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Inställningar till 15-minuterstadens centrala aspekter och förändrade mobilitetsvanor : En fallstudie i Linköpings tätort / Attitudes to the central aspects of the 15-minute city and changing mobility habits : A case study in the city of LinköpingWallström, Amanda, Axén, Carl January 2023 (has links)
Inom stadsutvecklingen har bilen länge haft en dominerade ställning, med tiden har den dock kommit att bli allt mer ifrågasatt. Flera alternativa planeringsmodeller har tagits fram för att minska bilberoendet varav Morenos 15-minuterstad är en som fått stort genomslag. Dock har mycket få studier gjorts i en nordisk kontext där befolkningstätheten är låg. Syftet har därför varit att undersöka åsikter om 15-minuterstadens centrala pelare och möjligheten till förändrade resvanor i en medelstor svensk stad. Syftet besvarades med en enkät samtidigt som en dokumentanalys genomfördes över stadens översiktsplan med tillhörande trafikstrategi (2010). Resultatet från studien visade att både kommunen och invånare är generellt positivt inställda till 15-minuterstaden men det finns ett visst motstånd till en fullständig implementation. Social practice theory har använts i analysen för att förstå människors svårföränderliga vanor, vilka kan brytas ner till material, kompentens och mening. Materialaspekten har förändrats genom ny infrastruktur vilket kommunen motiverar med ny kompetens om hållbarhet. Invånarna tillskriver 15-minuterstaden en positiv mening genom bemärkelser som rörelse, omväxling, tillgänglighet, bekvämlighet, trygghet och flexibilitet. / Within urban development, the car has long had a dominant position, but over time it has come to be increasingly questioned. Several alternative planning models have been proposed to reduce car dependence, of which Moreno's 15-minute city is one that has become very popular. However, very few studies have been conducted in a Nordic context where the population density is low. The purpose has therefore been to examine opinions about the central pillars of the 15-minute city and the possibility of changing travel habits in a medium-sized Swedish city. The purpose was answered with a survey at the same time as a document analysis was carried out on the city's general plan with associated traffic strategy (2010). The results of the study showed that both the municipality and residents are generally positive about the 15-minute city, but there is some resistance to a full implementation. Social practice theory has been used in the analysis to understand people's hard-to-change habits, which can be broken down into material, competence and meaning. The material aspect has changed through new infrastructure, which the municipality justifies with new competence in sustainability. The residents attribute a positive meaning to the 15-minute city through meanings such as movement, change, accessibility, convenience, safety, and flexibility.
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Inspirationsmuskelträning för personer med idiopatisk lungfibros. : En experimentell fallstudie / Inspiratory Muscle Training for People with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. : An Experimental Case StudieMäkimaa, Birgit January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vid idiopatisk lungfibros (IPF) är dyspné det dominerande symtomet, vilket påverkar gångsträckan. Andra patientkategorier har ökat gångsträckan och minskat dyspnén efter inspirationsmuskelträning (IMT). Endast två studier angående IMT för personer med IPF har hittats och ingen av dessa studier har IMT som enda studieintervention. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om IMT ökar andningsmuskelstyrkan (MIP), om gångsträcka och dyspné förändras efter träningen samt om det finns ett samband mellan MIP och gångsträcka, MIP och dyspné samt gångsträcka och dyspné. Metod: Single-subject experimentell design användes. Sex personer med IPF deltog. IMT genomfördes under åtta veckor. Under baslinje, intervention och cirka sex veckor efter interventionsslutet mättes MIP med Micro RPM® och gångsträcka med sex-minuters gångtest. Dyspnén skattades med Borg CR-10-skala och University of California San Diego Shortness of Breath Questionnaire (UCSD SOBQ). Resultat: Resultatet varierade mellan studiedeltagarna. Fyra deltagare ökade MIP. Fem studiedeltagare hade en kliniskt relevant ökning av gångsträcka. Fyra deltagare hade en kliniskt relevant minskad dyspné vid skattning med Borg CR-10 i vila eller UCSD SOBQ. Korrelationen mellan MIP och gångsträcka var signifikant för två studiedeltagare med rs 0,88 respektive 0,99. Konklusion: IMT kan öka MIP och ge kliniskt relevanta förbättringar av gångsträcka och dyspné. Alla studiedeltagare drar ej nytta av träningen. Fortsatta studier behövs för att undersöka vilka som har nytta av IMT och vilken träningsmängd som behövs för att uppnå förbättring. / Introduction: In idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), dyspnoea is the predominant symptom that affects walking distance. In other patient categories, walking distance has been increased and dyspnoea has been reduced after inspiratory muscle training (IMT). Only two studies on IMT for people with IPF have been found and none of these studies have IMT as the sole study intervention. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate whether IMT increases respiratory muscle strength (MIP), if walking distance and dyspnoea alter after practice, and if there is a relation between MIP and walking distance, MIP and dyspnoea and walking distance and dyspnoea. Method: Single-subject experimental design was used. Six people with IPF participated. IMT was carried out in eight weeks. During baseline, intervention and about six weeks after the intervention, MIP was measured with Micro RPM® and walking distance with a six-minute walk test. Dyspnoea was estimated with Borg CR 10-scale and the University of California, San Diego Shortness of Breath Questionnaire (UCSD SOBQ). Results: The results varied among the study participants. For four participants, the MIP increased. Five study participants had a clinically relevant increase in walking distance. Four participants had a clinically relevant reduction in dyspnoea on measuring with Borg CR 10 at rest or UCSD SOBQ. The correlation between MIP and walking distance was significant for two study participants with rs 0.88 and 0.99, respectively. Conclusion: IMT can increase MIP and provide clinically relevant improvements in walking distance and dyspnoea. All study participants do not benefit from exercise. Further studies are needed to determine which ones have the advantage of IMT and the amount of exercise needed to achieve improvement.
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Estudo do comportamento hemodinâmico e variáveis metabólicas no teste de esforço cardiopulmonar e teste de caminhada de seis minutos em portadores de insuficiência aórtica crônica assintomáticos / Study of hemodynamic and metabolic variables in cardiopulmonary exercise testing and six-minute walk test in patients with asymptomatic chronic aortic regurgitationReis, Daniela Caetano Costa dos 12 August 2016 (has links)
A insuficiência aórtica (IAo) crônica é uma lesão regurgitante, caracterizada pelo fluxo retrógrado de sangue durante a diástole. A utilização do exercício físico como forma de exploração das repercussões funcionais, caracterização da gravidade da IAo e determinação da classe funcional objetivamente, além da identificação de parâmetros funcionais capazes de identificar o estágio clínicofuncional na IAo é bastante atraente. Objetivos: avaliar a capacidade funcional dos portadores de IAo através do teste de esforço cardiopulmonar (TCP) e do teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6\'), subdivididos de acordo com a gravidade da regurgitação da válvula; comparar o desempenho desses portadores de IAo no TCP a um grupo de voluntários saudáveis; testar a reprodutibilidade do TC6\' nessa amostra de portadores de IAo. Casuística e métodos: os pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética cardíaca e distribuídos em grupos IAo leve (n=6), IAo moderada (n=9) e IAo grave (n=10). Doze voluntários saudáveis foram incluídos (grupo controle - GC). Os voluntários estudados foram submetidos a um TCP máximo em cicloergômetro, com protocolo incremental do tipo rampa e a dois testes de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6\'-1 e TC6\'-2), com intervalo de 30 minutos entre eles. Resultados: no repouso, não encontramos diferença estatisticamente significante dos valores de VO2, frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial diastólica; a pressão arterial sistólica foi menor no GC, comparada ao grupo IAo grave. No esforço submáximo não identificamos diferença estatisticamente significante nos parâmetros, exceto pela potência que foi menor no grupo IAo grave quando comparada ao GC. A FC pico foi maior no GC, comparado ao grupo IAo leve e IAo moderada; a potência no pico do esforço foi maior no GC comparado aos grupos IAo leve, IAo moderada e IAo grave; a Ve no pico do esforço foi menor no grupo IAo grave quando comparado ao GC. No 9 grupo IAo grave, a medida de VO2 pico real foi menor que o VO2 pico predito, representando 77% do predito. Ve/VCO2 slope, OUES e pulso de O2 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. As medidas obtidas no TC6\', no repouso, no pico ou na recuperação, não demonstraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos; os TC6\'-1 e TC6\'-2 se mostraram reprodutíveis e houve fraca correlação entre VO2 pico obtido no TCP e distância percorrida do TC6\'-2 nos portadores de IAo, independente da gravidade da regurgitação da válvula. Conclusão: em portadores de IAo crônica pura assintomáticos, as medidas de trocas gasosas e as respostas hemodinâmicas e metabólicas frente ao exercício físico podem não caracterizar a gravidade da regurgitação da válvula. Apesar de assintomáticos ou minimamente sintomáticos, e de apresentarem modestos sinais de remodelamento ventricular esquerdo, os portadores de IAo grave apresentavam-se com capacidade funcional reduzida, podendo ser resultado do processo evolutivo da doença. O TC6\' não foi capaz de diferenciar os portadores de IAo crônica pura assintomáticos, porém mostrou ser reprodutível nessa amostra de pacientes com IAo, o que sugere ser essa ferramenta útil no seguimento desses pacientes e possível identificação de limitações funcionais que possam vir a surgir com a evolução da doença. / Aortic regurgitation (AR) is a chronic regurgitant lesion, characterized by the backflow of blood during diastole. The use of physical exercise as a form of exploration of functional repercussions, characterizing the severity of AR and objectively determining the functional class, and identification of functional parameters able to identify the clinical and functional stage in AR is quite attractive. Objectives: To evaluate the functional capacity of patients with AR through cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and the six-minute walk test (6MWT), subdivided according to the severity of valve regurgitation; compare the performance of these carriers in the CPET with group of healthy volunteers; test the reproducibility of the 6MWT in this sample of patients with AR. Methods: Patients underwent cardiac resonance magnetic and distributed in mild AR groups (n = 6), moderate AR (n = 9) and severe AR (n = 10). Twelve healthy volunteers were included (control group - CG). Volunteers studied were submitted to a maximum CPET ergometer with incremental protocol ramp type and two sixminute walk test (6MWT-1 and 6MWT-2) with an interval of 30 minutes between them. Results: at rest, no statistically significant difference in VO2 values, heart rate (HR) and diastolic blood pressure; systolic blood pressure was lower in the CG compared to the severe AR group. In submaximal effort, we did not identify statistically significant differences in the parameters, except for the load that was less severe AR group compared to the CG. HR peak was higher in the CG compared to the mild group and moderate AR; load at peak exercise was greater in the CG compared with the mild AR groups, moderate and severe AR; the Ve at peak exercise was lower in severe AR group when compared to the CG. In severe AR group, the measure VO2 real peak was lower than the predicted peak VO2, representing 77% of predicted. Ve / VCO2 slope, OUES and O2 pulse were not different between groups. The measurements obtained in the 6MWT, at rest, at 11 the peak or recovery, showed no statistically significant difference between the groups; the 6MWT-1 and 6MWT-2 proved to be reproducible and there was a weak correlation between peak VO2 obtained in TCP and the distance traveled 6MWT-2 in patients with AR, independent of valve regurgitation severity. Conclusion: in patients with pure chronic asymptomatic AR, measures gas exchange and hemodynamic and metabolic responses during physical exercise can not characterize the valve regurgitation severity. Although asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, and present modest signs of left ventricular remodeling, the severe AR carriers presented with reduced functional capacity, may be the result of the evolutionary process of the disease. The 6MWT was not able to differentiate patients with pure chronic AR asymptomatic, but proved to be reproducible in this sample of patients with AR, which suggests that this useful tool in monitoring these patients and possible identification of functional limitations that may arise with the evolution of the disease.
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Public Health Minute: Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and the Community PharmacistHagemeier, Nicholas E. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Pharmacists’ ability to interfere with prescription drug abuse is hindered back a lack of confidence, training, and time.
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contribution à l'etude de l'aptitude aérobie dans la decompensation cardiaque/ contribution to determination of exercise capacity in heart failure.Deboeck, Gaël 26 March 2009 (has links)
La décompensation cardiaque se manifeste par une symptomatologie de dyspnée et de fatigue, et par une diminution de l’aptitude aérobie. La décompensation cardiaque peut être globale ou gauche (DCG), ou droite comme dans le cas de l’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP). Les mesures fonctionnelles de repos (fonction ventriculaire gauche ou pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne) sont peu corrélées à l’aptitude aérobie, qui est cependant un élément important de la mise au point et du suivi clinique des patients atteints de DCG ou d’HTAP.
L’aptitude aérobie est évaluée par une ergospirométrie. Réalisée sur cycloergomètre ou sur tapis roulant elle mesure l’évolution des variables ventilatoires (ventilation, consommation en oxygène et production de CO2), la fréquence cardiaque et la tension artérielle lors d’un effort à intensité croissante jusqu’à l’effort maximal. Elle apporte une analyse fine du comportement à l’exercice des patients, de la cause de la limitation à l’effort et permet la détermination précise de la consommation d’oxygène maximale (VO2max).
Plus simple que l’ergospirométrie, le test de marche de 6 minutes (TDM6) mesure la distance maximale parcourue en marchant 6 minutes. Il évalue la réponse intégrée des systèmes cardiovasculaire, respiratoire et musculaire à l’effort, mais, contrairement à l’ergospirométrie, il ne permet pas d’identifier les facteurs déterminants l’aptitude aérobie. Le TDM6 est corrélé de façon significative, mais non étroite, à la VO2 max et à la classe fonctionnelle telle qu’évaluée par l’échelle à 4 points de la New York Heart Association.
Les travaux réunis dans le présent travail ont eu pour but de contribuer à l’étude de la pathophysiologie de l’aptitude aérobie et à la compréhension des tests utilisés pour l’évaluer dans l’HTAP et de la DCG.
Dans une première étude, nous avons comparé le profil ergospirométrique et le périmètre de marche de 6 minutes chez les patients DCG ou HTAP. Les résultats montrent que la VO2 max et le TDM sont diminués dans les mêmes proportions chez des patients à handicap fonctionnel (NYHA) comparable, avec toutefois une propension plus marquée à l’hyperventilation dans l’HTAP.
Dans une seconde étude, nous avons mesuré la réponse métabolique au TDM6 au moyen d’un ergospiromètre portable chez des patients HTAP. Les résultats montrent que le TDM6 est réalisé à une VO2 correspondant à la VO2max mesurée à l’ergospirométrie sur cycloergomètre, avec cependant une ventilation, un quotient respiratoire et une fréquence cardiaque inférieures. Durant le TDM6, les patients stabilisent leur effort à un quotient respiratoire légèrement inférieur à 1. Ces résultats s’expliquent soit par la cinétique de la VO2 durant l’ergospirométrie à protocole standardisé comportant un incrément de charge trop rapide par minute, soit par une différence des masses musculaires mises en œuvre durant la marche ou l’effort sur bicyclette. Ces résultats suggèrent que le TDM6 pourrait être un test plus adéquat que l’ergospirométrie pour évaluer l’aptitude aérobie dans l’HTAP.
Dans un troisième travail, plus modeste, nous avons réalisé la réplique du précédent, dans la DCG. Nous y avons observé les mêmes résultats.
Dans un dernier travail nous avons évalué la valeur pronostique de l’ergospirométrie et du TDM6 dans l’HTAP. Nous avons analysé les ergospirométries et TDM6 de 65 patients atteints d’HTAP et discerné un sous groupe de patients atteints d’HTAP idiopathique ou associée à la prise d’anorexigène. Le TDM6 et le produit « distance x poids » étaient pronostiques de mortalité dans le groupe entier de patients et dans le sous groupe de patients atteints d’HTAP idiopathique ou associée à la prise d’anorexigène. La pente VE/VCO2 n’était facteur pronostique de mortalité que dans le groupe de patients atteints d’HTAP idiopathique ou associée à la prise d’anorexigène. La VO2pic n’était prédictive de mortalité dans aucun des groupes de patients.
En conclusion, nos travaux ont montré que la DCG et l’HTAP menaient à une diminution similaire de la capacité à l’exercice. Ils ont également contribué à montrer l’intérêt du TDM6 (avec mesures ergospirométriques) dans l’évaluation de cette amputation de l’aptitude à l’effort. Le TDM6 paraît plus adéquat pour la mesure de l’aptitude purement aérobie (quotient respiratoire < 1). Ceci permet probablement de comprendre la supériorité du TDM6 par rapport à l’ergospirométrie en tant que facteur pronostique et en sensibilité aux effets d’interventions thérapeutiques.
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The Predictors of Physical Activity Participation in Elderly Cardiac PatientsBuijs, David, M Unknown Date
No description available.
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Is Maungatautari restoring bird pollination and seed dispersal services?Iles, Jenifer Margaret January 2012 (has links)
The decline in range and density of many native New Zealand birds from mammalian predation has raised concerns over the functioning of ecosystem processes such as pollination and seed dispersal. At Maungatautari, almost all mammalian pests have been eradicated from within a pest-proof fence enclosing 3400 ha of native forest. I examined whether Maungatautari is restoring pollination and seed dispersal services to native plants, compared to a nearby non-treatment site, Pirongia Mountain.
Five-minute bird counts made at Maungatautari and Pirongia (in 2002 and 2005 prior to pest eradication from Maungatautari, and in 2008 and 2010 following eradication) indicated that 10 of the 12 individual bird species examined showed significant changes in abundance following pest control. Six species showed an increase in abundance, including bellbirds (Anthornis melanura), tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) and kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). Counts of all native species combined increased at Maungatautari while counts of all exotic species showed no trend over count years.
In December 2010, 140 five-minute bird counts showed tui and bellbirds, key pollinators, to be more abundant at Maungatautari than Pirongia. Higher pollen loads on the stigmas of both female and hermaphrodite Fuchsia excorticata flowers at Maungatautari, compared to Pirongia, suggest that F. excorticata at Maungatautari received better pollination service. Fuchsia excorticata pollen loads collected from 67 sites around New Zealand indicate that female plants at sites with lower abundances of mammalian predators generally received better pollination service. Hermaphrodite F. excorticata plants had similar and high pollen scores in all regions, except for in the North Island.
Five-minute bird counts in December 2010 also showed that kereru and blackbirds (Turdus merula), key seed dispersers along with tui and bellbirds, were more abundant at Maungatautari than Pirongia. A second measure of bird abundance, maximum counts, showed flock sizes of tui, bellbirds and kereru were larger at Maungatautari, but only significantly so for tui and bellbirds. Fuchsia excorticata fruits were removed more rapidly from plants at Maungatautari than at Pirongia (a 6-fold difference). There was twice the density of tawa fruits (bird cleaned and fleshy) under trees at Maungatautari compared to Pirongia, perhaps from reduced mammalian fruit predation. There was no significant site effect on tawa dispersal service (percent of fruit consumed by birds), but a significant site x fruit density interaction, suggests birds at Maungatautari provided better dispersal service to large fruit crops. A similar number of miro fruit (bird cleaned and fleshy) were caught in seed traps under miro trees, but a greater percentage of fruits were consumed by birds at Maungatautari (59%) compared to Pirongia (26%).
The results from this thesis indicate that increased densities of key native birds at Maungatautari are providing better pollination and dispersal services to the native plants examined. Projects which increase the density of key bird mutualists, such as tui, bellbirds and kereru, on the mainland, may have positive benefits for pollination and seed dispersal mutualisms.
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An analysis of transcriptional regulation of the MVM capsid gene promoterLorson, Christian January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 1997. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves : 144-159). Also available on the Internet.
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An analysis of genetic determinants that govern exon definition and alternative splicing of minute virus of mice (MVM) pre-mRNAsGersappe, Anand January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 215-225). Also available on the Internet.
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Percepção da dispneia em pacientes com fibrose cística / Dyspnea perception in cystic fibrosis patientsZiegler, Bruna January 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar a percepção da dispneia em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC) comparando com indivíduos normais, durante teste com cargas resistivas inspiratórias e durante teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M). Secundariamente, avaliar a correlação entre os escores de dispneia induzida pelas cargas resistivas e os escores de dispneia provocada pelo TC6M. Métodos: estudo transversal em pacientes com FC (≥15 anos) e indivíduos normais. Os voluntários foram submetidos a teste com cargas resistivas inspiratórias, medida das pressões respiratórias máximas, espirometria, avaliação nutricional e TC6M. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 31 pacientes com FC pareados com 31 indivíduos normais. À medida que a magnitude das cargas resistivas inspiratórias aumentou, os escores de dispneia aumentaram (p<0,001), porém não houve diferença entre grupos quanto ao escore de dispneia (p=0,654) e não houve efeito de interação (p=0,654). SpO2 foi menor em pacientes com FC (p<0,001) e aumentou à medida que a magnitude das cargas aumentou (p<0,001), sem ocorrer efeito de interação (p=,364). Vinte e seis (84%) indivíduos normais completaram o teste com cargas resistivas, comparado com apenas 12 (39%) dos pacientes com FC (p<0,001). Os escores de dispneia foram maiores ao final do TC6M do que no repouso (p<0,001), mas não houve diferença entre os grupos (p=0,080) e não houve efeito de interação (p=0,091). SpO2 foi menor nos pacientes com FC (p<0,001) e diminuiu do repouso ao final do TC6M nos pacientes com FC (p<0,001) com efeito de interação (p=0,004). Os escores de dispneia ao final do TC6M correlacionaram-se significativamente com os escores de dispneia induzidos pelo teste com cargas resistivas. Conclusão: a percepção da dispneia em pacientes com FC induzidos por teste com cargas resistivas inspiratórias e pelo TC6M não diferiu dos indivíduos normais. Contudo, os pacientes com FC descontinuaram o teste com cargas resistivas inspiratórias mais frequentemente. Além disso, houve correlação significativa entre o escore de percepção da dispneia induzida pelas cargas resistivas inspiratórias e pelo TC6M. / Objectives: To evaluate dyspnea perception in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients compared with normal subjects, during inspiratory resistive loading and the six-minute walk test (6MWT). Secondarily, to assess the correlation between dyspnea scores induced by resistive loads and those induced by the 6MWT. Methods: cross-sectional study in patients with CF (≥15 years old) and normal subjects. Volunteers underwent inspiratory resistive loading, measurement of maximal respiratory pressures, spirometry, nutritional evaluation, and the 6MWT. Results: Thirty-one CF patients and 31 paired normal subjects were included in the study. As the magnitude of the inspiratory loads increased, dyspnea scores increased (p<.001), but there was no difference between groups in dyspnea score (p=.654) and no group interaction effect (p=.654). SpO2 was lower in CF patients (p<.001) and increased as the magnitude of the loads increased (p<.001), with no interaction effect (p=.364). Twenty-six (84%) normal subjects completed the whole test, compared to only 12 (39%) CF patients (p<.001). Dyspnea scores were higher post-6MWT than at rest (p<.001), but did not differ between groups (p=.080) with no interaction effect (p=.091). SpO2 was lower in CF patients (p<.001) and decreased from resting to post-6MWT in CF patients (p<.001) with an interaction effect (p=.004). Post-6MWT dyspnea scores were significantly correlated with dyspnea scores induced by resistive loads. Conclusion: dyspnea perception in CF patients induced by inspiratory resistive loading and by 6MWT did not differ from normal subjects. However, CF patients discontinued inspiratory resistive loading more frequently. In addition, there were significant correlations between dyspnea perception score induced by inspiratory resistance loading and by the 6MWT.
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