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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Apport d'une base de données d'éboulements rocheux obtenues par scanner laser dans la caractérisation des conditions de rupture et processus associés / Contribution of rockfall databases obtained by laser scanner in the characterization of failure conditions and process

D'amato, Julie 15 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a consisté à établir une base de données d'éboulements rocheux la plus exhaustive possible (pour des volumes supérieurs à 0,1 m3) pour une paroi rocheuse active dominant l'agglomération grenobloise, en utilisant des données de scanner laser et de photographie. Le site d'étude est une falaise calcaire de plusieurs kilomètres en bordure du massif de la Chartreuse, constituée de deux barres de morphologies différentes, l'une en calcaire lité, l'autre en calcaire massif.Les nuages de points issus du scanner laser permettent de reconstituer la falaise et les compartiments éboulés en 3D. Les données de surface des falaises, ainsi que des informations sur la localisation, les dimensions, le mécanisme de rupture propre à chaque compartiment ont été analysées pour caractériser l'évolution morphologique des deux falaises. Il apparait que la falaise inférieure, dont la morphologie dépend fortement de la fracturation et de l'érosion torrentielle des marnes sous-jacentes, présente une fréquence d'éboulement 22 fois plus importante que la falaise supérieure, de morphologie et pente régulière. De plus, dans la falaise inférieure, le taux d'érosion est 4 fois plus élevé entre 900 et 1000 m d'altitude, qu'entre 1000 et 1100 m. Cela montre que le régime d'érosion de cette falaise est transitoire, alors que celui de la falaise supérieure pourrait être permanent.Les éboulements rocheux détectés ont également été datés par un suivi photographique pendant 2,5 ans. Un suivi quasi-continu (1 photo toutes les 10 min), avec un objectif grand angle a permis de dater 214 éboulements de plus de 0,1 m3. Un suivi mensuel, avec un téléobjectif, a permis de dater 854 éboulements de plus de 0,01 m3. L'analyse de ces deux bases de données montre que la fréquence d'éboulements rocheux peut être 7 fois plus grande lors d'un épisode de gel-dégel que sans évènement météorologique particulier, et 4,5 fois plus grande lors d'un épisode de pluie. De plus, elle devient 26 fois plus grande si l'intensité depuis le début de l'épisode est supérieure à 5 mm/h. A partir de ces résultats, une échelle de 4 niveaux d'aléa a pu être proposée pour la prévision de l'aléa. La base de données plus précise et la définition des épisodes de gel-dégel ont permis de distinguer différentes phases dans un épisode de gel-dégel : refroidissement à température négative, réchauffement à température négative, et dégel (à température positive). Il apparait que les éboulements rocheux se produisent plus fréquemment lors des périodes de réchauffement (à température négative) et de dégel que lors des périodes de refroidissement. Cela suggère que les éboulements sont causés par la dilatation thermique de la glace plutôt que par la dilatation due au changement de phase. Ils peuvent cependant ne se produire que lors du dégel, car la cohésion de l'interface roche-glace peut être suffisante pour tenir le bloc jusqu'à la fonte de la glace. Des expériences in situ et en laboratoire ont permis de mesurer la pression de glace dans une fissure avec écoulement d'eau. Elles montrent que la glace formée par accrétion (gel de gouttes ou films d'eau) n'exerce pas de pression sur les parois rocheuses. / Using laser scanner data, an exhaustive rockfall database (for volume larger than 0.1 m3) has been established for a rockwall located near the town of Grenoble (France). The study site is a long double cliff, on the eastern border of the Chartreuse Massif. The two cliffs consist respectively of thinly bedded and massive limestone, which show different structures, morphologies and rockfall activities.The 3D point clouds obtained by laser scanner allow to detect and model the fallen compartments in 3D. Information about cliff surface, and localization, dimensions, failure mechanism for each compartment were obtained and analyzed in order to characterize the morphological evolutions of the two cliffs. It appears that the morphology and the slope of the lower cliff is related to fracturing and torrential erosion which occurs in the marls below the cliff. The rockfall frequency for this lower cliff is 22 times higher than for the upper cliff. Moreover, in the lower cliff the erosion rate is at least 4 times higher for an elevation between 900 and 1000 m than between 1000 and 1100 m. These results show that the erosion process in the lower cliff is in a transient state, whereas it could be in a steady state in the upper cliff. The morphology and the slope of the upper cliff is more regular than for the lower cliff.Rockfalls have been dated by photographic surveys during 2.5 years. A near-continuous survey (1 photo each 10 mn) with a wide-angle lens have allowed dating 214 rockfalls larger than 0.1 m3, and a monthly survey with a telephoto lens, dating 854 rockfalls larger than 0.01 m3. The analysis of the two data bases shows that the rockfall frequency is 7 times higher during freeze-thaw episodes than without meteorological event, and 4.5 times higher during rainfall episodes. Moreover, it becomes 26 times higher when the mean rainfall intensity (since the beginning of the rainfall episode) is higher than 5 mm/h. Based on these results, a 4-level hazard scale has been proposed for hazard prediction. The more precise data base and freeze-thaw episode definition make it possible to distinguish different phases in freeze-thaw episodes: negative temperature cooling periods, negative temperature warming periods and thawing periods. It appears that rockfalls occur more frequently during warming and thawing periods than during cooling periods. It can be inferred that rockfalls are caused by thermal ice dilatation rather than by dilatation due to the phase transition. But they may occur only when the ice melt, because the cohesion of the ice-rock interface can be sufficient to hold the failed rock compartment until the ice melt. The formation of ice in rock cracks has been studied in the field and in laboratory to highlight its influence on rockfall triggering. It has been shown that ice forming by an accretion process (freezing of water drops) doesn't exert a pressure on the crack walls.

VisualMet : um sistema para visualização e exploração de dados meteorológicos / VisualMet: a system for visualizing and exploring meteorological data

Manssour, Isabel Harb January 1996 (has links)
Os centros operacionais e de pesquisa em previsão numérica do tempo geralmente trabalham com uma grande quantidade de dados complexos multivariados, tendo que interpretá-los num curto espaço de tempo. Técnicas de visualização científica podem ser utilizadas para ajudar a entender o comportamento atmosférico. Este trabalho descreve a arquitetura e as facilidades apresentadas pelo sistema VisualMet, que foi implementado com base em um estudo das tarefas desenvolvidas pelos meteorologistas responsáveis pelo 8º Distrito de Meteorologia, em Porto Alegre. Este centro coleta dados meteorológicos três vezes ao dia, de 32 estações locais, e recebe dados similares do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, localizado em Brasília, e do National Meteorological Center, localizado nos Estados Unidos. Tais dados são resultados de observações de variáveis tais como temperatura, pressão, velocidade do vento e tipos de nuvens. As tarefas dos meteorologistas e as classes de dados foram observadas e analisadas para definir as características do sistema. A arquitetura e a implementação do VisualMet seguem, respectivamente, uma abordagem orientada a ferramentas e o paradigma de programação orientada a objetos. Dados obtidos das estações meteorológicas são instancias de uma classe chamada "Entidade". Três outras classes de objetos representando ferramentas que suportam as tarefas dos meteorologistas foram modeladas. Os objetos no sistema são apresentados ao usuário através de duas janelas, "Base de Entidades" e " Base de Ferramentas". A implementação da "Base de Ferramentas" inclui ferramentas de mapeamento (para produzir mapas de contorno, mapas de ícones e gráficos), ferramentas de armazenamento (para guardar e recuperar imagens geradas pelo sistema) e uma ferramenta de consulta (para ler valores de variáveis de estações selecionadas). E dada especial atenção a ferramenta de mapa de contorno, onde foi utilizado o método Multiquádrico para interpolação de dados. O trabalho apresenta ainda um estudo sobre métodos de interpolação de dados esparsos, antes de descrever detalhadamente os resultados obtidos com a ferramenta de mapa de contorno. Estes resultados (imagens) são discutidos e comparados com mapas gerados manualmente por meteorologistas do 8º Distrito de Meteorologia. Possíveis extensões do presente trabalho são também abordadas. / The weather forecast centers deal with a great volume of complex multivariate data, which usually have to be understood within short time. Scientific visualization techniques can be used to support both daily forecasting and meteorological research. This work reports the architecture and facilities of a system, named VisualMet, that was implemented based on a case study of the tasks accomplished by the meteorologists responsible for the 8th Meteorological District, in the South of Brazil. This center collects meteorological data three times a day from 32 local stations and receives similar data from both the National Institute of Meteorology, located in Brasilia, and National Meteorological Center, located in the United States of America. Such data result from observation of variables like temperature, pressure, wind velocity, and type of clouds. The tasks of meteorologists and the classes of application data were observed to define system requirements. The architecture and implementation of Visual- Met follow the tool-oriented approach and object-oriented paradigm, respectively. Data taken from meteorological stations are instances of a class named Entity. Three other classes of tools which support the meteorologists' tasks are modeled. Objects in the system are presented to the user through two windows, "Entities Base" and "Tools Base". Current implementation of the "Tools Base" contains mapping tools (to produce contour maps, icons maps and graphs), recording tools (to save and load images generated by the system) and a query tool (to read variables values of selected stations). The results of applying the multiquadric method to interpolate data for the construction of contour maps are also discussed. Before describing the results obtained with the multiquadric method, this work also presents a study on interpolation methods for scattered data. The results (images) obtained with the contour map tool are discussed and compared with the maps drawn by the meteorologists of the 8th Meteorological District. Possible extensions to this work are also presented.

Impact of Grid Resolution on Atmospheric Model Simulation of Offshore Surface Wind Speed

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: This study considered the impact of grid resolution on wind velocity simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The period simulated spanned November 2009 through January 2010, for which, multi-resolution nested domains were examined. Basic analysis was performed utilizing the data assimilation tools of NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) to determine the ideal location to examine during the simulation was the Pacific Northwest portion of the United States, specifically the border between California and Oregon. The simulated mutli-resolution nested domains in this region indicated an increase in apparent wind speed as the resolution for the domain was increased. These findings were confirmed by statistical analysis which identified a positive bias for wind speed with respect to increased resolution as well as a correlation coefficient indicating the existence of a positive change in wind speed with increased resolution. An analysis of temperature change was performed in order to test the validity of the findings of the WRF simulation model. The statistical analysis performed on temperature change throughout the increased grid resolution did not indicate any change in temperature. In fact the correlation coefficient values between the domains were found in the 0.90 range, indicating the non-sensitivity of temperature across the increased resolutions. These results validate the findings of the WRF simulation: increased wind velocity can be observed at higher grid resolution. The study then considered the difference between wind velocity observed over the entire domains and the wind velocity observed solely over offshore locations. Wind velocity was observed to be significantly higher (an increase of 68.4%) in the offshore locations. The findings of this study suggest simulation tools should be utilized to examine domains at a higher resolution in order to identify potential locations for wind farms. The results go further to suggest the ideal location for these potential wind farms will be at offshore locations. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Mechanical Engineering 2012

Polinização de dendezeiro por Elaeidobius subvittatus Faust e Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) no sul do Estado da Bahia /

Moura, Jose Inacio Lacerda. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Jorge Cividanes / Banca: Antonio Carlos Busoli / Banca: José Maurício Simões Bento / Banca: Júlio César Galli / Banca: César Freire Carvalho / Resumo: Este foi conduzido no sul do estado da Bahia entre os anos de 2004 e 2007. Teve como objetivo determinar a taxa de fecundação de dendezeiros após a introdução de Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust . Avaliaram-se as relações das espécies E. kamerunicus e Elaeidobius subvittatus Faust através da: flutuação populacional, distribuição espacial, influência de fatores meteorológicos, comportamento com relação às inflorescências das plantas e capacidade de transportar grãos de pólen. A taxa de fecundação nos dendezeiros atingiu 79,4%, representando incremento de 19% quando comparado aos dendezeiros polinizados apenas por E. subvittatus. Plantios comerciais de dendezeiros nos municípios de Taperoá e Nazaré, mostraram taxas de fecundação de 76,8% e 78,0%, respectivamente. E. kamerunicus foi a espécie dominante nos plantios de dendezeiro de Una, BA. Com exceção do município de Itapebi, as populações de E. kamerunicus sobrepujaram as de E. subvittatus em todos os municípios com grandes maciços de dendezeiros subespontâneos. A distribuição das chuvas no sul da Bahia não alterou a atividade polinizadora de E. kamerunicus, permitindo ocorrer taxa constante de fecundação dos frutos. Houve aumento da densidade populacional de E. subvittatus com o incremento térmico no ambiente ocorrendo o oposto com E. kamerunicus. O número de espécimes de E. subvittatus visitando inflorescências femininas de dendezeiros e híbridos interespecíficos foi superior ao de E. kamerunicus entre 6:00 e 8:00 horas, porém E. kamerunicus foi mais numeroso que E. subvittatus entre 9:00 e 12:00 horas. Essas espécies apresentaram pouca atividade polinizadora nas inflorescências femininas entre 14:00 e 16:00 horas, mas E. subvittatus congregou-se nas inflorescências femininas de ambas variedades de plantas a partir de 16:00 horas. Ao anoitecer foi constatada a presença... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The study was conducted in south Bahia between 2004 and 2007 to determine the rate of fertilization of oil palm after the introduction of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust in Southern Bahia. Relationships of the species E. kamerunicus and Elaeidobius subvittatus Faust were evaluated through population fluctuation, spatial distribution, influence of meteorological factors, behavior regarding the plant inflorescences and capability to collect and transport pollen grains. The data were analyzed utilizing correlation and variance analysis and test of means. The rate of fertilization in the oil palm trees reached 79.4%, representing an increase of 19% when compared to oil palm trees pollinated only by E. subvittatus. Commercial plantations of oil palm trees in Taperoá and Nazareth municipalities showed rates of fertilization of 76.8% and 78.0%, respectively. E. kamerunicus was the dominant species in the plantations of oil palm trees of Una, BA. With the exception of Itapebi municipality, the populations of E. kamerunicus overwhelmed the E. subvittatus in all municipalities with large plantations of sub-spontaneous oil palm trees. The rainfall distribution in south Bahia did not alter the pollination activity of E. kamerunicus, which permitted a constant rate of fruit fertilization. There was an increase in population density of E. subvittatus with environmental thermal increase, the opposite occurred with E. kamerunicus. The number of specimens of E. subvittatus visiting female inflorescences of oil palm trees and interspecific hybrids was higher than that of E. kamerunicus between 6:00 and 8:00 hours, however E. kamerunicus was more numerous than E. subvittatus between 9:00 and 12:00 hours. These species presented little pollination activity in female inflorescences between 14:00 and 16:00 hours, but E. subvittatus congregated in the female inflorescences of both oil palm varieties starting ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

VisualMet : um sistema para visualização e exploração de dados meteorológicos / VisualMet: a system for visualizing and exploring meteorological data

Manssour, Isabel Harb January 1996 (has links)
Os centros operacionais e de pesquisa em previsão numérica do tempo geralmente trabalham com uma grande quantidade de dados complexos multivariados, tendo que interpretá-los num curto espaço de tempo. Técnicas de visualização científica podem ser utilizadas para ajudar a entender o comportamento atmosférico. Este trabalho descreve a arquitetura e as facilidades apresentadas pelo sistema VisualMet, que foi implementado com base em um estudo das tarefas desenvolvidas pelos meteorologistas responsáveis pelo 8º Distrito de Meteorologia, em Porto Alegre. Este centro coleta dados meteorológicos três vezes ao dia, de 32 estações locais, e recebe dados similares do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, localizado em Brasília, e do National Meteorological Center, localizado nos Estados Unidos. Tais dados são resultados de observações de variáveis tais como temperatura, pressão, velocidade do vento e tipos de nuvens. As tarefas dos meteorologistas e as classes de dados foram observadas e analisadas para definir as características do sistema. A arquitetura e a implementação do VisualMet seguem, respectivamente, uma abordagem orientada a ferramentas e o paradigma de programação orientada a objetos. Dados obtidos das estações meteorológicas são instancias de uma classe chamada "Entidade". Três outras classes de objetos representando ferramentas que suportam as tarefas dos meteorologistas foram modeladas. Os objetos no sistema são apresentados ao usuário através de duas janelas, "Base de Entidades" e " Base de Ferramentas". A implementação da "Base de Ferramentas" inclui ferramentas de mapeamento (para produzir mapas de contorno, mapas de ícones e gráficos), ferramentas de armazenamento (para guardar e recuperar imagens geradas pelo sistema) e uma ferramenta de consulta (para ler valores de variáveis de estações selecionadas). E dada especial atenção a ferramenta de mapa de contorno, onde foi utilizado o método Multiquádrico para interpolação de dados. O trabalho apresenta ainda um estudo sobre métodos de interpolação de dados esparsos, antes de descrever detalhadamente os resultados obtidos com a ferramenta de mapa de contorno. Estes resultados (imagens) são discutidos e comparados com mapas gerados manualmente por meteorologistas do 8º Distrito de Meteorologia. Possíveis extensões do presente trabalho são também abordadas. / The weather forecast centers deal with a great volume of complex multivariate data, which usually have to be understood within short time. Scientific visualization techniques can be used to support both daily forecasting and meteorological research. This work reports the architecture and facilities of a system, named VisualMet, that was implemented based on a case study of the tasks accomplished by the meteorologists responsible for the 8th Meteorological District, in the South of Brazil. This center collects meteorological data three times a day from 32 local stations and receives similar data from both the National Institute of Meteorology, located in Brasilia, and National Meteorological Center, located in the United States of America. Such data result from observation of variables like temperature, pressure, wind velocity, and type of clouds. The tasks of meteorologists and the classes of application data were observed to define system requirements. The architecture and implementation of Visual- Met follow the tool-oriented approach and object-oriented paradigm, respectively. Data taken from meteorological stations are instances of a class named Entity. Three other classes of tools which support the meteorologists' tasks are modeled. Objects in the system are presented to the user through two windows, "Entities Base" and "Tools Base". Current implementation of the "Tools Base" contains mapping tools (to produce contour maps, icons maps and graphs), recording tools (to save and load images generated by the system) and a query tool (to read variables values of selected stations). The results of applying the multiquadric method to interpolate data for the construction of contour maps are also discussed. Before describing the results obtained with the multiquadric method, this work also presents a study on interpolation methods for scattered data. The results (images) obtained with the contour map tool are discussed and compared with the maps drawn by the meteorologists of the 8th Meteorological District. Possible extensions to this work are also presented.

Descente d'échelle probabiliste pour analogues météorologiques. Etude de la cohérence spatiale / Spatially coherent probabilistic precipitation downscaling with meteorological analogues

Radanovics, Sabine 03 November 2014 (has links)
Étudier les précipitations et leur lien avec la circulation atmosphérique augmente notre connaissance de leurs caracteristiques et aide à anticiper leur comportement futur. Des méthodes de déscente d'échelle sont développées pour fournir des informations météorologiques locales et importantes pour l'hydrologie à partir des informations issues des réanalyses ou des projections globales du climat. La méthode SANDHY (Stepwise ANalogue Downscaling method for HYdrology) est étendue à l'ensemble de la France métropolitaine en optimisant les domaines pour le prédicteur géopotentiel pour les 608 zones climatiquement homogènes en France en utilisant un algorithme qui permet de prendre en compte l'équifinalité. Une grande diversité des domaines pour le prédicteur géopotentiel a été trouvée. Trois voies pour augmenter la cohérence spatiale et diminuer l'espace des paramètres sont explorés : prendre en compte les domaines optimisés pour des zones voisines, rassembler des zones en utilisant des algorithmes d'aggregation et utiliser un preditant moins asymétrique pendant l'optimisation. Utiliser de l'information issues de zones voisines permet de compenser certaines limitations de l'algorithme d'optimisation. Une méthode de vérification spatiale (SAL) est ici adaptée pour les précipitations probabilistes simulées par SANDHY. Des mesures de performance derivées de cette version probabiliste du SAL sont ensuite utilisées pour évaluer différentes stratégies de déscente d'échelle concernant la cohérence spatiale à l'échelle d'un bassin versant. Les domains optimisés localement pour le prédicteur géopotentiel permettent de mieux localiser les précipitations dans le bassin tandis que des domains uniformes sur tout le bassin apportent une structure des précipitations plus réaliste. Les simulations de débit pour le bassin de la Durance sont le plus sensible à la localisation des précipitations ce qui souligne l'interêt d'une optimisation locale des domaines des prédicteurs. / Studying past and present day precipitation and its link to large scale circulation increases our understanding of precipitation characteristics and helps to anticipate their future behaviour. Downscaling techniques are being developed to bridge the gap between large-scale climate information from global reanalyses or GCM global projections and local meteorological information relevant for hydrology. The stepwise analogue downscaling method for hydrology (SANDHY) is extended to the whole mainland of France by optimising the geopotential predictor domains for 608 zones covering France using a multiple growing rectangular domain algorithm that allows to take equifinality into account. A high diversity of predictor domains has been found. To increase the spatial coherence three ways are explored to reduce the parameter space: assessing the skill for predictor domains found for other zones, form groups of zones using cluster algorithms and using a less skewed predictand variable during optimisation. Using information from neighbouring zones allows to counterbalance in part limitations of the optimisation algorithm. A feature based spatial verification method (SAL) is adapted for probabilistic precipitation simulation as provided by SANDHY. Skill scores derived from the probabilistic SAL are used to assess different strategies for spatially coherent precipitation downscaling at catchment scale. Locally optimised predictor domains lead to a better localisation of precipitation in the catchment and higher local skill while uniform predictor domains for the whole catchment lead to a more realistic spatial structure of the simulated precipitation. Streamflow simulations for the Durance catchment (Southern Alps) are most sensitive to the realistic localisation of precipitation which highlights the interest of locally optimising predictor domains.STAR

Integridade de dados meteorológicos para uso em modelo hidrológico / Meteorological data integrity for use in model hydrological

Carleto, Nivaldo [UNESP] 09 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nivaldo Carleto null (nivaldo.carleto@fatectq.edu.br) on 2016-06-20T16:52:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE-NIVALDO CARLETO-JUNHO-2016-VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 5994341 bytes, checksum: 0eb3de1f968890a8c3dd0c412701126f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-06-23T14:03:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 carleto_n_dr_jabo.pdf: 5994341 bytes, checksum: 0eb3de1f968890a8c3dd0c412701126f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-23T14:03:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carleto_n_dr_jabo.pdf: 5994341 bytes, checksum: 0eb3de1f968890a8c3dd0c412701126f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-09 / No Brasil, as Estações Meteorológicas Automáticas (EMA) vêm sendo utilizadas no setor agrícola, em universidades e institutos de pesquisa. Porém, é fundamental garantir a confiabilidade dos dados meteorológicos coletados pelos sensores destas estações. Diante disso, objetivou-se neste trabalho verificar a influência da integridade dos dados (velocidade do vento, radiação solar, temperatura e umidade do ar e precipitação pluviométrica) sobre os parâmetros hidrológicos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Rico/SP utilizando o modelo SWAT. Os dados foram obtidos por três estações meteorológicas automáticas; uma da Campbell Scientific e outra da Davis Instruments instaladas no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da FCAV/UNESP (Câmpus de Jaboticabal/SP) e uma outra do Sistema Integrado de Dados Ambientais (SINDA) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), localizada próxima ao Departamento de Ciências Exatas da FCAV/UNESP. Foram aplicadas técnicas para verificar a integridade dos dados destas estações e o modelo SWAT para analisar os parâmetros hidrológicos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Rico/SP. De acordo com os resultados, verificou-se que os dados dos sensores de precipitação, de velocidade do vento, de umidade relativa do ar e de radiação solar da EMA do SINDA/INPE não foram aceitáveis devido à falta de calibração, manutenção e inspeção da estação. Como consequência, houve diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hidrológicos de saída do modelo SWAT, o que compromete o planejamento e a gestão de recursos hídricos e naturais. / In Brazil, Automatic Weather Stations (EMA) have been used in the agricultural sector, universities and research institutes. However, it is essential to ensure the reliability of meteorological data collected by the sensors of these stations. The research objective of this study was to investigate the influence of data integrity (wind speed, solar radiation, temperature and humidity and precipitation) on the hydrological parameters Basin Stream Rico/SP using the SWAT model. The data were obtained for three automatic weather stations; one of Campbell Scientific and another from Davis Instruments installed in the Department of Rural Engineering FCAV/UNESP (Jaboticabal/SP Campus) and another of the Integrated Environmental Data (SINDA) of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), located near the Department of Exact Sciences FCAV/UNESP. Techniques were applied to verify the integrity of the data from these stations and the SWAT model to analyze the hydrological parameters Basin Stream Rico/SP. According to the results, it was found that the data precipitation sensors, wind speed, relative air humidity, and solar radiation EMA SINDA/INPE were not acceptable due to lack of calibration, maintenance and inspection season. As a result, there were significant differences in the output parameters of the SWAT hydrologic model, which undertakes the planning and management of water and natural resources.

Entomofauna associada a goiabeira Psidium guajava L. em pomares experimentais comerciais em Vista Alegre do Alto - SP e semi-orgânicos em Pindorama - SP /

Calore, Ricardo Aparecido. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Júlio César Galli / Banca: Arlindo Leal Boiça Júnior / Banca: Valter Arthur / Resumo: Considerando-se a importância de estudos relacionados à entomofauna em pomares de goiaba para o manejo integrado de pragas, o presente trabalho objetivou: a-) Conhecer a entomofauna associada à parte aérea através do uso de armadilhas adesivas amarelas em pomar comercial de goiaba com uso predominante do inseticida imidacloprid na região de Vista Alegre do Alto-SP e em pomar experimental semi-orgânico de goiaba na região de Pindorama-SP; b-) Conhecer as flutuações populacionais dos insetos principais (pragas e inimigos naturais) em ambos os pomares e as correlações com dados meteorológicos das duas regiões. Para levantamento da dinâmica populacional, os espécimes foram coletados com armadilhas adesivas amarelas (25 cm x 9,5 cm), trocadas a cada 15 dias. Os experimentos foram realizados entre março e novembro de 2009 em Vista Alegre do Alto-SP, e entre junho de 2009 e junho de 2010 em Pindorama-SP. Com base nos resultados obtidos e nas condições de desenvolvimento do presente projeto, foi possível obter as seguintes conclusões: a) As maiores densidades populacionais de Triozoida limbata ocorrem em outubro e novembro e as menores em março e abril, sendo esta a principal praga em pomar comercial em Vista Alegre do Alto-SP; b) As maiores densidades de T. limbata ocorrem em setembro e as menores ocorrem entre junho e agosto em Pindorama-SP; c) Ceratites capitata é a espécie de tefritídeo de maior ocorrência em Vista Alegre do Alto-SP e Anastrepha spp. é o gênero predominante e a principal praga em Pindorama- SP; d) Anastrepha spp. apresenta correlação significativa pelos fatores meteorológicos: temperaturas mínima, média e máxima (0C) em Pindorama-SP; e) Scymnus spp. é o inimigo natural com maior número de indivíduos coletados com armadilhas adesivas amarelas em Vista Alegre do Alto e Pindorama-SP; f) As maiores ocorrências de Scymnus spp. são nos meses de abril... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Considering the importance of studies related to entomofauna in orchards guava for integrated pest management, the present study aimed: a-)To know the insects associated with shoot through the use of yellow sticky traps in commercial guava orchard with predominant use of imidacloprid insecticide in the region of Vista Alegre do Alto-SP and semi-organic experimental guava orchard in the region of Pindorama-SP; b-) To know the major population fluctuations of main insects (pests and natural enemies) on both orchards and the correlations with meteorological data from the two regions. To perform the survey of the population dynamics, the specimens have been collected with yellow sticky traps (25 cm x 9.5 cm), replaced every 15 days. The experiments was conducted between March and November (2009) in Vista Alegre do Alto-SP and between June (2009) and June (2010) in Pindorama-SP. Based on the results obtained and the conditions of development of this project, it was possible to obtain the following conclusions: a) The highest densities of Triozoida limbata occur in October and November and the lowest in March and April, being this the main pest in commercial orchards in Vista Alegre do Alto-SP; b) The highest densities of T. limbata occur in September and the lowest occur between June and August in Pindorama-SP; c) Ceratites capitata is the specie of tephritid prevailing in Vista Alegre do Alto and Anastrepha spp. is the genus predominant and the main pest in Pindorama-SP; d) Anastrepha spp. has presented significant correlation with the meteorological factors: minimum, average and maximum temperatures (0C) in Pindorama-SP; e) Scymnus spp. is the natural enemy with the greatest number of individuals collected with the yellow sticky traps in Vista Alegre do Alto-SP and Pindorama-SP; f) The highest occurrences of Scymnus spp. are in the months of April and May and the lowest densities occur... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Tocando (com) o lugar: os elementos meteorolÃgicos como forÃas criadoras no processo de composiÃÃo sonora e musical

Henrique Gomes 00 May 2018 (has links)
nÃo hà / O uso de diferentes mÃtodos de sonificaÃÃo de dados meteorolÃgicos e geofÃsicos à recorrente tanto em aplicaÃÃes cientÃficas quanto no contexto da criaÃÃo artÃstica. PropÃe-se, atravÃs de diferentes abordagens ao longo do processo de pesquisa, a criaÃÃo de uma sÃrie de sintetizadores e dispositivos sonoros sensÃveis à variaÃÃes de intensidade do vento, da luminosidade e da temperatura ambiente. Com o intuito de explorar as potencialidades do uso da sonificaÃÃo de dados de forÃas da natureza como mÃtodo de composiÃÃo sonora e musical, utilizam-se diversos sensores para controlar parÃmetros distintos do processo de sÃntese sonora digital. AtravÃs da experimentaÃÃo de circuitos e cÃdigos de programaÃÃo em Arduino, busca-se analisar os fatores que influenciam diferentes aspectos do processo de composiÃÃo junto aos fenÃmenos meteorolÃgicos. à apresentado o processo de desenvolvimento de trÃs sintetizadores que sÃo utilizados em diferentes ocasiÃes, alÃm da construÃÃo de uma mÃquina sonificadora e a produÃÃo de registros diversos do processo de elaboraÃÃo dos protÃtipos. Com base nas experimentaÃÃes realizadas, identificam-se aspectos pertinentes à atuaÃÃo de elementos da natureza como forÃas criativas durante o processo de composiÃÃo sonora e musical. / The use of different methods of sonification of meteorological and geophysical data is recurrent both in scientific applications and in the context of artistic creation. It is proposed, through different approaches throughout the research process, the creation of a series of synthesizers and sound devices sensitive to variations of wind intensity, luminosity and ambient temperature. In order to explore the potentialities of using sonification of forces of nature as a method of sound and musical composition, several sensors are used to control different parameters of the digital sound synthesis process. Through the experimentation of circuits and programming codes in Arduino, it is sought to analyze the factors that influence different aspects of the composition process with the meteorological elements. The process of development of three synthesizers that are used in different occasions is presented, along with the construction of a sonifying machine and the production of diverse material about the process of elaboration of the prototypes. Based on the experiments carried out, aspects pertinent to the performance of elements of nature as creative forces during the process of sound and musical composition are identified.

Aclimatização de mudas de cana-de-açúcar em ambiente protegido sob dois tipos de malha de sombreamento / Acclimatization of seedlings of sugar cane in protected environment under two types of shading mesh

SILVA NETO, Sinval Peixoto Orrico da 13 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2016-10-13T14:29:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sinval Peixoto Orrico da Silva Neto.pdf: 1922755 bytes, checksum: 435de65f10f9983f6edafdb2d443fd10 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:29:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sinval Peixoto Orrico da Silva Neto.pdf: 1922755 bytes, checksum: 435de65f10f9983f6edafdb2d443fd10 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-13 / Based on the fact that the sugar-alcohol sector is a growing activity, driven by investments in production technology, the State of Pernambuco has excelled in this scenario, as the use of technique of in vitro propagation. Accordingly, this work sought to analyze the microclimate and evaluate the growth and development of sugarcane seedlings in acclimatization under two types of roofs in protected environment. The survey was conducted by the experimental area of Usina São José, in the municipality of Igarassú-PE, latitude of 7° 48' 37.32 "S, longitude 34° 59' 49.23"O and height of 34 m. The protected environment was covered with milky plastic and divided into two environments, an associated shading mesh termorreflective (TA) and the other associated with black shading mesh (TB). The variables studied were: meteorological variables (solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity) and crop variables (stem length, diameter of the stem, leaf length, number of leaves, plant height and leaf area). 12 trays with 108 tubes each, were employed both for TA and TB, being randomly chosen for the biometric monitoring 4 tubes. The experimental design used was entirely casualized (DIC) and Tukey test (p<0.05) for comparing the averages. The production environment under TA provided the best biometric results of development of seedlings from sugarcane, as a result of the greater availability of solar radiation in the production environment. / Baseado no fato de que o setor sucroalcooleiro é uma atividade em pleno crescimento, impulsionado por investimentos em tecnologia de produção, o Estado de Pernambuco tem-se destacado nesse cenário, como a utilização de técnica de propagação in vitro. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar o microclima e avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de mudas de cana-de-açúcar em aclimatização sob dois tipos de coberturas em ambiente protegido. A pesquisa foi conduzida junto à área experimental da Usina São José, situada no município de Igarassú - PE, latitude de 7°48’37,32” S, longitude de 34°59’49,23” O e altitude de 34 m. O ambiente protegido foi coberto com plástico leitoso e dividido em dois ambientes, um associado a malha de sombreamento termorrefletora (TA) e outro associado a malha de sombreamento preta (TB). As variáveis estudadas foram: variáveis meteorológicas (radiação solar, temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar) e variáveis de cultura (comprimento do colmo, diâmetro do colmo, comprimento da folha, número de folhas, altura da planta e área foliar). Utilizou-se 12 bandejas com 108 tubetes cada, tanto para TA quanto para TB, sendo escolhidos aleatoriamente 4 tubetes para o acompanhamento biométrico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi Inteiramente casualizado (DIC) e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05) para comparação entre as médias. O ambiente de produção sob TA proporcionou os melhores resultados biométricos de desenvolvimento das mudas de cana-de-açúcar, em decorrência da maior disponibilidade de radiação solar neste ambiente de produção.

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