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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

聯邦快遞之風險管理與永續經營分析 / FedEx – Strategic Corporate Developments for Risk Management and Sustainable Profitability Analysis

詹翔婷, Jhan, Tina Unknown Date (has links)
International courier companies not only grasp the opportunities to earn profits, but accelerate the worldwide economy. Though FedEx, having just reached its 40 anniversary, is the youngest company among the main competitors, it has been catching up and became a global leader in logistics and transportation. Therefore, to face the huge change in the current market and challenges from the economy and competitors, FedEx has to create more value for customers; the company does so through its state-of-the-art supply-chain management systems which are increasingly affected by the Internet's capabilities to enhance its advantages. In addition to considering the environmental change, FedEx also has to be more sensitive and put more focus on its risks and strategies management in order to keep its large business operation sustainable and profitable.

永續經營企業之研究 / Sustainability in Business: Worldwide and in Taiwan

康諾亞, Kercher, Noah Unknown Date (has links)
永續經營企業之研究 / The purpose for this case study was to educate the writer and readers about sustainability in business with an analysis of sustainability as it relates to some business topics like marketing, economics, accounting and entrepreneurship. The aim for the paper is to provide examples of SME’s and major corporations use of sustainability to increase value for stakeholders and society. The process involves looking at companies in Taiwan and around the world through lenses of sustainability reports, company websites and interviews. The paper also includes a local perspective of sustainability by looking at Taiwan’s AUO Optronics and the BCSD in Taiwan. (Business Council for Sustainable Development). The outcome: improved understanding of basic actions companies take to address sustainability to improve business success.

中小企業創新補助規劃對產業發展之研究 / The Research on the Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Subsidies for Business Innovation Towards Industrial Development

林盈慧, Lynette Lin Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 小型企業創新研發計畫(Small Business Innovation Research;簡稱SBIR)或是一般所謂的科專,是政府為鼓勵國內中小企業可以著重於技術開發及產品研發等營運策略的實施,主要在於提高國內中小企業的永續發展與經營為目的,並且藉由加強創新技術或產品研發的輔導規劃,達到加速提昇中小企業的競爭力。SBIR的計畫是有機會幫助企業或廠商提升技術層次,以及可以達到產業、學術界合作的機會,而企業或廠商可以透過這樣的機會來獲得上、下游原物料和技術(包括技術移轉等)與跨領域know-how的取得,以補足所缺乏之技術與知識的瓶頸。然而,SBIR雖然可以提高企業或廠商競爭力的提升,但這樣的競爭力提高會帶來企業或廠商在產品研發與技術開發等營運策略實施時,其產品製造的成本增加,相對也會造成獲利總額的降低,故本研究考量以SBIR對中小企業的發展及產業的適合性等方向進行研究,藉以深入瞭解計畫的影響。 因此,在國內中小企業申請創新補助規劃的同時,如何取捨方能達到永續發展的目標,故本研究透過專家訪談的調查及SWOT分析的導入,探討SBIR的影響,並且將研究發現分述如下: 一、 北部地區的申請現況居全國之冠; 二、 企業經營的年限愈久對於創新的觀念愈強; 三、 創新規劃可以提高企業的競爭力; 四、 競爭者與投資環境的衝擊會造成企業的威脅。

台灣電源供應器廠商的綠色創新模式-以L公司為例 / Green business model innovation of power supply manufacture in Taiwan-L Company case study

高育坤 Unknown Date (has links)
在科技發達的今天,資通訊科技與家電產品造就了一般大眾生活上的便利,但也使天然資源的消耗速度加快,因此,如何能夠有效地節能減碳並進行綠色創新,乃成為企業經營管理上很重要的課題。 本研究的主軸即探討企業進行綠色創新的過程與管理。論文研究上先結合研究目的與文獻探討,建構出一個包含「外在環境」、「創新策略」、「創新管理」與「創新成效」等四大構面的研究架構圖。接著選擇一家製造電源供應器的代表性廠商,進行深入的探索性個案研究。本研究所得到的初步結論包括: (1)企業對於外在環境的改變要擬定創新策略及勇於挑戰的決心進行創新管理,有助於其創新成效的實現。 (2)企業的綠色創新策略主軸明確,有助於組織內形成共識,對其創新管理資源的運用容易聚焦,並改變其組織文化。 (3)企業運用創新策略及技術策略,可藉由檢視過往失敗的經驗,從中發掘新創思維並進行新產品開發,有助於實現創新成效。 (4)創新研發團隊組織中領導者如能擁有創新熱忱,並給予適當的資源及高階的信任,將有助於企業創新的發展。 (5)「以人為本」的綠色創新模式有助於企業的永續經營及因節能的貢獻而減少環境的衝擊。 本論文最後並提出對廠商與後續研究者的建議。 關鍵字:綠色創新、節能減碳、創新策略、創新管理、企業社會責任、電源供應器、創新團隊、永續經營

台灣企業公司治理特性分析-以航空業為例 / The analysis of corporate governance for Taiwan comany-the case of Airlines industry.

郭富樹, Kuo, Fu Shu Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 公司治理係指公司在所有權與經營權分離後,建立一個解決代理問題的機制,以監控其委託經營公司之專業經理人,避免其逾權及維護股東的權益。Berle與Means(1932)提出公司「經營權」與「所有權」之概念後,兩權分離已逐漸成為現代企業經營之特性。當公司之經營規模日漸擴大與專業化,公司所有者未必有時間與能力經營其所屬的企業,因而導致專業經理人的產生。惟當公司所有者與專業經理人之間存有資訊不對稱與目標不一致的情境下,即會產生「代理問題」。 近年來,世界各國陸續爆發企業經營管理危機,為尋求有效解決之道,公司治理之觀念在全世界快速發展。各主要國際組織,無不大力倡導公司治理之重要性。世界各國政府對於公司治理的高度重視,亦使得改革公司治理的重要性逐漸提高,同時認為公司治理制度健全與否,是一個健全與維持成功金融市場的關鍵要素。 公司治理促使公司資訊公開透明化,進而解決資訊不對稱的代理問題,讓投資者更有信心把資金投入市場,有助於健全金融市場。國際上知名的投資機構將推行公司治理列為選股之重點指標,各國政府紛紛鼓勵其國內企業積極推動公司治理以吸引國際投資者。依據2000年6月麥肯錫企管顧問公司(McKinsey & Company)對全球投資人所做的研究報告指出,有四分之一投資人認為一個有良好公司治理的公司可以為該公司的股票創造約20%以上之公司治理之超額溢價。 2008年國際原油價格飆漲,航空業的營業成本遽增,加諸美國信貸危機,導致全球經濟不景氣,使航空業的生存面臨嚴峻挑戰。航空業為各國政府管制性的行業,競爭者要進入航空市場有其障礙。航空業所面臨的風險項目繁雜,每一項風險均可能對航空公司的營運造成嚴重衝擊,需要透過有效的管理制度才能將影響企業經營的損失程度降至最小,以期達成企業永續經營的目標。 本研究之個案公司為台灣第一家上市的國籍航空公司,其大股東為財團法人,全體董事、監察人皆為同一法人代表,為一特殊案例,具有學術研究價值。本研究藉由探討個案公司實務上所面臨的公司治理問題,並與市場主要競爭者加以比較,以驗證文獻上之觀點。本研究結果與理論相符合,有助於解決個案公司之公司治理問題,及提供航空業界參考。 關鍵詞:公司治理、代理問題、航空業、風險、永續經營、大股東。 / After the impact of the Asia 1997 financial crisis ,almost the worldwide government requires the enterprises to emphasize corporate governance.Starting from the end of year 2001,the successive scandle of Enron,WorldCom,Tyco,Merck,and other USA companies leads to the material loss of investors.Because of the reason of careless corporate governance,USA government have passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in July 2002 to enhance the corporate governance of the enterprise and strengthen the capital market. According to one research by Mckinsey & Company in June 2000,there are about 25% of global investors who are willing to pay 20% premium money to buy those stocks belong to companies have better corporate governance. Owing to the peak price of oil and the dump of global ecomonic during the year 2008,the airlines must increases the cost of operation and faces the tough challenge of the market. Airlines industry is one of strict industries to the local government in the world, and the competitor have the obstacle to enter into the market. Due to get the target of continuing operation, airlines have to face and predict the miscellaneous risk for controlling and minimizing the loss. This paper probes into the problem of corporate governance for the case company. The author presents a case study of domestical airlines and addresses the importance of corporate governance. The results could provide insigts and helpful suggestions to the promotion of the corporate governance for the case company and Taiwan airlines industry. Key Words:Corporate governance, Airlines industry, Risk, Continuing operation, Controlling shareholders.

資通訊服務公司策略經營模式研究—以NEC公司為例 / Strategic business model of ICT servicescorporation-case study of NEC group corporation

邱炳煌, Chiu, Ping Huang Unknown Date (has links)
2008 年擁有158 年歷史的美國投資銀行,雷曼兄弟控股公司( Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. )的破產,掀起全球性的金融風暴,進而促使全球經濟同時性大衰退。 曾經是美國、甚至全球最大的企業的通用汽車也蒙受嚴重波及,而宣告破產重整。 百年歷史的GM 公司的倒閉,使得『企業規模越大,越不會倒閉』的傳統觀念破滅 了!根據統計,一般企業的壽命,約在30 年,而世界上仍有許多維繫超過百年甚至 更久遠的企業。促使那些擁有百年歷史的企業,永續經營特質是什麼? 回顧1990 年,普拉哈(C.K. Prahalad) 和蓋瑞‧哈默爾 (Gary Hamel) 於「哈佛商 業評論」上發表了企業核心競爭力(Core Competence)模型的論文以及唐納.薩 爾 (Donald N. Sull) (2003) 在「成功不墜」所闡述企業永續經營模型。還有,日本 京都大學經濟學研究所的末松千尋教授於2002 年提出京都企業經營模式研究論 述。三者構成本論文研究的理論模型基礎架構。藉由NEC 的個案,以質化個案研究 的方式,對照這個模型架構,探討NEC 公司永續經營的特質,印證本理論架構基礎 的實用性與完整性。研究成果將可提供國內企業,邁向國際化、全球化、永續經營 上策略思考之參考。 本研究從NEC 個案中獲得企業永續經營準則、永續成功經營模式為: 一、 擬訂企業策略發展意圖,建構企業願景。 二、 藉由不斷創新,建構企業核心競爭能力。 三、 認識企業存在的意義,重視顧客滿意。 四、 建立開放平台,與供應商的水平分工。 五、 隨著經營環境變遷,勇於適時變革。 關鍵字:永續經營特質,企業核心競爭力,企業經營模式,成功經營模式 / A 158- year-old firm, the 4th largest investment bank in the USA, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. announced its bankruptcy in 2008.Rapidly stirred up a global financial credit crisis and became to a worldwide economic recession concurrently. The ever being biggest company in the USA and even in the world, General Motors Corporation was engulfed seriously and finally also sank into bankruptcy protection by the economic recession. Even having hundred years history company like GM Corp. was forced to reorganize by bankruptcy protection. The traditional concept, 「The larger of the scale of a company the less possibilty of the company will collapse」,was ruined!According to some statistics a company can last for about 30 years for average. But there are still many firms lasting for more than hundred years in the world. What is sustainable managerial essence of those firms? Let us review their theses of core compentence of the corporation in the article of Harvard Business Review in 1990 by Mr. C.K. Prahalad and Mr. Gary Hamel. and the theses of company`s sustainable managerial model in the book of「Revival of the Fittest」in 2003 by Mr. Donald N. Sull. Also let us review the theses of 「Kyo-siki strategic business model」in 2002 by Mr. Chihiro Suematsu, Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics. These three above expounding form the basic model of theory of this research. By the case study of NEC Corporation, taking antithesis of these expounding, a case study of qualitative research oriented, tries to find sustainable managerial essence of NEC and to prove the practicality and the completeness of the basic model of theory of this research. The research thesis is trying to offer some strategic references to the company in Taiwan during creating its sustainable managerial essence for company on the way of internationalization and globalization of company. From this research of NEC case study it has found some conclusions about company`s sustainable managerial priceples or company`s sustainable successful business model as the followings: 1. Implementing strategic intents and setting up visions for the company. 2. Building core competencies for the company by constant innovations. 3. Realizing the meanings of company`s existence and taking customer satisfaction as the first priority. 4. Constructting an open platforms for business collateral integration with vendors and partners. 5. Being brave in timly transfoming for the company fitting changes of the business environment. Key Words:sustainable managerial essence,core competence,managerial model,sustainable successful business model


李志村 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著聯電與台積電陸續成立晶圓製造廠以來,帶動了整個半導體高科技產業的蓬勃發展,也因而創造了台灣的經濟奇蹟。以電子資訊業為首的高科技產業,無論在營收成長、獲利力或個人產值等方面均有傑出的表現。雖然過去,台灣高科技產業能持續在市場上生存並佔有一席之地,乃在於擁有完善的製造能力與完整的產業供應鏈。但今日,高科技產業長期的經營與運作模式已面臨嚴重挑戰。企業間過度擠壓所造成的削價競爭、產業外移,供應鏈失調等問題,正是高科技產業停滯不前瀕臨生存威脅的最大因素。因此,台灣企業該如何提升其自身的競爭優勢與經營管理能力,並且妥善運用有限的資源進而轉化成對外的競爭策略,將是企業是否能安然渡過該波擠壓洪流,而得以永續經營的關鍵成功因素。 因此,本研究將探討『台灣電腦晶片組設計業經營問題與競爭優勢分析』,藉由分析探討國內兩大電腦系統晶片組設計廠商-矽統科技與威盛電子公司的實際經營狀況,來了解台灣電腦系統晶片組設計業現今所面臨的經營問題。 針對上述探討研究方向,除了參閱多方理論文獻與次級文獻資料外,吾人亦以十多年來實際參與電腦產業經營運作的經驗,並收集分析矽統科技與威盛電子公司發展推動市場的手法,試圖來解釋分析本論文所發現的問題,同時在總結各方面的研討後,提出可能性的對策與方案,使之能在既有的核心能耐與有限的資源下,對其所擁有的核心能力加以強化及發揮,進而產生另一層的經營優勢並提昇該產業的核心競爭力。 本研究結果發現台灣電腦系統晶片設計業: 一、 台系電腦晶片組廠商目前所面臨經營上的機會與問題 劣勢與威脅部分: 1. 新產品的創新能力、類比技術及系統整合能力較差,加上電腦系統晶片組功能整合開發難度與日俱增,在國際競爭上始終無法超前國際大廠(如Intel與nVIDIA)。 2. 由於新技術能力的不足,造成產品推出時程落後;沒有新穎產品的創新能力,無法提供附加價值,不得不採取低價策略。 3. 同業間惡性競爭、下游廠商代工成本提高、獲利不佳引發財務資源不足。 競爭優勢部分: 1.台灣半導體產業專業分工,群聚效果顯著,產業供給鏈完整,對電腦晶片組產品開發設計幫助大。 2.人力素質佳,上下游產業垂直分工,能力強。 3.專業晶圓代工關係密切,並帶動上下游產業發展。 4.營運彈性大,效率高,以達經濟規模,具成本競爭優勢。 5.下游PC資訊產業為堅強支援。 6.設計技術高、能力強、產品運用靈活、整合力佳。 其機會在於: 1.大陸PC/數位消費性電子市場胃納大,台灣具同文同種優勢。 2.IA產品衍生的零組件商機。 3.業界聯盟、技轉和併購增加實力。 4.台灣矽島計畫(IP Mall)成立。 5.與中國市場提供規格制定的可能,進而能利用中國人才加強研發能力。 6.低價電腦需求持續成長,帶動低價的台灣晶片組產品出貨量。 關鍵性成功因素: 台灣廠商應持續強化其競爭優勢,使此優勢有持續性與不可取代性。因此,台灣廠商應憑藉著自身有限的資產與技術能力為競爭的基礎,採用最佳的競爭手段來對抗後進的ATi與nVIDIA的激烈競爭,如:提供更多的產品組合以發揮其綜效的產品策略、最低價產品的定位策略、利用台灣產業群聚效益的優勢發掘最有效率的製造策略等;採用正確的競爭方式以避開正面與外商優勢產品的直接競爭,如:基於目前擁有成熟的技術,運用其技術延展性的特性,積極開發新產品並鎖定中國、印度、印尼、俄羅斯及巴西等新興電腦市場之選擇。 二、 台灣廠商的整合核心技術能力普遍不及外商,尤其在整合性產品中的繪圖核心邏輯部分與類比技術;不過值得慶幸的是新技術的市場推廣往往必須花費許久時間,台灣廠商可藉此發展較便宜的產品,一旦新技術被市場接受時,迅速推廣至市場達到後發先至,後來居上的成功策略,畢竟類似的產品其價格仍佔優勢。 三、 近年來,電腦晶片組所賴以為生的上下游產業,多數廠商雖被迫遷至中國設廠以降低製造成本來爭取較高獲利,原以為此種現象將會造成台灣電腦產業群聚效益的喪失,但所幸的是新的產業群聚效益逐漸於中國的上海地區形成,就如同台灣的竹科與南科一般;因此,台灣電腦晶片組廠商仍擁有較國際大廠較佳的電腦產業群聚效益的優勢。除了該優勢外,台灣廠商若能在有限的資產與技術能力的基礎下,更持續強化其自身的競爭優勢,使此優勢具有持續與不可取代性。如此方能統合己身的資源優勢,進而得有能力來對抗後進的ATi與nVIDIA等廠商的激烈競爭。 / Following the establishment and operations of TSMC(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited)and UMC(United Microelectronics Corporation)in Taiwan, the high-tech industry of wafer production flourished and created a reputation nothing short of an economic miracle for Taiwan. In the electronic information field, it became the leading business; outperforming in all aspects showing outstanding profits, income, growth, and personal production value. The high-tech industry of Taiwan then occupied a strong-hold of the market continuously, owing to its manufacturing capability and complete supply chain. Today however, the long time operational model of this industry confronts a serious challenge because of compression among local enterprises. Prices have been cut, factories have been moved abroad, creating a disorder in the supply chain and all can be seen as life or death threatening risks to this systematic industry. The key success factors for sustainable management objectives is going to be how the Taiwanese enterprisers promote their competitive advantage; utilize their business management ability for better efficiency of factories; manipulate the limited resources; and further divert all of the above into a competitive strategy. Through analysis of actual practice and business operations of two PC chipset design house companies(Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation and VIA Technologies, Inc.), this study will examine and predict『The operational problems related to business management and competitive advantages analysis which are in front of the PC chipset design industry in Taiwan』. Aiming at directions of above stated examinations and analysis by using my experience of participating in management and review of all aspects in PC industry for more than ten years and by reading of papers at sublevels; also by collecting marketing methods of the above two companies; I will explain the problems I have revealed. At the same time, I will provide applicable stratagem and programs for PC chipset industry of Taiwan to upgrade its core competencies and strengthen its competitive force. Results of this study are stated below: A. The operational problems related to business management and competitive advantages in front of the PC chipset design industry of Taiwan A/1: Weaknesses and Threats 1. The PC chipset vendors of Taiwan cannot compete or overtake Intel or nVIDIA in the international market until the following is addressed. In addition to extended difficulties in PC chipset integration, there is an inferior ability in the following aspects: the invention or creation of new products; analogy techniques, and system integration. 2. Due to inadequate new technologies, the new products cannot put into market on schedule. Further, without innovation of products to create added value to a product low price policy has become the only strategy. 3. Vicious competition among similar enterprisers and an increase of labor cost of factories in the production line may induce monetary crises at any point of the chain of the PC industry. A/2 : Competitive Advantages 1. Specialty divisions, clustering of the Taiwan Semiconductor industry and good supply chains all contribute a lot to the development of PC chipset products. 2. Good quality of labor and vertical division of top to bottom production are the factors which enforce the industry. 3. Close ties to the chip production manufacturers promote development of top to bottom enterprisers. 4. Flexibility of management facilitates higher efficiency to reach the economics of scale. A definite cost competitive advantage. 5. The PC information industry constitutes concerted support. 6. Design technology at high level, good capability, splendid flexibility on product applications and fine integration of these elements. A/3: Opportunities 1. Markets for PC and digital consumer appliances for Taiwan and the mainland China is huge because of population and economic growth there in recent years. Consumers share the same culture; belonging to same race also is an advantage. 2. Opportunity deriving from IA products for companies to produce peripheral parts. 3. Through alliance of enterprisers, transit of techniques and business merging is an opportunity. 4. Establishment of Taiwan IP mall. 5. To formulate protocols and define specification together with enterprisers in mainland China for a market there. Further to utilize local professionals to promote research and development. 6. Demand for low cost PCs will increase steadily which will enable Taiwan to export more PC chipset products. A/4: Key Factors for Success The Taiwan companies should continue to strengthen their competitive advantages to maintain their continuity and non replaceable character. Also apply the limited resources and technical know-how as a base of competition. Furthermore by adopting better competitive measures to confront the new more advanced competitors such as ATi and nVIDIA. These measures may include a greater product portfolio synergy; the assembly of more complex and efficient products made in Taiwan; a low cost product positioning strategy in order to avoid face to face competition; a redirection of the current mature technologies into technology extensions for products aimed at the emerging PC markets such as China, India, Indonesia, Russia and Brazil. B. The ability to integrate core technologies by the Taiwan industry is less efficient than foreign companies especially the graphics core-logic and analog techniques. It is fortunate that it often needs a long time for a new technique to appear in a market. The Taiwan companies can use this time gap between the existing mature technique and another generation of know-how to develop modified low price alternative products. Once the new technique is accepted by the market, it can be spread to the market with a faster speed to achieve a better result. After all, prices of similar products still occupy the good position for profit. C. In recent years many factories, from top to bottom producers were forced to move to the mainland China in order to lower the cost of their production for higher profits. At first it was thought that these phenomena may cause the disappearance of industry clustering in Taiwan adversely affecting the supply chain. Fortunately the outgoing factories were clustered in the Shanghai area very similar to Hsienchu Science Park and Southern Taiwan Science Park in Taiwan. The PC chipset design industry of Taiwan can thus still maintain their clustering advantages to confront the big factories world wide.

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