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Development of a WLAN based Generic Vehicle Data LoggerZahid, Farwa 01 February 2019 (has links)
Modern vehicles have complex electronic system with number of electronic control
units (ECUs). The functionality of these ECUs are monitored by logging the data
obtained from these ECUs. Recording and storing large amount of data is not
an efficient way, often it is not possible because of limited hardware and software
resources. Also, the analysis of large amount of data can take a considerable time
and effort.
This thesis put forward the design of a WLAN based generic vehicle data
logger for quick integration into the vehicle system. The main goal of the thesis
is to develop a WLAN based generic vehicle data logger for a vehicle, which can
filter only useful data and also
exibility of changing the parameters of the data
logger. Since, most existing data loggers are application specific nature and lack of
data filtering and processing capabilities. WLAN based generic vehicle data logger
is developed to overcome these problems.
The software which is developed, runs on a STM32 evaluation board and
WLAN module. CAN bus transfers the real data from vehicle. ST Microelectronics
provides a wide range of connectivity modules and basic software packages to
enhance the speed of development. By choosing a suitable WLAN module with
inbuilt TCP/IP stack it is possible to upload the useful data onto the server over
internet. TCP/IP also provides many application level protocols like HTTP, TFTP,
FTP, SMTP thereby it's possible to compare the different protocols for speed and
In this thesis work, Chapter 2 presents the state of the art, a study of
different data loggers, analysis of available options, comparison and the justification
for designing WLAN based generic vehicle data logger. Chapter 3 represents the
concept and study of desired specifications of the WLAN based generic vehicle data
logger and also choosing the suitable hardware platform for it. Chapter 4 explains
hardware development and integration of different modules with hardware platform.
Software implementation of thesis design is presented in chapter 4 and results are
discussed in chapter 5. Conclusion and future work is in chapter 6.
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Novel methods for assessing and mitigating handling stress in sea turtlesSophie K Mills (12469548) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Green turtles (<em>Chelonia mydas</em>) perform ocean-crossing migrations, maintain healthy marine ecosystems, generate income through tourism, and are endangered and declining globally. For these reasons, among others, this species has been a focus of numerous research programs worldwide for almost a century. Most of these sea turtle research programs require some form of animal handling to collect the required data (e.g., tagging information or the collection of biological samples). However, this can cause stress, especially for wild animals, and that raises ethical issues. Here, I describe novel methods for assessing and mitigating the effects of handling stress on green turtles. Specifically: (1) I used a combination of animal-borne cameras and drone footage to determine how handling stress altered the post-release behavior of green turtles and (2) I used a photo-ID software to determine whether flipper scales can provide more accurate identifications than the more conventionally used facial scale patterns. </p>
<p>I found that turtles spent more time swimming and had shortened dive intervals in the first 30 mins after capture and attachment of a camera than in the hours that follow. Instances of socializing, foraging and resting increased over the 3-3.5 h after release. Animals recorded by drone and not captured were less likely to rest, which suggests this behavior may be a recovery response to handling and/or stress. The same animals were also more likely to socialize. When determining the accuracy of flipper or facial images for photo-ID, I found that head scales provided correct identifications 80% of the time, whereas the flipper provided correct identifications 100% of the time. This implies that researchers could use the flipper instead of more invasive tagging techniques, such as metal flipper tags or using lights to photograph the face for photo-ID, which can induce stress.</p>
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Utveckling av trefasloggningsverktygSolnevik, Jens January 2022 (has links)
ABB Robotics have had problems with robots stopping. When troubleshooting it can be difficultto know if it there are problems with the robots or if its environment such as the three phasevoltage feeding the robot that is causing problems. Hence, ABB Robotics want a cost efficientthree phase logging tool. A sampling frequency of 40 kHz is demanded so that deviations on thevoltage can be detected and trigger logging too begin. This report presents a design for the toolcontaining schematics, PCB layout and a bill of materials for a cost of 3062 SEK.
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An evaluation of timber harvest planning training on logging quality in the Virginia PiedmontMeade, Gregory S. 01 October 2008 (has links)
Interest in BMP-related logger education and training has increased dramatically in recent years. Harvest planning is a critical component of forestry water quality BMPs. All states’ BMP manuals recommend written timber harvest plans, and several states require them by law. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of harvest planning training and the use of written timber harvest plans on BMP compliance, landowner satisfaction and weather-related downtime in the Virginia Piedmont. Nine randomly chosen loggers (study group) from the Virginia Piedmont participated in two days of intensive harvest planning field training. Nine additional loggers were randomly chosen as a control group. Study loggers prepared and followed written timber harvest plans for the 29 tracts they harvested during the 8-month study period immediately following the training. Study Group loggers outperformed Control Group loggers for mean BMP compliance (90% vs. 86%), mean landowner satisfaction (3.54/4.0 vs. 3.27/4.0), and mean weather-related downtime (10% vs. 13%). Absolute scores for all evaluation criteria for both groups were good, and differences, though statistically significant, were relatively small, leading to conclusions that:
• Loggers in the Virginia Piedmont are generally doing a good job.
• Loggers in the Virginia Piedmont are planning their operations, whether a written plan is required or not.
• Harvest planning training and written harvest plans can marginally improve BMP compliance, landowner satisfaction and weather-related downtime, even for loggers who are already performing well. / Master of Science
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Implementace badatelsky orientovaného vyučování v hodinách zeměpisu na příkladu geografie města / Implementation of inquiry based education in geography at the example of urban geographyLEŽÁK, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The main concept of this final thesis is the genesis of educational material within the application concept of inquiry based education in geography at primary school or lower level schools. The central theoretical framework was chosen issue urban geography, as one of the most actual discussed geographic sub-disciplines. The newly formed educational material will have a complexial form - except themselves textbooks for pupils will be created methodological guide for teachers. Inquiry based education wants in a school closer to real scientific process , pupils and use to anchor the separate handling of information. Pupils tries to fix minor problems, verify their hypotheses using the process set out by research, analyze everything and then synthesized. The method , together with the knowledge of geography of the city are developed through work with GPS logger. The educational material is within the next stopover implemented in selected schools . Using the questionnaire, pupils and teachers the author provide valuable feedback.
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Energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriska byggnader : En studie av Vederslövs kyrkaGustafsson, Jakob, Olofsson, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Kyrkor som är byggda innan år 1940 skyddas i enlighet med 4 kap. Kyrkliga kulturminnen ur Kulturmiljölagen. Samtidigt efterfrågar kyrkobesökare större krav på inomhusklimatet som för kyrkornas inventarier leder till skador. De två parametrarna temperatur samt relativ fukthalt, och förhållandet mellan dem, utgör därför en viktig del för både bevarandet av kulturhistoriska byggnader och dess inventarier. Vederslövs kyrka är byggd i sten och anses vara en av Kronobergs läns mest välbevarade kyrkor från slutet av 1800-talet. Efter inhämtning av mätvärden från JEFF Electronics styrsystem och utplacerade loggrar i kyrkan har simulering i IDA ICE utförts. Därefter har fyra stycken energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för Vederslövs kyrka presenterats.
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Logueo de alteración potásica y sericítica en el pórfido cuprífero de los sulfatos, Chile Central, usando el sistema HYLOGGER?Sánchez Villar, Sebastián Ignacio January 2017 (has links)
Geólogo / El Yacimiento Los Sulfatos (Anglo American), distrito Río Blanco - Los Bronces, es un depósito tipo pórfido cuprífero de clase mundial ubicado a 50 km al noreste de Santiago, Chile central. Presenta mineralización de cobre que corresponde a calcopirita y bornita principalmente el cual se aloja en varios cuerpos tipo pórfidos y brechas hidrotermales magmáticas, presentando texturas diseminadas y vetilleos intensos. La necesidad de encontrar los controles mineralizadores de alta ley y de generar una caracterización mineral de mena y ganga detallada y de alta resolución, motiva a buscar nuevas herramientas de caracterización mineral semi-cuantitativa e idealmente cuantitativa.
En el presente estudio se obtuvieron espectros de reflectancia infrarrojos para distintos tramos de sondajes, representativos de las alteraciones potásica y cuarzo sericita del yacimiento, en los rangos de longitud de onda NIR, SWIR y TIR mediante el sistema de logueo automático hiperespectral HyLogger3 , desarrollado por CSIRO. Estos espectros fueron analizados e interpretados mediante el software The Spectral Geologist (TSG ) utilizando el módulo The Spectral Assistant (TSA ).
Los resultados obtenidos por el análisis hiperespectral muestran como mineralogías predominantes: cuarzo, feldespato potásico (microclina, ortoclasa), albita, turmalina, muscovita (sericita), yeso (anhidrita), flogopita y clorita. Estos resultados fueron corroborados con otros métodos de caracterización mineral, como difracción de rayos X cuantitativa, caracterización macroscópica, petrografía y geoquímica multi-elemento. Utilizando esta información, se identificaron las asociaciones mineralógicas características para los tipos de alteraciones en estudio. Esto se realizó mediante comparación directa de los tramos, y por medio de la generación de un modelo de alteración utilizando el software Leapfrog®, el cual fue comparado con el modelo geológico conceptual ya existente del proyecto.
Se concluye que el sistema HyLogger y el software TSG, asociado a otros métodos de caracterización mineral, constituyen una herramienta rápida y eficaz para caracterización mineral y es un complemento para la modelación. Por otra parte, el valor y utilidad de los espectros obtenidos por HyLogger puede aumentar considerablemente dependiendo del análisis que se haga de los mismos. / Este trabajo ha sido financiado por Angloamerican
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安卓智慧型手機上可設定式之行為感測記錄器 / A Configurable Activity Logger for Android Smartphones王俊翔, Wang ,Chun Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究重點在於如何定義彈性且多樣化的實驗設定檔,並考量載記錄感測過程中,電力大量消耗和受測者隱私資保護的議題,提出因應的解決方法。我們設計與執行幾個實驗來驗證此行為感測記錄器,初步看來,此記錄器可以滿足我們的主要需求,但結果也導引出一些需改進的設計議題。 / In recent years, with the rise of smart phones, the public began to take advantage of smart phones in daily life and social engagements. Virtually, smart phones have gradually changed people's behavior patterns so that researchers are eager to understand the how people use smartphones in their daily life.
In this thesis, we present a configurable activity logger for Android smartphones for recording a smartphone’s sensor data and the user’s operations. Instead of one Android App for each researcher’s experiment, our approach is to devise a general logger App that can be customized to collect different data items according to the needs of various researchers. Specifically, our logger App accepts experiment configuration files in which researchers specify what data items to collect and at what frequency, and then conduct the logging task accordingly for each experiment. In other words, our logger works like an interpreter on such experiment configure files.
Besides customizability of logging items, our logger concerns the saving of electricity and the preservation of user privacy. Firstly, we have applied various power saving tips published in the literature to the design of our logger. Secondly, we have refrained from collecting any contents that may reveal the user’s identify or that may invade user’s privacy. To evaluate our logger, we have designed and implemented a few data collection experiments. The preliminary results show that our logger can fulfill most of the requirements we set up, though thy also reveal some improvements we need to work on in the future.
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Developing A Methodology For Finding Network Water Losses Using Information Technologies: A Case StudyBektas, Hayrettin Onur 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to develop an integrated methodology for finding water leaks in a water distribution network. The integrated methodology is formed from SCADA System, Customer Information System (CIS), and Geographic Information System. The methodology is based on forming district-metered areas (DMA) and sub-DMAs in pressure zones by isolation of the network. Leaking spots in the network are localised by step testing within the DMA. With leak noise loggers leaking spots are localized with an increased accuracy and finally pinpointed by ground microphones. Minimum night flows are observed from the SCADA system before and after the repairs of the leaks to calculate physical water loss percentage in the DMA. Monthly non-revenue water percentage is calculated using the data obtained from SCADA and CIS. With a buffer analysis on the water distribution network data, the benefit of the leak noise loggers is maximized and the working time with the ground microphones are minimized. The methodology is applied in two different DMAs in Antalya water distribution network with different characteristics. In the first DMA, only the developed methodology is applied and a decrease of 19.2% is achieved in physical water losses. In the second DMA, pressure reduction is added to the methodology and a decrease of 4.9% is achieved.
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Patient compliance and spontaneous movements while following an early active motion protocol after a flexor tendon repairSaleeba, Elizabeth Constance January 2010 (has links)
Compliance to strict home exercise programs is understood to be a mainstay of post-surgical flexor tendon rehabilitation. Therapists recognise the potential of poor compliance (overuse or under-use of prescribed exercise) and spontaneous movements during rehabilitation. Some therapists may suggest that compliance to specific exercise regimens and control of spontaneous or general movements are fundamentally important in optimising the rehabilitation outcomes and minimising the potential of adverse events. Yet there is little objective data to document the actual levels of exercise or spontaneous finger movement performed outside the clinical setting. The purpose of this study was to document both diary and instrumented methods of reporting finger movement during a 48hr period. Following surgical repair of the flexor tendon, subjects attending a private hand therapy clinic provided consent and reported subjective diary (n=16) data of sets and repetitions of exercise for up to 6 weeks post-operatively. Nine subjects also had instrumented data logged on 3 occasions during the first 6 weeks of rehabilitation and were not fully aware of the purpose of the instrumentation. All subjects were instructed to perform 10 passive followed by 10 active exercises every waking hour, for the first 6 weeks and were assessed on range of motion, DASH, pain and strength. Results demonstrated that patients reported, via their diaries, that they are on average 80% compliant. Parallel data logger information suggests that this figure is more likely to reflect 50% compliance. A significant (p< .05) increase in spontaneous movements in the last 2 weeks of the 6 week assessment period was detected. No significant correlation between patient's level of compliance or spontaneous movement and their outcome were detected.
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