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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A correlation of standardized benchmark testing and teacher-assigned grades in 10th-grade English courses

Unknown Date (has links)
The accountability measures implemented by the states as a result of federal government mandates required by the No Child Left Behind Act (2001 [NCLB]) have created the need for states to develop standardized benchmark assessments as part of the compliance requirements set by the federally mandated act. State and local standardized tests have become an everyday part of public school life. A quantitative study was conducted to assess the correlation of students' scores on the reading portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) and students' reading percent scale-scores on one Florida county's benchmark reading assessment (CBAT) with students' teacher-assigned grades (TAG) for 10th-grade, English Language Arts courses. The study also assessed the predictive values of the 3 criterion variables and the moderating effects of 6 categorical variables: Race (White, Black, and Hispanic), Socioeconomic status (SES), English Language Learner status (ELL), and Students with Disabilities status (SWD), which contribute to Florida's Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) ranking of school grading policy. The study found that there was a moderate and positive correlation among the 3 criterion variables and that the combination of students' scores on the reading portions of both the CBAT and the FCAT showed a significant predictive value in predicting students' TAG. The study showed an even higher predictive value of the combination of students' scores on the CBAT and students' TAG in predicting students' scores on the FCAT. The study showed there was a moderating effect of the categorical variable Race on the correlation between students' CBAT reading scores and students' TAG; however, Race did not moderate the correlation between students' scores on FCAT and students' TAG. / The study found a moderating effect of the categorical variable SES on the correlation between students' scores on CBAT and students' scores on FCAT and students' TAG. The study showed a moderating effect of the categorical variable ELL between students' scores on FCAT and students' TAG and between students' scores on CBAT and students' TAG. The categorical variable SWD did not show any moderating effect between students' scores on CBAT and students' TAG, or between students' scores on FCAT and students' TAG. / by Christopher A. Beaulieu. / Thesis (Ed.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Marcação por urina como trade-off em ambiente árido: estudo em cativeiro com o rabo-de-facho / Urine marking as trade-off in semi-arid environment: captivity study with rabo-de-facho

Favaretto, Bruno Garcia Simões 30 March 2015 (has links)
A urina é importante na comunicação olfativa de mamíferos, especialmente em roedores: apresenta baixo custo e contém metabólitos potencialmente informativos. Possibilita que o receptor avalie características do emissor (p. ex. espécie, sexo, idade, status de dominância e de saúde, receptividade sexual e o tempo da emissão) a partir da urina encontrada. O balanço hídrico, no entanto, pode ser desvantajoso com o uso da urina na marcação por animais de ambientes xéricos e quentes, já que existe um tradeoff entre o volume de água acessível/ingerido e o emitido na micção/marcação, com pressão seletiva a favor da economia hídrica. Nestes casos pode ocorrer redução na emissão de volume com consequente limitação do uso da marcação por urina. Trinomys yonenagae (Rocha, 1995) (Rodentia, Echimyidae) é altamente afiliativa, endêmica da Caatinga, e pertencente a um gênero de ancestral silvícola, cuja maioria das espécies apresenta fidelidade a ambientes florestados. Produz urina de média osmolaridade e de volume semelhante ao de espécies silvícolas do gênero, embora viva em um paleodeserto de temperatura elevada. Nesse contexto hipotetizamos que T. yonenagae faz uso de marcação por urina, uma estratégia importante para roedores sociais, explorando favoravelmente a restrição filogenética (produção de urina de média osmolaridade) imposta por sua ancestralidade. O padrão de deposição de urina e de fezes de T. yonenagae (n=10) e da espécie-irmã, Trinomys setosus (n=10), de ambiente florestado, foi visualizado sob luz ultravioleta (UV), em sessões individuais (24h), em gaiolas-padrão (40x33x16cm), forradas com papel de filtro. O mesmo procedimento foi usado nas investigações posteriores - a quantificação do número de fezes e das marcas de urinas, com estimativas do volume de marcação (VUt=L total/sessão e L/marca) - em T. yonenagae pré-pubertal (32 a 76d, n=10) e em adultos (um a 11 anos, n=21), de ambos os sexos, em sessões (10min) individuais e em contexto social. Nesse caso os rabos-de-facho adultos foram pareados em compartimentos adjacentes (caixa de 40x30x26cm), com um coespecífico de mesmo sexo, conhecido e desconhecido, e de sexo oposto, desconhecido. Qualitativamente as espécies-irmãs apresentam padrão de disposição de urina semelhantes, provavelmente herdados do ancestral silvícola comum. Há depósitos de dois tipos: marcas grandes, nos cantos da gaiola, e marcas pequenas, distribuídas na área central. Em T. yonenagae, as marcas grandes (VUt=3,00-750,00L, 6,67±4,30% do volume urinário diário), correlacionam-se significativamente (Pearson=0,41; sig.<0,00) com a deposição de fezes, sugerindo deposição de latrina; o VUt das marcas pequenas é de 0,01 a 0,05L. O número de marcas pequenas mais elevado, entre os sujeitos que urinaram, foi de quando pareadas com conhecidas (ANOVA um fator, F=3,70 sig.<0,00), sugerindo coesão social em , e associado a um pequeno investimento hídrico. Observou-se também depósitos de secreções da Glândula Harderiana (GH), que não se correlacionaram com nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. Não ocorreram diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas demais comparações feitas. Em condição solitária, 80% dos indivíduos adultos marcaram (latência <5min), enquanto que o grupo de 26-41d apenas dois sujeitos marcaram. O VUt correlacionouse com a idade positivamente (Pearson=0,64; sig.=0,05), entre os indivíduos jovens, e negativamente entre os adultos (Pearson=-0,39; sig.<0,00), o que sugere que a marcação por urina possa ser hormônio-dependente, como ocorre em outras espécies de roedores. A limitação ao acesso à água no ambiente natural dos rabos-de-facho parece não ter se sobreposto aos fatores de ancestralidade e comunicação social na modulação do comportamento de marcação por urina em T. yonenagae, especialmente para fêmeas que ocupam papel diferenciado na hierarquia social do grupo. O trabalho também salienta a ausência de hierarquia linear nos rabos-de-facho, como anteriormente relatado, e evidencia a presença de atividade da GH, abrindo nova linha de estudos fisiológicos e comportamentais dessa glândula em ratos-de-espinho / Urine is important in olfactive communication in mammals, especially in rodents: its presents low costs and had potentially informatives metabolites. The urine enables the sender to transmit informations about itself (p. ex. species, sex, age, dominance and health status, sexual receptivity, and time of deposit). The water balance, however, can be disadvantageous with the use of urine marking in xeric and hot environments, because there is a trade-off between the amount of water available/ingested and delivered in urination/marking, with pressure selective in favor of the water economy. In these cases there may be a reduction in emission of the volume with consequent limitation of the use of the urine in marking. Trinomys yonenagae (Rocha, 1995) (Rodentia, Echimyidae) is highly affiliative, endemic in the Caatinga, and belongs to a genus of forestry ancestral, which most of species have congruence with forested environments. The rabo-de-facho produces urine with medium osmolarity and volume similar to that of forestry species in the genus, although lives in a high temperature paleodesert. In this context we hypothesized that T. yonenagae marks with urine, an important strategy for social rodents, and explore favorably the phylogenetic constraint (production of medium osmolarity urine) imposed by their ancestral. The pattern of urine and feces deposition of T. yonenagae (n=10) and of the sister-species, Trinomys setosus (n=10), of forested environment, was visualized under ultraviolet light (UV) in individual sessions (24h) in house-cages (40x33x16cm), with the floor covered with filter paper. The same procedure was used in further investigations quantification of the number of feces and of the urine marks, with estimation of the urine volume (VUt = L total/session and L/mark) in pre-puebertal (32 to 76d, n = 10) and adults (one to 11 years, n = 21) T. yonenagae, of both sexes, in 10min sessions under individual and social context. The adults in social context was pared, in an adjacent compartments (of 40x30x26cm box), with a same-sex conspecific, known and unknown, and opposite, sex unknown. Qualitatively, both species shows similar patterns of urine deposition, probably inherited from the forestry ancestral. There are kinds of deposits: larger ones, deposited in the corners of the cage, and small ones, distributed in the central area. In T. yonenagae, the larger marks (VUt = 3,00-750,00L, 6.67 ± 4.30% of the daily urine volume) are significantly correlated (Pearson = 0.41, sig <0.00. ) with the number of feces pellets, suggesting latrine deposition; the VUt of small marks is from 0.01 to 0,05L. The higher number of small marks among subjects who urinated was in paired with known situation (one-way ANOVA, F = 3.70; sig. <0.00), suggesting social cohesion in , and associated with a small water investment. It is also noted deposits of Harderian gland (GH) secretions, which were not correlated with any of the variables. There were no statistically significant differences in the other comparisons. In solitary condition, 80% of adults marked (latency <5min), while only two subjects in the 26-41d group marked. The VUt correlated positively with age (Pearson = 0.64;. sig = 0.05) among young individuals, and negatively among adults (Pearson = -0.39;. sig <0.00). This suggests urine-marking in T. yonenagae as a hormone-dependent behavior, like in other rodent species. The limited access to water in the natural environment of rabo-de-facho seems to have not overlapped the ancestry factors and social communication in the modulation of urine for marking behavior, especially for females occupying distinct role in the social hierarchy the group. The work also highlights the absence of linear hierarchy in rabo-de-facho, as previously reported, and shows the presence of GH activity, opening new line of physiological and behavioral studies of this gland in spiny-rats

Efeito da marcação na resistência à corrosão de implantes ortopédicos produzidos em aço inoxidável ABNT NBR ISO 5832-1 / Effect of marking process on the corrosion resistance of orthopedic implants produced on ISO 5832-1 stainless steel

Pieretti, Eurico Felix 15 August 2012 (has links)
Dentre as principais propriedades que devem ter os implantes ortopédicos, tem-se a resistência à corrosão. Os implantes passam por um processo de marcação antes de serem esterilizados, cuja função é prover a identificação e rastreabilidade do produto. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de duas técnicas de marcação, mecânica e a laser, na resistência à corrosão do aço inoxidável austenítico ABNT NBR ISO 5832-1, um dos mais utilizados no Brasil na fabricação de próteses. Os ensaios eletroquímicos realizados constaram de monitoramento do potencial de corrosão em circuito aberto, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, determinação das propriedades eletrônicas do filme passivo via abordagem de Mott-Schottky, medidas de polarização potenciodinâmica cíclica e a técnica eletroquímica de varredura com eletrodo vibrante (SVET), à temperatura de 37°C. O eletrólito utilizado foi uma solução salina de fosfato tamponada de pH 7,4. Foram realizadas análises por microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, SEM-FEG e, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Constatou-se que a marcação a laser diminui a resistência à corrosão por pite ao alterar significativamente as características do filme passivo, quando comparada à marcação mecânica e ao material sem marcações. Foram observadas inclusões de óxidos que foram colocadas em relevo pela dupla incidência do feixe de laser. O ataque da matriz de aço no entorno das inclusões de óxidos promove a formação de micro-frestas entre esta e as inclusões favorecendo o crescimento e a propagação do pite. Este foi o mecanismo proposto para explicar a maior susceptibilidade à corrosão localizada nas áreas afetadas pela marcação a laser. / Among the most important properties that orthopedic implants should have, is the corrosion resistance. The implants undergo a process of marking before being sterilized, whose function is to provide identification and traceability. This study evaluated the effect of two marking techniques, mechanical and laser, on the corrosion resistance of austenitic ISO 5832-1 stainless steel, the most commonly used material in Brazil on the manufacture of implantable medical devices. The electrochemical tests performed consisted of monitoring the corrosion potential in open circuit, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, determining the electronic properties of passive film via Mott-Schottky approach, and cyclic potentiodynamic polarization measurements and scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) at the temperature of 37 ° C. The electrolyte used was a naturally aerated phosphate buffered solution, pH 7,4. Analyzes were performed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, SEM-FEG, and transmission electron microscopy. The results indicated that the laser marking process increases the susceptibility to pitting corrosion by significantly altering the characteristics of the passive film, as compared to the material without marks and mechanically marked. Oxide inclusions were observed placed into relief by the double incidence of the laser beam. The attack of the steel matrix surrounding the inclusions of oxides promotes the formation of micro-crevices between this and the inclusions favoring the growth and propagation of pits. This was the mechanism proposed to explain the increased susceptibility to localized corrosion in areas affected by the laser marking process.

Behavioural ecology of Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskii) reintroduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia

King, Sarah Rachel Buckley January 2012 (has links)
Studies on the behavioural ecology of Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskiiy) recently reintroduced into Hustai National Park, Mongolia were carried out between 1998 and 2000. Home range size and habitat use, social, marking, and vigilance behaviour, and their reaction to flies were quantified. Home ranges of harems ranged from 129 ha to 2399 ha, with core areas of between 61 ha and 1196 ha. There was no relationship between range size and harem size, or length of time since release. The more nutritious vegetation at lower elevations was preferentially selected. The horses rested near ridges during the hotter parts of the day where there were fewer flies, and grazed in the valleys in the mornings and evenings. Woodland areas were used to shelter from the sun, despite their high fly abundance. Muscid flies were most frequently caught; Tabanids were rare. Dominance was related to age, aggression and length of time in the harem. The frequency of associative behaviours did not correlate with any social factor, but had a hygienic function. Stallions marked stud piles wid mare eliminations in different ways suggesting different functions. In addition to being vigilant for predators, the horses appeared to scan for social cues and food patches. Home range size and habitat use, and general pattern of marking and vigilance behaviour, of the wild Przewalski horses were similar to those seen among feral domestic horses, although they tended to be less aggressive than captive and feral horses. So far, the re-establishment of przewalski horses into HNP appears to have been successful, although constant monitoring of the population is necessary. As the population grows, there will be potential problems to do with exceeding the carrying capacity of the park and hybridisation with domestic horses. The future management of the horses is discussed.

Representação simbólica da tatuagem e seu significado

Lessa, Ludmilla López 06 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-10-24T11:51:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ludmilla López Lessa.pdf: 1038319 bytes, checksum: 6c0894610dd8f911a7ade1412b5405b5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-24T11:52:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ludmilla López Lessa.pdf: 1038319 bytes, checksum: 6c0894610dd8f911a7ade1412b5405b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-06 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This research aimed to investigate the current representations of tattoos and to make a symbolic analysis of them. Therefore, it was selected 30 individuals through the procedure of Snow Ball (15 men and 15 women), aged between 22 and 40, who had at least 30% of their body surface covered by tattoos. On data collection, it was utilized a semi-directed interview, a picture of a chosen tattoo by the participant and the free association from this image. The data were analyzed according to the jungian psychosomatics. The results allowed to observe 11 categories: perception of aching, rising self-esteem, rising of attractiveness feeling, prejudices, regret on the choice of the image, religious factor, financial independency, moment of life they made the chosen tattoo, motivation for acquisition of the chosen tattoo, repercussion on the individual’s life after making the tattoo, symbols and images chosen. The results pointed out the incidence of prejudice, influence of the religious and financial factor at the time of tattooing, besides the perception of pain sometimes related to sacrifice, sometimes associated to self-mutilation behaviours. It was observed that the tattoo increases the self-esteem and eases extroversion on social relationships. It can be said that unconscious contents are transducted to skin through the tattoo. It is concluded that body marks help the individual on the appropriation of his own identity, contribute to the organization of psychological conflicts, and act as an important component on rites of passage. Finally, the tattoo can promote the self-knowledge / A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar as representações de tatuagens e realizar uma análise simbólica das mesmas. Para tanto, foram selecionados 30 sujeitos através do procedimento Bola de Neve (15 homens e 15 mulheres), entre 22 e 40 anos de idade, que possuíam, no mínimo, 30% de sua superfície corpórea tomada por tatuagens. Na coleta de dados, foram utilizados uma entrevista semidirigida, a foto de uma tatuagem escolhida pelo participante e a associação-livre a partir desta imagem. Os dados foram analisados à luz da psicossomática junguiana. Os resultados permitiram observar 11 categorias: percepção de dor, aumento da autoestima, aumento do sentimento de atratividade, preconceito, arrependimento da escolha da imagem, fator religioso, independência financeira, momento de vida em que realizou a tatuagem escolhida, motivação para aquisição da tatuagem escolhida, repercussão na vida do indivíduo após a realização da tatuagem, símbolos e imagens escolhidas. Os resultados apontaram para a ocorrência de preconceito, influência de fatores religiosos e financeiros no ato de se tatuar, além da percepção de dor, ora relacionada a sacrifício, ora associada a comportamentos automutilantes. Observou-se que a tatuagem melhorou a autoestima e facilitou a extroversão nos relacionamentos sociais. Pode-se dizer que conteúdos inconscientes são transduzidos para a pele através da tatuagem. Concluiu-se que as marcas corporais auxiliaram o indivíduo na apropriação de sua identidade, contribuíram para a organização de conflitos psíquicos, e atuou como componente importante nos ritos de passagem. Por fim, a tatuagem pode promover o autoconhecimento

Validade e confiabilidade de um sistema digital de avalia????o da imagem corporal para crian??as de 10 a 12 anos

Brand??o, Pierre Soares 23 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-11-16T13:26:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PierreSoaresBrand??oTese2017.pdf: 7621614 bytes, checksum: 642aeec63f324573dedd42645d955ac6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-11-16T13:27:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PierreSoaresBrand??oTese2017.pdf: 7621614 bytes, checksum: 642aeec63f324573dedd42645d955ac6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-16T13:27:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PierreSoaresBrand??oTese2017.pdf: 7621614 bytes, checksum: 642aeec63f324573dedd42645d955ac6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-23 / *** / A imagem corporal (IC) consiste na percep????o que uma pessoa tem sobre a dimens??o/tamanho e a forma do seu corpo. Embora exista um grande n??mero de instrumentos para avalia????o da IC, muitos estudos utilizam medidas n??o validadas para a popula????o brasileira e muitos instrumentos, embora de f??cil aplica????o, t??m complicados procedimentos de an??lise e interpreta????o dos resultados. O Microsoft Kinect ?? um sensor de movimento que tem sido utilizado n??o apenas em jogos de videogames, mas tamb??m adaptado para diferentes contextos e aplica????es na ??rea da sa??de. Neste sentido, partiu-se da possibilidade de utiliza????o do sensor Kinect para adapta????o de dois instrumentos de avalia????o da IC, tornando-os l??dicos e eficientes na apresenta????o dos resultados da avalia????o, e para o estabelecimento do objetivo geral de analisar a validade e a confiabilidade de sistema digital utilizando o Kinect para avaliar a IC de escolares de 10 a 12 anos em compara????o a m??todos tradicionais. Utilizou-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, por estudo tipo teste-reteste aplicado com 50 crian??as de uma escola particular do munic??pio de Palmas-TO, no per??odo de agosto de 2016 e mar??o de 2017. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados, utilizou-se o Image Marking Procedure (IMP) e a Escala de Silhuetas (ES), ambos os testes com uma vers??o digital utilizando o Kinect e outra tradicional. Foram analisadas as diferen??as intra e entre m??todos e entre avaliadores pela aplica????o do teste t de Student para amostras emparelhadas, o erro padr??o da m??dia (EPM), o coeficiente de correla????o de Pearson (r), o coeficiente de correla????o intraclasse (ICC), o erro padr??o de estimativa (EPE), a m??nima mudan??a detect??vel (MMD) para intervalo de confian??a de 95% (IC95%) e an??lise de Bland e Altman. Al??m de n??o apresentar diferen??as significativas em rela????o a vers??o tradicional da ES, a vers??o digital apresentou correla????o e confiabilidade entre boa a excelente, respectivamente r e ICC > 0,90 intra m??todo, r e ICC > 0,80 entre m??todos e r e ICC > 0,90 entre avaliadores. J?? o IMP apresentou diferen??a significativa (p<0,01) entre as vers??es tradicional e digital, al??m de correla????o e confiabilidade, respectivamente, pobres intra m??todo tradicional (r e ICC < 0,05), moderada intra m??todo digital (r e ICC entre 0,05 e 0,74), pobres entre avaliadores no m??todo tradicional (r e ICC < 0,05) e moderada entre avaliadores no m??todo digital (r e ICC entre 0,05 e 0,74). O m??todo digital de avalia????o da imagem corporal pela escala de silhuetas (ES) mostrou-se confi??vel e v??lido para a avalia????o tanto da percep????o quanto da satisfa????o corporal, al??m de ser eficiente na determina????o do ??ndice de massa corporal (IMC) da silhueta atual (SA) e do IMC da silhueta desejada (SD). O mesmo n??o foi observado no IMP tradicional e digital, que devem ser utilizados com cautela ou, preferencialmente, substitu??dos por outro instrumento.

Banding and Marking Methods in Studying Seasonal movements of the Sharp-Tailed Grouse in Morton County, North Dakota

Klett, Albert T. 01 May 1957 (has links)
The Great Plains variety of the sharp-tailed grouse Pediocetes phasianellus jamesi Lincoln was the predominant upland game bird during the exploratory and early settlement period in North Dakota (Coues 1874 and 1878 . Larson 1928, and Williams 1926) . Since then its status has diminished as the prairie grassland gradually was converted to intensively used pastures and cropland. Although the sharptail is still abundant enough in its remaining habitat to provide for liberal annual harvests , further demand on these lands by a growing human population will make it necessary to apply game management measures other than hunting regulations if the sharptail is to be retained as an important game bird in the state.

Spårbarhet i kronhjulstillverkning / Traceability in ring gear manufacturing

Morén, Marcus, Dagander, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
GKN Automotive i Köping ser ett behov av att utreda möjligheten av att utöka spårbarheten inom kronhjulstillverkningen. Med en utökad spårning finns möjligheter att lagra information om referensmått, tidpunkt för tillverkning och detaljernas väg genom produktionsflödet. Informationen kan användas till att se trender, analysera rotorsaker och planera produktionen. I examensarbetet utförs en förstudie om vilka möjligheter som finns för en utökad spårbarhet på 2 artikeltyper i kronhjulsflödet, Artikel 1 och Artikel 2. Nuläget i tillverkningsflödet analyseras genom observationer och intervjuer. En litteraturstudie genomförs för att hitta möjliga lösningar för spårbarhet. Genom att kombinera nulägesanalysen med litteraturstudien kan 3 lösningskoncept skapas. Lasermärkning som var en av de tre lösningskoncepten valdes ut för vidare utvärdering. Tester utfördes för att undersöka huruvida en lasermärkning på detaljerna klarade sig genom produktionsflödet. Resultatet visade att lasermärkningen inte påverkades av tillverkningsflödet på Artikel 1. Däremot upptäcktes det en del svårigheter för Artikel 2. Märkningen var omöjlig att läsa efter kulpening samt svår att läsa av efter fosfatering. Ytan var tvungen att rengöras efter fosfatering för att märkningen skulle kunna läsas av. Resultatet av arbetet visar att individmärkning är möjlig på Artikel 1. På Artikel 2 behöver vidare undersökning göras huruvida det går att bygga bort de problem som uppstod. För vidare arbete rekommenderas det att undersökas hur avläsning av detaljer ska ske och vilka parametrar som ska användas i lasermärkningsmaskinen. Det behöver även undersökas mer huruvida RFID på korg och nålprägling fungerar i produktionen. Vilket var de två lösningar som valdes bort för vidare tester. / GKN Automotive Koping requested an improved traceability in ring gear manufacturing. Improved traceability gives the opportunities to store information about measure values, timestamps and the parts way through the production flow. The information can be used to recognize trends from measurement, root cause analyses and production planning. This student thesis is a pilot study about the opportunities to improve traceability for two product types in the production flow for ring gears, Product 1 and Product 2. The current state in production flow is analyzed trough observations and interviews. A literature study was made to find possible solutions for traceability. The status analysis was combined with the literature study to create three solution concepts. Laser marking was picked out from the rest of the solutions for further investigation. Test were made to investigate how laser marking was suited to maintain readability trough the production flow. The results showed that Product 1 wasn’t affected by the operations during its production flow. However, problems were recognized for Product 2 in its production flow. The laser marking was impossible to read after dot peening and hard to read after the phosphating process. The surface needed to be cleaned after phosphating process in order to read the marking. The result shows that it’s possible to direct part mark Product 1 with laser marking. Product 2 needs further investigation on how to solve the problems in the production flow. Other areas that need more investigation is how to read the parts in every operation and how to setup the marking machine to make markings with good readability. RFID on basket and needle marking also need further investigation. These are the 2 solutions that was neglected for further investigations.

Language contact and children's bilingual acquisition: learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia

O'Shannessy, Carmel Therese January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This dissertation documents the emergence of a new language, Light Warlpiri, in the multilingual community of Lajamanu in northern Australia. It then examines the acquisition of Light Warlpiri language, and of the heritage language, Lajamanu Warlpiri, by children. Light Warlpiri has arisen from contact between Lajamanu Warlpiri (a Pama-Nyungan language), Kriol (an English-based creole), and varieties of English. It is a Mixed Language, meaning that none of its source languages can be considered to be the sole parent language. Most verbs and the verbal morphology are from Aboriginal English or Kriol, while most nouns and the nominal morphology are from Warlpiri. The language input to children is complex. Adults older than about thirty speak Lajamanu Warlpiri and code-switch into Aboriginal English or Kriol. Younger adults, the parents of the current cohort of children, speak Light Warlpiri and code-switch into Lajamanu Warlpiri and into Aboriginal English or Kriol. Lajamanu Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri, the two main input languages to children, both indicate A arguments with ergative case-marking (and they share one allomorph of the marker), but Lajamanu Warlpiri includes the marker much more consistently than Light Warlpiri. Word order is variable in both languages. Children learn both languages from birth, but they target Light Warlpiri as the language of their everyday interactions, and they speak it almost exclusively until four to six years of age. Adults and children show similar patterns of ergative marking and word order in Light Warlpiri. But differences between age groups are found in ergative marking in Lajamanu Warlpiri - for the oldest group of adults, ergative marking is obligatory, but for younger adults and children, it is not. Determining when children differentiate between two input languages has been a major goal in the study of bilingual acquisition. The two languages in this study share lexical and grammatical properties, making distinctions between them quite subtle. Both adults and children distribute ergative marking differently in the two languages, but show similar word order patterns in both. However the children show a stronger correlation between ergative marking and word order patterns than do the adults, suggesting that they are spearheading processes of language change. In their comprehension of sentences in both Lajamanu Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri, adults use a case-marking strategy to identify the A argument (i.e. N+erg = A argument, N-erg = O argument). The children are not adult-like in using this strategy at age 5, when they also used a word order strategy, but they gradually move towards being adult-like with increased age.

Language contact and children's bilingual acquisition: learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia

O'Shannessy, Carmel Therese January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This dissertation documents the emergence of a new language, Light Warlpiri, in the multilingual community of Lajamanu in northern Australia. It then examines the acquisition of Light Warlpiri language, and of the heritage language, Lajamanu Warlpiri, by children. Light Warlpiri has arisen from contact between Lajamanu Warlpiri (a Pama-Nyungan language), Kriol (an English-based creole), and varieties of English. It is a Mixed Language, meaning that none of its source languages can be considered to be the sole parent language. Most verbs and the verbal morphology are from Aboriginal English or Kriol, while most nouns and the nominal morphology are from Warlpiri. The language input to children is complex. Adults older than about thirty speak Lajamanu Warlpiri and code-switch into Aboriginal English or Kriol. Younger adults, the parents of the current cohort of children, speak Light Warlpiri and code-switch into Lajamanu Warlpiri and into Aboriginal English or Kriol. Lajamanu Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri, the two main input languages to children, both indicate A arguments with ergative case-marking (and they share one allomorph of the marker), but Lajamanu Warlpiri includes the marker much more consistently than Light Warlpiri. Word order is variable in both languages. Children learn both languages from birth, but they target Light Warlpiri as the language of their everyday interactions, and they speak it almost exclusively until four to six years of age. Adults and children show similar patterns of ergative marking and word order in Light Warlpiri. But differences between age groups are found in ergative marking in Lajamanu Warlpiri - for the oldest group of adults, ergative marking is obligatory, but for younger adults and children, it is not. Determining when children differentiate between two input languages has been a major goal in the study of bilingual acquisition. The two languages in this study share lexical and grammatical properties, making distinctions between them quite subtle. Both adults and children distribute ergative marking differently in the two languages, but show similar word order patterns in both. However the children show a stronger correlation between ergative marking and word order patterns than do the adults, suggesting that they are spearheading processes of language change. In their comprehension of sentences in both Lajamanu Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri, adults use a case-marking strategy to identify the A argument (i.e. N+erg = A argument, N-erg = O argument). The children are not adult-like in using this strategy at age 5, when they also used a word order strategy, but they gradually move towards being adult-like with increased age.

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