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綠島觀光永續發展:如何符合遊客期望與需求之良機 / Green Island development: An opportunity meeting customer expectations孫守源, Zachary M. Pafford Unknown Date (has links)
綠島觀光永續發展 / None
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北區五縣市國民中學永續校園推動之研究徐雅鐘, HSU YA-CHUNG Unknown Date (has links)
一、 北區五縣市國民中學推動永續校園之規劃動機主要為爭取經費改善學校校園環境,並發展學校特色以實踐永續發展教育理念。
二、 北區五縣市國民中學申請教育部補助永續校園局部改造計畫主要項目為「生態景觀教學水池」、「多層次生態綠化」及「雨水回收再利用」。
三、 大部分教師對永續校園的設施項目之認同態度良好,且整體教師對永續校園規劃的整體設施項目評分的情形屬於中上;其中有兼行政職務之教師、任教自然與生活科技領域、有參與規劃及小規模學校等背景之教師大部分較一般教師高。
四、 教師使用永續校園設施應用於教學活動中的動機為配合學校政策、提升學生環境生態教育觀念及營造示範永續發展教育基礎。
五、 教師將永續校園設施融入教學的主要項目為「生態景觀教學水池」、「多層次生態綠化」及「教學農園」;最常應用於教學活動的主要項目為「生態景觀教學水池」、「多層次生態綠化」及「教學農園」,且設施屬於大致可使用的狀況。
六、 教師因應永續校園規劃而研發課程教材的主要設施項目「生態景觀教學水池」、「教學農園」及「多層次生態綠化」。使用的教學方式主要為「校園觀察教學」、「講述教學」、「活動設計教學」。
七、 在規劃層面上主要困境為專業不足、教師參與意願不足、工程時程緊湊、欠缺專家學者協助及經費補助不足;在維護管理層面上主要面臨的困境為欠缺專職人員管理、專業能力及維修費用不足及設計不良亦造成後續維修困難;在融入教學層面上主要面臨的困境為教師專業與共識不足、學校環境資源不足、課程設計不易的問題;其他面臨的困境主要為發展學校特色問題、策略聯盟校際資源整合問題、人事更迭頻繁問題及工作負擔繁重問題。
關鍵字:永續校園 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the planning connotation, the effectiveness on implementing, and the predicament faced for implementing sustainable campus of junior schools in five counties and cities of Northern Taiwan. The research methods are based on the questionnaire and survey. Interview method is also used to assist in developing the research. 14 junior high schools in five counties and cities of Northern Taiwan, which joined Taiwan Sustainable Campus Project subsidized by the Ministry of Education from 2002 to 2006, are the research objects. 14 copies of the survey and 490 copies of the research questionnaire are distributed to the 14 schools. Out of the 14 surveys and the 490 research questionnaires, 14 surveys and 362 questionnaires are valid. The retrieval rates are 100% and 78.4% respectively. There are 5 interviewees who are responsible for sustainable school environment planning. Finally, the conclusions of the study have been made by analyzing the literature review, the survey, the questionnaire, and the interview’s results. Some findings are described as below:
1. The main motivations that junior high schools in five counties and cities of Northern Taiwan joined Taiwan Sustainable Campus Project are striving for funds to improve school environment, and developing school characteristics to implement the concepts of sustainable development education.
2. The main projects of the application for Taiwan Sustainable Campus Project in junior high schools in five counties and cities of Northern Taiwan are“ecological pond,”“the multi-layers ecological green-making,”and “rainwater retrieving.”
3. There is high identification and evaluation in the sustainable campus environmental facilities among most of the teachers. However, teachers who are school administrators, who participate in sustainable campus planning, who teach science and technology subject, and who belong to small scale schools have higher identification than general teachers.
4. The main motivations that teachers incorporate sustainable campus environmental facilities into teaching are cooperating to schools’ policies, promoting the concepts of environmental and ecological education among students, and building the model of sustainable development education.
5. The main projects that teacher incorporate sustainable school environmental facilities into teaching are “ecological pond,”“the multi-layers ecological green-making,”and“agricultural garden for teaching.”Facilities that teachers use most frequently are “ecological pond,”“the multi-layers ecological green-making,”and “agricultural garden for teaching.” Moreover, they are in good condition.
6. The main projects that teacher design lesson plans and materials due to sustainable school environmental planning are“ecological pond,” “agricultural garden for teaching,”and“the multi-layers ecological green-making.” The main teaching methods that teachers adopt are “campus observing,”“lecture,”and“activity-designed.”
7. The main predicaments for implementing sustainable campus are planners’ insufficient professional knowledge, teachers’ low participation, too much time consuming, lack of experts’ assistance, and insufficient funds. The main predicaments for maintaining sustainable campus facilities are shortage of the manpower for specific responsibility for maintaining, insufficient professional knowledge in administrators, insufficient expenses of maintaining, and inappropriate design of the facilities. The main predicaments that teachers incorporate sustainable campus environmental facilities into teaching are teachers’ insufficient professional knowledge and common consensus, schools’ insufficient environmental resources, and not easily planned curriculum. The other main predicaments are problems of developing schools’ characteristics, problems of the resource integrated in schools’ strategic alliance, problems of personnel frequent replacement, and problems of heavy work burden.
According to the results of the study, some suggestions are offered to the educational authorities, junior schools, and those who go further studies.
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永續經營企業之研究 / Sustainability in Business: Worldwide and in Taiwan康諾亞, Kercher, Noah Unknown Date (has links)
永續經營企業之研究 / The purpose for this case study was to educate the writer and readers about sustainability in business with an analysis of sustainability as it relates to some business topics like marketing, economics, accounting and entrepreneurship. The aim for the paper is to provide examples of SME’s and major corporations use of sustainability to increase value for stakeholders and society. The process involves looking at companies in Taiwan and around the world through lenses of sustainability reports, company websites and interviews. The paper also includes a local perspective of sustainability by looking at Taiwan’s AUO Optronics and the BCSD in Taiwan. (Business Council for Sustainable Development). The outcome: improved understanding of basic actions companies take to address sustainability to improve business success.
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永續性水源區土地使用管理制度之研究許淑鶯 Unknown Date (has links)
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外商與中國製藥產業:市場進入策略與永續培訓 / Entering the Pharmaceutical Industry in China:Market Entry Strategies and Sustainable Training for Foreign Firms施乃維, Shih,Nai-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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集群分析於台灣永續發展指標之研究 / The application of cluster analysis on Taiwan sustainable development indicator徐郅暐 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是利用集群分析(Cluster Analysis)的方法,以了解台灣縣市的永續發展情形,共蒐集2010年政府資訊公開資料,將資料區分為三個大指標(壓力、現況、回應),其中回應部分包含制度回應、都市發展,並於實證分析中先以熱圖來看在各個指標中的大概群數,再以樹狀圖選出適合的集群數及群內組成的縣市為何,並探討各縣市在不同的指標條件下,被分至不同的群中,其群與群之間的差異。
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國民小學永續校園環境規劃與使用之研究羅涵勻 Unknown Date (has links)
七、學校宜多舉辦相關環境教育研習以充實教師專業知能 / Sustainable schools can help students improve quality of life and environment through education, the school life, and discussion about the environmental topics; at the same time they can implement the goal of the environmental education. In order to achieve these goals, how should sustainable schools design school environment and does these sustainable school environmental facilities bring environmental education into play are this study’s purpose.
99 sustainable schools in 2002 and 2003 are the research objects. 99 copies of the questionnaire survey and 1009 copies of the research questionnaire are distributed to randomly-sampled schools. Out of 99 surveys 1009 research questionnaires, 89 surveys and 729 questionnaires are valid. The retrieval rate are 89.9% and 72.2%. There are two interviewees who are familiar with sustainable school environment planning. Finally, the conclusions of study have been made by analyzing the literature review, the questionnaire, and the interview’s result. Some findings and suggestions are described as below:
1. The main motivations that elementary schools join the sustainable school environment planning are ‘improve school environment’,’ develop school characteristic’, and ’allow student to enjoy the nature’.
2. The main projects of sustainable school environment planning for elementary schools application are 'permeable pavement’,’ ecological pond ','fallen leaf compost’, ’agricultural garden of teaching’, and ’the multi-layers ecological green-making '. Moreover, they have to be in good condition.
3. In most cases, sustainable school environment planning is planned by ' the director of general affairs ' or 'the principal'.
4. The combing model is better when elementary schools participate sustainable school environment planning.
5. Sustainable school environmental facilities are mainly maintained by ' the director of general affairs’,’ workers' and 'teachers'. However the manpower, funds and professional knowledge of schools are insufficient, it is difficult to maintain facilities.
6. The main problems for elementary schools to develop sustainable school are ‘insufficient funds’,’ lack of space’,’ ecological knowledge in administration is insufficient’,’ lack proper plan’ and ‘low participation of teachers’.
7. The main projects that teacher participate sustainable school environment planning are 'resource recycle’,’ the fallen leaf compost’,’ the ecological pond’; facilities teachers use most frequently are 'resources are retrieved and utilized’,’ the ecological pond' and 'the fallen leaf compost'.
8. Main difficulties that teachers incorporate sustainable school environmental facilities into teaching are 'too time consuming',' insufficient information’, and ’environmental resources of schools are insufficient'. Teachers incorporate sustainable school environmental facilities into teaching are 'implement and promote the environmental education’,’ adopt multiple teaching method' and 'learning by doing has better effects'.
9. Teachers who participate in sustainable school environment planning have higher identification in planning and using sustainable school environmental facilities than teachers who do not participate.
10. School administrative personnel have higher identification in planning and using sustainable school environmental facilities than general teachers.
11. Teachers of big scale schools have lower identification in planning and using sustainable school environmental facilities than other scale schools’ teachers.
12. There is no differentiation of the identification in planning and using sustainable school environmental facilities among different subject teachers.
13. There is no differentiation of the identification in planning and using sustainable school environmental facilities among teachers’ seniorities.
After the study, some suggestions are made as follows:
1. Continue to develop sustainable school environment planning and keep implement and popularized it.
2. Promote the ecological pond.
3. Carefully plan where to build the agricultural garden of teaching and the setting place of ecological pond.
4. Budget construction costs and maintenance expenses during the designing phase.
5. Draft the whole and long-term environmental program of the school.
6. Encourage teacher participating in the sustainable school environment planning.
7. Schools should provide more relevant environmental education study to improve teacher's professional knowledge.
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永續發展策略之探討-以拜耳為例 / A Study on Strategy of Sustainable Development - A Case on Bayer葉雅婷, Yeh, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究參採Baumgartner and Ebner(2010)所提出之永續策略發展成熟度分析架構,嘗試將平衡計分卡及策略地圖之策略管理概念,應用於分析永續策略。本研究透過對個案企業之永續策略定位與管理、利害關係人參與流程及對企業經營策略具關鍵影響力的永續策略議題的分析,探討企業經營策略與永續策略之關聯,並進一步歸納發展企業導入永續策略的架構與步驟。本研究以拜耳作為個案分析對象,獲得以下主要發現:
二、企業導入永續策略時,必須辨識與企業攸關之永續發展驅策力,並以企業之核心營運項目為思考起點,進行永續策略的定位與發展。其中,利害關係人的管理,以及有效辨識對企業經營策略具關鍵影響力的永續策略議題,係導入永續策略的重要步驟。 / Businesses nowadays pay more and more attention to sustainable development related issues, especially the impact from sustainability megaforces. Many benchmark enterprises have integrated sustainable development issues into their business development strategies in response to those risks raised from sustainability megaforces. Not only to aggressively take advantages of business opportunities come from sustainable development issues but to increase enterprise value and create higher stakeholder returns. Under the impact of sustainability megaforces, how enterprises develop sustainable strategies in response to the risks and meanwhile hold the opportunities are non-neglectable and critical management topics.
This paper refers to the maturity levels of sustainability strategy defined from Baumgartner and Ebner (2010), and tries to apply the strategic management concepts of Balance Scorecard and Strategy Map to analyze sustainability strategy. The primary aim of this paper is to eveluate the relationship between business strategy and sustainability strategy and further identify the framework and steps to implement sustainability strategies by analyzing the case’s positioning and management of sustainability strategy, stakeholder engagement process, and material sustainability strategy issues which have critical impacts to business strategy. This paper takes Bayer Group as the case study and has the below main findings:
1.Sustainability strategy is critical and indispensable to business strategy. Sustainability strategy can not only help business increase the performance of operating strategy but also create long-term value.
2.Enterprises have to identify the key sustainability megaforces relevant to business when developing sustainability strategy, and base on their core business to position and develop sustainability strategy. Important steps of implementing sustainability strategy include stakeholder management and the effectiveness of identifying material sustainability strategy issues which have critical impacts to business strategy.
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以XML資料庫為儲存體的Java永續物件之研究 / Persistent Java Data Objects on XML Databases侯語政, Hou, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
物件永續化是應用系統設計時經常會面臨的需求,傳統做法是由開發人員自行設法將物件轉為資料庫可接受的格式,再存入後端資料庫。但這往往使得開發人員必須同時處理兩種資料模型,除了應用系統所用的物件模型之外,開發人員還要處理後端資料庫所用的資料模型,譬如表格等,以及兩種模型間的轉換。這不僅增加系統開發的複雜度,維護系統亦不容易。新的資料永續性技術Java資料物件(JDO)提供一個標準的框架,能夠幫助開發人員代為處理物件永續化的問題。因此開發人員能夠以單純的物件模型發展應用系統。另一方面,XML技術的興起帶動XML文件在資料交換與儲存方面的加速發展,其中專門儲存XML文件的資料庫也日益普遍。我們的研究是在瞭解如何使用XML資料庫為後端的資料儲存庫,而對Java物件進行物件永續化。 / Object persistence often comes up at the development of the application systems. Traditionally, the developers should try to transfer the objects to forms that databases can accept, and then store them in databases. But this often makes developers deal with two kinds of data models at the same time: besides object model that the application usually uses, the developers should also deal with the data model used for the backend database, like the relation model, and the conversion between both models. This not only increases the complexity of the system, but also the difficulty to maintain the system. A new technology of object persistence is Java Data Objects (JDO), which offer a standard framework to help developers to deal with object persistence so that the developers can concern themselves with object model only. On the other hand, the rise of XML technologies makes it attractive in data exchange and storage. The use of XML databases as data repositories becomes more and more common. Our research in the thesis is to realize JDO by serializing Java objects as XML documents and use XML databases as persistent repositories to store the resulting documents.
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西非經濟共同體的整合: 永續發展計畫 / Economic Integration of West African Nations: A Synthesis For Sustainable DevelopmentGoodridge, Reginald B., Jr. Unknown Date (has links)
Though rich in natural resources and wealth generating potential, West African nations are currently marred by war, political instability, and economic uncertainty. While many factors have contributed to this, there are solutions to alleviate the plight of West African people. As post-colonial West Africa struggles to organize its individual economies, human resources and infrastructure to adequately manage natural resources; I explore regional economic integration of nations, the role of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in its regional functions, and postulate a synthesis for sustainable development, growth and stability through the promotion of a healthy and robust economy.
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