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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of circular polarized dual band patch antenna

Edling, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
At the moment Swedish Transport Administration uses a monitor system that candetect urgent errors as warm ball-bearings and flat wheels etc. with stationarydetectors. To avoid these errors Swedish Transport Administration, UPWIS AB andUppsala University work with a system that will continuously monitoring the train todetect the errors as fast as possible. This will save money in the future for SwedishTransport Administration and all other partners that use the rails.Swedish Transport Administration has already RFID readers beside the rail to detecttrains position. The new monitoring system will use these readers and send data fromthe monitoring system via these readers to a database.The aim of this thesis work is to design and build a RFID antenna to send data fromthe monitoring system to the RFID readers. The antenna should be a circularpolarized and it needs to manage the harsh environment on the train.This thesis work started with a theoretical study which investigated four commonantenna types (dipole, loop, PIFA and patch/microstrip) to evaluate which antennatype that is the best solution for this application. It was decided to design a patchantenna from the theoretical study since it fulfils all the requirements for the antenna.Simulations and tests shows that the antenna is circular polarized and have amaximum reading distance of 5 m for 868 MHz. For 2.45 GHz it is linear polarizedand has a reading distance of at least 10 m. With other hardware settings the antennawill have longer reading distance at 2.45 GHz.When all parts of the test bed was finished the test bed was mounted on themeasurement wagon. The final test shows that the antenna fulfils the task. Theantenna transmitted the data from the sensor boxes to the RFID readers.The report suggests future work to minimize the reading distance and size for theantenna. These are: transfer sensor data to RFID tag by “multi hop”, hardwareimprovement for instance antenna diversity and using another substrate (higherdielectric constant).

Žemės dirbimo intensyvumo įtaka miežių agrocenozei / Effect of tillage intensity on barley agrocenosis

Raugevičius, Marius 05 June 2006 (has links)
The experiment was exsecuted in Experimental station of Lithuanian university of agriculture in 2005. The objectives of field experiment was to evaluate effect of reduced tillaged and no tillaged on soil physical properties: bulc density, sheare strength, moisture content, fore volume. Five different tillage treatments were arranged: deep ploughing (GA), shallow ploughing (SA), deep coultivation and discing (GP), shallow discing (SP), no tillage, direct drilling (ND). Change of common soil tillage with simplificated soil tillage and direct sowing to no tillaged soil had not fundamental hold to the soil physical properties: bulc density, moisture content, fore volume. But shallow discing in comparison with deep ploughing slumped sheare strength 10.17 %. Common and simplificated soil tillage had not fundamental holdfor earth worms biomass in barley. In shallow disced soil (SP) earth worms biomass increased to 43.7 %. In no tillage soil biomass of earth worms increased 133.5 %. Shallow discing and sowing to no tillage soil fundamentally increased weed-grow in bushing-out stage. Spread of weeds in simplificately tillaged soil possible to escape with spraying the crop with herbicides. But in no tillaged soil it was not enough. Simplificated soil tillage and sowing to no tillaged soil had not hold for energy of barley germination and for number of productive stems. In no tillaged soil in comparison with deep ploughing, yield of barley slumped 14.5 %.


伊藤, 義人, ITOH, Yoshito, 梅田, 健貴, UMEDA, Kenki, 西川, 和廣, NISHIKAWA, Kazuhiro 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.


伊藤, 義人, ITOH, Yoshito, 梅田, 健貴, UMEDA, Kenki, 岩田, 厚司, IWATA, Atsushi 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Minimized cardiopulmonary bypass in extracorporeal circulation:a clinical and experimental comparison with conventional techniques

Rimpiläinen, R. (Riikka) 17 May 2011 (has links)
Abstract Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) results in hemodilution, systemic inflammatory response, activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis, and microembolisation, which may all contribute to postoperative organ dysfunction. As an attempt to attenuate these side effects, the use of minimized cardiopulmonary bypass (MCPB) systems has increased. Compared to conventional CPB (CCPB), they are characterized with reduced artificial surface area and blood-air interface. The goal of these alterations has been to reduce systemic inflammation, preserve coagulation function and minimize the need for blood tranfusions. This study was aimed at determining whether or not MCPB attenuates the adverse effects of CPB. In study I, the safety, feasibility and effect on transfusion requirements of MCPB was investigated in unselected coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) patients. In studies II and III, the incidence of retinal microembolism after CABG and aortic valve replacement (AVR) surgery with MCPB was compared to that of CCPB by means of fluorescein angiography. Furthermore, in studies II and III, the effect of MCPB on systemic inflammation, coagulation, endothelial activation and injury, as well as on platelet activity, was compared to those of CCPB. In study IV, the effect of MCPB on intestinal mucosal damage following CPB was compared to CCPB in a porcine model of prolonged CPB. MCPB appeared as safe and feasible as CCPB in unselected CABG patients (Study I). MCPB was associated with decreased retinal microembolism compared to CCPB in CABG patients (Study II). Conversely, the difference in retinal microembolism in AVR patients was not statistically significant (Study III). MCPB was associated with a decrease in neutrophil activation in CABG and AVR patients as compared to CCPB. However, there were no differences in coagulation, endothelial activation and injury, or in platelet activity (Studies II, III). There were no differences in markers of intestinal mucosal damage between MCPB and CCPB following prolonged CPB in the experimental model (Study IV). The results of this study suggest that MCPB may be used safely with CABG patients, with beneficial effects on hematocrit, and attenuated neutrophil activation. In CABG patients, MCPB is associated with reduced retinal microembolism, suggesting a decreased embolic load to the brain. The clinical feasibility of MCBP requires further technical evolution in the management of valve surgery. The results of the animal model support previous concerns regarding intestinal mucosal damage during CPB. / Tiivistelmä Sydänkeuhkokoneen käyttö aiheuttaa elimistössä hemodiluution, yleistyneen tulehdusvasteen ja hyytymisjärjestelmän aktivoitumisen sekä mikroembolisaatiota. Ilmiöt ovat yleensä lieviä ja ohimeneviä, mutta voivat johtaa elintoimintahäiriöihin ja pitkittyneeseen toipumiseen sydänleikkauksen jälkeen. Haittojen lievittämiseksi sydänkeuhkokonetta on pyritty kehittämään fysiologisemmaksi. Miniperfuusiolaitteistoissa kiertävän veren kontakti pintamateriaalien ja ilman kanssa jää pienemmäksi ja veren laimenemista tapahtuu vähemmän. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää voidaanko miniperfuusiolla lievittää sydänkeuhkokoneen haittoja. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä selvitettiin miniperfuusion käyttökelpoisuutta ja vaikutusta verensiirtotarpeeseen ohitusleikkauspotilailla valikoimattomassa aineistossa. Toisessa ja kolmannessa osatyössä selvitettiin silmänpohjan mikroembolioiden ilmaantuvuutta miniperfuusion ja perinteisen sydänkeuhkokoneen käytön jälkeen ohitusleikkauspotilailla ja aorttaläppäleikkauspotilailla. Toisessa ja kolmannessa osatyössä selvitettiin lisäksi miniperfuusion vaikutuksia yleistyneen tulehdusvasteen voimakkuuteen, hyytymisjärjestelmään sekä endoteelin aktivaatioon perinteiseen sydänkeuhkokoneeseen verrattuna. Neljännessä osatyössä verrattiin kokeellisessa mallissa miniperfuusion ja perinteisen sydänkeuhkokoneen vaikutuksia suoliston limakalvon eheyteen. Miniperfuusio ilmeni yhtä käyttökelpoiseksi kuin perinteinen sydänkeuhkokone ohitusleikkauspotilaiden hoidossa. Ohitusleikkauspotilailla ilmeni vähemmän silmänpohjan mikroembolioita miniperfuusion jälkeen, mutta aorttaläppäleikkauspotilailla ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Miniperfuusion käyttöön liittyi vähemmän neutrofiilien aktivaatiota. Tekniikoiden välillä ei ilmennyt eroa hyytymisjärjestelmän eikä endoteelin aktivaatiota osoittavissa merkkiaineissa. Sydänkeuhkokoneen käyttö aiheutti saman tasoisen suoliston limakalvon vaurion miniperfuusiolla ja perinteisellä sydänkeuhkokoneella. Tutkimuksen perusteella miniperfuusiotekniikkaa voidaan käyttää turvallisesti ohitusleikkauspotilaiden hoidossa ja sen käyttö vähentää hemodiluutiota ja neutrofiilien aktivaatiota verrattuna perinteiseen sydänkeuhkokoneeseen. Miniperfuusiolla voidaan vähentää sydänkeuhkokoneen käytön aiheuttamaa silmänpohjan mikroembolisaatiota, joka saattaa viitata vähäisempään aivoverenkierron mikroembolisaatioon. Miniperfuusiotekniikoiden tulee edelleen kehittyä hyödyttämään enemmän myös aorttaläppäleikkauspotilaita. Löydökset koskien sydänkeuhkokoneen aiheuttamia suoliston limakalvovaurioita vahvistavat aiempaa olettamusta suoliston haavoittuvuudesta sydänleikkauksen jälkeen.

A PFC Power Supply with Minimized Energy Storage Components and a New Control Ttechnique for Cascaded SMPS

Frost, Damien F. 04 December 2012 (has links)
This Master of Applied Science thesis proposes a new design of low power, power factor corrected (PFC), power supplies. By lifting the hold up time restriction for devices that have a battery built in, the energy storage elements of the converter can be reduced, permitting a small and inexpensive power converter to be built. In addition, a new control technique for controlling cascaded converters is presented, named duty mode control (DMC). Its advantages are shown through simulations. The system was proven using a prototype developed in the laboratory designed for a universal ac input voltage (85 - 265VRMS at 50 - 60Hz) and a 40W output at 12V. It consisted of two interleaved phases sensed and digitally controlled on the isolated side of the converter. The prototype was able to achieve a power factor of greater than 0.98 for all operating conditions, and input harmonic current distortion well below any set of standards.

A PFC Power Supply with Minimized Energy Storage Components and a New Control Ttechnique for Cascaded SMPS

Frost, Damien F. 04 December 2012 (has links)
This Master of Applied Science thesis proposes a new design of low power, power factor corrected (PFC), power supplies. By lifting the hold up time restriction for devices that have a battery built in, the energy storage elements of the converter can be reduced, permitting a small and inexpensive power converter to be built. In addition, a new control technique for controlling cascaded converters is presented, named duty mode control (DMC). Its advantages are shown through simulations. The system was proven using a prototype developed in the laboratory designed for a universal ac input voltage (85 - 265VRMS at 50 - 60Hz) and a 40W output at 12V. It consisted of two interleaved phases sensed and digitally controlled on the isolated side of the converter. The prototype was able to achieve a power factor of greater than 0.98 for all operating conditions, and input harmonic current distortion well below any set of standards.

Le principe constitutionnel de francité de la langue de la République / The constitutional principle of Frenchness of the language of the Republic

Hipeau, Vivien 08 December 2017 (has links)
Existant auparavant sur le plan constitutionnel au mieux à l’état latent, sous forme de principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la République voire sous forme de coutume constitutionnelle, le principe constitutionnel de francité de la langue de la République existe expressément dans notre droit positif depuis la révision de la Loi fondamentale du 25 juin 1992 sous la formule apotropaïque « la langue de la République est le français ». Sa constitutionnalité expressément sécurisée, et ne pouvant être mise en doute, pourrait même se muer en supra-constitutionnalité, dès lors que ce concept serait admissible en droit français. Mais en dépit de sa constitutionnalisation, le principe de francité de la langue de la République ne trouve pas à étendre tous ses effets potentiels dans la sphère infra-constitutionnelle, paradoxalement freiné dans son déploiement par différents acteurs, notamment par le Conseil constitutionnel lui-même. Sa constitutionnalité s’y figure ainsi minimisée. La négligence de cette constitutionnalité du principe, décelable dans cette dimension verticale, se révèle également dans une dimension horizontale, puisque sa constitutionnalité est peu ou mal utilisée dans la sphère constitutionnelle elle-même. Sur un plan purement interne, non seulement elle ne permet qu’une reconnaissance falote de ce principe cardinal comme droit ou liberté constitutionnellement garanti, mais au surplus elle n’est malheureusement pas vue comme constitutive d’une garantie essentielle à l’efficience d’autres règles et principes, notamment d’autres droits et libertés, de valeur constitutionnelle. Or, la francité de la langue de la République, par son objet même et l’acquisition de sa valeur constitutionnelle, le permet indubitablement. En outre, sur un plan moins exclusivement interne, sa constitutionnalité n’a toujours pas permis d’y voir un principe ou une règle inhérent à l’identité constitutionnelle de la France, alors qu’il est en théorie l’élément-phare de cette catégorie à vocation défensive encore fantôme. Par ailleurs, d’un point de vue plus offensif, la francité de la langue de la République cherche ingénument à s’exporter grâce à sa constitutionnalité, alors qu’elle ne le peut justement pas sur ce point, par essence, en tant que principe juridique strictement propre à notre République circumterrestre. La constitutionnalité de ce principe - protéiforme - de francité de la langue de la République a donc été depuis sa naissance l’objet d’une négligence préjudiciable qu’il a fallu révéler afin d’y remédier. / Formerly existing in the constitutional field at best in a latent state, as a fundamental principle acknowledged in the laws of the Republic or as a constitutional custom, the constitutional principle of Frenchness of the language of the Republic expressly exists in our inner law since the revision of the Constitution of June 25th, 1992 through the formula "the language of the Republic shall be French". Thus its constitutionality is secured, what cannot be questioned, and could even change into supraconstitutionality, if this concept was admitted in French law. But in spite of its incorporation into the Constitution, the principle of Frenchness of the language of the Republic does not spread all its potential effects into the infra-constitutional sphere, paradoxically slowed down in its deployment, notably by the Constitutional Council. So, its constitutionality is clearly minimized.The carelessness of this constitutionality of the principle, detectable through that vertical approach, is also visible in a horizontal approach : indeed, its constitutionality is badly used in the constitutional sphere. On an internal level, it allows a weak acknowledgment of this fundamental principle as right or freedom constitutionally guaranteed, but besides it is unfortunately not seen as an essential guarantee in the efficiency of the other constitutional rules and principles, in particular the other rights or freedoms. However, the Frenchness of the language of the Republic would allow it indubitably, by its object and the acquisition of its constitutional value. Besides, on a less exclusively internal front, its constitutionality did not yet allow to consider it as a principle or rule inherent to the constitutional identity of France, while it is in theory the main element of this category which still remains empty. Besides, from a more offensive point of view, the Frenchness of the language of the Republic tries ingenuously to be exported thanks to its constitutionality, while it cannot afford it, by definition, as strictly French legal principle. Thus the constitutionality of this protean principle of Frenchness of the language of the Republic is the object of a prejudicial carelessness which it is advisable to remedy.

Error Sensor Strategies for Active Noise Control and Active Acoustic Equalization in a Free Field

Chester, Ryan T. 13 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Several measurements may be used as error signals to determine how to appropriately control a sound field. These include pressure, particle velocity, energy density and intensity. In this thesis, numerical models are used to show which signals perform best in is free-field active noise control (ANC) using error sensors located in the near field of the sound sources. The second is equalization in a free field and a semi-free field. Minimized energy density total power output (MEDToPO) plots are developed; these indicate the maximum achievable attenuation for a chosen error sensor as a function of location. A global listening area equalization coefficient (GLAEC) is found to evaluate the performance of the equalization methods. It is calculated by finding the average of the spectral standard deviation of several frequency response measurements in a specified listening area. For free-field ANC employing error sensors located in the near field, pressure-based measurements perform the best. For free-field equalization over an extended listening region, total energy density performs best. Equalization of an extended listening region is more successful over a limited low-frequency bandwidth.

Active Control of the Human Voice from a Sphere

Anderson, Monty J 01 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This work investigates the application of active noise control (ANC) to speech. ANC has had success reducing tonal noise. In this work, that success was extended to noise that is not completely tonal but has some tonal elements such as speech. Limitations such as causality were established on the active control of human speech. An optimal configuration for control actuators was developed for a sphere using a genetic algorithm. The optimal error sensor location was found from exploring the nulls associated with the magnitude of the radiated pressure with reference to the primary pressure field. Both numerically predicted and experimentally validated results for the attenuation of single frequency tones were shown. The differences between the numerically predicted results for attenuation with a sphere present in the pressure field and monopoles in the free-field are also discussed.The attenuation from ANC of both monotone and natural speech is shown and a discussion about the effect of causality on the results is given. The sentence “Joe took father’s shoe bench out” was used for both monotone and natural speech. Over this entire monotone speech sentence, the average attenuation was 8.6 dB with a peak attenuation of 10.6 dB for the syllable “Joe”. Natural speech attenuation was 1.1 dB for the sentence average with a peak attenuation on the syllable “bench” of 2.4 dB. In addition to the lower attenuation values for natural speech, the pressure level for the word “took” was increased by 2.3 dB. Also, the harmonic at 420 Hz in the word “father’s” of monotone speech was reduced globally up to 20 dB. Based on the results of the attenuation of monotone and natural speech, it was concluded that a reasonable amount of attenuation could be achieved on natural speech if its correlation could approach that of monotone speech.

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