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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

North American Nurses' and Doulas' Views of Each Other

Roth, Louise Marie, Henley, Megan M., Seacrist, Marla J., Morton, Christine H. 11 1900 (has links)
Objective: To analyze factors that lead nurses and doulas to have positive views of each other. Design: A multivariate analysis of a cross-sectional survey, the Maternity Support Survey. Setting: Online survey with labor and delivery nurses, doulas, and childbirth educators in the United States and Canada. Participants: A convenience sample of 704 labor and delivery nurses and 1,470 doulas. Methods: Multiple regression analysis was used to examine five sets of hypotheses about nurses' and doulas' attitudes toward each other. Scales of nurses' attitudes toward doulas and doulas' attitudes toward nurses included beliefs that nurses/doulas enhance communication, are collaborative team members, enhance a woman's birth experience, interfere with the ability to provide care, or interfere with relationships with the women for whom they care. Results: For nurses, exposure to doulas in their primary hospitals was associated with more positive views, whereas working more hours, feeling overworked, and a preference for clinical tasks over labor support were associated with more negative views of doulas. For doulas, working primarily in one hospital and certification were associated with more positive views of nurses. Nurses with more positive attitudes toward common obstetric practices had more negative attitudes toward doulas, whereas doulas with more positive attitudes toward common obstetric practices had more positive attitudes toward nurses. Conclusion: Our findings show factors that influence mutual understanding and appreciation of nurses and doulas for each other. These factors can be influenced by educational efforts to improve interprofessional collaboration between these maternity care support roles.

Zabezpečení žen v těhotenství a mateřství / Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity

Bartošová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity The main aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse key issues within the current welfare system for woman during pregnancy and maternity. This will then allow recommendations to improve Czech legislation. The reason of choosing this theme is my deep interest in this sphere. The thesis discusses a broad range of issues over eight chapters; each chapter examines different aspects of the issue. First Chapter simply defines basic terminology associated with the subject. Chapter Two deals with the history of women's welfare during pregnancy and maternity and describes how legislation for those women has evolved over the past years. Chapter Three puts women's welfare in an international and constitutional context. Chapter Four examines the two main subdivisions of legislation. Part One is concerned with doses of the health insurance system. Part Two deals with doses of the state social support. Chapter Five looks at women's welfare during pregnancy and maternity in labour law. Chapter Six illustrates the approach to imprisoned women and their rights during pregnancy and maternity. Chapter Seven looks at the relevance of substitute family care within the sphere of welfare. The final chapter highlights the key differences between Czech and Slovak...

Žena v románech Miguela de Unamuna / The woman in Miguel de Unamuno's novels

Seifertová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The thesis presents the work of the Spanish author Miguel de Unamuno and is focused on female characters in his novels Paz en la guerra, Amor y Pedagogía, Niebla, Abel Sánchez, Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo, La tía Tula and San Manuel Bueno, mártir. The portrayal of female characters is showed in the context of Unamuno's philosophy and existential concepts, which he dealt with a lifetime - genuine faith in God, the significance of love, the eternal conflict between sense and sensibility and the desire for eternal life. Furthermore, the thesis presents the social and historical background at the turn of the 19th century and women's role in the Spanish society of the same period. Unamuno's conception of novels and his own genre, called "nivola", could not be omitted.

Právní předpoklady rodičovství / Legal pre-conditions for parenthood

Mrázek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the legal pre-conditions for parenthood. These are objectively understood as a set of provisions, which give us the answer, who are the legal parents of a child. These provisions are motivated by an effort to harmonize legal parenthood with biological. They are a source of important statutory rights of an individual, which to some extent determine his/her legal status from the very birth. With statutory rights are subsequently firmly bound public legal consequences. These are mainly a relationship between the individual and the state, in particular the obligation to register a child in the state-led civil registration, and also the acquisition of the citizenship. The relationship of parent and child can be considered as basic and most important personal relationship ever. As a result, various rights and duties arise of this relationship, and therefore the need to regulate such relations by the law has appeared with the evolution of human society, so they were build on a solid basis without being disputed. Every state should thus have the obligation to implement such provisions into its legal order. This thesis is drafted in accordance with the division of the legal pre-conditions for parenthood to motherhood and fatherhood. A short introductory part deals...

Zabezpečení žen v těhotenství a mateřství a ochrana jejich práv v ČR a v EU / Social security and legal protection connected to maternity in the Czech Republic and the European Union

Balvínová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Social security and legal protection connected to maternity in the Czech Republic and the European Union The purpose of this master's degree thesis is to give a comprehensive overview of the current situation for pregnant women, women on maternity leave and parents on parental leave, including the protection of their rights provided by the employment laws in the Czech Republic and the European Union. The thesis is composed of an introduction, the main text and a general summary. The main text is divided into two parts. The first part deals with Czech legislation, covering all of its aspects related to maternity. It starts with development of maternity and parental benefits in Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic, but then focuses on the current legislation, mainly on the Sickness Insurance Act (maternity benefits, compensation benefits in pregnancy and maternity), State Social Support Act (parental benefits, maternity grants) and the Labour Code (maternity and parental leave, protection of women at work, etc.). The second part deals with European law and its impact on the national laws of the member states. It also compares national legislation of member states regarding these matters. This part covers the development of social policy issues at the European level and continues discussing current...

Zabezpečení žen v těhotenství a mateřství / Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity

Koktová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis the Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity deals with benefits which are connected with pregnancy, childbirth and maternity. The payment is based on more laws, especially act of on sickness insurance and act of state social support. I also didn't forget to mention some important international organisations, which affect in the area of social security and also the modification of security within European Union. I tried to treat my theme in different way, unlike it had been treated before. I proceed chronologically during description of individual benefits, this mean that I started with Compensatory benefit in pregnancy and maternity and I finished with parental allowance. This also corresponds with the structure of my thesis. I chose this method, because in my opinion this way of treating of the problem becomes more understandable. The thesis consists of introduction, eight chapters and the conclusion. In the introduction I mentioned reasons why I have chosen the theme and basic information concerning the social security law in Czech Republic. The first chapter is about progress of Social security law, especially in the area of present-day Czech Republic. The first chapter is divided into the 3 subchapters and the last one is also divided into another three sections. On the...

De la maternité en milieu populaire à Recife : enjeux et arrangements entre dispositifs de régulation et expérience sociale / Maternity in working-class Recife : issues and arrangements between regulatory apparatuses and social experience

Faya Robles, Alfonsina 02 July 2011 (has links)
La thèse analyse la construction de l’expérience maternelle chez des femmes de milieu populaire urbain dans le Nordeste brésilien. Au Brésil, société traversée par de fortes asymétries sociales et suivant – en même temps – des processus démocratiques, l’expérience de la maternité en milieu populaire se façonne de plus en plus à travers les dispositifs de santé publique. Les objectifs sanitaires de l’État brésilien se traduisent par une assignation et une sollicitation de ces femmes à accomplir un rôle maternel sanitarisé. Non seulement le système public de santé s’étend mais il change aussi ses modes de régulation, produisant des changements dans les relations familiales et dans la relation de filiation. Cette extension entraîne également une reconfiguration du rapport au pouvoir et des modes de subjectivation d’ l’expérience. Par une analyse de données issues d’un travail ethnographique, il s’agit de reconstituer les diverses logiques sociales à l’œuvre lorsqu’une femme de milieu populaire à Recife est « mère », ou est en train de le devenir. En suivant la temporalité de l’expérience de la maternité – réduite ici aux moments de la grossesse, de l’accouchement et du post-accouchement – cette étude met en évidence les différents arrangements entre les femmes et les régulations du dispositif de santé. La visée de la thèse est double : décrire les changements des relations familiales de milieu populaire au Brésil dans ce contexte d’extension des régulations ainsi que proposer un renouvellement interprétatif de ces changements par la mise en relation des notions d’expérience et de dispositif. / This thesis analyses the construction of the maternal experience among women in an urban working-class milieu in Northeast Brazil. In Brazil, a society marked by strong social asymmetries yet also democratic processes, the experience of maternity in working-class milieus is increasingly organized via public health apparatuses. The health objectives of the Brazilian state are in effect a summons and solicitation for women to perform a sanitized maternal role. Not only is the public health system expanding, it is changing its modes of regulation, producing changes in familial relations and the parent-child relationship. This extension leads both to a reconfiguration of the relationship to power and the modes of the subjectification of experience. For the analysis of data issuing from ethnographic work, it is necessary to reconstitute the diverse social logics at work when a working-class woman in Recife is or is becoming a “mother”. By following the temporality of the experience of maternity, reduced here to the moments of pregnancy, birth and post-birth, this study highlights the different arrangements between women and health apparatuses.The goal of this study is two-fold: To describe the changes in familial relations in a Brazilian working-class milieu within the context of the extension of regulations; and to propose a new interpretation of these changes by linking notions about experience with these apparatuses.

Die behoeftes van blanke ouers na die geboorte van 'n baba met 'n genetiese en/of kongenitale defek

20 November 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

EDA - På gott och ont : Förstföderskors kunskaper och behov av information om EDA / EDA - for better or worse : Primpiparas knowledges and need for information about EDA

Halderot, Karin, Sjöstrand, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet förstföderskor som använder sig av EDA har ökat och idag använder dryga hälften EDA under förlossning. Det är den mest effektiva smärtlindringsmetoden som förlossningsvården har att tillgå. EDA vid förlossning är dock förknippat med biverkningar och risker. Barnmorskor har en viktig roll att ge information och undervisning om smärtlindring till gravida kvinnor. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka förstföderskors kunskaper och behov av information om EDA inför förlossning. Metod: Studien genomfördes och analyserades med metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta förstföderskor. Resultat: De analyserade intervjuerna utmynnade i två huvudkategorier; EDA är en metod med fördelar och nackdelar och Förstföderskor har behov av olika information på olika sätt, med tre, respektive två, tillhörande underkategorier. Konklusion: Kvinnornas kunskaper varierade, och många var osäkra. De hade behov av olika information om EDA på flera olika sätt. De upplevde att det varken fanns tid eller möjlighet för diskussion om EDA med barnmorskor, vilket kunde bidra till en känsla av att inte ha fått tillräckligt med information. Barnmorskor behöver därför blir bättre på att erbjuda förstföderskor information om EDA, men även annan smärtlindring som används under förlossning, förslagsvis genom uttökad tid på MHV. / Background: The number of primparas who use EDA has increased, and today more than half of them use EDA during childbirth. It is the most effective method of pain relief that is available in maternity care. EDA during childbirth is, however, associated with side effects and risks. Midwives have an important role to provide information and education about pain relief to pregnant women. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate primiparas knowledge and need of information about EDA during childbirth. Method: The study was conducted and analyzed by qualitative content analysis method with inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight primiparas. Results: The analyzed interviews resulted in two main categories; EDA is a method with advantages and disadvantages and Primiparas need different information in different ways, with three and two associated subcategories. Conclusion: The women's knowledges varied, and many were unsure. They needed different information about EDA in several different ways. They felt that there was neither time nor opportunity for discussion about EDA with midwives, which could contribute to a feeling of not having received sufficient information. Midwives must therefore improve in offering primiparas information about EDA, but also other forms pain relief used during childbirth, suggested by extended time at maternal health care.

Maternity Hospital Accessibility in parts of Northern Sweden : Analyzing accessibility change from 2013 to 2019 using GIS Network Analysis

Laestander, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Since the Swedish health care system is mostly organized at a regional level and the population density across the Swedish regions are variating, the supply of health care differs among the regions. Population density and the centralization of care is also affecting the distribution of health care facilities since most opportunities for care will be found where population density is high, such as larger cities. In northern Sweden where the larger parts of the area are sparsely populated and the main cities are mostly located along the coast, accessibility to health care for the rural population and their urban counterparts are therefore very different. The level of accessibility to health care can be more crucial in some situations than in other, one of these is childbirth. Since the labour process can develop quickly, the need to get the right care at the right time can be vital for both mother and child.  In the past years there have been changes to the maternity hospital distribution in northern Sweden. This is due to the closure of Sollefteå maternity hospital and the temporal closing of Lycksele maternity hospital. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the change in accessibility between 2013 and 2019 as a result of these shutdowns. This is done using service area analysis through the ArcGIS network analyst extension. The result show that the closures have had large impact on the spatial accessibility, increasing travel times to maternity hospitals for the inland population. Those who are mostly affected are people who already had poor accessibility, these are also places who have a small population. The result also shows that around 90 % of the women could reach their closest maternity hospital within one hour in 2013 compared to around 80 % in 2019. Around 40 % of the women are at higher risk of childbirth complications since they exceed 20 minutes travel time, this was the same value in 2013 as for 2019. As conclusion, closures have decreased accessibility for women in the inland of northern Sweden but the largest part of the population remain having good accessibility to their closest maternity hospital.

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