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Centrosomes in Cytokinesis, Cell Cycle Progression and Ciliogenesis: a DissertationJurczyk, Agata 08 September 2004 (has links)
The work presented here describes novel functions for centrosome proteins, specifically for pericentrin and centriolin. The first chapter describes the involvement of pericentrin in ciliogenesis. Cells with reduced pericentrin levels were unable to form primary cilia in response to serum starvation. In addition we showed novel interactions between pericentrin, intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins and polycystin 2 (PC2). Pericentrin was co-localized with IFT proteins and PC2 to the base of primary cilia and motile cilia. Ciliary function defects have been shown to be involved in many human diseases and IFT proteins and PC2 have been implicated in these diseases. We conclude that pericentrin is required for assembly of primary cilia possibly as an anchor for other proteins involved in primary cilia assembly. The second chapter describes identification of centriolin, a novel centriolar protein that localizes to subdistal appendages and is involved in cytokinesis and cell cycle progression. Depletion of centriolin leads to defects in the final stages of cytokinesis, where cells remain connected by thin intercellular bridges and are unable to complete abscission. The cytokinesis defects seemed to precede the G0/G1 p53 dependant cell cycle arrest. Finally, the third chapter is a continuation of the cytokinesis study and it identifies pericentrin as an interacting partner for centriolin. Like centriolin, pericentrin knockdown induces defects in the final stages of cytokinesis and leads to G0/G1 arrest. Moreover, pericentrin and centriolin interact biochemically and show codependency in their centrosome localization. We conclude that pericentrin and centriolin are members of the same pathway and are necessary for the final stages of cytokinesis.
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Light Intermediate Chain 1: a Multifunctional Cargo Binder for Cytoplasmic Dynein 1: a DissertationWadzinski, Thomas 11 September 2006 (has links)
Cells as dynamic, interactive, and self contained units of life have a need for molecular motors that can create physical forces to move cargoes within the cell. Cytoplasmic dynein 1 is one such molecular motor that has many functions in the cell. The number and variety of functions that involve cytoplasmic dynein 1 suggest that there are a number of different binding sites on dynein for different proteins. Cytoplasmic dynein 1 is a multiprotein complex made up of six different subunit families. The many different combinations of subunits that could be used to make up a cytoplasmic dynein 1 holocomplex provides the variety of different binding sites for cargoes that can be individually regulated.
The following chapters flush out how light intermediate chain 1 (LIC1), a subunit of cytoplasmic dynein 1, is involved with multiple dynein functions involving the binding of different cargoes to the cytoplasmic dynein 1 holocomplex, and how the binding of these cargoes can be regulated. First, LIC1 is found to be involved in the spindle assembly checkpoint. LIC1 appears to facilitate the removal of Mad1-Mad2, a complex important in producing a wait anaphase signal, from kinetochores. Second, the involvement of LIC1 in the spindle assembly checkpoint requires the phosphorylation of LIC1 at a putative Cdk1 phosphorylation site. This site is located in a domain of LIC1 that binds various proteins suggesting that this phosphorylation could also regulate these interactions. Third, LIC1 is involved in the centrosomal assembly of pericentrin, an important centrosomal protein. From the data presented herein, LIC1 is shaping up as a multifunctional cargo binder for cytoplasmic dynein 1 that requires regulation of its various cargoes.
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Molecular insights into the Tau-actin interactionCabrales Fontela, Yunior 22 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Pericentrin and Gamma Tubulin Form a Novel Lattice and a Protein Complex that is an Essential Unit of Centrosome Assembly: a DissertationDictenberg, Jason B. 17 December 1999 (has links)
Pericentrin and γ-tubulin are two resident centrosome proteins that are involved in microtubule nucleation and organization. When cytosolic extracts of Xenopus eggs were analyzed on sucrose gradients and gel filtration, the two proteins comigrated on gradients and co-eluted from the column. Immunodepletion of γ-tubulin removed all of the soluble pericentrin. The complex of the two proteins was estimated to be ~3-5 megaDaltons (MD), consisting of a pericentrin complex of ~20S and a γ-tubulin complex of ~25S, presumably the γ-TURC (~2 MD). When analyzed at the centrosome by enhanced deconvolution immunofluorescence the two proteins colocalized within a novel ring-like lattice structure, unlike other centrosome proteins analyzed, and were sufficiently close to generate FRET. The levels of the two proteins increased through the cell cycle, peaking at metaphase, and these changes were accompanied by structural changes in the lattice. Nucleated microtubules appeared to contact lattice elements throughout the centrosome. Inhibition of pericentrin function diminished assembly of γ-tubulin onto centrosomes, as did microtubule depolymerization and inhibition of dynein funciton. Separate fractions of the two proteins showed that pericentrin was required in the form a ~20S complex to bind γ-tubulin and for γ-tubulin assembly and microtubule nucleation. Overexpressed and purified pericentrin from cells eluted as a single polypeptide and was not competent to bind γ-tubulin. These results show that pericentrin in the context of a ~20S complex functions to assemble γ-tubulin into the centrosome lattice, and suggests that the pericentrin complex associated with the γ-TURC consists of an essential unit for centrosome formation.
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A Study of the Assembly Mechanism of Pericentrin and γ Tubulin onto the Centrosome in Mammalian Cells: A DissertationYoung, Aaron Isadore 30 July 1999 (has links)
The mechanism for centrosome assembly in somatic cells has previously been proposed to be microtubule independent. Studies presented in this dissertation demonstrate that in somatic cells pericentrin and γ tubulin, two paradigm centrosome proteins, assemble onto the centrosome in a microtubule, and dynein/dynactin dependent manner. High resolution, three-dimensional, time-lapse digital imaging of pericentrin-GFP labeled centrosomes has revealed tiny particles that move vectorally towards the centrosome at rates exceeding 1μm/second. These pericentrin-GFP particles contain γ tubulin and are not readily visible by standard two-dimensional digital imaging microscopy. Further studies have shown that dynein colocalizes with tiny particles of endogenous pericentrin outside of the centrosome which may reflect assembly intermediates in transit towards the centrosome. Furthermore, when dynein function is disrupted in G1 cells by nocodazole treatment, dynamitin overexpression, or dynein IC antibody (70.1) injection, assembly of pericentrin and γ tubulin onto the centrosome throughout the cell cycle is greatly reduced. Moreover, microtubule co-sedimentation studies have demonstrated that pericentrin associates with microtubules in vitro and is dependent on functional dynein/dynactin. Together these data strongly suggest that pericentrin and γ tubulin are novel cargoes of the dynein/dynactin motor complex which transports these proteins -and likely other components of the 3MDa nucleating complex (Dictenberg et al., 1998)- to the centrosome via rnicrotubules.
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Etude de l'implication de CRMP4, un partenaire de MAP6, dans la voie de signalisation sémaphorine 3E / Study of the function of CRMP4, a MAP6 partner, in semaphorin 3E signaling pathwayBoulan, Benoit 26 January 2018 (has links)
Etude de l'implication de CRMP4, un partenaire de MAP6, dans la voie de signalisation sémaphorine 3E.Pendant le développement embryonnaire, les neurones établissent des milliards de connexions. Ces connexions ne sont pas aléatoires, mais précisément orientées, dirigées par des molécules de guidage situées dans l’environnement cellulaire. Le branchement inapproprié de ces neurones a de graves conséquences sur les fonctions sensorielles, motrices et cognitives du système nerveux, aboutissant à des pathologies neurologiques et psychiatriques telle que la schizophrénie. Ainsi la mutation de certaines protéines impliquées dans le guidage de ces connexions, comme MAP6 ou CRMP4, peut entraîner des perturbations conduisant à des prédispositions pour le développement de telles pathologies. En effet l'absence de MAP6 (souris KO MAP6) conduit à l'altération de nombreuse connections neuronales associé a différents troubles comportementaux réminiscent avec des symptômes schizoïdes. Parmi les faisceaux d'axones affectés on remarque la disparition du fornix, un faisceau neuronal connu pour son implication dans la schizophrénie. Cette disparition est en partie causée, en l'absence de MAP6, par l'abolition de la signalisation induite par la molécule de guidage sémaphorine 3E (Sema3E). Dans ce projet de thèse, le lien entre MAP6 et CRMP4 dans cette voie de signalisation Sema3E à pu être établi. De plus, l'impact de l'absence de la protéine CRMP4 sur la formation du fornix a pu être caractérisé par l'étude neuroanatomique des souris KO CRMP4. Nous avons par ailleurs pu mettre en évidence de nouvelles altérations causée par l'absence de MAP6. Dans son ensemble ce travail approfondit les connaissances des défauts des connectivités des souris KO MAP6 et identifie CRMP4 comme un nouvel acteur de la signalisation Sema3E et de la formation du fornix. / Study of the involvement of the MAP6 partners, CRMP4, in the semaphorin 3E signaling pathway.During embryonic development, neurons establish billion of connections between them. Those connections are not random. On the contrary, they are precisely targeted thanks to the driving by cellular environment guidance cues. A wrong branching of those neurons can lead to dramatic impairment of sensory, motor and cognitive function of the central nervous system resulting in neurologic or psychiatric disorders such as Schizophrenia. Thus, mutation of proteins implicated on neurons guidance like MAP6 or CRMP4 can lead to susceptibility for those kind of pathology occurrence. In fact, MAP6 deletion ( MAP6 KO mice) leads to diverse neuronal connectivity alterations associated to schizophrenia-like behavior disorders. Among axonal tracts affected we notice the absence of the fornix known for its implication on Schizophrenia. In MAP6 KO mice, this fornix disruption is partly due to the loss of semaphorin 3E (Sema3E) dependant signaling pathway. This project shows the involvement of CRMP4, a partner of MAP6, in the Sema3E signaling pathway. Furthermore, it characterized the impact of the CRMP4 deletion (CRMP4 KO) on fornix formation. Finally, neuroanatomical studies allowed us to identify unknown alteration of MAP6 KO mice connectivity alteration.
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Caractérisation du rôle d'Ensconsine / MAP7 dans la dynamique des microtubules et des centrosomes / A new role for Ensconsin / MAP7 in microtubule and centrosome dynamicsGallaud, Emmanuel 23 April 2014 (has links)
La mitose est une étape essentielle du cycle cellulaire à l’issue de laquelle le génome répliqué de la cellule mère est ségrégé de façon équitable entre les deux cellules filles. Pour cela, la cellule assemble une structure hautement dynamique et composée de microtubules, appelée le fuseau mitotique. En plus d’assurer la bonne ségrégation des chromosomes, le fuseau mitotique détermine l’axe de division, un phénomène particulièrement important pour la division asymétrique où des déterminants d’identité cellulaire doivent être distribués de façon inéquitable entre les deux cellules filles. L’assemblage et la dynamique de ce fuseau sont finement régulés par de nombreuses protéines qui sont associées aux microtubules. Au cour de ma thèse, nous avons identifié 855 protéines constituant l’interactome des microtubules de l’embryon de Drosophile par spectrométrie de masse puis criblé par ARNi 96 gènes peu caractérisés pour un rôle en mitose dans le système nerveux central larvaire. Par cette approche, nous avons identifié 18 candidats sur la base de leur interaction aux microtubules et de leur phénotype mitotique, dont Ensconsine/MAP7. Nous avons montré qu’Ensconsine est capable de s’associer aux microtubules du fuseau et favorise leur polymérisation. De plus, les neuroblastes des larves mutantes présentent des fuseaux raccourcis et une durée de mitose prolongée. Ce délai en mitose est dû à une activation prolongée du point de contrôle du fuseau mitotique qui est essentiel pour une ségrégation correcte des chromosomes en l’absence d’Ensconsine. D’autres part, en association avec la Kinésine-1, son partenaire fonctionnel en interphase, nous avons montré qu’Ensconsine est également impliquée dans la séparation des centrosomes au cours de l’interphase. Ceci entraine une distribution aléatoire des centrosomes pères et fils dans cellules filles. Grâce à cette étude, nous avons révélé deux nouvelles fonctions pour Ensconsine : elle favorise la polymérisation des microtubules et participe donc à l’assemblage du fuseau mitotique et est impliquée, avec la Kinésine-1 dans la dynamique des centrosomes. / Mitosis is a key step of the cell cycle that allows the mother cell to segregate its replicated genome equally into the two daughter cells. To do so, the cell assembles a highly dynamic structure composed of microtubules called the mitotic spindle. Additionally to its role in the faithful segregation of chromosomes, the mitotic spindle defines the axis of cell division. This phenomenon is particularly important for the asymmetric cell division in which cell fate determinants have to be unequally distributed between the two daughter cells. Spindle assembly and dynamics are subtly regulated by numerous microtubules-associated proteins. During my PhD, we identified using mass spectrometry, 855 proteins establishing the Drosophila embryo microtubule interactome. An RNAi screen was performed in the larval central nervous system for 96 poorly described genes, in order to identify new mitotic regulators. Based on microtubule interaction and mitotic phenotype, among 18 candidates we focused on Ensconsin/MAP7. We have shown that Ensconsin is associated with spindle microtubules and promotes their polymerization. Neuroblasts from mutant larvae display shorter spindles and a longer mitosis duration. This mitotic delay is a consequence of an extended activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint, which is essential for the proper chromosome segregation in the absence of Ensconsin. This study also showed that, in association with its interphase partner Kinesin-1, Ensconsin is involved in centrosome separation during interphase. As a result, mother and daughter centrosomes are randomly distributed between the daughter cells. In conclusion, we highlighted two news functions of Ensconsin : first, this protein promotes microtubule polymerization and is involved in spindle assembly ; second, Ensconsin and its partner Kinesin-1 regulate centrosome dynamics.
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Association of Pericentrin with the γ Tubulin Ring Complex: a DissertationZimmerman, Wendy Cherie 03 June 2004 (has links)
Pericentrin is a molecular scaffold protein. It anchors protein kinases, (PKB, (Purohit, personal communication), PKC, (Chen et al., 2004), PKA Diviani et al., 2000), the γ tubulin ring complex, (γ TuRC) (Zimmerman et al., 2004), and possibly dynein (Purohit et al., 1999) to the spindle pole. The γ TuRC is a ~ 2 MDa complex which binds the minus ends of microtubules and nucleates microtubules in vitro, (Zheng et al., 1995). Prior to this work, nothing was known about the association of the γTuRC with pericentrin. Herein I report the biochemical identification of a large protein complex in Xenopus extracts containing pericentrin, the γ TuRC, and other as yet unidentified proteins. Immunodepletion of γ tubulin results in co-depletion of pericentrin, indicating that virtually all the pericentrin in a Xenopus extract is associated with γ tubulin. However, pericentrin is not a member of the, γ TuRC, since isolated γ TuRCs do not contain pericentrin. The association of pericentrin with the γ TuRC is readily disrupted, resulting in two separable complexes, a small pericentrin containing complex of approximately 740 KDa and the the γ TuRC, 1.9 MDa in Xenopus. Co overexpression/ coimmunoprecipitation and yeast two hybrid studies demonstrate that pericentrin binds the γTuRC through interactions with both GCP2 and GCP3. When added to Xenopus mitotic extracts, the GCP2/3 binding domain uncoupled γ TuRCs from centrosomes, inhibited microtubule aster assembly and induced rapid disassembly of pre-assembled asters. All phenotypes were significantly reduced in a pericentrin mutant with diminished GCP2/3 binding, and were specific for mitotic centro somal asters as I observed little effect on interphase asters or on asters assembled by the Ran-mediated centrosome-independent pathway. Overexpression of the GCP2/3 binding domain of pericentrin in somatic cells perturbed mitotic astral microtubules and spindle bipolarity. Likewise pericentrin silencing by small interfering RNAs in somatic cells disrupted γ tubulin localization and spindle organization in mitosis but had no effect on γ tubulin localization or microtubule organization in interphase cells. Pericentrin silencing or overexpression induced G2/antephase arrest followed by apoptosis in many but not all cell types. I conclude that pericentrin anchoring of γ tubulin complexes at centrosomes in mitotic cells is required for proper spindle organization and that loss of this anchoring mechanism elicits a checkpoint response that prevents mitotic entry and triggers apoptotic cell death. Additionally, I provide functional and in vitro evidence to suggest that the larger pericentrin isoform (pericentrin B/ Kendrin) is not functionally homologous to pericentrin/pericentrin A in regard to it's interaction with the γ TuRC.
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Cloning and Characterization of Dynamitin, the 50 kDa Subunit of Dynactin: A Study of Dynactin and Cytoplasmic Dynein Function in VertebratesEcheverri, Christophe de Jesus 30 January 1998 (has links)
Dynactin is a multi-subunit complex which was initially identified in 1991 as an activator of cytoplasmic dynein-driven microtubule-based organelle motility in vitro. Although genetic studies also supported the involvement of both complexes in the same functional pathways in yeast, filamentous fungi, and Drosophila, none of these findings yielded significant insights into dynactin's mechanism of action. The full range of cytoplasmic dynein functions in vertebrate cells has also remained poorly understood, due, in large part, to the lack of a specific method of inhibition. The present thesis work was designed to investigate these issues through a study of the 50 kDa subunit of dynactin.
As a first step (Chapter 1), I cloned mammalian p50 and characterized its expression at the tissue and subcellular levels. Rat and human cDNA clones revealed p50 to be a novel α-helix-rich protein containing several highly-conserved structural features including one predicted coiled-coil domain. Immunofluorescence staining of p50, as well as other dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein components in cultured vertebrate cells showed that both complexes are recruited to kinetochores during prometaphase and concentrate near spindle poles thereafter. These findings represented the first evidence for dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein co-localization within cells, and for the presence of dynactin at kinetochores.
The second major phase of the thesis (Chapter 2) was focused on investigating dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein function in cultured cells in vivo using a dominant negative inhibition approach based on transient transfections of p50 constructs. Overexpression of wild type human p50 in cultured cells resulted in a dramatic fragmentation and dispersal of the Golgi apparatus. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy analysis of p50-overexpressing cells revealed that microtubule-based vesicle transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi was inhibited. Also, the interphase microtubule organizing center was found to be less well-focused in some but not all transfected cells. Overexpression of p50 also disrupted mitosis, causing cells to accumulate in a prometaphase-like state. Chromosomes were condensed but unaligned, and spindles, while still generally bipolar, were dramatically distorted. Sedimentation analysis revealed the dynactin complex to be dissociated in the transfected cultures. Furthermore, both dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein staining at prometaphase kinetochores was markedly diminished in cells expressing high levels of p50. These findings provided the first in vivoevidence for the role of dynactin in cytoplasmic dynein function, i.e. mediating the motor's binding to at least one "cargo" organelle, the kinetochore, and probably also to others such as vesicles destined for the Golgi complex. These data also strongly implicated both dynactin and dynein in Golgi organization during interphase, and chromosome alignment and spindle organization during mitosis. Based on the remarkable disruptive phenotypic effects associated with overexpressing of p50, the name of dynamitin was proposed for this polypeptide.
In the third and last phase of the thesis (Chapter 3), two issues were addressed: first, the dynamitin-induced mitotic arrest phenotype was studied in greater detail to better understand the exact sites of dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein activity throughout mitosis. Second, a domain analysis of dynamitin was performed to gain insight into its function within the dynactin complex. A time-lapse fluorescence microscopy study of mitosis in living dynamitin-overexpressing COS-7 cells strongly suggested specific defects in interactions of astral microtubules with the cell cortex, and in both spindle pole assembly and maintenance. Analysis of the mitotic arrest phenotype in a second cell line revealed a second arrest point at metaphase, and a clear effect of dynamitin overexpression on spindle axis orientation, again consistent with defects in interactions between microtubules and the cell cortex. Refined analyses of kinetochore and spindle pole components also confirmed specific defects in kinetochore function and spindle pole organization. Taken together, these findings support three main sites of dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein activity during vertebrate mitosis: prometaphase kinetochores, spindle poles, and the cell cortex. Finally, the domain analysis revealed dynamitin to be capable of self-association through at least two separate interaction domains, consistent with models of the mechanism underlying dynamitin-induced dynactin dissociation, and therefore, yielding important new insights into dynactin assembly. This study also indicated that a third region within dynamitin, residues 105 to 154, is essential for dynamitin and dynactin function. An independent study confirmed this finding, implicating this region in binding to ZW10, an upstream kinetochore protein. Dynamitin has therefore been revealed to be the kinetochore-targeting subunit of dynactin, and indirectly, cytoplasmic dynein. Through the body of this thesis work, dynamitin has also emerged as a powerful new tool for studying vertebrate dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein function in vivo and in vitro.
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Regulation of tubulin heterodimer partitioning during interphase and mitosis /Holmfeldt, Per, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2008. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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