições para a construção de um modelo biossocial de liderança: testosterona, relação digital e lócus de controle / Contributions towards building a biosocial model of leadership: testosterone, digit ratio and locus of control

Carlos Eduardo Martins Lacaz 02 March 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investigou a relação de alguns comportamentos de liderança, denominados de Liderança Executiva, com a concentração hormônio Testosterona, medido na saliva. Também foram analisadas as relações da Liderança Executiva com a Relação Digital (RD=2d/4d), definida pela razão entre o comprimento do 2º dedo (indicador) dividido pelo comprimento do 4º dedo (anelar) e com o conceito de internalidade do Lócus de Controle. Estes estudos visavam dar um subsídio maior para a adoção de um modelo bio-social no estudo da liderança. Um grupo de 169 participantes, estudantes de um curso de Pós-graduação, foram submetidos ao questionário de auto-avaliação (autopercepção) de liderança executiva, elaborado a partir do Inventário Fatorial de Personalidade - IFP. Com base no escore obtido foram divididos em três grupos: (1) baixa percepção de liderança (BPL), (2) média percepção de liderança (MPL) e (3) alta percepção de liderança (APL). Uma análise estatística permitiu selecionar 10 participantes mais característicos em cada grupo. Estes 30 participantes foram submetidos à coleta e análise da concentração de T salivar, utilizando-se o kit da Salimetrics Inc (catalog nº 1-2412). Também foram feitas medições do comprimento do segundo e quarto dedo, para o cálculo da Relação Digital. Para avaliação do Lócus de Controle (LoC) foi aplicada a Escala de Rotter. A hipótese principal de que os três grupos iriam diferir na concentração de Testosterona salivar foi confirmada estatisticamente, revelando uma relação direta positiva entre autopercepção de liderança e concentração de T salivar. A hipótese relativa à relação inversa entre percepção de liderança e relação digital não foi confirmada. Da mesma forma a relação entre percepção de liderança e internalidade do Lócus de Controle também não foi confirmada pelos dados da pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos oferecem uma contribuição importante para os projetos futuros de aperfeiçoamento de um modelo mais integrado, de natureza biossocial, para o constructo da liderança. / The current research investigated the relationship of some leadership behaviors, thereafter called Executive Leadership, with the concentration levels of testosterone found in the human saliva. The research also investigated the corelations among Executive Leadership behaviors, the digital ratio (2nd:4th) and the concept of internal Locus of Control. The digit ratio is defined as the division of the length of 2nd finger (index finger) by the length of 4th finger (ring finger). Such study aimed at providing additional subsidies for adopting a biosocial model to understanding leadership. A group of 169 male students enrolled in a postgraduation program was selected as participants. They answered an Executive Leadership behaviors self assessment questionnaire (self perception). The questionnaire was based on the Inventário Fatorial de Personalidade - IFP. The subjects were grouped based on their questionnaire\'s scores: (1) low self perception of leadership (BPL), (2) average self perception of leadership (MPL) e (3) high self perception of leadership (APL). Through statistic analysis the 10 most characteristic participants of each of the three groups were selected. These 30 participants were submitted to collection and analysis of saliva testosterone concentration level, using the kit provided by Salimetrics Inc (catalog nº 1-2412). On top of that, their index and ring fingers´s length was measured, as means to obtain data to calculate the digital ratio. The Rotter Scale was used to assess the Locus of Control (LoC). The main hypothesis - the three groups would differ with regards to the concentration of testosterone found in their saliva - was statistically confirmed, therefore there is direct positive relationship between self perception of leadership and concentration of T in the saliva. The hypothesis of inverse relationship between self perception of leadership and Digit Ratio was not confirmed. The research data also did not confirm relationship between internal Locus of Control and self perception of leadership. The results obtained through the research offer an important contribution for future studies of integrated biosocial leadership models.

Learned Helplessness and Internal-External Locus of Control in the Elderly

Hamrick, Narecia D. 12 1900 (has links)
The present research has focused on an often-neglected segment of society—the aged. A number of phenomena which appear relevant to a study of aging have been discussed and the pertinent literature reviewed. Specifically, learned helplessness, depression, internal-external locus of control, and disengagement versus activity have been examined. The present research was divided into two studies. Study Number 1 has investigated internal-external locus of control in an elderly sample and related it to indices of activity and morale. Study Number 2 has extended Seligman's (1975) theory of learned helplessness to an elderly population and investigated the phenomenon in individuals with either an internal or an external locus of control. The locus of control construct (Rotter, 1966) and the theory of learned helplessness (Seligman, 1975) appear to have immediate relevance for the treatment of aging individuals. The present study suggests that exposure to controllable reinforcement may break-up or alleviate learned helplessness in elderly individuals.

Contribuições para a construção de um modelo biossocial de liderança: testosterona, relação digital e lócus de controle / Contributions towards building a biosocial model of leadership: testosterone, digit ratio and locus of control

Lacaz, Carlos Eduardo Martins 02 March 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investigou a relação de alguns comportamentos de liderança, denominados de Liderança Executiva, com a concentração hormônio Testosterona, medido na saliva. Também foram analisadas as relações da Liderança Executiva com a Relação Digital (RD=2d/4d), definida pela razão entre o comprimento do 2º dedo (indicador) dividido pelo comprimento do 4º dedo (anelar) e com o conceito de internalidade do Lócus de Controle. Estes estudos visavam dar um subsídio maior para a adoção de um modelo bio-social no estudo da liderança. Um grupo de 169 participantes, estudantes de um curso de Pós-graduação, foram submetidos ao questionário de auto-avaliação (autopercepção) de liderança executiva, elaborado a partir do Inventário Fatorial de Personalidade - IFP. Com base no escore obtido foram divididos em três grupos: (1) baixa percepção de liderança (BPL), (2) média percepção de liderança (MPL) e (3) alta percepção de liderança (APL). Uma análise estatística permitiu selecionar 10 participantes mais característicos em cada grupo. Estes 30 participantes foram submetidos à coleta e análise da concentração de T salivar, utilizando-se o kit da Salimetrics Inc (catalog nº 1-2412). Também foram feitas medições do comprimento do segundo e quarto dedo, para o cálculo da Relação Digital. Para avaliação do Lócus de Controle (LoC) foi aplicada a Escala de Rotter. A hipótese principal de que os três grupos iriam diferir na concentração de Testosterona salivar foi confirmada estatisticamente, revelando uma relação direta positiva entre autopercepção de liderança e concentração de T salivar. A hipótese relativa à relação inversa entre percepção de liderança e relação digital não foi confirmada. Da mesma forma a relação entre percepção de liderança e internalidade do Lócus de Controle também não foi confirmada pelos dados da pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos oferecem uma contribuição importante para os projetos futuros de aperfeiçoamento de um modelo mais integrado, de natureza biossocial, para o constructo da liderança. / The current research investigated the relationship of some leadership behaviors, thereafter called Executive Leadership, with the concentration levels of testosterone found in the human saliva. The research also investigated the corelations among Executive Leadership behaviors, the digital ratio (2nd:4th) and the concept of internal Locus of Control. The digit ratio is defined as the division of the length of 2nd finger (index finger) by the length of 4th finger (ring finger). Such study aimed at providing additional subsidies for adopting a biosocial model to understanding leadership. A group of 169 male students enrolled in a postgraduation program was selected as participants. They answered an Executive Leadership behaviors self assessment questionnaire (self perception). The questionnaire was based on the Inventário Fatorial de Personalidade - IFP. The subjects were grouped based on their questionnaire\'s scores: (1) low self perception of leadership (BPL), (2) average self perception of leadership (MPL) e (3) high self perception of leadership (APL). Through statistic analysis the 10 most characteristic participants of each of the three groups were selected. These 30 participants were submitted to collection and analysis of saliva testosterone concentration level, using the kit provided by Salimetrics Inc (catalog nº 1-2412). On top of that, their index and ring fingers´s length was measured, as means to obtain data to calculate the digital ratio. The Rotter Scale was used to assess the Locus of Control (LoC). The main hypothesis - the three groups would differ with regards to the concentration of testosterone found in their saliva - was statistically confirmed, therefore there is direct positive relationship between self perception of leadership and concentration of T in the saliva. The hypothesis of inverse relationship between self perception of leadership and Digit Ratio was not confirmed. The research data also did not confirm relationship between internal Locus of Control and self perception of leadership. The results obtained through the research offer an important contribution for future studies of integrated biosocial leadership models.

Health locus of control and HIV risk behaviour of South African young adults

Teka, Moketse Samuel January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.(Clinical Psychology))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 2004 / The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the four dimensions of health locus of control and behaviours that predispose South African youth to HIV infection (HIV risk behaviours). Health locus of control (HLC) represents people's perception regarding controllability of health outcomes; whether health outcomes are controlled by internal or personal factors, powerful others like health care professionals, and chance or fate. Both powerful others health locus of control (PHLC) and chance health locus of control (CHLC) form the fourth dimension of external health locus of control (EHLC). A sample of 84 (n=84) South African young adults, 44 females and 40 males, whose ages ranged from 18 to 24 years old were selected for the study. They were requested to complete two questionnaires: Multidimensional Health Locus of Control and HIV risk behaviour assessment scale. Correlational analyses were done to establish the relationship between HLC and HIV risk behaviour. The findings of the research indicate that participants who scored higher on internal health locus of control (IHLC) tended to score insignificantly lower on HIV risk behaviour scale (r = - 0.17 with p of 0.1242). Participants who scored higher on PHLC scored insignificantly higher on HIV risk behaviour scale (r = 0.17 with p of 0.1195). While participants who scored higher on both CHLC and EHLC tended score significantly higher on HIV risk behaviour scale (CHLC r = 0.40 with P of 0.0001 and EHLC r = 0.37 withp of 0.0005). These results suggest that when both CHLC and EHLC scores go high, the risk of HIV infection also increases. Therefore, youth who have greater CHLC and EHLC tendencies are more likely to engage in behaviour that may predispose them to HIV than those who are high in IHLC. The findings of this study could provide further clarity on why many South African youth continue to engage in behaviour that predispose them to HIV infection. And therefore, to curb the spread of HIV, intervention strategies need to be informed by the understanding of the relationship between HLC and factors that predispose youth to HIV.

Establishing the Effect of Financial Knowledge, Financial Well-being, Self-Esteem, and Locus of Control on Financial Distress among University Students

Brooks, Cecilia, Wheeler, Brandan 09 March 2018 (has links)
The most commonly cited reason for dropping-out of a college program is financial issues (Johnson, Rochkind, Ott, & DuPont, 2009). While some financial issues may be related to access to financial resources, others may be related to how college students respond to financial stress. Boss’ (2002) model of family stress (Figure 1) noted the ability to cope with a crisis is influenced by available resources and perception of an event. This framework suggests the amount of financial distress perceived by young adults is influenced by available resources (e.g., parental support or financial knowledge), and internal (psychological) factors, such as self-esteem and locus of control (Boss, 2002). It is hypothesized that perceived financial well-being (perceived outlook of their financial situation), the level of control students have (e.g., locus of control) and how they perceive themselves (e.g., self-esteem) will influence perceived financial distress (ability to manage finances and education), above and beyond, and financial knowledge. To conduct the analysis, a convenience sample of 612 undergraduate college students from a Southeastern University were surveyed to determine whether their financial knowledge (i.e. credit and debit, savings, taxes, and insurance knowledge), perceived financial well-being, self-esteem and locus of control had an effect on financial distress. The results of a multiple linear regression revealed respondents’ well-being (β = .61, p < .01) and locus of control (β = .18, p < .01) are significant indicators of financial distress among college students. Specifically, for every one point increase in financial well-being, financial stress decreases by .69 points (b = -0.69, p < .01) and for every one point increase in locus of control (suggesting an increase in external locus of control), financial stress increases by .21 points (b = 0.21, p < .01). Furthermore, financial knowledge and self-esteem was not significantly related to financial stress among college students (β = -0.04, p = .11, and β = -0.10, p = .02 respectively). As such, college student’s financial distress is lower when students possess a positive outlook on their financial well-being, have an internal locus of control, and have high self-esteem. Financial knowledge had less influence on financial distress, but this finding may be a product of the level of financial knowledge among college students.

Relación entre la autoestima y el locus de control en estudiantes del primer semestre de la UNMSM

Pequeña Constantino, Juan January 1999 (has links)
Determina el grado de relación que existe la autoestima y el locus en estudiantes del primer semestre de las diversas especialidades profesionales de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Identifica y describe el nivel de autoestima y los tipos de locus, al igual que su distribución en función al sexo y las especialidades. Utiliza una muestra de 403 casos seleccionados al azar y distribuidos de forma representativa en cada facultad de la universidad. Aplica la Escala de Locus de Control Interno y Externo de Rotter y la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg como instrumentos de recolección. Encuentra que la autoestima se presenta bastante diferenciada en la medida que una mayor cantidad de alumnos presentan una alta autoestima, el sexo o la especialidad de los alumnos ingresantes no son determinantes para plantear diferencias en función a la autoestima, el locus de control se presenta bastante diferenciado en la medida que una mayor cantidad de alumnos presentan un locus de control interno, el locus de control no presenta diferencias entre los ingresantes cuando se considera el sexo o la especialidad, el aspecto fundamental del locus de control interno estaría relacionado con el comportamiento exitoso de los ingresantes. Afirma que existe una asociación entre autoestima y locus de control que explica el comportamiento de los estudiantes ingresantes. La prueba de Rosenberg aplicada a la muestra presenta un índice de confiabilidad de 0.52 9. La prueba de locus de control presenta 16 ítemes debidamente validados, siendo la confiabilidad de 0.63. / Tesis

Examining Health Behaviors in College Students with and without Chronic Conditions

Barsell, Duc-Thi J 01 January 2017 (has links)
Many college students are in a developmental period in which they are transitioning from pediatric to adult health care. This time period can be challenging for all college students and especially for students with a chronic condition. The current study investigated the association between various health-related factors (health locus of control [HLOC], health literacy, health self-efficacy, and health-related quality of life [HRQOL]) and health behaviors in college students, as well as the moderating effect of having a chronic condition on those associations. These health behaviors were further operationalized as healthy lifestyle behaviors (preventative and wellness behaviors, dietary behaviors, physical activity) and risky behaviors (substance use and risky sexual behaviors). A total of 393 undergraduate students (66.1% female, 24.8% White, 26% chronic condition) completed electronic questionnaire packets. Findings suggested HLOC, health literacy, and HRQOL were significant predictors of engagement in healthy lifestyle and risky behaviors. Chronic condition status moderated a number of associations between HLOC, health literacy, health self-efficacy and both healthy lifestyle behaviors and risky behaviors. Based on these findings, researchers and practitioners should focus on improving and managing these health-related factors, especially among college students with chronic conditions, in order to help students achieve better health outcomes.

Working Mothers, Work-Life Balance, Locus of Control, and Perceived Supportive Factors

Gridiron, Natashia 01 January 2017 (has links)
From 1948 to 2015, there was a dramatic increase of mothers in the workforce. The literature demonstrates that mothers tend to work outside of the home while also maintaining most of the domestic roles. However, the literature does not address how these women are able to balance their roles. There is a gap in the literature concerning the relationship between locus of control, perceived supportive factors, income size, and work-life balance for working mothers. The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative study was to fill that gap as measured by Rotter's Internal- External Control Scale, Satisfaction with Work and Family Balance Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), income size, and demographic information. The work and family border theory and the social learning theory were used as the theoretical frameworks. This online study used Facebook to recruit 164 working mothers between the ages of 18-50 with children under the age of 18. Correlations, t tests, and linear regressions were used to analyze the data. The results showed no significant relationship between loci of control on work-life balance. However, perceived support was associated with work-life balance and predicting work-life balance. This study is intended for employers, program developers, and mental health professionals in their efforts to support working mothers in gaining work-life balance. The social change implications of this study are to increase understanding of work-life balance, reduce mental health risks associated with imbalance, decrease job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, isolation, and increase universality and normalcy of the working mother experience.

Recidivism: An Analysis of Race, Locus of Control, and Resilience

Thomas, Danisha Latrell 01 January 2017 (has links)
Recidivism is a growing problem in the United States that has contributed to prison overcrowding. In the United States, this is especially true for minorities, who have the highest incarceration, conviction, and recidivism rates. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore the relationship between race, recidivism, locus of control, and resilience. For the quantitative component, the Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC) and the multidimensional locus of control scales were used to measure resiliency and locus of control differences among racial groups (N = 126) on parole at a Fort Worth, Texas parole office. For the qualitative component, in-depth interviews of participants (n = 12) provide a context for them to express the challenges they face that may contribute to recidivism. Data collected from both the CD-RISC, and the three multidimensional locus of control subscales were used in a MANOVA analysis to find differences and commonalities among racial groups. The findings showed there were no significant racial differences among resilience and locus of control scores. However, there were noticeable trends revealed from in the in-depth interviews regarding socioeconomic status, education, employment, and neighborhood. Future research should focus on a longitudinal examination of resilience and locus of control, and on how factors such as education, familial involvement, and employment may impact an individuals' success or failure while on parole. This study may bring social change by alerting policy makers to the challenges offenders face, thereby creating laws that help change how the criminal justice system addresses recidivism.

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