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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the Interfacial Chemistry Between Vapor-Deposited Metals and Organic Thin Films by Raman Spectroscopy

Davis, Robert Jackson January 2008 (has links)
The use of Raman spectroscopy in ultra high vacuum to assess structure and reactivity at the interface of tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3) with vapordeposited metals is presented. Understanding the structure of the interface between electron transport layer materials such as Alq3 and low work function metals such as Al, Mg and Ca is vital for engineering organic light emitting diodes with high efficiency and low driving voltage. Reactivity at the interface of Al, Mg and Ca with Alq₃ thin films is examined with Raman spectroscopy along with the non-reactive Ag/Alq₃ interface for comparison. Additionally, the effect of a thin LiF barrier layer on reactivity at the Al/Alq₃ and Mg/Alq₃ interfaces is also examined. Raman spectroscopy of post-deposited Ag on Alq3 films confirms preservation of the Alq₃ structure along with evolution of simple surface enhancement of Alq₃ spectral intensities. Changes in key vibrational modes of Alq₃ upon Ag deposition are consistent with weak interaction of Ag with the conjugated ring of the ligand. In contrast, vapor deposition of Al onto Alq₃ films results in the appearance of new Raman modes linked to the formation of an Al-Alq₃ adduct. Additionally, Raman modes associated with graphitic carbon are also noted for the Al/Alq₃ interface and are attributed to partial degradation of the organic film. The Raman spectral results for deposition of Mg onto Alq3 films also indicate formation of a complex interfacial region composed primarily of Mg-Alq₃ adducts and small-grained amorphous or nanocrystalline graphite. Raman spectroscopy of the Ca/Alq₃ interface is also indicative of formation of a Ca-Alq₃ complex; however, the graphitic carbon in this system is noted to be more disordered, sp³-type carbon compared to that observed for Al/Alq₃ and Mg/Alq₃. Examination of the Al/LiF/Alq₃ and Mg/LiF/Alq₃ interfaces illustrates that 5 Å-thick LiF layers partially block reaction chemistry between the metal and organic, while 10 Å thick LiF films completely eliminates reactivity at these interfaces. Implications of the presence of chemical species observed at these metal/organic interfaces on charge transport in devices are also discussed.

Electronic and structural characterizations of a transparent conductive oxide/organic interface : towards applications for organic electronic devices / Caractérisations électroniques et structurelles d'une interface oxyde transparent conducteur/organique : vers des applications en électronique organique

Arnoux, Quentin 15 September 2017 (has links)
Nous avons déterminé l'alignement des niveaux énergétiques d’un solide moléculaire organique, transporteurs de trous, avec un oxyde d'indium dopé à l’étain (ITO), un conducteur transparent. Les molécules étudiées, basées sur une structure dipyranylidène (DIP), diffèrent par leur hétéroatome (O, S et Se). La spectroscopie de photoémission X a été utilisée pour déterminer cet alignement, et nous avons étudié l'orientation moléculaire par spectromicroscopie d'absorption X. Des calculs DFT ont été réalisés pour interpréter les données spectroscopiques. Nous avons constaté la présence d'un transfert de charge, au moins pour les dérivés oxygénés et soufrés. Celui-ci a lieu des molécules vers l’ITO, lorsqu'ils sont en contact intime avec le substrat. Nous avons déterminé la barrière d'injection des trous entre le niveau de Fermi de l’ITO et la HOMO du solide organique. Notre approche expérimentale met l'accent sur la relation entre les propriétés structurelles et les propriétés électroniques. Ces résultats ont été obtenus pendant des runs synchroton en France (SOLEIL), en Italie (ELETTRA) et en Suisse (SLS). / The energy level alignment of hole-transport organic molecular solids with indium tin oxide (ITO), a transparent conducting oxide, has been characterized. The studied molecules, based on the dipyranylidene (DIP) structure, differ by the heteroatom (O, S and Se). Synchrotron photoemission electron spectroscopy has been used to determine the alignment, and we investigated the molecular orientation via X-ray absorption spectromicroscopy. By interpreting spectroscopic data in the light of DFT calculations, we found evidence of the presence of charge transfer from the molecules to the ITO, when they are in intimate contact with the substrate, at least for the O and S-DIPs. The hole injection barrier between the ITO Fermi level and the organic HOMO was obtained. Our experimental approach emphasizes the relationship between structural and electronic properties. These results were obtained during beamtimes in France (SOLEIL), Italy (ELETTRA) and Switzerland (SLS).

Optical Anisotropy and Molecular Orientation of CuPc Films and Optical Properties of Ultra-thin High-k Films

Ding, Li 15 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the thesis CuPc thin films were investigated by (in situ) SE and RAS, which are employed to determine the out-of-plane and in-plane optical anisotropy and molecular orientation, respectively. CuPc is a promising candidate of organic semiconductors used in organic field effect transistors, organic light emitting diodes and organic solar cells. Vicinal Si(111) substrates are interesting due to the in-plane anisotropy caused by the steps and terraces on the surface. The strength of in-plane anisotropy of vicinal Si(111) is dependent on the offcut angle. The influence of offcut angle on out-of-plane and in-plane molecular orientation in CuPc thin films is explored. The in situ investigation of CuPc films suggests that structural changes occur during film growth. In addition, two different surface modification layers were utilized to examine the effect on CuPc molecular orientation: OTS monolayer with upright standing molecules and PTCDA layers with flat lying molecules. Metal-organic interface plays an important role in organic electronic devices. In-CuPc is chosen to be an example system investigated employing in situ SE and RAS. When In was thermally evaporated onto CuPc film, In atoms firstly diffuse into the CuPc film underneath and then aggregate to form clusters on top. Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) is currently a hot topic to replace the conventionally used SiO2 as gate dielectrics in order to minimize leakage current when further scaling down microelectronic devices. Since HfO2 films are often crystalline, in order to obtain amorphous films which are beneficial to minimize leakage current, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) (k value: 9) which stays amorphous at much higher temperatures are combined to overcome this difficulty. Two series of ultra-thin samples were deposited by atomic layer deposition: mixed layers HfxAl1-xOz and bilayers HfO2 on Al2O3. Optical constants and bandgap are determined using SE in the energy range of 0.7-10 eV. It is found that the (effective) optical bandgap of both mixed layer and bilayer structures can be tuned by the film composition. Aging effect of high-k films was observed after storage of samples in air for two months, which is attributed to further oxidation of the dielectric films caused by the oxygen diffusion from ambient air to high-k films. / In dieser Arbeit werden dünne Schichten aus Kupferphthalozyanin (CuPc) mittels spektroskopischer (in-situ) Ellipsometrie (SE) und (in-situ) Reflektions-Anisotropie-Spektroskopie (RAS) untersucht, um die optische Anisotropie in einer Ebene parallel und senkrecht zur Schichtoberfläche und die molekulare Orientierung zu bestimmen. CuPc ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat als organischer Halbleiter in organischen Feldeffekt-Transistoren, organischen Leuchtdioden und organischen Solarzellen. Vizinale Si(111)-Substrate sind wegen der Anisotropie in der Substratebene interessant, die durch die Treppen und Terrassen auf der Oberfläche verursacht wird. Die Stärke der Anisotropie der vizinalen Si(111)-Oberfläche ist vom Schnittwinkel (Offcut) abhängig. Es wird der Einfluss des Offcut-Winkels auf die molekulare Orientierung in dünnen CuPc-Schichten parallel und senkrecht zur Substratoberfläche untersucht. Die in-situ Untersuchungen von CuPc-Schichten weisen darauf hin, dass strukturelle Veränderungen beim Wachstum auftreten. Darüber hinaus wurden zwei unterschiedliche Oberflächenmodifizierungsschichten, um deren Wirkung auf die molekulare Orientierung von CuPc zu untersuchen, verwendet: eine OTS-Monoschicht mit aufrecht stehenden Molekülen und PTCDA-Schichten mit flach liegenden Molekülen. Metall-organische Grenzflächen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in organischen elektronischen Bauelementen. In-CuPc wird als Beispiel für ein Metall-organisches System durch in-situ SE und RAS untersucht. Wenn In thermisch auf eine CuPc-Schicht aufgedampft wird, diffundieren In-Atome zunächst in die darunterliegende CuPc-Schicht und bilden dann Cluster auf der Schicht. Hafniumdioxid (HfO2) ist ein heißer Kandidat für das Ersetzen des herkömmlich als Gate-Dielektrikum verwendeten SiO2 mit dem Ziel, die Leckströme bei der weiteren Verkleinerung mikroelektronischer Bauelemente zu minimieren. Um amorphe Schichten, die vorteilhaft zur Minimierung der Leckströme sind, zu erhalten, werden die HfO2-Schichten, die oft kristallin sind, mit Aluminiumoxid (Al2O3) (k-Wert: 9) kombiniert, das bei wesentlich höheren Temperaturen amorph bleibt. Zwei Serien von ultra-dünnen Proben wurden durch Atomlagenabscheidung hergestellt: Mischschichten HfxAl1-xOz und Doppelschichten HfO2 auf Al2O3. Die optischen Konstanten und Bandlücken wurden mittels SE im Energiebereich von 0,7 bis 10 eV bestimmt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die (effektive) Bandlücke der Misch- und Doppelschichten durch die Komposition abgestimmt werden kann. Nach Lagerung der High-k-Schichten für zwei Monate an Luft konnte ein Alterungseffekt beobachtet werden. Dieser wird auf die weitere Oxidation der dielektrischen Schichten, die durch Sauerstoffdiffusion aus der Umgebungsluft in die High-k-Schichten ermöglicht wird, zurückgeführt.

Electronic properties of metal-organic and organic-organic interfaces studied by photoemission and photoabsorption spectroscopy / Elektronische Eigenschaften von Metall/Organischen und Organik/Organischen Grenzflächen, untersucht mit Hilfe von Photoemissionsspektroskopie und Nahkantenröntgenfeinstrukturmessungen

Molodtsova, Olga 14 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this work systematic studies of the organic semiconductor CuPc have been presented. In general the investigation can be devided in three parts. In the first one we have studied the electronic structure of clean CuPc thin film. The next two parts are devoted to organic-organic and metal–organic interface formation, where one of the interface components is CuPc thin film. The main results of this thesis are: - The electronic structure of the pristine organic semiconductor CuPc (valence band and empty states) has been obtained by a combination of conventional and resonant photoemission, near-edge X-ray absorption, as well as by theoretical ab initio quantum-chemical calculations. A qualitative assignment of different VB structures has been given, or in other words the contributions of different atomic species as well as sites of the CuPc molecule to the electronic DOS has been established. In particular, it was shown, that the HOMO is mainly comprised of the spectral weights from the orbitals of carbon pyrolle atoms. Additional contributions to the HOMO stems from the benzene atoms. A combined experimental and theoretical study of the unoccupied electronic density of states of CuPc was presented. Our study allows identifying the contributions from different parts of the molecule to the unoccupied DOS and the measured spectra, which lays grounds for future studies of the evolution of the CuPc electronic states upon e.g. functionalization or doping. Application of similar studies to other organic semiconductors will also provide significant insight into their unoccupied electronic states. - The electronic properties of the organic heterointerfaces between fullerite and pristine copper phthalocyanine were studied. Both interfaces, CuPc/C60 and C60/CuPc, were found to be non-reactive with pronounced shifts of the vacuum level pointing to the formation of an interfacial dipole mainly at the CuPc side of the heterojunctions. The dipole values are close to the difference of the work functions of the two materials. Important interface parameters and hole-injection barriers were obtained. The sequence of deposition does not influence the electronic properties of the interfaces. - CuPc doped with potassium was studied by means of photoemission and photoabsorption spectroscopy. A detailed analysis of the core-level PE spectra allows one to propose possible lattice sites, which harbor the potassium ions. Contrasting to a few results reported in the literature, the films prepared in this thesis showed no finite electronic density of states at the Fermi level. - Two stages of the In/CuPc interface formation have been distinguished. The low-coverage stage is characterized by a strong diffusion of the In atoms into the organic film. Metal ions occupy sites close to the pyrolle nitrogen and strongly interact with molecules transferring negative charge to CuPc. Indium diffusion into the organic films saturates at a stoichiometry of In2CuPc. Subsequently, in the second stage the formation of a metallic indium film occurs on the top of the In2CuPc film. - Upon deposition on CuPc film Sn and Ag atoms do not diffuse into the organic film forming metallic clusters and/or thin metallic overlayer. Sharp metal-organic film interface is formed, in contrast to indium and potassium deposition. Presented experimental results also give evidence for absence of noticeable chemical reaction of Sn and Ag with CuPc thin film. - The systematic investigation of interface formation between CuPc thin film and various metals gives us the possibility to summarize all results with demonstrating similarities and differences for all systems studied.

Μελέτη διεπιφανειών οργανικών ημιαγωγών με ανόργανα υποστρώματα με εφαρμογή σε οργανικά ηλεκτρονικά

Τσικριτζής, Δημήτρης 13 January 2015 (has links)
Το ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον για τους οργανικούς ημιαγωγούς είναι συνεχώς αυξανόμενο τα τελευταία χρόνια, καθώς η αγορά των οργανικών ηλεκτρονικών είναι από τις πιο αναπτυσσόμενες. Για την καλή απόδοση των διατάξεων αυτών σημαντικός είναι ο ρόλος των διεπιφανειών. Οι οικογένειες των n-type οργανικών ημιαγωγών naphthalene bisimides και perylene bisimides έχουν δείξει καλές αποδόσεις σε οργανικά τρανζίστορ. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκαν οι διεπιφάνειες νέων οργανικών ημιαγωγών από τις παραπάνω οι οικογένειες οργανικών πάνω σε ανόργανα υποστρώματα με φασματοσκοπίες φωτοηλεκτρονίων. Μελετήθηκε ο σχηματισμός λεπτών υμενίων, πάχους έως τα 10 nm, τριών naphthalene οργανικών ημιαγωγών με διαφορετικό ενεργειακό χάσμα πάνω στον χρυσό και ενός perylene πάνω σε χρυσό και SiO2. Σκοπός ήταν να προσδιοριστεί η επίδραση των διαφορετικών υποκαταστατών του κεντρικού πυρήνα των naphthalene bisimides, στα ενεργειακά χαρακτηριστικά του ημιαγωγού και τα φράγματα έγχυσης των φορέων στην διεπιφάνεια με τον χρυσό. Ο τρόπος ανάπτυξης των όλων των οργανικών ημιαγωγών προσδιορίστηκε ως πολλαπλά στρώματα. Σε μια περίπτωση εντοπίστηκε ότι αλλάζει από οριζόντιο σε κάθετο ο προσανατολισμός των μορίων. Προσδιορίστηκαν όλα τα μεγέθη που χαρακτηρίσουν ενεργειακά την διεπιφάνεια. Συγκεκριμένα, σε όλες τις διεπιφάνειες εμφανίζεται ένα διεπιφανειακό δίπολο λόγω της αναδιάταξης του ηλεκτρονιακού νέφους της επιφάνειας του χρυσού από τα μόρια του οργανικού. Επίσης, οι τιμές των φραγμάτων έγχυσης των ηλεκτρονίων που υπολογίστηκαν είναι αρκετά μικρές που δείχνουν το n-type χαρακτήρα των οργανικών. Οι τιμές του δυναμικού ιονισμού που υπολογίστηκαν ήταν όλες μεγαλύτερες του 5, που είναι προϋπόθεση για τα τρανζίστορ να είναι σταθερά στον αέρα, ενώ σε μια περίπτωση η τιμή ήταν αρκετά μικρή, που δείχνει ότι ο συγκεκριμένος οργανικός ημιαγωγός μπορεί να έχει ambipolar χαρακτηριστικά. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι ο χρυσός μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί αποτελεσματικά ως ηλεκτρόδιο σε τρανζίστορ με n-type οργανικούς ημιαγωγούς. Τέλος, από τα αποτελέσματα τονίστηκε ότι με την υποκατάσταση χημικών ομάδων στον κεντρικό πυρήνα του naphthalene, μια εύκολη διαδικασία, είναι δυνατόν να οδηγηθεί ενεργειακά η διεπιφάνεια προς την επιθυμητή κατεύθυνση. / In the recent years the interest on organic semiconductors is increased as the market of organic electronics is one of most promising. The interfaces between the organic semiconductors with metals or other materials are crucial for the performance of the devices. The study of interfaces by surface sensitive techniques could give useful information for the physics of metal-organic contacts and therefore it is possible the tuning and the improvement of the device performance. The n-type organic semiconductors derivatives of naphthalene bisimides and perylene bisimides, have shown good performance in OFETs. In this work, the interfaces of new synthesized naphthalene bisimides and perylene bisimides molecules with inorganic substrates have been studied by photoelectron spectroscopies. Thin films up to 10 nm thickness of three naphthalene organic semiconductors of different energy gap on Au substrates have been studied. The aim was to investigate the effect of the different substituents of the naphthalene core on the energy characteristics of the organic semiconductors and on the charge injection barriers at the interface. Moreover, the interface of one perylene n-type semiconductor deposited on Au and SiO2 was studied in order to examine the influence of the substrate on the growth mode and the electronic properties. The growth mode of all the organic semiconductors was characterized as simultaneous multilayers. In one case, the orientation of the organic molecules was changed from horizontal to vertical to the surface. In all the interfaces an interface dipole is formed during the early stage of deposition which is attributed to the reorganization of the electron cloud of the Au surface by the organic molecules when they are deposited on Au. The hole and electron injection barriers were also determined. The electron injection barriers were found to be small which indicates the n-type character of these organic molecules. In addition, the results displayed that the Au can be used efficiently as electrode in devices with these organic semiconductors. The ionization potentials of the organic semiconductors were measured and found to be above 5 eV for all and therefore, they are suitable for air-stable transistors. In the case of one organic semiconductor the ionization potential was measured close to the value of five. Thus, this organic semiconductor is suitable for ambipolar transistors. The valance band characteristics near the HOMO, as detected by the UPS spectra, showed that they are affected by the different substituents on the side groups of the imide. These results have shown that changing the substituents of the organic core, which is an easy process; it is possible to tune the energy levels and the electronic characteristics of the interface.

Optical Anisotropy and Molecular Orientation of CuPc Films and Optical Properties of Ultra-thin High-k Films: Optical Anisotropy and Molecular Orientation of CuPc Films and Optical Properties of Ultra-thin High-k Films

Ding, Li 25 September 2012 (has links)
In the thesis CuPc thin films were investigated by (in situ) SE and RAS, which are employed to determine the out-of-plane and in-plane optical anisotropy and molecular orientation, respectively. CuPc is a promising candidate of organic semiconductors used in organic field effect transistors, organic light emitting diodes and organic solar cells. Vicinal Si(111) substrates are interesting due to the in-plane anisotropy caused by the steps and terraces on the surface. The strength of in-plane anisotropy of vicinal Si(111) is dependent on the offcut angle. The influence of offcut angle on out-of-plane and in-plane molecular orientation in CuPc thin films is explored. The in situ investigation of CuPc films suggests that structural changes occur during film growth. In addition, two different surface modification layers were utilized to examine the effect on CuPc molecular orientation: OTS monolayer with upright standing molecules and PTCDA layers with flat lying molecules. Metal-organic interface plays an important role in organic electronic devices. In-CuPc is chosen to be an example system investigated employing in situ SE and RAS. When In was thermally evaporated onto CuPc film, In atoms firstly diffuse into the CuPc film underneath and then aggregate to form clusters on top. Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) is currently a hot topic to replace the conventionally used SiO2 as gate dielectrics in order to minimize leakage current when further scaling down microelectronic devices. Since HfO2 films are often crystalline, in order to obtain amorphous films which are beneficial to minimize leakage current, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) (k value: 9) which stays amorphous at much higher temperatures are combined to overcome this difficulty. Two series of ultra-thin samples were deposited by atomic layer deposition: mixed layers HfxAl1-xOz and bilayers HfO2 on Al2O3. Optical constants and bandgap are determined using SE in the energy range of 0.7-10 eV. It is found that the (effective) optical bandgap of both mixed layer and bilayer structures can be tuned by the film composition. Aging effect of high-k films was observed after storage of samples in air for two months, which is attributed to further oxidation of the dielectric films caused by the oxygen diffusion from ambient air to high-k films. / In dieser Arbeit werden dünne Schichten aus Kupferphthalozyanin (CuPc) mittels spektroskopischer (in-situ) Ellipsometrie (SE) und (in-situ) Reflektions-Anisotropie-Spektroskopie (RAS) untersucht, um die optische Anisotropie in einer Ebene parallel und senkrecht zur Schichtoberfläche und die molekulare Orientierung zu bestimmen. CuPc ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat als organischer Halbleiter in organischen Feldeffekt-Transistoren, organischen Leuchtdioden und organischen Solarzellen. Vizinale Si(111)-Substrate sind wegen der Anisotropie in der Substratebene interessant, die durch die Treppen und Terrassen auf der Oberfläche verursacht wird. Die Stärke der Anisotropie der vizinalen Si(111)-Oberfläche ist vom Schnittwinkel (Offcut) abhängig. Es wird der Einfluss des Offcut-Winkels auf die molekulare Orientierung in dünnen CuPc-Schichten parallel und senkrecht zur Substratoberfläche untersucht. Die in-situ Untersuchungen von CuPc-Schichten weisen darauf hin, dass strukturelle Veränderungen beim Wachstum auftreten. Darüber hinaus wurden zwei unterschiedliche Oberflächenmodifizierungsschichten, um deren Wirkung auf die molekulare Orientierung von CuPc zu untersuchen, verwendet: eine OTS-Monoschicht mit aufrecht stehenden Molekülen und PTCDA-Schichten mit flach liegenden Molekülen. Metall-organische Grenzflächen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in organischen elektronischen Bauelementen. In-CuPc wird als Beispiel für ein Metall-organisches System durch in-situ SE und RAS untersucht. Wenn In thermisch auf eine CuPc-Schicht aufgedampft wird, diffundieren In-Atome zunächst in die darunterliegende CuPc-Schicht und bilden dann Cluster auf der Schicht. Hafniumdioxid (HfO2) ist ein heißer Kandidat für das Ersetzen des herkömmlich als Gate-Dielektrikum verwendeten SiO2 mit dem Ziel, die Leckströme bei der weiteren Verkleinerung mikroelektronischer Bauelemente zu minimieren. Um amorphe Schichten, die vorteilhaft zur Minimierung der Leckströme sind, zu erhalten, werden die HfO2-Schichten, die oft kristallin sind, mit Aluminiumoxid (Al2O3) (k-Wert: 9) kombiniert, das bei wesentlich höheren Temperaturen amorph bleibt. Zwei Serien von ultra-dünnen Proben wurden durch Atomlagenabscheidung hergestellt: Mischschichten HfxAl1-xOz und Doppelschichten HfO2 auf Al2O3. Die optischen Konstanten und Bandlücken wurden mittels SE im Energiebereich von 0,7 bis 10 eV bestimmt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die (effektive) Bandlücke der Misch- und Doppelschichten durch die Komposition abgestimmt werden kann. Nach Lagerung der High-k-Schichten für zwei Monate an Luft konnte ein Alterungseffekt beobachtet werden. Dieser wird auf die weitere Oxidation der dielektrischen Schichten, die durch Sauerstoffdiffusion aus der Umgebungsluft in die High-k-Schichten ermöglicht wird, zurückgeführt.

Electronic properties of metal-organic and organic-organic interfaces studied by photoemission and photoabsorption spectroscopy

Molodtsova, Olga 18 July 2007 (has links)
In this work systematic studies of the organic semiconductor CuPc have been presented. In general the investigation can be devided in three parts. In the first one we have studied the electronic structure of clean CuPc thin film. The next two parts are devoted to organic-organic and metal–organic interface formation, where one of the interface components is CuPc thin film. The main results of this thesis are: - The electronic structure of the pristine organic semiconductor CuPc (valence band and empty states) has been obtained by a combination of conventional and resonant photoemission, near-edge X-ray absorption, as well as by theoretical ab initio quantum-chemical calculations. A qualitative assignment of different VB structures has been given, or in other words the contributions of different atomic species as well as sites of the CuPc molecule to the electronic DOS has been established. In particular, it was shown, that the HOMO is mainly comprised of the spectral weights from the orbitals of carbon pyrolle atoms. Additional contributions to the HOMO stems from the benzene atoms. A combined experimental and theoretical study of the unoccupied electronic density of states of CuPc was presented. Our study allows identifying the contributions from different parts of the molecule to the unoccupied DOS and the measured spectra, which lays grounds for future studies of the evolution of the CuPc electronic states upon e.g. functionalization or doping. Application of similar studies to other organic semiconductors will also provide significant insight into their unoccupied electronic states. - The electronic properties of the organic heterointerfaces between fullerite and pristine copper phthalocyanine were studied. Both interfaces, CuPc/C60 and C60/CuPc, were found to be non-reactive with pronounced shifts of the vacuum level pointing to the formation of an interfacial dipole mainly at the CuPc side of the heterojunctions. The dipole values are close to the difference of the work functions of the two materials. Important interface parameters and hole-injection barriers were obtained. The sequence of deposition does not influence the electronic properties of the interfaces. - CuPc doped with potassium was studied by means of photoemission and photoabsorption spectroscopy. A detailed analysis of the core-level PE spectra allows one to propose possible lattice sites, which harbor the potassium ions. Contrasting to a few results reported in the literature, the films prepared in this thesis showed no finite electronic density of states at the Fermi level. - Two stages of the In/CuPc interface formation have been distinguished. The low-coverage stage is characterized by a strong diffusion of the In atoms into the organic film. Metal ions occupy sites close to the pyrolle nitrogen and strongly interact with molecules transferring negative charge to CuPc. Indium diffusion into the organic films saturates at a stoichiometry of In2CuPc. Subsequently, in the second stage the formation of a metallic indium film occurs on the top of the In2CuPc film. - Upon deposition on CuPc film Sn and Ag atoms do not diffuse into the organic film forming metallic clusters and/or thin metallic overlayer. Sharp metal-organic film interface is formed, in contrast to indium and potassium deposition. Presented experimental results also give evidence for absence of noticeable chemical reaction of Sn and Ag with CuPc thin film. - The systematic investigation of interface formation between CuPc thin film and various metals gives us the possibility to summarize all results with demonstrating similarities and differences for all systems studied.

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