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空調節能設計公司創業計畫 / Business plan for air-conditioning energy-saving consultant firm陳武松, Chen, Jacky Unknown Date (has links)
空調節能設計公司創業計畫 / None
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玩興、情緒調節能力、親子互動關係與問題解決能力之研究曾薰霆 Unknown Date (has links)
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資訊中心節能規劃與導入模型之探討陳承暘 Unknown Date (has links)
綠色IT 榮登GARTNER[2008]十大應用技術的榜首,但是綠色 IT
然而,IT 專業經理人面對此一省電節能的波瀾時,可能囿於傳
統IT 經驗鮮少論及此一話題,因而如何做好資訊中心的節能專案往
蓋範圍從如何有效降低IT 產值用電的各種熱門技術,到降低機房整
體非IT 設備的用電需求,並對下一代機房的規劃與建置提供一個較
清晰的思考方向,希望能為有需要導入資訊中心節能專案的IT 專業
本研究最後以兩個實例:台灣高科技A 公司及台灣金融壽險B 公
在下一代的IT 節能技術與規劃下,IT 除了達到省電節能的效果之
所謂「民氣可用」,在這波綠色IT 的全球浪潮下,正是企業資
觀點而言,資訊主管不妨可以用更積極的思考邏輯與策略,為IT 支
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透過知識翻新活動以提升國小學童對節能減碳概念之理解 / Effects of knowledge building activities on elementary school students’ conception of energy saving and carbon reduction蔡佩真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探究知識翻新活動對小學生節能減碳概念理解的影響。以知識翻新理論 (knowledge building) 作為教學核心理念,並以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum,KF)─電腦支援協作學習工具─來輔助與紀錄學生的學習。研究方法採個案研究法,研究對象為台北市某國民小學五年級某班學生(N=34),研究時程為一學年,課程以節能減碳為主題。資料來源包括:(1) 知識論壇上之想法討論與互動歷程;(2)知識論壇平台之溫室效應與節能減碳想法貼文;(3)節能減碳概念理解之測驗。資料分析包括:(1)以知識論壇的分析工具(Analytic Toolkit, 簡稱ATK)分析學生在平台上想法討論與互動的行為;(2)分析學生在平台上所發表的貼文內容之階段性發展,並將學生所討論的概念與環保署所提供的溫室效應與節能減碳國中教材進行比較,以檢測學生所提的概念之完整性與豐富度;(3)使用創造力概念的流暢性、變通性、獨創性、精密性等四個面向,檢驗學生共構的知識品質;(4)分析課程結束後所進行的節能減碳概念測驗,檢測學生在知識翻新活動下對節能減碳概念的理解。研究結果發現:(1)知識翻新教學有助於促進以「想法」為單位的學習與互動模式;(2)知識翻新的學習環境有助於學生共創豐富的知識;(3)在知識翻新的學習環境中,呈現學生的想法數量漸趨減少但品質漸趨提升的情況;(4)讓學生自己翻新知識以主動學習,相較於被動的學習方式,更有助於提升學生在科學學習上的成效。根據上述結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)教師應重視學生的想法;(2)教師應鼓勵以想法為中心的互動與學習;(3)教師應幫助學生發展創新知識的關鍵能力;(4) 教育相關單位在設計課程與測驗時,更應重視學生的深層理解;(5)教師在教學上應善加利用網路學習資源。 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on elementary students’ concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction. Knowledge building pedagogy and Knowledge Forum (KF)─an computer-supported collaborative learning environment─was employed in this study to document the process of students’ idea generation and development. This study employed a case-study design. Participants were a class of fifth graders from an elementary school in Taipei (N=34). They participated in a natural science class for a year and the topic of inquiry was about energy saving and carbon reduction. Data sources included: (1) Students’ online discussion recorded in a KF database; (2) Student’s ideas about energy saving and carbon reduction; (3) Students’ final test about energy saving and carbon reduction. Data analysis include: (1) descriptive analysis using Analytic Toolkit (ATK) and Social Network Analysis to document students’ interactive processes online; (2) qualitative analysis on the content of notes posted in KF; (3) content analysis, using the four aspects of creativitiy--fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration--to examine the quality of ideas generated by students; (4) learning assessment using the final comprehension test to evaluate students’ level of understanding about energy saving and carbon reduction in knowledge building environment. The main findings were as follows: (1) Knowledge building instruction was found helpful for supporting students’ work with “ideas”; (2) Knowledge building environment was conducive to knowledge advancement; (3) In the process of knowledge building, it showed the number of ideas was decreasing but the quality of ideas was improved; (4) Knowledge building environment was helpful for students to enhance science learning. Building on the findings, this study made the following suggestions: (1) Teachers should value students’ ideas; (2) Teachers should encourage students to interact and work with ideas; (3) Teachers should help students develop capacity for creating new knowledge; (4) When designing instruction, it is essential to emphasize deeper understanding; (5) Teachers should make good use of the online learning resources.
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安卓智慧型手機上可設定式之行為感測記錄器 / A Configurable Activity Logger for Android Smartphones王俊翔, Wang ,Chun Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究重點在於如何定義彈性且多樣化的實驗設定檔,並考量載記錄感測過程中,電力大量消耗和受測者隱私資保護的議題,提出因應的解決方法。我們設計與執行幾個實驗來驗證此行為感測記錄器,初步看來,此記錄器可以滿足我們的主要需求,但結果也導引出一些需改進的設計議題。 / In recent years, with the rise of smart phones, the public began to take advantage of smart phones in daily life and social engagements. Virtually, smart phones have gradually changed people's behavior patterns so that researchers are eager to understand the how people use smartphones in their daily life.
In this thesis, we present a configurable activity logger for Android smartphones for recording a smartphone’s sensor data and the user’s operations. Instead of one Android App for each researcher’s experiment, our approach is to devise a general logger App that can be customized to collect different data items according to the needs of various researchers. Specifically, our logger App accepts experiment configuration files in which researchers specify what data items to collect and at what frequency, and then conduct the logging task accordingly for each experiment. In other words, our logger works like an interpreter on such experiment configure files.
Besides customizability of logging items, our logger concerns the saving of electricity and the preservation of user privacy. Firstly, we have applied various power saving tips published in the literature to the design of our logger. Secondly, we have refrained from collecting any contents that may reveal the user’s identify or that may invade user’s privacy. To evaluate our logger, we have designed and implemented a few data collection experiments. The preliminary results show that our logger can fulfill most of the requirements we set up, though thy also reveal some improvements we need to work on in the future.
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能源管理服務業營運模式與智慧財產佈局策略之分析 / The analysis of business model and intellectual property strategy of energy service companies (ESCO)陳志承, Chen, Charlie, Chih-Chen, Unknown Date (has links)
1. 能源管理服務業不宜將有限資源過分集中於發展太陽能與風力發電技術
2. 以美國市場為鏡,以中國大陸能源管理市場為目標
3. 積極從事中國大陸能源管理服務業相關技術之專利佈局
4. ”中央能源管理服務系統”概念的導入-節能減排的技術與服務的創新
5. 發展能源管理服務業住宅之應用
6. 創新的融資模式
7. 人員的培訓與教育 / Due to the limited deposits of fusil energy, the safety and environment protection of energy use ate the most two crucial issues among the countries. After decades of development, alternative energy commercialization successfully started in developed countries. Nevertheless, it’s still not material enough comparing to the energy consumption now days. However, the effect of the energy efficiency technologies is far more practical for developing countries that do not have enough budget for alternative renewable energy research and development. With effective energy management, the Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) can reduce significantly the waste of energy and the influence to the environment while mitigate the impact of the economical growth of emerging countries.
ESCOs profit from the energy conservation of their clients by enhance the energy efficiency in various categories including utilities, government, industrial and commercial sectors. According to present study, European countries and Japan in Asia have already developed outstanding environmental friendly policies both in public and private sectors. On the other hand, highly energy consumption country like United States and rapidly growing China just started to deal with this global warming problem and hopefully can still maintain the economy growth at the same time. Undoubtedly, we face the same issue here in Taiwan. As a result, this study is trying to gather and analyze information about ESCO industry in United States, China and Taiwan from three aspects, governmental policies, industry environment and intellectual property strategies to conclude as well as raise opinion and suggestion about the future development of ESCOs.
This study concludes in following opinion and suggestion,
1. ESCOs shouldn’t emphasize all their resources to conduct Solar and Wind power technologies instead of energy efficiency technologies.
2. Learn the track of ESCOs in United States and focus on the market in China.
3. Aggressively develop intellectual property strategies about ESCO related subjects in China.
4. Introduce the concept of “Centralized Energy Management System” and encourage innovation of law carbon discharge and high efficiency technologies.
5. Develop ESCO model in residential application.
6. Develop creative fund raising tools for ESCOs.
7. Invest in education and training program related to ESCO industry.
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太陽能產業對於農業發展之融資影響-以F租賃公司為例 / The Impact of Energy Industries on Agricultural Development Financing呂政衛 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來極端氣候發生之頻率與強度愈趨激烈,溫室效應對全球各地氣候變化的影響日益明顯,未來因氣候變遷衍生的問題將嚴重衝擊全球經濟、糧食供應、生態平衡以及區域安全。然而,全球暖化係人類長期排放所累積結果,已非單靠人為減少溫室氣體排放量就可以避免,故如何藉由預測未來可能面臨之衝擊與改變,世界各國莫不將 「節能減碳」或納為施政新思維,進行能源戰略布局、施行綠色新政、發展綠能產業,以營造永續之低碳社會與發展低碳經濟。
聯合國環境署(United Nations Environment Program)於2009年發表(全球綠色新政),綠色新政重點之一即推廣再生能源,降低對石化燃料過多的依賴,使能源來源能夠更多元,同時,降低碳排放量,除營造低碳生活外,更可促進產業轉型,創新新型態能源結構,增加產業與國家競爭力。再生能源之中,太陽能的特質除了取之不盡、用之不竭外,並具有潔淨與安全的特質對於改善未來人類生活及環境有相當助益。
因此,政府的引導下,發展替代能源及節能相關產業,企業亦在能源價格節節高升情況下不得不尋求節能技術支援以降低生產成本(例如 PV-ESCO 太陽能發電後售電予台灣電力公司)以獲取報酬,新的商業型態-「能源技術服務業,ESCO」應孕而生。然而,在新的產業發展過程中必然產生重重阻力以妨礙產業的發展,尤其是融資問題最為嚴重,目前 ESCO 產業除銀行予以有限的融資外,租賃公司亦為其融資主要來源之一,然而租賃產業傳統的設備租賃與分期付款業務已漸趨成熟,其性質幾乎與一般銀行融資無異,並且受限於租賃公司本身的資源有限,導致價格競爭力遠遠落後於銀行,在這樣的情況下,租賃產業需思考價格以外競爭力的方法式以區隔市場。
本論文在探討太陽能產業對於農業的融資影響,首先針對台灣農業土地使用現況,並分析農業就業人口與生產力,了解農業所得與土地使用困境。再者,說明分析太陽能產業全球發展概況與未來市場規模,透過融資市場分析ESCO產業融資方式與困境,最後,針對租賃產業的現況分析瞭解租賃產業的發展與競爭狀況,再對個案公司在 ESCO 產業各階段經營模式作說明,探討租賃公司如何在ESCO 產業從資源、核心能力建立而取得競爭優勢,進而尋求傳統租賃產業的新的發展契機。
本研究中亦發現租賃公司在經營模式的創新使得產品利潤增加,創新並不侷限於租賃架構的創新,而在於審核流程及利潤架構的改變,利用增加的報酬可以承擔更多風險,再加上個案提供之成交個案中各型態經營模式之 IRR & NPV 模擬數據分析佐證,呈現出新的經營模式具體的營運成果;而利潤增加可以提升F公司對風險的承受能力,進而促動經營模式的改變。但因應新型態的營運模式,除產品本身利潤以外,更需考量租賃產業在籌資的能力,以創造資金使用效能極大化,同時善盡企業社會責任。
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從創新擴散模型分析台灣能源技術服務業(ESCO)的發展 / Using "Diffusion of Innovation" theory to analyze the development of ESCO business in Taiwan林恭平, Lin, Kung Ping Unknown Date (has links)
美國在1970年代能源危機期間所提出的ESCO(Energy Service Company) 的概念,如今又獲得各國的青睞。
本研究主要是以Everett M. Rogers的創新擴散模型為理論基礎,研究台灣ESCO產業為何無法如高科技消費性電子產品般很快速的擴散到社會每一個角落,有哪些因素阻礙了台灣ESCO產業的發展。
一、 要加速此產業的創新擴散就必須加強 Rogers創新擴散模型中的可觀察性屬性。
二、 跨越產業鴻溝的重點在於讓早期採用者滿意ESCO的方案。運用保齡球道理論,讓早期採用者所形成的利基市場對於ESCO節能服務能夠滿意,產生具示範效果的成功案例,才能伺機擴張至其他的利基市場,最後形成龍捲風暴,順利跨越此產業的鴻溝。。
三、 本研究對於台灣ESCO產業的發展的看法是審慎保守的。台灣ESCO產業的發展絕不是短短幾年就可以看到成效,本研究建議以五年為一個觀察期。目前以中小企業為主的ESCO業者必須要儘快的建立自己的優勢,儘早建立口碑,未來才有機會生存。 / Global warming is the most seriously problem we are facing in 21th century. All the countries devoted to reduce the carbon emission in order to minimize the impact of climate change.
The business model of ESCO (Energy Service Company), which has been created in US during 1970 energy crisis, now has been advocated worldwide.
The ESCO business model has been introduced into Taiwan for more than 10 years. There are many talent people, specialist engaged in this business. Taiwan government has also promoted ESCO some subsidies. However, even the society put a lot of efforts to develop ESCO business, why this business cannot spread out as consumer electronics?
This thesis adopts the theory of “Diffusion of innovation” from Everett M. Rogers, 1962. The main purpose of this study is to find out why ESCO service business model cannot diffuse like other high-tech products. Are there any obstacles slow down the development of this industry?
This thesis comes to the conclusion of three faces, which can significantly influence the development of ESCO business in Taiwan. The first face based on the diffusion of innovation theory, the five attributes of innovation defined by Rogers will affect the development of ESCO industry in Taiwan. Of course, the B2B marketing approach will delay the propagation of the ESCO industry. Moreover, this study suggest that 5 years watching window should be appropriate to monitor the development of the ESCO industry in Taiwan.
The second face is the Taiwan unique economics environment. The ESCO industry in Taiwan is formed mostly by Middle-small size enterprises. In comparison with US, there is no Super-ESCO company exists in Taiwan. This study found out the truth that the client is not confident on middle-small size company to provide ESCO service. The common business model of ESCO industry in Taiwan is still focusing on selling the energy efficient product instead of providing energy service to the client. The study believes that this kind of business model will severely impact the development of this industry.
The third face of the conclusion is the government role in Taiwan. The study found out that Taiwan government didn’t allocate enough resources to assist developing ESCO business.
This thesis not only indicated the obstacles to slow down the ESCO business in Taiwan but also provide some constructive initiatives.
1. We have to concentrate on the visible attributes in diffusion of innovation theory for ESCO industry.
2. In order to cross the chasm, ESCO has to satisfy the early adapters in the beginning. They can also build up the bowling pin model to keep the existing niche market and explore the adjacent niche market when the opportunity comes. Thus, ESCO can create tornado period and cross the chasm in the industry.
3. The study is conservative about the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. We suggest that 5 years watching window should be proper to monitor the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. The ESCO companies in Taiwan should establish their strengths the sooner the better in order to survive for the future severe market competition.
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台灣住宅部門熱泵系統之成本效益分析 / Cost-Benefit Analysis of Residential Heat Pump System in Taiwan朱圃漢, Chu, Pu Han Unknown Date (has links)
為了彰顯應用熱泵系統在不同地區氣候條件與能源價格之差異,本研究將台灣劃分為12個地區,並且以電能、LPG桶裝瓦斯、NG管線瓦斯三種現有之住宅用熱水系統作為可供替代之選項,利用迴避成本(Avoided Cost)推估台灣各地區住宅部門改採熱泵熱水系統之成本效益。此外,參考歐美先進國家熱泵系統補助政策,以及台灣現有「太陽能熱水系統推廣獎勵措施」之政府政策補助方案,設定各相關參數,俾模擬政府補貼方案情境下之成本效益分析。
分析結果以淨現值(Net Present Value)、益本比(Benefit-Cost Ratio)及折現回收期(Discounted Payback Period )呈現,結論可從兩個觀點之檢定加以評估。其一、以「參與者檢定」評估是否有足夠的經濟誘因,促使住宅用戶裝設熱泵熱水系統。其二、以「總資源成本檢定」,評估推廣熱泵系統對於整體社會是否具有淨效益。
若考量熱泵系統市場滲透率,以熱泵取代NG瓦斯熱水系統之市佔率達5%、20%、50%時,台灣整體社會的淨現值分別為251百萬元、1,006百萬元與2,514百萬元,且每年可減少碳排放量27,169公噸、108,675公噸以及271,687公噸。 / As an island country, 99% energy supply in Taiwan depends on importation due to the very limited endogenous energy. In order to maintain both energy security and stability, improving energy efficiency of consumer end-use is an important government policy. Heat pump systems have been widely applied and strongly promoted in Europe and United State for its uniquely energy saving and CO2 reducing capability. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to access the regional applicability of heat pump water heating system for Taiwan’s climate and residential building types by cost-benefit analysis method.
To demonstrate the regional difference of climatic conditions and energy prices heat pump application, Taiwan is divided in twelve regions with three kinds of alternative residential water heating systems (i.e. electric heating, LPG tank heating, and NG pipe heating). Under these conditions, we utilize the avoided cost method to access itemized costs and benefits of heat pump water heating systems in various regional families in Taiwan. In addition, referring to heat pump incentive scheme in advanced European countries and North America while considering solar water heating systems incentive policy in Taiwan, we also simulate variation of parameters (such as cash rebate subside, total residential heat pump user numbers )of heat pump system subsidy program.
The outcome of cost-benefit analysis is presented in a form as net present value (NPV), benefit-cost ratio (BCR), and discounted payback period (DP). The results could be analyzed by test from two different perspectives including Participant Test (PCT) from participant perspective and Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) from overall sociality perspective.
All of the 33 alternative programs constituted by 12 regions with electric , LPG and NG systems, for PCT, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1.1; DP are between 3.2 to 11.3 years. For TRC, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1 but less than 1.73; DP are between 5.4 to 14.9 years. Residential building adopting heat pump could reduce 2,707 tons carbon emissions annually. For the three types of alternative system, BCR of electric heating alternative program is the largest and NG alternative program being the least. For all of the 12 regions, BCR of Nantou region is the largest for adopting heat pump while BCR of Pingtung region is the smallest.
NPV of overall Taiwan with market penetration reaching 5%, 20% and 50% substitution rate from heat pump system to NG water heating system are 251 million NT$, 1,006 million NT$, and 2,514 million NT$ respectively. Carbon emissions reduce 27,169 tons, 108,675 tons and 271,687 tons annually.
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台灣電源供應器廠商的綠色創新模式-以L公司為例 / Green business model innovation of power supply manufacture in Taiwan-L Company case study高育坤 Unknown Date (has links)
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