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Avaliação do desempenho comercial do Mercosul: 1994 - 2005 / Evaluation of Mercosul\'s Trade Performance: 1994 - 2005Bastos, Luciana Aparecida 05 February 2009 (has links)
Esta Tese consiste em avaliar o desempenho comercial do Mercosul, no período de 1994- 2005. O intuito da mesma é verificar de que maneira as crises internacionais da década de 1990, bem como as crises conjunturais e estruturais das economias-membro, influenciaram no desempenho do comércio intra e extra-regional das mesmas, a saber: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai, nesse período. / This thesis consists of evaluating the Mercosur commercial performance from 1994 to 2005. It aims to verify both the form in which the 90s decade international crisis as well as the junctural and structural bodywork crisis affected the internal and external regions of Mercosur economies trade performance such as: Argentine, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay during the period mentioned above.
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Avaliação do desempenho comercial do Mercosul: 1994 - 2005 / Evaluation of Mercosul\'s Trade Performance: 1994 - 2005Luciana Aparecida Bastos 05 February 2009 (has links)
Esta Tese consiste em avaliar o desempenho comercial do Mercosul, no período de 1994- 2005. O intuito da mesma é verificar de que maneira as crises internacionais da década de 1990, bem como as crises conjunturais e estruturais das economias-membro, influenciaram no desempenho do comércio intra e extra-regional das mesmas, a saber: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai, nesse período. / This thesis consists of evaluating the Mercosur commercial performance from 1994 to 2005. It aims to verify both the form in which the 90s decade international crisis as well as the junctural and structural bodywork crisis affected the internal and external regions of Mercosur economies trade performance such as: Argentine, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay during the period mentioned above.
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Vybrané nové členské země Evropské unie: ekonomický vývoj a integrace v rámci EU / Selected new member countries of the European Union: economic development and integrationLantová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses macroeconomic development of five selected new member countries of the European Union, concretely the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus, Latvia and Bulgaria. The paper is divided into two periods of development - the period of pre-accession preparation ending in 2004 and the period since accession till the present, when the statistics have already been influenced by the global economic crisis. The comparison has been based upon the fundamental macroeconomic indicators such as GDP growth, rate of inflation, rate of unemployment or state of public finances. At the end of each chapter, a brief final summary of development of the examined countries in particular period is stated. The last chapter treats the involvement of new member states in the integration process, namely the country presidency of European Council. Till the present, only the Czech Republic and Slovenia presided the European Council. Other new member countries are yet to fulfil this duty. The integration process is being gradually joined by other, nowadays candidate countries, whose economic situation is also briefly described in chapter three. The aim of the paper is thus to evaluate the economic development of new member states of the EU, comparing the period before and after accession.
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The economic impact of different strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic : A comparison of economic growth between the zero and non-zero strategy among the OECD member countries / Den ekonomiska påverkan av olika strategier under Covid-19 pandemin : En jämförelse av ekonomisk tillväxt mellan en noll- och icke nollstrategi bland OECD:s medlemsländerZachau, Ida January 2022 (has links)
The global pandemic Covid-19 caused an inevitable impact on economic growth and public health. Policymakers were forced to opt for the zero or the non-zero strategy to ease the economic effects and stop the spreading of infection. Previous literature on the matter strikingly agreed that the zero strategy was optimal. This paper’s primary purpose is to analyse the impact of zero and non-zero strategies on economic growth by comparing the members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The empirical methodology utilised in this paper constitutes the traditional Difference in Difference (DiD) design in a two-way fixed effects framework. The dataset contained 38 OECD member countries during the period 2015 to 2021. The countries were assigned to a treatment group and a control group based on the chosen strategy. The main results contradict previous literature and presented a significant and negative relationship between the zero strategy and gross domestic product per capita growth. In the case of future global pandemics, these findings can facilitate the choice of action aiming to mitigate the economic effects.
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The impact of geopolitical risks on renewable energy demand in OECD countriesZhao, Z., Gozgor, Giray, Lau, M.C.K., Mahalik, M.K., Patel, G., Khalfaoui, R. 27 September 2023 (has links)
No / This paper examines the effects of geopolitical risks on renewable energy demand in 20 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries from 1970 to 2019. The renewable energy demand function includes carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, economic globalisation, natural resources rents, and per capita income as control variables. It is found that geopolitical risks reduce the demand for renewable energy and threaten climate change mitigation policies. Degrading the environment in terms of rising CO2 emissions is detrimental to the renewable energy demand. Natural resource rents also decrease renewable energy consumption. However, higher per capita income and economic globalisation significantly increase renewable energy consumption. These findings bear crucial policy implications for the Russia-Ukraine War era, suggesting that geopolitical risks discourage renewable energy demand. Therefore, policymakers in the OECD countries should focus on geopolitical harmony among economic agents, groups, and regions.
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Obstacles to the Implementation of the Financial Action Task Force’s Recommendations in the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)Phillipo, Jean January 2011 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Money laundering is a global problem that has adverse effects on both the developed and developing countries. If unchecked, it accelerates crime and criminal activities, affects the economy, undermines the integrity of financial markets, undermines the legitimate private sector, causes loss of revenue, poses security threats to privatisation efforts and brings about reputational risks as well as social costs.1 Given the transnational and cross-border nature of money laundering, the fight against it is global. This is why in 1989 the G72 countries decided to set up the FATF3 as a global standard-setting body for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and combating of terrorist financing (CFT). The FATF has since developed standards for countries across the globe to adopt so as to facilitate this global fight. The standards are in the form of recommendations, and so far there are Forty Recommendations on money laundering (hereafter referred so as the Recommendations), Eight Special Recommendations on CFT, and a Ninth Special Recommendation on cash-couriers. In order to enhance its work and the adoption of its Recommendations, the FATF has also facilitated the establishment of FATF- styled regional bodies (hereinafter referred to as FSRBs) across the world. One such group is ESAAMLG, which was established in 1999. Its mandate is to coordinate and guide its member countries in the implementation of the Recommendations and guidelines. Currently, it has 15 member countries.8 Over the first ten years of its existence, among other things, ESAAMLG has through its members, achieved the following in its mandate: all members except Uganda have enacted AML legislation and some have set up structures that are essential for the implementation of the Recommendations Despite the above-mentioned achievements, the overall implementation of the Recommendations has been generally slow and low. Most of the member countries have not yet enforced their enacted AML legislation as evidenced by low rate of money laundering prosecutions in the region. Some have not yet established financial intelligence Units (FIUs) nor ratified or domesticated important AML related international legal instruments, let alone train personnel adequately. The international instruments comprise the 2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (Palermo Convention) and the1988 United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Vienna Convention). There are also inordinate delays in the passing of AML legislation as well as the amendment of other domestic legislation, which is necessary in order to harmonise such laws with the AML standards. This gives rise to unevenness, disconnectedness and time variability in the implementation of the Recommendations among the member countries. The main question this paper seeks to answer is this: Are there obstacles to the implementation of the Recommendations in Eastern and Southern Africa?
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The European Unit – a Foreign Currency? : A West German Point of ViewGramlich, Ludwig 13 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The author sketches the development and legal status of the European Currency Unit (ECU), the predecessor of today's European single currency Euro, and asks whether from the perspective of (former) German monetary law, this currency unit had to be looked at not as a domestic currency ("Deutsche Mark"), but rather as a foreign one.
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Efterlevnaden av internationella rekommendationer om förebyggande av penningtvätt / Compliance with international recommendations on the prevention of money laundering.Kristof, Edina Maria, Nilsson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) är det främsta internationella organ som verkar i kampen mot penningtvätt, i syfte att utveckla och förbättra de nationella systemen, stärka ett lands finansiella säkerhet och stärka det internationella samarbetet. FATF`s rekommendationer, liksom dess ömsesidiga utvärderingsprogram, är så kraftfullt att de anses som en "gyllene standard" beträffande penningtvätt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur Sverige som medlemsland uppfyller efterlevnaden av FATF’s rekommendationer i granskningschecklistan, med särskild tonvikt på kundkännedomskraven, i jämförelse med FATF’s andra medlemsländer. Undersökningen baseras på FATF’s 34 medlemsländers ömsesidiga utvärderingsrapport, som vi bearbetar genom en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod. Studiens resultat visar att medlemsländernas genomsnittliga efterlevnadsnivå av samtliga rekommendationer är 53,3 %. Sverige uppfyller rekommendationerna till 51,8 %. Medelvärdet för samtliga medlemsländer beträffande åtgärderna för kundkännedom är 38,1 %. Sverige ligger under genomsnittet på 28,6 %. Studieresultaten visar tydligt att Sveriges efterlevnadsnivå, av FATF’s samtliga rekommendationer, ligger på liknade genomsnittsnivå som övriga medlemsländer. Av samtliga 34 medlemsländer ligger Sverige på 19:e plats. Resultatet indikerar på att det behövs ytterligare insatser för att bekämpa penningtvätt på ett mer tillfredställande sätt. Vi kan även konstatera genom vår studie att Sveriges genomsnittliga efterlevnadsnivå på kundkännedomsåtgärder är betydligt lägre än övriga medlemsländers genomsnittsnivå. Av samtliga 34 medlemsländer ligger Sverige på 24:e plats. Det innebär att Sverige behöver mer målmedvetna åtgärder för de finansiella instituten och tillsynsmyndigheter för att förbättra efterlevnaden. Skillnaden i kundkännedomsregleringar kan tolkas av olika rekommendationers tillämpbarhet. Det beror på att vissa kundkännedomsrekommendationer inte är kompatibla eller tillämpbara. I vår studie har vi inte kunnat fastställa några mätbara faktorer till olikheter/likheter mellan ländernas efterlevnadsnivå utifrån granskningschecklistan, men från tidigare rapporter finns förbindelse mellan regleringsnivå i respektive land och efterlevnad. Det finns även en förbindelse mellan kostnadsstrategi och graden på efterlevnadsnivå Vilka skillnader och likheter som förekommer mellan ländernas efterlevnadsnivå har vi däremot kunnat konstatera. / Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the main international body active in the fight against money laundering, in order to develop and improve national systems, strengthen the country's financial security and strengthen international cooperation. FATF `s recommendations, as well as its mutual evaluation program, are so powerful that they regarded as a" gold standard "for money laundering. The purpose of this paper is to identify how Sweden as a member country meets compliance with the FATF's recommendations in the audit checklist, with special emphasis on customer identification procedures, in comparison with the FATF's other member countries. The survey is based on the FATF's 34 member countries mutual evaluation report, which we process through a quantitative research method. Our results demonstrate that the Member States' average level of compliance of all the recommendations is 53.3%. Sweden fulfills the recommendations to 51.8%. The mean value of all member countries on measures of customer due diligence is 38.1%. Sweden is below average at 28.6%. The study results clearly indicate that Sweden's level of compliance, the FATF's recommendations all, is in a similar average level of other member countries. Of all the 34 member countries, Sweden is in 19th place. The results indicate that further efforts are needed to combat money laundering in a more satisfactory way. We can also observe through our study that Sweden's average levels of compliance due diligence measures are significantly lower than other Member States average. Of all the 34 member countries, Sweden is in 24th place. This means that Sweden needs more ambitious measures for financial institutions and regulators to improve compliance. The difference in customer due diligence regulations can be interpreted by different recommendations applicability. It is because some due diligence recommendations are not compatible or applicable. In our study, we have not been able to identify any measurable factors for differences / similarities between the countries' level of compliance based audit checklist, but from previous reports are connection between the level of regulation in each country and compliance. There is also a connection between the cost approach and the degree of compliance on what differences and similarities that exist between the countries' level of compliance, we have however been observed.
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Diferenciace evropského integračního procesu / Differentiation of European Integration ProcessSvobodová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The main task of the thesis entitled Differentiation of European Integration Process is historical excursus into the development of the policy of differentiation and flexibility within the European integration member countries. The thesis points out the comparison of the speeches delivered by leading representatives that helped forming theoretical basis of this european policy. The thesis then also characterises the main models of differentiated collaboration and evaluates their present contribution and future utilisation. With help of theoretical foundings the thesis then analyses three particular examples of differentiation in existing European integration process.
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The European Unit – a Foreign Currency? : A West German Point of ViewGramlich, Ludwig 13 March 2009 (has links)
The author sketches the development and legal status of the European Currency Unit (ECU), the predecessor of today's European single currency Euro, and asks whether from the perspective of (former) German monetary law, this currency unit had to be looked at not as a domestic currency ("Deutsche Mark"), but rather as a foreign one.
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