Spelling suggestions: "subject:"made inn"" "subject:"made iin""
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ART WITHIN:The Excavated Books of David P. GieskeGieske, David P. 01 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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LIEBLINGSPULLIFAVORITE SWEATERSeeburger, Katryn I. 12 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Detection of Man-made Objects in Satellite ImagesForssén, Per-Erik January 1997 (has links)
In this report, the principles of man-made object detection in satellite images is investigated. An overview of terminology and of how the detection problem is usually solved today is given. A three level system to solve the detection problem is proposed. The main branches of this system handle road, and city detection respectively. To achieve data source flexibility, the Logical Sensor notion is used to model the low level system components. Three Logical Sensors have been implemented and tested on Landsat TM and SPOT XS scenes. These are: BDT (Background Discriminant Transformation) to construct a man-made object property field; Local-orientation for texture estimation and road tracking; Texture estimation using local variance and variance of local orientation. A gradient magnitude measure for road seed generation has also been tested.
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Post-Traumatic Symptomatology in the Luby's ShootingAdams, Pam, 1964- 12 1900 (has links)
The role of exposure to a human-made disaster and the subsequent development of post-traumatic stress reactions were examined. Subjects included 49 males and 30 females who were variously exposed to the Luby's shooting incident in Killeen, Texas in October of 1991. Post-traumatic stress symptomatology was measured by the SCL-90R. Exposure was operationalized by using a scenario-rating scheme with independent raters estimating each subject's level of exposure. A regression and commonality analysis revealed that exposure is an important predictor in post-traumatic symptomatology. Premorbid functioning and gender were also found to play important roles, with females expressing higher levels of symptomatology.
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Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need YouKozlowski, Andrew 01 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to expand upon the ideas that permeate the practice of art making that has developed over the past two years. Art criticism, theory, history, and practice are used to give definition to the boundaries of my ever-shifting body of work. Focusing on the elusive nature of communication in both public and private spheres, these projects range from installation and sculptural work, to web projects, photography, and drawing.
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Syndromes myélodysplasiques de novo et secondaires à un traitement anti-cancéreux : recherche de marqueurs génétiques de susceptibilité individuelle / Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndromes : identification of genetic markers of individual susceptibilityDubois, Julie 21 December 2012 (has links)
Les syndromes myélodysplasiques (SMD) sont des hémopathies myéloïdes clonales évoluant vers une leucémie aiguë (LA). Les SMD et LA secondaires, survenant après traitement par chimiothérapie et/ou radiothérapie, ont un pronostic très péjoratif. Cependant seule une partie des sujets exposés aux traitements cytotoxiques développent un SMD secondaire, ce qui suggère une composante génétique dans la susceptibilité individuelle au risque de développer un SMD secondaire. Les objectifs de ce travail ont été d’identifier des polymorphismes génétiques de type SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) significativement associés à des caractères cliniques et biologiques des SMD tel leur caractère secondaire. Une « puce » à façon a sélectionné 384 SNP de fréquence allélique supérieure à 10 % impliqués dans la réparation de l’ADN, le métabolisme, le transport et la détoxication des xénobiotiques. L’ADN constitutionnel de 65 patients atteints de SMD primaire et secondaire a été recueilli et génotypé pour ces 384 SNP. La seule association significative par test exact de Fisher (p = 0,009 après correction de Benjamini-Hochberg) a été observée pour le caractère secondaire des SMD et la présence de l’allèle variant de MGMT (MéthylGuanine MéthylTransférase) sur deux SNP en déséquilibre de liaison, rs2308321 (Ile143Val) et rs2308327 (Lys178Arg). Nous avons recherché le caractère prédictif de la présence de l’allèle variant de MGMT pour le risque de SMD/LA secondaire chez des patientes ayant reçu un traitement cytotoxique pour un cancer du sein, et ayant développé une LA secondaire. Enfin, nous avons construit des lignées cellulaires stables, isogéniques, exprimant soit la forme sauvage soit la forme variante de MGMT. Les études fonctionnelles par tests de cytotoxicité, co-cultures à long terme et étude des demi-vies des protéines, sous traitement alkylant, montrent respectivement des différences de sensibilité, de prolifération ou de dégradation entre les formes variante et sauvage de MGMT. / Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are clonal hematopoietic disorders evolving toward acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Therapy-related MDS and AML occur after chemo- and/or radiotherapy for previous cancer and have a very poor outcome. However, only a minimal proportion of patients exposed to anticancer drugs develop secondary MDS, suggesting a genetic component in individual susceptibility. The aim of our study was to identify gene polymorphisms significantly associated with MDS in patients. We have selected 384 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) with allele frequency >10% in genes involved in DNA repair and drug metabolism and transport. DNA extracts were obtained from blood and cheek samples from a population of 65 MDS patients, and the 384 SNPs were genotyped. We analysed the associations existing between each genotype and several pathological features, especially the treatment-related character of MDS. The Fisher exact test with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing was applied for statistical analysis. The only significant association (p = 0.009 after correction) was observed for the treatment-related character of MDS and the presence of a variant allele in MGMT (methylguanine methyltransferase, a gene involved in DNA repair), characterised by two SNPs in complete linkage disequilibrium: rs2308321 (Ile143Val) and rs2308327 (Lys178Arg). An epidemiological study was performed to assess the predictive value of the variant allele in MGMT for the development of secondary acute leukaemia among patients treated for breast cancer. We have constructed isogenic stable cell lines expressing either the wild-type or the variant allele of MGMT. Functional studies (analysis of response to alkylating agents, allele quantification of mixed cultures of wild-type and variant cells and half-lives study of the proteins) show differences in sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents, proliferative capacity and MGMT rate of degradation between the wild-type and the variant MGMT.
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Étude des connaissances de Fonction et de Manipulation associées aux objets dans une perspective vie-entière et en imagerie cérébrale / Comprehension of object Function and Manipulation : evidence from brain imaging and lifespan studies.Collette, Cynthia 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les objets fabriqués manipulable (ou outils) sont caractérisés entre autre par leur Fonction (i.e. ce à quoi sert l’objet) et par leur Manipulation (i.e. gestes typiques associés à leur utilisation). Le présent travail de thèse s’inscrit dans une approche incarnée de la cognition et défend l’idée que les connaissances gestuelles sont le point d’ancrage au développement de la représentation conceptuelle des objets. Néanmoins, des études antérieures ont montré que les jugements de similarité de Fonction sont réalisés plus rapidement que ceux de Manipulation suggérant un accès plus précoce à la Fonction. En utilisant le paradigme d’amorçage, nous avons exploré l’organisation des connaissances de Manipulation et de Fonction tout au long de la vie. Nous avons montré que les traits gestuels facilitent la dénomination d’objets chez les enfants de 8 ans et que cet effet diminue linéairement avec l’âge. Cet effet est inhibiteur chez l’adulte jeune et âgé. Parallèlement, les traits fonctionnels ne sont activés de façon incidente que chez l’adulte jeune et entrainent une facilitation de la dénomination. Toutefois le sens de l’effet d’amorçage semble dépendant du type de traitement opéré sur l’objet-cible. En effet, l’amorçage par la Manipulation devient facilitateur chez les adultes dans une tâche de décision d’objet. Ces résultats supportent deux idées cruciales ; ils confirment la primauté de représentations gestuelles et l’ancrage plus lent des connaissances fonctionnelles dans les représentations d’objets, d’autre part, ils montrent que le format procédural des traits gestuels peut ralentir le traitement sémantique de l’objet. Ce dernier point est précisé par l’investigation des processus en jeu durant le jugement de deux objets sur la base de leur Fonction vs. Manipulation en imagerie cérébrale. Notre étude IRMf a montré que le jugement de similarité en termes de gestes entraine l’activation spécifique de régions pariétales (représentations gestuelles), frontales (simulation motrice) et cérébelleuses (inhibition de l’exécution du geste) comparativement à la Fonction. Cette dernière ne présentant pas d’activation spécifique. Enfin, notre étude en EEG a montré que le jugement de Manipulation entraine un traitement structurel de l’objet précoce et accru, ainsi que deux traitements plus tardifs observés sur les composantes P300 et P400-700 reflétant respectivement un accès plus profonds aux représentations gestuelles et un traitement en mémoire de travail. Ensemble, ces résultats montrent que l’allongement des temps de réponse aux tâches de jugements de Manipulation s’explique par un coût cognitif plus important pour la comparaison de traits gestuels plutôt que par un accès tardif à ces représentations. La prédiction de l’approche incarnée de la cognition n’est pas écartée. / Manipulable artifacts (or tools) can be defined according to their Function (i.e. what the object is for) or their Manipulation (i.e. the typical gestures associated with its use). The present PhD thesis is inscribed in the embodied cognition approach and supports the idea that gestural knowledge is the anchor point to the development of the conceptual representation of objects. Nevertheless, previous works showed that Function similarity judgments are made faster than those of Manipulation suggesting that Function is more readily available than Manipulation. Using the priming paradigm, we explored the organization of Manipulation and Function knowledge throughout life. We showed that gestural traits facilitate the naming of objects in 8-year-olds and that this effect decreases linearly with age. This inhibitory effect appears in young and in elderly. At the same time, the functional features are only incidentally activated in the young group and lead to facilitation effect. However, the direction of the priming effect seems to depend on the type of processing performed on the target object. Indeed, by using an object decision task, a facilitation is observed in Manipulation . These results support two crucial ideas: they confirm the primacy of gestural representations, and the slower anchoring of functional knowledge in the representations of objects; and, on the other hand, they show that the procedural format of gestural traits can slow down the semantic processing of the object. This last point is clarified by the investigation of the processes involved during the judgment of two objects on the basis of their Function vs. Manipulation in brain imaging. Our fMRI study showed that the similarity judgment in terms of gestures leads to the specific activation of parietal (gestural representations), frontal (motor simulation), and cerebellar (inhibition of gesture execution) regions compared to function. The latter does not show any specific activation. Finally, our EEG study showed that Manipulation judgment leads to an increased structural object processing occurring early, as well as two other processing observed on the P300 and P400-700 components, and reflecting, respectively, a deeper access to gestural representations, and a working memory processing. Together, these results show that slower response times to Manipulation with respect to Function judgment tasks is explained by a higher cognitive cost for the comparison of gestural traits rather than by late access to these representations. The prediction of the embodied approach of cognition is still maintained.
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A cidade real e a legal na cidade de São Paulo: as tipologias das construções informais no provimento autônomo de habitações populares na região dos distritos de Casa Verde, Limão e Vila Nova Cachoeirinha. / The real and the legal city in the city of São Paulo: irregular building types in self-provision of low-income housing in the districts of Casa Verde, Limão and Vila Nova Cachoeirinha.Nunes, Evaldo Grasso 05 July 2010 (has links)
As cidades do mundo, atualmente, abrigam mais da metade da população do planeta. A cidade de São Paulo possui a maior população urbana do continente sul americano, e está entre as cinco maiores cidades do mundo. A fim de organizar o espaço urbano com vistas ao desenvolvimento e controlar a construção das edificações para que mantenham condições aceitáveis de habitabilidade e segurança para si e para o seu entorno, a cidade de São Paulo vem criando leis urbanas, como Zoneamento de 1972 e de 2004, com o objetivo de ordenar o uso e a ocupação do solo, e os Códigos de Obras, como os de 1934, 1975 e 1992, que fixaram os parâmetros de construção das edificações. No entanto, grande parte de sua população constrói suas moradias de forma irregular ou clandestina, sem levar em conta as regras urbanas impostas por essas leis. Este trabalho irá investigar as causas dessa informalidade, em especial as habitações produzidas pela população de mais baixo poder aquisitivo, e procurará trazer soluções para o problema. / At the present moment in the cities of the world lives more than the half of the population of the planet. The city of São Paulo has the largest urban population of the South American continent, and is among the five largest cities in the world. In order to organize the urban space taking into account the development and to control the construction of buildings to maintain acceptable conditions of habitability and safety for the population and the environment, the city of São Paulo has issued laws such as Urban zoning of 1972 and 2004 to organize the use and utilization of the land, and the Building code, as the 1934, 1975 and 1992, to set parameters for construction of buildings. However, a lot of its population build their houses in a irregular or illegal manner, without taking into account the urban regulations imposed by these laws. This work investigates the causes of these irregularities, in particularly the houses build by the more poor population and tries to produce solutions to the problem.
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Terracetes de pisoteio de gado e mudanças morfo-pedológicas em vertente amostral na bacia hidrográfica do rio Jacareí, Serra da Mantiqueira-SP / Cattle-tracks and morpho-pedological changes in slope samples in the hydrographic basin of Jacarei River, Serra da Mantiqueira-SPGiroldo, Larissa 29 November 2013 (has links)
A dissertação de mestrado desenvolvida tem como objetivo colaborar com a avaliação conceitual da forma erosiva terracete de pisoteio de gado, ainda pouco desenvolvida e, avaliar as perturbações do meio físico associadas ao pisoteio de gado. O objetivo da pesquisa torna-se relevante ao constatar que a temática desenvolvida é objeto de poucas produções acadêmicas. Além disso, no caso brasileiro, a grande área de terras utilizadas para a pastagem gera a necessidade de entendimento do funcionamento dessa paisagem antrópica para se produza formas corretas de manejo e possíveis restrições para o uso do solo a fim de evitar perturbações no meio físico difíceis de serem revertidas. Para elaborar a análise proposta, utilizou-se como embasamento teórico-metodológico a Geomorfologia Antropogênica em que a sociedade humana é inserida como agente de formação do relevo mesmo que indiretamente como no caso de áreas para a pastagem. Na perspectiva da Geomorfologia Antropogênica é necessário uma abordagem multiescalar para entender a magnitude das perturbações geradas no meio físico pelo ser humano. A primeira linha de investigação para o desenvolvimento da dissertação foi a pesquisa bibliográfica multilíngüe sobre o verbete terracete de pisoteio de gado. Completando a pesquisa bibliográfica, a segunda linha de investigação foi a analise em campo das perturbações do meio físico associadas aos terracetes de pisoteio de gado, com parâmetros físicos do solo e morfológicos da vertente. Como área de estudo, foi escolhida uma vertente amostral da parte rural da cidade de Joanópolis SP. A vertente amostral pertence ao Planalto Atlântico com solos pouco espesso e uso agrícola intensa, possibilitando a comparação entre do trecho da vertente preservado e o trecho antrópico com pastagem. Na vertente amostral foram aplicadas técnicas de campo reconhecidas academicamente. Como procedimento inicial utilizou-se o pantômetro por permitir o cálculo preciso da declividade. Com a análise inicial em campo e a elaboração do perfil topográfico, foram selecionados três pontos de controle para a medição de resistência a penetração; medição da densidade do solo e; a análise morfológica do solo. Os resultados evidenciaram que as perturbações geomorfológicas e pedológicas criadas pelo rebanho bovino são intensas e de diversos tipos. O caminhar do gado também promove a exposição do solo, visto que dificulta ou impede o crescimento da pastagem, pois ao compactar o solo, gera resistência a penetração superior ao limite de crescimento radicular. A compactação do solo é mais profunda que o horizonte A e, em solos pouco espessos, como o neossolo estudado nessa pesquisa, o terracete de pisoteio de gado tem um limite físico para a sua profundidade a rocha parental. / The developed dissertation aims to collaborate with the conceptual evaluation of cattle-tracks erosive form, which studies are still little developed, and to evaluate the physical disturbance associated with cattle trampling. The objective of this research is relevant to add the developed subject itself, which has been presented in few academic productions. Besides that, in Brazilian case, the large land area used for grazing, generates the necessity to understand the functionality of the anthropic landscape, in order to produce correct forms of handling and possible use of land restrictions to avoid disturbances in the physical environment, which are difficult to be reversed. Composing the proposed analysis, it was applied as theoretic and methodological praxis the Antropic Geomorphology where in the society is an agent of relief formation even indirectly, like the case of grazing. In perspective of anthropic geomorphology is necessary a multi-scale approach to understand the magnitude of the disturbance generated in the physical environment caused by human being. The first investigation line for the development of this dissertation was the bibliographic multilingual search about the word cattletracks. In completion of the bibliographic search, the second investigation line was the analyses in field about the disturbance in physical environment associated to the cattle-tracks, with physical soil parameters and morphological slope parameters analyses. As study area, a sample slope of Joanópolis rural area was selected. The sample slope belongs to Atlantic plateau with shallow soil e intense agricultural use enabling comparison between the segment with cover forest and segment with grazing. In the sample slope, it was applied field techniques academical lyre cognized. And as an initial procedure it was used the pantometer, which allows accurate calculation of slope. Up the initial field analysis and profile elaboration, three control points were selected in order to measure the penetration resistance, measure the soil density and morphology. The results showed that geomorphological and pedological disturbance created by cattle was intense and from several types.The cattle grazing causes naked soil, because hinders or prevents the growth of pasture, therefore compacts the soil, creates penetration resistance upper to the limit root growth. The soil compact is deeper than the horizon A and, in shallow soil, as the soil of this research, the cattle-tracks has a physical limit for its deepness, which is the parent rock.
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Os poderes de coerção do juiz na execução de obrigação de pagar / The judge's power in enforcing an obligation to payNacle, Ricardo Amin Abrahão 08 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-08-29T11:33:44Z
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Ricardo Amin Abrahão Nacle.pdf: 1338923 bytes, checksum: 539f8e425475b51f5f9919cd95b697b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-29T11:33:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ricardo Amin Abrahão Nacle.pdf: 1338923 bytes, checksum: 539f8e425475b51f5f9919cd95b697b7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-08-08 / Among the relevant innovations brought by Brazil's 2015 Code of Civil Procedure, the power of enforcement granted to judges with regard to executing obligations to pay is noteworthy. This novelty, which part of the doctrine already understood as applicable even before the repealed code was in force, defines with the powers and duties of the judge to determine atypical measures of enforcement for granting judicial relief to a pecuniary performance. However, the lack of definition of the concept with which the Code worked by giving the technique of atypicality to judges undoubtedly generates a series of questions and fears about possible judicial authoritarianism and violations of the dignity of the debtor. This study will focus on demonstrating that the procedural technique of enforcement acts is fully possible in the obligations to pay and in tune with the fundamental duty to effective judicial protection for the creditor, including by imposing restrictions on the rights of the debtor. It will also demonstrate the unavoidable necessity of the magistrate, when using such procedural techniques, to always do so in accordance with the criteria exhorted by the principle of proportionality / Entre as novidades relevantes trazidas pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015 destaca-se o poder de efetivação conferido ao magistrado no que toca às execuções de obrigação de pagar. Por força dessa novidade, que parte da doutrina já entendia aplicável antes mesmo na vigência do código revogado, cometeu-se ao juiz poderes-deveres para determinar medidas atípicas de coerção para concessão da tutela executiva prestação pecuniária. Todavia, a indeterminação de conceito com a qual trabalhou o código ao conferir a técnica da atipicidade aos juízes gera, sem dúvida, uma série de questionamentos e receios sobre possíveis autoritarismos judiciais e violações da dignidade do devedor. O presente trabalho se dedicará à demonstração de que a técnica processual dos atos de coerção é plenamente possível nas obrigações de pagar e afinada com o dever fundamental a uma tutela jurisdicional efetiva para o credor, inclusive mediante a imposição de restrições aos direitos do devedor. Será demonstrado, também, a necessidade inafastável de o magistrado, quando se valer de tais técnicas processuais, fazê-lo sempre em atenção aos critérios exortados pelo princípio da proporcionalidade
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