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Technologien zur Unterstützung Virtueller Organisationen in der GesundheitswirtschaftEsswein, Werner, Schlieter, Hannes January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Šíření inovací v medicínském prostředí: Meta - analýza případových studií / Diffusion of innovations in medical setting: A meta - analysis of Case studies.Řepíková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Diffusion of innovations in medical setting: A Meta-analysis of case studies" deals with contemporary shape of empirical diffusion research in public health and medical sociology field. By means of meta-analysis based on 23 case studies that was targeted on chosen aspects of investigation within the diffusion of innovations topic, on whole design of the research and on particular methodological procedures we arrived to wide thematic scope of these studies and their significant heterogeneity regarding methodological aspects. This fact testifies the large amount of possibilities that diffusion studies provide, even in such narrowed research area. Meta-analytical findings and studies divided into several typologies were then compared with an older study, where a pragmatic orientation of newer studies on a specific aspect of the whole process and practical task that needs to be solved, turned up. The sociological micro-theories making is then overshadowed by dealing with the actual field problems acute even more in the field of medicine. The communication processes at the level of interpersonal communication (that are, according to the generally accepted definition of diffusion of innovation, principal for the diffusive mechanism) as a dominant object of examination almost faded out....
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Innovation thérapeutique et accident médicamenteux : socio-genèse du scandale du benfluorex (Mediator®) et conditions de reconnaissance d'une pathologie émergente : les valvulopathies médicamenteuses / Therapeutic innovation and drug accidents : socio-genesis of benfluorex (Mediator®) scandal and the conditions of recognition of an emerging pathology : medicament induced valvulopathiesLellinger, Solène 18 December 2018 (has links)
Le retrait du Mediator®, médicament des Laboratoires Servier en vente de 1976 à 2009, s’effectue après l’identification de pathologies spécifiques des valves cardiaques : les valvulopathies médicamenteuses. Depuis, l’évènement est abordé sous l’angle du scandale médico-sanitaire, des défaillances du système de régulation et des méthodes d’influence d’un industriel sur des décideurs (politiques ou prescripteurs). Une procédure juridique pour établir des probables infractions aux lois pénales est en cours. Pour comprendre les origines et les conséquences de l’affaire du benfluorex – au-delà des champs de compétence juridiques et politiques – ce travail de thèse propose une analyse du processus de non-reconnaissance d’un effet indésirable grave d’un médicament pendant plus de 30 ans et surtout les effets de ce non-repérage sur ceux qui sont directement concernés : les personnes l’ayant consommé. À partir des données issues de deux enquêtes par questionnaire distinctes adressées l’une à des usagers du Mediator® et l’autre à des cardiologues notre travail établit six différentes « figures » théoriques et analytiques des personnes exposées à la molécule se trouvant au centre de notre enquête. / The withdrawal of Mediator®, a drug sold by Laboratoires Servier between 1976 and 2009, occurred after specific pathologies of cardiac valves were identified: the drug induced valvular heart disease. Since then, the incident has been approached from the angle of health and medical scandal, regulation failure and the influence of an industrial company on decision makers (political figures or prescribers). A legal procedure to establish probable violations of criminal laws is under way. To understand the origins and consequences of the benfluorex affair - beyond the fields of legal and political jurisdiction - this thesis proposes an analysis of the process of non-recognition of a serious adverse side effect of a drug for over 30 years and, above all, the effects of this non-recognition on those directly concerned: the people having taken it. Using data from two separate surveys, one of Mediator® users and the other of French cardiologists, this study establishes six different theoretical and analytical "figures" of people exposed to the molecule at the center of the investigation.
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La responsabilité civile des conseillers en génétique au Québec et les conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance : vers un encadrement juridique?Zawati, Ma'n Hilmi Mohammad 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis maintenant quelques décennies, les conseillers en génétique jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le domaine de la génétique médicale. Leur apport ainsi que l’importance de leur rôle sont aujourd’hui incontestables. Leur statut juridique, cependant, demeure incertain et requiert une analyse approfondie.
En effet, n’étant pas reconnue par le Code des professions du Québec, la pratique du conseil génétique se trouve conséquemment privée de la protection octroyée par ce Code aux autres professionnels, notamment celle ayant trait au titre et à l’exclusivité des actes. Devant ce statu quo et dans l’optique de la protection du public, l’étude de la responsabilité civile du conseiller en génétique s’avère nécessaire. Trois obligations principales ressortent de cette analyse, soit les obligations de compétence, de renseignement et de confidentialité.
En ce qui a trait aux conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance, elles ne sont pas négligeables. En vérité, l’inertie du législateur québécois floue la relation qu’a le conseiller en génétique avec les autres membres de son équipe multidisciplinaire, et ce, surtout en ce qui a trait à la délimitation des actes qu’il peut prodiguer. En effet, ce dernier risque d’empiéter sur certains aspects de la pratique médicale et infirmière, engendrant ainsi sa responsabilité pénale.
Finalement, il s’est avéré important de chercher des pistes de solutions étrangères pouvant se transposer au Québec. Le cas de la France se trouve à être un exemple pertinent, puisque le législateur français a reconnu législativement le conseiller en génétique en tant que professionnel et a protégé tant le titre que l’exclusivité des actes de ce dernier. / In recent decades, genetic counselors have played an increasingly important role in the field of medical genetics. Today, their contribution and the importance of their role are indisputable. Their legal status, however, remains uncertain and requires further analysis.
Indeed, not being recognized by the Professional Code of Quebec, the practice of genetic counselors is consequently deprived of the protection granted by this Code to other professionals, notably the exclusivity of their titles and acts. Given this status quo and with the aim of protecting the public, a study of the civil liability of genetic counselors becomes necessary. Three main duties of genetic counselors emerge from this analysis: the duty to proficiency, the duty to inform, and the duty of confidentiality.
Moreover, there are several legal consequences for non-recognition of this emerging profession. Indeed, the inaction of the Quebec legislator has resulted in a confusing relationship between the genetic counselor and the other members of the multidisciplinary team, especially with regard to the delimitation of services which the counselor can provide. Indeed, the latter may infringe on certain aspects of the medical practice and nursing, thereby engendering his penal liability.
This situation leads us to foreign jurisdictions in an effort to find possible solutions which can be transposed in Quebec. The situation in France comes as a relevant example, since the French legislature has legally recognized the genetic counselor as a professional and has protected his title as well as the exclusivity of his practice.
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Koupě obchodního závodu § 502 (soukromé ordinace lékaře) / Purchase of a business undertaking for the purposes of s 502 (private medical practice)Kropáčková, Žaneta January 2016 (has links)
- RESUME This work is concentrated on issue of purchase of medical practices which in this market period gains the importence. Even though today there is bigger and bigger demand for this transaction, legislation is not very well adapted to that. Medical practice can be perceived as undertaking pursuant to § 502 civil code. Because of that, it is possible to sell it (besides other ways) based on legal title business purchase contract pursuant to § 2175 civil code. Legal title business purchase contract is in practice used often, nevertheless whole process of purchase of medical practice based on legal title business purchase contract is not smooth. I would like to highlight the problems which can emerge. It is possible to divide this work into two parts. The first part deals with legal definitions and legal analysis of basic legal terms as undertaking, medical practice, provider of medical assistance services. We can find here also justification why it is possible to perceive medical practice as undertaking. The second part is focused on business purchase contract in general with specifics, which can arise in case of purchase of medical practice based on legal title business purchase contract. In second chapter (after the introduction), I define in general the concept of undertaking and I also...
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Efeitos da Regula????o Econ??mico-Financeira nas Estrat??gias de Financiamento das Operadoras de Plano De Sa??de: cooperativas m??dicas versus medicinas de grupoPinheiro, Isabel Cristina Barbosa 24 January 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-24 / The Brazilian public health system is deficient and doesn't fully meet the needs of the population. As a result, the private health care market has grown in recent years, which has changed the role of the state from executive to regulator of that sector. Regulation includes tackling the economic and financial issue. Our study aimed to identify the behavior of financing strategies adopted by medical cooperatives and group medicines to meet the regulatory benchmarks of the supplementary health care sector in Brazil. The survey results show that the mandatory Guaranteeing Assets (Ativos Garantidores, AG), 1st regulatory moment, resulted in a significant increase of both the overall and the long term indebtedness indexes, which reveals the use of Third-party capital instead of Equity capital. Only the Medical Cooperatives featured increased Overall Indebtedness, which means that the Medical Cooperatives, unlike Group Medicines, are capitalized by third party funds rather than by Equity Capital. Both modalities adopted the strategy of increasing their long-term debt and reducing their short term debt (debt composition). With the introduction of the Health Guarantor Fund (Fundo Garantidor da Sa??de, FGS), 2nd regulatory moment, the Overall and Current Liquidity indexes decreased, showing that the goal of the FGS program to reduce financial guarantees and to improve working capital wasn't met. Medical Cooperatives managed to reduce their overall debt, whereas the overall debt of Group Medicines increased. We conclude that there was a balance between the Indebtedness indexes and Liquidity over the period and that operators who wish to remain in the market must comply with the rules, adapting and improving the quality of their management / A rede p??blica de sa??de no Brasil ?? prec??ria e n??o atende de forma plena ??s necessidades da popula????o. Consequentemente, o mercado privado de assist??ncia ?? sa??de tem crescido nos ??ltimos anos e com isso a fun????o do Estado vem se alterando, passando de executor para regulador deste setor de atividade. Um alvo da regula????o ?? a quest??o econ??mico-financeira. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar o comportamento das estrat??gias de financiamento adotadas pelas cooperativas m??dicas e medicinas de grupo frente aos marcos regulat??rios do setor de sa??de suplementar no Brasil. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que com a obrigatoriedade dos Ativos Garantidores - AG, 1?? momento regulat??rio, os ??ndices de Endividamento, tanto geral quanto de longo prazo tiveram um aumento significativo, o que indica a utiliza????o de Capital de Terceiros ao inv??s do Capital Pr??prio. Observou-se que apenas as Cooperativas M??dicas apresentaram um aumento no Endividamento Geral. Isso indicou que as Cooperativas M??dicas, diferentemente, das Medicinas de Grupo, se capitalizaram com recursos de terceiros ao inv??s do Capital Pr??prio. Notou-se que ambas as modalidades adotaram a estrat??gia de aumentar a d??vida de longo prazo e reduzir as de curto prazo (composi????o do endividamento). Com a institui????o do Fundo Garantidor da Sa??de - FGS, 2?? momento regulat??rio, os ??ndices de Liquidez Geral e Corrente diminu??ram, indicando que a proposta do programa FGS, de reduzir as garantias financeiras e melhorar o capital de giro, n??o ocorreu. Observou-se que para as Cooperativas M??dicas o endividamento geral diminuiu e em contrapartida para as Medicinas de Grupo aumentou. Contudo, conclui-se que houve um equil??brio entre os ??ndices de Endividamento e Liquidez ao longo do per??odo e que para as operadoras se manterem no mercado ter??o que atender as regras, adaptando-se e melhorando a qualidade da sua gest??o
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La responsabilité civile des conseillers en génétique au Québec et les conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance : vers un encadrement juridique?Zawati, Ma'n Hilmi Mohammad 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis maintenant quelques décennies, les conseillers en génétique jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le domaine de la génétique médicale. Leur apport ainsi que l’importance de leur rôle sont aujourd’hui incontestables. Leur statut juridique, cependant, demeure incertain et requiert une analyse approfondie.
En effet, n’étant pas reconnue par le Code des professions du Québec, la pratique du conseil génétique se trouve conséquemment privée de la protection octroyée par ce Code aux autres professionnels, notamment celle ayant trait au titre et à l’exclusivité des actes. Devant ce statu quo et dans l’optique de la protection du public, l’étude de la responsabilité civile du conseiller en génétique s’avère nécessaire. Trois obligations principales ressortent de cette analyse, soit les obligations de compétence, de renseignement et de confidentialité.
En ce qui a trait aux conséquences juridiques de la non-reconnaissance, elles ne sont pas négligeables. En vérité, l’inertie du législateur québécois floue la relation qu’a le conseiller en génétique avec les autres membres de son équipe multidisciplinaire, et ce, surtout en ce qui a trait à la délimitation des actes qu’il peut prodiguer. En effet, ce dernier risque d’empiéter sur certains aspects de la pratique médicale et infirmière, engendrant ainsi sa responsabilité pénale.
Finalement, il s’est avéré important de chercher des pistes de solutions étrangères pouvant se transposer au Québec. Le cas de la France se trouve à être un exemple pertinent, puisque le législateur français a reconnu législativement le conseiller en génétique en tant que professionnel et a protégé tant le titre que l’exclusivité des actes de ce dernier. / In recent decades, genetic counselors have played an increasingly important role in the field of medical genetics. Today, their contribution and the importance of their role are indisputable. Their legal status, however, remains uncertain and requires further analysis.
Indeed, not being recognized by the Professional Code of Quebec, the practice of genetic counselors is consequently deprived of the protection granted by this Code to other professionals, notably the exclusivity of their titles and acts. Given this status quo and with the aim of protecting the public, a study of the civil liability of genetic counselors becomes necessary. Three main duties of genetic counselors emerge from this analysis: the duty to proficiency, the duty to inform, and the duty of confidentiality.
Moreover, there are several legal consequences for non-recognition of this emerging profession. Indeed, the inaction of the Quebec legislator has resulted in a confusing relationship between the genetic counselor and the other members of the multidisciplinary team, especially with regard to the delimitation of services which the counselor can provide. Indeed, the latter may infringe on certain aspects of the medical practice and nursing, thereby engendering his penal liability.
This situation leads us to foreign jurisdictions in an effort to find possible solutions which can be transposed in Quebec. The situation in France comes as a relevant example, since the French legislature has legally recognized the genetic counselor as a professional and has protected his title as well as the exclusivity of his practice.
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Soins primaires et performance : de la variabilité des pratiques des médecins généralistes au rôle de l'organisation des soins / Primary care and performance : from medical practice variation to the role of the practice organizationMousquès, Julien 10 December 2014 (has links)
La recherche économique considère le médecin généraliste comme un agent offrant à l’échange information et services intellectuels en santé à des principaux. L’imparfaite convergence entre leurs objectifs, comme la présence d’incertitudes et d’asymétries d’information, conduisent le médecin à « fixer » les quantités, l’effort fourni et la qualité des soins et services rendus. Cette thèse vise à identifier le rôle des caractéristiques des généralistes, de leur mode d’exercice ou d’organisation, sur la performance de leur activité, en s’appuyant sur trois articles. Le premier analyse les déterminants de la variabilité de prescription d’antibiotiques pour rhinopharyngite aiguë, le second évalue l’impact du travail en équipe avec des infirmières sur la qualité et l’efficience des soins pour les patients diabétiques, et le troisième évalue l’impact de l’exercice regroupé pluriprofessionnel sur l’activité et l’efficience productive des généralistes et l’efficience des recours aux soins ambulatoires de leurs patients. Ces travaux de recherche permettent d’interroger la faiblesse relative de la régulation de l’offre de soins ambulatoire en France en matière de politique de maîtrise de l’évolution des dépenses de santé en comparaison de celle portant sur la demande. / According to economic research, the general practitioner is considered as an agent that offered information and intellectual services in health to principals. Imperfect convergence between their objectives, like the presence of uncertainties and information asymmetries, lead the physician “to fix” the quantities, the effort and the quality of the care and services delivered. Based on three articles, this thesis aims at identifying the role of the characteristics of the general practitioners and of their practice organization, on activity performance. The first articles analyzes the determinants of the antibiotic prescription for acute rhinopharyngitis variability, the second evaluates the impact of team working with nurses on the quality and the efficiency of the care for diabetic patients, and the third evaluates the impact of multi-professional group practices on the activity and the productive efficiency of GPs and on the utilization of ambulatory health care and by their patients. These researches question the relative weakness of the ambulatory health care regulation in France in terms of health care expenditure containment policies in comparison with that bearing on demand.
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From Women and Magic to Men and Medicine: The Transition of Medical Authority and Persecution of Witches During the Late Middle AgesDoty, Gabrielle 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsTunková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
"The sick body needs a doctor friend sick souls." (Menandros)
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