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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Použití metody FMEA pro prevenci chyb v průmyslovém podniku / Using of FMEA method for prevention of errors in the industrial enterprise

Veselý, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is using of FMEA method and risk assessment in the production process in Eurokov s.r.o. company. In the theoretical part are discussed the detail different types of FMEA and their applications. The practical part is focused on analyze the situation of poor quality for a specific product from Eurokov s.r.o. company. Data is used for application of FMEA form and to specification of precautionary measures for reduction poor quality in the production process.

Identifikace a hodnocení chyb na montážní lince modulů rozváděčů a jejich prevence / Identification and assessment of errors in the switchboards assembly line and their prevention

Smejkal, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Project developed within the Master's degree study proposes the study focused to identify and assessment of errors on the modules switchboards assembly line, because manufacturing companies are under heavy pressure to reduce production costs. The solution is optimization the productions processes and increasing their productivity.

Identifikace možných vad a jejich prevence ve výrobě kompozitních dílů / Identification of possible defects and their prevention in the composite components manufacturing

Rusek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
A subject of the thesis is the usage of methods of FMEA and application of results on a making process of the Composite Components inc. In the theoretical part, the application of methods of FMEA are discussed, depending on its usage. The research part is about analysis of current situation of the working process of the Composite Components inc. The acquired data are written into PFMEA form. The corrective precautions leading to decreasing defects are designed and evaluated.

Développement de nouveaux composites hybrides renforcés par des fibres de carbone et de lin : mise en oeuvre et caractérisation mécanique / Development of new hybrid composites reinforced by carbon and flax fibers : manufacturing and Mechanical characterization

Tossou, Eric 11 June 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est, d’une part, l’optimisation de la mise en œuvre des matériaux composites àtravers l’étude du comportement des renforts secs en compaction et, d’autre part, le développement et lacaractérisation de matériaux composites stratifiés hybrides renforcés par des fibres de carbone et de lin.Durant la mise en œuvre de ces composites, les renforts sont soumis à un phénomène appelé compactiontransverse. La compréhension de ce mécanisme est importante pour l’amélioration de la mise en œuvre.La connaissance de la capacité de compaction des renforts secs sert également à la prédiction du taux defibres ainsi que de l’épaisseur de la pièce composite finale. Des essais de compaction réalisés sur douzerenforts présentant de différentes solutions techniques ont montré que la capacité de compaction d’unrenfort sec est influencée par plusieurs facteurs. Les résultats obtenus de ce travail portant essentiellementsur les renforts à fibres naturelles (lin) ont montré que ces types de renforts se compactent moinsbien que les renforts à fibres synthétiques (carbone, verre). Ainsi, pour pouvoir améliorer la capacité decompaction de ces renforts naturels, il faut choisir ceux dont le grammage est important, ceux dont lesmèches sont en fibre et non en fil, ceux qui sont unidirectionnels (ou quasi UD) plutôt que des tissés oudes bi-biais. De plus, il faut privilégier les séquences à plusieurs plis aux séquences mono-plis.Face à un fort besoin d’allègement des structures, les matériaux composites sont de plus en plus recherchésdans le secteur industriel notamment dans le domaine des transports. Cependant, les matériaux compositescomme tout autre matériau, en plus d’être mécaniquement performant, doivent remplir d’autresfonctions comme l’amortissement de chocs et de vibrations pour une bonne tenue en service. Pour remplircette double exigence, une des solutions est d’utiliser la technique d’hybridation qui consiste à utiliserau sein d’un même composite des fibres naturelles et synthétiques à la fois afin d’exploiter leursatouts respectifs. Respectivement en raison de leur rigidité et de leur pouvoir amortissant, les fibres decarbone et de lin ont été choisies dans le cadre de cette thèse. La caractérisation des plaques stratifiéesfabriquées en infusion de résine montre que le composite carbone a de meilleures propriétés mécaniqueset microstructurales tandis que le composite lin propose des propriétés amortissantes très intéressantes.Les résultats montrent que l’hybridation du lin avec du carbone permet d’améliorer considérablement lesfaibles propriétés mécaniques du composite lin et les mauvaises propriétés amortissantes du compositecarbone. La séquence d’empilement des couches a une influence significative sur le comportement et lespropriétés des stratifiés hybrides. Nos résultats ont montré que pour avoir une meilleure microstructureles couches de carbone doivent être disposées à l’extérieur. Cette façon d’hybrider permet égalementd’obtenir de meilleures propriétés en flexion et en choc. En revanche, lorsque les couches de lin sontplacées à l’extérieur, le composite hybride a une meilleure capacité d’amortissement. Cette séquenced’empilement garantit aussi une meilleure résistance en indentation. Ainsi, la séquence d’empilementhybride à choisir dépendra du besoin que l’on cherche à satisfaire.Enfin, grâce à une analyse basée sur la théorie classique des stratifiés, il a été démontré dans cette thèsequ’on peut dimensionner des composites stratifiés hybrides malgré que les couches constitutives soientde différente nature avec des propriétés dissemblables. / The goal of this thesis is, on the one hand, the optimization of the manufacturing of composite materials through the study of the behavior of dry fibrous reinforcements in compaction and, on the other hand, the development and characterization of hybrid composite laminates reinforced with carbon and flax fibers. During the manufacturing process of these composites, the reinforcements are subjected to a phenomenon called transverse compaction. Understanding this mechanism is important for improving the manufacturing process. Knowledge of the compaction capacity of the dry reinforcements also serves to predict the fiber content as well as the thickness of the final composite part. Compaction tests carried out on twelve reinforcements presenting different technical solutions have shown that the compaction capacity of a dry reinforcement is influenced by several factors. The results obtained from this work, which focuses on natural fiber reinforcements (flax), have shown that these types of reinforcement are less compactable than synthetic fiber reinforcements (carbon, glass). Thus, to be able to improve the compaction capacity of these natural reinforcements, it is necessary to choose those whose area density is important, those whose tows are in fiber not in yarn, those which are unidirectional (or quasi UD) rather than woven or bi-bias. In addition, it is necessary to choose a multi-ply sequence rather than single-ply sequence. Faced with a strong need for lightening structures, composite materials are increasingly sought in the industrial sector, particularly in the transport sector. However, composite materials like any other material, in addition to being mechanically efficient, must perform other functions such as damping shock and vibration for good performance in service. To meet this double requirement, one of the solutions is to use the hybridization technique which consists in using within the same composite natural and synthetic fibers at the same time in order to exploit their respective advantages. Respectively because of their rigidity and their damping capacity, the carbon and flax fibers were chosen in the context of this thesis. The characterization of the laminate composite plates manufactured with resin infusion process shows that the carbon composite has better mechanical and microstructural properties while the flax composite offers very interesting damping properties. The results show that hybridization of flax with carbon considerably improves the low mechanical properties of the flax composite and the poor damping properties of the carbon composite. The stacking sequence of layers has a significant influence on the behavior and properties of the hybrid laminates. Our results showed that to have a better microstructure the carbon layers must be put outside. This way of hybridizing also makes it possible to obtain better properties in flexion and shock. By contrast, when the flax layers are placed outside, the hybrid composite has a better damping capacity. This stacking sequence also guarantees a better indentation strength. Thus, the hybrid stacking sequence to choose will depend on the need that is sought to meet. Finally, thanks to an analysis based on classical laminate theory, it has been demonstrated in this thesis that hybrid composite laminates can be dimensioned despite the fact that the constituent layers are of different types with dissimilar properties.

Contribution au développement de l'utilisation des fibres naturelles dans les composites structuraux. Étude du comportement d'un composite Lin/Epoxy lors d'un vieillissement hygrothermique / Contribution to the development of natural fibers' use in structural composites. Study of a Flax / Epoxy composite’s behavior when exposed to hygrothermal ageing

Cadu, Thomas 22 October 2018 (has links)
Les composites bio-sourcés et notamment à base de fibres de lin connaissent depuis quelques années un regain d’intérêt, particulièrement dans les domaines des transports, de la mobilité et des loisirs. En effet, le faible coût énergétique et environnemental de la fibre de lin lui confère un avantage face à la fibre de verre, tout en la concurrençant en termes de propriétés mécaniques spécifiques. Cependant le comportement à long terme en environnement humide des composites à base de fibres de lin reste méconnu et constitue un frein à leur utilisation à plus grande échelle. Les objectifs de ces travaux sont de donner des clés pour produire un composite lin/époxy de haute qualité et de contribuer à l’amélioration de la connaissance de la durabilité de ces matériaux. Tout d’abord, l’influence de nombreux paramètres de mise en œuvre [(i) le pré conditionnement des renforts, (ii) la température de cuisson, (iii) la pression appliquée lors de la cuisson, (iv) la vitesse de refroidissement, (v) la température de sortie de la plaque, (vi) la température de post-cuisson et (vii) la durée de post-cuisson] sur les propriétés mécaniques des composites a été étudiée afin d’obtenir des matériaux de haute qualité. Une méthode de vieillissement « réaliste » a ensuite été développée afin d’étudier la durabilité de ce type de composites en présence d’eau. Des cycles de vieillissements hygrothermiques ont ainsi été menés en laboratoire sur des éprouvettes de composite, de résine et des faisceaux de fibres. Puis des analyses multi-échelles basées sur des caractérisations physico-chimiques, microstructurales et morphologiques du composite lin/époxy au cours de ce vieillissement ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de leurs évolutions de propriétés mécaniques longitudinales et transverses au cours du temps. / In recent years there is renewed interest for bio-sourced composites, including those based on flax fibers, and especially in the field of transport, mobility and leisure. In fact, the lower energy cost and environmental impact of flax fiber give it an advantage over glass fiber, while competing with its specific mechanical properties. However, flax fibers based composites long-term behavior remains poorly known in damp environments and constitutes an obstacle to a wider use. This work aims to provide adapted parameters to produce a high-grade flax/epoxy composite and to contribute to improve the durability knowledge of these materials. First, the influence of many processing parameters [(i) conditioning of the reinforcements, (ii) curing temperature, (iii) curing pressure, (iv) cooling speed, (v) exit temperature, (vi) post curing temperature and (vii) post curing duration] on the composites’ mechanical properties have been studied in order to manufacture high-grade materials. Then a “realistic” ageing method has been developed to study the durability of this kind of composites when exposed to water. Thus cyclic hygrothermal ageing has been applied to composite, resin and fiber bundles in the laboratory. Then multi-scale analyzes based on physicochemical, microstructural and morphological characterizations of the flax/epoxy composites helped to better understand the mechanisms responsible for the longitudinal and transverse mechanical properties’ evolutions over time.

Additive manufacturing and its impacts on manufacturing industries in the future concerning the sustainability of AM

Ghazizadeh, Ali, Lakshminarasimhaiah, Suraj January 2021 (has links)
With the emergence of modern technologies in manufacturing processes, companies need to adapt themselves to these technologies to stay competitive. Additive Manufacturing is one of the upcoming technologies which will bring major changes to the manufacturing process. AM (Additive Manufacturing) offers flexibility in design, production size, customization, etc., Even though there are numerous advantages from the implementation of AM technologies less than 2% of the manufacturing industries use them for production. The purpose of the thesis was to study the impact of AM on manufacturing industries in 5-10 years and the barriers it is facing for widespread diffusion. Additionally, its impact on Sustainability aspects is also studied. A literature review was conducted to understand the current AM processes, their applications in different manufacturing sectors, their impact on business strategies, operations, and Product Life cycle. From the study, it was concluded that AM technologies are still in their maturing state and has a lot of uncertainties that it must overcome. The most notable barriers being implementation costs, limited materials, and protection of Intellectual property. The thesis also presents the projection for AM in 2030. AM is advantageous for Environmental and Economic sustainability with very little research on Societal sustainability.

Metodikutveckling av part screening för additiv tillverkning

Persson Wiremyr, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
Tillväxten inom Additiv tillverkning (AM) förväntas fortsatt vara stor. AM medför möjligheter att förbättra produktutveckling, tillverkning och produktegenskaper. Part screening är en process för att identifiera produkter med potentiella fördelar att tillverkas med AM. Det finns behov av att utveckla metodiker för att bedöma lämpligheten av AM för olika komponenter. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med teknikkonsultbolaget Combitech. Combitech har en part screening-metodik kallad EcoTech. Metodiken bygger på att bedöma den ekonomiska och tekniska lämpligheten för en produkt utifrån tillverkning med AM. Arbetet syftar till att vidareutveckla EcoTech till att bli ett användbart verktyg för att kunna identifiera lämpliga produkter att tillverka med AM. Målet var att kartlägga EcoTech i dess nuvarande form, ta fram lösningar på identifierade utvecklingsområden och sammanställa och utvärdera den uppdaterade versionen av EcoTech. En nulägesanalys genomfördes av EcoTech i dess dåvarande form och i relation till andra part screening-metodiker. Under nulägesanalysen identifierade utvecklingsmöjligheter av EcoTech. Utifrån nulägesanalys utformades koncept för lösningar och utveckling av metodiken. Utvecklingen av metodiken resulterade i bland annat riktlinjer och en processkarta över rekommenderat arbetssätt, ett frågebatteri som stöd för att identifiera produkter intressanta för att genomgå en part screening samt en mall för att säkerställa syftet och förutsättningarna för att genomföra en part screening med EcoTech. Avslutningsvis utvärderades metodikkonceptet genom en enkät där deltagare var medarbetare på Combitech. Enkätresultaten indikerar att den uppdaterade versionen av metodiken kan vara tillräckligt tydlig för att kunna börja användas men att det kan finnas behov av ytterligare hjälpmedel. Metodiken bör testas praktiskt för att ytterligare bedöma användbarheten och utvärdera vidare behov av utveckling. / The growth in Additive Manufacturing (AM) is expected to remain significant. AM brings opportunities to improve product development, manufacturing, and product properties. Part screening is a process to identify products with potential benefits for AM manufacturing. There is a need to develop methodologies to assess the suitability of AM for different components. This project has been conducted in collaboration with the engineering consulting company Combitech. Combitech has a part screening methodology called EcoTech. The methodology assesses the economic and technical suitability of a product for AM. The aim of this project is to further develop EcoTech into a useful tool for identifying suitable products for AM production. The goal was to analyze EcoTech in its current form, develop solutions for identified areas of improvement, document the solutions and evaluate the updated version of EcoTech. A current state analysis was conducted on EcoTech in its current form and in relation to other part screening methodologies. Development opportunities for EcoTech were identified during the analysis. Based on the current state analysis, concepts of improvement were developed for the methodology. The development of the methodology resulted in guidelines and a process map for recommended workflow, a questionnaire to support the identification of products suitable for part screening, and a template to ensure the purpose and prerequisites for conducting a part screening with EcoTech. Finally, the methodology concept was evaluated through a survey with Combitech employees. The survey results indicate that the updated version of the methodology may be clear enough to start using, but there may be a need to develop additional support tools. The methodology should be tested practically to further assess usability and evaluate further development needs. / <p>Betygsdatum 2023-06-28</p>

Early Anomaly Detection in Electrical Bushings Manufacturing at Hitachi Energy

Quintero Suárez, Felipe January 2022 (has links)
The manufacturing of electrical bushings for high voltages is complicated and highly demanding technology-wise. This process has more than 10 steps where a single mistake in the chain could cause a complete failure of the final product. A faulty bushing represents high costs to the company both economically and in terms of public image. Nowadays, fault detection is corrective-oriented, which means that there is low traceability on where the problem happens, and it is only detected once the final product is tested. This thesis aims to test a machine learning tool from Imagimob® to determine if is possible to detect faults during the manufacturing process using the existing captured data. To perform the test, a sample from 2019 was taken where the production of the bushings reached a 60% scrap rate. A deep-learning neural network with a 2D convolutional layer was implemented. The outcome of the system showed an efficiency of 80%. However, due to the complexity of the bushing manufacturing process, the few data samples, and the addition of different factors that can result in a faulty bushing, a range of probability is set depending on the number of anomalies detected. With such validation, the tool can label 18% of the bushings as surely faulty, and 27% as most likely faulty. The limitation of the tool is that the information must be analyzed after each step is done, and not continuously. Hence further research should be carried out on implementing a real-time tool. / Tillverkningen av elektriska genomföringar för högspänning är komplicerad och mycket krävande teknikmässigt. Denna process har mer än 10 steg där ett enda misstag i kedjan kan orsaka ett fullständigt misslyckande i slutprodukten. En felaktig genomföring innebär höga kostnader för företaget både ekonomiskt och motverkar en god image. Nuförtiden är feldetekteringen korrigerande-orienterad, det betyder att det är låg spårbarhet på var problemet uppstår och upptäcks först när slutprodukten testas. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att testa ett maskininlärningsverktyg från Imagimob® för att avgöra om det är möjligt att upptäcka fel under tillverkningsprocessen med hjälp av befintliga insamlade data. För att utföra testet togs ett prov från 2019 där produktionen av genomföringar nådde 60 % skrotmängd. Ett djupt lärande-neuralt nätverk med 2D-konvolutionelt lager implementerades. Det slutliga resultatet av systemet visade en effektivitet på 80 %. På grund av komplexiteten i tillverkningsprocessen för genomföringarna, de få datapunkterna och tillägget av olika faktorer som kan resultera i en felaktig genomföring, ställs ett sannolikhetsområde in beroende på antalet upptäckta avvikelser. Med en sådan validering kan verktyget markera 18 % av genomföringarna som säkert felaktiga och 27 % som troligen felaktiga. Begränsningen med verktyget är att informationen måste analyseras efter att varje steg är gjort, och inte kontinuerligt, därför bör ytterligare forskning göras för att implementera ett realtidsverktyg.

Design, Manufacturing, and Control of Soft and Soft/Rigid Hybrid Pneumatic Robotic Systems

Yang, Hee Doo 29 April 2019 (has links)
Soft robotic systems have recently been considered as a new approach that is in principle better suited for tasks where safety and adaptability are important. That is because soft materials are inherently compliant and resilient in the event of collisions. They are also lightweight and can be low-cost; in general, soft robots have the potential to achieve many tasks that were not previously possible with traditional robotic systems. In this paper, we propose a new manufacturing process for creating multi-chambered pneumatic actuators and robots. We focus on using fabric as the primary structural material, but plastic films can be used instead of textiles as well. We introduce two different methods to create layered bellows actuators, which can be made with a heat press machine or in an oven. We also describe origami-like actuators with possible corner structures. Moreover, the fabrication process permits the creation of soft and soft/rigid hybrid robotic systems, and enables the easy integration of sensors into these robots. We analyze various textiles that are possibly used with this method, and model bellows actuators including operating force, restoring force, and estimated geometry with multiple bellows. We then demonstrate the process by showing a bellows actuator with an embedded sensor and other fabricated structures and robots. We next present a new design of a multi-DOF soft/rigid hybrid robotic manipulator. It contains a revolute actuator and several roll-pitch actuators which are arranged in series. To control the manipulator, we use a new variant of the piece-wise constant curvature (PCC) model. The robot can be controlled using forward and inverse kinematics with embedded inertial measurement units (IMUs). A bellows actuator, which is a subcomponent of the manipulator, is modeled with a variable-stiffness spring, and we use the model to predict the behavior of the actuator. With the model, the roll-pitch actuator stiffnesses are measured in all directions through applying forces and torques. The stiffness is used to predict the behavior of the end effector. The robotic system introduced achieved errors of less than 5% when compared to the models, and positioning accuracies of better than 1cm. / Doctor of Philosophy / Future robotic systems are expected to deal with many tasks in real-world environments. The natural environment is highly unpredictable and unstructured, making manipulation and locomotion challenging for robots. Robots need to rely on adaptability, reconfigurability, and safety. Soft robotic systems have recently been considered as a new approach that is in principle better suited for tasks where safety and adaptability are important. That is because soft materials are inherently compliant and resilient in the event of collisions. They are also lightweight and can be low-cost; in general, soft robots have the potential to achieve many tasks that were not previously possible with traditional robotic systems. In this paper, we propose a new manufacturing process for creating multi-chambered pneumatic actuators and robots. We focus on using fabric as the primary structural material, but plastic films can be used instead of textiles as well. We introduce two different methods to create layered bellows actuators, which can be made with a heat press machine or household iron, or in an oven. We also describe origami-like actuators with possible corner structures. Moreover, the fabrication process permits the creation of soft and soft/rigid hybrid robotic systems, and enables the easy integration of sensors into these robots. We analyze various textiles that can be used with this method, and make models of bellows actuators including their operating force, restoring force, and estimated geometry with multiple bellows. We then demonstrate the process by showing a bellows actuator with an embedded sensor and other fabricated structures and robots. We next present a new design of a multi-DOF soft/rigid hybrid robotic manipulator. It contains a revolute actuator and several roll-pitch actuators which are arranged in series. To control the manipulator, we use a new variant of the piece-wise constant curvature (PCC) model. The robot can be controlled using forward and inverse kinematics with embedded inertial measurement units (IMUs). A bellows actuator, which is a subcomponent of the manipulator, is modeled with a variable-stiffness spring, and we use the model to predict the behavior of the actuator. With the model, the roll-pitch actuator stiffnesses are measured in all directions through applying forces and torques. The stiffness is used to predict the behavior of the end effector.

<b>Extruding Waxy Corn Starch to Understand the Effect of Shear On Viscosity</b>

Troy Tonner (19233445) 28 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Extrusion is a complex process that is difficult to model due to the complex geometry. In addition, modeling the flow of a shear and thermal sensitive material such as waxy corn starch further complicates the problem. Starch undergoes three main transformations during processing: 1. Gelatinization, 2. Melting, and 3. Fragmentation. The first two can be combined into starch conversion and have been studied in detail, along with their effect on viscosity.</p><p dir="ltr">This work extruded waxy corn starch using the “NASA” autogenous single screw extruder with and without steam locks at moisture contents of 30% w.b. and 35% w.b. as well as screw speeds of 300 rpm and 600 rpm. A Brabender single screw was used at 100 rpm, 35% w.b., and 140°C to obtain starch at another molecular weight. Molecular weight was measured using HPSEC-MALLS-RI, and viscosity was measured using a capillary rheometer. Starch conversion was checked by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).</p><p dir="ltr">The work extended upon previous rheological models by separating the lumped SME (specific mechanical energy) parameter into degree of starch conversion and molecular weight reduction. The new viscosity model can be combined with kinetics to predict rheology in computational fluid dynamics models that model the extrusion process. The approach can aid in designing the extrusion process and other unit operations by predicting extrusion characteristics without having to build the new design using a trial-and-error approach.</p><p dir="ltr">Additionally, a method was investigated to decouple SME into an average shear rate and mean residence time by setting SME equal to SEC (specific energy consumption). Shear history was found from the decoupled average shear rate and mean residence time. Shear history was a worse predictor for molecular weight reduction than SME alone because it was derived from SME with approximated average values from the extrusion trials.</p><p dir="ltr">Finally, the effect of steam locks in the “NASA” extruder was investigated and found to marginally reduce molecular weight, reduce the mass flow rate and increase the mean residence time for every condition except at a screw speed of 600 rpm and moisture content of 30% w.b. The work as a whole demonstrates the importance of understanding how materials change during processing.</p>

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