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Alla kan bli statsminister : En narrativ studie med rektorer i särskilt utsatta områden. / Every Student has the Chance to become President : Narratives of Work of Principals in Urban Schools.Jemander, Malin January 2023 (has links)
This study is based on data from eight interviews with principals who lead schools in particularly vulnerable areas, where gang crime, exclusion, overcrowding and poverty are commonplace. The research questions are about their own view of their work in relation to the context. The purpose of the study is to deepen the knowledge of principals' work in urban schools. The study has a narrative approach and is examined from a hermeneutic perspective. These stories are analyzed partly individually but also together to examine if patterns or categories appear in the stories. The context emerges and is filtered in this way through the patterns formed by the principals' stories. The context studied is the societal and socio-cultural context. In order to be able to put the principals' stories in a common context, sociological thinking is used. The interview material in the study is analyzed as narrative, i.e. coherent stories. The analysis is done in two stages. The first step to create a narrative from the interview material. These created coherent stories are then analyzed as the second step. That analysis is made in two parts where each part is aimed at answering one of the research questions. The results show that four areas appear in the principals' stories. The first is the clear orientation for increased student outcomes described in the stories. Here, a clear shift from a care focus towards a knowledge focus is described. The second category deals with communication patterns and relationship building, which is described as particularly important based on the context the principals find themselves in and which reappears as a cornerstone in all work. The third category appearing is how organization and governance are used to have an effect on student learning. Here school development efforts and changes in roles within the operation are described, for example expansion of two- and three-teacher systems, team leader organization, cooperation with and between first teachers and development of recess activities. The final category is about the social responsibility that the principals describe and trust in education and in students. Within this category, high expectations of and trust in the students recur in stories. / Den här studien är baserad på data från åtta intervjuer med rektorer som leder skolor i särskilt utsatta områden, där gängkriminalitet, utanförskap, trångboddhet och fattigdom är vardag. Detta med frågeställningar om deras egen bild av sitt arbete i relation till kontexten. Syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om rektorers arbete i särskilt utsatta områden. Detta görs genom att undersöka rektorers berättelser om sitt arbete i denna specifika kontext. Studien har en narrativ ansats och undersöks ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Dessa berättelser analyseras dels enskilt men även tillsammans för att se om mönster eller kategorier framträder i berättelserna. Kontexten framträder och filtreras på så sätt genom de mönster som bildas av rektorernas berättelser. Den kontext som studeras är den samhällsgemensamma och den sociokulturella kontexten. För att kunna sätta rektorernas berättelser i ett gemensamt sammanhang används ett sociologiskt tänkande. Intervjumaterialet i studien analyseras som narrativ, dvs sammanhängande berättelser. Analysarbetet är gjort i två steg. Det första steget är att skapa narrativ av intervjumaterialet. Därefter analyseras dessa skapade sammanhängande berättelser. Den analysen är gjord i två delar där varje del riktas mot att besvara en av studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att fyra områden framträder i rektorernas berättelser. Den första är den tydliga orientering för höjda kunskapsresultat som beskrivs i berättelserna. Här beskrivs en tydlig förskjutning från ett omsorgsfokus mot ett kunskapsfokus. Den andra kategorin handlar om kommunikationsmönster och relationsbyggande som beskrivs som särskilt viktigt utifrån den kontext rektorerna befinner sig i och återkommer som grundbult i allt arbete. Den tredje kategorien som blir tydlig är hur organisation och styrning används för att ge effekt på elevers lärande. Här finns skolutvecklingsinsatser och förändringar av roller inom verksamheten t ex utbyggnad av två- och trelärarsystem, arbetslagsledarorganisation, samarbetet med och mellan förstelärare samt utveckling av rastverksamhet. Den avslutande kategorin handlar om det samhällsansvar som rektorerna beskriver och tilltro till utbildning och till elever. Inom denna kategori återkommer höga förväntningar på och tilltro till eleverna i berättelser.
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The effects of a constructivist-based fraction intervention on the achievement and self-efficacy beliefs of low socio-economic status studentsTurner, Sylvia A. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Low socio-economic status (SES) students are less likely to gain access to the gatekeeper mathematics courses necessary for high school graduation and entrance to college. This study examined the effects of a constructivist-based fraction intervention on mathematics achievement, self-efficacy beliefs, and Algebra One enrollment of mathematically at risk low SES sixth grade students. Students' fifth grade mathematics CST and sixth grade fraction benchmark scores served as covariates in each analysis. Achievement was measured by the students' scores on their seventh grade fraction benchmark and mathematics California Standards Test (CST). A Fraction Self-Efficacy Survey measured students' beliefs. The sixth grade fraction intervention was a one week, 35 hour program. The experiment included 45 students who attended the intervention and 43 matched students who served as the comparison group. Teacher effects were controlled. The scores of students in the treatment group were significantly higher on both their seventh grade fraction benchmark (p < 0.001) and mathematics CST (p < 0.001). Students in the treatment group scored higher in overall self-efficacy beliefs than students in the comparison group and, although there was a trend towards significance (p = 0.065), the difference was not statistically significant. Additionally, logistic regression was used to determine that students' self-efficacy beliefs partially mediated the relationship between participation in the fraction intervention and their enrollment in Algebra One. Students who attended the intervention were three times as likely to enroll in Algebra One as their matched peers.
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No description available.
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Accès à l’alimentation saine dans l’Est de Montréal : perspective des ménages à faible revenu et des acteurs en sécurité alimentaireGallani, Alessandra 06 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les inégalités sociales de santé liées à l'alimentation sont associées à une prévalence accrue de maladies chroniques au sein des populations socioéconomiquement défavorisées. Le manque d’accès physique et économique à des aliments sains et abordables engendre des inégalités sociales en l’alimentation et pourrait expliquer une part du gradient observé, comme c’est le cas dans les quartiers les plus pauvres dans l’Est de Montréal. Objectif : Comprendre les perspectives des ménages à faible revenu (MFR) et des acteurs en sécurité alimentaire sur l’accès aux aliments sains dans l’environnement alimentaire de l’Est de Montréal, en tenant compte de la viabilité des initiatives alimentaires locales. Méthodologie : L’étude a suivi un devis qualitatif mené selon une approche de recherche-action, en partenariat avec le Réseau alimentaire de l’Est de Montréal (RAEM). Six groupes de discussion auprès des MFR (n= 49) et un auprès de membres du RAEM (n=13) ont été réalisés en 2018. L’analyse des données est articulée autour de cinq dimensions de l’accès aux aliments (économique, spatio-temporelle, sur la disponibilité de service, sociale et personnelle) proposées par Freedman et al. 2013. Résultats : Un accès limité à des aliments abordables et de qualité dans l’environnement alimentaire, des contraintes de transport et les distances à parcourir pour s’approvisionner en aliments sont les principaux obstacles à l’accès à la saine alimentation soulignés par les MFR. Pour les acteurs, bien que les dimensions économiques et spatio-temporelles s’avèrent majeures, d’autres facteurs liés aux dimensions personnelles sont également des barrières importantes. Conclusion : Les perspectives des MFR et des acteurs en sécurité alimentaire suggèrent que la situation économique et géographique, mais aussi les préférences personnelles et sociales des MFR sont déterminantes dans l’accès à la saine alimentation. Malgré la divergence des perspectives, celles-ci doivent d’être prises en considération lors de l'implantation de stratégies. / Context: Social inequalities in health related to diet are associated with a higher prevalence of chronic diseases among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Lack of physical and economic access to healthy and affordable food instigates these social inequalities, and could partly explain the observed gradient, as in the case of one of the poorest neighborhoods in Eastern Montréal. Objective: Understand the perspectives of low-income households (LIHs) and food security actors of the Montreal East Food Network (RAEM) on access to healthy food in the food environment of Eastern Montreal, bearing in mind the viability of local food initiatives. Methodology: This qualitative study followed an action-research approach in partnership with RAEM. Six focus groups with LIHs (n = 49) and one with RAEM members (n = 13) were carried out in 2018. Data analysis was guided by the five dimensions of food access (economic, spatio-temporal, service availability, social and personal), as described by Freedman et al. (2013). Results: LIHs perceive that limited access to affordable food of high quality in the food environment, transportation constraints, and travel distance to food stores as the main obstacles to healthy eating. Although food security actors described the economic and spatio-temporal dimensions as crucial, they also acknowledged important barriers related to the personal and social dimensions. Conclusion: The perspectives of LIHs and food security actors suggest that economic and geographic situations, as well as the personal and social preferences of LIHs are determinants in access to healthy food. Despite the divergence of perspectives, these must be taken into consideration when implementing food security strategies. Keywords: Food environment, health disparities, food access, low socioeconomic status, food system representatives, alternative food system.
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