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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Probing the size of proteins with glass nanopores

Steinbock, L. J., Krishnan, S., Bulushev, R. D., Borgeaud, S., Blokesch, M., Feletti, L., Radenovic, A. 16 December 2019 (has links)
Single molecule studies using nanopores have gained attention due to the ability to sense single molecules in aqueous solution without the need to label them. In this study, short DNA molecules and proteins were detected with glass nanopores, whose sensitivity was enhanced by electron reshaping which decreased the nanopore diameter and created geometries with a reduced sensing length. Further, proteins having molecular weights (MW) ranging from 12 kDa to 480 kDa were detected, which showed that their corresponding current peak amplitude changes according to their MW. In the case of the 12 kDa ComEA protein, its DNA-binding properties to an 800 bp long DNA molecule was investigated. Moreover, the influence of the pH on the charge of the protein was demonstrated by showing a change in the translocation direction. This work emphasizes the wide spectrum of detectable molecules using nanopores from glass nanocapillaries, which stand out because of their inexpensive, lithography-free, and rapid manufacturing process

Flexible and easy to engineer servo-hydraulic actuators using 3D printing manufacturing process

Thienen, Stefan, Gellner, Thomas 25 June 2020 (has links)
Already since some time, Bosch Rexroth offers solutions as compact servo hydraulic actuators (SHA). Because there are lot of requests from the market, we thought about reducing the inquiry processing time and delivery time by designing a kit system for the SHA solutions. This system should be flexible enough to cover different technical solutions (e.g. cylinder), functionalities and design styles [... aus dem Text]

Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for powder bed fusion systems

Du Rand, Francois 05 1900 (has links)
M.Tech (Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology / In the world of research and development, the ability to rapidly manufacture a prototype or part has become a significant part of the manufacturing process. This requirement has given rise to some unique manufacturing technologies. One of these technologies is Additive Manufacturing (AM), or also more commonly known as 3D printing. There are several AM technologies available and can be divided into three major AM categories namely: liquid, powder and solid sheet based. For this research study, the primary focus will be on powder-based technologies. Powder-based technologies make use of materials in powder form and use different fusion techniques to fuse the powder particles together. All the powder bed fusion technologies consist of the same basic components, namely a powder chamber, build chamber, re-coater and a powder fusion system. For each layer of the build, the re-coater applies a new layer of powder from the powder chamber to the build chamber, and then the specific type of powder fusion system will fuse the powder particles together. This process will then be repeated until the entire build has completed. Currently, powder bed fusion AM platforms do not have re-coating quality feedback into the printing system. Thus, when errors or defects occur on the powder bed surface during the re-coating process, they can affect the structural integrity of the parts. Parts must then be reprinted, which becomes costly due to wasted raw materials, electricity and time. Raw material and sundry wastage was some of the key factors that reduces the overall efficiency of the identified AM technology. Due to the increased problem with wasted materials, the need arose to develop a re-coater monitoring system, which could be used to increase the overall efficiency of a powder-based system. For the development of a re-coater monitoring system, a review of three different types of monitoring technologies such as computer vision, laser scanning and a time-offlight camera was conducted. Based upon the relatively low cost, low computer resource requirements and high accuracy, computer vision was considered as the best suited technology for development of the monitoring system. To select the correct camera to capture images of the powder bed, the required specifications for the camera, lens and mounting position were determined mathematically. A software program was then developed to autonomously detect re-coating errors on the captured image after each re-coating cycle using image processing techniques. Each of the captured powder bed images were divided into 16 equal sized quadrants, where each quadrant was processed individually. Each of the quadrants was examined using an edge detection algorithm to detect any changes in contrast that would indicate a defect or re-coating error. The probability of a possible re-coating error or defect was calculated for each quadrant and displayed as a percentage value. The active re-coater monitoring system was also integrated into the Voxeljet VX500 to validate the system’s operation. The system was used to monitor a total of seven build jobs on the Voxeljet VX500. However, the first three build jobs could not be successfully monitored as some parameters of the system had to be re-adjusted to ensure proper operation. The last four build jobs were monitored successfully and recorded results that proved that the active re-coater monitoring system could indeed detect defects and re-coating errors when they occurred.

Process Window Challenges in Advanced Manufacturing: New Materials and Integration Solutions

Fox, Robert, Augur, Rod, Child, Craig, Zaleski, Mark 22 July 2016 (has links)
With the continued progression of Moore’s law into the sub-14nm technology nodes, interconnect RC and power dissipation scaling play an increasingly important role in overall product performance. As critical dimensions in the mainstream Cu/ULK interconnect system shrink below 30nm, corresponding increases in relative process variation and decreases in overall process window mandate increasingly complex integrated solutions. Traditional metallization processes, e.g. PVD barrier and seed layers, no longer scale for all layout configurations as they reach physical and geometric limitations. Interactions between design, OPC, and patterning also play more and more critical roles with respect to reliability and yield in volume manufacturing; stated simply, scaling is no longer “business as usual”. Restricted design layouts, prescriptive design rules, novel materials, and holistic integration solutions each therefore become necessary to maximize available process windows, thus enabling new generations of cost-competitive products in the marketplace.

Entwicklung formbarer Papierwabenkerne und deren Herstellungsverfahren zur Nutzung in Wabenformteilen

Lippitsch, Stefan 11 July 2023 (has links)
Stark formbare Wabenkerne als Kernschicht geformter Sandwichbauteile finden in vorteilhafter Ausführung bisher lediglich Verwendung in kostenintensiven Anwendungen mit hoher Leistungsklasse. Für eine weite Verbreitung der kombinierten Leichtbauweise fehlen bisher kostengünstige Wabenkerne, die die Formung schadlos überstehen und so ihre Verbundeigenschaften auch im geformten Bauteil aufweisen. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich zunächst mit der Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Herstellung eines formbaren Papierwabenkerns mit vorgegebener Zellstruktur. Nach dem Funktionsnachweis erfolgt ein Anforderungsabgleich, welcher zeigt, dass eine kostengünstige Herstellung nicht realisierbar ist. Nach Diskussion folgt der Entschluss, den größtmöglichen iterativen Schritt beim Konstruktiven Entwicklungsprozess zu gehen und das gesamte Verfahren als nicht anforderungsgerecht einzustufen. Zugleich wird die vorgegebene Zellstruktur hinterfragt. Darauf basierend erfolgt eine umfangreiche Recherche zu Wabenkernherstellungsverfahren und formbaren Wabenkernen. Aus Letzterem werden sieben Gestaltungselemente abgeleitet, die zur Formbarkeit führen. Mit dieser Kenntnis wird der Entwicklungsprozess erneut durchlaufen. Die Zellstruktur ist dabei nicht definiert, sondern lediglich die zu erzielenden Eigenschaften, wodurch eine möglichst geeignete Produkt-Verfahrenskombination ermittelt werden soll. U. a. resultiert ein Flexibilisierungsverfahren, bei dem gängige Hexagonalwabenkerne aus Papier in einem zusätzlichen Schritt umgeformt werden und so die geforderte Formbarkeit erlangen. Nach der Entwicklung und dem Funktionsnachweis mit einer Prototypenmaschine erfolgt die Weiterentwicklung des Verfahrens. Mit einer Laborversuchsmaschine werden wesentliche Steuergrößen ermittelt, das Wirkprinzip diskutiert, ein erstes Verarbeitungsspektrum erprobt sowie ein Verfahren zur optischen Erfassung von Wabenkernzellstrukturen entwickelt. Letzteres dient der Charakterisierung von Wabenkernen und, speziell beim flexibilisierten Wabenkern, der Vorhersage des Formänderungsvermögens. Abschließend werden wesentliche Verbundeigenschaften eines flexibilisierten Referenzwabenkerns seiner gängigen hexagonalen Form gegenübergestellt und exemplarisch erste Musterformteile gefertigt. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden entwicklungsübergreifende Forschungsfragen aufgestellt, die anhand gewonnener Erkenntnisse diskutiert werden.:1Einleitung 2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik 2.1 Wabenbauweise 2.2 Schalenbauweise 2.3 Wabenformteile 2.4 Geschichte der Waben- und Schalenbauweise 2.5 Wabenkerne - Kategorisierung, Aufbau und Terminologie 2.6 Wabenwerkstoffe - insbesondere Papier 2.7 Ausgewählte Einflüsse auf Wabenkerneigenschaften 2.8 Herstellung von Wabenkernen 2.8.1 Wellprinzip 2.8.2 Reckprinzip 2.8.3 Zellgrundformen sowie Anwendbarkeit des Well- und Reckprinzips 2.9 Formbare Wabenkerne 2.9.1 Papierwabenkerne in Wabenformteilen 2.9.2 Gestaltung und Klassifizierung formbarer Wabenkerne 2.9.3 Herstellung zellstrukturbedingt formbarer Wabenkerne 2.10 Herstellungsaufwand, Leistungsfähigkeit und Kosten 3 Präzisierte Zielstellung und Vorgehensweise 4 Verfahrensentwicklung – Herstellung einer geometrisch definierten Zellstruktur 4.1 Ausgangssituation 4.2 Weiterentwicklung des Herstellungsverfahrens 4.2.1 Vervollständigung des Herstellungsverfahrens 4.2.2 Neuentwicklung Formvorrichtung 4.2.3 Entwicklung Formbaugruppe Fertigung und Erprobung von Formschienen und -baugruppen Entwicklung vorteilhafter Formschienenkonturen Potentiell vorteilhafte Formbaugruppe 4.2.4 Entwicklung Trenn- und Fügemaschine 4.3 Bewertung der Entwicklung und Diskussion 5 Verfahrensentwicklung – Flexibilisierung zum formbaren Wabenkern 5.1 Angepasste Zielstellung und Vorgehensweise 5.2 Ermittlung eines Vorzugsprinzips 5.2.1 Ermittlung geeigneter Lösungsräume 5.2.2 Ermittlung geeigneter Verfahrensprinzipe 5.2.3 Bewertung der Verfahrensprinzipe 5.3 Entwicklung des FlexCore-Verfahrens 5.3.1 Entwicklung FlexCore-Prototyp 5.3.2 Funktionsnachweis 5.3.3 Weitergehende Erprobung 5.4 Bewertung des Flexibilisierungsverfahrens FlexCore 6 Ausarbeitung FlexCore-Verfahren 6.1 Identifizieren verbleibender Entwicklungsschwerpunkte 6.2 Entwicklung einer Methode zur Charakterisierung von Wabenkern-Zellstrukturen 6.2.1 Konkretisierung der Entwicklungsaufgabe 6.2.2 Ermittlung einer Methode zur Zellstrukturerfassung 6.2.3 Entwicklung eines mobilen Prüfstandes zur Zellstrukturerfassung 6.2.4 Erarbeitung und Erfassung potentiell charakteristischer Kenngrößen 6.3 Maschine für wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen 6.3.1 Maschinenentwicklung 6.3.2 Maschinenerprobung 6.4 Identifizierung charakteristischer Kenngrößen flexibilisierter Zellstrukturen sowie wesentlicher Verfahrenssteuergrößen 6.4.1 Versuchsplanung und -durchführung 6.4.2 Prüfung des Formänderungsvermögens formbarer Wabenkerne 6.4.3 Bestimmung charakteristischer Kenngrößen 6.4.4 Bestimmung wesentlicher Steuergrößen des FlexCore-Verfahrens 6.5 Rückschlüsse zur Funktionsweise des Wirkprinzips 6.6 Erste Erprobung des Verarbeitungsspektrums 6.7 Stützstoffeigenschaften flexibilisierter Wabenkerne 6.7.1 Geometrie- und Masseeigenschaften 6.7.2 Druckeigenschaften - unstabilisiert 6.7.3 Druckeigenschaften - stabilisiert 6.7.4 Schubeigenschaften 6.8 Exemplarische Musterfertigung von Wabenformteilen 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Quellen Anlagen

Process chain simulation of forming, welding and heat treatment of Alloy 718

Steffenburg-Nordenström, Joachim January 2017 (has links)
Manufacturing of aero engine components requires attention to residual stress and final shape of the product in order to meet high quality product standards.This sets very high demands on involved manufacturing steps to meet design requirements. Simulation of manufacturing processes can therefore be animportant tool to contribute to quality assurance.The focus in this work is on simulation of a manufacturing process chain comprising of sheet metal forming, welding and a stress relief heat treatment.Simulation of sheet metal forming can be used to design a forming tool design that accounts for the material behaviour, e.g. spring back, and avoid problems such as wrinkling, thinning and cracking. Moreover, the simulation can also show how the material is stretched and work hardened. The residual stresses after forming may be of local character or global depending on the shape that is formed. However, the heat affected zone due to welding is located near the weld.The weld also causes large residual stresses with the major component along the weld. It is found that the magnitude of the residual stresses after welding is affected by remaining stresses from the previous sheet metal forming. The final stress relieve treatment will relax these residual stresses caused by e.g. forming and welding. However, this causes additional deformations.The main focus of this study is on how a manufacturing process step affects the subsequent step when manufacturing a component of the nickel-based super alloy 718. The chosen route and geometry is a simplified leading edge of an exhaust case guide vane. The simulations were validated versus experiments. The computed deformations were compared with measurements after each manufacturing step. The overall agreement between experiments and measurement was good. However, not sufficiently accurate considering the required tolerance of the component. It was found from simulations that the residual stresses after each process affects the subsequent step. After a complete manufacturing process chain which ends with a stress relief heat treatment the residual stresses were not negligible. VIII Special experiments were performed for studying the stress relief in order to understand how the stresses evolve through the heat treatment cycle during relaxation. It was found that the stresses were reduced already during the beginning of the heating up sequence due to decreasing Young´s modulus and yield stress with increasing temperature. Relaxation due to creep starts when a certain temperature was reached which gave a permanent stress relief.

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Manufacturing Process of Ball BearingsFocusing on Enhancing the Aesthetics of the Outer Surface by Removing the ShiningBand

Alsairafi, Abdullah Issa 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Fabrication additive de matériaux électroactifs pour applications à la mécatronique / Additive manufacturing of electroactive materials for mechatronics applications

Ganet-Mattei, Florent 05 February 2018 (has links)
La Fabrication Additive (FA) est un procédé de fabrication qui a commencé à se développer dans les années 80 et qui atteint actuellement une maturité qui lui permet d’être utilisé de manière rentable et fonctionnelle par les industriels. La fabrication additive est définie comme étant le procédé de mise en forme d’une pièce par ajout de matière, à l’opposé de la mise en forme traditionnelle par enlèvement de matière (usinage). Cette nouvelle technologie est une réelle révolution et permet de relever de nouveaux défis technologiques sans précédent. Que ce soit sur un axe matériau ou plus largement dans le cadre de l’usine du futur, la fabrication additive est un réel levier de croissance, mais de nombreux travaux de recherche sont encore à mener afin de perfectionner cette nouvelle technologie. C’est autour de cette problématique que les travaux de thèses se sont focalisés avec un accent sur l’intégration de matériaux électroactifs pour la réalisation de fonction mécatronique tirant profit des procédés de Fabrication Additive. Les actions de recherche montrent que la fabrication additive de matériaux électroactifs sera de plus en plus employée pour la réalisation de fonctions mécatroniques hybrides qui combineront à la fois la structure mécanique, des circuits intégrés en silicium, des pistes conductrices et des matériaux couplés imprimés, intégrant ainsi des fonctionnalités, telles que des capteurs, des affichages ou des sources d’énergie. Les travaux montrent le potentiel applicatif autour du contrôle de santé des structures en composites, mais aussi du contrôle de forme d’instrument pour la chirurgie. Pour arriver au développement de ces dispositifs, les points suivants ont été développés autour des matériaux électroactifs et de leurs règles d’intégrations et d’optimisation. / Additive Manufacturing (FA) is a manufacturing process that began to develop in the 1980s and is now mature enough to be used in a cost-effective and functional way by manufacturers. Additive manufacturing is defined as the process of shaping a part by adding material, as opposed to traditional shaping by material removal (machining). This new technology is a real revolution and enables us to meet new unprecedented technological challenges. Whether on a material axis or more widely as part of the plant of the future, additive manufacturing is a real growth driver, but many research work is yet to be conducted to perfect this new technology. It is around this issue that the work of theses focused with a focus on the integration of electroactive materials for the realization of mechatronics function taking advantage of Additive Manufacturing processes. Research shows that additive manufacturing of electroactive materials will be increasingly used for the realization of hybrid mechatronic functions that will combine both the mechanical structure, silicon integrated circuits, conductive tracks and printed coupled materials, integrating as well as features, such as sensors, displays or power sources. The work shows the potential application around the health control of composite structures, but also the instrument shape control for surgery. To arrive at the development of these devices, the following points have been developed around electroactive materials and their integration and optimization rules.

Obtention d’alumines α dopées polycristallines transparentes par Spark Plasma Sintering / Transparent polycrystalline doped α-alumina obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering

Lallemant, Lucile 28 September 2012 (has links)
L'élaboration de céramiques polycristallines transparentes constitue un défi technologique important. Les matériaux transparents actuellement utilisés (verres ou monocristaux) possèdent des propriétés mécaniques (dureté, résistance à l'usure) et physico-chimiques (résistance à la corrosion) moins intéressantes que celles des céramiques polycristallines. Par ailleurs, le coût de production de ces dernières est inférieur à celui des monocristaux. Les deux principaux paramètres à contrôler afin d'augmenter les propriétés optiques de l'alumine alpha polycristalline sont sa porosité, comme pour tout matériau transparent, et sa taille de grains, du fait de sa biréfringence. Aussi on cherchera à obtenir après frittage un matériau possédant une très faible porosité (inférieure à 0,05%) avec une distribution fine en taille de pores centrée sur des porosités nanométriques, et une taille de grains très fine (plus grand que 0,5 µm). Actuellement, cette microstructure particulière est obtenue en ~ 15 heures en combinant un frittage naturel suivi d'un traitement par Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). La technique de Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) utilisée dans cette étude permet d’obtenir des céramiques denses possédant une microstructure fine en des temps plus courts. Premièrement, un protocole d'élaboration d'une alumine pure transparente a été mis au point. Il repose sur la préparation de crus à microstructure contrôlée avant l'étape de frittage. Principalement, ils doivent présenter une distribution fine en taille de pores avec un empilement particulaire macroscopique homogène dépourvu d'agglomérats. Le cycle de frittage SPS a également été optimisé afin d'obtenir les meilleures transmissions optiques possibles. Ensuite, un protocole de dopage par des inhibiteurs de croissance de grains a été optimisé. La nature du sel dopant influe au second ordre sur les propriétés optiques des échantillons par rapport à une calcination préalable au frittage. La nature et/ou la quantité de dopant induisent un décalage plus ou moins important de la densification vers les hautes températures. Le cycle de frittage SPS doit donc être adapté en conséquence. Le taux de dopant doit être optimisé afin d'obtenir une microstructure fine après frittage sans présence de particules de seconde phase. Différents dopants ont été comparés (magnésium Mg, lanthane La et zirconium Zr) et l'échantillon possédant les meilleures propriétés optiques a été obtenu grâce à un dopage à 200 cat ppm de lanthane. Des optimisations au niveau de la morphologie des poudres (plus fines et plus sphériques) et de la préparation des suspensions d'alumine alpha dopées au lanthane (lavage par centrifugation) ont permis d'obtenir l'un des meilleurs échantillons d'alumine transparente reporté dans la littérature. Il possède une transmission optique de 68% et une taille de grains de l'ordre de 300 nm. Ses propriétés mécaniques (dureté, résistance à l'abrasion) sont supérieures à celles d'un monocristal de saphir. / Obtaining transparent polycrystalline ceramics became an important technological challenge over the last decade. Their high mechanical (hardness, wear resistance) and physico-chemical (corrosion resistance) properties combined with a high transparency and a reasonable price could lead them to replace glasses or monocrystals as sapphire in optical applications. The main parameters to control in order to obtain highly transparent polycrystalline alpha-alumina (PCA) are the porosity size and amount as for the other transparent materials. However, as PCA is a birefringent material, the grain size also needs to be controlled. That’s why PCA should possess after sintering grains as small as possible (bigger than 0.5 µm) and a porosity closed to 0.00% with nanometric pores. This particular microstructure is usually obtained in ~ 15 hours by combining natural sintering in air with a post Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) treatment. In our study, the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) technique was used as it enables to obtain fully dense ceramics in shorter times while limiting the grain growth. First, a protocol to obtain a pure transparent PCA was established. It consists on preparing green bodies with a controlled particle’s packing before sintering. Mainly, the particle’s packing has to be macroscopically homogeneous and without agglomerates. Moreover, the pore size distribution should be the narrowest. The SPS sintering cycle was also optimised to obtain the highest optical transmission. Then, a doping protocol with grain growth inhibitors was optimised. The nature of the doping salt has a secondary effect on optical properties compared to a thermal treatment applied before sintering. Depending on the doping agent nature and/or amount, the densification temperature changes. The SPS sintering cycle has thus to be adapted. The doping agent amount has to be optimised to obtain a fine microstructure after sintering without second phase particles. Different doping agents have been compared (magnesium Mg, lanthanum La and zirconium Zr). The sample having the highest optical properties was doped with 200 cat ppm of lanthanum. Finally, an optimisation of the powder’s morphology (finer and more spherical) was performed. Moreover, the lanthanum doped alpha-alumina slurry’s preparation was optimized using centrifugation. All these processes have enabled us to obtain one of the most transparent PCA sample ever reported in the literature. It possesses an optical transmission of 68% and a grain size around 300 nm. Its mechanical properties (hardness, wear resistance) are higher than the ones of a sapphire monocrystal.

Process-based modeling for cradle-to-gate energy and carbon footprint reduction in product design

Alsaffar, Ahmed J. 21 March 2012 (has links)
Interest in accounting for environmental impacts of products, processes, and systems during the design phase is increasing. Numerous studies have undertaken investigations for reducing environmental impacts across the product life cycle. Efforts have also been launched to quantify such impacts more accurately. Life cycle energy consumption and carbon footprint are among the most frequently adopted and investigated environmental performance metrics. As efforts continue to incorporate environmental sustainability into product design, struggles persist in concurrent consideration of environmental impacts resulting from the manufacturing processes and supply chain network design. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a framework for reducing product cradle-to-gate energy consumption and carbon footprint through simultaneous consideration of manufacturing processes and supply chain activities. The framework developed in this thesis relies on unit process modeling, and is demonstrated for production of a bicycle pedal. It is shown that simultaneous consideration of manufacturing and supply chain processes can impact decision-making and improve product environmental sustainability at the design stage. The work presented contributes to the state of the science in sustainable design and manufacturing research. In addition, a point of departure is established for the research community to move current efforts forward for concurrent consideration of multiple stages of the product life cycle in pursuit of environmental, economic, and social sustainability. / Graduation date: 2012

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