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Matematik i ämnet matlagning : Hur förändra elevernas attityd till matematik på Restaurang- & Livsmedelsprogrammet / Mathematic in the Cooking Subject : How to change the students attitude to mathematics in Restaurant and Food ProgrammeSvanberg, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Most of my 16 students show a negative attitude towards mathematics and have difficulty understanding why they need mathematics to work as cooks. Their lack of knowledge has a negative effect on their work in the kitchen because they cannot master relatively simple mathematical solutions. The purpose of this study is to examine if an integrated working method of the subjects mathematics and cooking can change students’ attitude towards mathematics and increase their understanding of the value of it in restaurant work. An integrated working method means to integrate the core subjects with programme specific subjects and that teaching is directed towards the main features of the vocational programme in order to create a holistic view.A theory of action research has been applied in this study, aiming to change something perceived as problematic through combining theory and practice in the cooking subject. Students’ thoughts on the method have been collected using a questionnaire.This study shows that students perceive the method as being more positive than traditional teaching which makes mathematics more fun. Approximately 50% of the students say that the method has changed their view of mathematics positively and 50% would consider working more according to this method. However, only three students think the method has increased their understanding of the importance of mathematics for their future profession.KeywordsIntegrated, mathematic, cooking, teaching methods / Större delen av mina 16 elever visar en negativ inställning till ämnet matematik och förstår inte varför de behöver matematikkunskaper inom restaurangyrket samt för att arbeta som kock. Elevernas matematikkunskaper påverkar dock resultatet i köket och matlagningen negativt då de inte behärskar relativt enkla lösningar vid exempelvis enhetsomvandling. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om en infärgad arbetsmetod av ämnena matematik och matlagning kan förändra elevernas attityd till ämnet matematik och samtidigt öka elevernas förståelse för betydelsen av matematikkunskaper i restaurangyrket. Metoden infärgning innebär att kärnämnen och karaktärsämnen integreras och att undervisningen och dess innehåll riktas mot yrkesprogrammens kännetecken för ett helhetsskapande.En aktionsinriktad forskningsmetod har använts i studien, med syftet att förändra det som känns problematiskt genom att förena teori och praktik i matlagningsämnet. Elevernas reflektioner kring den infärgade arbetsmetoden har samlats in genom en enkätundersökning.Undersökningen visar att eleverna uppfattar arbetsmetoden som mer positiv än traditionell undervisning vilket gör ämnet matematik roligare. Ungefär hälften av eleverna menar att arbetsmetoden har förändrat synen på ämnet matematik positivt och lika många kan tänka sig att arbeta mer med metoden. Däremot ansåg endast 3 elever att metoden har ökat deras förståelse av matematikens betydelse i matlagningen.NyckelordÄmnesinfärgning, matematik, matlagning, pedagogiskt arbete.
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Same numbers, different standards : A minor field study of mathematic teaching in an elementary school in ThailandOlsson, Rebecca, Petersson, Isabell, Williamsson, Emilie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to illustrate how teachers, in a private school in Thailand, organize and plan their mathematic teaching, what material they use and how the teachers challenge the students. In the background, we report briefly about Thailand and the school's history. Then a presentation follows of previous research that has been made within our chosen subject. The theories are linked to our research questions, such as mathematic teaching, mathematic material and gifted students, according to Western literature. You can also find a short summary of the curriculum for mathematics, from the government in Thailand. Trough a qualitative method five interviews with mathematic teachers and observations in their classes have been conducted and this result have been analyzed and discussed. Interview and observation guides were used with the purpose to give the respondents room to develop their reasoning with the help of our follow- up questions. Trough our interviews and observations we have come to a result that shows that the teachers organized their teaching according to a Brain based learning pattern and after the governments curriculum. The mathematic material consisted of mathematic books, laminated sticks, bars, number cards and also of computer programs. The mathematic books were not individualized but played a significant part of the teaching. The plastic material was used to concretize the mathematics. The school had the idea that separating the gifted students from the others in the group was positive for their development. The gifted students were challenged by more difficult mathematics meant for older students and had to work at a higher pace than their peers. The results can not be generalized for all schools in Thailand. When the study is relatively small, it only shows how a part of the mathematics teaching is implemented at the school where the study was conducted.
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Matematiken i slöjdämnet : En empirisk studie om hur elevers slöjdarbete kan stödja elevers lärande i matematikLjungdahl, Karin January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt på vilket sätt elevers slöjdarbete kan stödja elevers lärande i matematik. Studien utgår ifrån det s.k. sociokulturella perspektivet där kunskap och lärande utvecklas i samspelet mellan människor och där situationella betingelser och språket spelar en central roll för kunskapsutvecklingen. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning med inspiration från den metod som på engelska benämns grounded theory. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av observationer av elevers slöjdarbeten i textilslöjdens årskurs 3-9. Observationerna har pågått under 2 års tid och utmynnat i dagboksanteckningar av elevers slöjdarbeten. Den nya svenska läroplanen, Lgr 11, och dess kursplan i matematik utgör det ramverk mot vilket elevers slöjdarbeten, och dess möjlighet att stödja elevers lärande i matematik, analyseras. Kursplanens förmågor kompletteras i analysen av Kilpatricks fem matematiska kompetenser. Resultatet visar hur matematik från kursplanens samtliga sex områden visar sig i elevers slöjdarbeten. Eleverna använder sig av matematik vid beräkningar, problemlösning och i vissa fall som inspiration till ett slöjdarbete. Det visar också på hur elevers slöjdarbeten kan bidra till att utveckla de förmågor som kursplanen i matematik beskriver och som även Kilpatrick redogör för genom sina fem matematiska kompetenser. Den teoretiska modell som arbetet utmynnat i bidrar till förståelsen av hur elevers slöjdarbete kan användas genom att visa hur matematik naturligt inspirerar elever i utformningen av slöjdarbeten och hur matematiken används som ett redskap vid exempelvis beräkningar och mätning (”in vivo”). Modellen visar också på hur slöjdarbetet skapar en kontext som hjälper till att synliggöra matematik, hjälper elever att skapa mentala bilder och stödjer elevernas utveckling av matematiska förmågor (”in vitro”). Modellen skall ses som ett försök till att skapa förståelse kring hur slöjdarbeten (och andra liknande verksamheter) kan bidra till att stödja elevers lärande i matematik. Förhoppningen är att modellen kan utgöra ett stöd vid utformningen av en mer ämnesövergripande undervisning där matematiken kan ges ett relevant och begripligt innehåll och samtidigt utgöra ett viktigt verktyg och en källa till inspiration. / This study has examined how students' craft projects can support their learning in mathematics. The study proceeds from the sociocultural perspective. This is where knowledge and learning develop with interaction between people and where situational conditions and the language play a central role for the development of knowledge. The study is based on a qualitative method inspired by the Grounded Theory approach. The empirical material consists of observations of students' craft projects in needle work from grade 3-9. These observations were made during two years and concluded in diary notes containing students' craft projects. The new Swedish curriculum, Lgr11, and its syllabus in mathematics form the framework, to which the analysis on how students' craft projects can support learning in mathematics is matched. The abilities from the syllabus are supplemented in the analysis by Kilpatrick's five strands of mathematical proficiency. The result shows how mathematics from the six areas of the syllabus is displayed in the students' craft projects. The students use mathematics in calculations, problem solving and in certain cases as inspiration for a craft project. It also shows how students' craft projects can contribute to the development of the abilities from the syllabus in mathematics and from Kilpatrick's five strands of mathematical proficiency. The study concluded in a theoretical model that contributes to the understanding of how students' craft projects can be used. This is by showing how mathematics naturally inspires students in their designing of craft projects and how mathematics is used as a tool for calculation and measuring ("in vivo"). The model also shows how craft projects create a context that will help making mathematics visible and help students creating mental images and support the students' development of mathematical abilities ("in vitro"). The model should be seen as an attempt to create understanding on how craft projects (and similar activities) can contribute to supporting students' learning in mathematics. Hopefully the model can support a more interdisciplinary teaching where mathematics can be given a relevant and comprehensible content which can also be an important tool and a source of inspiration.
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Matematiksvårigheter och dyskalkyli : Ur speciallärarens syn på specialpedagogikRahlén Ceverin, Ida January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this essay has been to surrey the perspective of view the special education teachers have on the tree concepts of special education, compensatory-, critical and dilemma perspective The questions that have been covered in this study are What does the concept of special education means for the special teachers? What does the concept of mathematic difficulties means for the special teachers? What does the concept of the diagnostics of dyscalculia means for the special teachers? A qualitative research method has been used to answer the questions in this essay. In the purpose to get the most out of the study.
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Inkluderande undervisning i matematik : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares uppfattning av inkluderande matematikundervisning i skolår 7 och 8Öberg, Malin January 2014 (has links)
According to both national and international political regulations, the school should as far as it is possible include students with special needs in regular education. However, when implementing these political intentions regarding an including school environment, problems often arise. The aim of this studie has been to investigate the opinions of teachers and students when it comes to inclusive education in mathematics. The study has partly been based on interviews with students with special needs in mathematics. These students were included in regular mathematics groups. It has also partly been based on interviews with the teachers of these groups. To analyze the results, a phenomenographic approach has been used. By using this approach, it is the students and teachers’opinions that have been studied and the result is being presented in different categories of opinions.The result was many varying opinions regarding inclusive education and it thus showed how complex the work with students with special needs is. The teachers in the study had for example different opinions about what an inclusive approach to education is. The result showed various opinions among students and teachers about what possibilities and obstacles an inclusive approach to education has when it comes to how the students’ learning process.
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"Oj, vad många!" : Gelman och Gallistels fem principer i rutinsituationer och i den fria lekenBodell, Linnea, Sjöberg, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna empiriska studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger och barn arbetar och använder sig av Gelman och Gallistels fem principer i förskolan. Dessa principer ligger till grund för barns taluppfattning. För att få syn på vilka principer som används samt i vilka situationer de kommer till uttryck hos de yngsta barnen i förskolan, ska vi göra observationer på två småbarnsavdelningar. Resultatet visar att samtliga principer förekommit på varierande sätt i rutinsituationer och i leken, men ett par av principerna är mer framträdande. I resultatet framkommer det även att pedagogens roll och miljöns utformning har en stor betydelse för barns matematiska lärande. I diskussionen tar vi upp vikten av att ta tillvara alla situationer som uppstår under en dag i förskolan. Pedagogerna har en viktig uppgift att lyfta fram och visa barnen den matematik som finns runt omkring. / The purpose of this empirical study is to explore how teachers and children working with and use of Gelman and Gallistels five principles in preschool. These principles form the basis for the child’s number sense. To catch sight of the principles that are used and in what situations they are expressed in the youngest children in the nursery, we will make observations on two toddlers departments. The results shows that all the principles occurred in varying ways in routine situations and the play, but a few of the principles are more prominent. The results also shows that a teacher’s role and environment design has a great impact on children’s mathematical learning. In the discussion, we discuss the importance of taking advantage of all the situations that arise during a day in kindergarten. The teachers have an important role to highlight and show the kids the mathematics around them.
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Dyskalkyli : Pedagogers kunskaper och stödinsatserNejdebring, Bianca, Frykholm, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med vårt arbete var att få en uppfattning om pedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter kring dyskalkyli samt hur de stödjer elever som har eller misstänks ha diagnosen i sin undervisning. Vi har utgått från två frågeställningar. Den första är: Vilka kunskaper har matematiklärare, specialpedagoger och speciallärare om diagnosen dyskalkyli? och den andra är: Hur arbetar de för att hjälpa elever med konstaterad eller misstänkt dyskalkyli? Vi har i vår studie utgått från det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande, något som framkommer genom vår analys och diskussion. Vi har utfört en enkätundersökning och en semistrukturerad intervjustudie. Utifrån våra slutsatser kom vi bland annat fram till att det fanns kunskaper om dyskalkyli i de verksamheter som de deltagande tillhörde, men i väldigt olika utsträckning. Det fanns även kunskaper om olika stödinsatser för att hjälpa elever med diagnosen. Vi fick också fram att pedagogerna tyckte att det fanns för lite kunskaper om dyskalkyli i verksamheterna och att det är något som efterfrågas.
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Um estudo sobre as relações entre atitudes, gênero e desempenho de alunos do ensino médio em atividades envolvendo frações /Justulin, Andresa Maria. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Nelson Antonio Pirola / Banca: Marcia Regina Ferreira de Brito / Banca: Maria do Carmo de Souza / Resumo: A pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar as relações entre o desempenho na solução de problemas e exercícios sobre frações e algumas variáveis afetivas como: as atitudes em relação à Matemática, as atitudes em relação a frações, o gênero e a série. Participaram da pesquisa 95 estudantes do Ensino Médio (1ª, 2ª e 3ª séries) de uma escola pública pertencente à Diretoria de Ensino de Jaú. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: escala de atitudes em relação à Matemática, prova de Matemática de algoritmo, prova de Matemática conceitual, prova envolvendo problemas e escala de atitudes em relação a frações. Esta última foi, ainda, aplicada em 373 estudantes do Ensino Médio e, em seguida, testada e validada. O alfa de Cronbach, que mede a fidedignidade do instrumento, foi de 0,9443, considerado muito bom. Após a correção das provas, cinco participantes foram selecionados e submetidos ao método do 'pensar em voz alta'. Os resultados do tratamento estatístico indicaram que as correlações mais fortes foram entre as notas na prova de algoritmo e dos problemas (r(95)=0,717;p=0,000), entre as escalas de atitudes em relação à Matemática e em relação a frações (r(94)=0,678;p=0,000) e, em menor grau, entre a nota dos problemas e a escala de frações (r(94) = 0,532; p = 0,000). Com relação ao gênero, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas. Observou-se também que o desempenho geral tende a melhorar conforme a série, ao contrário do que acontece com as atitudes em relação à matemática. A análise qualitativa dos protocolos obtidos indicou que os alunos apresentam uma facilidade maior em resolver exercício padronizados ao invés de solucionar problemas, o que pode ser um reflexo de como o ensino da Matemática escolar tem se processado de forma... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The research had as its objective to investigate the relations between the performance in the solution of problems and exercises about fractions and some emotional variables such as: the attitudes in relation to mathematics, the attitudes in relation to fractions, the genre and the grade. 95 students of High School (1 st, 2nd and 3rd grades) from a public shool belonging to the Secretary of Education of Jaú, participated in the research. This instruments used for the collection of data were the following: scale of attitudes in relation to mathematics of algorithm, test of conceptual mathematics, test involving problems and scale of attitudes in relation to fractions. This last one was still applied in 373 students from High School and, then, tested and valited. Crombach's alpha which measures the faithfulness of the instrument was 0,9443, considered a very good result. After correcting, the tests, 5 participants were selected and submitted to the method of 'thinking in loud voice'. The results of the statistic treatment indicated that the strongest correlations were between the marks in the test of algorithm and of the problems (r(95) = 0,714; p=0,000), between the scales of attitudes in relation to mathematics and in relation to fraction (r(94)=0,532; p=0,000) and in smaller degree, between the mark of the problems and the scale of fractions (r(94)=0,532; p = 0,000). In relation to the genre, no significant diferences were found. Also, it was observed that the general performance tends to increase according to the grade, in contrast of what happens to the attitudes in relation to mathematics. The qualitative analysis of the protocols obrainded indicated that the students showed a greater facility in solving standardized exercises instead of solving problems, which can be a reflex of the way how the teaching of the school mathematics has processed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Um estudo sobre as relações entre atitudes, gênero e desempenho de alunos do ensino médio em atividades envolvendo fraçõesJustulin, Andresa Maria [UNESP] 03 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009-04-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:52:44Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
justulin_am_me_bauru.pdf: 1992564 bytes, checksum: c13661f3070bafb8b552dc6b1ee0bb15 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Secretaria da Educação de SP / A pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar as relações entre o desempenho na solução de problemas e exercícios sobre frações e algumas variáveis afetivas como: as atitudes em relação à Matemática, as atitudes em relação a frações, o gênero e a série. Participaram da pesquisa 95 estudantes do Ensino Médio (1ª, 2ª e 3ª séries) de uma escola pública pertencente à Diretoria de Ensino de Jaú. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: escala de atitudes em relação à Matemática, prova de Matemática de algoritmo, prova de Matemática conceitual, prova envolvendo problemas e escala de atitudes em relação a frações. Esta última foi, ainda, aplicada em 373 estudantes do Ensino Médio e, em seguida, testada e validada. O alfa de Cronbach, que mede a fidedignidade do instrumento, foi de 0,9443, considerado muito bom. Após a correção das provas, cinco participantes foram selecionados e submetidos ao método do 'pensar em voz alta'. Os resultados do tratamento estatístico indicaram que as correlações mais fortes foram entre as notas na prova de algoritmo e dos problemas (r(95)=0,717;p=0,000), entre as escalas de atitudes em relação à Matemática e em relação a frações (r(94)=0,678;p=0,000) e, em menor grau, entre a nota dos problemas e a escala de frações (r(94) = 0,532; p = 0,000). Com relação ao gênero, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas. Observou-se também que o desempenho geral tende a melhorar conforme a série, ao contrário do que acontece com as atitudes em relação à matemática. A análise qualitativa dos protocolos obtidos indicou que os alunos apresentam uma facilidade maior em resolver exercício padronizados ao invés de solucionar problemas, o que pode ser um reflexo de como o ensino da Matemática escolar tem se processado de forma... / The research had as its objective to investigate the relations between the performance in the solution of problems and exercises about fractions and some emotional variables such as: the attitudes in relation to mathematics, the attitudes in relation to fractions, the genre and the grade. 95 students of High School (1 st, 2nd and 3rd grades) from a public shool belonging to the Secretary of Education of Jaú, participated in the research. This instruments used for the collection of data were the following: scale of attitudes in relation to mathematics of algorithm, test of conceptual mathematics, test involving problems and scale of attitudes in relation to fractions. This last one was still applied in 373 students from High School and, then, tested and valited. Crombach's alpha which measures the faithfulness of the instrument was 0,9443, considered a very good result. After correcting, the tests, 5 participants were selected and submitted to the method of 'thinking in loud voice'. The results of the statistic treatment indicated that the strongest correlations were between the marks in the test of algorithm and of the problems (r(95) = 0,714; p=0,000), between the scales of attitudes in relation to mathematics and in relation to fraction (r(94)=0,532; p=0,000) and in smaller degree, between the mark of the problems and the scale of fractions (r(94)=0,532; p = 0,000). In relation to the genre, no significant diferences were found. Also, it was observed that the general performance tends to increase according to the grade, in contrast of what happens to the attitudes in relation to mathematics. The qualitative analysis of the protocols obrainded indicated that the students showed a greater facility in solving standardized exercises instead of solving problems, which can be a reflex of the way how the teaching of the school mathematics has processed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Luigi Fantappiè : influência na matemática brasileira. Um estudo de história como contribuição para a educação matemática /Táboas, Plínio Zornoff. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Ubiratan D'Ambrosio / Banca: Wagner Rodrigues Valente / Banca: Rosa Lucia Sverzut Baroni / Banca: Marcos Vieira Teixeira / Banca: Adlai Ralph Detoni / Resumo: Apresentar uma proposta de ação em Educação Matemática, através da investigação histórica de textos matemáticos avançados e relevantes para a matemática brasileira, é o objetivo deste trabalho. Inicialmente, ampliam-se as possibilidades de investigação, ou seja, toma-se a matéria sob observação como fenômeno do conhecimento e, assim, as peças matemáticas que surgem desta investigação são tidas como parte do contexto histórico e da cultura analisados. O estudo e a interpretação de tais peças redimensiona a temporalidade convencional, presentifica o passado e faz do presente o futuro em que se quer chegar. A peça que exemplifica a proposta feita é uma Memória de Luigi Fantappiè, sobre Funcionais Analíticos. Ela surge como elemento de um emaranhado peculiar da constituição da cultura brasileira: a década de 1930. Além disso, corrobora a tese de que Fantappiè tem papel importante na determinação do ponto de inflexão da sorte da Matemática no Brasil, que passa de consumidora para também produtora no cenário globalizado das ciências. / Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present a proposal of action in Mathematic Education, through the historical investigation of advanced mathematical texts and relevant for the Brazilian Mathematics. First, the possibilities of investigation will be enhanced, that is, the subject under observation is taken as phenomenon of knowledge and, thus, the mathematic parts that appear from this investigation are considered as part of the historical context and the analysed culture. The study and the interpretation of such parts define a new temporality different from the conventional. It turns the past into present and makes the present the future where you want to attain. The part that exemplifies the proposal made is a "Memory of Luigi Fantappiè", about Analitical Functionals. It appears as element of a special gathering of constitution of Brazilian Culture: the 1930's. Besides, it corroborates a thesis in which Fantappiè has an important role in the determination of the point of inflection of the destiny of Mathematics in Brazil, that changes from consumer to producer as well in the globalized scenary of science. / Doutor
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