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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Markexploateringsfrågor i gruvsamhällen : En studie av minerallagen, miljöbalken och plan- och bygglagen / Land Development in Mining Cities : A Study of The Minerals Act, Environmental Code, and Planning and Building Act

Martinson, Johan, Zachrisson, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet tar upp en del av den problematik som uppstår då gruvverksamheten kommer in på tättbebyggt område. Arbetet består av att studera stadsomvandlingen av Kiruna och Malmberget utifrån tre valda problem: en samhällsekonomisk bedömning, miljöskada samt skyddszon mellan gruva och samhälle. Avsikten med den samhällsekonomiska bedömningen har varit att belysa huruvida de prövningar som görs för gruvverksamheten tar hänsyn till de ekonomiska konsekvenser som en statsflytt innebär.  För gruvan görs förvisso en ekonomisk bedömning av fyndighetens förutsättningar, men inga beräkningar på hur mycket intrånget som en avveckling och flytt av bebyggelse och infrastruktur innebär. Det andra problemet handlar om rätt till ersättning för miljöskada för dels isoleringen av östra Malmberget och dels randbebyggelse till gruvan. Störningen som förekom i östra Malmberget var en isolering av området gentemot övriga områden på orten, medan randbebyggelsens störningar utgjordes av förfulad omgivning, buller och skakningar samt en oro till följd av gruvverksamheten.  De störningar som inte ansågs vara orts- eller allmänvanliga kunde ge ersättning för miljöskada. I undersökningen så kom vi fram till att isoleringen av bebyggelsen i östra Malmberget inte var orts- eller allmänvanlig, däremot så ansågs störningen för randbebyggelsen vara det, dvs. rätt till ersättning förelåg inte. Det tredje och sista problemet tar upp en skyddszon mellan gruvan och samhället. Utgångspunkten för behandlingen av skyddszonen har varit två typer av lösningar: en med detaljplan och en utan. Syftet finns att skapa en skyddszon mellan gruvan och staden som ska verka så att bebyggelsen slipper att ha en gruvverksamhet med buller och skakningar tätt inpå. Vidare så har Kiruna kommuns lösning med detaljplan presenterats. Där har lösningen till problemet bland annat utförts med hjälp av civilrättsliga avtal och genomförande avtal för att komplettera brister i plan- och bygglagen som kommunen ansett nödvändiga. Problemet med skyddszonen mellan gruva och stad har belysts genom att studera alternativa lösningar gentemot en ny detaljplan. Undersökningen visade att det är svårt att uppnå syftet med skyddszonen utan civilrättsliga avtal. Sammanfattningsvis finns brister i lagstiftningen som inte helt och hållet är anpassad till de nya situationer som stadsomvandlingarna innebär. / This Master of Science thesis investigates some of the problems that arise when mining operation enter urban areas. Mainly, the investigation consists of studying urban transformation of Kiruna and Malmberget. Three main areas are studied: a socio-economic evaluation, environmental damage, and a green zone between the mine and the community. The intention of illuminating the socio-economic evaluation has been to studying whether the permits conducted for the mining activity takes into account the economic consequences of a relocation of a city. A cost- and benefit analysis exist when it comes to the assessment of the mine, but there is no calculations regarding the cost of eliminating or moving buildings and infrastructure. The second problem is about the right to receive compensation for environmental damages, when it comes to isolation of dwelling houses or when the mine activities effect nearby properties. The negative effects that couldn’t be considered as common neither in general nor in the neighborhood, was subject for compensation. Isolation of dwelling areas fulfills these requirements, but that was not the case for other properties. The third and final issue investigates a green zone as a protection between the mine and the community. The purpose of the zone is to protect the dwelling houses from negative effects of a nearby industry. The investigation revealed that it is difficult to achieve this purpose without civil contracts. In summary, there are shortcomings in the legislation. The law system is not fully adapted to the new situations which follow the urban transformations.

Impacto da variabilidade operacional na execução do plano de lavra. / Analysis of the impact of the operational variability onto execution of a mine plan.

Marin, Tatiane 30 March 2009 (has links)
Um dos principais desafios para engenheiros de planejamento na mineração é fornecer planos de lavra que sejam exeqüíveis e que levem em conta as variabilidades operacionais da mina. Muitas vezes, os planos de lavra são criados com base nos valores médios históricos ou estimados das principais variáveis do sistema, que embora representem corretamente o ambiente de lavra, não permitem estimar o impacto de eventuais variabilidades nos resultados da operação da mina. O resultado dessa situação é uma menor confiabilidade nos planos de lavra quanto menor o horizonte de tempo planejado, o que leva a tomada de decisões operacionais muitas vezes intuitivas que nem sempre são ótimas, podendo prejudicar o atendimento das metas de longo prazo definidas pelo planejamento. Esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia para criar planos de lavra que incorporem a variabilidade operacional, ou seja, planos exeqüíveis em conformidade com as operações unitárias da lavra, através da aplicação de técnicas de simulação. Essa metodologia é testada através de uma aplicação teórica e um estudo de caso, permitindo que a operação possa efetivamente contar com um plano que teve sua exeqüibilidade avaliada antes de sua publicação, apoiando assim o processo de tomada de decisões num ponto-chave da cadeia de produção mineral. Os resultados do estudo de caso comprovaram os benefícios práticos da metodologia de simulação proposta, permitindo fixar metas de produção mais realísticas para as condições operacionais da mina estudada, além de identificar oportunidades para a continuidade da pesquisa em temas relacionados à incorporação da incerteza geológica e à automatização do processo de simulação de lavra. / One of the main challenges for mine planning engineers is to produce operationally feasible mine plans which take into account the practical variability of the mining operation. It is quite common for the mining industry to work with plans that have been based on estimated means or historical values for most of the key operational variables, which although are useful to represent the mine environment, do not allow management to predict the impact of eventual variations onto the outcome of the mining operation. The result is a lower degree of confidence on the mine plans the shorter the time horizon considered, and a non-optimal decision making process that is much more oriented on experience, with a significant impact on the longer-term targets of the mine operation. This research proposes a methodology for creating mine plans that are operationally feasible and which are aligned with the practicalities of the mining operation by taking into account the operational variability of the mine. The methodology is based on simulation techniques and it is tested through a theoretical application and a case study. The outcome is a mine plan that is appropriate for the mines operation because it has been tested through simulation prior to its publication, which represents an important contribution for the decision making process at a key position in the mine production chain. The results obtained have confirmed the practical benefits of the proposed simulation methodology, by allowing the establishment of more realistic production targets associated to the current operating conditions of the mine being studied. The outcome of the project have also allowed the identification of opportunities for further research, related to the incorporation of geological uncertainty and to the automation of the mine simulation process.

Impacto da variabilidade operacional na execução do plano de lavra. / Analysis of the impact of the operational variability onto execution of a mine plan.

Tatiane Marin 30 March 2009 (has links)
Um dos principais desafios para engenheiros de planejamento na mineração é fornecer planos de lavra que sejam exeqüíveis e que levem em conta as variabilidades operacionais da mina. Muitas vezes, os planos de lavra são criados com base nos valores médios históricos ou estimados das principais variáveis do sistema, que embora representem corretamente o ambiente de lavra, não permitem estimar o impacto de eventuais variabilidades nos resultados da operação da mina. O resultado dessa situação é uma menor confiabilidade nos planos de lavra quanto menor o horizonte de tempo planejado, o que leva a tomada de decisões operacionais muitas vezes intuitivas que nem sempre são ótimas, podendo prejudicar o atendimento das metas de longo prazo definidas pelo planejamento. Esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia para criar planos de lavra que incorporem a variabilidade operacional, ou seja, planos exeqüíveis em conformidade com as operações unitárias da lavra, através da aplicação de técnicas de simulação. Essa metodologia é testada através de uma aplicação teórica e um estudo de caso, permitindo que a operação possa efetivamente contar com um plano que teve sua exeqüibilidade avaliada antes de sua publicação, apoiando assim o processo de tomada de decisões num ponto-chave da cadeia de produção mineral. Os resultados do estudo de caso comprovaram os benefícios práticos da metodologia de simulação proposta, permitindo fixar metas de produção mais realísticas para as condições operacionais da mina estudada, além de identificar oportunidades para a continuidade da pesquisa em temas relacionados à incorporação da incerteza geológica e à automatização do processo de simulação de lavra. / One of the main challenges for mine planning engineers is to produce operationally feasible mine plans which take into account the practical variability of the mining operation. It is quite common for the mining industry to work with plans that have been based on estimated means or historical values for most of the key operational variables, which although are useful to represent the mine environment, do not allow management to predict the impact of eventual variations onto the outcome of the mining operation. The result is a lower degree of confidence on the mine plans the shorter the time horizon considered, and a non-optimal decision making process that is much more oriented on experience, with a significant impact on the longer-term targets of the mine operation. This research proposes a methodology for creating mine plans that are operationally feasible and which are aligned with the practicalities of the mining operation by taking into account the operational variability of the mine. The methodology is based on simulation techniques and it is tested through a theoretical application and a case study. The outcome is a mine plan that is appropriate for the mines operation because it has been tested through simulation prior to its publication, which represents an important contribution for the decision making process at a key position in the mine production chain. The results obtained have confirmed the practical benefits of the proposed simulation methodology, by allowing the establishment of more realistic production targets associated to the current operating conditions of the mine being studied. The outcome of the project have also allowed the identification of opportunities for further research, related to the incorporation of geological uncertainty and to the automation of the mine simulation process.

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