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依理性預期理論再檢定台灣股票市場之效率性李佳宜 Unknown Date (has links)
四、以市場發行量加權平均指數反轉移動資訊所制訂投資決策之績效不能顯著勝過市場之平均表現看來,台灣股票市場之股票股價形成過程中,深受歷史性加權平均指數移動資訊所影響,以致能大部分反映此部分資訊。而以個股股價反轉移動資訊所制訂投資決策之績效卻能輕易勝過市場且顯著差異看來,我國股市中個別股票股價表現似乎存在重大差異,股價與加權指數間並不皆具有高度正相關,投資人若決策錯誤,可能產生「賺了指數,賠了差價」之情形。 / This study aims to examine the role of information plays in the stock price formation by an application of simulated empirical approach. The results of this study can be used for assessing the appropriateness of Fama's definition of efficient market hypothesis (1970) in the Taiwan stock market. The assessment of information in this study includes random selection, reverse movement of stock index, and reverse movement of an individual stock. The analysis includes 266 samples covering bull/bear markets in the period between 1994 and 1995 on which the findings can be summarized as follows.
1. If the portfolio is formed upon random selection, the performance of portfolios can significantly beat the market in the bull market. In particular, the shorter turnover is, the higher return can be gained. There exist examples that the random portfolio can beat the market in the bear market no matter which turnover is selected.
2. If the portfolio is formed upon the reverse movement of stock index, even though total cumulative returns cannot beat the market average return in all cases, there exist cases beating the market.
3. If the portfolio is formed upon the reverse movement of an individual stock, no matter what the bull or bear market is, the portfolio can significantly beat the market for designated cases or total cumulative returns.
Thus, the stock price in the Taiwan stock market can be classified as a weak form market or weaker than a weak form market based on the Fama's definition (1970). Future research can consider how the Fama's definition of efficient market hypothesis can be revised in order to be applicable in the Taiwan stock market.
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Långsiktiga samband mellan aktiemarknader : En kointegrationsanalys av den svenska aktiemarknaden och fyra etablerade aktiemarknaderLindberg, Per January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna magisteruppsats undersöks eventuella långsiktiga samband mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och aktiemarknaderna i Tyskland, Storbritannien, USA och Japan. Detta sker genom en kointegrationsanalys med Engle-Grangers metod. Undersökningen omfattar åren 1992-2010 och resultaten visar inga tecken på att det skulle existera några långsiktiga samband mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och någon av de utländska aktiemarknaderna. Resultaten ger därmed indikationer om att den svenska aktiemarknaden tillsammans med de utländska aktiemarknaderna i undersökningen är kollektivt effektiva i åtminstone den svaga formen enligt Fama (1970). Då inga långsiktiga samband existerar bör även portföljdiversifiering mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och de utländska aktiemarknaderna i undersökningen fungera effektivt på lång sikt.</p> / <p>In this master thesis the Engle-Granger method for cointegration analysis is used to examine long-term relationships between stock markets. The analysis is applied on Swedish stock market together with the stock markets in Germany, United Kingdom, United States and Japan. The result shows no significant signs of any form of long-term relationships between the Swedish and the foreign stock markets for the time period 1992 to 2010. The result therefore indicates that the Swedish stock market together with the foreign stock markets in the study is collectively efficient in at least the weak form according to Fama (1970). The result also indicates that portfolio diversification through investing in the Swedish stock market together with any of the foreign stock markets should be effective in the long run.</p>
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Bryr vi oss egentligen? : Finansiella rapporters avtryck på svenska aktiemarknaden / Do we really care? : Financial reports influence on the Swedish stock marketEricsson, Emilie, Eriksson, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka betydelsen av finansiella rapporter genom att studera aktiekursens reaktion på Stockholmsbörsen för tidpunkten när företags finansiella rapporter blir offentliga. Detta bryts ned i två delsyften; <em>Skapar årsrapporter synbara reaktioner på svenska aktiemarknaden OMX vid tidpunkten för offentlighetsdatumet? </em>samt <em>följer reaktionerna på svenska aktiemarknaden årsrapporternas status? </em></p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Undersökningen är uppdelad i två delar. Den första utgörs av en nyckeltalsanalys, på 81 finansiella rapporter mellan åren 1991-2009, för att fastställa rapporternas status och den senare är en eventstudie som behandlar aktieutvecklingen vid offentlighetsdatumet för rapporterna. Undersökningen har en kvantitativ ansats där empirin består av sekundärdata i form av årsredovisningar, delårsrapporter och börskursindex.</p><p><strong>Teori: </strong>Rapporten bygger på hypotesen om effektiva marknader, signalteorin samt teorin om insiderinformation.</p><p><strong>Empiri: </strong>Utav 81 undersökta rapporter var 32 stycken starka, 27 stycken svaga, och 22 stycken neutrala. Alla rapporters eventfönster för offentliggörandet gav antingen ett positivt eller negativt AAR. Åren 1991, -99, -07, -08 och -09 fick ett positivt AAR medan åren 1992, -93, -00 och -01 fick ett negativt AAR. Varje status AAR blev 0,123 för de starka, -0,124 för de svaga och 0,011 för de neutrala.</p><p><strong>Analys/Slutsats </strong></p><ul><li>Då en rapport offentliggörs kan en reaktion på aktiemarknaden generellt urskiljas. </li><li>I majoriteten av fallen har rapporten medfört svagt positiva priseffekter vid offentliggörandet av en stark rapport, svagt negativa effekter vid en svag rapport och ingen signifikant reaktion vid en neutral rapport som inte bringar några större nyheter. </li><li>Det finns dock inget statistiskt samband mellan marknadsreaktionen och rapportens status vid en korrelationsanalys. Detta kan bero på att antalet studieobjekten kan ha varit för få och avvikelserna har därmed fått ett stort inflytande på det totala resultatet.</li><li>På det hela taget motsäger sig inte studien den effektiva marknadshypotesen, det skapas reaktioner av olika storlek vid offentliggörandet men för att kunna fastställa ett säkert samband mellan status och reaktioner krävs en djupare och bredare undersökning. </li></ul> / <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of financial reports through stock market reactions when financial reports become public. This is broken down into two part purposes; <em>do annual reports create reactions on the Swedish stock market OMX for the date of public enunciation?</em> and <em>does the reaction on the Swedish stock market follow the nature of the financial report?</em></p><p><strong>Methods: </strong>The study has two methodological aspects. The first one consists of a ratio analysis, of 81 financial reports between 1991-2009, in order to determine the report's status. The second one is an event study that deals with share developments for the time of annual reports public enunciation. The study has a quantitative approach where the empirical data consists of information from annual reports, interim reports and share price index.</p><p><strong>Theoretical: </strong>This paper relies on the efficient market hypothesis, signal theory and the theory perspectives of insider information.</p><p><strong>Empirical</strong>: Out of 81 examined annual reports 32 had a strong approach, 27 had weak and 22 had neutral. All the reports event windows for time of public enunciation had either a positive or negative AAR. The years 1991, -99, -07, -08 and -09 had a positive AAR while the years 1992, -93, -00 and -01 had a negative AAR. Every natures AAR become, 0,123 for the strong, -0,124 for the weak and 0,011 for the neutral.</p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p><ul><li>When a financial report is published and becomes available to stakeholders a reaction on the stock market tends to occur. </li><li>In the majority of cases the report provides positive reactions on the stock market when the underlying report is of a strong nature, negative reactions when the report is weak and no significant reaction when it is neutral. </li><li>There is, however, no immediate correlation between the market reaction and the nature of the report. This may be due to the number of research objects that can have been too few and there for have gotten an excessive influence on the overall result. </li><li>Overall, the study does not contradict the efficient market hypothesis, reactions do accrue but to determine the correlation between the nature of the report and the effects on stock direction it require a deeper and wider study then this. </li></ul>
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Aktiekursförändringar och sökfrekvens på internetGill, Peter January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and the amount of searches of the companies names on Google. The theories used in the study were Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Regressions analysis is used as the statistical method to see if there is a significant correlation between the stock prices and the amout of searches of the company name on Google. The data used were the rate of return of three companies (ABB, Oriflame and Sandvik) on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market, the rate of return of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market index (OMX Stockholm_PI) and the Google search frequency from Google Trends on each company. The result showed no significance and the conclusion of the thesis is that there is no significant correlation between the three studied companies and their search frequency on the search engine Google.</p> / <p><strong>Syfte</strong>: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ifall det finns ett samband mellan företags aktiekurser och sökfrekvens på företagets namn på söktjänsten Google.</p><p><strong>Data: </strong>Daglig avkastning på ABB:s, Oriflames och Sandviks aktier, Aktieindex samt Googels sökfrekvens.</p><p><strong>Teorier: </strong>Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Effektiva marknadshypotesen (EMH)</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Det råder inget signifikant samband mellan de undersökta företagens aktiekurser och deras företagsnamns sökfrekvens på söktjänsten Google.</p>
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Ex - dagseffekt : En studie kring avkastning på ex - dagen för utdelning / The Ex – day effect : A study about stock returns on the ex – day of dividend with the efficient market hypothesis in considerationIvansson, Richard, Viinikka, Janne January 2010 (has links)
<p>Question:</p><p>"Does the market possess perfect information as the efficient market hypothesis says?"</p><p>"Is there any significant relationship between the abnormal stock return on the ex – day and the dividend?" Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enlighten and find understanding about stock return versus dividend on the ex – day and try to figure out if abnormal returns occur on the portfolio during dividends.</p><p>Methodology:</p><p>The study was based in a quantitative nature and was derived with an event study and a hypothesis testing. The authors investigated the thirty most traded shares on the Stockholm stock exchange during a period of five years (2005 – 2009). They were analyzed during a total of nine days; the estimation window was set to sixty days. Theory: Leading theories in this field of study have been picked to enlighten and analysis the questions of the study. Theories used: Efficient market hypothesis, agent theory and the events of dividends.</p><p>Empiricism / Results:</p><p>The authors made an event study and hypothesis tested the information. From the data they could see a small abnormal return on every day except the day after the ex – day. However, they could not prove a significant relationship between the stocks return and the dividend.</p><p>Conclusion / Discussion:</p><p>The efficient market hypothesis was strengthened in the conclusion where all new information is reflected in the stock price because the null hypothesis was accepted in all nine cases. The authors also concluded that although they have a differentiated result compared to other studies, it could be a result of the recession. Another conclusion was that the relationship between shareholders and the management has been improved because of a better spread of information. </p>
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Sector Rotation Strategy Applied on the Swedish Stock Market : Do Swedish sector indices experience momentum effects?Larsson, Mattias, Dellgren, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis is an empirical analysis on momentum effects on the Swedish stock exchange’s sector indicesduring the period 2001 to 2009. The momentum effect is investigated by buying previous winner andshort selling previous losers with holding and formation periods over an intermediate time period (1-12month period). Our results are not coherent with previous studies conducted on the U.S market or theworld market, instead our results indicate that the Swedish stock exchange’s sector indices experience acontrarian effect over the intermediate time period. The results are adjusted for systematic risk and aresignificant on the 5%-level. Our result show that the weak form of the efficient market hypothesis isviolated and we therefore believe that a demand exists for easy and convenient investment vehicles withsector specific exposure, which could have a positive effect on the efficiency of the market.</p>
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Långsiktiga samband mellan aktiemarknader : En kointegrationsanalys av den svenska aktiemarknaden och fyra etablerade aktiemarknaderLindberg, Per January 2010 (has links)
I denna magisteruppsats undersöks eventuella långsiktiga samband mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och aktiemarknaderna i Tyskland, Storbritannien, USA och Japan. Detta sker genom en kointegrationsanalys med Engle-Grangers metod. Undersökningen omfattar åren 1992-2010 och resultaten visar inga tecken på att det skulle existera några långsiktiga samband mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och någon av de utländska aktiemarknaderna. Resultaten ger därmed indikationer om att den svenska aktiemarknaden tillsammans med de utländska aktiemarknaderna i undersökningen är kollektivt effektiva i åtminstone den svaga formen enligt Fama (1970). Då inga långsiktiga samband existerar bör även portföljdiversifiering mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och de utländska aktiemarknaderna i undersökningen fungera effektivt på lång sikt. / In this master thesis the Engle-Granger method for cointegration analysis is used to examine long-term relationships between stock markets. The analysis is applied on Swedish stock market together with the stock markets in Germany, United Kingdom, United States and Japan. The result shows no significant signs of any form of long-term relationships between the Swedish and the foreign stock markets for the time period 1992 to 2010. The result therefore indicates that the Swedish stock market together with the foreign stock markets in the study is collectively efficient in at least the weak form according to Fama (1970). The result also indicates that portfolio diversification through investing in the Swedish stock market together with any of the foreign stock markets should be effective in the long run.
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Aktiekursförändringar och sökfrekvens på internetGill, Peter January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and the amount of searches of the companies names on Google. The theories used in the study were Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Regressions analysis is used as the statistical method to see if there is a significant correlation between the stock prices and the amout of searches of the company name on Google. The data used were the rate of return of three companies (ABB, Oriflame and Sandvik) on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market, the rate of return of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market index (OMX Stockholm_PI) and the Google search frequency from Google Trends on each company. The result showed no significance and the conclusion of the thesis is that there is no significant correlation between the three studied companies and their search frequency on the search engine Google. / Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ifall det finns ett samband mellan företags aktiekurser och sökfrekvens på företagets namn på söktjänsten Google. Data: Daglig avkastning på ABB:s, Oriflames och Sandviks aktier, Aktieindex samt Googels sökfrekvens. Teorier: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Effektiva marknadshypotesen (EMH) Slutsats: Det råder inget signifikant samband mellan de undersökta företagens aktiekurser och deras företagsnamns sökfrekvens på söktjänsten Google.
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Ex - dagseffekt : En studie kring avkastning på ex - dagen för utdelning / The Ex – day effect : A study about stock returns on the ex – day of dividend with the efficient market hypothesis in considerationIvansson, Richard, Viinikka, Janne January 2010 (has links)
Question: "Does the market possess perfect information as the efficient market hypothesis says?" "Is there any significant relationship between the abnormal stock return on the ex – day and the dividend?" Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enlighten and find understanding about stock return versus dividend on the ex – day and try to figure out if abnormal returns occur on the portfolio during dividends. Methodology: The study was based in a quantitative nature and was derived with an event study and a hypothesis testing. The authors investigated the thirty most traded shares on the Stockholm stock exchange during a period of five years (2005 – 2009). They were analyzed during a total of nine days; the estimation window was set to sixty days. Theory: Leading theories in this field of study have been picked to enlighten and analysis the questions of the study. Theories used: Efficient market hypothesis, agent theory and the events of dividends. Empiricism / Results: The authors made an event study and hypothesis tested the information. From the data they could see a small abnormal return on every day except the day after the ex – day. However, they could not prove a significant relationship between the stocks return and the dividend. Conclusion / Discussion: The efficient market hypothesis was strengthened in the conclusion where all new information is reflected in the stock price because the null hypothesis was accepted in all nine cases. The authors also concluded that although they have a differentiated result compared to other studies, it could be a result of the recession. Another conclusion was that the relationship between shareholders and the management has been improved because of a better spread of information.
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2013 - Året det vårades för blankning : En empirisk studie av svenska finansiella instituts arbete med blankningsaffärer gentemot sina kunderBengtsson, Billy, Alvarado, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: 2013 – Året det vårades för blankning Datum: 2013-05-21 Uppsats nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi (61-90 hp) Författare: Erik Alvarado och Billy BengtssonHandledare: Sven-Ola CarlssonExaminator: Marita Blomkvist Nyckelord: Blankning, Förbud, Regleringar, Effektiva marknadsteorin, Behavioral finance, Strategi Syfte: Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att förstå och analysera hur mäklarna samtförvaltare på svenska finansiella institut arbetar med blankning gentemotsina kunder idag. Problemformulering: Hur arbetar mäklare och förvaltare på svenska finansiella institut medblankningsaffärer åt sina kunder?Metod: Metodvalet föll på en kvalitativ studie med en induktiv ansats. Den datasom utgör empirin har samlats in genom besöks- och telefonintervjuer. Teori: I november 2012 valde regeringen att gå EU:s linje och börja följa derasförordning angående regleringar mot blankning. Detta ställer krav på attFinansinspektionen publicerar gårdagen genomförda blankningsaffärermorgonen efter. Något som lett till en mediedebatt kring att intresset förblankning kan öka, då investerare nu kan ta rygg på andra blankare.Blankning kan vara ett populärt investeringsalternativ utifrån ett flertalstrategier medan anledningarna till att blanka kan vara många. Antingen blankar investerare utifrån rationella värderingar och tillgången på informationsom finns på en effektiv marknad. Vidare kan du utgå ifrån känsloinpulser,något som kan kopplas till behavioral finance-perspektivet. Empiri: Primärdata har samlats in från fyra svenska finansiella institut: AvanzaBank, Handelsbanken, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken och Simplicity AB. Resultat: Intresset för blankning bland de finansiella institutens kunder är relativtsvalt, något som främst beror på en lång teknisk process och höga kostnader.En slutsats som ligger helt i linje med den ledande teorin kring regleringaroch förbud mot blankning, nämligen Diamond-Verrecchia hypothesis. / Abstract Title: 2013 – Sweden, it’s time for short-selling! Date: 2013-05-21 Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration (61-90 hp) Authors: Erik Alvarado and Billy BengtssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonExaminer: Marita Blomkvist Keywords: Short-selling, Ban, Regulations, Efficient-market hypothesis, Behavioralfinance, Strategy Purpose: Our purpose with the thesis is to understand and analyze how brokers andequity managers in Swedish financial institutions working with shortsellingtowards their customers.Research question: How do brokers and equity managers at Swedish financial institutionswork with short-selling for their customers? Methodology: The thesis is based on a qualitative methodology with an inductive approach.The primary data has been collected through face-to-face interviewsas well over telephone. Theory: Since November 2012 the Swedish government is following the currentEU regulation against short-selling. The EU regulation requires that completedshort sales are published the next day on the Swedish comparison tothe U.S: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Finansinspektionen.The new regulation his risen a debate in media, since investors now canfollow the published short sales. Short-selling can be a popular alternativefor investors, since there are many strategies that are including shortselling.However, the reasons for investors to short-sell can be many. Either the investors’ decision is rationally based on the available informationon the efficient market or they base their decisions on feeling. Financialdecision based on feelings can be explained by behavioral finance. Empiric: The primary data representing the empirical framework has been collectedfrom four Swedish financial institutions: Avanza Bank, Handelsbanken,Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken and Simplicity AB. Result: At the moment short-selling is not the most popular choice for investorswho are interested in going short. The short-selling process is at the momenttechnical difficult and costly for the investors and financial institutions.The result is in line with the leading theory of short-selling regulations,the Diamond-Verrecchia hypothesis.
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