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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonlinear Effects in Contactless Ultrasound Energy Transfer Systems

Meesala, Vamsi Chandra 05 January 2021 (has links)
Ultrasound acoustic energy transfer (UAET) is an emerging contactless technology that offers the capability to safely and efficiently power sensors and devices while eliminating the need to replace batteries, which is of interest in many applications. It has been proposed to recharge and communicate with implanted medical devices, thereby eliminating the need for invasive and expensive surgery and also to charge sensors inside enclosed metal containers typically found in automobiles, nuclear power plants, space stations, and aircraft engines. In UAET, energy is transferred through the reception of acoustic waves by a piezoelectric receiver that converts the energy of acoustic waves to electrical voltage. It has been shown that UAET outperforms the conventional CET technologies that use electromagnetic waves to transfer energy, including inductive coupling and capacitative coupling. To date, the majority of research on UAET systems has been limited to modeling and proof-of-concept experiments, mostly in the linear regime, i.e., under small levels of acoustic pressure that result in small amplitude longitudinal vibrations and linearized piezoelectricity. Moreover, existing models are based on the "piston-like" deformation assumption of the transmitter and receiver, which is only accurate for thin disks and does not accurately account for radiation effects. The linear models neglect nonlinear effects associated with the nonlinear acoustic wave propagation as well as the receiver's electroelastic nonlinearities on the energy transfer characteristics, which become significant at high source strengths. In this dissertation, we present experimentally-validated analytical and numerical multiphysics modeling approaches aimed at filling a knowledge gap in terms of considering resonant acoustic-piezoelectric structure interactions and nonlinear effects associated with high excitation levels in UAET systems. In particular, we develop a reduced-order model that can accurately account for the radiation effects and validate it by performing experiments on four piezoelectric disks with different aspect ratios. Next, we study the role of individual sources of nonlinearity on the output power characteristics. First, we consider the effects of electroelastic nonlinearities. We show that these nonlinearities can shift the optimum load resistance when the acoustic medium is fluid. Next, we consider the nonlinear wave propagation and note that the shock formation is associated with the dissipation of energy, and as such, shock formation distance is an essential design parameter for high-intensity UAET systems. We then present an analytical approach capable of predicting the shock formation distance and validate it by comparing its prediction with finite element simulations and experimental results published in the literature. Finally, we experimentally investigate the effects of both the nonlinearity sources on the output power characteristics of the UAET system by considering a high intensity focused ultrasound source and a piezoelectric disk receiver. We determine that the system's efficiency decreases, and the maximum voltage output position drifts towards the source as the source strength is increased. / Doctor of Philosophy / Advancements in electronics that underpinned the development of low power sensors and devices have transformed many fields. For instance, it has led to the innovation of implanted medical devices (IMDs) such as pacemakers and neurostimulators that perform life-saving functions. They also find applications in condition monitoring and wireless sensing in nuclear power plants, space stations, automobiles and aircraft engines, where the sensors are enclosed within sealed metal containers, vacuum/pressure vessels or located in a position isolated from the operator by metal walls. In all these applications, it is desired to communicate with and recharge the sensors wirelessly. Such a mechanism can eliminate the need for invasive and expensive surgeries to replace batteries of IMDs and preserve the structural integrity of metal containers by eliminating the need for feed through wires. It has been shown that ultrasound acoustic energy transfer (UAET) outperforms conventional wireless power transfer techniques. However, existing models are based on several assumptions that limit their potential and do not account for effects that become dominant when a higher output power is desired. In this dissertation, we present experimentally validated numerical and theoretical investigations to fill those knowledge gaps. We also provide crucial design recommendations based on our findings for the efficient implementation of UAET technology.

Movement in the fourth dimension

Pearce, Beverly A. January 1987 (has links)
a pause at the end of an architectural beginning a place to synthesize ideas and preoccupations a study of time and movement A design for a magical world— the meeting of land and water / Master of Architecture

Studies toward the total synthesis of natural and unnatural aeruginosins

Wang, Xiaotian 08 1900 (has links)
Nous avons démontré l’utilité du groupement protecteur tert-butylsulfonyle (N-Bus) pour la chimie des acides aminés et des peptides. Celui-ci est préparé en deux étapes, impliquant la réaction d’une amine avec le chlorure de tert-butylsulfinyle, suivie par l’oxydation par du m-CPBA, pour obtenir les tert-butylsulfonamides correspondants avec d’excellents rendements. Le groupement N-Bus peut être clivé par traitement avec 0.1 N TfOH/DCM/anisole à 0oC en 10h pour régénérer le sel d’ammonium. Une variété d’acides aminés N-Bus protégés ainsi que d’autres aminoacides peuvent alors être utilisés pour préparer divers dipeptides et tripeptides. A l’exception du groupe N-Fmoc, les conditions de déprotection du groupe N-Bus clivent également les groupements N-Boc, N-Cbz et O-Bn. Une déprotection sélective et orthogonale des groupes N-Boc, N-Cbz, N-Fmoc et O-Bn est également possible en présence du groupe protecteur N-Bus. Le nouvel acide aminé non-naturel (3R, 2R) 3–méthyl-D-leucine (β-Me-Leu) et son régioisomère 2-méthyle ont été synthétisés par ouverture d’une N-Ts aziridine en présence d’un excès de LiMe2Cu. Chacun des régioisomères du mélange (1:1,2) a été converti en la méthylleucine correspondante, puis couplé à l’acide D-phényllactique puis au motif 2-carboxyperhydroindole 4-amidinobenzamide en présence de DEPBT. Des élaborations ultérieures ont conduit à des analogues peptidiques non-naturels d’aeruginosines telles que la chlorodysinosine A. Les deux analogues ont ensuite été évalués pour leur activité inhibitrice de la thrombine et la trypsine. La présumée aeruginosine 3-sulfate 205B et son anomère β ont été synthétisés avec succès à partir de 5 sous-unités : la 3-chloroleucine, l’acide D-phényllactique, le D-xylose, le 2-carboxy-6-hydroxyoctahydroindole et l’agmatine. La comparaison des données RMN 1H et 13C reportées avec celles obtenues avec l’aeruginosine synthétique 205B révèle une différence majeure pour la position du groupe présumé 3'-sulfate sur l’unité D-xylopyranosyle. Nous avons alors synthétisés les dérivés méthyl-α-D-xylopyranosides avec un groupement sulfate à chacune des positions hydroxyles, afin de démontrer sans ambiguïté la présence du sulfate en position C-4' par comparaison des données spectroscopiques RMN 1H et 13C. La structure de l’aeruginosine 205B a alors été révisée. Une des étapes-clés de cette synthèse consiste en la formation du glycoside avec le groupe hydroxyle en C-6 orienté en axial sur la sous-unité Choi. Le 2-thiopyridylcarbonate s’est avéré une méthode efficace pour l’activation anomérique. Le traitement par AgOTf et la tétraméthylurée en solution dans un mélange éther-DCM permet d’obtenir l’anomère α désiré, qui peut alors être aisément séparé de l’anomère β par chromatographie / We have demonstrated the usefulness of tert-butylsulfonyl (N-Bus) protecting group in amino acid and peptide chemistry. It is formed in a 2-step procedure involving reaction of an amine with tert-butylsulfinyl chloride, followed by oxidation with m-CPBA to obtain the corresponding tert-butyl- sulfonamides in excellent yields. The N-Bus group can be cleaved to regenerate the corresponding amino salt in 0.1 N TfOH/DCM/anisole at 0 oC for 10 h. A variety of N-Bus protected amino acids and other common amino acids can be used to form dipeptides and tripeptides. With the exception of the N-Fmoc group, the conditions required for the N-Bus group cleavage also cleaved the N-Boc, N-Cbz and O-Bn groups. Selective and orthogonal deprotection of N-Boc, N-Cbz, N-Fmoc and O-Bn groups could be achieved in the presence of the N-Bus protecting group. The new unnatural amino acids (3R, 2R) 3–methyl-D-leucine (β-Me-Leu) and its 2-methyl regioisomer were synthesized by ring opening of an N-Ts aziridine intermediate with excess LiMe2Cu. The 1:1.2 mixture of regioisomers were each converted to the corresponding methyl leucines, then coupled to D-phenyllactic acid, followed by coupling with 2-carboxyperhydroindole 4-amidino-benzamide core in the presence of DEPBT. Further elaboration led to linear peptidic unnatural analogues of known aeruginosins such as chlorodysinosin A. The two analogues were also evaluated in enzymatic assays for their inhibitory activity against thrombin and trypsin. The presumed 3-sulfated aeruginosin 205B and its β–anomer were successfully synthesized from 5 subunits: 3-chloroleucine, D-phenyllactic acid, D-xylose, 2-carboxy-6-hydroxyoctahydroindole, and agmatine. Comparison of 1H and 13C NMR reported data with that of synthetic aeruginosin 205B revealed a disturbing discrepancy with regard to the position of the presumed 3'-sulfate on the D-xylopyranosyl unit. We synthesized methyl α-D-xylopyranosides with sulfates at each of the hydroxyl groups and conclusively demonstrated the the presence of a C-4'-sulfate by comparison of the 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic data. Thus, the structure of aeruginosin 205B should be revised. One of the key steps in the synthesis is glycoside formation of the axially oriented C-6 hydroxyl group in the Choi subunit. The 2-thiopyridyl carbonate was a suitable method for anomeric activation, followed by treatment with AgOTf and tetramethylurea in ether-DCM solution to give the desired α-anomer, which was easily separable from the β-anomer by column chromatography.

Ekon av det förflutna : En undersökning av den antika erotikens roll och tematisering i romanen och filmen Call Me by Your Name / Echoes of the Past : A Study of the Role and Thematization of Ancient Greek Eros in the Novel and Film Call Me by Your Name

Hall, Nina January 2019 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen utforskas André Acimans roman Call Me by Your Name (2007) och regissören Luca Guadagninos filmatisering av verket (2017) i relation till det antika begreppet eros (ung. begär). Det finns sedan tidigare en konstnärlig tradition i västvärlden att tillämpa antik tematik vid gestaltningen av manligt samkönat begär och för att åskådliggöra hur detta sker även i Acimans och Guadagninos respektive verk används i den här uppsatsen Platons Gästabudet (Symposion, ca 385 f. Kr) som en återkommande utgångspunkt i analysen. Utifrån ett urval tematiska inslag i Gästabudet, som alla anknyter till Platons övergripande behandling av begär ur ett filosofiskt perspektiv, riktas i det här arbetet uppmärksamheten mot hur dessa teman även förekommer i Call Me by Your Name, roman som film. Detta gäller inte minst Platons presenterade tanke att eros, under rätt omständigheter, har förmågan att leda filosofen mot upplysthet och förståelsen av en upphöjd och evig ordning. Utöver att visa på hur båda verken (som utspelar sig i relativt modern tid) genomsyras av denna antika begärstematik är ett annat mål med uppsatsen att genom en komparativ analys, och med ett genusvetenskapligt och queerteoretiskt perspektiv, blottlägga hur skillnaderna mellan romanförlagan och filmadaptionen påverkar bilden av den unge huvudpersonen Elio och dennes utforskande av sin sexualitet – även då bilden av sexualitet i en mer generell mening. Slutsatsen som den här uppsatsen leder fram till är att Acimans förlaga vid en första anblick framstår som mer utmanande i förhållande till en modern heteronormativ ordning (så som åskådliggjord av Judith Butlers heteronormativa matris) medan Guadagninos version – trots skildringen av samkönat begär i berättelsens centrum – innefattar mer konservativa indikationer. Samtidigt är de utmanande aspekterna i Acimans roman inte heller helt oproblematiska vid en andra anblick. I den mån Acimans skildring med hjälp av den antika tematiken gör motstånd mot moderna uppfattningar om sexualitet, begär och relationsformer leder nyttjandet parallellt till att andra diskriminerande och begränsande uppfattningar om kön, genusidentitet och könsmaktsordning snarare bekräftas inom berättelsens ramar mer än vad de utmanas.

Studies toward the total synthesis of natural and unnatural aeruginosins

Wang, Xiaotian 08 1900 (has links)
Nous avons démontré l’utilité du groupement protecteur tert-butylsulfonyle (N-Bus) pour la chimie des acides aminés et des peptides. Celui-ci est préparé en deux étapes, impliquant la réaction d’une amine avec le chlorure de tert-butylsulfinyle, suivie par l’oxydation par du m-CPBA, pour obtenir les tert-butylsulfonamides correspondants avec d’excellents rendements. Le groupement N-Bus peut être clivé par traitement avec 0.1 N TfOH/DCM/anisole à 0oC en 10h pour régénérer le sel d’ammonium. Une variété d’acides aminés N-Bus protégés ainsi que d’autres aminoacides peuvent alors être utilisés pour préparer divers dipeptides et tripeptides. A l’exception du groupe N-Fmoc, les conditions de déprotection du groupe N-Bus clivent également les groupements N-Boc, N-Cbz et O-Bn. Une déprotection sélective et orthogonale des groupes N-Boc, N-Cbz, N-Fmoc et O-Bn est également possible en présence du groupe protecteur N-Bus. Le nouvel acide aminé non-naturel (3R, 2R) 3–méthyl-D-leucine (β-Me-Leu) et son régioisomère 2-méthyle ont été synthétisés par ouverture d’une N-Ts aziridine en présence d’un excès de LiMe2Cu. Chacun des régioisomères du mélange (1:1,2) a été converti en la méthylleucine correspondante, puis couplé à l’acide D-phényllactique puis au motif 2-carboxyperhydroindole 4-amidinobenzamide en présence de DEPBT. Des élaborations ultérieures ont conduit à des analogues peptidiques non-naturels d’aeruginosines telles que la chlorodysinosine A. Les deux analogues ont ensuite été évalués pour leur activité inhibitrice de la thrombine et la trypsine. La présumée aeruginosine 3-sulfate 205B et son anomère β ont été synthétisés avec succès à partir de 5 sous-unités : la 3-chloroleucine, l’acide D-phényllactique, le D-xylose, le 2-carboxy-6-hydroxyoctahydroindole et l’agmatine. La comparaison des données RMN 1H et 13C reportées avec celles obtenues avec l’aeruginosine synthétique 205B révèle une différence majeure pour la position du groupe présumé 3'-sulfate sur l’unité D-xylopyranosyle. Nous avons alors synthétisés les dérivés méthyl-α-D-xylopyranosides avec un groupement sulfate à chacune des positions hydroxyles, afin de démontrer sans ambiguïté la présence du sulfate en position C-4' par comparaison des données spectroscopiques RMN 1H et 13C. La structure de l’aeruginosine 205B a alors été révisée. Une des étapes-clés de cette synthèse consiste en la formation du glycoside avec le groupe hydroxyle en C-6 orienté en axial sur la sous-unité Choi. Le 2-thiopyridylcarbonate s’est avéré une méthode efficace pour l’activation anomérique. Le traitement par AgOTf et la tétraméthylurée en solution dans un mélange éther-DCM permet d’obtenir l’anomère α désiré, qui peut alors être aisément séparé de l’anomère β par chromatographie / We have demonstrated the usefulness of tert-butylsulfonyl (N-Bus) protecting group in amino acid and peptide chemistry. It is formed in a 2-step procedure involving reaction of an amine with tert-butylsulfinyl chloride, followed by oxidation with m-CPBA to obtain the corresponding tert-butyl- sulfonamides in excellent yields. The N-Bus group can be cleaved to regenerate the corresponding amino salt in 0.1 N TfOH/DCM/anisole at 0 oC for 10 h. A variety of N-Bus protected amino acids and other common amino acids can be used to form dipeptides and tripeptides. With the exception of the N-Fmoc group, the conditions required for the N-Bus group cleavage also cleaved the N-Boc, N-Cbz and O-Bn groups. Selective and orthogonal deprotection of N-Boc, N-Cbz, N-Fmoc and O-Bn groups could be achieved in the presence of the N-Bus protecting group. The new unnatural amino acids (3R, 2R) 3–methyl-D-leucine (β-Me-Leu) and its 2-methyl regioisomer were synthesized by ring opening of an N-Ts aziridine intermediate with excess LiMe2Cu. The 1:1.2 mixture of regioisomers were each converted to the corresponding methyl leucines, then coupled to D-phenyllactic acid, followed by coupling with 2-carboxyperhydroindole 4-amidino-benzamide core in the presence of DEPBT. Further elaboration led to linear peptidic unnatural analogues of known aeruginosins such as chlorodysinosin A. The two analogues were also evaluated in enzymatic assays for their inhibitory activity against thrombin and trypsin. The presumed 3-sulfated aeruginosin 205B and its β–anomer were successfully synthesized from 5 subunits: 3-chloroleucine, D-phenyllactic acid, D-xylose, 2-carboxy-6-hydroxyoctahydroindole, and agmatine. Comparison of 1H and 13C NMR reported data with that of synthetic aeruginosin 205B revealed a disturbing discrepancy with regard to the position of the presumed 3'-sulfate on the D-xylopyranosyl unit. We synthesized methyl α-D-xylopyranosides with sulfates at each of the hydroxyl groups and conclusively demonstrated the the presence of a C-4'-sulfate by comparison of the 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic data. Thus, the structure of aeruginosin 205B should be revised. One of the key steps in the synthesis is glycoside formation of the axially oriented C-6 hydroxyl group in the Choi subunit. The 2-thiopyridyl carbonate was a suitable method for anomeric activation, followed by treatment with AgOTf and tetramethylurea in ether-DCM solution to give the desired α-anomer, which was easily separable from the β-anomer by column chromatography.

O poema e a can??o em as coisas, de Arnaldo Antunes: imagens da primeiridade

Filgueira, Jorge Normando dos Santos 29 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T19:35:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JorgeNSF_DISSERT.pdf: 3281068 bytes, checksum: b04499fdba14770e1a5479643b443b4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Ce travail a pour but d analyser un corpus de six textes hybrides, que nous classons comme des po?mes-chansons/ po?mes-chant?s ? cause de leur double pr?sence dans deux syst?mes s?miotiques diff?rents. Le premier, la litt?rature, ou plus sp?cifiquement la po?sie, a comme support le livre As Coisas [Les Choses], d Arnaldo Antunes et l autre, la chanson, est enregistr? dans les disques du m?me auteur. Notre travail lance un regard sur ce corpus, en essayant de v?rifier un aspect recourrent dans l oeuvre d Arnaldo Antunes qui est la pr?sence da prim?it?, cat?gorie the?rique d?velopp?e par Charles Sanders Peirce. Au-del? de l observation de cet aspect s?miothique, nous ferons une discussion sur la chanson populaire, et ses rapports avec la po?sie et par cons?quent avec la Litterature. La th?orie s?miothique s appuyera sur deux piliers : En ce qui concerne l ?tude de la prim?it?, nous travaillerons avec les th?ories de Peirce, mais en nous servant aussi des ouvrages de L?cia Santaella, Winfried N?th, J?lio Plaza et D?cio Pignatari ; Dans l autre voie, pour ce qui concerne l analyse des chansons, nous utiliserons la th?orie de Luiz Tatit, fond?e sur la s?miothique de Algirdas Julien Greimas. Tatit trace une m?thode d analyse, o? il est possible d analyser une chanson en exploitant et le texte et la m?lodie, ce qui permet une meilleure compr?hension de l ?tude des po?mes-chansons et ses variations. Comme support pour la discussion sur la musique, nous nous servirons des th?ories de Jos? Miguel Wisnik, Claude L?vi-Strauss, Roland Barthes et Jean Fisette / Esta disserta??o pretende analisar um corpus contendo seis textos h?bridos, os quais denominamos poema-can??o/poema-cantado devido a dupla presen?a em dois sistemas semi?ticos diferentes. Um deles, a literatura ou, mais especificamente, a poesia, tem como suporte o livro As coisas, de Arnaldo Antunes, e o outro, a can??o, est? nos discos de carreira do mesmo autor. Nosso trabalho lan?a um olhar sobre esse corpus, tentando observar um aspecto recorrente tanto no nosso recorte escolhido, quanto no livro e qui?? na obra liter?ria e musical de Arnaldo Antunes, que ? a presen?a da primeiridade, categoria te?rica desenvolvida por Charles Sanders Peirce. Al?m da observa??o desse aspecto semi?tico, faremos uma discuss?o sobre a can??o popular, suas ra?zes e sua rela??o com a poesia e, por consequ?ncia, com a Literatura. A teoria semi?tica ser? ancorada em duas frentes: no que diz respeito ao estudo da primeiridade, trabalharemos com as teorias do pr?prio Peirce, mas buscando apoio em te?ricos como L?cia Santaella, Winfried N?th, J?lio Plaza e D?cio Pignatari; pelo outro caminho, quando partirmos para a an?lise das can??es, utilizaremos a teoria de Luiz Tatit, que foi baseada na semi?tica de Algirdas Julien Greimas. Tatit tra?a um m?todo de an?lise, por meio do qual ? poss?vel analisar uma can??o explorando os recursos tanto do texto quanto da melodia, possibilitando uma compreens?o maior para os estudos dos poemas-can??es e suas varia??es. Como suporte para a discuss?o sobre m?sica utilizaremos como aux?lio as teorias de Jos? Miguel Wisnik, Claude L?vi-Strauss, Roland Barthes e Jean Fisette

Program ,,I ve mně je lídr" jako jedna z cest k osobnostnímu rozvoji žáka primární školy / Program "The Leader in Me" as one of the method for personal development of primary school pupil

Ioannidis, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
TITLE: The program "The Leader in Me" as one of the methods for personal development of primary school pupil AUTHOR: Lenka Ioannidis SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Tereza Krčmářová, Ph. D. ABSTRACT: This study is focused on the implementation of the program "The Leader in Me" in elementary schools. Theoretical part is an approach to self- management within primary education. The research section includes current picture of program implementation, "The Leader in Me" in the Czech Republic. The outcome of this work is an original designed leisure activity elaborated on the theme of The 7 Habits. KEYWORDS: self-management, action research, case study, Program "The Leader in Me", Personal and social development, 7 habits, S. R. Covey.

Analýza součinnosti spojka - pivot na ME 2008 dorostenců v házené / Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's European Championship in Brno

Václavek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Title: Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship in Brno. Objectives: Qualitative analysis of the attacking combinations between back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship 2008 in Brno, finding out the space distribution of these combinations and compare the trend analysis of Men's "18", Men's "20" and Men's European Championship. Methods: Qualitative Analysis of the matches on DVD with using non participating and non structured observing connected with quantitative analysis based on the statistical program Handball Stat. We used own form for recording the observed data. Results: The teams used combination based on passing mostly. The distribution of co-operation probably depended on physical, technical and tactical preparation of the back court players and through that the line player very often co-operated with left and middle back. Key words: handball, combination, co-operation, back court player, line player, qualitative analysis, 9th Men's "18"ECh 2008 Brno

Vzdělávací program "I ve mně je lídr" na základní škole / Leader In Me, the educational program at a primary school

Kubátová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the educational program "The leader in me" and its functioning within the first grades of elementary school. The thesis is divided into three chapters - theoretical, analytical and practical. The first theoretical part introduces the program and defines and explaines the term "habit". The outcomes of the first presented chapter focus on the interconnections between self-management and the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education. The analytical part summarizes experiences and results gathered during researching the sample elementary school A.B. Combs and other schools that use the examined program in their classrooms. This has been achieved based on the analysis of Czech and foreign resources. The last practical part presents a qualitative survey, whose main objective was to reflect on teaching practices that have been based on methods of self- management and on knowledge gained in the theoretical part of this thesis.

Rámcování kampaně Me Too ve vybraných českých médiích / Framing of Me Too Campaign in Selected Czech Media

Konopáčová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis Framing of Me Too Campaign in Selected Czech Media examines how selected Czech newspapers and magazines represented the Me Too movement. This movement is considered to be an example of hashtag activism which relates to sexual harassment and gender based violence. This thesis draws both from theoretical and analytical concept of media framing. Using qualitative analysis based on grounded theory approach - more specifically open and axial coding - the research aims at identification and description of news frames that appears in analysed articles. The sample is composed of selected articles published at newspapers and magazines, including Hospodářské noviny Lidové noviny, Právo, Blesk, Reflex, Blesk pro ženy and Respekt. Axial coding stage revealed ten news frames which were integrated into three major categories: (1) Social consequences of the Me Too movement (2) Me Too in the context of Czech Republic and (3) Film festivals (and awards) in the light of the Me Too movement.

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