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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grinding mill circuit control from a plant-wide control perspective

Le Roux, Johan Derik January 2016 (has links)
A generic plant-wide control structure is proposed for the optimal operation of a grinding mill circuit. An economic objective function is defined for the grinding mill circuit with reference to the economic objective of the larger mineral processing plant. A mineral processing plant in this study consists of a comminution and a separation circuit and excludes the extractive metallurgy at a metal refinery. The comminution circuit's operational performance primarily depends on the mill's performance. Since grindcurves define the operational performance range of a mill, the grindcurves are used to define the setpoints for the economic controlled variables for optimal steady-state operation. For a given metal price, processing cost, and transportation cost, the proposed structure can be used to define the optimal operating region of a grinding mill circuit for the best economic return of the mineral processing plant. The plant-wide control structure identifies the controlled and manipulated variables to ensure the grinding mill circuit can be maintained at the desired operating condition. The plant-wide control framework specifies regulatory and supervisory control aims which can be achieved by means of non-linear model-based control. An impediment to implementing model-based control is the computational expense to solve the non-linear optimisation function. To resolve this issue, the reference-command tracking version of model predictive static programming (MPSP) is applied to a grinding mill circuit. MPSP is an innovative optimal control technique that combines the philosophies of Model Predictive Control (MPC) and approximate dynamic programming. The performance of the proposed MPSP control technique, is compared to the performance of a standard non-linear MPC (NMPC) technique applied to the same plant for the same conditions. Results show that the MPSP control technique is more than capable of tracking the desired set-point in the presence of model-plant mismatch, disturbances and measurement noise. The performance of MPSP and NMPC compare very well, with definite advantages offered by MPSP. The computational speed of MPSP is increased through a sequence of innovations such as the conversion of the dynamic optimization problem to a low-dimensional static optimization problem, the recursive computation of sensitivity matrices, and using a closed form expression to update the control. The MPSP technique generally takes only a couple of iterations to converge, even when input constraints are applied. Therefore, MPSP can be regarded as a potential candidate for on-line applications of the NMPC philosophy to real-world industrial process plants. The MPSP and NMPC simulation studies above assume full-state feedback. However, this is not always possible for industrial grinding mill circuits. Therefore, a non-linear observer model of a grinding mill is developed which distinguishes between the volumetric hold-up of water, solids, and the grinding media in the mill. Solids refer to all ore small enough to discharge through the end-discharge grate, and grinding media refers to the rocks and steel balls. The rocks are all ore too large to discharge from the mill. The observer model uses the accumulation rate of solids and the discharge rate as parameters. It is shown that with mill discharge flow-rate, discharge density, and volumetric hold-up measurements, the model states and parameters are linearly observable. Although instrumentation at the mill discharge is not yet included in industrial circuits because of space restrictions, this study motivates the benefits to be gained from including such instrumentation. An Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is applied in simulation to estimate the model states and parameters from data generated by a grinding mill simulation model from literature. Results indicate that if sufficiently accurate measurements are available, especially at the discharge of the mill, it is possible to reliably estimate grinding media, solids and water hold-ups within the mill. Such an observer can be used as part of an advanced process control strategy. / 'n Generiese aanlegwye beheerstruktuur vir die optimale beheer van 'n maalmeulkring word voorgehou. 'n Ekonomiese doelwitfunksie is gedefinieer vir die maalmeulkringbaan met verwysing tot die ekonomiese doelwit van die groter mineraalverwerkingsaanleg. 'n Mineraalverwerkingsaanleg bestaan in hierdie studie slegs uit die vergruisings- en skeidingskringbane. Die ekstraktiewe metallurgie by die metaal raffinadery word uitgesluit. Die vergruisingskringbaan se operasionele werksverrigting is hoofsaaklik van die maalmeul se werksverrigting afhanklik. Aangesien maalkurwes die bereik van die maalmeul se werksverrigting beskryf, kan die maalkurwes gebruik word om die stelpunte van die ekonomiese beheerveranderlikes te definieer vir werking by optimale gestadigde toestand. Gegewe 'n bepaalde metaalprys, bedryfskoste, en vervoerkoste, kan die voorgestelde struktuur gebruik word om die optimale werksgebied vir die maalmeulkring te definieer vir die beste ekonomiese gewin van die algehele mineraalverwerkingsaanleg. Die aanlegwye beheerstruktuur omskryf die beheerveranderlikes en manipuleerbare veranderlikes wat benodig word om die maalmeulkring by die gewenste werksgebied te handhaaf. Die aanlegwye beheerstruktuur spesifiseer regulatoriese en toesighoudende beheer doelwitte. Hierdie doelwitte kan bereik word deur gebruik te maak van nie-lineêre model gebaseerde beheer. Die probleem is dat die bewerkingskoste om nie-lineëre optimeringsfunksies op te los 'n struikelblok is om model gebaseerde beheer op industriële aanlegte toe te pas. Ter oplossing hiervan, word die stelpunt-volg weergawe van model gebaseerde voorspellende statiese programmering (MVSP) toegepas op 'n maalmeulkringbaan. MVSP is 'n innoverende optimale beheertegniek, en bestaan uit 'n kombinasie van die filosofieë van model gebaseerder voorspellende beheer (MVB) en aanpassende dinamiese programmering. Die verrigting van die voorgestelde MVSP beheertegniek word vergelyk met die verrigting van 'n standaard nie-lineëre MVB (NMVB) tegniek deur beide beheertegnieke op dieselfde aanleg vir dieselfde toestande toe te pas. Resultate dui aan dat die MVSP beheertegniek in staat is om die gekose stelpunt te midde van model-aanleg wanaanpassing, steurnisse, en metingsgeraas te volg. Die verrigting van MVSP en NMVB vergelyk goed, maar MVSP bied duidelike voordele. Die bewerkingspoed vir MVSP word vinniger gemaak deur die dinamiese optimeringsprobleem in 'n laeorde statiese optimeringsprobleem te omskep, die sensitiwiteitsmatrikse rekursief uit te werk, en deur 'n geslote uitdrukking ter opdatering van die beheeraksie te gebruik. Die MVSP beheertegniek benodig normaalweg slegs 'n paar iterasies om tot 'n oplossing te konvergeer, selfs indien beperkings op die insette toegepas word. Om die rede word MVSP as 'n potensiële kandidaat beskou vir aanlyntoepasings van die NMVB filosofie op industriële aanlegte. Die MVSP en NMVB simulasie studies hierbo neem aan dat volle toestandterugvoer moontlik is. Hierdie is nie altyd moontlik vir industriële maalmeulkringbane nie. Om die rede is 'n nie-lineêre waarnemingsmodel van 'n maalmeul ontwikkel. Die model onderskei tussen die volumetriese hoeveelheid water, vaste stowwe, en maalmedia in die meul. Vaste stowwe verwys na alle erts wat klein genoeg is om deur die uitskeidingsif aan die ontslagpunt van die meul te vloei. Maalmedia verwys na rotse en staalballe in die meul, met rotse wat te groot is om deur die uitskeidingsif te vloei. Die waarnemingsmodel maak gebruik van die ontslaantempo en die opeenhopingstempo van vaste stowwe as parameters. Indien die meul se ontslagvloeitempo, ontslagdigtheid, en totale volumetriese aanhouding gemeet word, is alle toestande en parameters van die waarnemingsmodel lineêr waarneembaar. Alhoewel instrumentasie by die meul se ontslagpunt as gevolg van ruimte beperkings nog nie op industriële aanlegte ingesluit word nie, dui hierdie studie die voordele aan wat verkrygbaar is deur sulke instrumentasie in te sluit. 'n Verlengde Kalman Filter (VKF) word in simulasie gebruik om die model se toestande en parameters af te skat. 'n Bestaande maalmeul simulasie model vanuit die literatuur word gebruik om die nodige data vir die VKF te genereer. Resultate dui aan dat indien die metings akkuraat genoeg is, veral by die ontslagpunt van die meul, betroubare afskattings van die volumetriese hoeveelheid maalmedia, vaste stowwe, en water in die meul gemaak kan word. So 'n afskatter kan vorentoe gebruik word as deel van 'n gevorderde prosesbeheer strategie. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / PhD / Unrestricted

Do Clay Minerals affect the thickener operationin Chuquicamata mine, Calama, Chile?

Soto, Chris January 2020 (has links)
Chuquicamata mine mineralogy has been studied performing both X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-RayFluorescence (XRF) to determine whether there is any influence in the thickener operations. Thetargeted minerals were the clay group because of their detrimental effect on mining operations asmodify the rheology of the suspensions. The operation stages most affected by the presence of the clayminerals are gravity separation, milling, conveyor belts, flotation and specially thickener operations. Inorder to cope with Chuquicamata production, the plant is constantly fed from a neighboring ore calledRadomiro Tomic (RT) ore, a secondary sulfide enrichment. At Chuquicamata, the thickener operatorfeedback has been pointed out that every time the concentrator plant is fed in high ratio with this so-called RT ore the mineral processing is hindered. For this reason, RT ore samples from a criticaloperation day were sent to Sweden for mineralogical analysis. In addition, flotation tailings from thethree Chuquicamata concentrator plants were also sent aimed to perform thickener pilot tests. In thismanner, it was seen if it could be possible to achieve new operational strategies in Chuquicamatathickener operations given the current Chuquicamata mineralogy and physical conditions in the flotationtailings.From the XRD analysis, the following clay minerals were identified in order of abundance: Illite>>Kaolinite>Smectite Thus, illite reached up to 23.3vol% being the highest clay amount, followed by lower case kaolinite up to2.5% and up to 1% of smectite values correspond for the RT sample. However, the clay content in theflotation tailings samples were less than expected. Also, clay Crystallinity was also assessed for its abilityto interfere negatively with the pulp rheology, and the results showed that there is a strong link amongpoor crystallized smectite clay with the semi-autogenous mill compare to those samples where themilling was performed in the traditional steel media. Along with the three clay minerals found, quartz,potassic feldspar, and plagioclase were also identified, accounting for up to 76% of the representativesample. The silicate minerals are thought to be problematic in Chuquicamata thickener operations givenits high amount, especially in <2 µm size.For the thickener tests, three types of polyacrylamide were used plus the current Chuquicamataflocculant. Prior to the sedimentation batch test, the rheology of the flocculants was measured in arange of 0.02%w/w to 1%. It was found that flocculant concentrations between 0.02 to 0.05%w/w themost suitable in terms of avoiding suspension rheology increase. After establishing suitable flocculantconcentrations solutions, these were used in the thickener pilot tests at conditions similar to thoseperformed in Chuquicamata thickener operations. Two criteria were used to analyze the bestsedimentation conditions: Initial settling rate (ISR); and Turbidimeter. At pH in a range of 11-12 and 15%solid, bridging flocculation probed to be the most suitable conditions for Chuquicamata thickeneroperations. Moreover, a polyacrylamide blend was tested aiming to achieve high sedimentationperformances. The flocculant blend reached both the highest initial sedimentations rate up to 48m/hand turbidity values below 20NTU at addition rate 5g/t and 7g/t. On the other hand, Chuquicamatacurrent flocculant only reached the highest values of 36m/h and turbidity of 40NTU at an addition rateof 5g/t. In this way, the current work established that conditions at Chuquicamata thickener operation 4can be improved by understanding the absorption process among particle-polymer and mineralogy ofthe mine.Hence, the implication of this work to Chuquicamata mine is a better knowledge of its mineralogyespecially concerned with it is believed that clay minerals are not the only mineralogical factors thatcould be hindering thickener operations in Chuquicamata. Other factors that also could be problematicare: high content of silicates; clay crystallinity, particle size and mixed clay. In addition, the improvementin the thickener sedimentation operations will bring better use of the water by increasing therecirculation towards the concentrator area in a friendly way with the environment and communitiesthat also demand water in the arid region of the Atacama Desert.

Calculating the combined elemental composition of spodumene using La_ICP_MS in thin_sections samples from Europe.

Körtge, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
The study gives a broad background to understand the high demand of lithium batteries in the coming years, especially in Europe. The goal of the study is to use La-ICP-MS to analyse spodumene samples from different lithium deposits in Europe to get a better knowledge of the contents of trace elements in spodumene. Due to unforeseen circumstances linked to the pandemic of COVID-19. the study had to develop an own method to calculate and convert the data acquired with the La-ICP-MS into more quantitative data.  The method developed requires more research and understanding before saying that it can be used for future research, especially for the calculation of major element Li, Al and Si as it showed a value difference to 20% of the “real value”. Source of contamination in the analysed samples (eucryptite) is also being discussed and its implication on the result. Results acquired using this method showed that some trace elements are indeed occurring in spodumene substituting the main elements and are found in all the different geological domains. These elements (Ga, Mn, Se, Fe, V, T) will then also occur in a concentrate of spodumene.

On-line monitoring of hydrocyclones by use of image analysis

Janse van Vuuren, Magrieta Jeanette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hydrocyclones are separation devices that are widely used throughout the chemical engineering and mineral processing industries. Although simple in design, the intricate flow structure of the device complicates control. As an alternative to conventional empirical and theoretical modelling, process state monitoring methods have recently been employed as a means to control hydrocyclones. The purpose of process state monitoring methods is to distinguish between the desired operating state with favourable separation, the transition state, and the troublesome operating state of dense flow separation. In comparison to previously employed monitoring techniques, image analysis of the underflow is regarded as a promising approach. Preliminary studies have indicated that the technique complies with hydrocyclone monitoring requirements: sensitivity, non-invasiveness, sampling times less than one second, robustness and low cost. The primary objective of this study was therefore defined as investigating the feasibility of image analysis of hydrocyclone underflow as a monitoring technique. Data collection entailed the recording of hydrocyclone underflow for different operating states. Six case studies were performed in total: Gold, Ilmenite, Platreef, Merensky 1, Merensky 2 and Merensky 3 (with the case study names indicating the different ore types used). An image analysis technique, consisting of feature extraction through motion detection, as well as various noise reduction methods, was consequently developed and applied to the video data. Classification of the various operating states was attempted by performing modelling by one-class support vector machines (SVM). Results indicated that the developed image analysis technique effectively addresses background noise, random noise and system vibration through image enhancement and a motion threshold. Extremely low contrast differences and foreground noise did, however, prove problematic in Ilmenite and Merensky 1 case studies respectively. For the remaining case studies, it was found that the various operating states were identified with high accuracy through one-class SVM classification. This is particularly true for the identification of the troublesome dense flow separation for which extremely low missing alarm rates were obtained (0 % in most cases). In terms of practicality, the technique proved to be sensitive, non-intrusive and economical. The sampling time of 30 frames per second and estimated processing to video time ratio of 1:1, is furthermore satisfactory. Ultimately, the results indicate that the image analysis of hydrocyclone underflow is a viable monitoring technique. The robustness of the technique might further be improved by use of backlighting and an air-knife. It is also recommended that future work should focus on testing the monitoring technique on an industrial hydrocyclone setup. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hidrosiklone is skeidingsapparate wat algemeen gebruik word in chemiese ingenieurswese en mineraalprosesserings industrieë. Alhoewel die apparaat ‘n eenvoudige ontwerp het, bemoeilik die komplekse interne vloeistruktuur die beheer daarvan. Prosestoestandmoniteringsmetodes is vir hidrosikloonbeheer toegepas as alternatief vir konvensionele empiriese en teoretiese modellering. Die doel van prosestoestandmoniteringsmetodes is om te onderskei tussen die gewenste bedryfstoestand met gunstige skeiding, die oorgangstoestand, en die moeilike bedryfstoestand van digtevloeiskeiding. In vergelyking met vorige toegepaste moniteringstegnieke, word beeldverwerking van die ondervloei beskou as ‘n belowende tegniek. Voorlopige studies het aangedui dat die tegniek voldoen aan die hidrosikloonmoniteringvereistes: sensitiwiteit, nie-indringendheid, monsternemingstydperke laer as een sekonde, robuustheid en lae koste. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie studie is daarom gedefineer as die ondersoek van die doenlikheid van beeldverwerking van hidrosikloon ondervloei as ‘n moniteringstegniek. Die data versameling het die afneem van hidrosikloon ondervloei vir verskillende bedryfstoestande behels. Ses gevallestudies is in totaal uitgevoer: Goud, Ilmeniet, Platreef, Merensky 1, Merensky 2 en Merensky 3 (die gevallestudie name dui die verskillende erts tipes wat gebruik is aan). ‘n Beeldverwerkingstegniek, wat bestaan uit kenmerkekstraksie deur bewegingsopsporing, asook verskeie geruisverlagingsmetodes, is gevolglik ontwikkel en toegepas op die video data. Klassifikasie van die verskeie bedryfstoestande is beproef deur modellering met enkelklassteunvektormasjiene. Resultate het aangedui dat die ontwikkelde beeldverwerkingstegniek agtergrond geruis, onreëlmatige geruis en sisteem vibrasie suksesvol aanspreek deur beeldversterking en ‘n bewegingslimiet. Beduidende lae kontrasverskille en voorgrond geruis blyk wel problematies in die Ilmeniet en Merensky 1 gevallestudies onderskeidelik. Vir die orige gevallestudies is gevind dat die verskillinde bedryfstoestande met hoë akkuraatheid geïdentifiseer is deur enkelklassteunvektormasjiene klassifisering. Dit is veral waar vir die identifisering van die moeilike digtevloeiskeiding waarvoor beduidende lae vermiste-alarmmaatstawwe behaal is (0 % in die meeste gevalle). Aangaande die praktiese aspekte, blyk die tegniek sensitief, nie-indringend en ekonomies. Die monsternemingstydperk van 30 raampies per sekonde en die beraamde prosesserings- tot videotyd verhouding van 1:1, is ook voldoende. Ten slotte dui die resultate daarop dat die beeldverwerking van hidrosikloon ondervloei ‘n uitvoerbare moniteringstegniek is. Die robuustheid van die tegniek sou verder verbeter kon word deur gebruik te maak van agtergrondverligting en ‘n lugspuit. Dit word ook aanbeveel dat toekomstige werk op die toetsing van die moniteringstegniek op ‘n industriële hidrosikloon toestel moet fokus.

Evaluating the effects of radio-frequency treatment of rocks: textural changes and implications for rock comminution

Swart, Arthur James 12 1900 (has links)
D. Tech. (Engineering, Department Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technolog / Ore, from a mining operation, goes through a process that separates the valuable minerals from the gangue (waste material). This process usually involves crushing, milling, separation and extraction where the gangue is usually discarded in tailings piles. Current physical methods used for crushing of rocks in the mineral processing industry result in erratic breakages that do not efficiently liberate the economically valuable minerals. Research studies have found that the rock comminution and mineral liberation can be enhanced through various electrical treatment techniques, including pulsed power, ultrasound and microwave. These electrical treatment techniques each have their own advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in this dissertation. However, this research proposes a new technique in an attempt to improve the rock comminution process. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect that RF power exerts on rock samples, with particular focus on textural changes. Four valuable scientific contributions to the fields of metallurgical and electrical engineering were made in this regard. Firstly, a new technique for the treatment of rock samples using RF heating is substantiated. The effect of RF power on textural changes of the rocks is evident in their surface temperature rise, where the RF heating of dole-rite (JSA) and marble (JSB, JS 1 and JS2) resulted in surface temperatures of approximately 100 °C within two minutes of treatment. A particle screening analysis of particles obtained form a swing-pot mill of both the untreated (not exposed to RF power) and treated (exposed to RF power) rock samples were performed to ascertain if the treated samples' size had changed. Two samples (JSA and JSD) revealed a notable change in their particle size distribution. The fact that the percentage of larger sized particles increased (from 38 J..Lm to 90 J..Lffi as seen in Chapter 6) suggests that the rock was strengthened rather than weakened. Secondly, an innovative coupling technique (using a parallel-plate capacitor with dimensions of 28 x 47 mm) to connect rock samples to high powered RF electronic equipment is described. The feasibility of this technique is confirmed by repeated correlated measurements taken on a vector voltmeter and network analyser. Low SWR readings obtained from an inline RF Wattmeter in a practical setup also proves the viability of the matching network used in the coupling technique. Thirdly, anoriginal coupling coefficient (81.58 x 10-3) for the parallel-plate capacitor is presented. This value may be used in similar sized capacitors to determine the specific heat capacity of dielectric materials. However, the value of the coupling coefficient was only verified for seven (relatively dark in surface colour) out of the ten rock samples. Therefore, this coupling coefficient may hold true for all dark coloured rock samples, as it represents the coupling of energy between the parallel-plate capacitor and the rock sample. Finally,this research defines the mathematical models for 10 rock samples for the VHF range of frequencies (30 - 300 MHz), providing unique phase angle to resonance equations for each sample. These equations can be used with each specific rock to determine the resonating frequency where the maximum current flows and the minimum resistance is present. Evaluating the effects of RF power treatment on rocks has brought to light that mineral grain boundaries within specified rock samples are not significantly weakened by RF treatment. This was firstly confirmed by the similar electrical properties of the untreated and treated samples, where consistent values for the resonating frequency were obtained from the network analyser. Secondly, the SEM analysis of the untreated and treated rock samples revealed no significant changes in the form of fractures or breakages along the mineral grain boundaries. Photomicrographs of the thin sections of all ten rock samples were used in this analysis. The particle size distribution of both samples further revealed no weakening or softening of the rock, as the percentage of smaller sized particles did not increase in the treated samples. It may therefore be stated that treating rock samples with RF power within the VHF range will not significantly improve rock comminution and mineral liberation.

Multi-scale image analysis for process mineralogy

George Leigh Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis primarily addresses the problem of automatic measurement of ore textures by image analysis in a way that is relevant to mineral processing. Specifically, it addresses the following major hypotheses: • Automatic logging of drill core by image analysis provides a feasible alternative to manual logging by geologists. • Image analysis can quantify process mineralogy by physically meaningful parameters. • Multi-scale image analysis, over a wide range of size scales, provides potential benefits to process mineralogy that are additional to those available from small-scale analysis alone, and also better retains the information content of manual logging. • Image analysis can provide physically meaningful, ore-texture-related, additive regionalised variables that can be input to geostatistical models and the definition of domains. The central focus of the thesis is the development of an automatic, multi-scale method to identify and measure objects in an image, using a specially-developed skeleton termed the morphological CWT skeleton. This skeleton is a multi-scale extension of the morphological skeleton commonly used in image analysis, and is derived from the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Objects take the form of hierarchical segments from image segmentation based on the CWT. Only the Mexican hat, also known as the Laplacian-of-Gaussian, wavelet is used, although other wavelet shapes are possible. The natural scale of each object is defined to be the size scale at which its CWT signal (the contrast between the interior and exterior of the object) is strongest. In addition to the natural scale, the analysis automatically records the mineral composition of both the interior and exterior of each object, and shape descriptors of the object. The measurements of natural scale, mineral composition and shape are designed to relate to: • The size to which ore must be broken in order to liberate objects. • Minerals that need to be separated by physical or chemical means once objects have been liberated. • Capability to distinguish qualitatively different ore-texture types that may have different geological origins and for which different processing regimes may provide an economic benefit. Measurements are taken over size scales from three pixels to hundreds of pixels. For the major case study the pixel size is about 50 µm, but the methodology is equally applicable to photomicrographs in which the pixel size is about 4 µm. The methodology for identifying objects in images contributes to the field of scale-space image segmentation, and has advantages in performing the following actions automatically: • Finding optimal size scales in hierarchical image segmentation (natural scale). • Merging segments that are similar and spatially close together (although not necessarily touching), using the structure of the morphological CWT skeleton, thus aiding recognition of complex structures in an image. • Defining the contrast between each segment and its surrounding segments appropriately for the size scale of the segment, in a way that extends well beyond the segment boundary. For process mineralogy this contrast quantifies mineral associations at different size scales. The notion of natural scale defined in this thesis may have applications to other fields of image processing, such as mammography and cell measurements in biological microscopy. The objects identified in images are input to cluster analysis, using a finite mixture model to group the objects into object populations according to their size, composition and shape descriptors. Each image is then characterised by the abundances of different object populations that occur in it. These abundances form additive, regionalised variables that can be input into geostatistical block models. The images are themselves input to higher-level cluster analysis based on a hidden Markov model. A collection of images is divided into different ore texture types, based on differences in the abundances of the textural object populations. The ore texture types help to define geostatistical domains in an ore body. Input images for the methodology take the form of mineral maps, in which a particular mineral has been assigned to each pixel in the image prior to analysis. A method of analysing unmapped, raw colour images of ore is also outlined, as is a new model for fracture of ore. The major case study in the thesis is an analysis of approximately 1000 metres of continuously-imaged drill core from four drill holes in the Ernest Henry iron-oxide-copper-gold ore deposit (Queensland, Australia). Thirty-one texture-related variables are used to summarise the individual half-metres of drill core, and ten major ore texture types are identified. Good agreement is obtained between locations of major changes in ore type found by automatic image analysis, and those identified from manual core logging carried out by geologists. The texture-related variables are found to explain a significant amount of the variation in comminution hardness of ore within the deposit, over and above that explained by changes in abundances of the component minerals. The thesis also contributes new algorithms with wide applicability in image processing: • A fast algorithm for computing the continuous wavelet transform of a signal or image: The new algorithm is simpler in form and several times faster than the best previously-published algorithms. It consists of a single finite impulse response (FIR) filter. • A fast algorithm for computing Euclidean geodesic distance. This algorithm runs in O(1) arithmetic operations per pixel processed, which has not been achieved by any previously published algorithm. Geodesic distance is widely used in image processing, for segmentation and shape characterisation.

Energy Efficiency and Carbon Management in Mineral Processing Plants

Miti, Wilson January 2014 (has links)
Copper processing plants involved in smelting, electro-refining and electro-winning are heat-intensive undertakings that provide extensive challenges for attainment of high energy efficiency. Literature has shown that most of these plants, especially smelters, operate at low overall energy efficiency due to the seemingly complex energy scenario where heat and electricity as forms of energy are treated distinctively from each other. Many copper processing plants have not yet explored both available and emerging waste heat recovery technologies hence remain operating at lower energy efficiencies. In the copper processing plants under study in particular the Nchanga tailings leach plant (TLP), plant operators hinted that some of the processes that ought to operate in heated environments operate at ambient temperatures because of lack of a heating mechanism. The project discusses possible heating mechanisms from available local resources and applicable technologies. As the competing options for providing the required heat at the Nchanga TLP present different carbon emission scenarios, the carbon emissions associated to the recommended installations shall be quantified against a suitable baseline. Flue gas waste heat from the nearby Nchanga smelter has been taken as the available local energy source on which the applicable heating scenarios at TLP are analyzed. The project analyzed waste heat scenarios for three furnaces at Nchanga smelter where it has been established that flue gases from the furnaces contain 37.31 MW of waste heat. Analysis for channeling the waste heat into heat recovery steam generators gave the steam turbine power generation potential of 7.06 MW. The project also demonstrated how energy efficiency undertakings can be used as a driver for carbon emission reduction measures and for participation to the available carbon trading mechanisms such as CDM. Selection of suitable baseline scenarios revealed a lot of potential for carbon finance undertakings in the three case study plants. At the Nchanga smelter, the 7.06 MW power generation capacity has an associated potential of 61,820 tCO2/year emission reductions that can be monetized through the available carbon trading markets. The research established that Nchanga TLP has a heating demand of 10.87MW. If this heating demand was to be met by using the smelter waste heat, the undertaking can be taken as CDM activity or other carbon trading platform with an associated potential of 95,183 tCO2/year.

Caracterização e beneficiamento da molibdenita da região de Campo Formoso - BA. / Characterization and processing of molybdenite in the region of Campo Formoso, Bahia.

Braga, Paulo Fernando Almeida 03 May 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram abordados aspectos da cadeia do molibdênio e da molibdenita nos mercados internacional e nacional, mostrando as ocorrências e suas principais aplicações. Atualmente, no Brasil, a única opção de aproveitamento econômico desse bem mineral é o minério de molibdenita gerado como coproduto ou subproduto da mineração artesanal de esmeraldas, na região de Campo Formoso e Pindobaçu, BA. A caracterização tecnológica de minérios, produtos e do processo utilizado na recuperação da molibdenita de Campo Formoso mostrou que entraves de natureza tecnológica, com destaque relacionado ao concentrado produzido, geram produtos de baixo teor e, consequentemente, de pequeno valor econômico. Isto é devido, principalmente, à presença de outros minerais hidrofóbicos, como o talco, com propriedades físico-químicas semelhantes às da molibdenita e que são co-flotados no processo de beneficiamento. Detectado o problema, e após uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto, realizou-se um estudo fundamental, em escala de laboratório, sobre a separação molibdenita/talco por flotação, com a utilização de diferentes depressores empregados, usualmente, em operações de tratamento de minérios. Dentre os depressores utilizados, a dextrina e o quebracho promoveram janelas de separabilidade entre os minerais molibdenita e talco de 63 e 68%, respectivamente. Os resultados alcançados nesses estudos fundamentais motivaram um aumento de escala, passando dos testes de microflotação em célula Partridge & Smith, para testes de flotação em bancada em célula Denver, com as dosagens dos reagentes calculadas em termos de gramas de reagente por tonelada de alimentação à flotação (concentrado de molibdenita). Na flotação em escala de bancada, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com uso da dextrina como depressor da molibdenita, na dosagem de 100 g/t, para um circuito com cinco etapas de limpeza, foi possível obter um concentrado de molibdenita com 93,4% de MoS2, o qual encontra-se dentro dos requisitos exigidos pelo comércio internacional. / In this scientific and technological contribution, the aspects of the molybdenum and molybdenite chain in the domestic and international markets were discussed, showing the occurrences and their main applications. Currently, in Brazil the only option for the economic exploitation of this mineral resource is the molybdenite as a co-product or by-product of emeralds small-scale mining, at the region of Campo Formoso and Pindobaçu, BA. The technological characterization of ores, products and the process used in the recovery of molybdenite from Campo Formoso has shown that barriers of technological nature, with emphasis on the produced concentrate, generate products of low molybdenite grade and, therefore, of low economic value. This is due to the presence, in particular, of other hydrophobic minerals, such as talc, with physical-chemical properties similar to those of molybdenite and are co-floated in the beneficiation process. Once detected the problem, and after an extensive literature survey on the subject, a fundamental study was carried out, in lab-scale, to separate molybdenite from talc by froth flotation, by testing different depressants conventionally used in actual mineral processing operations. Among the tested depressants, dextrin and quebracho promoted separation gaps between the molybdenite and talc minerals of 63 and 68%, respectively. The achieved results in that fundamental study has motivated an scale up from micro-flotation tests, in Partridge & Smith cell, to bench scale flotation tests in a Denver cell, reagents additions were calculated according to the ore (molybdenite concentrate) throughput into the industrial flotation circuits. In the bench scale flotation tests, the best results, in terms of molybdenite recovery, were reached by using dextrin as molybdenite depressant, at a dosage of 100 g.t-1, for a circuit with five cleaner steps. It was possible to get a molybdenite concentrate with 93.4% of MoS2, which is within the requirements of the international trade.

Caracterização e desenvolvimento de processo de beneficiamento do minério primário de Pitinga (AM) - criolita, estanho, zircônio, nióbio, ítrio e terras raras. / Technological characterization and mineral dressing of Pitinga (AM) fresh rock ore - cryolite, tin, zirconium, niobium, ytrium and rare earths.

Kahn, Henrique 27 May 1991 (has links)
Os estudos visando o aproveitamento dos minerais de interesse econômico associados ao Granito Madeira, Pitinga, AM, foram subdivididos em três etapas. A primeira etapa compreendeu a realização de estudos de caracterização tecnológica, com um detalhado estudo mineralógico enfocando a forma de ocorrência e granulometria de liberação dos minerais de interesse. Foi identificado pela primeira vez a presença de criolita, mineral raro, cujo valor agregado supera o conjunto de todos os demais minerais de interesse econômico. Verificou-se que a granulometria de liberação dos minerais pesados era muito distinta; valores de 80% são observados para a zirconita acumulada abaixo de 0,595 mm, para a cassiterita abaixo de 0,297 mm e para os minerais de nióbio abaixo de 0,149 mm. A segunda etapa compreendeu, essencialmente, a realização de estudos de desenvolvimento de processo de concentração dos minerais pesados, incluindo ensaios de concentração densitária e separações eletrostática e magnética. Foram estabelecidas as características dos concentrados passíveis de serem obtidos e suas respectivas recuperações metalúrgicas, bem como definido um fluxograma de beneficiamento a ser confirmado em escala piloto. A terceira etapa teve por enfoque principal o desenvolvimento de uma rota de processo para a concentração da criolita, a qual, embora ainda não otimizada, é sumariada a seguir: - deslamagem dos rejeitos da concentração densitária, seguido de flotação aniônica direta, mediante a utilização de \"tal oil\" como coletor e amido de milho e como processor; - remoagem do concentrado \"rougher\" a menos 0,074 mm, em circuito fechado com classificação, seguido de flotação reversa do concentrado \"rougher\" remoído, com coletor catiônico, Armacflote MIC-66 (marca Akzo); - descoleta do concentrado da flotação catiônica, seguido de flotação aniônica com sulfonato de petróleo, Aero 840 (marca Cyanamid), para a separação entre a criolita e os demais minerais de flúor portadores de cálcio; - separação magnética de alta intensidade via úmida, \"WHIMS\", do concentrado da última etapa de flotação (com 0,5% a 0,7% de Fe203), visando minimizar os teores de ferro; - lixiviação clorídrica do produto não-magnético, com a redução suplementar dos teores de ferro, atingindo valores de 0,16 a 0,20% de Fe203. / Studies at the Pitinga primary ore envolved three stages. The first one consisted of detailed mineralogical studies emphasizing the occurrence patterns and the degree of liberation of the minerals in the granitic ground ore. Cryolite in the Pitinga ore was then identified for the first time. The liberation sizes for heavy minerals are quite distinct; a liberation degree of 80% was observed for zircon accumulated under 0,595 mm for cassiterite under 0,297 mm and for niobium minerals under 0,149 mm. The second stage comprised essentially mineral dressing studies to concentrate the heavy minerals. Discontinuous gravity concentration, electrostatic and magnetic separation tests were performed to establish the characteristics of the mineral concentrates and their recoveries, as well as to define a plant flowsheet to be confirmed in continuous pilot plant tests. The definition of a mineral processing route for cryolite concentration was the main object of the last stage. The following sequence of procedures, to be further investigated, was established: - disliming of gravity concentration taillings, followed by direct anionic flotation of fluorine minerals, using tall oil as collector and starch as depressant; - regrinding of the rougher concentrate to minus 0,074 mm, in a closed circuit with classification, followed by reverse cationic flotation to remove silicates, with Armacflote MIC-66 (Akzo trade mark); - remotion of the cationic collector and subsequence anionic flotation with petroleum sulfonate as collector (Aero 840, Cyanamid trade mark), to separate cryolite from the other fluorine minerals and small amounts of silicates; - wet high intensity magnetic separation (WHIMS) on the obtained flotation concentrate; - dilute hydrochloric acid leaching of the non-magnetic product from WHIMS to reduce the iron contamination levels to around 0,16% to 0,25% Fe203.

Electrical characterisation of titanium minerals

Ng, Mary M. L. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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