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Mediation Strategy and Quality PeaceYamaguchi, Mariko January 2021 (has links)
Many scholars have researched on the effects of individual mediation strategy following the categorization by Touval and Zartman (1985), and Bercovitch (1991). Despite the growing recognition of the potential synergetic effects among different strategies, not many systematic studies have been done on that aspect. This thesis contributes to this understudied aspect of mediation approach by asking What is the impact of mediation strategy on quality peace after civil war? The study adopts the method of structured, focused comparison along with the detailed process tracing on four cases of peace agreements and their mediation process from Northern Ireland, Mindanao, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Niger. The study aims to test a theoretical argument linking combined-application of mediation strategies with high quality peace. The empirical findings provide a modest support to hypothesis and a weak support to the causal mechanism, as not all cases, having applied all three strategies, have achieved high quality peace and have promoted third-party guarantee and inclusivity. While the empirical findings point to other contextual factors that may affect the peace agreement implementation, the findings also indicate a potential promising mediation approach that combines directive strategy either with communicative-facilitative or procedural strategy putting more weight on the latter strategy.
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Pedagogers konflikthantering : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om konflikthantering i förskolanTiihonen, Sandra, Tofftin, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
I tidigare forskning beskrivs konflikthanteringsstrategierna, medlande, demokratisk och upphörande. Pedagoger anses gå för snabbt in i barns konflikter och hinner inte tänka efter hur de ska ingripa. Barnen kan då gå miste om andra kunskaper som uppkommer i olika hanteringar av konflikter. Syftet är att via intervjuer med pedagoger belysa olika strategier som används vid olika konfliktsituationer och sedan koppla dem till konflikthanteringsstrategierna. Frågeställningarna är, vad berättar pedagogerna om hur deras inställning är till barns konflikter med andra barn? Samt Hur kopplas pedagogernas hantering av barns konflikter i förskolan till medlande, demokratisk och upphörande konflikthanteringsstrategi? Teoretiska utgångspunkten är socialkonstruktionism där språket ses som en social handling och att verkligheten är socialt konstruerad samt det sociokulturella perspektivet som fokuserar på kommunikation och samspel mellan individer. Resultatet av analysen är uppdelat i tre teman, Stopp, verbal stöttning och fysisk stöttning. Slutsatsen är att när pedagogerna använder sig av upphörande strategi, får inte barnen uttrycka sina tankar och känslor. När pedagogerna använder sig av medlande och demokratisk strategi lyssnar pedagogerna på vad barnen har att säga och lyfter fram barnens tankar och känslor. Detta kan leda till att barnen får en förståelse för andras perspektiv och annan kunskap som kan konstrueras vid konflikthanteringssituationer. / This study describes conflict management strategies, mediation, democracy and cessation. Educators are considered to go too quickly into children's conflicts and do not have time to think about how to intervene. The children can then lose other knowledge that arises in different handling of conflicts. The purpose is through interviews with educators shed light on different strategies used in different conflict situations and then link them to the conflict management strategies. The questions are, what does the educators say about how their approach towards children's conflicts with other children? and how does educators ́ management of children ́s conflicts in preschool connect with mediation, democracy and cessation conflict management strategies?. The theoretical starting point is social constructionism where language is seen as a social act and that reality is socially constructed as well as the sociocultural perspective that focuses on communication and interaction between individuals. The results of the analysis are divided into three themes, stop, verbal support and physical support. The conclusion is that when educators use discontinuing strategy, children are not allowed to express their thoughts and feelings. When educators used mediation and democratic strategy, educators listen to what the children have to say and highlight the children's thoughts and feelings. This can lead to gaining and understanding of other ́s perspectives and other knowledge that can be constructed in conflict management situations.
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Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Parental Mediation Strategies of Parents of Children Under Two in the Digital EraHoffmann, Julia Vanessa January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates what parental mediation strategies parents of children under twouse and what factors are involved that influence their decisions. To find that out, it isalso of interest to this work how these parents integrate media in daily routines withtheir children and for what purposes they turn to digital devices. To find out about theirmediation strategies, six families kept a media diary and ten first-time parents wereinterviewed as follow-up to the diaries. The results of both methods showed that parentsof children under two mainly used restrictive mediation, active mediation and distantmediation. Restrictions regarded time, content, devices, and location. However, theserestrictions were no clear formulated rules yet but affiliate to the high awareness that theparticipants stated regarding media use with their children, probably also influenced bymoral panics. The same applies to distant mediation: even though media was used inmoments when parents needed to do e.g. housework, most parents refrained fromreferring to media as a ‘babysitter’. The most intriguing finding is that first-time parentsrestrict their own media use so that their child’s screen time is as little as possible.Acting as role models, parents would hide their devices when their child becomes awareor look at it somewhere where their child cannot see it. Factors that influencedmediation strategy decisions were high awareness also due to official recommendations,concerns of parents, positive notions towards media use, tendency to show more aschild grows, and negative emotions connected to media. With these findings, this thesiscontributes to contemporary research on mediation strategies of parents under twowhich is still scarce now but needs to be considered in further research as this studyproves.
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L’utilisation de l’évaluation dynamique dans le cadre du modèle de la RàI, au Secondaire, au QuébecOhnouna, Eva 12 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, le nombre d’élèves en difficulté d’adaptation et d’apprentissage (EHDAA) ne cesse d’augmenter (MEQ, 2021) et 40 % de ces élèves-là n’obtiendront pas de diplôme d’études secondaires (Guéricolas, 2018). Par conséquent, en 2020, la Réponse à l’intervention, modèle d’intervention à paliers multiples, prend de l’importance au Québec (MEES, 2020).
Comme un pourcentage d’élève en difficulté ne progresse pas, nous nous questionnons sur l’approche d’évaluation qui permettrait d’informer le personnel scolaire sur les interventions qui pourront aider ces élèves. Une des approches est l’évaluation dynamique (ÉD) (Overton, 2016) qui permet d’évaluer le potentiel d’apprentissage de l’apprenant par le biais d’enseignement de stratégie (médiation). Le but de la présente étude est d’explorer les apports et les limites de l’ÉD dans un contexte de RàI, au secondaire. Pour ce faire, les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : 1) Décrire une passation d’ÉD (en particulier la relation des trois pôles : la tâche, l’apprenant ou le médiateur) réalisée auprès d’un ÉHDAA se trouvant au secondaire dans un contexte de RàI ; 2) Décrire la relation entre la tâche et l’apprenant de même que les interactions (interventions cognitives et disciplinaires, niveaux d’assistance) entre le médiateur et l’apprenant ; 3) Décrire la progression de l’apprenant en réponse aux stratégies de médiation. Afin d’atteindre les différents objectifs, nous avons dans un premier temps établi une liste de six niveaux d’assistance, inspirée de Aldama (2017), de façon à pouvoir identifier les stratégies cognitives et de médiation en fonction du niveau d’assistance, allant de peu d’assistance à une assistance extrême. Nous avons par la suite observé et analysé les enregistrements vidéo de deux sessions d’une évaluation dynamique et tenu un entretien avec la personne qui a réalisé l’ÉD pour valider nos interprétations. Dans nos analyses, nous avons tenu compte du dossier de l’apprenant et des différentes observations faites. Enfin, nous avons consigné le tout dans une grille d’observations et d’analyse de résultats. Par le biais des données secondaires récoltées, nous avons relevé un lien entre le niveau d’assistance et le type d’interventions faites, nous avons également relevé la progression de l’apprenant à la suite des interventions. En conclusion, nous avons été en mesure d’observer la relation des trois pôles, analyser les différentes interactions ainsi que la progression de l’apprenant en réponse aux stratégies de médiation. Nous avons identifié les apports et les limites d’une ÉD en contexte de RÀI. Finalement, ces informations nous ont permis de formuler de pistes d’intervention pouvant soutenir la progression d’un apprenant. / In Quebec, the number of students with learning difficulties continues to increase (MEQ, 2021), and 40% of these students will not obtain a high school diploma (Guéricolas, 2018). Thus, in 2020, Response to Intervention, a multi-level intervention model, gained importance in Quebec (MEES, 2020). Since a percentage of students in difficulty are not progressing, we question the assessment approach that would inform school personnel on interventions that can help these students. One approach is dynamic assessment (DA) (Overton, 2016) which assesses learner learning potential through mediated instruction. The general purpose of this study is to explore the contributions and limitations of DA in an RTI context, at the secondary level. To this end, the specific objectives are as follows: 1) To describe a DA (in particular the relationship of the three poles: the task, the learner or the mediator) done with a special needs student who is in high school and in an RTI context; 2) To describe the relationship between the task and the learner as well as the interactions (cognitive and disciplinary interventions, levels of assistance) between the mediator and the learner; 3) To describe the learner's progress based on his or her responses to the mediation strategies. In order to achieve the different specific objectives, we first established a list of six levels of assistance, inspired by Aldama (2017), so that we could identify cognitive and mediation strategies according to the level of assistance, ranging from little assistance to extreme assistance. We subsequently observed and analyzed video recordings of two sessions of a dynamic assessment and held an interview with the person who conducted the DA to validate our interpretations. In our analyses, we considered the learner's file and all the observations. Finally, we recorded everything in a chart that analyses all the data from the video. Through the data collected, we found a link between the level of assistance and the type of interventions made, and we also noted the learner's progress following the interventions. In conclusion, we were able to observe the relationship between the three poles, analyze the different interactions as well as the learner's progression in response to the mediation strategies, and then we identified the advantages and limits of a DA in an RTI context. Finally, this information allowed us to formulate interventions and strategies that could support the learner's progress.
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