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Relationship Communication and Traditional and Consumer Generated MediaMamalyha, Oleksandr, Yin, Zhe January 2012 (has links)
Executive summary Purpose: Current research [1] compared the differences in terms of perception of trustworthiness and emotional appeal of traditional and consumer generated marketing media and [2] evaluated the correlation between factors of the recently developed relationship communication framework (Finne & Grönroos, 2009) with the perception of a marketing action by actual customers of a firm, to see whether these factors should be considered in firm’s marketing communication strategy. Additionally, the researchers compared the correlations between traditional and consumer generated media types to the relationship communication factors, effectively combining the two researched subjects. Design and execution: The research utilized quantitative research approach relying on simple random sampling technique within fitness and recreational settings. Findings/Implications: Data analysis confirmed that there is a consistent difference between traditional and consumer generated media in terms of perception of trustworthiness and partial and not consistent difference in terms of emotional appeal. Mild correlation between consumer unique factors of relationship communication framework (Finne & Grönroos, 2009) and perception of the marketing action have been confirmed, with these correlations remaining consistent between traditional and consumer generated media. The findings suggest that traditional and consumer generated media have varying impacts on consumer’s perception of marketing action and that incorporating consumer unique factors of relationship communication framework (Finne & Grönroos, 2009) in marketing communication strategy may benefit the firm in relationship building and integrated marketing communication.
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Meningsskapande i musikbedömning : En studie av lärares upplevelser och hur de erfar att bedömning sker i musikundervisning. / Meaningful music assessment : A study of teachers’ experiences and how they experience that assessment takes place in music teaching.Eklund Larsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka musiklärares bedömningspraktiker och utvärdering av bedömande. Med en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt undersöks musiklärares uppfattningar om bedömning, hur de utvärderar bedömandet och vad de erfar som meningsfullt att bedöma. Rektorer har som uppdrag att ge skolans samtliga lärare förutsättningar att säkerställa att bedömningar är likvärdiga. I den här studien undersöks lärares bedömningspraktiker och hur de själva reflekterar om sitt bedömande. För att göra det undersöks vad lärare finner bedömningsbart och hur de skapar bedömningsituationer för det. Följande två frågeställningar ligger som grund för arbetet: Vad bedömer lärare och hur går de tillväga för att göra det? Samt frågeställningen: Vad tänker lärare om bedömandet och hur utvärderar de bedömning? För att samla in data till sagda frågeställningar, utförde jag fem semi-strukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer. Av resultatet framkommer det teman som grundar sig i studiens frågeställningar. Den första typen av teman handlar om bedömningspraktiker. Ett undertema är vad som bedöms och ett annat är hur det går till enligt lärarnas erfarenheter. Den andra typen av teman handlar om utvärdering av bedömandet. Här visar resultatet hur lärare reflekterar om sitt bedömande, det lyfts fram att genom vetandet av vilka kriterier som förväntas visas upp, vet läraren också vad som ska bedömas vilket blir deras intentioner och mål med sina bedömande, tidsbegränsning får lärare att söka efter kunskap de ser passa till kriterier. Formativ- och summativ bedömning lyfts också fram i resultatet där informanterna menar att formativ och summativ bedömning har olika syften och används vid olika tillfällen av bedömning. Avslutningsvis jämförs studiens resultat med tidigare forskning där det framkommer ett behov av att definiera musikalisk kunskap inför bedömning eftersom lärare utvärderar sitt bedömmande olika. / The purpose of this study is to investigate music teachers’ assessment practices and evaluation of assessment. With a phenomenological starting point, music teachers´ perceptions of assessment, how they evaluate the assessment and what they experience as meaningful to assess are examined. Principals have the task of giving all the school´s teachers the condition to pass on that assessments are equal. This study examines teacher´s assessment practices and how they themselves reflect on their assessment. To do this, examine what the teacher find assessable and how they create assessment situations for it. The following to questions form the basis of the study: What do teachers assess and how do they go about doing so? The other question is as following: What do teachers think about the assessment and how do they evaluate the assessment? To collect data on these issues, I conducted five semi-structured qualitative interviews. The result show what is based on the studies´ issues. The first type of theme is about assessment practices, what knowledge is assessed. One subtheme highlights how it goes according to the teachers’ experiences. The second type of theme is about evaluating the assessment. Here the result show how teachers reflect on their assessment. The result shows that teachers know what to assess through the criteria and that affects their intention of assessment. Time restrictions in the classroom also affect teachers’ assessment by creating a need for concrete criteria. Formative and summative assessment are also highlighted in the result where informants believe that formative and summative assessment have different purposes and are used at different stages of assessment. Finally the results gets compared to previous research. It shows that there is a need to define musical knowledge before assessment because teachers evaluate their assessment different.
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Interpretive Functions of Adjectives in English : A Cognitive ApproachFrännhag, Helena January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a theoretical discussion of meaning creation in general, and interpretive functions of English adjectives in particular. The discussion rests on a dynamic view of meaning and interpretation, according to which there are no fixed linguistics meanings – not even for single lexemes. Instead of symbolising meaning in a more or less static and ‘eternal’ fashion, linguistic items are assumed to effect the creation of meaning and to shape meaning dynamically in the particular communicative event at hand, from some kind of underlying ‘raw material’ (also referred to as purport and schemas). It is suggested that the interpretive functions of linguistic items – that is the effects that such items have in the creation of meaning – may be approached in two main ways, namely from the formal and from the semantic point of view respectively. Effects triggered by the form of a certain item are referred to as formal interpretive functions (FIFs), and effects prompted by the meaning created for the form are referred to as semantic interpretive functions (SIFs). FIFs are claimed to be the same for all items – namely to activate, delimit and shape underlying purport and schemas – whereas SIFs are said to differ between items, and also for one and the same item on different occasions of use. It is furthermore suggested that FIFs affect the creation of meaning for the relevant item itself, whereas SIFs affect the creation of meaning for other items, on any level of conceptual organisation. For instance, a form such as tall typically activates and delimits purport and schemas to do with some kind of extension (notably in space), thereby shaping a basic word meaning tall. The meaning thus created may in turn affect other meaning in the larger context. For instance, tall, as created in default interpretation of a tall man entered the room, affects the meaning of the noun phrase a tall man as a whole, in that it specifies the interpreter’s conception of a certain something that entered a specific room. In this case, the relevant SIF is thus to specify. Other SIFs suggested for adjectives are kind identification, element identification, identity provision and stipulation. The aim of the thesis is two-fold: on the one hand to outline a suggestive theory of meaning creation and interpretive function in general, and, on the other hand, to present a theoretical discussion of adjective functions in particular, with the ultimate goal of providing a general framework from which more specific models for in-depth empirical research can be obtained.
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Institutional arrangements and student involvement at the Elijah Mango College : a sociological analysisResha, Vuyile Ronnie 11 1900 (has links)
This study undertakes to explore the extent to which students at the Elijah Mango College are involved in college decision making structures.
The whole process of “carrying” of major subjects was selected to crystallise the extent of this involvement. The varying patterns of meanings attributed by the students to this phenomena were explored.
By way of a theoretical contribution, the researcher synthesised features of interpretive and resistance theories in education to further explain this involvement.
The empirical component which is attendant on the theoretical elaboration undertakes to explore and capture the patterns of meanings that the students used as a rationale for their reflexive resp^ ,ses to the college decision making structures.
The epistemology underlying this investigation also enabled the researcher to gain a sensitivity towards the meanings formulated by the students. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)
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Institutional arrangements and student involvement at the Elijah Mango College : a sociological analysisResha, Vuyile Ronnie 11 1900 (has links)
This study undertakes to explore the extent to which students at the Elijah Mango College are involved in college decision making structures.
The whole process of “carrying” of major subjects was selected to crystallise the extent of this involvement. The varying patterns of meanings attributed by the students to this phenomena were explored.
By way of a theoretical contribution, the researcher synthesised features of interpretive and resistance theories in education to further explain this involvement.
The empirical component which is attendant on the theoretical elaboration undertakes to explore and capture the patterns of meanings that the students used as a rationale for their reflexive resp^ ,ses to the college decision making structures.
The epistemology underlying this investigation also enabled the researcher to gain a sensitivity towards the meanings formulated by the students. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)
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