Spelling suggestions: "subject:"microfluidic""
1151 |
[pt] A poliacrilamida parcialmente hidrolisada (HPAM) é amplamente empregada no processo de recuperação avançada de petróleo (EOR). No entanto, sua eficácia é prejudicada pela degradação das moléculas do polímero durante o fluxo através das linhas de injeção, válvulas e reservatório. Essa degradação leva a uma diminuição do peso molecular médio e, consequentemente, reduza viscosidade e as propriedades viscoelásticas da solução, afetando sua eficácia no deslocamento do petróleo. Para abordar essas questões, nossa pesquisa caracterizou o grau de degradação mecânica das soluções de HPAM usando reologia de cisalhamento e extensional. Induzimos a degradação fazendo as soluções fluírem por uma válvula com constrição e diferentes vazões através deum modelo microfluídico de um médio poroso. Os resultados revelam que aadição de nanopartículas de sílica (SiO2) tem um efeito insignificante sobreas viscosidades de cisalhamento e extensional de soluções frescas e minimiza a degradação mecânica das soluções de HPAM. As propriedades reológicas das soluções de HPAM com nanopartículas de SiO2 não são significativamente afetadas pela degradação mecânica, o que sugere que a incorporação de nanopartículas poderia aumentar a eficiência da injeção de polímeros em processosde EOR por meio da estabilização das soluções de HPAM. Além disso, nosso estudo explorou escoamento de deslocamento de óleo usando soluções de polímero HPAM frescas e degradadas em dispositivos microfluídicos usados como modelos de meios porosos. Os resultados sugerem que o HPAM fresco é mais eficiente na produção de óleo do que o HPAM degradado. Além disso, a adição de nanopartículas de sílica em soluções degradadas de NPs-HPAM resultou em um aumento de 9-13 por cento na recuperação de petróleo, destacando o enorme potencial das nanopartículas no aprimoramento dos processos de EOR. / [en] Partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) is widely employed in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) process. However, its effectiveness is hindered by
degradation of polymer molecules during flow through injection lines, valves
and reservoir. This degradation leads to a decrease in average molecular weight
and subsequently reduces the solution’s viscosity and viscoelastic properties,
impacting its effectiveness on displacing oil. Our research characterized the degree of mechanical degradation of HPAM solutions using shear and extensional
rheology. We induced degradation by flowing the solutions through a valve with
varying constriction and flow rates and through a microfluidic porous medium
model. Our findings reveal that the addition of silica (SiO2) nanoparticles has
a negligible effect on the shear and extensional viscosities of fresh solutions
and minimizes the mechanical degradation of HPAM solutions. The rheological properties of HPAM solutions with SiO2 nanoparticles are not significantly
affected by mechanical degradation, suggesting that incorporating nanoparticles could enhance the efficiency of polymer injection in EOR processes by
stabilizing HPAM solutions. In addition, our study explored oil displacement
flow using both fresh and degraded HPAM polymer solutions in microfluidic
devices used as models of porous media. The findings suggest that fresh HPAM
is more efficient in displacing oil than degraded HPAM. Furthermore, the addition of silica nanoparticles into degraded NPs-HPAM solutions resulted in a
9-13 percent increase in oil recovery, highlighting the enormous potential of nanoparticles in enhancing EOR processes.
1152 |
[pt] A injeção de água é o método mais utilizado para estender a vida produtiva de
reservatórios de petróleo. No entanto, sua eficiência é limitada pela relação de
mobilidade desfavorável entre a fase aquosa injetada e a fase oleosa deslocada.
A heterogeneidade das formações agrava essa questão, direcionando a água
através de caminhos preferenciais, resultando na retenção de óleo residual.
Estudos recentes propõem emulsões de óleo-em-água como agentes de bloqueio
para reduzir a mobilidade da fase aquosa. A redução da mobilidade associada
à captura de gotas da fase dispersa leva a uma frente de deslocamento mais
uniforme, aumentando a recuperação de óleo. Apesar dos avanços recentes
na injeção de emulsões como método de recuperação avançada de petróleo
(EOR), aspectos fundamentais do escoamento de emulsões óleo-em-água a
nível microscópico e sua relação com a redução macroscópica na mobilidade
da fase aquosa ainda necessitam de maior compreensão. Este estudo explora
fatores que influenciam a eficácia de um processo de injeção de emulsão,
incluindo o tamanho das gotas, a distribuição das gargantas de poros e a
vazão de injeção, que influenciam diretamente na redução da mobilidade.
Micromodelos bidimensionais foram empregados para visualizar a dinâmica
de retenção e liberação de gotas, relacionando fenômenos em escala de poros
à mobilidade da fase aquosa. Duas geometrias foram projetadas para este
propósito. O micromodelo linear assegura um gradiente de pressão e uma
velocidade constante ao longo de seu comprimento, enquanto a configuração
radial avalia o desempenho da injeção de emulsão sob diferentes números de
capilaridade. Nesta última configuração, a área de fluxo aumenta com o raio,
reduzindo a velocidade do escoamento à medida que o fluido se afasta do
ponto de injeção. Os resultados mostram que a redução da mobilidade pode
ser controlada pelo número de capilaridade e pela distribuição do tamanho
de gotas. Em números de capilaridade suficientemente altos, a diferença de
pressão na maioria das gargantas de poro supera a pressão capilar, empurrando
as gotas através das constrições. Nestes casos, a retenção de gotas é baixa e a
redução da mobilidade é fraca. Por outro lado, em números de capilaridade
baixos, a retenção de gotas é alta, causando uma redução significativa na
mobilidade da fase aquosa, que é fortemente dependente da distribuição do
tamanho de gotas. Além disso, no fluxo radial, o bloqueio de poros ocorre
abaixo de um número de capilaridade crítico, onde a força capilar supera a
pressão viscosa. O trabalho demonstra que a injeção de emulsão melhora a
eficiência de deslocamento a nível microscópico, reduzindo a saturação residual
de óleo. Os resultados podem orientar a seleção de características específicas
de emulsões a serem injetadas em reservatórios com distribuições conhecidas
de gargantas de poros, visando alcançar a necessária redução na mobilidade
da fase aquosa e, consequentemente, incrementar a recuperação de óleo. / [en] Water injection is the most commonly used method for extending the productive life of oil reservoirs; however, its efficiency is limited by an unfavorable
mobility ratio between the injected aqueous phase and the displaced oil phase.
Reservoir heterogeneity exacerbates this issue, driving water through preferential flow paths with lower capillary resistance, leaving trapped oil behind.
Recent studies propose oil-in-water emulsions as a pore-blocking agent to reduce aqueous phase mobility, leading to a more uniform displacement front
and enhancing oil recovery. Despite recent developments in emulsion injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), fundamental aspects of the pore-scale
dynamics of oil-in-water emulsion flow and its correlation with observed macroscopic mobility reduction remain not completely understood. This study
explores key factors influencing the design of an effective emulsion injection
process, including emulsion drop size, pore throat distribution, and injection
flow rate, and their impact on the mobility reduction of the aqueous phase.
Two-dimensional porous media micromodels were employed to visualize drop
dynamics, examining how pore-scale phenomena affect aqueous phase mobility
reduction. Two distinct geometries were designed for this purpose. The linear
micromodel ensures a constant pressure gradient and flow velocity along its
length, while the radial configuration assesses emulsion flooding performance
under varying capillary numbers. In the latter configuration, the flow area increases with the radius, reducing the flow velocity as the fluid moves away
from the injection point. Results show that mobility reduction can be finely
controlled by the capillary number and the drop size distribution. At sufficiently high capillary numbers, the pressure difference in most pores is strong
enough to overcome the capillary pressure needed to push a drop through the
constriction; the number of trapped drops is relatively small, and mobility reduction is weak. Conversely, at low capillary numbers, the number of trapped
drops is large; the mobility reduction is strong and dependent on the drop size
distribution. Additionally, in radial flow, stronger pore-blocking occurs below
a critical capillary number, where capillary resistance surpasses viscous pressure. Flow visualization demonstrates that emulsion flooding improves pore-level displacement efficiency, reducing residual oil saturation. These findings
offer valuable insights into tailoring oil-in-water emulsions for injection into
reservoirs with known pore throat distributions, aiming to achieve the necessary aqueous phase mobility reduction and consequently increase oil recovery
1153 |
Development of a Fluorescent Droplet Analyser for microbiological studiesIlling, Rico 16 February 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eine Gerätes, welches die Überwachung von mehreren hundert Mikrobioreaktoren ermöglicht. Dabei sollte es, neben der Reduzierung von Kosten und Arbeitskraft, die konventionellen Pipettiermethoden in der zeitliche Auflösung übertreffen. Weiterhin soll es über eine Gradientenerzeugung verfügen, um sehr feine Variationen der Zusammensetzung des verwendeten Mediums zu ermöglichen. Dafür wurde ein Analysator für fluoreszierenden Tropfen (Fluorescent Droplet Analyser) entwickelt, mit dem ein segmentierter Fluss von mehreren hundert Tropfen erzeugt werden kann und für viele Tage gemessen werden kann. Für die Messung wurde der Analysator mit einer flexiblen Fluoreszenzoptik ausgestattet um unterschiedliche Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe oder Molekühle detektieren zu können. Mehrere Experimente wurden durchgeführt, welche das Potentials des Gerätes zeigen. Einzelne Zellen des Pantoffeltierchen (Paramecium tetraurelia) konnten in einzelnen Tropfen eingeschlossen werden und mit einem metabolischen Farbstoffe ihre Stoffwechselaktivität gemessen werden. Ebenfalls wurden viele Experimente mit Pseudomonas fluorescens und E.coli YFP durchgeführt. Durch die flexible Fluoreszenzoptik konnte das Wachstum beider Arten in eine Experiment gemessen werden.
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OSTE Microfluidic Technologies for Cell Encapsulation and Biomolecular AnalysisZhou, Xiamo January 2017 (has links)
In novel drug delivery system, the encapsulation of therapeutic cells in microparticles has great promises for the treatment of a range of health con- ditions. Therefore, the encapsulation material and technology are of great importance to the validity and efficiency of the advanced medical therapy. Several unsolved challenges in regards to versatile microparticle synthesis ma- terials and methods form the main obstacle for a translation of novel cell therapy concepts from research to clinical practice. Thiol-ene based polymer systems have emerged and gained great popular- ity in material development in general and in biomedical applications specif- ically. The thiol-ene platform is broad and therefore of interest for a variety of applications. At the same time, many aspects of this material platform are largely unexplored, for example material and manufacturing technology developments for microfluidic applications . In this Ph.D. thesis, thiol-ene materials are explored for use in cell encap- sulation. The marriage of these two technology fields breeds the possibility for a novel microfluidic cell encapsulation approach using a novel encapsulation material. To this end, several new manufacturing technologies for thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy droplet microfluidic devices were developed. Moreover, core-shell microparticle synthesis for cell encapsulation based on a novel co- synthesis concept using a thiol-ene based material was developed and inves- tigated. Finally, a thiol-ene-epoxy system was also used for the formation of microwells and microchannels that improve protein analysis on microarrays. The first part of the thesis presents the background and state-of-the-art technologies in regards to cell therapy, microfluidics, and thiol-ene based ma- terials. In the second part of the thesis, a novel manufacturing approach of thiol-ene-epoxy material as well as core-shell particle co-synthesis in micro- fluidics using thiol-ene based material are presented and characterized. The third part of the thesis presents the cell viability studies of encapsulated cells using the novel encapsulation material and method. In the final part of the thesis, two applications of thiol-ene-epoxy gaskets for protein detection mi- croarrays are presented. / Inkapsling av levande celler i mikrokapslar för terapeutiska ändamål är mycket lovande för frmatida behandling av många olika sjukdomar. Emeller- tid är en behandlings effektivitet i hög grad beroende av vilka material som används för inkapsling och vilken teknisk lösning som används för att ska- pa mikrokapslarna. För närvarande återstår det många utmaningar för att omvandla grundforskningresultat till klinisk verklighet, vilken kräver mer än- damålsenliga tillvägagångssätt för att tillverka mikrokapslar i material som är kompatibla med användningsområdena. De senaste åren har tiol-en baserade polymerer har blivit mycket använda för materialutveckling i stort och för biomedicinska tillämpningar i synnerhet. Med tiol-en kemi kan en mycket stor mängd helt olika syntetiska material framställas, vilket gör tiol-ener intressanta för en mängd applikationer. För närvarande är dock mycket inom denna materialklass outforskat, t.ex. inom material och tillverkningmetodik för mikrofluidiktillämpningar. I denna avhandling används tiol-ener för cellinkapsling. Sammanslagning av dessa teknologier möjliggör en ny typ av cellinkapsling med nya materi- alegenskaper. En mängd olika tillverkningssätt där tiol-en eller tiol-en-epoxi används för droplet-mikrofluidiksystem utvecklades. Core-shell mikrokapsel- syntes för cell-inkapsling baserat på en ny metod för samtidig syntes av både core och shell utvecklades och karaktäriserades. Slutligen utvecklades ett tiol- en-epoxi system för enkel integrering med proteinmikroarrayer på objektsglas. I avhandlingens första del presenteras bakgrund och dagens bästa teknolo- gier för terapeutisk cellinkapsling, mikrofluidik och tiol-en baserade material. I avhandlingens andra del presenteras en ny tillverkningsmetod för mikro- strukturerade tiol-en-epoxi artiklar och samtidig syntes av core och shell för mikrokapslar med användande av mikrofluidik. I den tredje delen presenteras cellöverlevandsstudier för de celler som inkapslats med de nya materialen och de nyutvecklade metoderna. I den avslutande delen beskrivs två specifika fall där tiol-en-epoxi komponenter används för proteindetektion och mikroarrayer. / <p>QC 20171122</p>
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Development of a Fluorescent Droplet Analyser for microbiological studiesIlling, Rico 04 January 2018 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eine Gerätes, welches die Überwachung von mehreren hundert Mikrobioreaktoren ermöglicht. Dabei sollte es, neben der Reduzierung von Kosten und Arbeitskraft, die konventionellen Pipettiermethoden in der zeitliche Auflösung übertreffen. Weiterhin soll es über eine Gradientenerzeugung verfügen, um sehr feine Variationen der Zusammensetzung des verwendeten Mediums zu ermöglichen. Dafür wurde ein Analysator für fluoreszierenden Tropfen (Fluorescent Droplet Analyser) entwickelt, mit dem ein segmentierter Fluss von mehreren hundert Tropfen erzeugt werden kann und für viele Tage gemessen werden kann. Für die Messung wurde der Analysator mit einer flexiblen Fluoreszenzoptik ausgestattet um unterschiedliche Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe oder Molekühle detektieren zu können. Mehrere Experimente wurden durchgeführt, welche das Potentials des Gerätes zeigen. Einzelne Zellen des Pantoffeltierchen (Paramecium tetraurelia) konnten in einzelnen Tropfen eingeschlossen werden und mit einem metabolischen Farbstoffe ihre Stoffwechselaktivität gemessen werden. Ebenfalls wurden viele Experimente mit Pseudomonas fluorescens und E.coli YFP durchgeführt. Durch die flexible Fluoreszenzoptik konnte das Wachstum beider Arten in eine Experiment gemessen werden.:1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Scope of this thesis 2
1.3 State of the art 3
2 Fundamentals
2.1 Millifluidics vs. microfluidics 5
2.1.1 Droplet based microfluidics 6
2.1.2 Surfactant in droplet-based millifluidics 7
2.2 The model of microorganism growth 8
2.3 The fluorescence based detection 9
3 Materials & Methods
3.1 The culture of the microorganisms and preparation 11
3.1.1 The Paramecium tetraurelia 11
3.1.2 Pseudomonas fluorescens 12
3.1.3 Escherichia coli 12
3.1.4 The bacteria culture 13
3.2 The Poisson distribution . 15
3.3 The composition of the emulsion 16
3.4 The fluidic components 17
3.5 Modules of the Fluorescent Droplet Analyser 18
3.5.1 The optocoupled relay card 18
3.5.2 The used fluidic pumps 19
3.5.3 The photonic elements of the FDA 19
3.5.4 The light sources 21
3.5.5 The optical fibres 23
3.5.6 The used detectors 23
3.6 The operating Software 24
4 The Fluorescent Droplet Analyser
4.1 The fluidic network for droplet generation and shuttling 26
4.1.1 Generation of a droplet sequence 28
4.1.2 Measuring a droplet sequence 30
4.2 The electric schematics of the FDA 31
4.3 The light source, guidance, and detection 32
4.3.1 Preparation of the fibres 33
4.3.2 The detection setup 35
4.4 The developed LabView program for operating the FDA 37
4.4.1 The automated measurement process 40
4.4.2 The peak mode 41
4.4.3 The time mode 42
4.4.4 The combined mode 42
4.4.5 The dynamic threshold 42
4.5 The developed VI program for analysing the data of the FDA 44
4.6 Flow characteristics of the FDA 46
4.6.1 Basic flow characteristics 46
4.6.2 Characteristics for shuttling of a droplet sequence 47
4.6.3 Influence of the hydrodynamic resistance 48
5 Monitoring of Paramecium tetraurelia
5.1 Introduction 51
5.2 Generation of a droplet sequence for Paramecium tetraurelia 53
5.3 Metabolic dynamics in droplets 54
5.4 Ecotoxicity assays 58
6 Monitoring of bacteria
6.1 Introduction 63
6.2 Generation of a droplet sequence for the bacteria experiments 64
6.3 Cell number calibration of the FDA 65
6.4 Monitoring of the bacteria growth 68
6.5 Investigation of the of the fluorescence signal 70
6.6 One bacteria cell in a droplet 71
6.7 The determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration 74
6.8 Long-term monitoring 80
6.9 Sectioning of the droplet sequence 80
6.10 Multicolor fluorescence detection 83
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Theoretical and experimental study of non-spherical microparticle dynamics in viscoelastic fluid flowsCheng-Wei Tai (12198344) 06 June 2022 (has links)
<p>Particle suspensions in viscoelastic fluids (e.g., polymeric fluids, liquid crystalline solutions, gels) are ubiquitous in industrial processes and in biology. In such fluids, particles often acquire lift forces that push them to preferential streamlines in the flow domain. This lift force depends greatly on the fluid’s rheology, and plays a vital role in many applications such as particle separations in microfluidic devices, particle rinsing on silicon wafers, and particle resuspension in enhanced oil recovery. Previous studies have provided understanding on how fluid rheology affects the motion of spherical particles in simple viscoelastic fluid flows such as shear flows. However, the combined effect of more complex flow profiles and particle shape is still under-explored. The main contribution of this thesis is to: (a) provide understanding on the migration and rotation dynamics of an arbitrary-shaped particle in complex flows of a viscoelastic fluid, and (b) develop guidelines for designing such suspensions for general applications.</p>
<p>In the first part of the thesis, we develop theories based on the second-order fluid (SOF) constitutive model to provide solutions for the polymeric force and torque on an arbitrary-shaped solid particle under a general quadratic flow field. When the first and second normal stress coefficients satisfy <strong>Ψ</strong><sub>1</sub> = −2 <strong>Ψ</strong> <sub>2</sub> (corotational limit), the fluid viscoelasticity modifies only the fluid pressure and we provide exact solutions to the polymer force and torque on the particle. For a general SOF with <strong>Ψ</strong> <sub>1</sub> ≠ −2 <strong>Ψ</strong> <sub>2</sub>, fluid viscoelasticity modifies the shear stresses, and we provide a procedure for numerical solutions. General scaling laws are also identified to quantify the polymeric lift based on different particle shapes and orientation. We find that the particle migration speed is directly proportional to the length the particle spans in the shear gradient direction (L<sub>sg</sub>), and that polymeric torques lead to unique orientation behavior under flow.</p>
<p>Secondly, we investigate the migration and rotational behavior of prolate and oblate spheroids in various viscoelastic, pressure-driven flows. In a 2-D slit flow, fluid viscoelasticity causes prolate particles to transition to a log-rolling motion where the particles orient perpendicular to the flow-flow gradient plane. This behavior leads to a slower overall migration speed (i.e., lift) of prolate particles towards the flow centerline compared to spherical particles of the same volume. In a circular tube flow, prolate particles align their long axis along the flow direction due to the extra polymer torque generated by the velocity curvature in all radial directions. Again, this effect causes prolate particles to migrate slower to the flow centerline than spheres of the same volume. For oblate particles, we quantify their long-time orientation and find that they migrate slower than spheres of the same volume, but exhibit larger migration speeds than prolate particles. Lastly, we examine the effect of normal stress ratio ? <strong>α</strong> = <strong>Ψ</strong> <sub>2</sub> /<strong>Ψ</strong><sub>1 </sub>on the particle motion and find that this parameter only quantitatively impacts the particle migration velocity but has negligible effect on the rotational dynamics. We therefore can utilize the exact solution derived under the corotational limit (?<strong>α</strong> = −1/2) for a quick and reasonable prediction on the particle dynamics.</p>
<p>We next experimentally investigate the migration behavior of spheroidal particles in microfluidic systems and draw comparisons to our theoretical predictions. A dilute suspension of prolate/oblate microparticles in a density-matched 8% aqueous polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) solution is used as the model suspension system. Using brightfield microscopy, we qualitatively confirm our theoretical predictions for flow Deborah numbers 0 < De < 0.1 – i.e., that spherical particles show faster migration speed than prolate and oblate particles of the same volume in tube flows.</p>
<p>We finally design a holographic imaging method to capture the 3-D position and orientation of dynamic microparticles in microfluidic flow. We adopt in-line holography setup and propose a straightforward hologram reconstruction method to extract the 3-D position and orientation of a non-spherical particle. The method utilizes image moment to locate the particle and localize the detection region. We detect the particle position in the depth direction by quantifying the image sharpness at different depth position, and uses principal component analysis (PCA) to detect the orientation of the particle. For a semi-transparent particle that produces complex diffraction patterns, a mask based on the image moment information can be utilized during the image sharpness process to better resolve the particle position.</p>
<p>In the last part of this thesis, we conclude our work and discuss the future research perspectives. We also comment on the possible application of current work to various fields of research and industrial processes.</p>
1157 |
Low power steering electrodes within microfluidic channels for blood cancer cell separation for MRD applicationsSuryadevara, Vinay Kumar 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In this study, a novel model for manipulating cancer blood cells based on multi-stage micro channels under varied low field concepts is proposed. Steering Device approach was followed to manipulate the cancer cells based on their various differential potentials across their membranes. The proposed approach considers the size and the surface potential as well as the iso electronic structure of the cells. These research objectives emphasize the separation of the cells in the blood stream, and differentiates various blood cells and tumors for further analysis within the microfluidic channels. The dimensions of the channel sets the required electric field for manipulating the cancer cells within the channels using low electrode voltage function. The outcomes of this research may introduce a new diagnostic approach of finding the minimum residual disease (MRD) scans, early detection and analysis scans. This thesis provides a mathematical model, detailing the theory of the cell sorting device, manipulating the blood cancer cells and design of the device structure are also detailed, leading to the optimum research parameters and process. A Computer Aided Design (CAD) was used to model the multi-cell sorting lab-on-chip device, details of hardware and software were used in the simulation of the device various stages. Reverse engineering to configure the potentials for sorting mechanism needs is discussed. The thesis work also presents a comparative study of this sorting mechanism and the other commercially available devices. The practical model of the proposed research is laid out for future consideration.
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Fundamentals of molecular communication over microfluidic channelsBicen, Ahmet Ozan 27 May 2016 (has links)
The interconnection of molecular machines with different functionalities to form molecular communication systems can increase the number of design possibilities and overcome the limited reliability of the individual molecular machines. Artificial information exchange using molecular signals would also expand the capabilities of single engineered cell populations by providing them a way to cooperate across heterogeneous cell populations for the applications of synthetic biology and lab-on-a-chip systems. The realization of molecular communication systems necessitates analysis and design of the communication channel, where the information carrying molecular signal is transported from the transmitter to the receiver. In this thesis, significant progress towards the use of microfluidic channels to interconnect molecular transmitter and receiver pairs is presented. System-theoretic analysis of the microfluidic channels are performed, and a finite-impulse response filter is designed using microfluidic channels. The spectral density of the propagation noise is studied and the additive white Gaussian noise channel model is developed. Memory due to inter-diffusion of the transmitted molecular signals is also modeled. Furthermore, the interference modeling is performed for multiple transmitters and its impact on the communication capacity is shown. Finally, the efficient sampling of the signal transduction by engineered bacterial receivers connected to a microfluidic channel is investigated for the detection of the pulse-amplitude modulated molecular signals. This work lays the foundation for molecular communication over microfluidic channels that will enable interconnection of engineered molecular machines.
1159 |
Applications of microfluidic chips in optical manipulation & photoporationMarchington, Robert F. January 2010 (has links)
Integration and miniaturisation in electronics has undoubtedly revolutionised the modern world. In biotechnology, emerging lab-on-a-chip (LOC) methodologies promise all-integrated laboratory processes, to perform complete biochemical or medical synthesis and analysis encapsulated on small microchips. The integration of electrical, optical and physical sensors, and control devices, with fluid handling, is creating a new class of functional chip-based systems. Scaled down onto a chip, reagent and sample consumption is reduced, point-of-care or in-the-field usage is enabled through portability, costs are reduced, automation increases the ease of use, and favourable scaling laws can be exploited, such as improved fluid control. The capacity to manipulate single cells on-chip has applications across the life sciences, in biotechnology, pharmacology, medical diagnostics and drug discovery. This thesis explores multiple applications of optical manipulation within microfluidic chips. Used in combination with microfluidic systems, optics adds powerful functionalities to emerging LOC technologies. These include particle management such as immobilising, sorting, concentrating, and transportation of cell-sized objects, along with sensing, spectroscopic interrogation, and cell treatment. The work in this thesis brings several key applications of optical techniques for manipulating and porating cell-sized microscopic particles to within microfluidic chips. The fields of optical trapping, optical tweezers and optical sorting are reviewed in the context of lab-on-a-chip application, and the physics of the laminar fluid flow exhibited at this size scale is detailed. Microfluidic chip fabrication methods are presented, including a robust method for the introduction of optical fibres for laser beam delivery, which is demonstrated in a dual-beam optical trap chip and in optical chromatography using photonic crystal fibre. The use of a total internal reflection microscope objective lens is utilised in a novel demonstration of propelling particles within fluid flow. The size and refractive index dependency is modelled and experimentally characterised, before presenting continuous passive optical sorting of microparticles based on these intrinsic optical properties, in a microfluidic chip. Finally, a microfluidic system is utilised in the delivery of mammalian cells to a focused femtosecond laser beam for continuous, high throughput photoporation. The optical injection efficiency of inserting a fluorescent dye is determined and the cell viability is evaluated. This could form the basis for ultra-high throughput, efficient transfection of cells, with the advantages of single cell treatment and unrivalled viability using this optical technique.
1160 |
Modélisations et simulations numériques d'écoulements d'air dans des milieux micro poreux / Modeling and numerical simulation of air flows in porous micro-porous mediaVu, Thanh Long 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de simuler numériquement des écoulements de gaz dans des matrices poreuses dont les pores sont de taille micrométrique. On étudie l'influence des phénomènes de glissement hydrodynamique qui apparaissent lorsque la dimension caractéristique de micro- conduites est caractérisée par des nombres de Knudsen compris entre Kn = 0,01 et Kn = 0,1.Le mémoire de thèse est composé de cinq chapitres suivis d'une conclusion dans laquelle nous présentons quelques perspectives pour une suite de ce travail. Le chapitre I constitue le travail préliminaire de thèse qui s'est ensuite orienté vers des approches complémentaires. Le principe des méthodes d'homogénéisation périodique est d'abord exposé. Suit une présentation de deux méthodes de résolution dans l'espace de Fourier : l'approche en déformation et l'approche en contrainte. L'extension de ces méthodes à la résolution d'écoulements régis par l'équation de Stokes est ensuite décrite. Des applications aux cas d'écoulements à travers des réseaux de cylindres, avec condition d'adhérence ou avec condition de glissement, sont ensuite discutées. Deux techniques de modélisation des phénomènes de transport dans des milieux poreux saturés par un fluide monoconstituant sont présentées dans le second chapitre. La première est basée sur la méthode des développements asymptotiques, appelée aussi méthode d'homogénéisation. On explique que le processus consiste en trois étapes : description locale, localisation et description macroscopique. La seconde technique s'appuie sur la méthode de calcul de moyennes à l'échelle d'un VER. Le point de départ de cette méthode est basé sur des théorèmes donnant les expressions des moyennes de tous les opérateurs intervenant dans une équation de transport. Après une brève présentation du logiciel commercialisé que nous avons utilisé, nous exposons les études de convergence spatiale que nous avons effectuées et nous comparons nos solutions avec des résultats de la littérature dans le chapitre III. Diverses géométries sont considérées (allant de géométries planes à des empilements 3D de cubes ou de sphères).L'effet du glissement sur la perméabilité de milieux microporeux est abordé dans le chapitre IV. Le formalisme résultant de l'homogénéisation de structures périodiques est utilisé pour simuler numériquement des écoulements isothermes de gaz dans divers empilements de complexités croissantes. Les perméabilités sont déterminées en calculant les moyennes spatiales des champs de vitesses, solutions des équations de Stokes. Les valeurs obtenues en imposant des conditions d'adhérence sont comparées à celles obtenues avec des conditions de glissement du premier ordre. Dans le chapitre V, nous présentons des solutions pour des écoulements anisothermes et étudions l'effet du glissement sur la conductivité effective de milieux microporeux 2D et 3D. Dans ce chapitre, nous résolvons les équations de Navier-Stokes et de l'énergie en imposant des conditions de symétries dans une ou deux directions. A partir des solutions locales, sont calculées les moyennes intrinsèques des champs de vitesse et de température. Nous considérons des cas pour lesquels la condition d'équilibre thermique local peut être considérée comme satisfaite et d'autres correspondant à un non-équilibre thermique (NTLE). On détermine les conductivités de dispersion en fonction du nombre du Péclet et on montre l'influence du glissement sur les composantes longitudinales et transverses pour différentes porosités et longueur de glissement. Dans les cas NLTE, le coefficient macroscopique de transfert fluide-solide est aussi calculé / This thesis aims at numerically simulating gas flows in porous matrices with micro-sized pores. We study the influence of hydrodynamic slip phenomena that appear when the characteristic dimension of micro pores is characterized by Knudsen numbers between Kn = 0.01 and Kn = 0.1.The thesis consists of five chapters followed by a conclusion in which we present some perspectives for further studies. Chapter I is the preliminary work of thesis that turned into complementary approaches. The principle of periodic homogenization methods is first exposed. We present then two methods in the Fourier space: the stress approach and the strain approach. The extension of these methods for solving flows governed by the Stokes equation is described in what follows. Applications to flows through networks of cylinders, subjected to no slip or slip condition, are then discussed. Two techniques for modeling transport phenomena in porous media saturated by a mono-component fluid are presented in the second chapter. The first is based on the method of asymptotic expansions, also known as homogenization method, based on the concept of separation of scales. It is explained that the process consists of three steps: local description, localization and macroscopic description. The second technique is based on the method of averaging at the level of a representative elementary volume (REV). The starting point of this method is based on the equations of Continuum Mechanics and theorems giving the averaged expressions of all operators involved in a transport equation. We show that it extends easily to gas flows in micro porous media. After a short presentation of the commercial software used, we present the spatial convergence studies carried out and we compare our solutions with the results of the literature in Chapter III. Various geometries are considered (plane to 3D geometries made of cubes or spheres), but these comparisons are limited to isothermal flows. The effect of slip on the permeability in micro porous media is discussed in Chapter IV. The resulting formalism of the periodic homogenization structures is used for numerical simulation of isothermal gas in various geometries of increasing complexity. The permeabilities are determined by calculating the spatial averages of velocity fields, solutions of the Stokes equations. The values obtained by imposing no slip conditions are compared with first order slip conditions. We discuss the relative increase in permeability due to slip according to the geometry of the pores. In Chapter V, we present the solutions for anisothermal flows and we study the effect of slip on the effective conductivity in 2D and 3D microporous media. In this chapter, we solve the Navier-Stokes and energy equations by imposing symmetry conditions in one or two directions. The intrinsic mean velocity and temperature fields are calculated from these local solutions. We consider cases where the local thermal equilibrium condition can be considered as satisfied and other corresponding to a non-local thermal equilibrium (NLTE). We determine the dispersion conductivity based on the Péclet number and show the influence of velocity slip on longitudinal and transverse components for various porosities and slip lengths. In NLTE cases, the macroscopic fluid-to-solid heat transfer coefficient is also calculated
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