Spelling suggestions: "subject:"migración""
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Přístupy učitelů z mateřských škol k dětem cizincům / Approaches of nursery school teachers to foreigners' childrenBarjaktarevičová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The increasing number of foreigners living in the Czech Republic causes the accrual of children from the foreign families in the educational institutions. The teachers in Czech nursery schools face the situation when they have to adjust their work and help these children integrate with the community. The contents of this thesis are the possibilities that the Czech educational system offers to foreigners' children and the views of teachers of some nuersery schools in Prague. Keywords Foreigners Integration Nursery School Migration Preschool Education Teacher
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Kontraurbanizace: rytmy, identity, domovy / Counterurbanisation: rhytmus, identities, homesŠimon, Martin January 2012 (has links)
8 Abstract Counterurbanisation research, which is a central topic of this thesis, represents an appropriate field where transformations of contemporary societies and their socio- spatial organization can be examined. The dynamics of social and societal changes creates a demand for developing new methods and tools which helps us to understand contemporary change. Counterurbanisation is a multi-faceted concept which has been controversial since its initial use. An introduction of the concept of counterurbanisation in the field of population geography provoked a general debate on new and emerging trends in development of settlement system. Different logics of concentration and deconcentration of human activities has been challenged. Counterurbanisation operationalized as a migration poses a challenge for many standard conceptualizations of migration. The logic of non-economically motivated migration from the centre to the periphery requires a search for alternative explanatory mechanisms. Impact assessment and the impact of counterurbanisation in rural communities are analogous to the classical social science studies evaluating the integration of immigrants from rural areas in the cities. The thesis is composed of two basic sections. The first section presents a broader theoretical and methodological...
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Úloha proteinu p130CAS v integrinové signalizaci / The role of p130CAS in integrin signalingJanoštiak, Radoslav January 2014 (has links)
Focal adhesions are important subcellular structures that are composed of many signaling and scaffolding proteins. They serve not only for anchoring the cell to the substratum but they are also important signaling centers that regulate various cellular behavior such as migration, invasiveness, proliferation and survival. Focal adhesion signaling needs to be strictly regulated because alteration in activity or expression of many focal adhesion proteins leads to tumorogenesis and metastasis formation. One of the most important scaffolding protein associated with focal adhesion is p130Cas. The importance of p130Cas in regulation of cell migration and invasiveness has been well established. P130Cas also plays important role in regulation of cell survival and proliferation. Moreover, high protein levels of human ortholog of p130Cas - BCAR1, has been linked to more aggressive breast tumors and poor prognosis. During my doctoral studies, I focused on the role of p130Cas in integrin signaling. At the beginning we characterized the role of tyrosine 12 phosphorylation within its SH3 domain. We confirmed that this phosphorylation is increased in Src527F transformed mouse embryonic fibroblasts compared to non-transformed counterparts and also in some human cancer cell lines. We showed that this phosphorylation...
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Migrace jako sociální fenomén / The migration such as social phoenixKahounová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The main issue of this diploma work is the problem of migration and immigrants' position in the czech society. The way out and the theoretical background is mainly to define the concept of migration and it's historical concept, the basic approaches to migration and migration theory are also included. Futher aim of this work is presenting the vision of interculturalism and multiculturalism and their effect on society. This entire work is conceivede as theoretical-empirical, so it is supplemented by survey research on the situation of migrants in society. The main objective of this work is survey to represent the look of students on the topic of migration and their comparison with accessible immigration polls from the Czech Republic and Great Britain. Keywords: the migration, the interculturalism, the interculturalism, the poll
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Role zánětu v aktivaci latentní mikrosporidiózy způsobené \kur{Encephalitozoon cuniculi} u imunokomptentních a imunodeficitních myšíBRDÍČKOVÁ, Klára January 2019 (has links)
In this study was described the role of the inflammation in activation of latent microsporidiosis in immunocompetent BALB/c and MMF knock out mice and immunodeficient SCID mice and the correlation between inflammation induction and microsporidia occurrence. The number of spores in selected organs was located by using molecular and histology methods. Moreover, the occurrence of spores in faecal samples was monitored during the whole time of experiment.
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Vzdělání a jeho atributy z pohledu mladých Vietnamců / Education and its perception: Point of view of young VietnameseBednárová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Vzdělává í a jeho atri uty z pohledu ladý h Viet a ů Education and its perception: Point of view of young Vietnamese Zpracovala: Lenka Bednárová Vedou í prá e: do . PhDr. Jiří Prokop, Ph.D. Studij í progra : Učitelství všeo e ě vzděláva í h před ětů pro ZŠ a SŠ Studijní obor: Pedagogika - Výchova ke zdraví Datum odevzdání: 19. 4. 2018 ABSTRACT School achievements of young Vietnamese pupils are also brought to the attention of the Czech public. The cause could be doubled - the impact of the migration process and the influence of cultural values and cultural patterns of Vietnamese society. The main aim of this paper is describe the perception of education and educational system from the perspective of young Vietnamese in the Czech Republic and also in Vietnam. The study is systematically divided into theoretical and empirical part. The first one is focused on the importance of cultural determinants, which have influence of education and nurture, including of image of contemporary Western society. At the same time, this section also provides an overview of the Vietnamese education system, local education ideas, and Vietnamese migration to the Czech Republic. The empirical part is devoted to the introduction of qualitative research in pedagogy and the research carried out with informants in the...
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Cizinci na trhu práce v České republiceRůžičková, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce analyzuje vývoj migrace a zaměstnanosti cizinců v ČR. Zabývá se migrační politikou a politikou v oblasti zaměstnanosti a jejím vývojem za posledních 15 let. Zaměřuje se na problémové oblasti vyplývající s přílivu cizinců do České republiky. Také se soustřeďuje na zmapování zaměstnanosti cizinců v České republice podle různých hledisek a kroky vlády v oblasti zaměstnanosti cizinců. V další části se zaměřuje na nejvýznamnější skupinu cizinců na českém trhu práce a jejich motivy pro výběr České republiky jako cílové země.
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Politické aspekty migrácie v Českej republike a na Slovensku / Political Aspects of Migration in Czech Republic and in SlovakiaŠtefančík, Radoslav January 2004 (has links)
The central hypothesis of this dissertation is based on the finding that, like in the countries of Western Europe under the influence of various circumstances, in the Czech Republic, too, there is a shift from the originally proclaimed multicultural concept of integration towards individual civic integration. The objective of the treatise is not only to verify the anticipated trend in the development of the migration policy, but also to seek causes of its modification. The formulation of a hypothesis that would apply equally to the Czech Republic and Slovakia was more complicated. While the formation of migration policies in the area of integration of immigrants into an autochthonous society enjoys a longer tradition in the Czech Republic -- also due to the higher number of immigrants -- in Slovakia it is in its beginnings so far. Even some of the recently adopted outcomes of public policy proclaimed the objective to implement the multicultural dimension vis-a-vis foreigners. The actual policies, however, bore witness to a completely different approach. The core hypothesis of this treatise has thus been complemented by a subhypothesis relating to the conditions of Slovakia: the multicultural dimension of the approach to immigrants in the past only existed at a theoretical level, and only partially. Given the recent adoption of the concept of integration policy, which is not based on the principles of multiculturalism, references to it represent a residual manifestation of the preceding non-systematic treatment of migration and integration in the outcomes of public policy. In real life, several steps hindering the application of this model's principles have been undertaken. Content analysis and diachronic comparative method applied on the documents under review show that there is a change occurring in the Czech Republic in the area of immigration policies. Whereas prior to the financial crisis the government would willingly employ foreigners, the impact of the crisis has led it to a restrictive immigration policy. Demonstrated was also a content shift in the approach to the integration of foreigners. As regards the formation of Slovak migration policies, the process of policy development proved to be more complicated to follow. Public policies in the area of migration and integration of foreigners since 2009 and the stance of the governmental bodies towards them have been largely indifferent. The Czech Republic clearly displays, over the course of the past several years, a shift from the communitarian/multicultural model toward the individual civic integration. The command of the language is considered to be the main vehicle of integration. The Slovak Republic declared multiculturalism only as a remnant of the non-systematic treatment of integration policies, with virtually nothing changing in the real life of immigrants. There had been practically no integration policy in Slovakia up to 2009. Similarly to the outcomes of public policies, the shift in the perspectives on migration away from multiculturalism has occurred in the political programs of Czech political parties as well. The issue of migration in Slovakia has so far not affected election campaigning. Slovak political parties do not have a clear idea of the possibilities of related to the integration of immigrants.
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Migrace v České republice se zaměřením na Jihočeský kraj / Migration in the Czech Republic with a focus on South RegionDoležalová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is identify factors that affect migration and assessment of impact in selected area. In this thesis I will be processing of the analysis migration population in our country. In each chapter I will be studying migration in general, including basic terminology, I will analyze the reasons for migration, I will explain ways to measure migration and also selected migration theory. Analysis of internal migration in the Czech Republic from the 90th years to the present will be conducted according to the demographic and economic indicators. I will focus on one of the region from the Czech Republic, especially on the South region, in which I will do more detailed analysis. Primarily I will be interested in migration between local territorial unit, subchapters will capture migration between districts and urban area.
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Vybrané segmenty rozvojového potenciálu na úrovni obcí / Selected parts of a development potential on a municipality levelPETRÁCH, Filip January 2010 (has links)
This diploma paper analyses selected parts of a development potential on the South Bohemian region community level. It inquires into the differences among these municipalities due to their budgets and resident migration. The theoretical part characterizes municipalities as territorial units, their budgets and selected social economic and demographic indicators. Selected territorial units are further characterized and specified from a social economic and migration point of view. The practical part examines the development and trends of relative and absolute social economic and demographic indicators and their potential influence on the occurrence of the municipality disparities. This analysis consists of a quantitative part (with the indicators from the years 2001 {--} 2008) and a qualitative part which focuses on the South Bohemian municipality structure. The qualitative part also compares particular indicators of the South Bohemian municipalities in the years 2001 and 2008. Cluster analysis with the Gini coefficient was applied. One sub-section of the practical part focuses on three selected municipalities (Dubné, Kvilda, Litvínovice) and characterizes all their social economic and demographic variables orientated on budget revenues.
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