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Capturing opportunity : how the conquest of James I shaped the society and culture of Mallorca, 1229-1247 /Harris, Patrick W., January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Eastern Illinois University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-87).
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Liber MaiorichinusBarnes, Gillian Elizabeth Helen January 1990 (has links)
At the beginning of the twelfth century the city of Pisa led an expedition against the Arabs in the Balearic islands in the guise of a crusade. Soon after the return of the victorious Pisans to their city an epic, approximately 3,500 hexameters in length, was written in Latin recording their glorious deeds. This poem, the Liber Maiorichinus, is heavily indebted to the epics of classical Rome for its imagery, and to the major classical epicists, Vergil in particular, for its language. The wealth of detail found in the poem concerning the expedition's route, its course of action and the characters who participated in it suggests that the author himself was a member of the expedition. Both of these aspects of the poem are discussed in the introduction to this thesis. The poem was revised soon after its composition; the revision, which was authorial, increased the classical content of the poem and added more detailed information about the expedition. A Pisan tradition maintains that the epic was composed by Henry of Pisa. Of the three manuscripts which contain a text of the Liber Maiorichinus, one, the oldest, contains no indication of the author's identity; the other two manuscripts suggest that Laurentius Veronensis was the author. Writers at the end of the last century and in the first twenty years of this century concentrated their research upon the identity of the poem's author. An outline of their conclusions is included in this thesis. The greater part of this thesis consists of a critical edition of the Liber Maiorichinus with a translation into English. None of the previous editions of the poem are critical ones, and no translation has been available in any language.
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Crisis and Regeneration: the Conversos of Majorca, 1391-1416Oeltjen, Natalie B. 30 August 2012 (has links)
In the summer of 1391 anti-Jewish violence spread across the kingdom of Castile and the Crown of Aragon. Unprecedented numbers of Jews were murdered and even more were forcibly converted. These converts, known as conversos, formed a new, self-perpetuating social group, which, together with the rest of Spanish society, remained deeply conscious of its distinct ethnicity and culture. A century later, testimonies to the Spanish Inquisition depict a converso community with a continued, if varied, affiliation to Judaism. This dissertation investigates the economic, social and political factors that promoted Jewish identification among the first two generations of conversos in Majorca following their baptism in 1391.
It employs previously unexamined and unpublished archival sources to argue that corporate fiscal obligations had a major impact in shaping the converso community in Majorca, just as they shaped Jewish social and communal life prior to 1391. Conversos organized collectively in order to meet royal fiscal demands, settle their corporate debt and fund social welfare following the disruptions of 1391, adopting administrative models of the former aljama. The monarchy continued to relate to the conversos as a distinct corporate entity in the same ways it had dealt with them as Jews. Royal efforts to prevent converso emigration to the Maghreb, where many fled to renege on Catholicism, carried overtones of the same proto-mercantilist policies that motivated its failed attempts to revivify the island’s Jewish aljama. Publicized restrictions against conversos, many of whom continued to cultivate prior commercial and family relationships with Maghrebi Jews, contributed to popular assumptions that Majorcan conversos at sea were Judaizers, spurring targeted anti-converso and anti-Jewish piracy.
Conversos thus remained entrenched in the same socioeconomic structures, and employed the same licit and illicit strategies to cope with royal exploitation, as when they were Jews. This perpetuated a group identity that was unmistakeably anchored in their Jewish past, and which could promote other aspects of Jewish affiliation. In 1404 the conversos established a formal confraternity which replicated the social welfare programs and administrative techniques of the former aljama within the framework of a Catholic pious society, representing one of the first necessary adaptations to Christian life.
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Crisis and Regeneration: the Conversos of Majorca, 1391-1416Oeltjen, Natalie B. 30 August 2012 (has links)
In the summer of 1391 anti-Jewish violence spread across the kingdom of Castile and the Crown of Aragon. Unprecedented numbers of Jews were murdered and even more were forcibly converted. These converts, known as conversos, formed a new, self-perpetuating social group, which, together with the rest of Spanish society, remained deeply conscious of its distinct ethnicity and culture. A century later, testimonies to the Spanish Inquisition depict a converso community with a continued, if varied, affiliation to Judaism. This dissertation investigates the economic, social and political factors that promoted Jewish identification among the first two generations of conversos in Majorca following their baptism in 1391.
It employs previously unexamined and unpublished archival sources to argue that corporate fiscal obligations had a major impact in shaping the converso community in Majorca, just as they shaped Jewish social and communal life prior to 1391. Conversos organized collectively in order to meet royal fiscal demands, settle their corporate debt and fund social welfare following the disruptions of 1391, adopting administrative models of the former aljama. The monarchy continued to relate to the conversos as a distinct corporate entity in the same ways it had dealt with them as Jews. Royal efforts to prevent converso emigration to the Maghreb, where many fled to renege on Catholicism, carried overtones of the same proto-mercantilist policies that motivated its failed attempts to revivify the island’s Jewish aljama. Publicized restrictions against conversos, many of whom continued to cultivate prior commercial and family relationships with Maghrebi Jews, contributed to popular assumptions that Majorcan conversos at sea were Judaizers, spurring targeted anti-converso and anti-Jewish piracy.
Conversos thus remained entrenched in the same socioeconomic structures, and employed the same licit and illicit strategies to cope with royal exploitation, as when they were Jews. This perpetuated a group identity that was unmistakeably anchored in their Jewish past, and which could promote other aspects of Jewish affiliation. In 1404 the conversos established a formal confraternity which replicated the social welfare programs and administrative techniques of the former aljama within the framework of a Catholic pious society, representing one of the first necessary adaptations to Christian life.
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”Jag gillade Mallis. Billigt, trevliga människor och varmt” : En studie över svenskarnas resemotiv till Mallorca då och nuBrunlöf, Cecilia, Rydiander, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen görs en studie över svenskarnas resemotiv till Mallorca. Studien utgörs av tre studieområden. Den första behandlar hur resemotiven ser ut idag, den andra ser till hur utvecklingen av resemotiv sett ut från 1960-talet och den sista fokuserar på researrangörernas syn på sina kunder och deras resemotiv till Mallorca. Uppsatsen utgörs av en kvalitativ del samt en kvantitativ del då insamlandet av empirisk data har gjorts. Den primära delen i undersökningen utgörs av den kvantitativa insamlingsmetoden. Det gjordes en enkätundersökning där 91 respondenter deltog och besvarade frågor om sina resemotiv. Den kvalitativa delen består av intervjuer som har gjorts med två researrangörer och en resebyrå som fick svara på frågor om vilka deras kunder är, deras resemotiv, hur utvecklingen sett ut över en 50-årsperiod och vilka trender man kan se inom charterturismen. Teorierna som är använda i uppsatsen utgår ifrån två olika teorifamiljer, den ena familjen handlar om teorier knutna till begreppet resemotiv och den andra om teorier knutna till begreppet resepersonligheter. Resultatet presenteras i form av diagram och text där en sammanställning av svar från intervjuer och enkätundersökning har gjorts. I resultatet syns bland annat vilka resemotiv resenärerna har nu och hur det sett ut sen 1960-talet. Därefter kommer analysdelen där teori och empiri kopplas samman och sambandet dem emellan analyseras för att förstå varför resultatet blev som det blev. I slutsatsen presenteras de resultat som uppkommit under denna undersökning. Den främsta slutsatsen är att det varma klimatet är det primära resemotivet och har varit det över hela perioden. / This thesis is a study of Swedes' travel motives to Majorca. The thesis consists of three areas of study. The first area deals with the travel motives today, the other area looks at the development of the travel motives since the 1960s and the last area focuses on the travel agent's view of their customers and their travel motives to Majorca. The essay consists of a qualitative part and a quantitative part of the empirical data. The primary component in the study consists of the quantitative collection method. It consists of a survey in which 91 respondents participated and answered questions about their travel motives to Majorca. The qualitative part consists of interviews made with two tour operators and one travel agent who answered questions about which their customers are, what their travel motives are, developments of the motives during a 50 years period and which trends can be seen in the charter tourism industry. The theories that are used in the paper are based on two different theory families; one family is about theories related to the concept of travel motives and the other dealing with the theories linked to studies of travel personalities. The results are presented in the essay in form of graphics and text that concludes responses from interviews and questionnaires. The result shows the travel motives now and the motives since the 1960s. Next up is the analysis section where we connect theories and empirical findings and find connections between them to understand why the result ended up like it did. In the conclusion, we describe what we come up with in this whole investigation. The main conclusion is that the warm climate is the primary travel motive and has been throughout the whole period.
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Fotografia panoràmica i representació del territori. Una aproximació a les Rutes Amagades de Mallorca de Jesús García Pastor (1964-1980)Freixa i Font, Pere 15 December 2010 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral es proposa mostrar l'existència d'una forma específica de construir discursos visuals que correspon a la representació panoràmica, i defensa com, més enllà de la tecnologia utilitzada, aquesta es diferencia d'altres sistemes de representació, com ara la imatge pictòrica, fotogràfica i cinematogràfica. L’aproximació a la representació panoràmica es realitza a partir d’un recorregut històric per les diverses formes de representació panoràmica del territori i per l’anàlisi específic de l’obra fotogràfica de les Rutes amagades de Mallorca, de Jesús Garcia Pastor.
Les Rutes amagades de Mallorca, publicació periòdica d’excursions fotogràfiques de Jesús García Pastor, editada sense interrupcions a Palma de Mallorca entre 1964 i 1980, suposa una de les aportacions fotogràfiques més singulars i originals sobre el paisatge realitzades en aquest país. En els setze anys que dura la publicació dels 83 fascicles que componen les Rutes..., García Pastor realitza, edita i publica més de 7.500 fotografies, la majoria de les quals són composicions panoràmiques formades per fotografies juxtaposades que omplen les prop de 3.000 pàgines de l’obra.
Més enllà de representar un immens inventari del paisatge mallorquí, les Rutes…, ofereixen un nou apropament fotogràfic al territori: García Pastor construeix un diàleg íntim entre el paisatge i l’experiència del seu trànsit gràcies a la representació panoràmica i d’aquesta manera, composa per a l’espectador la possibilitat quasi bé cinematogràfica, quasi bé virtual, de tornar a experimentar les seves caminades.
García Pastor recorre el paisatge amb la fotografia i la representació panoràmica. Posteriorment recopila dades del territori, topònims, i descripcions textuals que van esdevenir el singular llibre Mallorca altiva. Finalment, en una format proper a l’àlbum personal i assumint la pèrdua de dimensió pública, realitza les filmacions videogràfiques. L’ús i l’adaptació de diferents mitjans expressius posa en evidència l’heterodòxia de l’autor i la seva recerca per trobar algun recurs narratiu capaç d’expressar la dimensió panoràmica que per ell té el paisatge de Mallorca. Les diferents aproximacions que Jesús García Pastor fa del territori semblen presagiar les possibilitats de representació i d’experimentació que ofereixen les simulacions virtuals. La panoràmica sembla oferir una visualització on paisatge i territori es fusionen; on reconstrucció i indexació conviuen en forma de simulació espacial.
Pocs neologismes han tingut un èxit tant fulgurant i universal com el terme panorama. A pesar del seu origen pictòric, el pas al llenguatge comú fou pràcticament immediat així com el salt a les diferents llengües europees. L’amalgama de significats que contempla i l’apropiació que n’han fet diversos camps de coneixement demostren la laxitud i adaptabilitat del mot. Probablement aquesta ambigüitat sigui motiu, en part, de la dificultat per ancorar-lo de forma exclusiva a un procediment o sistema de representació.
Finalment doncs, què diferencia una representació panoràmica de qualsevol altra forma de representació? La recerca històrica ens ha portat fins a Alberti, Brunelleschi i Leonardo, i ens ha permès descobrir novament les dificultats que presenta la perspectiva lineal. Dificultats per localitzar un espectador que es desplaça, així com impossibilitat per contemplar la representació de la trajectòria de la mirada. Les diferents formulacions que permet la imatge panoràmica intenten donar resposta, amb més o menys fortuna, a aquestes dues qüestions: en les panoràmiques esfèriques, considerar un espectador que es desplaça i en les composicions panoràmiques i les imatges panòptiques, donar forma al gir a dreta i a esquerra, amunt i avall de la mirada. / This research aims to show the existence of a specific way of build visual discourse: the panoramic representation. And also defends how, further of the technology used, this system of representation differs from others, such as the static image, pictorial or photographic, and the cinematographic images. The approach to the panoramic representation is carried out from historical perspective. This research analyzes several forms of panoramic representation in visual arts, and does a specific study of the photographic work Rutes Amagades de Mallorca, by Jesus Garcia Pastor.
The Rutes amagades de Mallorca, periodical publication of photographic tours by Jesús García Pastor, was edited without interruptions in Palma de Mallorca between 1964 and 1980. These suppose one of the most singular and original photographic contributions about the landscape photography in Spain. Over sixteen years were published 83 fascicles that compose the Rutas… García Pastor took and edited more than 7.500 photographs. The most of them are panoramic compositions formed by juxtaposed photographs. They are published in the 3000 pages of his work.
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El vidre a Mallorca entre els segles XIV i XVIIICapellà Galmés, Miquel Àngel 28 April 2009 (has links)
La Història del vidre a Mallorca entre els segles XIV i XVIII està determinada per la forta influència exercida per la vidrieria catalana i la veneciana. El marc cronològic ampli té la finalitat de precisar les continuïtats i canvis que es produeixen en l'artesanat. En aquest sentit, s'ha de destacar com un factor fonamental la presència de vidriers procedents d'Itàlia, que situen l'illa de ple en les dinàmiques que caracteritzen l'art del vidre. Per a cada època s'han situat els principals obradors, les famílies de vidriers i els sistemes de treball desenvolupats. En relació als objectes catalogats, hem constatat l'arribada d'importacions islàmiques, catalanes i venecianes. Les tipologies s'han elaborat amb les peces arqueològiques, les citacions d'inventaris de cada període i la iconografia. La investigació es tanca amb un panorama general corresponent a inicis del segle XVIII, moment d'irrupció de noves modes procedents de Bohèmia i Alemanya, que canviaran l'art del vidre a Europa. / La Historia del vidrio en Mallorca entre los siglos XIV y XVIII está determinada por la importante influencia ejercida por la vidriería catalana y la veneciana. El marco cronológico amplio tiene la finalidad de precisar las continuidades y los cambios producidos en el artesanado. En este sentido, tiene que destacarse como factor fundamental la presencia de vidrieros procedentes de Italia, que sitúan la isla en las dinámicas que caracterizan el arte del vidrio en otros territorios europeos. Para cada época se han situado los principales talleres, las familias de vidrieros y los sistemas de trabajo desarrollados. En relación a los objetos catalogados, hemos constatado la llegada de importaciones islámicas, catalanas y venecianas. Las tipologías se han elaborado con las piezas arqueológicas, las citaciones de inventarios de cada período y la iconografía. La investigación se cierra con un panorama general correspondiente a inicios del siglo XVIII, momento de irrupción de nuevas modas procedentes de Bohemia y Alemania, que cambiaran el arte del vidrio en Europa. / The history of glass in Majorca between the 14th and 18th centuries has been determined by the strong influences exerted by the catalan and venetian glassworks. The wide chronologic framework responds to the intention of specifying the continuities and changes undergone in the craftsmanship. In this sense, it must be highlighted as a fundamental fact the presence of glassmakers coming from Italy, which place the island in the midst of the dynamics characterizing the art of glassmaking. The main glassmakers, families and the working systems developed, have been placed in each period. As for the catalogued pieces, the coming of Islamic, catalan and venetian importations have been stated. Typologies have been stated with archeological pieces, inventory citations for each period and the iconography. The research concludes with a general overview corresponding to the early 18th century, the moment of the arrival of new modes coming from Bohemia and Germany, which would change the art of glass in Europe.
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The patronage of the Spiritual Franciscans : the roles of the Orsini and Colonna cardinals, key lay patrons and their patronage networksGraham, Emily E. January 2009 (has links)
The survival and success of religious reform groups in the late medieval period was often due to the efforts of an ecclesiastical patron, a powerful and often wealthy individual who exerted their influence on behalf of the group or their leaders and spokesmen. This thesis uses the wealth of documentation available on the Spiritual Franciscans to explore the origin, development and wider effect of the relationships between the most powerful ecclesiastical patrons of the reformers and their clients, spokesmen for the Italian Spirituals at the papal court who were taken into the patrons’ households for years or even decades. During that time, the political fortunes of the different groups of Spiritual Franciscans fluctuated dramatically: in only a handful of years they went from hopeful expectation at the Council of Vienne c. 1311 to heresy trials, imprisoned spokesmen and friars burned at the stake c.1317-1318. Using testaments from the patrons’ families and the patrons themselves, the thesis explores the possible reasons for the patrons’ initial attraction to their Spiritual Franciscan clients. Letters, chronicles and exegetical texts written by the clients during and after their time in the patrons’ households are examined along with papal registers and other narrative and epistolary sources to develop models of the nature and progression of the patronage relationship, and how it survived in the face of periods of intense disapproval and harassment from the papacy, other prelates and some members of the Franciscan hierarchy. After establishing a framework for the progression of the patronage relationship, evidence of art patronage and other religious and patronage interests that the patrons and clients shared is used to develop a deeper understanding of how the patrons’ choice to involve themselves with the Spiritual Franciscans positively or negatively affected others in their orbit, especially their other clients.
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