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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programas municipais de coleta seletiva em parceria com organizações de catadores na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo:desafios e perspectivas / Municipal programs of selective waste collection in partnership with scavengers in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo; challenges and perspectives.

Gina Rizpah Besen 12 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar os principais fatores que interferem na expansão e continuidade dos programas municipais de coleta seletiva de materiais recicláveis em parceria com grupos organizados de catadores. A pesquisa se baseou na revisão bibliográfica e documental sobre o tema, e na análise comparativa de estudo de casos em três municípios da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados questionários aplicados em entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos três gestores municipais dos programas de e cinco presidentes das organizações de catadores. O enfoque escolhido foi a análise de políticas públicas, nesse caso, voltadas ao desenvolvimento de programas de coleta seletiva, com ênfase na inclusão social. Os resultados permitirão prover os formuladores de políticas e as organizações de catadores com propostas de ações e recomendações para fortalecer os programas. A pesquisa mostrou que os programas pesquisados enfrentam graves problemas decorrentes principalmente, mas não somente, da queda da quantidade de material reciclável arrecadado devido à competição com outros atores da cadeia de reciclagem e recomenda ações, diretrizes de planejamento e operacionalização dos programas e a implementação urgente de políticas públicas mais eficientes que possibilitem a inserção destas organizações nos sistemas municipais de limpeza pública e fortaleçam a sua autonomia. / This research identified and analyzed the main factors that interfere in the expansion and continuity of the municipal programs of selective collection of recyclabes in partnership with organized groups of scavengers. The work was done based on bibliographical and documental review and a comparative study in these municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo through questionnaires applied in semi-structured with three municipal managers of the programs and five presidents of scavengers organizations. The approach that was used is the analysis of public policies, and particularly adressed to the development of programs of selective waste collection, with an emphasis on social inclusion. The outcomes will allow to provide the municipal decisionh makers and scavengers organizations with proposals of action a nd recommendacions to strengthen these programs. The research indicates that the programs that were studied have serious problems due, mainly, but not only, the decrease of the quantity of recyclable material given the competition with others actos of the recycling chain. It recommends actions, directives of planning and operacionalization of programs and the urgent implementacion of more efficient public policies that will allow the insercion of these organizations in the municipal systems of solid waste management to strengthen their autonomy.

Coordination in crisis : the practice of medical humanitarian emergency

Stellmach, Darryl January 2016 (has links)
This thesis in anthropology investigates how emergency is socially constituted as a named and actionable entity. Specifically, it asks how human values and techno-scientific practices contribute to the constitution of emergency in the context of medical humanitarian intervention. The study considers emergency from an ethnographic perspective, as a group of international medical humanitarian practitioners from the aid group Médecins San Frontières (MSF) come to understand and respond to the 2013 outbreak of armed conflict in South Sudan and the potential for mass starvation among certain groups within that country. Through the method of participant observation, it examines how emergency is understood or constituted at three different conceptual levels: at the level of the individual clinical encounter, the level of population statistics, and the level of political representations of crisis. By extension, it inquires as to how professional formation and moral categories determine appropriate response. The study reveals how values, ethics and conceptions of "the good" are embodied in-yet imperfectly translated through-numerical measures and institutional structures. This reveals a key paradox of medical humanitarianism: that rational, technocratic institutions simultaneously enable and debilitate the goals and means of humanitarian action. This study is based on 11 months of fieldwork (Oct 2013-Sept 2014) with the Amsterdam operational section of MSF. The fieldwork was multi-sited; it included participant observation of MSF activities in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Juba, Leer and Bentiu (South Sudan).

Montaigne-voyageur : la question de la représentation du « moi » dans le Journal de voyage et dans Les Essais / Montaigne – traveler : the question of representation of "me" in the Travel Journal and in the Essays

Zuo, Tianmeng 23 September 2016 (has links)
À partir de la culture du voyage et des études sur la mentalité du voyageur à la Renaissance, en comparant les récits de voyage de l’époque de Montaigne, notre recherche dévoile progressivement l’idée du voyage que Montaigne a conçue et pratiquée entre 1580 et 1581, en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Italie. Il considère ce long voyage à l’étranger comme une promenade, ou plutôt des promenades, en des lieux différents. Telle est la singularité dans la pensée montaignienne : la promenade est, par nature, une manière de marcher afin de se distraire. Cependant, Montaigne-voyageur transforme cette démarche en un art de voyager qui vise à éprouver du plaisir sur sa route pour rétablir une âme mélancolique, un état déséquilibré, raison initiale de son départ. Au niveau de la création littéraire, les deux ouvrages entreprennent deux genres distincts pour représenter le séjour à l’étranger de Montaigne. Le Journal de voyage, réalisé par son secrétaire et par Montaigne lui-même, représente le « moi-voyageur » du point de vue du voyageur sur la route. Quant aux Essais, en insérant certains événements de ce séjour à l’étranger, ils représentent un « Montaigne-voyageur » du point de vue de l’essayiste, qui effectue une introspection de son « moi-voyageur » et de son expérience de voyage après son retour en France. Ainsi, cette variation d’écriture entraîne un effet de décalage dans la lecture des deux ouvrages sur le même thème du voyage. Mais, « Montaigne-voyageur » joue également le rôle d’essayiste dans son parcours, au sens de l’expérimentation, et reprend sa place d’écrivain-essayiste dans ses Essais. / From travel culture and the study on the mentality of the traveler in the Renaissance, by comparing the travel writings at the time of Montaigne, this study progressively reveals the idea of travel that Montaigne conceived and practiced during 1580 and 1581, in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. He considers this long trip abroad as a walk, or rather walks, in different places. That’s the peculiarity in Montaigne’s thoughts: the walk is, by nature, a way of amusing oneself. However, Montaigne-traveller transforms this process into an art of travelling that seeks to feel pleasure on his road, in order to restore a melancholy soul and an unbalanced state, initial reason for his departure.In terms of literary creation, the two works convey two distinct genres of representing Montaigne’s stay abroad. The Montaigne’s Travel Journal, accomplished by his secretary and by Montaigne himself, represents the "me-traveller" from the point of view of the traveller on the road. And The Essays, by inserting some pieces during this stay abroad, they represent a "Montaigne-traveller" from the point of view of the essayist, who undertakes an introspection of his "me-traveller" and his travel experience after his return to France. Thus, this writing variation causes a shift in the reading of two books on the same theme of travel. But "Montaigne-traveller" also plays the role of the essayist during his journey, in the sense of experimentation, and resumes his position of writer-essayist in The Essays.

“The Last Words of a King’s Wife”: an exploration of the characters of the wives of King Henry VIII of England through the Art song of Libby Larsen

Tingle, Morgan G. 01 May 2017 (has links)
The intention of this thesis is to describe the process of putting together a performance of a lecture recital on the song cycle Try Me, Good King: Last words of the wives of Henry VIII by modern composer Libby Larsen, and to conduct an in depth exploration of the characters of the first five wives of King Henry VIII of England. Each wife’s character will be investigated in relation to their roles in this song cycle which draws its’ text from the final words of these five women. Each wife’s character will be investigated from three perspectives, that of history, that of Libby Larsen, my own perspective (Morgan Tingle). The ultimate result will be a solid developed character for each wife that is the culmination of my studies portrayed by myself, soprano Morgan Tingle, in the final lecture recital.

The Elements of a Detective and a Gothic Genres in Christopher Pike´s Series Remember Me / The Elements of a Detective and a Gothic Genres in Christopher Pike´s Series Remember Me

HOMZOVÁ, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of particular detective and Gothic elements in Christopher Pike's adventurous series Remember Me. The main aim of the thesis is to analyse themes and motifs of Pike's work with respect to the Gothic tradition and the development of detective prose. The thesis is formally divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical chapter is devoted to the genre of the detective and Gothic literature, as well as metaphysical detective story. The theoretical part is followed by the practical analysis of selected Pike's works. The practical analysis involves the characteristics of the main protagonists and the influence of horror and metaphysical detective elements on the search of individual identity.

Contribution à l'analyse biomécanique et à l'évaluation des implants rachidiens

Mosnier, Thomas 17 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
INTRODUCTION : L'apparition récente des premiers implants rachidiens, au milieu du vingtième siècle, marque non seulement une accélération du développement de la chirurgie rachidienne, mais également la naissance d'une technologie spécifique, qui n'en est encore qu'à ses débuts. Comment évaluer ces implants rachidiens, aussi bien lors de leur conception que lors de la planification de la chirurgie? C'est autour de cette problématique que nos travaux de recherche se sont articulés. MATERIELS & METHODES: Le premier de nos deux axes d'investigation concerne l'évaluation préclinique en fatigue des implants rachidiens, et plus particulièrement des implants d'ostéosynthèse. Nous avons ainsi animé un groupe de travail, composé d'industriels et de chercheurs du LBM, afin de proposer un projet de norme internationale définissant des méthodes d'évaluation fonctionnelle des implants rachidiens, prenant en compte les dernières connaissances scientifiques, notamment concernant les contraintes subies par les instrumentations rachidiennes in vivo. Notre second axe d'investigation concerne l'analyse biomécanique par méthode numérique de la chirurgie du rachis lombaire. Nous nous sommes appuyés pour cela sur un outil de modélisation, géométrique et mécanique, et de simulation par éléments finis personnalisées du rachis lombaire et de sa chirurgie. Nous avons, dans le cadre du projet européen Orthosim, contribué à faire évoluer cet outil. Ensuite, une évaluation extensive de l'outil, en tant qu'aide à la planification chirurgicale, a été réalisée. Nous avons enfin réalisé une évaluation préliminaire de l'influence de l'opérateur sur la réponse de l'outil et participé à son intégration dans le cadre d'un portail Internet. RESULTATS : Les essais réalisés suivant le protocole proposé ont permis de mettre en évidence des modes de rupture en fatigue des implants tels qu'observés in vivo, confirmant l'aspect fonctionnel de l'évaluation. Le contenu technique du projet de norme en découlant à fait l'objet d'un consensus des différents experts de l'ISO en septembre 2006. La publication définitive en tant que norme internationale a été acceptée en avril 2008. Ensuite, l'outil de simulation a été développé et amélioré, d'abord en fiabilisant le processus, puis en élargissant le panel des options de chirurgie proposées. L'évaluation rétrospective a confirmé le caractère prédictif des simulations proposées, quant à l'influence d'une stratégie chirurgicale donnée sur le résultat clinique. Enfin, la mise à disposition des cliniciens de l'outil de simulation a été engagée. CONCLUSION : Ce travail de doctorat, nous a permis de contribuer d'une part à l'évolution des normes d'évaluation auxquelles nous avons tenté de donner une dimension biomécanique, et d'autre part de participer à mise en place d'un outil innovant d'aide à la planification et à l'analyse biomécanique de la chirurgie rachidienne, basé sur les simulations numériques personnalisées.

Prospectives de recherche du quark de quatri��me g��n��ration u4 avec le d��tecteur ATLAS aupr��s du LHC

Defay, Pierre-Olivier 04 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le Mod��le Standard, qui r��git la physique des particules, a ��t�� jusqu'�� pr��sent confirm�� par l'exp��rience. Cependant, les questions qu'il laisse en suspens ont conduit �� proposer plusieurs mod��les permettant son extension. L'un de ces mod��les postulant l'existence d'une quatri��me famille de fermions permet de r��soudre certaines des lacunes du Mod��le Standard. Ce travail, effectu�� dans le cadre de l'exp��rience ATLAS au LHC, pr��sente des m��thodes permetttant de d��couvrir le quark up de quatri��me g��n��ratition u4 produit par paire qui se d��sint��gre de mani��re semileptonique. Une m��thode de calibration de l'��nergie des jets ainsi qu'une m��thode d'��valuation de la r��solution de cette ��nergie sont d'abord pr��sent��es car essentielles pour des mesures pr��cises. Nous d��crivons ensuite une m��thode pour d��couvrir le quark u4 tout en ��valuant le potentiel de d��couverte. Enfin une mesure de la masse de ce quark est alors r��alis��e dans l'hypoth��se o�� une d��couverte a ��t�� effectu��e.

Impacts Of Policy Changes On Turkish Agriculture: An Optimization Model With Maximum Entropy

Eruygur, Hakki Ozan 01 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Turkey moves towards integration with EU since 1963. The membership will involve full liberalization of trade in agricultural products with EU. The impact of liberalization depends on the path of agricultural policies in Turkey and the EU. On the other hand, agricultural protection continues to be the most controversial issue in global trade negotiations of World Trade Organization (WTO). To evaluate the impacts of policy scenarios, an economic modeling approach based on non-linear mathematical programming is appropriate. This thesis analyzes the impacts of economic integration with the EU and the potential effects of the application of a new WTO agreement in 2015 on Turkish agriculture using an agricultural sector model. The basic approach is Maximum Entropy based Positive Mathematical Programming of Heckelei and Britz (1999). The model is based on a static optimization algorithm. Following an economic integration with EU, the net export of crops declines and can not tolerate the boom in net import of livestock products. Overall welfare affect is small. Consumers benefit from declining prices. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) supports are determinative for the welfare of producers. WTO simulation shows that a 15 percent reduction in Turkey&rsquo / s binding WTO tariff commitments will increase net meat imports by USD 250 million.

Preserving privacy with user-controlled sharing of verified information

Bauer, David Allen 13 November 2009 (has links)
Personal information, especially certified personal information, can be very valuable to its subject, but it can also be abused by other parties for identify theft, blackmail, fraud, and more. One partial solution to the problem is credentials, whereby personal information is tied to identity, for example by a photo or signature on a physical credential. We present an efficient scheme for large, redactable, digital credentials that allow certified personal attributes to safely be used to provide identification. A novel method is provided for combining credentials, even when they were originally issued by different authorities. Compared to other redactable digital credential schemes, the proposed scheme is approximately two orders of magnitude faster, due to aiming for auditability over anonymity. In order to expand this scheme to hold other records, medical records for example, we present a method for efficient signatures on redactable data where there are dependencies between different pieces of data. Positive results are shown using both artificial datasets and a dataset derived from a Linux package manager. Electronic credentials must of course be held in a physical device with electronic memory. To hedge against the loss or compromise of the physical device holding a user's credentials, the credentials may be split up. An architecture is developed and prototyped for using split-up credentials, with part of the credentials held by a network attached agent. This architecture is generalized into a framework for running identity agents with various capabilities. Finally, a system for securely sharing medical records is built upon the generalized agent framework. The medical records are optionally stored using the redactable digital credentials, for source verifiability.

A study of changes in students' understanding of three algebraic concepts: variables, expressions, and equality

Cushman, Jane Ries 29 August 2008 (has links)
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