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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Σχεδίαση παράλληλης διάταξης επεξεργαστών σε ένα chip : δημιουργία και μελέτη high radix RNS αθροιστή

Γιαννοπούλου, Λεμονιά 09 July 2013 (has links)
Η άθροιση μεγάλων αριθμών είναι μια χρονοβόρα και ενεργοβόρα διαδικασία. Πολλές μέθοδοι έχουν αναπτυχθεί για να μειωθεί η καθυστέρηση υπολογισμού του αθροίσματος λόγω της μετάδοσης κρατουμένου. Τέτοιες είναι η πρόβλεψη κρατουμένου (carry look ahead) και η επιλογή κρατουμένου (carry select). Αυτές οι αρχιτεκτονικές δεν είναι επαρκώς επεκτάσιμες για μεγάλους αριθμούς (με πολλά bits) ή πολλούς αριθμούς, διότι παράγονται μεγάλα και ενεργοβόρα κυκλώματα. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάται η μέθοδος υπολοίπου (RNS), η οποία χρησιμοποιεί συστήματα αριθμών μεγαλύτερα από το δυαδικό. Ορίζεται μια βάση τριών αριθμών και οι αριθμοί αναπαρίστανται στα εκάστοτε τρία συστήματα της βάσης. Η άθροιση γίνεται παράλληλα σε κάθε σύστημα και τέλος οι αριθμοί μετατρέπονται πάλι στο δυαδικό. Τα πλεονεκτήματα αυτής της προσέγγισης είναι η παραλληλία και η απουσία μεγάλων κυκλωμάτων διάδοσης κρατουμένου. Το μειονέκτημα είναι ότι χρειάζονται κυκλώματα μετατροπής από και προς το δυαδικό σύστημα. Αυτού του είδους οι αθροιστές συγκρίνονται για κατανάλωση ενέργειας με τους γνωστούς carry look ahead και carry select. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι οι RNS αθροιστές καταναλώνουν λιγότερη ενέργεια. / The addition of many-bits numbers is a time and power consuming task. Many methods are developed to reduce the sum calculation delay due to carry propagation. Such techniques are Carry Look Ahead and Carry Select, Those techniques are not scalable to many bits numbers or a set of many numbers: the circuits needed are big and power consuming. In this thesis, the the RNS technique is investigated. This technique uses radix bigger than binary. A 3-numbers base is defined and the numbers that participate in the sum are represented uniquely in each element radix. The addition is performed in parallel in each radix. Finally the result is transformed back to the binary numbers system. The advantages of this technique are the parallelization of the process and the lack of carry propagation circuits. The disadvantage is that transformation circuits are need from/to binary system. The RNS adders are compared to CLA and CS for power. Such adders are compared to CLA and CS for power consumption. It is found that RNS adders consume less energy.

Sensualité et séparation des sexes dans le cinéma Tunisien / Sensuality and separation of the sexes in Tunisian Cinema

Chakroun, Olfa 24 November 2017 (has links)
Les différents tabous dans le contact entre sexes dans la culture musulmane, conduisent à questionner la relation entre les fondements moraux et institutionnels, et la représentation de la sensualité à l'écran. L'évolution de l'expression de la sensualité dans le cinéma tunisien est atypique : elle est passée d'un régime de permissivité au cours des années 1960-1970 à un régime de restrictions et d'interdits. Les paradoxes de l'évolution sont que le discours libéral a disparu. Le problème central est le rapport de possession de l'homme au nu féminin, et de manière annexe, son approche de la sensualité, de l'érotisme, et de tout ce qui touche, de près ou de loin; le contact. La séparation des sexes est comblée par le voyeurisme, qui prend pour objet un monde féminin fantasmé et parfois menaçant. L'axe dramatique qui conditionne le traitement cinématographique de la sensualité, est la séparation spatiale et sociale des sexes.Qu'entend-on par sensualité dans un système de séparation des sexes ? La sensualité est le plaisir même, en passant par le regard, le toucher et par l'apparence. Comment cette sensualité est-elle permise ou non permise ? Le phénomène de la séparation des sexes relatif à la société tunisienne, est marqué dans le corps lui-même par le moyen de la distinction et des types de comportements requis de part et d'autre. L'entre soi du genre peut glisser vers des thématiques homosexuelles fortement allusives. / The various taboos in the contact between the sexes in Muslim culture lead to questioning the relationship between the moral and institutional foundations and the representation of sensuality on the screen. The evolution of the expression of sensuality in Tunisian cinema is atypical: it evolved from a permissive regime in the 1960s to a regime of restrictions and prohibitions. The paradoxes of this evolution are that the liberal discourse has disappeared. The central problem is the relation of man's possession to the feminine nude, and, in an ancillary manner, his approach to sensuality, eroticism, and ail that touches, near or far; the contact. The separation of the sexes is filled by voyeurism, which takes as its object a feminine world fantasized and sometimes menacing. The dramatic axis that determines the cinematographic treatment of sensuality is the spatial and social separation of the sexes. What is meant by sensuality in a system of separation of the sexes? Sensuality is the pleasure itself, passing by the look, the touch and by the appearance. How is this sensuality allowed or not allowed? The phenomenon of the separation of the sexes relative to the Tunisian society is marked in the body itself by means of the distinction and the types of behaviors required on both sides. The inter-self of the gender can slip towards heavily allusive homosexual themes.

Styrprogram till PIC-processorer för fjärrmanövrerad relämatris / Styrprogram till PIC-processorer för fjärrmanövrerad relämatris/Manueuvre program to PIC-processor for remote-controlled matrix of relays

Eskilsson, Eric January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The aims with this report are to document the upgrade and development of new software for the distance laboratory at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. The work has been focused on implementing the identification number in a microcontroller, to read its data from a so called look-up table and to be able to control digital components through a serial bus (SPI). The look-up table is a list of data from which the software reads data for the different types of printed circuit boards in the hardware component of the distance laboratory is in focus. The results of the report are an implemented, upgraded version of the software and all three aims has been accomplished. Sammanfattning Syftet med detta arbete har varit att utveckla och uppgradera en ny mjukvara till distanslaboaratoriet på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, genom att implementera adressen till en microcontroller, att läsa dess data från en så kallad look-up table, samt att kunna styra digitala komponenter med en seriell buss (SPI). Fokus i programmeringen har legat på look-up table, vilket är en datalista som mjukvaran läser funktionsdata från för de olika korttyperna i matrisen. Resultatet är en implementerad, uppgraderad version av mjukvaran och alla tre målen har gått att genomföra.

Charlson and Rx-Risk Comorbidity Indices – A Correlation Analysis / Charlson och Rx-Risk Komorbiditetsindex - En Korrelationsanalys

Antonilli, Stefanie, Embaie, Lydia January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate the utilization of the diagnose-based Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and the medication-based Rx-Risk Comorbidity Index on Swedish administrative data. Data was collected over a ten-year period from the National Patient Register and the National Prescribed Medication Register on 3609 respondents from the national public health survey 2018, aged 16-84 and registered in Stockholm County. The overall aim was to identify comorbid conditions in the study population; and to examine if the identified comorbidities differ between indices, based on subject characteristics such as age and gender. Moreover, the specific aim was to quantify correlation between the indices, as well as within indices over look-back periods of up to ten years. Among the study population, 13 % were identified with at least one comorbid condition through CCI, and 87 % had medications indicative of at least one condition covered by Rx-Risk. Both the original Charlson weights and updated weights by Quan were used to compute the comorbidity scores for CCI. Results showed that when CCI and Quan may have scored low, the Rx-Risk picked up more conditions. The Spearman rank correlation between CCI and Quan scores resulted in relatively high correlation with a coefficient of 0.82 (p-value < 0.05) over look-back periods of 2, 5 and 10 years. Moreover, the correlation between CCI and Rx-Risk was fairly low over all look-back periods with a correlation coefficient of 0.34 (p-value < 0.05) at most. The within-correlation showed that CCI identified much of the comorbidity between the one- and two-year look-back periods, whilst Rx-Risk identified much comorbidity within the one-year look-back period. The overall implications of the presented results are that a utilization of Charlson index and Rx-Risk is likely to capture comorbid conditions in different health care settings, and thus expected correlation is to be of modest level between the two indices. The research question of interest should therefore determine which index is favorable when assessment of comorbidity is desired.

Murky Impressions of Postmodernism: Eugene Gant and Shakespearean Intertext in Thomas Wolfe's Look Homeward, Angel and Of Time and the River

Miller, Brenda 12 1900 (has links)
In this study, I analyze the significance of Shakespearean intertextuality in the major works of Thomas Wolfe featuring protagonist Eugene Gant: Look Homeward, Angel and Of Time and the River. Specifically, I explore Gant's habits and preferences as a reader by examining the narrative arising from the protagonist's perspectives of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, and King Lear. I examine the significance of parallel reading habits of Wolfe the author and Gant the character. I also scrutinize the plurality of Gant's methods of cognition as a reader who interprets texts, communicates his connections with texts, and wars with texts. Further, I assess the cumulative effect of Wolfe's having blurred the boundaries between fiction and reality, between the novel and drama. I assert, then, that Wolfe, by incorporating a Shakespearean intertext, reveals aspects indicative of postmodernism.

Predictive Energy Management of Long-Haul Hybrid Trucks : Using Quadratic Programming and Branch-and-Bound

Jonsson Holm, Erik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis presents a predictive energy management controller for long-haul hybrid trucks. In a receding horizon control framework, the vehicle speed reference, battery energy reference, and engine on/off decision are optimized over a prediction horizon. A mixed-integer quadratic program (MIQP) is formulated by performing modelling approximations and by including the binary engine on/off decision in the optimal control problem. The branch-and-bound algorithm is applied to solve this problem. Simulation results show fuel consumption reductions between 10-15%, depending on driving cycle, compared to a conventional truck. The hybrid truck without the predictive control saves significantly less. Fuel consumption is reduced by 3-8% in this case. A sensitivity analysis studies the effects on branch-and-bound iterations and fuel consumption when varying parameters related to the binary engine on/off decision. In addition, it is shown that the control strategy can maintain a safe time gap to a leading vehicle. Also, the introduction of the battery temperature state makes it possible to approximately model the dynamic battery power limitations over the prediction horizon. The main contributions of the thesis are the MIQP control problem formulation, the strategy to solve this with the branch-and-bound method, and the sensitivity analysis.

Systém pro sledování pohybu očí / System for Eye Movement Monitoring

Vojtíšek, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with eye tracking systems and possibility of using them for control of many software or hardware devices. Project explains eye anatomy and electrophysiology, types of eye trackers and methods of eye tracking. We studied methods of image processing and image analyzing in LabVIEW development system and IMAQ Vision subsystem. On the base of these studies, we created whole eye tracking system .This system can be used for both the eye tracking from video recording and real time eye tracking. This system can monitor position or trajectory of look.

Feroelektrika v elektrickém poli / Ferroelectrics in an electric field

Pavelka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The submitted thesis describes characteristics and use of ferroelectric materials which find their utilization in electrotechnical and electronics industry. The thesis is mainly aimed at their behaviour in the electrical field at various intensity. The method using an osciloscope is selected for measuring. For the main measuring in part of this thesis was produced experimental wafer with five samples which were subsequently mesuared. The VEE PRO program was used for creating of collecting datas for histeresis loop and it’s functionality was checked on wafer with five examples in measuring. During this measuring was also measured electric tension dependence of components of complex permittivity.

Non-Prestige Television Is Worth Taking A Look At: MTV's Teen Wolf

Neff-Strickland, Jaymen Canice 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

On the Value of Prediction and Feedback for Online Decision Making With Switching Costs

Ming Shi (12621637) 01 June 2022 (has links)
<p>Online decision making with switching costs has received considerable attention in many practical problems that face uncertainty in the inputs and key problem parameters. Because of the switching costs that penalize the change of decisions, making good online decisions under such uncertainty is known to be extremely challenging. This thesis aims at providing new online algorithms with strong performance guarantees to address this challenge.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In part 1 and part 2 of this thesis, motivated by Network Functions Virtualization and smart grid, we study competitive online convex optimization with switching costs. Specifically, in part 1, we focus on the setting with an uncertainty set (one type of prediction) and hard infeasibility constraints. We develop new online algorithms that can attain optimized competitive ratios, while ensuring feasibility at all times. Moreover, we design a robustification procedure that helps these algorithms obtain good average-case performance simultaneously. In part 2, we focus on the setting with look-ahead (another type of prediction). We provide the first algorithm that attains a competitive ratio that not only decreases to 1 as the look-ahead window size increases, but also remains upper-bounded for any ratio between the switching-cost coefficient and service-cost coefficient.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In part 3 of this thesis, motivated by edge computing with artificial intelligence, we study bandit learning with switching costs where, in addition to bandit feedback, full feedback can be requested at a cost. We show that, when only 1 arm can be chosen at a time, adding costly full-feedback is not helpful in fundamentally reducing the Θ(<em>T</em>2/3) regret over a time-horizon <em>T</em>. In contrast, when 2 (or more) arms can be chosen at a time, we provide a new online learning algorithm that achieves a significantly smaller regret equal to <em>O</em>(√<em>T</em>), without even using full feedback. To the best of our knowledge, this type of sharp transition from choosing 1 arm to choosing 2 (or more) arms has never been reported in the literature.</p>

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