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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以淨現值法分析BenQ LCD TV 進入新市場的經營風險與機會 - 以土耳其市場為例 / The Risk and opportunity of BenQ LCD TV business to enter new market by NPV analysis- A case study of Turkish market

董于震 Unknown Date (has links)
根據DisplaySearch最新報告統計,2009年全球電視市場出貨成長2%,達到2.11億台,而液晶電視在2009年的出貨成長率高達37%,更勝於2008年的34%。2009年電視市場表現最佳的第四季,在第四季中,全球電視市場出貨相對於2008年第四季成長17%,而LCD TV出貨更較前一年同期大幅增加50%,而為2007年以來最佳的單季成長率。 對於台灣廠商而言,掌握LCD TV的關鍵零組件如面板,卻無法提昇LCD TV產品的品牌知名度及全球的銷售數量,大部分廠商依然停留在賺取零組件的製造費用或微薄的代工利潤,反觀韓國,不但壟斷零組件市場,更在LCD TV品牌全球市場攻城掠地。本研究以BenQ這家品牌公司為例,在擁有同集團友達的面板供應下,以LCD TV產品進入土耳其市場所應採取的進入策略、時間及行銷佈局的分析,最後以淨現值觀點來做決策的評估。 本研究發現,在使用舉債來進行此項投資的狀況下,計畫三年期(2011~2013年)的淨現值為680,416美元,是一項值得進行投資的計畫;若使用內部資金進行此投資計畫,資金成本為7.37%,則計畫之淨現值為597,452美元。若市場進入策略為高價策略,計畫三年期的淨現值為737,688美元;若市場進入策略為低價策略,計畫三年期的淨現值為601,548美元。若處於悲觀市佔率下,計畫的淨現值為424,506美元;若在樂觀市佔率下,計畫的淨現值為930,584美元。 經過情境分析後,本研究也發現,若將訂價調整為與韓系大廠一樣的高價策略同時使用舉債來進行此項投資,則進行此計畫所得的淨現值最高,為737,688美元;相對地,若產品的價格設定是和當地廠商相同的低價策略,且使用內部資金進行此項投資計畫時,則進行此計畫所得的淨現值最低,為528,129美元。此外;若在悲觀市佔率的情形下,同時使用內部資金來進行此項投資,則進行此計畫所得的淨現值最低,為373,199美元;相對地,若在樂觀市佔率的情形下,同時使用舉債來進行此項投資,則進行此計畫所得的淨現值最高,為930,584美元。


祝志行, Tsu, Chih Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
依本研究之目的,分述對臺大與中正二校之宿舍BOT模式案之探討如下: 一、探討學生宿舍是否適用BOT模式規劃辦理。 以二校學生宿舍自建與BOT計畫案相比較,按相同之規模興建,興建成本依據估算數評定其經營成效,因自建案之自償率較低、淨現值較少、回收年期較長、內部報酬率及分年償債比率,亦低於BOT計畫案之指標。綜合五種財務指標檢視,顯示學校自建之表現,不如BOT的指標。 二、探討學生宿舍以BOT模式辦理成功之財務因素。 BOT計畫成功之重要關鍵因素16項中,就其中財務因素發現: 1.臺大之成功財務因素共8項,分別為民間財力豐沛、包商具足夠經驗與資源及民間投資人須有豐富經驗及值得信賴、競標之程序為公平透明、計畫財務健全可行及在支付能力範圍之內、財務結構須予銀行足夠之擔保、契約架構須反映計畫之財務特性、計畫風險由當事人合理分擔等項因素。 2.中正之成功財務因素共2項,僅為競標之程序為公平透明與契約架構須反映計畫之財務特性等因素。 由此可見,臺大關鍵成功的財務因素多於中正6項,能將BOT計畫執行成功,實因具有較多不可或缺之關鍵因素,其穩健周詳的考量及完善的執行力,方能完成任務考驗。


陳慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,生物技術的快速進步,逐漸被公認為是繼資訊產業之後最具發展潛力的產業。生技產業不同於傳統的製造業或電子產業,前者之進入障礙高、產品研發時程長及研發投入成本高。雖然生技產品開發成功後,投資報酬率高、產品的生命週期長,但由於其研發過程較長,具有相當高的不確定性,加上研發的失敗率高,致使生技產業成為投資風險極高的產業。 生技產業屬於知識密集的知識型產業,其主要價值來自於研發創新的無形資產,而難以傳統的評價方法及標的來估算。因此,探討如何評估生技公司的價值,是本研究之主要目的。 本研究範圍以「生技醫藥產業」為研究重點,生技產業的應用範圍包括醫藥開發、醫療器材、診斷試劑、農業生技、健康食品及生技服務業等領域。醫藥品的開發是生物技術最早應用的領域,目前全球生技產業中,也以生技醫藥領域的市場最大,是目前發展較為成熟且成功的領域。 但因生技醫藥公司之投資的評估考量與傳統評價模式有差異,生技醫藥公司之營運,通常需要先投入數年的研發,開發出具有市場潛力的產品或技術、並取得專利後,再透過授權或合作方式,向有意承接之單位或藥廠收取前期金(up-front payment)或研究經費(research fund),以及收取各階段的里程金(milestone payment),待產品成功上市後,生技醫藥公司再依銷售金額,分配到一定比率的授權金。上述的收入或獲利過程,往往長達4到7年,而其收入結構因合作模式的差別而有不同的組合變化。如果依一般公認的會計原則認列損益,將造成公司某一年有一大筆收入,但接下來幾年收入可能都掛零的現象。不但無法反映生技公司的真正營運狀況,亦可能造成投資人或主管單位的誤解,這正是生技公司價值無法依傳統評價模式進行評估的原因。 然而,究竟應該如何對一生技公司進行評價?本研究使用目前最佳的生技公司評價方法:風險調整淨現值法(rNPV),並以一個案公司為題,探索生技醫藥產業的投資與評價過程。此法的評估結果,對生技公司的現有價值,即使仍在R&D的早期階段,仍能運用於生技公司投資、授權、取得等交易之需要。 關鍵字:生技產業、公司評價、風險調整淨現值、折現率 / Due to the rapid growth of the biotechnology industry, it is now considered the hottest industry after the information technology industry. Unlike the traditional production industry (the labor intensive) or the electronic industry, the biotechnology requires higher R&D costs, and usually the life span of its product lasts longer, which leads to a certain barrier in this particular field. Although the return of investment tends to be profitable if the product succeeds, yet the lengthy R&D process still makes the business highly risky. The innovation of intangible assets is the main value of biotechnology; in other words, this is a knowledge-intensive industry, and it is hard to measure the potential risks and returns through traditional evaluation models. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to evaluate how a biotechnology company is worth. This study will be mainly focus on “Bio-Pharmaceutical”, which includes New Drugs, Medical Devices and Instruments, Diagnostic Reagents and Platforms, Agricultural Biotech, Health Care Products, and Contract Services. A large number of biotechnology companies have viewed pharmaceuticals as their target market since 1997. Cleary, the Bio-Pharmaceutical is regarded as the mainstream of this industry. Owing to the different models of evaluation as mentioned earlier, biotechnology industry is different from the traditional ones. Biotech companies usually need to go through a long-range research process before developing a success product or technique, and they will usually authorize the selling rights to a partner in order to demand the up-front payment, research funds, and the follow up milestone payments. If the product hits the market, the companies will be paid with a certain ratio royalty. The process generally takes about 4 to 7 years, and the revenue varies depending on the partnership. It is possible for a company to have a huge gain in one particular year and then a deficit for the coming years if the financial condition is viewed from the general accepted accounting principles. Not only does it not reflect the real situation of a biotech company, but also misleads investors and regulatory authorities. This is why the value of a biotech company needs to be reconsidered in different ways, not the traditional ones. How, then, can we put a price tag on biotechnology? The best solution is to evaluate a biotechnology by estimating its risk-adjusted net present value (rNPV). To illustrate the rNPV method, the study has created a hypothetical scenario. Through the case study, we have arrived at a realistic value of a bio-company even at early R&D stages. Using the rNPV, researchers and potential investors can price the bio-company that they are considering selling, investing in or acquiring. Keywords:Biotechnology Industry、Evaluation、rNPV、Discount Rate

台灣生技企業特殊籌資工具之探索性研究 / The preliminary study of special financing tool for Taiwan Biotech coporations

鄭師安 Unknown Date (has links)
根據美國生技產業協會(Biotechnology Industry Organization, BIO)的資料顯示,純研發型的生技公司難以取得投資資金,且投資者對公司的現金部位益發看重。而我國的台灣經濟研究院調查也指出國內生技廠商在研發階段所面臨到的重大困難是「資金取得不易」,這些正反應出國內外投資者對生技產業特殊性的疑慮,進而不願意投入大量資金。 為解決國內生技研發型公司資金不足之問題,本論文分析了美國生技公司籌資狀況及常使用之工具,並考量台灣生技產業所面臨之整體環境,為國內生技企業建立了具實用價值的特殊籌資工具及發行模式,以滿足不同的籌資需求及降低投資者的風險。而為驗證此一籌資工具之可行性,本論文也挑選國內一家生技研發型公司,以其業務及財務現況,進行特殊籌資工具之定價,並提供發行前後應注意之相關事項。 / According to the research report from BIO(Biotechnology Industry Organization), it is hard for research-based biotech companies to get financing and investors are more concerned about whether the company has enough cash or not .The same result can be found in the investigation of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research(TIER).They find out the research-based biotech companies in Taiwan encounter one difficult problem - hard to get enough money to support their R&D .All these facts just reflect the special characteristics of biotech industry and the investment trend among biotech field. The goal of this thesis is to resolve the financing problem faced by the research-based biotech companies in Taiwan, so we analyze how American biotech companies get enough financing to support their R&D, and then, construct the special financing tool for the research-based biotech companies under the economical situation in Taiwan, in order to fulfill the needs of biotech companies and reduce the investment risk. In this thesis, we use a case study to verify the pricing model of special financing tool and propose some material facts should be resolved when stocks issuing.

電動機車商業模式之經濟效益分析:共享經濟vs.電池租賃 / Economic benefit analysis of business models for the electric scooter: sharing economy vs. battery rental

游晨廷, Yu, Chen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電動車與電動機車發展及應用儼然已成為世界潮流,在機車密度極高且擁有「機車王國」稱號的台灣,電動機車技術日新月異,也發展出多樣化商業模式,其中最著名莫過於電動機車電池租賃商業模式,以及共享商業模式。 本研究旨在利用成本效益分析中的淨現值法及益本比法,模擬分析機車使用者以電動機車代替傳統燃油機車,為使用者自己及整體社會帶來之淨現值。在電動機車方面,本研究分析兩種電動機車商業模式,分別為「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」及「共享電動機車商業模式」。 本研究結果顯示,在使用者立場下,目前電動機車成本依舊大於傳統125C.C.燃油機車之成本,且「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較長之使用者,而「共享電動機車商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較短之使用者。此外,敏感度分析顯示出,在「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」下,騎乘里程長度與NPV及BCR均呈現正相關。在「共享電動機車商業模式」下,每個月騎乘里程為100公里之使用者,在共享電動機車計價方式為每分鐘2.25元之方案下,使用者之NPV>0及BCR>1,並且騎乘里程越短之使用者,其對共享電動機車計價變動的益本比敏感程度越高(當價格下降時,益本比上升較高)。 最後,在整體社會立場下,利用「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越高之使用者,對整體社會帶來之淨現值越高。而利用「共享電動機車商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越低之使用者,越具有經濟效益。 / In recent years, the development and application of electric vehicles and electric scooters have become popuplar. In Taiwan, where scooter density is very high and is also called a "scooter kingdom", electric scooter technology is not only improving, but also developing a diversified business model. Particularly, two of the most famous business models are “Electric scooter battery rental business model” and “Sharing electric scooter business model”. The purpose of this study is to use the net present value method and the benefit ratio method in the cost-benefit analysis. We analysis the user's own benefits and the overall social net benefits which are generated from the scooter users replacing traditional fuel scooter with electric scooter. In the field of electric scooters, this study analyzes two business models of electric scooters, “Electric scooter battery rental business model” and “Sharing electric scooter business model”. According to the simulation result of empirical analysis, for the users, the current cost of electric scooters is still higher than the cost of traditional 125C.C. fuel scooters. “Electric scooter battery rental business model” is more suitable for people who have higher accumulated distance per month, and “Sharing electric scooter business model” is more suitable for people who have lower accumulated distance per month . On the other hand, according to the result of sensitivity analysis, the accumulated distance is positively correlated with NPV and BCR in the “Electric scooter battery rental business model”. In the “Sharing electric scooter business model”, those who ride 100 km per month have NPV> 0 and BCR> 1 in the pricing of NT$2.25 per minute. Besides, those who ride 100 km per month have higher sensitivity of pricing. For the overall society, those who use the "Electric scooter battery rental business model" to replace the traditional fuel scooter and have higher accumulated distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole society. Those who use the "Sharing electric scooter business model" to replace the traditional fuel scooter and have lower accumulated distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole society.


江青穗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃針對建地進行開發之財務分析,土地取得方式以業界最普遍之買斷與合建兩種方式並用探討,找出影響土地開發之變數,先從建立土地開發建築規劃開始,將欲開發之土地作最大之建築面積規劃,按著進行財務分析的變數探討與模型建立,藉著現金流量折現模型運用修正淨現值法(Modify Net Present Value; MNPV)計算出投資個案之稅後淨報酬。並由敏感性分析來研判各種影響土地開發因素之重要性,進一步研究合建分回比例與土地成本、營建成本對開發者的投資報酬之影響、研判訂價政策對開發投資報酬的影響、評估投資計畫的銷售率與投資報酬之關係、分析開發募集資金的來源(融資的狀況)對投資報酬之影響,並研判在不同情境下之土地開發投資獲利性。最後考慮風險狀況下之財務分析模型的蒙地卡羅風險模擬,而加以分析土地開發的自有資金與投資報酬之各種可能風險與報酬之關係。

台灣住宅部門熱泵系統之成本效益分析 / Cost-Benefit Analysis of Residential Heat Pump System in Taiwan

朱圃漢, Chu, Pu Han Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為海島型國家,因自有能源貧乏,99%以上的能源仰賴國外進口。為確保能源供給之穩定與安全,除發展再生能源之外,提高能源終端使用效率為重要之解決手段。熱泵系統因其獨特之節能減碳效果,在歐美先進國家備受重視,極力推廣。基此,考量台灣氣候類型及居住型態,評估熱泵熱水系統的適用性及成本效益分析,爰為本研究之動機與目的。 為了彰顯應用熱泵系統在不同地區氣候條件與能源價格之差異,本研究將台灣劃分為12個地區,並且以電能、LPG桶裝瓦斯、NG管線瓦斯三種現有之住宅用熱水系統作為可供替代之選項,利用迴避成本(Avoided Cost)推估台灣各地區住宅部門改採熱泵熱水系統之成本效益。此外,參考歐美先進國家熱泵系統補助政策,以及台灣現有「太陽能熱水系統推廣獎勵措施」之政府政策補助方案,設定各相關參數,俾模擬政府補貼方案情境下之成本效益分析。 分析結果以淨現值(Net Present Value)、益本比(Benefit-Cost Ratio)及折現回收期(Discounted Payback Period )呈現,結論可從兩個觀點之檢定加以評估。其一、以「參與者檢定」評估是否有足夠的經濟誘因,促使住宅用戶裝設熱泵熱水系統。其二、以「總資源成本檢定」,評估推廣熱泵系統對於整體社會是否具有淨效益。 本研究中全台12個地區,若以熱泵系統取代電能熱水系統、LPG瓦斯熱水系統、NG瓦斯熱水系統三種既有設備,交叉比對之33個替代方案,由「參與者檢定」之結果顯示,所有替代方案之益本比均大於1.1;折現回收期最長達11.3年,最短僅3.2年。若模擬政府補助18,000名用戶採用熱泵系統,則「總資源成本檢定」之結果中,所有替代方案之益本比介乎1至1.73之間;折現回收期最長達14.9年,最短僅5.4年;住宅部門以熱泵替代現有電能、LPG瓦斯、NG瓦斯熱水系統至少可降低碳排放量每年2,707公噸。三種替代類別中以電能熱水系統替代方案益本比最高(介乎1.55至1.73);LPG瓦斯替代方案之益本比居次(介乎1.19至1.28);NG瓦斯替代方案益本比最低(介乎1.0至1.06)。全台12個地區考量環境溫度差異之影響以南投分區改採熱泵系統的益本比最高(電能替代1.73、LPG瓦斯替代1.28、NG瓦斯替代1.06),屏東分區的益本比為最低(電能替代1.55、LPG瓦斯替代1.19、NG瓦斯替代1.0)。 若考量熱泵系統市場滲透率,以熱泵取代NG瓦斯熱水系統之市佔率達5%、20%、50%時,台灣整體社會的淨現值分別為251百萬元、1,006百萬元與2,514百萬元,且每年可減少碳排放量27,169公噸、108,675公噸以及271,687公噸。 / As an island country, 99% energy supply in Taiwan depends on importation due to the very limited endogenous energy. In order to maintain both energy security and stability, improving energy efficiency of consumer end-use is an important government policy. Heat pump systems have been widely applied and strongly promoted in Europe and United State for its uniquely energy saving and CO2 reducing capability. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to access the regional applicability of heat pump water heating system for Taiwan’s climate and residential building types by cost-benefit analysis method. To demonstrate the regional difference of climatic conditions and energy prices heat pump application, Taiwan is divided in twelve regions with three kinds of alternative residential water heating systems (i.e. electric heating, LPG tank heating, and NG pipe heating). Under these conditions, we utilize the avoided cost method to access itemized costs and benefits of heat pump water heating systems in various regional families in Taiwan. In addition, referring to heat pump incentive scheme in advanced European countries and North America while considering solar water heating systems incentive policy in Taiwan, we also simulate variation of parameters (such as cash rebate subside, total residential heat pump user numbers )of heat pump system subsidy program. The outcome of cost-benefit analysis is presented in a form as net present value (NPV), benefit-cost ratio (BCR), and discounted payback period (DP). The results could be analyzed by test from two different perspectives including Participant Test (PCT) from participant perspective and Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) from overall sociality perspective. All of the 33 alternative programs constituted by 12 regions with electric , LPG and NG systems, for PCT, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1.1; DP are between 3.2 to 11.3 years. For TRC, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1 but less than 1.73; DP are between 5.4 to 14.9 years. Residential building adopting heat pump could reduce 2,707 tons carbon emissions annually. For the three types of alternative system, BCR of electric heating alternative program is the largest and NG alternative program being the least. For all of the 12 regions, BCR of Nantou region is the largest for adopting heat pump while BCR of Pingtung region is the smallest. NPV of overall Taiwan with market penetration reaching 5%, 20% and 50% substitution rate from heat pump system to NG water heating system are 251 million NT$, 1,006 million NT$, and 2,514 million NT$ respectively. Carbon emissions reduce 27,169 tons, 108,675 tons and 271,687 tons annually.

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