Spelling suggestions: "subject:"management"" "subject:"managment""
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Návrh systému hodnocení pracovníků / Suggestion of Employee Appraisal SystemVodrážková, Miroslava January 2008 (has links)
Employee Appraisal System design.
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Performance analysis of access control and resource management methods in heterogeneous networksPacheco Páramo, Diego Felipe 07 January 2014 (has links)
El escenario actual de las redes móviles se caracteriza por la creciente demanda de los usuarios por los servicios de datos, circunstancia que se ha visto potenciada por la popularidad de los teléfonos inteligentes y el auge de aplicaciones que necesitan de una conexión permanente a internet, como aquellas que hacen uso de recursos "en la nube" o los servicios de streaming para vídeo. El consumo de datos crece exponencialmente, tanto para los países desarrollados como en los países en desarrollo, y esto ha llevado a los operadores a plantearse soluciones que permitan proveer dichas condiciones de acceso.
Las redes heterogéneas se caracterizan por utilizar diferentes tecnologías de una manera coherente y organizada para proveer a los usuarios con la calidad de servicio requerida en sus comunicaciones, de tal manera que la comunicación sea para estos "transparente". Dicha heterogeneidad se puede dar a nivel de acceso, con la coexistencia de tecnologías como 802.11, WiMAX y redes móviles en sus diferentes generaciones, o incluso a nivel de capas dentro de las redes móviles con la coexistencia de macro, micro, pico y femto celdas. Haciendo un uso organizado de estos múltiples recursos, es posible optimizar las prestaciones de la red y proveer a los usuarios con una mejor calidad de servicio.
Pero la posibilidad de mejorar las prestaciones de la red no se da sólo por el uso simultáneo de estas tecnologías de acceso. Para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso del espectro electromagnético, un recurso limitado y subutilizado según diferentes estudios, se propuso la tecnología de cognitive radio. Por medio de esta tecnología es posible que un usuario sea capaz de medir el instante en el que una parte del espectro electromagnético no esta siendo utilizado para enviar información, siempre evitando interferir en las comunicaciones de aquellos usuarios que usan dicho espectro regularmente.
En el presente trabajo se proveen diferentes soluciones dentro del contexto de las redes heterogéneas que buscan optimizar el uso de los recursos disponibles en la red para proveer a los usuarios con la calidad de servicio esperada, ya sea por medio del control de acceso o la gestión de recursos.
Por un lado se estudia el efecto que la reserva de canales para realizar handoff espectral tiene sobre las prestaciones para los usuarios secundarios en un sistema de cognitive radio. Por otro lado se estudian políticas de acceso para una red en la que dos tecnologías de acceso están disponibles: TDMA y WCDMA, y los usuarios tienen acceso a los servicios de voz y datos. Por otro lado / Performance requirements on mobile networks are tighter than ever as a result
of the adoption of mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, and
the QoS levels that mobile applications demand for their correct operation.
The data traffic volume carried in mobile networks for 2012 is the same as the
total internet traffic in 2000, and this exponential growth tendency will continue
in years to come. In order to fulfill users¿ expectations, it is imperative
for mobile networks to make the best use of the available resources.
Heterogeneous networks (Hetnets) have the ability to integrate several
technologies in a coherent and efficient manner in order to enhance users¿
experience. The first challenge of heterogeneous networks is to integrate several
radio access technologies, which exist as a result of simultaneous technology
developments and a paced replacement of legacy technology. A joint
management of several RAT¿s enhances network¿s efficiency, and this influences
user¿s experience. Another challenge of heterogeneous networks is the
improvement of current macrocells through an efficient use of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Some approaches aim to optimize the antennas or use
higher-order modulation techniques, but a more disruptive approach is the
use of dynamic spectrum techniques through a technology known as cognitive
radio. Finally, heterogeneous networks should be able to integrate several
layers. In addition to the well studied micro and pico cells, a new generation
of cheaper and easily configurable small cell networks have been proposed.
However, its success is attached to its ability to adapt to the current context
of mobile networks. / Pacheco Páramo, DF. (2013). Performance analysis of access control and resource management methods in heterogeneous networks [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34782
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Management kvality v systému řízení ve vybraném podniku / Quality management in leading system in chosen companyCHADIMOVÁ, Iva January 2008 (has links)
Summary Along the development of bussines and market environment, where supply is superior to demand todays world brings also higher standards of a customer. Customers aren't willing to make any concessions or tolerate mistakes of suppliers, and still demand highest quality. Companies are exposed to big competition and searching for possibilities how to prevail on market. One of these possibilities is high quality product and service. The amount of companies, which have quality certificates proves how important is to have good reliable product. The product and service quality became an important rival factor and often evenly matched, or even more important then price. Graduation theses is concerning area of a management quality as a tool for upgrading efficiency of a company and quality management with the purpose to gain and maintain customers satisfaction. The objective of this theses is to evaluate actual situation of quality management and to propose general changes in managing, leading to create quality system which enables acquirement of the quality certificate. To achieve objective of this theses, an analyses of current management in a certain company was elaborated. On the base of this analyses general changes in quality management were proposed by selected elements of the norm ISO 9001:2000. The outcome of this work proves, that there are many steps and changes needed to be accomplished to achieve in the quality management which is true to the norm CSN EN ISO 9001:2001.
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Analýza rizik investičních stavebních projektů / Risk analysis of investment structural projectsMotyčková, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
The thesis contains risk analysis of the investment construction projects. The theoretical part is focused on risk definition, types of risks and risk management methods. Further there is various risk analysis in investment projects described. In the practical part is the evaluation of economic efficiency including the risk assessment in development project of the company Prologis.
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Magnetické nemocnice / Magnet hospitalsKlokočková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
Summary: The aim of thi disertation was to enlighten the term magnet hospital. Introduction of this thesis describes personnel situation in health care systém in the Czech republic and globaly. It also shows predictions of the future critical nurse staff shortage on labour market all around the world and it's possible impact on quality of care. Magnet hospitals as the kind of organization that creates work enviroment which increases nurses work satisfaction, quality of care and patients outcomes, sees the author as one of the possible solution of nursing shortage in the Czech republic. Second part of this theses, rpresents the results of the qualitative and quantitative research, participant were 16 nurses at the management positions (structured intewies) and 250 nurses (questionare NWI-R autor's own translation). Results: It was obvious that still prevails the traditional hierarchy and medical model of care delivery. Also there is streotypical view of the role and position of the nurses in health care teams, nurses do not feel like they are involved in management of the hospital. According to the findings we cannot describe those organizations as magnet hospital. It's also clear that the nursing care managers play the key role in creating the good work environment. We should pay more attention to their...
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Valiutinės rizikos valdymas įmonėje / Currency risk management in enterpriseLadygienė, Živilė 26 June 2014 (has links)
Ladygienė, Živilė. (2007) Valiutinės rizikos valdymas įmonėje. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas Vilniaus Universiteteas, Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas. 61 p. SANTRAUKA Raktiniai žodžiai: Valiuta, valiutos kursas, valiutinė rizika, valiutinės rizikos valdymas, apsidraudimo priemonės. Darbo objektas – valiutinės rizikos valdymas. Darbo tikslas: Pateikti įmonei valiutinės rizikos valdymo sistemą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apžvelgti veiksnius kurie turi įtakos valiutinės rizikos atsiradimui. 2. Įvertinti patiriamos rizikos lygį tiriamojoje įmonėje panaudojant matematines skaičiuotes. 3. Išnagrinėti priemones kurios gali turėti įtakos valiutinės rizikos valdymui. 4. Pateikti pasiūlymus kaip įmonė gali valdyti valiutinę riziką. Darbo rezultatai. Pasirinktas valiutinės rizikos valdymo modelis suteikia galimybes įvertinti valiutinę riziką, pasirinkti adekvačias apsidraudimo priemones ir prognozuoti laukiamus rezultatus. Šis modelis apima visus valiutinės rizikos valdymo ciklus. Tai leidžia įmonei išmatuoti riziką, pasirinkti finansinius valiutinės rizikos valdymo instrumentus. Pagal valiutinės rizikos valdymo modelį buvo sudarytas valiutinis balansas, apskaičiuota atvira užsienio valiutos pozicija, variacijos/kovariacijos metodu apskaičiuota rizikos vertė, parinktos tinkamiausios apsidraudimo primonės valiutinei rizikai valdyti. Buvo palyginti nuostoliai kuriuos patyrė įmonė nevaldydama valiutinės rizikos ir jei būtų pritaikytos išvestinės apsidraudimo priemonės, įmonė būtų patyrusi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Ladygienė, Živilė. (2007) Currency risk managament in enterprise. MBA Graduation Paper: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 61 p. SUMMARY Keywors: currency, currency exchange rate, currency risk, currency risk managament, hedging instruments. The object of a scientific research – currency exchange risk management. Tasks: 1) to systematise the factors influencing currency exchange risk; 2) to assess the level of risk in enterprise; 3) to analyze modern hedging methods and means aimed to control currency exchange rate risk and determine the possibility of their application in enterprise; 4) to proffer suggestion how enterprise can manage currency risk. Choosed currency exchange rate risk management model gives conditions to realistically estimate currency exchange rate risk, choose adequate hedging instruments and forecast financial results for an enterprise. This model covers all the stages of the management cycle of currency exchange rate risk. Using this model made: currency exchange balance and calculation of open currency exchange positions for determining the risk; quantitative measurement variance/covariance method for measuring risk; choosing hedging means and instruments based on terms. It allows enterprise to measure the risk, choose adequate risk management instruments, forecast financial result and cash flows of the enterprise. The results of currency exchange rate risk managing in enterprise were that damage of rate risk was 10 times smoler when not... [to full text]
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Analýza rizik stavebního investičního projektu / Risk Analysis of the Construction Investment ProjectFikoczek, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to risk analysis of the investment construction project. The theoretical part is deals with definition of risk, types of risks as well as risk management methods. Various risk analysis in investment projects is included in the description. The practical part is focused on the evaluation of economic efficiency including the risk assessment of investment project called „Building construction of nursery school in Svatobořice-Mistřín.
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Goffman jako framework pro analýzu sociálních interakcí na sociálních sítích / Goffman as a Framework for Analysis of Social Interactions in Social NetworksMerunková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
fman's theory in order to investigate how book features Goffman's two principal performative - First section of the thesis introduces Goffman's theory and frames the phenomenon of social provides a qualitative content analysis of 50 Facebook "profiles" and 733
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Zhodnocení procesu řízení lidských zdrojů ve Fakultní nemocnici Plzeň / Evaluation of the process of human resource management in University Hospital in PilsenVANIŠOVÁ, Ivana January 2009 (has links)
It is proven that the capacity to form human resources and use them with a view of achieving organization´s objectives is one of the essential factors of business success. Human resource management is the latest policy of the work with personnel and it becomes the most significant component of organization´s management. Healthcare facilities represent specific entities. In connection with the reform measures of health services, privatization of hospitals and other circumstances, a trend has appeared recently to convert healthcare facilities to market entities and operate them on base of market principles. In my thesis I tried to cover and evaluate the process of human resource management in the University Hospital in Pilsen which is the largest healthcare facility of the Pilsem Region. The objective of the thesis was achieved. The thesis can be used by the hospital, especially those employees who are in charge of human resource management, to improve the process. Moreover, it can serve to experts as well as general public to acquire more information and form an idea on the situation of human resource management in a large healthcare facility
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En rapport om hur svenska kommuner och regioner strategiskt arbetar mot målen i Agenda 2030 och hur detta arbete framgångsrikt implementeras i verksamhetenRosenberg, Jasmine, Lorentzon, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Agenda 2030 är en global utvecklingsagenda för att utrota fattigdom, skapa fredliga och trygga samhällen samt stoppa klimatförändringar. Världen står för många utmaningar när det gäller vårt klimat och hur snabbt vi förbrukar jordens resurser. Därför är det mer aktuellt än aldrig att jobba såväl lokalt som globalt med hållbar utveckling, demokrati och att minska fattigdom. Syftet med denna rapport är att samla kunskap om hur kommuner och regioner i Sverige strategiskt arbetar för att nå målen för Agenda 2030 och identifiera faktorer om hur detta arbete framgångsrikt kan implementeras för att lyckas nå målen och en kvalitativ metod har valts för att utröna detta. Författarna använde sig av en webbaserad enkät som skickades via mail till 55 kommuner och regioner i Sverige. Resultatet påvisade att nyckelbegrepp som ledarskap, utbildning och engagemang var avgörande för implementeringen av målen. Olika strategier och quality-managementverktyg används för att implementera målen i organisationerna, däremot visade resultatet att de flesta kommuner och regioner i undersökningen inte hade en uttalad strategi för att uppnå målen i Agenda 2030. Kunskapsgap uppmärksammas i samband med rapporten och mer forskning med syfte att undersöka strategier och verktyg som organisationer kan använda för att implementera målen i Agenda 2030 är relevant. / The Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, is a global agenda that provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet. Our world is facing multiple challenges on stopping climate change and how we’re taking care of each other and our nature worldwide. Therefore, it is more relevant than ever to work locally and globally with sustainable development, democracy, and poverty reduction. The purpose of this report is to gather knowledge on how municipalities and regions in Sweden strategically work to reach the SDGs and identify factors taken by these organizations on how they succeed in their work. A qualitative method has been chosen to determine this. A web-based survey has been sent by e-mail to 56 municipalities and regions across Sweden. The result points out that key concepts such as leadership, education, and engagement are vital for the organizations in order to implement the SDGs in their daily work. Some quality management tools are used in the organizations to accomplish this, but the result also points out that the organizations do not have an explicit strategy for accomplishing the SDGs. The knowledge gap is tangible in Commented [LJ1]: Denna rubrik ligger på fel sida. 3 connection with the report. More research with the aim of examining strategies and tools that organizations can use to implement the goals in the 2030 Agenda is relevant. / <p>2021-06-05</p>
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