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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architecture et espace de pouvoir dans l’Ordre de Saint Jean de Jérusalem (1530-1798) / Architecture and spaces of power in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (1530-1798) / Architettura e spazi di potere nell'Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme (1530-1798)

Burgassi, Valentina 28 November 2017 (has links)
La recherche qui fait l'objet de cette thèse a pour but de combler une lacune sur la connaissance des choix patrimoniaux en époque moderne d’un grand acteur territorial, l’Ordre souverain militaire hospitalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem, de Rhodes et de Malte. L’historiographie relative au cheminement de cet Ordre en époque médiévale est considérable et des historiens de grande envergure se sont occupés d’en reconstruire les caractéristiques et les mécanismes administratifs dès son commencement, de Jérusalem à Rhodes. Au contraire, l’étude de l’histoire des chevaliers à l’époque moderne souffre de lacunes: d’une part à cause du fait que de nombreux documents se sont perdus avant l’arrivée de l’Ordre à Malte en 1530, d’autre part, parce qu’il y a de considérables difficultés à repérer les sources parsemées dans les Archives d’État de toute l'Europe. À cette époque historique, quasiment chaque État se précautionnait d’ordres laïcs chevaleresques ou religieux-militaires, mais ceux qui maintinrent une adhérence au modèle original sont en prévalence ceux d’origine médiévale. Certains d’entre eux ont survécu jusqu’à nos jours, en renonçant au versant militaire et en trouvant une nouvelle substance dans l’action charitable : l’Ordre des Chevaliers de Malte est l'un des rares Ordres, sinon le seul, qui a su se reconstruire entièrement. Par apport aux autres ordres religieux-militaires, l’Ordre de Malte se caractérise autant pour sa solide structure hiérarchique administrative, qui se maintient inaltérée pendant des siècles, que pour sa nature patrimoniale et territoriale, qui lui consent d’accroître incessamment sa domination à niveau international, de Jérusalem à Rhodes et Malte, jusqu’à atteindre toute l’Europe de cette époque. Appréhender la hiérarchie administrative de l’Ordre est très important pour reconstruire les retombées directes sur les biens à niveau territorial, notamment à travers le système des commanderies. La consolidation de ce dernier, à partir de l’époque moderne, est pour les chevaliers de Malte un aspect fondamental à fin d’obtenir les ressources économiques nécessaires pour mener à terme la construction de «la ville de l’Ordre», La Valette, à partir de 1565. Les relations établies entre les Grands Maîtres, les papes et les princes italiens et étrangers à la fin du XVIe siècle trouvent une démonstration directe même sous le plan de l’architecture : les échanges épistolaires entre l’Empereur Charles Quint et l’Ordre religieux-militaire suite à la donation de Malte en 1530, et celui entre le Grand Maître Jean de La Valette et Cosme Ier de Toscane concourent à l’idéation d’une ville qui réfléchisse, même sous l’angle architectural, la puissance chrétienne dans la Méditerranée, tels qu’était le cas pour l’Ordre de Malte. À la fin du XVIe siècle, il y a un foisonnement d’idées autour du thème de la ville idéale: il suffit de penser à Vitry-le-François (1545), Carlentini (1551) e Palmanova (1593). Les plus grands ingénieurs militaires de l’époque furent appelés dans les plus importants États italiens et étrangers afin de réaliser les ambitions des papes, ducs, princes et empereurs, en facilitant en Europe la migration de style du langage architectural de la Renaissance tardive ainsi que du Maniérisme. Les voyages d’une ville à l’autre de ces célèbres ingénieurs militaires comportent une retombée directe autant sur les choix du langage architectural, que pour ce qui concerne l’échange constant de main-d’œuvre locale, comme c’est le cas pour la capitale de l’ordre à La Valette. De plus, il y a un rapport symbiotique entre les ingénieurs choisis par l’ordre qui portent de nouveaux modèles architecturaux et urbanistiques et la main-d’œuvre maltaise, formée dans la tradition, qui transmettent le style de la Renaissance tardive même aux plus petites agglomérations. / This dissertation aims to fill the knowledge gap about the property choices – during the Modern Age – of a great territorial mover, the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. The historiography about the events of this Order during the Middle Ages is considerable and very prominent historians have worked to reconstruct its features and administrative machinery from its dawning, from Jerusalem to Rhodes. On the contrary, the research of Knights’ history during the Modern Age is full of lacunae: partly because a lot of documents are lost before the Order arrival in Malta on 1530 and partly because finding the sources – lost in the State Archives of all Europe – is more difficult. During this historical period almost each State has secular orders of knighthood or military-religious orders, but the ones who kept their own adherence to the original model have principally a medieval origin. Some of them survive up to the present day, renouncing the military aspect and finding new life in the charitable spirit: among them, the Order of Malta is one of the few, maybe the only one, that was been able to be completely reconverted. Compared to the other military-religious orders, the Order of Malta is characteristic of both the solid hierarchical administrative structure, all but intact during the centuries, and its property and territorial nature allowing to widen continuously its international rule, from Jerusalem to Rhodes and Malta, and the then known Europe. It is very important to understand the order administrative hierarchy to reconstruct the direct repercussions on the international goods through the system basically of recommendation, which consolidation is – from the Modern Age – an essential aspect for the Knights of Malta to get the economical resources needed to achieve the construction of the so-called “City of the Order”, Valletta, from 1565. The relations existing between the Grand Masters, the popes and the Italian princes to the end of Cinquecento find a direct confirmation in the architectural feature too: the epistolary correspondence between the Emperor Charles V and the military-religious order following the deed of donation of the Maltese Island in 1530, and the one between the Grand Master Jean de Valette and Cosimo I de’ Medici concur to the invention of a city mirroring, also from an architectural point of view, the Christian power in the Mediterranean Sea, as the Order of Malta was. At the end of Cinquecento the ideas about ideal cities topic proliferate: only think about Vitry-le François (1545), Carlentini and Palmanova (1593). The greatest military engineers of the period are called into the more important Italian and foreign States to achieve the ambitions of popes, dukes, princes and emperors, simplifying the style migration of the late Renaissance and Mannerism architectural language in all Europe. The journeys of these famous military engineers from a city to another involve a direct repercussion on the architectural language choices, both in the measure of a constant exchange with the local workers, and as it happens in Valletta, the capital of the order. Moreover, there is a symbiotic relationship between the engineers the order chose, bringing new urban architectural models, and the Maltese workers, grown up in their tradition, handing on the late Renaissance style also to the most minute settlements.

Klaus Kinski : Erster Liebhaber und Lebenskünstler / Klaus Kinski : First Lover and Artist of Life

Wahlberg, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between sexuality and actorial artistic creation in the autobiographic writings of the German actor Klaus Kinski (1926-1991). Departing from Socrates’ appraisal of Eros in the Platonic dialogue Symposion, the text confronts two classic theories on sexuality and art: Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland’s book on macrobiotics and vital power (Lebenskraft), The Art of Prolonging Human Life, and Sigmund Freud’s texts on sublimation. Plato, Hufeland and Freud have in common that they see art and sexuality, representing spiritual and carnal life, as rivals. Hence, artistic production has to rely on a renunciation of physical love, either through abstinence or transformation of sexual energy into spiritual creative power. The case of Klaus Kinski is particularly important, since his literary works seems to resist sublimation of any kind. While devoting himself to libertinage – which he renders in detail – he still succeeds in creating works of art, as an actor and as a writer. The artistic conditions for Kinski the actor, being an active force in control of theatrical objects and means, in contrast to the passive-receptive actor in Rainer Maria Rilke’s The Notebooks on Malte Laurids Brigge, further adds to this particularity. Kinski’s refusal to recognise a rivalry between love and art has its roots in Constantin Stanislavski’s method of acting, in which the task of the actor is to give life to the role by giving it both spiritual and bodily life, having body and mind working together towards the higher aim of theatrical performance. Yet this paradigm of incarnation, as opposed to inspiration, does not apply exclusively to theatrical and performing arts, where the work of art is constituted by the actor’s body. In a text from 1927 about the rhyme, the Austrian writer Karl Kraus proposes an „erotics of language”, in which the ideal Paarung (coupling or mating) implies both the physical act of reproduction, and sonorous combination of two rhyming words, uniting distant spheres or entities. In this sense, Kinski’s ideal coupling can be understood as a joint venture between mind and body, art and sexuality, theatre and life, enabling him to enjoy a frivolous love life without abandoning artistic creation.


Luft, Luciana 26 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work aimed to study the enzymatic hydrolysis of malt bagasse, using mechanical agitation, ultrasonic probe and supercritical CO2. Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed on granular starch. For this, was used a commercial amylolytic complex suitable for this type of hydrolysis, STARGENTM 002. For each technology were studied different variables. The first planning was carried out for the hydrolysis assisted by mechanical agitation and the variables studied were temperature (°C), enzyme concentration (%, m/m) and substrate concentration in the medium (m/m). TRS concentrations were found up to 75.5 g per kg of substrate and all variables had a significant effect on the response. This concentration of TRS was defined as mass yield of the process and this yield was corroborated by a kinetic, developed under the same conditions, with slight increase in temperature (70°C). From this initial planning, the temperature variables (70°C), enzyme concentration (8.2%) and substrate concentration (170 g.L-1) were fixed to carry out the hydrolysis assisted by direct and indirect ultrasound. The variables were investigated in the second planning were amplitude (%) and pulse factor (-) for 2 hours of reaction. With the application of direct sonication, it was possible to achieve 100% efficiency in the starch conversion process. The TRS for the best essay (5) was 370.86 g.kg-1. For indirect sonication TRS concentration at the best condition (run 6) was 162.96 g / kg of substrate. A kinetic assay for the best condition under direct sonication was carried out for 3 hours, confirming that the ultrasound increases the reaction rate resulting in better yields in less time compared to the other techniques. For reactions with supercritical CO2 was studied the influence of the moisture content, temperature and pressure, where the best result among all the reactions was using at pressure 175 bar, 40 °C for temperature and moisture content of 80%, resulting in 104.28 g of TRS per kg of dry pulp. Ultrasound showed better results than other technologies investigated in this study. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a hidrólise enzimática do bagaço de malte, utilizando agitação mecânica, sonda de ultrassom e CO2 supercrítico. A hidrólise enzimática foi realizada sobre o amido granular. Para tanto, foi utilizado um complexo amilolítico comercial próprio para este tipo de hidrólise, STARGENTM 002. Para cada tecnologia foram estudadas diferentes variáveis. O primeiro planejamento foi realizado para a hidrólise assistida por agitação mecânica e as variáveis estudadas foram temperatura (ºC), concentração de enzima (%, m/m) e concentração de substrato no meio (m/m). Foram encontradas concentrações de ART de até 75,5 g por kg de substrato e todas as variáveis apresentaram efeito significativo sobre a resposta. Essa concentração de ART, foi definida como rendimento mássico do processo e este valor foi corroborado com uma cinética, desenvolvida nas mesmas condições do melhor ensaio, com leve aumento apenas na temperatura (70ºC), e indicou valor concernente ao anterior além de provar que o tempo de 4 horas de hidrólise foi suficiente. A partir deste primeiro planejamento, as variáveis temperatura (70°C), concentração de enzima (8,2%) e concentração de substrato (170 g.L-1) foram fixadas para a realização da hidrólise assistida por ultrassom, de forma direta e indireta. As variáveis investigadas neste segundo planejamento foram amplitude (%) e fator de pulso (-) durante 2 horas de reação. Com aplicação de sonicação direta, foi possível alcançar 100% de eficiência no processo de conversão do amido. A resposta encontrada para o melhor ensaio (5) foi de 370,86 g.kg-1. Já com aplicação de sonicação indireta, a eficiência do processo caiu pela metade e o melhor resultado foi para o ensaio de número 6, com concentração de 162,96 g ART/ kg de substrato. Uma cinética para o melhor ensaio de sonicação direta foi desenvolvida durante 3 horas, atestando que o ultrassom aumenta a velocidade da reação resultando no melhor rendimento em menor tempo comparado às outras técnicas. Para as reações com CO2 supercrítico, foi estudada a influência da umidade, da temperatura e pressão, onde o melhor resultado obtido, entre todas as reações, foi com a utilização de pressão de 175 bar, temperatura de 40ºC e 80% de água adicionada ao bagaço, resultando em 104,28 g de ART por kg de bagaço seco. Esse valor corresponde a 11,53% de eficiência da reação de hidrólise do amido em açúcares redutores totais. De um modo geral, os processos obtiveram um bom desempenho na obtenção de açúcares fermentescíveis, destacando-se o ultrassom em relação as demais tecnologias testadas.

Produção de goma xantana a partir da bioconversão de resíduos de malte de cervejaria por Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris IBSBF 1866

Menezes, Jeane Denise de Souza 23 January 2013 (has links)
Os resíduos gerados nos processos agroindustriais representam perdas econômicas no processo produtivo e, se não receberem destinação adequada, poderão ocasionar problemas ambientais, colocando em evidência a necessidade da instalação de sistemas de produção sustentáveis. Se por um lado, os efluentes da indústria cervejeira apresentam alto potencial de poluição pela sua carga orgânica, alto teor de sólidos em suspensão e presença de fósforo e nitrogênio, por outro, o bagaço de malte apresenta características favoráveis para uso em processos fermentativos, devido à elevada concentração de açúcares presentes e baixa concentração de compostos tóxicos aos microrganismos, tais como, furfural, hidroximetilfurfural, ácido acético e fenólicos. A utilização do bagaço de malte para produção de goma xantana poderia permitir ao Brasil suprir sua própria demanda de goma xantana com maior competitividade no preço final, com a vantagem do resíduo de malte não apresentar problemas de sazonalidade na produção, uma vez que, é gerado em grande volume o ano todo, e a instalação de uma unidade de produção de goma xantana irá promover trabalho e renda para a região, sem a utilização de novas matérias primas. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma rota tecnológica de produção do polissacarídeo tipo goma xantana em escala laboratorial por fermentação do bagaço de malte oriundo da indústria cervejeira, agregando valor a um resíduo e desta forma colaborando para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Através do planejamento multifatorial foi verificado o efeito simultâneo de seis variáveis independentes (concentração de resíduo de malte, extrato de levedura, sacarose, fosfato de amônio, fosfato (mono)ácido de potássio e agitação) em agitador orbital utilizando a cepa Xanthomonas campestris sp campestris IBSBF 1866 obtendo como variável resposta a máxima produção da goma. A segunda matriz, complementar a primeira, avaliou o efeito da concentração de resíduo de malte e da agitação obtendo como variável resposta a máxima produção (8,51 g.L-1) da goma associada à alta viscosidade (70,35 mPa.s-1). A concentração inicial de resíduo de malte e tempo de fermentação na qualidade da goma produzida interferiram na viscosidade do polímero apresentando o melhor resultado com 20g.L-1 e 24 horas, respectivamente, mas não promoveram alteração significativa na estabilidade térmica do polímero.


VITOR CATALDO ANDRADE DE MEDEIROS 11 September 2019 (has links)
[pt] A necessidade mundial de energia tem aumentado exponencialmente, no entanto, as reservas de combustíveis fósseis, além de produzirem sérios impactos ambientais, estão se esgotando ao longo dos anos. Por estas razões, muitos estudos vêm sendo feitos na busca de novas fontes renováveis de energia, como o reaproveitamento de resíduos de biomassa. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o processo de liquefação hidrotérmica (HTL) do bagaço de malte, gerado ao final do processo cervejeiro, para a produção de bio-óleo e biocarvão como potenciais combustíveis renováveis. A caracterização inicial da biomassa apresentou significativa quantidade de celulose e hemicelulose, alto teor de umidade e pequeno tamanho de partícula, sendo ideal para o processo. A HTL foi conduzida em um reator sob alta pressão em diferentes faixas de temperatura e tempos de residência. Uma modelagem cinética e termodinâmica foi realizada para a etapa inicial da liquefação, apresentando 62,08 kJ.mol−1 de energia de ativação e caráter endotérmico. Bio-óleo apresentou melhor rendimento, 18,2 por cento, a 300 C e 30 min, já o biocarvão atingiu 21,0 por cento de rendimento a 250 C e 5 min. A pequena diferença de valores, ao longo do tempo, comprovou que a maior produtividade ocorre sempre em 5 min, sendo este o tempo ótimo de reação. A análise do poder calorífico superior (PCS) demonstrou que altas temperaturas elevam a energia produzida. Em 5 min e a 300 C, melhores condições de operação, a HTL gerou um bio-óleo com PCS de 33,6 MJ.kg−1, sendo 27,8 por cento inferior a gasolina e um biocarvão com 26,7 MJ.kg−1, sendo 11,4 por cento superior ao carvão tradicional. Através das caracterizações finais, foi possível observar alta degradação da estrutura lignocelulósica da biomassa e identificar os compostos presentes no bio-óleo, indicando que os produtos da HTL apresentam alto potencial de utilização como combustíveis renováveis. / [en] The global energy needs have increased exponentially; however, fossil fuel reserves, in addition to producing serious environmental impacts, are running out over the years. For these reasons, many studies have been done in the search for new renewable energy sources, such as the reuse of biomass wastes. In this way, the purposes of this study are associated with the hydrothermal liquefaction process (HTL) of the malt bagasse, generated at the end of the brewing process, for the production of bio-oil and biochar as potential renewable fuels. The initial biomass characterization presented a significant amount of cellulose and hemicellulose, high moisture content and small particle size, ideal for the process. The HTL was conducted in a high pressure reactor in different temperature ranges and residence times. A kinetic and thermodynamic modeling was performed for the initial stage of liquefaction, presenting 62.08 kJ.mol−1 of activation energy and endothermic behavior. Bio-oil presented a better yield, 18.2 percent, at 300 C and 30 min, while the biochar reached 21.0 percent yield at 250 C and 5 min. The small distintion between values, over time, proved that the highest productivity always occurs at 5 min, which is the optimal reaction time. The higher heating value analysis (HHV) showed that high temperatures increase the energy produced. At 5 min and 300 C, better operating conditions, HTL generated a bio-oil with HHV of 33.6 MJ.kg−1, with 27.8 percent less than gasoline and a biochar with 26.7 MJ.kg−1, being 11.4 percent higher than traditional coal. Through the final characterization, it was possible to observe high degradation of the lignocellulosic structure of the biomass and to identify the compounds present in the bio-oil, indicating that the HTL products present high potential for use as renewable fuels.

Naviguer en temps de révolution : le Chevalier de L'Espine (1759-1826), de l'Indépendance américaine au service de l'Autriche. Un destin au prisme de l'archéologie et de l'histoire / Navigating in revolutionary times : chevalier de L’Espine (1759-1826) from the American Independence into the service of Austria. : a destiny through the prism of Maritime archaeology and History.

Prudhomme, Florence 13 September 2019 (has links)
Au tout début du XXIe siècle, une équipe d’archéologues plonge sur l’épave d’un petit navire de guerre du XVIIIe siècle, au nord de l’actuelle République Dominicaine. Sa coque est de fabrication américaine, ses canons sont écossais et les boutons d’uniformes sont français. Après avoir suivi quelques fausses pistes, la recherche aux Archives nationales permet de résoudre l’énigme : il s’agit de la corvette française Dragon du chevalier de l’Espine, détruite en janvier 1783 à l’issue d’un court combat contre des vaisseaux britanniques assurant le blocus nord de Saint-Domingue. Cette identification sert de catalyseur à une recherche historique dont le chevalier Joseph de L’Espine du Puy (1759-1826) constitue le personnage central. L’enquête révèle le destin de l’officier de la Marine L’Espine, en amont puis en aval de son fait d’armes de janvier 1783. Jeune chevalier de Malte et officier de la Marine de Louis XVI, L’Espine participe à la guerre de l’Indépendance américaine, effectue un passage obligé dans la Marine de Malte, et participe à des missions secrètes françaises de renseignement naval. La Révolution française vient briser ses espérances et l’oblige à l’exil. En Autriche, il gagne la confiance des hautes autorités autrichiennes en s’engageant sans ambiguïté contre les armées de la France à partir de 1795. L’Espine devient rapidement l’un des cerveaux d’une Marine de guerre autrichienne remise en question à chaque traité signé entre la France et l’Autriche. Promu Feldmarschall-Leutnant en 1813, L’Espine décide de ne pas rentrer en France à la Restauration. Nommé Gouverneur de Milan en novembre 1825, il y meurt le 31 décembre 1826. / At the very beginning of the 21st century, a team of archaeologists dived on the wreck of a small 18th century warship in the north of the current Dominican Republic. Its hull is of American manufacture, its guns are Scottish and the buttons of uniforms are French. After having followed some false leads, the research in the National Archives makes it possible to solve this enigma: it concerns the French corvette Dragon of Chevalier de L’Espine, destroyed in January 1783 after a short action against British vessels ensuring the northern blockade of Santo Domingo. This identification serves as a catalyst for a historical research of which Chevalier Joseph de L'Espine du Puy (1759-1826) constitutes the central character. The investigation reveals the fate of the Navy officer L'Espine upstream and downstream of his gallant action in January 1783. Young Knight of Malta and officer of the Navy of Louis XVI, L'Espine participated in the American Revolution, did a mandatory service in the Navy of Malta, and took part in French naval intelligence secret missions. The French Revolution ruined his hopes and forced him into exile. In Austria, he won the confidence of the high Austrian authorities by unambiguously engaging with the armies of France from 1795. L'Espine quickly became one of the brains of an Austrian Navy questioned at each treaty signed between France and Austria. Promoted to Feldmarschall-Leutnant in 1813, L'Espine decided not to return to France at the Restauration. Appointed Governor of Milan in November 1825, he died there on December 31, 1826.

La mer Ionienne : évolution de l'activité sédimentaire au cours des derniers 400 000 ans dans un système en contexte tectonique convergent et influence de la sédimentation sur les propriétés géoacoustiques des fonds / The Ionian Sea : evolution of the sedimentary activity over the last 400 000 years in a convergent tectonic setting and influence of the sedimentation on the seabed’s geoacoustic properties

Köng, Eléonore 09 December 2016 (has links)
La mer Ionienne est une zone à la géodynamique active en raison de la convergence entre les plaques Nubie et Eurasie. Elle correspond aux derniers stades de vie d’un océan, la Téthys. De ce fait, la tectonique et la sédimentation y sont très réduites ; et les faibles flux sédimentaires permettent ainsi d’enregistrer une multiplicité de processus sédimentaires.Néanmoins, c’est une zone encore peu étudiée d’un point de vue sédimentaire, notamment sur les échelles de temps de l’ordre de la centaine de milliers d’années. Ce travail est basé sur une étude sédimentologique d’archives marines complétée par des données acoustiques (bathymétrie et multi-faisceau) issue de campagnes océanographiques du SHOM. L’analyse détaillée des faciès et des séquences sédimentaire a permis, dans un premier temps, d’établir un calendrier des risques naturels (séismes, tsunamis, volcanisme), leurs sources et leurs processus de dépôt dans le bassin pour les derniers 330 000 ans. Puis, dans un second temps, de retracer l’évolution sur les derniers 400 000 ans de la circulation et de l’oxygénation des eaux de fond dans le bassin ionien et l’influence du détroit de Sicile, et notamment de la plate-forme de Malte, sur les échanges entre les bassins occidental et oriental. L’intégration des données sédimentologiques dans un modèle géoacoustique développé par le SHOM a finalement permis de déterminer l’impact des variations sédimentaires (distribution spatiale, lithologie, stratification) sur la propagation des ondes acoustique pour différentes gammes de fréquences (300 Hz - 3000 Hz) et d’angle d’incidence (0 -90°) et d’établir une cartographie de la réponse sédimentaire du le signal acoustique. / The Ionian Sea is an active geodynamic area because of the convergence between theNubia and the Eurasia plate. It corresponds to the last stage of the Tethys ocean life. Therefore,the tectonics and the sedimentation are much reduced; and the low sedimentary supply enables torecord a multiplicity of sedimentary processes. Nevertheless, this area still poorly studied from asedimentary point of view, in particular on timescales on the order of hundred thousand years.This work is based on a sedimentological study of marine archives supplemented by acoustic data(bathymetry and multibeam imagery) recovered during oceanographic campaign leaded by theSHOM. The detailed sedimentary analysis of facies and sequences allows, at first, to established acalendar of the natural hazard (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism), their origins and theirdepositional processes into the basin over the last 330 000 years. Then, secondly, to reconstructthe evolution over the last 400 000 years of the circulation and the oxygenation of bottom waterthrough the Ionian basin and the influence of the strait of Sicily, in particular of the Malta Plateau,on the exchanges between the western and the eastern basins. The integration of thesedimentological data in a geoacoustic modelling developed by the SHOM finally allowed todetermine the impact of the sedimentary variability (special distribution, lithology, stratification)on the acoustic waves propagation for various frequency bands (300 Hz - 3000 Hz) and incidentangle (0 - 90°) and to established a mapping of the sedimentary answer of the acoustic signal.

Enriquecimento proteico do bagaço de malte por Rhizopus oligosporus CCT 4134 e adição em dietas de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) / Protein enrichment of brewery spent grain from Rhizopus oligosporus CCT 4134 and addition in diets for juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Canedo, Marianny Silva 29 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-01T20:19:23Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Marianny Silva Canedo - 2015.pdf: 18768741 bytes, checksum: fcc66b1f3d382a6d6d99821e7c4dd7b5 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-06-02T11:08:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Marianny Silva Canedo - 2015.pdf: 18768741 bytes, checksum: fcc66b1f3d382a6d6d99821e7c4dd7b5 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-02T11:08:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Marianny Silva Canedo - 2015.pdf: 18768741 bytes, checksum: fcc66b1f3d382a6d6d99821e7c4dd7b5 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The majority of agroindustrial by-products are rich in low digestible fiber, and the bioconversion process for the production of microbial protein can be a practical and promising alternative to increase the protein content and nutritional value of substrate and food quality, turning these fibers into digestible components for the feeding of non-ruminant animals. Thus, this paper was aimed at protein enrichment of brewery spent grain by Rhizopus oligosporus CCT 4134 by solid state fermentation to be added in diets of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Solid state fermentation experiments were performed in order to determine the highest protein increment studying variables initial moisture (50, 60 and 70%) and supplemental nitrogen sources (ammonium sulfate, urea and sodium nitrate). To study the addition of fermented brewery spent grain in diets of Nile tilapia, 120 juveniles were used, divided into 24 boxes representing the six levels of addition (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%) of fermented brewery spent grain and four replications of each treatment. Fish were fed for 67 days between May and August 2015, the period where the water temperature was below the thermal comfort for the species. Solid state fermentation provided protein enrichment of brewery spent grain in about 2 and 4 times the content of crude and soluble protein, respectively, and is considered an alternative to use of industrial by-products to replace traditional ingredients in diets of juvenile Nile tilapia, because with the addition of fermented brewery spent grain, no significant difference in productive performance, hematological and biochemical parameters of juveniles Nile tilapia was found. Thus, the fermentation of brewery spent grain is a good alternative to be used as substrate for the cultivation of Rhizopus oligosporus and microbial protein production, allowing its use as a protein supplement in diets for juvenile Nile tilapia, with addition of up to 10 % without compromising growth performance and hematological parameters of the species. / A maioria dos subprodutos agroindustriais é rica em fibras com baixa digestibilidade, e o processo de bioconversão para produção de proteína microbiana, pode ser uma alternativa prática e promissora para aumentar o teor proteico, o valor nutritivo do substrato e a qualidade da alimentação, transformando estas fibras em componentes digestíveis para alimentação de animais não ruminantes. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo o enriquecimento proteico do bagaço de malte por Rhizopus oligosporus CCT 4134 via fermentação em estado sólido e adição em dietas de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Na fermentação em estado sólido foram realizados experimentos visando determinar o maior aumento proteico, estudando as variáveis umidade inicial (50, 60 e 70%) e suplementação de fontes de nitrogênio (sulfato de amônio, ureia e nitrato de sódio). Para estudar a adição do bagaço de malte fermentado em dietas de tilápia do Nilo, foram utilizados 120 juvenis, distribuídos em 24 caixas que representa os seis níveis de adição (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10%) do bagaço de malte fermentado e quatro repetições de cada tratamento. Os peixes foram alimentados por 67 dias compreendidos entre os meses de maio a agosto de 2015, período que a temperatura da água estava abaixo do conforto térmico da espécie. A fermentação em estado sólido proporcionou enriquecimento proteico do bagaço de malte em aproximadamente 2 e 4 vezes no conteúdo de proteína bruta e proteína solúvel, respectivamente, sendo considerada uma alternativa para aproveitamento dos subprodutos industriais na substituição de ingredientes tradicionais em dietas de tilápia do Nilo, pois com a adição do bagaço de malte fermentado não observou diferença significativa nos parâmetros de desempenho produtivo e parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos dos juvenis de tilápia do Nilo. Com isso, a fermentação do bagaço de malte é uma boa alternativa para seu aproveitamento como substrato para o cultivo de Rhizopus oligosporus e produção de proteína microbiana, permitindo sua utilização como suplemento proteico em dietas para juvenis de tilápia do Nilo, com adição de até 10%, sem comprometer o desempenho produtivo e parâmetros hematológicos da espécie.


FLAVIA DE MIRANDA GONCALVES 17 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Resíduos de biomassas são de grande interesse por serem matérias primas para a geração de energia renovável. Neste trabalho foram estudados os processos de conversão térmica de pirólise lenta e de carbonização hidrotermal, empregando os resíduos de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, bagaço de malte e casca de coco. A cinética e a termodinâmica das reações foram determinadas experimentalmente pelo cálculo da energia de ativação, fator de frequência, energia livre de Gibbs, entalpia e entropia do complexo ativado. A pirólise foi avaliada empregando a termogravimetria em atmosfera inerte, para uma faixa de temperatura do ambiente até 1.000 graus Celsius e aplicando diferentes taxas de aquecimento. A carbonização hidrotermal procedeu em um reator tipo autoclave Parr modelo 452HC2, em diferentes temperaturas e tempos de operação. Modelos cinéticos da pirólise para métodos Model-free, denominados Kissinger, Flynn- WallOzawa (FWO) e Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS), e Model-fitting, intitulado Coats-Redfern, foram investigados. Para os modelos KAS, FWO e Coats-Redfern foram analisados 19 tipos de mecanismos reacionais e respectivos coeficientes de determinação (R2) foram determinados. O bagaço de cana-de-açúcar se ajustou ao método de Kissinger (R2 de 0,9973) e ao Coats-Redfern, entretanto os métodos FWO e KAS não se adequam a este material. Os testes com bagaço de malte e casca de coco se ajustaram a todos os métodos aplicados, apresentando valores de R2 elevados (0,9 a 0,9999). O modelo para a cinética da carbonização hidrotermal foi aplicado, onde as três biomassas apresentaram a ordem variando de 3 a 3,49, valor compatível com a literatura. Adicionalmente foram feitas caracterizações físico-químicas nos resíduos de biomassa e nos biocarvões produzidos na carbonização hidrotermal, incluindo análise elementar e imediata, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de infravermelho, densidade aparente, pH, condutividade e poder calorífico. / [en] Biomass residues are of great interest because they are raw materials for the generation of renewable energy. In this work, the processes of thermal conversion of slow pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization were studied using the residues of sugarcane bagasse, malt bagasse and green coconut shell. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the reactions were determined experimentally by calculating the activation energy, frequency factor, Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy of the activated complex. Pyrolysis was evaluated using thermogravimetry in an inert atmosphere, from a room temperature up to 1,000 Celsius and applying different heating rates. Hydrothermal carbonization was carried out in a Parr autoclave type 452HC2 reactor, at different temperatures and times of operation. Kinetic models of pyrolysis for Model-free methods, called Kissinger, Flynn-WallOzawa (FWO) and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS), and Model-fitting, entitled Coats-Redfern, were investigated. For the KAS, FWO and Coats-Redfern models, 19 types of reaction mechanisms were analyzed and their determination coefficients (R2) were evaluated. Sugarcane bagasse was adjusted to the Kissinger method (R2 equal to 0.9973) and Coats-Redfern, however the FWO and KAS methods are not suitable for this material. The tests with malt bagasse and coconut fiber were adjusted to all applied methods, showing high R2 values (0.9 to 0.9999). The model for the kinetics of hydrothermal carbonization was applied, where the three biomasses presented the order varying from 3 to 3.49, a value compatible with the literature. In addition, physical-chemical characterizations were carried out for the biomass residues and biochar produced by hydrothermal carbonization, including elementary and immediate analysis, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, apparent density, pH, conductivity and calorific value.

Tracing Transgender Feeling in Sexual Modernism: Gender and Queer Affinities in Early Twentieth-Century German Literature and Science

Rhodes, Hazel January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation examines how transgender feelings and gender variation emerged as a vital motivator for scientific and aesthetic explorations of human personhood and social experiences of marginality in German-speaking culture in the early twentieth century. My research illustrates how concepts of gender variation served as a generative problem for modernist practitioners of sexual science and as a creative impulse and figural resource for modernist literary and artistic innovations. The feedback between these fields allowed for novel social categories to develop in a period where designations like “transgender” or “transsexual” were not yet in use as stable public identities or diagnoses, but nevertheless circulated in response to experiences of embodied difference and social alienation. By reading for “transgender feeling” as a heuristic that unites multiple historical categories of gender and sexual variation, I argue that transgender phenomena were instrumental for the development of German modernist movements at large. Building on affect studies, trans and queer studies, and German literary and cultural studies, my project intervenes in limited contemporary understandings of transgender history and identity as a minority political and diagnostic discourse. Instead, I argue for a more expansive, “democratized” notion of transgender feeling that encompasses diverse historical forms of gender variation, some of which have disappeared or become “obsolete,” and show how narratives of gender intermediacy and incongruence are essential to modernist aesthetic practices. Chapter One examines theories of sexual intermediacy in the sexological work of Magnus Hirschfeld and Otto Weininger, who both suggested that a transgender condition underlies “normal” human sexual development. I show that trans feelings cut across Hirschfeld’s sexological categories and, in particular, his deployment of the case genre, troubling stable taxonomies of sexual affect and allowing for promising forms of coauthorship and “trans genre writing” to emerge in sexology. Chapter Two takes up Rainer Maria Rilke’s writing in The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge and Das Stunden-Buch, as well as his early childhood experience, to argue that dysphoria and intermediacy are key to understanding the social alienation that Rilke expressed in his modernist work alongside personal attachments to femininity and a feminine poetic voice. Chapter Three on Else Lasker-Schüler illustrates how trans feelings, the masculine persona of Jussuf and appropriations of racial and ethnic difference significantly frame the novel Mein Herz and become enduring features of Lasker-Schüler’s literary and artistic production. I highlight how scholarly reception of Rilke and Lasker-Schüler’s work have intentionally disavowed these expressions as transgender and argue for a reassessment of trans feeling as a creative impulse in German modernism through their texts and images. My last chapter explores how modernist periodical media served as a vital tool for crafting trans intimate publics in the Weimar period and for negotiating the shared norms of gender and social participation for a novel class of gender-variant people under the category of transvestism. In my conclusion, I turn to the unfinished business of sexual and gender definition that continues to frame LGBTQ politics in Germany and abroad today, and I link contemporary questions of trans aesthetics to modernist dynamics of gender and sexual multiplicity.

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