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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coconut Coir as a Vertical Textile in Soilless Growth Systems

DeRose, Haley Nicole 29 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Examining physiological and photosynthetic effect of LED lighting on lettuce and kale microgreens

Blanche, James Travis 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of these studies was to observe the effects of LED lighting treatments on physiological parameters of lettuce and microgreens. Four different lighting treatments; 1) Physiospec (white), 2) Red, 3) DR9 (25:75 Blue:Red), and 4) Anthospec (at 20/80 Blue:Red); were used in this experiment. Two experiments were conducted: 1) Examining the effects of LED lights on lettuce yield and photosynthetic activity and 2) The effects of switching lighting regiments halfway through the growth cycle on Kale microgreen yield and color. Physiospec lighting was found to promote the highest yield and photosynthetic activity among the four treatments for lettuce. It was found that changing from Physiospec lighting to Red lighting increased the fresh mass and stem height of kale microgreens. This also made the microgreens alighter shade of green.

Inomhusodling av microgreens i urban miljö - ur ett företags- och hållbarhetsperspektiv

Andersson, Josefina, Holmén, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka inomhusodlingen av microgreens ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv med anledning av att matförsörjningen står inför stora utmaningar. Detta gjordes i förhållande till resursanvändning, ekonomisk hållbarhet ur ett företagsperspektiv samt till vilka möjligheter och hinder microgreensodlingar har för att öka tillgången på lokala råvaror. Microgreens är unga hjärtbladsväxter som skördas när de har fått sitt första bladpar. I den här studien har både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder använts.Metoderna har inkluderat en materialflödesanalys samt en ekonomisk analys som har baseratspå Botildenborgs microgreensodling. Dessutom har semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts med två personer som har god kunskap om microgreens. Resultatet visade att resurserna iBotildenborgs microgreensodling används förhållandevis ekologiskt hållbart. Det finns däremot förbättringspotential, såsom ett konstant belysningsintervall och en lägreljusintensitet på LED-lamporna. Samtliga inköpta fröer borde även vara svenskproducerade.Vi kom även fram till att det är ekonomiskt hållbart för Botildenborg att bedriva sin micorgreensodling, även när elpriserna anses vara höga. Här finns också förbättringspotential rörande belysningsintervallet och lampornas ljusintensitet. Vi har konstaterat att de möjligheter som finns för att öka kundernas tillgång på lokala råvaror, såsom microgreens är: utbildning, tillgång året om, ökad efterfrågan samt microgreens närings-, hälso- ochmiljöfördelar. Hindren utgörs däremot av: bristande kunskap hos konsumenterna, greenwashing samt ett högt försäljningspris. Avslutningsvis kan inomhusodlingen av microgreens vara ett steg på vägen till att en tryggad livsmedelsförsörjning uppnås, men inte ett avgörande sådant. / The aim of this study was to investigate indoor farming of microgreens from a sustainability perspective, which is relevant as the food supply is facing major challenges. This was done in relation to resource usage, economic sustainability from a business perspective and which opportunities and obstacles there are for the cultivation of microgreens to increase the access to locally grown food. Microgreens are young cotyledons that are harvested at the true leaf stage. In this study both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used. This has included a material flow analysis and an economic analysis for Botildenborgs indoor farming of microgreens. Further on, semi-structured interviews were carried out with two people with good knowledge of microgreens. The results showed that resources in Botildenborgs indoor farming of microgreens were used relatively efficiently according to ecological sustainability. Although, there is some potential for improvements with constant lighting with low intensity LED lamps. All purchased seeds should also be produced at local scale (in Sweden) as far as possible. We also concluded that it is economically sustainable for Botildenborg to operate their indoor farm, even when the electricity prices are considered high. There is potential forimprovements here too, regarding the continuous lighting and the lamps intensity. We also concluded that opportunities to increase the customers access to locally grown food include education, all year-round access, increased demand, and nutritional, health-related, and environmental benefits. The obstacles on the other hand are lack of knowledge among consumers, greenwashing, and high selling prices. Finally, indoor farming of microgreens can be a step towards food security, but not a decisive one.

UV-A spinduliuotės poveikis mikrožalumynų vidinei ir išorinei kokybei / The impact of UV-A radiation on the internal and external quality of microgreens

Kukcinavičiūtė, Milda 16 June 2014 (has links)
2012 metų rugsėjo – spalio mėn. Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės instituto Augalų fiziologijos laboratorijos fitotroninio komplekso uždaro reguliuojamo klimato kamerose tirta UV-A (+366, +390, +402 nm) spinduliuotės įtaka mikrožalumynų vidiniams ir išoriniams kokybės rodikliams. Darbo objektas – po skirtingais UV-A šviesos diodais, papildančiais bazinį (447 nm, 638 nm, 665 nm ir 731 nm) apšvietimą auginti kiniško kopūsto ‘Rubi’ (Brassica rapa var. chinensis, ‘Rubi’), kvapiojo baziliko ‚Sweet Genovese‘ (Ocimum basilicum L., ‚Sweet Genovese‘) ir burokėlio (Beta vulgaris L., ‘Bulls Blood’) mikrožalumynai. Darbo metodai: Augalo hipokotilio bei antžeminės dalies aukštis (cm) matuotas slankmačiu. Žalios masės kiekis (mg) nustatyta antžeminę augalo dalį pasvėriant svarstyklėmis. Lapų plotas matuotas lapų ploto matuokliu. Sacharidų (rafinozės, sacharozės, gliukozės, manozės, fruktozės) kiekis nustatytas skysčių chromatografijos metodu. Nitratų kiekis nustatytas potenciometriniu metodu. Fotosintezės pigmenų (chlorofilo a ir chlorofilo b) kiekis nustatytas spektrofotometriniu metodu pagal Wetshtein. Darbo rezultatai: Ištyrus papildomų UV-A šviesos diodų spinduliuotės poveikį mikrožalumynų biometriniams rodikliams, nustatyta, kad jis priklausė nuo augalo rūšies. Tiriant skirtingų bangos ilgių šviesos diodų derinių poveikį augalams nustatyta, kad didesnę teigiamą įtaką kiniško kopūsto mikrožalumynų lapų plotui ir žaliai masei turėjo papildomi 366... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In September – October, 2012, the investigation was performed in the Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry, the Institute of Horticulture and Gardening of Lithuania, in the laboratory of plant physiology phytothron complex of closed adjustable climate chambers. It was evaluated the influence of the UV-A irradiation on the internal and external quality of microgreens Object of the research: The microgreens of the chinese cabbage ‘Rubi’ (Brassica rapa var. chinensis, ‘Rubi’), sweet basil ‘Sweet Genovese’ (Ocimum basilicum L., ‘Sweet Genovese’) and beet ‘Bulls Blood’ (Beta vulgaris L., ‘Bulls Blood’) were grown under different UV-A (366 nm, 390 nm, 402 nm) light-emitting diodes supplementing basal (447 nm, 638 nm, 665 nm and 731 nm) enlightment. Research methods: The Hypocotyls and the height of the ground segment of the plant was measured using callipers. The amount of green mass (mg) was determined weighing the ground segment of the plant with scales. The area of leaves (cm2) was measured using the measuring instrument of leaf area. The amount of saccharides (raffinose, sucrose, glucose, mannose, fructose) was defined by the method of liquid chromatography. Nitrates were defined by potentiometric method. Photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b) was determined by spectrophotometry method according to Wetshtein. Research results: After investigation of the influence of aditional UV-A light-emitting diode on biometric indicators of microgreens, it was determined that... [to full text]

Substratų įtaka bastutinių šeimos mikrožalumynų antioksidaciniam aktyvumui / Effect substratum on antioxidant activity in brassica familie microgreens

Barčytė, Toma 21 June 2013 (has links)
2012 m. gegužės mėn. Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės instituto Augalų fiziologijos laboratorijoje tirta aukštapelkių durpių, ceolito, kokoso ir vermikulito substratų įtaka bastutinių šeimos mikrožalumynų antioksidaciniam aktyvumui. Darbo objektas – skirtinguose substratuose auginti kaliaropių ‘Delicacy Purple’ (Brassica oleracea ‘Delicacy Purple’), garstyčių ‘Red Lion’ (Brassica juncea ‘Red Lion’), kiniškų kopūstų ‘Rubi’ (Brassica rapa ‘Rubi’ ), ridikėlių ‘Rioja Improved’ (Raphanus sativus ‘Rioja Improved’) mikrožalumynai. Darbo metodai: Spektrofotometriniu metodu įvertinta DPPH● radikalų surišimo geba ir nustatyti askorbo rūgšties, antocianų, fenolių, tokoferolių ir karotinoidų kiekiai. Darbo rezultatai. Antioksidantų kiekį mikrožalumynuose lemia augalų genotipas ir naudojamo substrato rūšis. Ištyrus substratų poveikį antioksidacinėmis savybėmis pasižyminčių junginių kaupimui, nustatyta tokia substratų seka: vermikulitas > kokosas > ceolitas > durpė. Didžiausi askorbo rūgšties kiekiai aptinkami kokoso substrate augintuose ridikėliuose (1,16 mg g–1) ir garstyčiose (1,17 mg g–1). Vermikulito ir kokoso substratas padidino fenolinių junginių kiekį bastutinių augalų mikrožalumynuose. Durpės ir ceolito substratas antocianų kiekiui mikrožalumynuose esminės įtakos neturėjo. Kokoso substratas lėmė α tokoferolio koncentracijos padidėjimą ir liuteino kiekio sumažėjimą kiniškų kopūstų mikrožalumynuose. Vermikulito ir kokoso substrato parinkimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In May, 2012, the influence of the substrates like bog peats, zeolite, coconut and vermiculite on the antioxidant potential of the brassica (lot. brassica) family microgreens was analyzed at the plant physiology laboratory of the Gardening and Horticulture Institute at the Scientific center of agrarian and forestry of Lithuania. Object of the research: In different substrate to grow the microgreens of the kohlrabi ‘Delicacy Purple’ (Brassica oleracea ‘Delicacy Purple’), the mustard Red Lion’ (Brassica juncea ‘Red Lion’), chines cabbage ‘Rubi’ (Brassica rapa ‘Rubi’) and the radish ‘Rioja Improved’ (Raphanus sativus ‘Rioja Improved’) were analyzed. Research methods: During the spectrophotometrically test fastening capacity of DPPH● radicals was evaluated and the quantity of ascorbic acid, antocients, phenolic, tocopherols and carotenoids was dimensioned. Research results: The amount of antioxidant in the microgreens is determined by the genotype of plants and the kind of the substrates that is used. After the examination of the substrate influence on the accumulation of components with antioxidant characteristics, the following sequence of substrates was established: vermiculite> coconut> zeolite> peat. The largest amount of ascorbic acid was found in the radish (1,16 mg g-1) and the mustard (1,17 mg g-1) microgreens that were grown in the coconut substrate. The vermiculite and coconut substrate increased the amount of phenolic compounds in the brassica microgreens but the peat... [to full text]

Pěstování microgreens v mateřské škole / Growing Microgreens in Nursery Schools

Kapuciánová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the topic of cultivating microgreens in nursery school. Microgreens are young plants of various species of vegetable, that are grown in soil and are harvested approximetely after ten days. The simplicity of growing microgreens makes it an appropriate activity for preeschool-age children. Besides rewarding the children with nutricious food, it brings children the oppoturnity to develop key competences and pre- literacies. The theoretical part is an information base for growing microgreens in kindergarten conditions. It describes cultivating plants in kindergarten, it deals with historicaly, legislatively and didactic point of wiew and also describe kinds of microgreens, possibilities of use and cultivation procedures suitable for kindergarten. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present the possibility of growing microgreens in nursery school with preschool children. The empirical part focuses on the design and implementation of a set of activities in which children in kindergarten grow microgreens. In addition to cultivation, other activities are also included, in which children use the topic of microgreens in individual stages of growth. The set of activities aims primarily on reaching environmental education goals and is created using a logical model. It is...


Madhu Lekha Guntaka (11211111) 30 July 2021 (has links)
<p>There is a growing demand for indoor farm management systems that can track plant growth, allow automatic control and aid in real-time decision making. Internet of Thing (IoT)-based solutions are being applied to meet these needs and numerous researchers have created prototypes for meeting specific needs using sensors, algorithms, and automations. However, limited studies are available that report on comprehensive large-scale experiments to test various aspects related to availability, scalability and reliability of sensors and actuators used in low-cost indoor farms. The purpose of this study was to develop a low-cost, IoT devices driven indoor farm as a testbed for growing microgreens and other experimental crops. The testbed was designed using off-the-shelf sensors and actuators for conducting research experiments, addressing identified challenges, and utilizing remotely acquired data for developing an intelligent farm management system. The sensors were used for collecting and monitoring electrical conductivity (EC), pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels of the nutrient solution, light intensity, environmental variables, and imagery data. The control of light emitting diodes (LEDs), irrigation pumps, and camera modules was carried out using commercially available components. All the sensors and actuators were remotely monitored, controlled, and coordinated using a cloud-based dashboard, Raspberry Pis, and Arduino microcontrollers. To implement a reliable, real-time control of actuators, edge computing was used as it helped in minimizing latency and identifying anomalies.</p> <p>Decision making about overall system performance and harvesting schedule was accomplished by providing alerts on anomalies in the sensors and actuators and through installation of cameras to predict yield of microgreens, respectively. A split-plot statistical design was used to evaluate the effect of lighting, nutrition solution concentration, seed density, and day of harvest on the growth of microgreens. This study complements and expands past efforts by other researchers on building a low cost IoT-based indoor farm. While the experience with the testbed demonstrates its real-world potential of conducting experimental research, some major lessons were learnt along the way that could be used for future enhancements.</p>

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