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Preparation and in vivo efficient anti-infection property of GTR/GBR implant made by metronidazole loaded electrospun polycaprolactone nanofiber membraneXue, J., He, M., Niu, Y., Liu, H., Crawford, A., Coates, Philip D., Chen, D., Shi, R., Zhang, L. January 2014 (has links)
No / Infection is the major reason of GTR/GBR membrane failure in clinical application. In this work, we developed GTR/GBR nanofiber membranes with localized drug delivery function to prevent infection. Metronidazole (MNA), an antibiotic, was successfully incorporated into electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers at different concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 wt% polymer). To obtain the optimum anti-infection membrane, we systematically investigated the physical-chemical and mechanical properties of the nanofiber membranes with different drug contents. The interaction between PCL and MNA was identified by molecular dynamics simulation. MNA released in a controlled, sustained manner over 2 weeks and the antibacterial activity of the released MNA remained. The incorporation of MNA improved the hydrophilicity and in vitro biodegradation rate of PCL nanofibers. The nanofiber membranes allowed cells to adhere to and proliferate on them and showed excellent barrier function. The membrane loaded with 30% MNA had the best comprehensive properties. Analysis of subcutaneous implants demonstrated that MNA-loaded nanofibers evoked a less severe inflammatory response than pure PCL nanofibers. These results demonstrate the potential of MNA-loaded nanofiber membranes as GTR/GBR membrane with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory function for extensive biomedical applications.
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Drug loaded homogeneous electrospun PCL/gelatin hybrid nanofiber structures for anti-infective tissue regeneration membranesXue, J., He, M., Liu, H., Niu, Y., Crawford, A., Coates, Philip D., Chen, D., Shi, R., Zhang, L. 28 July 2014 (has links)
Yes / Infection is the major reason for guided tissue regeneration/guided bone regeneration (GTR/GBR) membrane failure in clinical application. In this work, we developed GTR/GBR membranes with localized drug delivery function to prevent infection by electrospinning of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and gelatin blended with metronidazole (MNA). Acetic acid (HAc) was introduced to improve the miscibility of PCL and gelatin to fabricate homogeneous hybrid nanofiber membranes. The effects of the addition of HAc and the MNA content (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 wt.% of polymer) on the properties of the membranes were investigated. The membranes showed good mechanical properties, appropriate biodegradation rate and barrier function. The controlled and sustained release of MNA from the membranes significantly prevented the colonization of anaerobic bacteria. Cells could adhere to and proliferate on the membranes without cytotoxicity until the MNA content reached 30%. Subcutaneous implantation in rabbits for 8 months demonstrated that MNA-loaded membranes evoked a less severe inflammatory response depending on the dose of MNA than bare membranes. The biodegradation time of the membranes was appropriate for tissue regeneration. These results indicated the potential for using MNA-loaded PCL/gelatin electrospun membranes as anti-infective GTR/GBR membranes to optimize clinical application of GTR/GBR strategies.
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Vergleich zwei verschiedener Antibiotika als Adjuvans in der Therapie rasch fortschreitender ParodontitisChristan, Claudia 24 January 2002 (has links)
Hintergrund: Zahlreiche Studien haben den therapeutischen Nutzen von systemischem Antibiotika in der Behandlung schwerer Parodontitis gezeigt. Bisher ist allerdings noch nicht geklärt, welches antibiotische Behandlungkonzept das Geeignetste ist. Daher sollen in einer randomisierten, klinischen Blindstudie zwei verschiedene, systemische Antibiotika adjuvant zur konventionellen, instrumentellen Behandlung von Patienten mit rapid progressiver Parodontitis (RPP) miteinander verglichen werden. Material und Methode: 33 Patienten mit klinisch und radiologisch gesicherter RPP-Diagnose wurden auf 2 Gruppen verteilt: (1) AM-Gruppe (n=17): 500 mg Amoxicillin und 250 mg Metronidazol (3*/ Tag - 10 Tage), (2) D-Gruppe (=16) 200mg Doxycyclin am 1.Tag und 100mg Doxycyclin 13 Tage. Zu Beginn erhielten alle Patienten 3* eine professionelle Zahnreinigung, und anschlie§end Scaling und Wurzelglättung unter Lokalanästhesie in 2 Sitzungen. 3 Monate später wurde ein Recall und die Antibiose durchgeführt. Im Abstand von jeweils 3 Monaten erfolgten 2 weitere Recallsitzungen. Nach erfolgreicher Mundhygieneinstruktion und zu allen Recallsitzungen wurden alle klinischen Parameter wie Taschentiefe, relatives Attachmentlevel und das Bluten bzw. Pus nach Sondieren mit der Florida probe eruiert. Die Bestimmung 8 verschiedener Parodontalpathogene wurde mit dem DNS-Sondentest von Meridol durchgeführt. Die mikrobiologischen Proben wurden mit sterilen Papierspitzen an den vier tiefsten Taschen vor der Antibiose und zu den anschlie§enden Recalls entnommen und mit der Gensondentechnik im Labor der Wybert GmbH elmex Forschung, Lörrach, analysiert. Zur Bestimmung des IL-1-Genpolymorphismus wurde venöses Blut in der 1. Sitzung abgenommen. Die Auswertung erfolgte mit dem GenoType(R) PRTest (Hain Diagnostika GmbH). Ergebnisse: Die klinischen Parameter zeigen sowohl durch die konservative als auch durch die antibiotisch adjuvante Therapie eine signifikante klinische Verbesserung (p / Background: Several studies have shown a therapeutical benefit from systemic antibiotics in the treatment of severe periodontitis. However, it has not yet been layed down which concept of antibiotic treatment is the best. Therefore the purpose of this study is to compare two different systemic antibiotics adjunctive to a conventional, mechanical treatment of patients with rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP) in a randomised, blinded, clinical trial. Material and methods: 33 patients with a clinically and radiographically confirmed diagnosis of RPP were distributed in two groups: (1) AM-group (n=17): 500 mg amoxicillin and 250 mg metronidazole (3*/ d - 10days), (2) D-group (=16) 200mg doxycyclin on the 1st day and 100mg doxycyclin for 13days. In the beginning the patients received 3* professional tooth cleaning, and subsequently scaling and root planning under local anaesthesia in two sessions. 3 months later a recall visit and the antibiotic regimen were carried out. In 3 months-intervals another 2 recall visits were performed. After successfull oral hygiene instructions and during all recall visits all clinical parameters like pocket depths, relative attachment level, and bleeding and pus on probing were evaluated with the Florida probe. The determination of 8 different periodontal pathogens was performed with the DNS-Sondentest of Meridol. Before the antibiotic treatment and during the following recall visits the microbiological samples were taken from the 4 deepest pockets with sterile paper points and analysed by PCR-technique in the laboratory of Wybert GmbH elmex Forschung, Lörrach. To determine the IL-1 genetic polymorphism venous blood samples were taken in the first session. The analysis was done by GenoType(R), PRTest (Hain Diagnostika GmbH). Results: The clinical parameters show a significant clinical improve by the conservative as well as by the adjunctive antibiotic treatment (p
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Análise morfométrica e molecular da alveolite induzida em ratos com diferentes modalidades de tratamento / Molecular and morphometric analysis of induced dry socket in mice with different treatment conditionsCardoso, Camila Lopes 25 March 2009 (has links)
A alveolite é uma complicação pós-operatória de carácter inflamatório que acomete alvéolos de dentes recém-extraídos. A incidência dessa complicação varia de 1 a 4% e pode chegar a 30%. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os mecanismos biológicos envolvidos no processo de reparo de alvéolos intencionalmente infectados, em ratos; comparar diferentes modalidades de tratamento e correlacionar os resultados encontrados através de duas análises (microscópica e molecular). Foram utilizados 84 ratos, divididos nos grupos: I: alvéolo não infectado; II: alvéolo infectado sem nenhum tratamento; III: alvéolo infectado tratado com irrigação de solução de iodeto de sódio a 2% e peróxido de hidrogênio a 3% na proporção de 1:1; e IV: alvéolo infectado submetido à curetagem, irrigação com soro fisiológico e preenchimento com uma pasta à base de metronidazol. Os animais foram eutanasiados aos 6, 15 e 28 dias pós-operatório. Foi realizada a análise quantitativa da expressão de genes envolvidos no processo de reparo [colágeno tipo I (COL-I), fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), osteocalcina (OCN), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) e fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-\'alfa\')], através da RealTimePCR, correlacionando sua expressão com as características microscópicas observadas qualitativa e quantitativamente. Com base nos resultados da análise microscópica e molecular, podemos concluir que os marcadores RUNX2, OCN e TNF-\'alfa\' podem ser usados como indicadores para avaliar a neoformação óssea e a quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório em alveolite. Os marcadores ALP e VEGF não representaram adequadamente o que se observou microscopicamente. Embora o tratamento da alveolite com a pasta à base de metronidazol promova maior densidade de neoformação óssea aos 28 dias, não há diferenças entre os tratamentos. / Dry socket is an inflammatory postoperative complication that undertakes sockets of recently extracted teeth. The incidence of such complication varies from 1 to 4% and might reach up to 30%. The objective of this study was to analyze the biological mechanisms involved in the repair process of intentionally infected sockets in mice; compare different treatment conditions and correlate the results of two different analysis (microscopic and molecular). 84 mice were used in this study, divided according the following groups: I: uninfected socket; II: infected socket without any treatment; III: infected socket treated with irrigation of 2% sodium iodide and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at 1:1 proportion; and IV: infected socket submitted to curettage, physiological saline solution irrigation and fulfillment with metronidazole base paste. The animals were killed at a postoperative period of 6, 15 and 28 days. A quantitative analysis was performed using a RealTimePCR to evaluate the genes expression involved [Collagen Type I (COL-I), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), osteocalcin (OCN), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-\'alpha\')], in the repair process, correlating its expression with the microscopic characteristics observed in both qualitative and quantitative manner. Based in the results of the microscopic and molecular analysis, it can be concluded that the RUNX2, OCN and TNF-\'alpha\' markers can be used as indicators to evaluate the dry socket bone neoformation and inflammatory infiltrate quantity. The ALP and VEGF markers did not represented appropriately what was observed microscopically. Although the dry socket treatment with metronidazole base paste promotes an increase in the bone neoformation density at 28 days, no difference was found among the treatments.
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Sensibilidade in vitro de isolados de Clostridium difficile: comparação de duas metodologias (disco-difusão e ágar-diluição) / Susceptibility in vitro of isolates of Clostridium difficile: comparison of two methodologies (disk-diffusion and agar-dilution)Fraga, Edmir Geraldo de Siqueira 16 July 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Clostridium difficile é um bacilo Gram-positivo, anaeróbio estrito, formador de esporos, que produz toxinas que podem causar diarreia, colite pseudomembranosa, dilatação do cólon, sepse e até morte. Nos últimos anos o quadro clínico e epidemiológico das infecções por Clostridium difficile tem se modificado e as limitações das opções terapêuticas tornaram-se mais evidentes. Objetivo Primário: Comparar as metodologias de disco-difusão e ágar-diluição na detecção de sensibilidade/resistência de isolados de Clostridium difficile. Objetivos Secundários: Avaliar prospectivamente o perfil de sensibilidade/resistência de isolados clínicos hospitalares de Clostridium difficile provenientes de seis hospitais terciários da cidade de São Paulo e fornecer evidências para fundamentar o diagnóstico e o tratamento empírico das diarreias causadas por Clostridium difficile. Métodos: utilizamos os métodos de disco-difusão e ágar-diluição, de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pelo CLSI e EUCAST. Resultados: Os coeficientes de correlação observados entre os diâmetros dos halos de inibição e Concentração Inibitória Mínima foram abaixo do esperado tornando inviável o método de disco-difusão para determinação de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos nitazoxanida, teicoplanina e tigeciclina. Todas as 50 cepas deste estudo foram sensíveis ao metronidazol (MIC50 foi de 1 ?g/mL a MIC90 foi de 2 ug/mL). Para o método de disco-difusão, sugerimos que halos de inibição >= 33mm possam ser interpretados como sensíveis. Devido à moderada correlação, significância estatística e distribuição de halos de inibição das amostras próximos aos valores encontrados utilizando a cepa ATTC, sugere-se a utilização do método de disco-difusão para vancomicina, onde halos com diâmetro >= 22mm possam ser considerados como sensíveis pelo método. Para o moxifloxacino houve uma boa correlação entre as duas metodologias: discodifusão e de ágar-diluição (O coeficiente de Pearson foi de -0,84, e o valor de p foi menor que 0,00001), sugerindo que halos de inibição >= 18mm possam ser interpretados como sensíveis pela metodologia de disco-difusão. A nitazoxanida foi à droga que mostrou melhor atividade in vitro (MIC50 foi 0,06 ?g/mL e a MIC90 de 0,12 ug/mL). Por se mostrar uma droga com potente atividade in vitro (MIC50 e a MIC90 foi de 0,12 ug/mL), a tigeciclina poderia ser mais uma opção terapêutica em infecções por Clostridium difficile, dependendo de mais estudos para avaliar sua real eficácia clínica e segurança. Conclusão: Os resultados verificados neste estudo indicam a necessidade de mais estudos in vitro e clínicos para definir os limites de sensibilidade/resistência para a teicoplanina e a nitazoxanida, pois faltam critérios de interpretação tanto para disco-difusão quanto para ágar-diluição. Os resultados deste trabalho in vitro confirmaram a utilidade do metronidazol como uma droga eficaz no tratamento de infecção por Clostridium difficile. A nitazoxanida foi à droga que mostrou melhor atividade in vitro por método dilucional. Sugerimos a utilização do método de disco-difusão para: metronidazol, vancomicina e moxifloxacino. Os resultados desse trabalho sugerem que halos de inibição para metronidazol ( >= 33mm), moxifloxacino ( >= 18mm) e vancomicina ( >= 22mm) poderiam ser considerados como sensíveis pelo método de disco-difusão. O método de ágardiluição é um método de boa acurácia, porém trabalhoso para ser executado na rotina laboratorial / Introduction: Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive bacillus, strictly anaerobic, spore-forming, which produces toxins that can cause diarrhea, colitis pseudomembranous, colon expansion, sepsis and even death. In recent years the clinical and epidemiological picture of infection by Clostridium difficile has been modified and limitations of therapeutic options have become more evident. Primary Objective: Comparing the methods of disk diffusion and agar dilution in the detection sensitivity/resistance isolates of Clostridium difficile. Secondary Objectives: Prospectively evaluate the profile of sensitivity/resistance of hospital clinical isolates of Clostridium difficile from six tertiary hospitals in São Paulo city and provide evidence to support the diagnosis and empirical treatment of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile. Methods: We use the disk diffusion method and agar dilution method, according to the established criteria by CLSI and EUCAST. Results: The observed correlation coefficients between the inhibitions diameter zone of the and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration were under expectations impeding the disk diffusion method for determining sensitivity to nitazoxanide antimicrobial, teicoplanin and tigecycline. All 50 strains of this study were sensitive to metronidazole (MIC50 was 1 Ug/ml to MIC90 was 2 ug/ml). For the method disk diffusion, we suggest that inhibition zones >= 33mm can be interpreted as sensitive. Due to the moderate correlation, statistical significance and distribution of zones of inhibition on samples of the next found values using the strain ATTC, we suggest using the disk diffusion method for vancomycin where halos diameter >= 22mm can be considered as sensitive by the method. There was a good correlation to moxifloxacin between the two methodologies: disk diffusion and agar dilution (Pearson\'s coefficient was -0.84 , and the \"p\" value was less than 0.00001), suggesting that inhibition zones >= 18mm can be interpreted as sensitive by disk diffusion method. Nitazoxanide was the drug that showed a better performance in vitro activity (MIC50 was 0.06 ?g/ml and MIC90 0.12 ug/ml). For a drug that shows potent activity in vitro (MIC50 and MIC90 was 0.12 ug/ml), the tigecycline could be a therapeutic option in infection by Clostridium difficile, depending on further studies to evaluate their real clinical efficacy and security. Conclusion: Obtained results in this study indicate the need for further studies in vitro and clinicians to define the limits of sensitivity/resistance to teicoplanin and nitazoxanide, so there is no interpretation criteria for both disk diffusion and for agar dilution. Results of this work in vitro study confirmed the utility of metronidazole as an effective drug in the treatment of infection by Clostridium difficile. Nitazoxanide was the drug that showed better performance in vitro by dilutional method. We suggest the use of disk diffusion method: metronidazole, vancomycin and moxifloxacin. This work suggest that inhibition zones for metronidazole ( >= 33mm), moxifloxacin ( >= 18mm) and vancomycin ( >= 22mm) could be considered as sensitive by disk diffusion method. The agar dilution method is a method to be accurate, but laborious to run in the laboratory routine
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Sensibilidade in vitro de isolados de Clostridium difficile: comparação de duas metodologias (disco-difusão e ágar-diluição) / Susceptibility in vitro of isolates of Clostridium difficile: comparison of two methodologies (disk-diffusion and agar-dilution)Edmir Geraldo de Siqueira Fraga 16 July 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Clostridium difficile é um bacilo Gram-positivo, anaeróbio estrito, formador de esporos, que produz toxinas que podem causar diarreia, colite pseudomembranosa, dilatação do cólon, sepse e até morte. Nos últimos anos o quadro clínico e epidemiológico das infecções por Clostridium difficile tem se modificado e as limitações das opções terapêuticas tornaram-se mais evidentes. Objetivo Primário: Comparar as metodologias de disco-difusão e ágar-diluição na detecção de sensibilidade/resistência de isolados de Clostridium difficile. Objetivos Secundários: Avaliar prospectivamente o perfil de sensibilidade/resistência de isolados clínicos hospitalares de Clostridium difficile provenientes de seis hospitais terciários da cidade de São Paulo e fornecer evidências para fundamentar o diagnóstico e o tratamento empírico das diarreias causadas por Clostridium difficile. Métodos: utilizamos os métodos de disco-difusão e ágar-diluição, de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pelo CLSI e EUCAST. Resultados: Os coeficientes de correlação observados entre os diâmetros dos halos de inibição e Concentração Inibitória Mínima foram abaixo do esperado tornando inviável o método de disco-difusão para determinação de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos nitazoxanida, teicoplanina e tigeciclina. Todas as 50 cepas deste estudo foram sensíveis ao metronidazol (MIC50 foi de 1 ?g/mL a MIC90 foi de 2 ug/mL). Para o método de disco-difusão, sugerimos que halos de inibição >= 33mm possam ser interpretados como sensíveis. Devido à moderada correlação, significância estatística e distribuição de halos de inibição das amostras próximos aos valores encontrados utilizando a cepa ATTC, sugere-se a utilização do método de disco-difusão para vancomicina, onde halos com diâmetro >= 22mm possam ser considerados como sensíveis pelo método. Para o moxifloxacino houve uma boa correlação entre as duas metodologias: discodifusão e de ágar-diluição (O coeficiente de Pearson foi de -0,84, e o valor de p foi menor que 0,00001), sugerindo que halos de inibição >= 18mm possam ser interpretados como sensíveis pela metodologia de disco-difusão. A nitazoxanida foi à droga que mostrou melhor atividade in vitro (MIC50 foi 0,06 ?g/mL e a MIC90 de 0,12 ug/mL). Por se mostrar uma droga com potente atividade in vitro (MIC50 e a MIC90 foi de 0,12 ug/mL), a tigeciclina poderia ser mais uma opção terapêutica em infecções por Clostridium difficile, dependendo de mais estudos para avaliar sua real eficácia clínica e segurança. Conclusão: Os resultados verificados neste estudo indicam a necessidade de mais estudos in vitro e clínicos para definir os limites de sensibilidade/resistência para a teicoplanina e a nitazoxanida, pois faltam critérios de interpretação tanto para disco-difusão quanto para ágar-diluição. Os resultados deste trabalho in vitro confirmaram a utilidade do metronidazol como uma droga eficaz no tratamento de infecção por Clostridium difficile. A nitazoxanida foi à droga que mostrou melhor atividade in vitro por método dilucional. Sugerimos a utilização do método de disco-difusão para: metronidazol, vancomicina e moxifloxacino. Os resultados desse trabalho sugerem que halos de inibição para metronidazol ( >= 33mm), moxifloxacino ( >= 18mm) e vancomicina ( >= 22mm) poderiam ser considerados como sensíveis pelo método de disco-difusão. O método de ágardiluição é um método de boa acurácia, porém trabalhoso para ser executado na rotina laboratorial / Introduction: Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive bacillus, strictly anaerobic, spore-forming, which produces toxins that can cause diarrhea, colitis pseudomembranous, colon expansion, sepsis and even death. In recent years the clinical and epidemiological picture of infection by Clostridium difficile has been modified and limitations of therapeutic options have become more evident. Primary Objective: Comparing the methods of disk diffusion and agar dilution in the detection sensitivity/resistance isolates of Clostridium difficile. Secondary Objectives: Prospectively evaluate the profile of sensitivity/resistance of hospital clinical isolates of Clostridium difficile from six tertiary hospitals in São Paulo city and provide evidence to support the diagnosis and empirical treatment of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile. Methods: We use the disk diffusion method and agar dilution method, according to the established criteria by CLSI and EUCAST. Results: The observed correlation coefficients between the inhibitions diameter zone of the and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration were under expectations impeding the disk diffusion method for determining sensitivity to nitazoxanide antimicrobial, teicoplanin and tigecycline. All 50 strains of this study were sensitive to metronidazole (MIC50 was 1 Ug/ml to MIC90 was 2 ug/ml). For the method disk diffusion, we suggest that inhibition zones >= 33mm can be interpreted as sensitive. Due to the moderate correlation, statistical significance and distribution of zones of inhibition on samples of the next found values using the strain ATTC, we suggest using the disk diffusion method for vancomycin where halos diameter >= 22mm can be considered as sensitive by the method. There was a good correlation to moxifloxacin between the two methodologies: disk diffusion and agar dilution (Pearson\'s coefficient was -0.84 , and the \"p\" value was less than 0.00001), suggesting that inhibition zones >= 18mm can be interpreted as sensitive by disk diffusion method. Nitazoxanide was the drug that showed a better performance in vitro activity (MIC50 was 0.06 ?g/ml and MIC90 0.12 ug/ml). For a drug that shows potent activity in vitro (MIC50 and MIC90 was 0.12 ug/ml), the tigecycline could be a therapeutic option in infection by Clostridium difficile, depending on further studies to evaluate their real clinical efficacy and security. Conclusion: Obtained results in this study indicate the need for further studies in vitro and clinicians to define the limits of sensitivity/resistance to teicoplanin and nitazoxanide, so there is no interpretation criteria for both disk diffusion and for agar dilution. Results of this work in vitro study confirmed the utility of metronidazole as an effective drug in the treatment of infection by Clostridium difficile. Nitazoxanide was the drug that showed better performance in vitro by dilutional method. We suggest the use of disk diffusion method: metronidazole, vancomycin and moxifloxacin. This work suggest that inhibition zones for metronidazole ( >= 33mm), moxifloxacin ( >= 18mm) and vancomycin ( >= 22mm) could be considered as sensitive by disk diffusion method. The agar dilution method is a method to be accurate, but laborious to run in the laboratory routine
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Análise morfométrica e molecular da alveolite induzida em ratos com diferentes modalidades de tratamento / Molecular and morphometric analysis of induced dry socket in mice with different treatment conditionsCamila Lopes Cardoso 25 March 2009 (has links)
A alveolite é uma complicação pós-operatória de carácter inflamatório que acomete alvéolos de dentes recém-extraídos. A incidência dessa complicação varia de 1 a 4% e pode chegar a 30%. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os mecanismos biológicos envolvidos no processo de reparo de alvéolos intencionalmente infectados, em ratos; comparar diferentes modalidades de tratamento e correlacionar os resultados encontrados através de duas análises (microscópica e molecular). Foram utilizados 84 ratos, divididos nos grupos: I: alvéolo não infectado; II: alvéolo infectado sem nenhum tratamento; III: alvéolo infectado tratado com irrigação de solução de iodeto de sódio a 2% e peróxido de hidrogênio a 3% na proporção de 1:1; e IV: alvéolo infectado submetido à curetagem, irrigação com soro fisiológico e preenchimento com uma pasta à base de metronidazol. Os animais foram eutanasiados aos 6, 15 e 28 dias pós-operatório. Foi realizada a análise quantitativa da expressão de genes envolvidos no processo de reparo [colágeno tipo I (COL-I), fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), osteocalcina (OCN), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) e fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-\'alfa\')], através da RealTimePCR, correlacionando sua expressão com as características microscópicas observadas qualitativa e quantitativamente. Com base nos resultados da análise microscópica e molecular, podemos concluir que os marcadores RUNX2, OCN e TNF-\'alfa\' podem ser usados como indicadores para avaliar a neoformação óssea e a quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório em alveolite. Os marcadores ALP e VEGF não representaram adequadamente o que se observou microscopicamente. Embora o tratamento da alveolite com a pasta à base de metronidazol promova maior densidade de neoformação óssea aos 28 dias, não há diferenças entre os tratamentos. / Dry socket is an inflammatory postoperative complication that undertakes sockets of recently extracted teeth. The incidence of such complication varies from 1 to 4% and might reach up to 30%. The objective of this study was to analyze the biological mechanisms involved in the repair process of intentionally infected sockets in mice; compare different treatment conditions and correlate the results of two different analysis (microscopic and molecular). 84 mice were used in this study, divided according the following groups: I: uninfected socket; II: infected socket without any treatment; III: infected socket treated with irrigation of 2% sodium iodide and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at 1:1 proportion; and IV: infected socket submitted to curettage, physiological saline solution irrigation and fulfillment with metronidazole base paste. The animals were killed at a postoperative period of 6, 15 and 28 days. A quantitative analysis was performed using a RealTimePCR to evaluate the genes expression involved [Collagen Type I (COL-I), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), osteocalcin (OCN), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-\'alpha\')], in the repair process, correlating its expression with the microscopic characteristics observed in both qualitative and quantitative manner. Based in the results of the microscopic and molecular analysis, it can be concluded that the RUNX2, OCN and TNF-\'alpha\' markers can be used as indicators to evaluate the dry socket bone neoformation and inflammatory infiltrate quantity. The ALP and VEGF markers did not represented appropriately what was observed microscopically. Although the dry socket treatment with metronidazole base paste promotes an increase in the bone neoformation density at 28 days, no difference was found among the treatments.
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Vergleich systemischer antibiotischer und lokaler antiseptischer Zusatzmedikation in der Therapie der generalisierten aggressiven ParodontitisKaner, Dogan 14 September 2005 (has links)
Die systemische Verabreichung von Amoxizillin/Metronidazol (AM) als Zusatz zu Scaling/Root planing (SRP) in der Behandlung der generalisierten Aggressiven Parodontitis (gAP) führt zu guten klinischen und mikrobiologischen Ergebnissen. Die lokale antiseptische Zusatzmedikation mit Chlorhexidin in einem Controlled-Delivery-Device (PerioChip, PC) verbessert das Ergebnis von SRP in der Behandlung der Chronischen Parodontitis. Die Anwendung in der Behandlung der gAP ist bisher noch nicht untersucht worden. Ziele: Der Effekt von PC als Zusatz zu SRP in der Therapie der gAP wurde untersucht. Die Wirksamkeit wurde mit der Standardmedikation AM verglichen. Neben klinischen Parametern wurde die Konzentration des Entzündungsmarkers Calprotectin in der Sulkusflüssigkeit (SF) bestimmt. Material/Methode: 36 gAP-Patienten (18/Gruppe, 35+/-4 Jahre) wurden mit SRP und randomisiert entweder mit AM oder PC behandelt. Zur Baseline, 3 und 6 Monate nach SRP wurden die klinischen Parameter PD, CAL, BoP, Pus erhoben sowie SF-Proben tiefer und flacher Referenzstellen entnommen. Die Calprotectin-Konzentration in der SF wurde mittels ELISA bestimmt. Ergebnisse: 3 Monate nach SRP zeigten beide Gruppen signifikante Verbesserungen der klinischen Parameter, wobei noch keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen bestanden. Während die AM-Gruppe stabil blieb, verschlechterten sich mehrwurzelige Zähne und tiefe Referenzstellen der PC-Gruppe wieder signifikant. Nach 6 Monaten wies die AM-Gruppe signifikant mehr CAL-Gewinn und PD-Reduktion auf. Pus war nur noch in der PC-Gruppe nachweisbar. Die Calprotectin-Konzentration war zwar in beiden Gruppen signifikant gesunken, Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen bestanden jedoch aufgrund hoher Standardabweichungen nicht. Schlussfolgerung: AM zeigte eine bessere klinische Wirksamkeit und Langzeitstabilität als PC. Aufgrund großer interindividueller Variabilität spiegelte die SF-Konzentration von Calprotectin die klinischen Unterschiede nicht wider. / Adjunctive systemic administration of amoxicillin/metronidazole (AM) in generalized aggressive periodontitis (gAP) therapy results in good clinical and microbiological outcome. Adjunctive use of chlorhexidine within a controlled-delivery-device (PerioChip, PC) improves the outcome of scaling/root planing (SRP) in chronic periodontitis therapy. Its effect in the treatment of gAP has not been evaluated. Aims: The effect of adjunctive use of PC in the treatment of gAP was investigated. Efficacy of PC was compared to the standard treatment with AM. Clinical parameters and the concentration of the inflammation marker calprotectin within gingival crevice fluid (GCF) were measured. Material/methods: 36 gAP patients (18/group, 35+/-4 years) were treated by SRP either AM or PC. Clinical parameters PD, CAL, BoP and Pus were recorded at baseline, 3 and 6 months after therapy. GCF was sampled at deep and shallow reference sites and the concentration of calprotectin was measured by ELISA. Results: Both groups showed significant improvements of clinical parameters 3 months after SRP, however differences between groups were not significant. While the AM-group remained clinically stable, multirooted teeth and deep reference sites of the PC-group showed significant deterioration again. 6 months after SRP, the AM-group showed significant more CAL gain and PD reduction. Pus was detectable in the PC group only. The concentration of calprotectin in GCF had significantly decreased in both groups; however differences between groups were not significant due to high standard deviations. Conclusion: AM showed higher efficacy in terms of clinical treatment outcome and long-term stability than PC. Due to high interindividual variability, GCF-concentrations of calprotectin failed to reflect clinical differences.
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