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Kulturellt anpassad för globalisering – En kvalitativ studie om affärskulturellaskillnader i Kina / Culturally adapted for globalization – A qualitative study in business culturaldifferences in ChinaMartinsson, Niklas, Möller, Emil, Paulsen Ernek, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Den ekonomiska jätten i öst växer som aldrig förr och affärsmöjligheterna för företag har gåttfrån att bara ha varit ett land där man förlägger sin produktion, tack vare att kostnaderna är såpass låga, lockar numera den snabbt växande konsumentmarknaden fler och fler företag atttesta lyckan i landet. I denna uppsats tas den affärskulturella skillnaden upp både internt iföretag där man har kinesiska kollegor samt externt, hur man jobbar med kinesiska företagfrån ett svenskt perspektiv. Den stora problematiken längs vägen mot en hybridkultur är denkulturella skillnaden som råder mellan Kina och Sverige som medför utmaningar för varjeföretag som ämnar etablera sig i Kina. Skillnader i värderingar, religion, normer, vanor medmycket mera bidrar till en skild uppfattning om hur affärer ska skötas.Genom att söka relevant data i litteratur, tidskrifter och artiklar samt genomföra kvalitativaintervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet och kunskap av den kinesiska kulturen då de harantingen verkat i Kina eller har arbetat med kinesiska kollegor under en längre tid, hoppas vikunna skapa en djupare förståelse för hur svenska företag bemöter den kinesiskaaffärskulturen. Dessa personer hittar vi i både stora och små företag som verkar i Kina för attfå fler perspektiv på hur kulturen fungerar. Hur mycket de kommer i kontakt med begreppsom guanxi1 och mianzi2, som är stora delar av den kinesiska affärskulturen, är också relevantför denna studie. Vi ville även undersöka hur aktuell befintlig data inom ämnet är och om denär i behov av en modernisering för att spegla dagens rådande affärsklimat.Hur ser de kulturella skillnaderna ut för ett svenskt företag och hur gör de för att överkommadessa för att lyckas på den kinesiska marknaden? Hur mycket behöver de anpassa sig till denrådande kulturen samt hur mycket anpassar sig de kinesiska företagen till de svenskaföretagen? Var är den internationella affärskulturen i Kina på väg? Detta är några av de frågorvi försöker få svar på genom denna studie. / The financial giant in the east expands like never before and the business opportunities havegone from just being a country where you place your production due to the low costs, to arapid growing consumers market that attracts more and more companies to try out their luck.In this thesis the business Culture is described both internally in the company where you haveChinese colleagues and externally, how you work with Chinese companies from a Swedishperspective. The main issue along the way towards a hybrid culture are the culturaldifferences between China and Sweden as well as the challenges that comes with it for everycompany that tries to establish themselves in China. Differences in values, religion, habits andnorms among much else contribute to a separated opinion on how business is supposed to bedealt with.By searching for relevant data in literature, periodicals and articles as well as carry outqualitative interviews with individuals with experience and knowledge about the Chineseculture where they have worked in China or have had Chinese colleagues under a longerperiod of time, we hope to create a deeper understanding of how Swedish companies treatsthe Chinese business culture. We find these people in both large and small companies that arein China to get more perspective on how the culture works. How much do they get in contactwith concepts like guanxi1 and mianzi2, which are major parts of the Chinese business culture,is also relevant to this study. We also wanted to do research of how up-to-date current data inthe field is and if the data is in need of a modernization to reflect the current business climate.How do the cultural differences look like for a Swedish company and how do they go about toovercome this to succeed on the Chinese market? How much do they need to adapt to theculture and how much do the Chinese companies adapt to the Swedish business culture?Where is the international business culture heading? These are just a few of the questions thatwe are trying to find an answer to with this study.
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Dealing with Guanxi and Mianzi : Challening the Traditional Unifying Approach towards CultureRask, Hannes, Pan, Kishi Di, Nyreröd Sandahl, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
This paper will display a comparative analysis on how one culture is viewed, differently and similarly, by two other cultures, and how such perceptions impact on cross-cultural management. Hofstede’s (1980) studies on culture dimensions are incorporated substan-tially in the research, nevertheless, his assumption that culture is apprehended universal-ly will be refuted. The contribution of this research is that it is based on the presump-tion that culture will be viewed divergently by people of different cultural backgrounds, by employing a triangular comparison among three countries; Sweden, Australia and China.Whilst working in China, expatriates will encounter Chinese social values of guanxi and mianzi, which are terms well imprinted within the Chinese culture. Guanxi deals with how people in China establish, handle and maintain interpersonal relationships. Mianzi is a term for describing how Chinese preserve their pride and honour in social situa-tions. The concepts will be employed when conducting the comparisons of Australian and Swedish expatriate managers’ interpretations on the two respectively. Findings were qualitatively collected by interviewing expatriates from Australia and Sweden, to-gether with the theoretical framework, combined in a triangular analysis. It was con-cluded that the young Australian entrepreneurs scrutinized guanxi and mianzi in a more critical manner in comparison to the elder Swedish managers, who had a more neutral approach towards the Chinese social values.
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Influence of Guanxi and Trust on Business to Business relationships in the Chinese marketLIU, YIGE, NTERAI, SIRIOUS January 2019 (has links)
Aim: To understand the influence of guanxi and trust on business to business relationships in the Chinese market. Method: This study was conducted based on an inductive qualitative research method with the use of primary and secondary data. A case study, with semi-structured interview questions and open-end questionnaire, were used for the collection of primary data. In total 27employees were interviewed, 13 through an online application and 14 through an online survey. Result & Conclusions: Guanxi and trust are inseparable and complement each other when building B2B relationships. Renqing and ganqing are part of guanxi which can influence guanxi directly. Trust can be divided into interpersonal and organizational trust and both can build B2B relationships. For the creation of a long-term relationship between business partners, both guanxi and trust are essential to maintain and strengthen the relationship. Suggestion for future research: Because of the limited number of interviews and circumstances, the results of this research are based in one company and three of its business partners. All the interviewed employees work in China and are specialized in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, the results are difficult to be generalized, but further studies can be conducted in different fields and industries, such as government-owned companies and various business scopes to investigate if the different levels of guanxi and trust influence business relationships or performance. Contribution of the study: This study contributes to the understanding of how guanxi and trust influence relationships between business partners in China. No matter which starts the initial B2B relationship, both trust and guanxi are essential in building, maintain and strengthening B2B relationships.
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The factors affect the survival of international joint ventures involving Chinese family businessSha, Nana, Lin, Yun January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to explore what factors affect the survival of international joint ventures involving Chinese family business. The results show that “Wulun” , “ Guanxi -based trust”, and communication as the main factors, control, and “Mianzi” could influence on the survival of IJV. Among them, “Wulun,” “Guanxi-based trust,” and “Mianzi” derived from Confucian culture.
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With the continuous exploration of Chinese market’s potential, this promising and enormous market is becoming more and more crowded no matter in which industry. For example, in home furnishing industry, although the world leader - IKEA strived to implement its differentiation and cost leadership strategies that had brought tremendous success in the other markets worldwide, the company’s performance in this distinctive developing country had not progressed much, unlike other parts of the world. Thus, there must be some factors that foreign companies ignored, which led to this situation. That how Chinese think, what exactly trigger them to buy? There is little research on home furnishing industry regarding those questions inside Chinese market. In this article, through observation of the consumer behavior of Chinese people in the home furnishing industry, and focusing on the “mianzi” factor in Chinese consumer behavior, with a quantitative research method, to examine possible correlations with “mianzi” gaining. After a detailed linear regression through SPSS with data collected from 309 candidates both online and offline, the result shows that price and noticeability of home furnishing are key factors that let the Chinese consumer gain “mianzi”; further, lead to competitive consumption and conspicuous consumption, rather than the brand of the furniture.
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Možnosti súkromného podnikania v Číne pre zahraničné subjekty na pozadí politicko-ekonomických zmien / Opportunities of private entrepreneurship in China for foreign entities on the background of political and economical changesHlubovič, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The core of this thesis is analysis of the political and economical field of China with focusing on the period from 1978 to the present with the impact of the changes on the entrepreneurial sector. The emphasis is put on the cultural environment of China that sometimes complicates doing business in this country for foreign entities. The thesis contains important cultural chinese aspects that should know every potential businessman before entering the chinese market. The aim of this thesis is to outline the political and economical development in China with estimation of the trends on the chinese market that are potential niche market.
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Vikten av guanxi på arbetsplatsen : Att bygga guanxi och med lokala kollegor inom svenska multinationella företag i KinaForsgren, Caroline, Xia, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Det kinesiska samhället är i hög grad präglat av dess kulturella traditioner som i många aspekter skiljer sig från andra länder. I samband med att allt fler svenska företag väljer att etablera sig i Kina där svenska expatriater sänds ut som resurser, blir det alltmer väsentligt att förstå sig på landets kultur och värderingar. En central aspekt ligger i att bygga relevanta nätverksrelationer, vilket i Kina benämns som guanxi. Guanxi definieras som relationella utbyten mellan parter baserat på implicita principer av tillit, ömsesidighet och empati. Denna studie har syftat till att undersöka hur viktigt svenska expatriater upplever att guanxi är med kinesiska kollegor, samt på vilka sätt expatriaters personliga egenskaper påverkar relationsuppbyggandet. Vidare har studien avsett att undersöka vilka möjligheter och svårigheter guanxi kan innebära för expatriater under deras internationella uppdrag. En kvalitativ metod har tillämpats, där empirin bestått av åtta intervjuer med svenska expatriater inom olika multinationella företag i Kina. Studiens resultat påvisade att de flesta expatriater upplevde guanxi med lokala kollegor som viktigt vid anpassning till miljön. Personliga egenskaper, som ett intresse för kulturen och en öppensinnad inställning, bidrog även till en bättre förståelse för guanxis innebörd som underlättat utlandsvistelserna. Studiens resultat har vidare påvisat att högre uppsatta expatriater inte upplevde guanxi med lokala kollegor som lika relevant. Samtidigt som guanxi med lokala kollegor bidrar till nya möjligheter och nätverksrelationer, har även svårigheter påvisats relaterat till mutor och korruption.
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Challenges, Responses, and Social Supports: A Study of Chinese Students' Adaptation to a Midwestern U.S UniversityWu, Dan 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Kinesiska affärsetableringar i Sverige : Kartläggning över områden som förbättrar chanserna att lyckasSund, Nina, Larsson, Anna, Wistrand, Nils January 2012 (has links)
Aim and starting point: The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to examine and define the paramount knowledge Chinese businessmen need in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The authors also seek to answer what incentives attract Chinese businessmen to come to Sweden, as well as how Chinese establishments in Sweden can be predicted to appear in the future. Results/conclusions: The study outlines key areas in which Chinese businessmen should have knowledge in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The results also gives an indication on how Chinese business establishments in Sweden will appear in the future, into which areas the Chinese mainly invest/establish in, as well as why and how these are done. On the basis of this material the authors generate proposals for educational packages which among others can be sold to Chinese businessmen. Knowledge overview: Here relevant theory connected to the area of study is presented. The knowledge overview presents the Swedish in relation to the Chinese perspective in areas such as: culture, hierarchy, relations, Face, communication, HRM, education, CSR and labour law. The knowledge overview can itself contribute to fostering an understanding of differences between Sweden and China. Method: The area of research has been accessed by a combination of methods. The study is both deductive and explorative. The main channel of information and data collection are in-depth interviews which are used as a deductive starting point, an expert investigation and as a Grounded Theory. As a complement the authors have also conducted a delphi study in which an expert panel answered questions concerning the future of Chinese establishments in Sweden. The deductive and explorative parts have been analyzed individually and have each generated a conclusion. These conclusions have then been interwoven in a synthesis that highlights and creates new knowledge. / Syfte och utgångspunkt: Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att undersöka vilka kunskaper kinesiska affärsmän främst behöver för att lyckas med sina etableringar i Sverige. Författarna söker även svar på vad som kan locka kinesiska affärsmän till Sverige, samt hur kinesiska etableringar i Sverige kan komma att te sig i framtiden. Resultat/Slutsats: Studien genererar nyckelområden inom vilka kinesiska affärsmän bör ha kunskaper för att lyckas med etableringar i Sverige. Resultatet ger även indikationer på hur kinesiska affärsetableringar i Sverige kommer att te sig i framtiden, inom vilka områden kineserna främst investerar/etablerar sig i, samt varför och hur dessa görs. Genom detta underlag genererar författarna förslag till utbildningspaket som bland annat kan säljas till kinesiska affärsmän. Kunskapsöversikt: Här presenteras relevant teori kopplad till området som undersökts i studien. Kunskapsöversikten presenterar det svenska respektive det kinesiska perspektivet inom områden som kultur, hierarki, relationer, ansikte, kommunikation, HRM, utbildning, CSR och arbetsrätt. Kunskapsöversikten kan i sig bidra till att skapa förståelse för olikheter mellan Sverige och Kina vilka kan påverka affärsrelationer. Metod: Forskningsområdet har undersökts genom en metodkombination. Studien är såväl deduktiv som explorativ. Den huvudsakliga informations- och datainsamlingskanalen är djupintervjuer som används till såväl en deduktiv utgångspunkt som expertutredning och grundad teori. Som komplement har även en delphiundersökning gjorts där en expertpanel besvarat frågor angående framtida kinesiska etableringar i Sverige. Den deduktiva och de explorativa delarna har analyserats var för sig och genererat varsin slutsats. Dessa slutsatser har sedan vävts samman i en syntes som förtydligar och skapar ny kunskap.
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Survey in Qingdao: The role of “Mianzi” (face) and “Renqing” (benevolence) in Sino-Japanese RelationsKim, Teresa Y. 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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