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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Irregular Female Labour Migration from Ukraine for Labour to the Elderly Care Sector in Italy

Zibner, Rahel January 2010 (has links)
This research deals with irregular female migration from Ukraine to Italy for employment as caregivers to the elderly. The main questions to be addressed are: 'What are the reasons for Ukrainian women to migrate irregularly to such a large extent to Italy? Which important aspects are connected to their employment as a caregiver to the elderly from the individual point of view of Ukrainian women? In this thesis I want to explain the reasons for Ukrainian women to take up work as irregular caregivers in Italy, giving insight into the organization of daily life of irregular Ukrainian care givers. Practical examples will be given that examine the help women receive from Ukrainian professional and private networks. Despite information gaps, the combination of expert and migrant interviews in combination with the analysis of research studies and secondary sources produced important findings on this topic. Firstly, irregular female migration is economically motivated and women are driven to Italy through specific push and pull factors. Secondly, employment and daily life as a caregiver to the elderly in Italy entails economic advantages, but psychological disadvantages for Ukrainian women. 1

Srovnání ukrajinských ekonomických migrantů v Polsku a České republice po roce 2014: sítě, migrační politika a indikátory integrace. / A comparison of Ukrainian economic migrants in Poland and the Czech Republic after 2014: networks, migration policies and integration indicators

Bondariev, Oleksandr January 2021 (has links)
1 Abstract After the Euromaidan revolution, Ukraine has faced an annexation of Crimea and the War of Donbas, with the subsequent economic crisis hurting the living standards of the population. It has led many to travel abroad, as economic migrants, to find better conditions for work and residence. Many Ukrainians started working in Poland and the Czech Republic, becoming the largest group of foreigners there. This dissertation examines the differences between Ukrainians working in those two countries after 2014. Initially, this research discovers theories of migration and integration indicators, identifying key topics to focus on. Those topics are migrants' networks, migration policies of host countries and two integration indicators (real estate participation and human capital). The results suggest that migrants' networks successfully enhance social and economic integration of migrants, with a language factor playing a crucial role. Furthermore, it is important to note social integration largely depends on the willingness to integrate, and it is not always the case. This dissertation shows that Polish migration policies treat Ukrainian economic migrants more favourably than Czech migration policies, providing special treatment and easier access to the labour markets. However, a path to receive a...

Integrace žáků s OMJ v prostředí vybraných českých škol / : Integration of pupils with a different mother tongue in the environment of selected Czech schools

Culková, Magda January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic of Integration of pupils with different mother tongues in the environment of selected Czech schools consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part the basic terminology and issues related to pupils with different mother tongues is defined on the basis of a literature search. In the first part of the work I deal with migration as a phenomenon and also with the development of migration in the territory of the Czech Republic. In the second part of the work I deal with individual models of intercultural coexistence of different cultures in the territory of one state, adaptation, cultural identity, intercultural communication and possible barriers which disrupt mutual understanding. The third part is focused on pupils with different mother tongues and bilingual pupils, their specifics and education, mother tongues, communication and involvement of pupils with different mother tongue in education. In the practical part of the diploma thesis I deal with the inclusion of pupils with different mother tongue at selected primary schools. I chose the type of qualitative survey and used the method of semi-structured interview and observation. Using an interview method with selected pupils with different mother tongues, their class teachers and...

Depopulace ruského Dálného východu a federální migrační politika / The depopulation of the Russian Far East and the federal migration policy

Andrle, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
This study deals with the current demographic situation of the Russian Far East and tries to assess the main patterns of migration in the region. The work is structured in five chapters. The first chapter aims at defining the Russian Far East geographically and concentrates on the most important features of its economy. The second chapter is devoted to region's rapid depopulation since the beginning of 1990s. This part analyses the dominant demographic trends within the district and tries to describe the prevalent patterns of migration on its territory. The third chapter presents a brief historical overview of the colonization and resettlement policies towards the Russian Far East. The main goal of this part is to evaluate the overall effectivity of both tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union in their efforts to populate their easternmost periphery and secure the border with China. The fourth chapter deals with the problem of Chinese migration to the Russian Far East. The emphasis is put on the myth of China's "demographic expansion" and also on the question of possible benefits of drawing in more Chinese workforce in the foreseeable future. The last chapter analyses the current state program designed to attract large numbers of ethnic Russians from abroad and settle them in regions considered as...

Sledování migrace buněk v mikrofluidním systému metodou „Scratch Wound Healing Assay“ / The cell migration monitoring in a microfluidic system by the "Scratch Wound Healing Assay" method

Morgaenko, Katsiarina January 2019 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá popisem principů kultivace embryonálních fibroblastových buněk myší (3T3), lidských endoteliálních buněk odebraných z pupečníkové žily (HUVEC) a epiteliálních buněk vaječníku čínského křečka (CHO) v mikrofluidních systémech simulujících kapiláry. Byly provedeny literární rešerše v oblasti realizací experimentu “Scratch Wound Healing Assay” v mikrofluidních systémech s použitím fibroblastů a endotheliálních buněk. V práci jsou dále popsány principy konfokální a fluorescenční mikroskopie a metody zpracování obrazů pro sledování buněčné migrace. Experimentální nastavení pro mikrofluidní realizaci “Scratch Wound Healing Assay” s použitím trypsinu – EDTA pro vytvoření rýhy, a konfokálního mikroskopu Leica TCS SP8 X pro následující snímání pořízených dat bylo navrženo a otestováno s dostatečným počtem opakování. Vhodný algoritmus pro analýzu buněčné migrace byl napsán v programovacím prostředí Matlab. Závěrem této práce je diskuze získaných výsledků.

Sledování migrace mesenchymálních kmenových buněk v extracelulární matrix / Monitoring of mesenchymal stem cell migration in the extracellular matrix

Zumberg, Inna January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis contains a description of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). The work includes knowledge about the process of migration and differentiation of MSCs. The theoretical part of this thesis also deals with the problem of cell cultivation in 2D and 3D environments. The most used materials for creating 3D scaffolds are described here. The practical part contains the description of the cell culture protocol for passaging and also describes the experiment in the cell laboratory. The results of the experiment are discussed using confocal microscope images. The proposed experiment was tested with a sufficient number of repetitions. The processing of microscopic images was performed in the MATLAB programming environment.

Studium migrace mesenchymálních kmenových buněk v extracelulárním matrix na principu chemotaxe / Study of mesenchymal stem cell migration in the extracellular matrix based on principles of chemotaxis

Scholasterová, Viktorie January 2021 (has links)
This thesis engages in a study of mesenchymal stem cell migration in extracellular matrix based on principles of chemotaxis. First, attention is focused on a theoretical part associated with a clarification of basic terms such as extracellular matrix, migration, confocal microscopy, mesenchymal stem cells or chemotaxis. There is also included a list and a description of some basic methods for monitoring cell migration and a more detailed description of a method called transwell assay, which has been chosen for an experiment in a practical part of this thesis. This part includes protocols of individual steps for the preparation of the experiment, the procedure of data processing obtained by scanning cells with a confocal microscope and a description of the resulting confluence values.

Migrace a refaktorizace Netfox Detective na .NET 5 / Migration and Refactorization of Netfox Detective for .NET 5

Pokorný, Šimon January 2021 (has links)
Every second, there are many attempts to attack various entities on the Internet. This is why high-quality, fast, and up-to-date tools are needed to easily analyze network traffic. Netfox Detective is one of such tools. Specifically, it is used for forensic analysis of network communication. The aim of this work is to migrate Netfox Detective to the newest version of .NET platform (.NET 5), including refactoring with respect to user experience and correct use of software design patterns. This thesis deals not only with the migration itself, but is listing common mistakes programmers make along with possible solutions to these mistakes. The chapters contain a detailed decision log that can help guide other developers to better solutions. Furthermore, the work deals with analysis and creation of unit tests and with correct use of tools for CI/CD. Fully migrated project is not the only output of this thesis. A development environment for the project has been prepared in GitLab and it is ready to be used.

Úprava toku – návrh migrační cesty pro vodní faunu (rybího přechodu) / Adjust the flow - design migration path

Špaček, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of fish ladder on the river Mohelka near the village Chocnějovice. The first section describes the general characteristics of the river-basin and the selected section. It is written introduction to the design, construction and service of the fish ladder. For the task were developed two alternatives. These alternatives were described and compared each other. Included are the input and output data of the given structure modeling using HEC-RAS. The last part is then researched drawings to objects.

Revitalizace vybraného úseku vodního toku / Revitalization of the selected section of the River

Bakala, Filip January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with revitalization of the selected part of river Drevnice. Main scopes of the work are proposals of fish passages through migration barriers. The work is conceived on four levels. The first of them is dealing with the general characteristics of selected segment and with description of objects on watercourse. The second level is dealing with revitalization, where the basic information about migration and efficiency of fishes are described. In this chapter basic distribution of fish ladders is included. In third part, which is the most comprehensive, I design a boulder fish ramp and bypass channel. The last chapter contains drawings documentation of watercourse Drevnice and my own proposed revitalization elements.

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