Spelling suggestions: "subject:"migración""
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Nelegální migrace a Česká republika po roce 1989 z pohledu bezpečnostních složek státu / Illegal Migration and the Czech Republic after 1989 from the Police Forces Point of ViewMAN, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
In this disertation I deal with the problem of illegal migration in our country after the year 1989 from the Police forces point of view. I try to compare streams of migration from the historical aspect {--} which is represented by beginning or fall of iron curtain and evaluace the situation after the entry to the European Union. Next I want to analyze the phenomenon of illegal migration in the frame of graduate spreading of the Schengen Area a I try to resume stats of the illegal migration from The Czech Statistical Office and Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. That is way I want to refer to that illegal migrants we can allure to the final state by legal way when we use unitary and synoptical imigration laws and cooperation with the third countries.
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Uměle vytvořené migrační přechody živočichů a jejich efektivnost / Artificially created animal migration passages and their effectivenessVAJGANTOVÁ, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
Highways, expressway and other infrastructure have a negative impact on the surrounding population of animals. These linear structures in the landscape create impassable barriers and thus cause more or less isolated subpopulations (called barrier effect). Therefore, the newly constructed building of European highways and passages specially built for the animals, known as green bridges (ecoduct). Effectiveness of transitions is influenced by several factors (width of the bridge, the frequency of passing cars, the speed limit, etc.). This thesis deals with the efficiency of artificial crossings for wildlife and provides an overview of the results published so far.
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Vliv arabského jazyka na portugalštinu / THE INFLUENCE OF THE ARABIC LANGUAGE ON PORTUGUESEBedrníček, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The influence of a Semitic language, Arabic, on Portuguese vocabulary is the subject of this thesis. To contextualise this investigation, the first part of this thesis provides an introduction to Arabic, its history, and its linguistic particularities, as well as an overview of the history of Arabic influences upon Portuguese. Particular attention is given to the phonetic transformations of Arabic loan words resulting from the contact and exchange between speakers of these languages. Portuguese was influenced by Arabic in discrete phases, which are described in detail: the period of Muslim rule in Portugal in the Middle Ages and the period of migration of African Muslim slaves and the Syro-Lebanese population to Brazil. Having outlined Arabic words brought into Portuguese usage, the second part of this thesis then turns to the analysis of this corpus of loan words. Thanks to various Portuguese corpora, the frequency of Arabic loan words is analysed. This thesis is completed with an appendix including supplementary information about Arabic and cities of the former Gharb Al-Andalus. Key words: Arabic, Portuguese, lexicology, Arabic loan words, Syro-Lebanese migration, semantic fields
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Populační vývoj a emigrace ze zemí Maghrebu / Population development and emigration of Maghreb's countriesVokatá, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Population development and emigration of Maghreb's countries Abstract The main aim of diploma thesis is to map the migratory situation and trends of all area since 1990 up to the present in context of the population development in region of Maghreb's countries. This all is in connection with the population growth of the states - natural and total. Apart from the analysis of the whole Maghreb as one unit, the demographic parameters are in detail assessed on the example Tunisia. It is estimated that migratory streams of the inhabitants of North Africa's countries are largely directed to Europe. The analasis is focused on the breakdown of the target countries, emigrants and on changes during the reporting period. The analasis uses conventional demographic indicators, its own methods of processing often difficult available data at the same time and empirical investigation. The initial basis of analyzing given issues show the theoretical conception of population development in Arabic countries, with emphasis on demographic transition and dependent migratory transition. Analysis revealed that none of Maghreb's countries has not yet completed demographic transition, the second stage of the demographic transition since 2000 suspended. Keywords: migration, migratory trends, population development, population growth,...
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Mobilita Romů v kontextu lokálních vztahů. Případová studie z okresu Svidník na východním Slovensku. / Mobility of Roms in the context of local relations. Case study from eastern Slovakia, Svidník region.Ort, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is based on a long term ethnographic field research, that has been conducted by this work's author in one of the villages within the district of Svidník, Eastern- Slovakia. The work's fundamental frame of topic are the relations between the Roms and non-Roms in the observed village, with main focus put on the actor's perspective of the local Roms. The nature of such relations is observed both synchronuously and diachronously, and foremost in respect of two types of an areal mobility, that at the same time has the potential of a social-economic mobility. The first observed type is the flow of the Roms from the romani village to a non-Roms part of the village, or the surrounding villages; the second is the cross-border migration. At the same time the thesis addresses the relations within the observed Romani community whose internal social diferentiation is partially influenced by the very - successfully or unsuccessfully - implemented mobility. To hold a wider grip of the local relations, the author uses the texts of the Romani-studies expert, Milena Hübschmannová, other related case studies coming from the region of eastern Slovakia, and, paralelly, also the concepts of the postcolonial thinking with emphasis to Frantz Fanon's work. It is his very work that has provided the frame to...
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Lewisův bod obratu jako hrozba pro čínskou ekonomiku? / Lewis turning point as a threat to the Chinese economy?Merzová, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The diplomma thesis deals with the Lewis turning point and its impact on the Chinese economy. The work is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter explains the basic concept ,,Lewis turning point" and its position in the global context. Besides W. A. Lewis is also mentioned in a number of other authors dealing with growth theories. Here it is primarily determined whether China has reached the Lewis turning point, which is the impact of this point on the Chinese economy, the labor market and what follows the development of the Chinese economy after reaching this point. The third part is found a connection between Lewis turning point and university/higher education. Part of this chapter are the specifics, trends and especially the problems of the university system in China. The conclusion of this chapter is devoted to a turning point, and its impact on education.
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Po změně politického režimu v roce 1989 se všechna velkoměsta České republiky potýkají s novým, pro nás neznámým, fenoménem v rozmístění bydlení obyvatelstva ? se suburbanizací. Obyvatelé velkoměst se ve velkém měřítku stěhují do jejich zázemí. V zázemí se začíná nekontrolovatelně rozvíjet výstavba rodinných domů. Tímto procesem již prošla většina velkoměst v západní Evropě a v USA. Neregulovaný a nekontrolovaný rozvoj suburbanizačního procesu má dalekosáhlé důsledky na velkoměsto, okolní menší sídla a volnou krajinu. Autorka se zaměřuje na průběh rezidenční suburbanizace hlavního města Prahy, na faktory, které ovlivnily suburbánní rozvoj a jeho negativní i pozitivní dopady v daném území. Soustředí se na rozvoj nové výstavby v několika obcích na Kladensku. Bude analyzovat dopad suburbanizace na rozvoj a stabilitu malých sídel v zázemí velkého města.
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Podpora pracovni mobility v ramci EU / Support of Labour Work Mobility Within the European UnionKavková, Magda January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes labour work mobility issues within the European Union. It focuses on obstacles that restrict the free movement of workers and how these obstacles can be eliminated by the European Union. The case study "Motivation of Czech workers to work abroad" is also included in this dissertation.
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Socioekonomická analýza správních obvodů hl. m. Prahy / Socio-economic analysis of administrative districts of PragueBudíková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Socio-economic analysis of administrative districts of Prague, namely Prague 1-22, is carried out by MasterCard method, an aggregate index, created from defined indicators of social and economic areas. Indicators are given a specific weight. The aim of the analysis and of the whole work is to find out which administrative districts of the capital Prague benefit from the biggest socio-economic development, which is because of availability and comparability of data analyzed for the years 2008 and 2012.
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Sociální a ekonomické aspekty stárnutí populace ČR / Social and economic aspects of population ageing of the Czech RepublicŠimková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with an economic evaluation of population ageing in the Czech Republic. The emphasis is put on statistical and economic factors. The issue of population ageing is very wide and it affects many areas of human life. Therefore, it should be perceived in its range. The substance lies in continuity among economic area, health, education, housing, retirement policy and migration policy. Both macroeconomic and social effects of changes in the demographic structure of population should be regularly evaluated. Impacts of demographic ageing are both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative relate to personal life, good health in old age, ensuring an adequate living standard and security of older persons. Similarly, quantitative impacts cover sustainability of funding of the pension system and social and health care systems. The thesis focuses on important factors that are often neglected and that can represent the threat to the proper function of society. On the contrary, there can be found factors acting positively e.g. the issue of labour immigration or integration of older people into the labour market. This dissertation thesis also provides complex statistical and economic view on the issue of population ageing including all key factors and effects on pensions, health, social and demographic area. The aim of the thesis lies is in the synthesis of important factors connected with population ageing and provides statistical assessment of the issue. The thesis provides procedures and methods that are innovative in the Czech Republic.
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