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Acurácia da escala de Borg modificada no exercício de crianças e adolescentes com fibrose císticaHommerding, Patrícia Xavier January 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: Verificar a acurácia da escala de Borg modificada após o exercício na estimativa do comprometimento pulmonar medido pelo volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), em crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística. Métodos: Estudo transversal e prospectivo em pacientes com FC (6 a 18 anos) em acompanhamento ambulatorial. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a sensação subjetiva da dispnéia através da escala de Borg modificada após o exercício correlacionando-a com a função pulmonar (espirometria) e secundariamente, com o teste de caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e com o estado nutricional pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC). Resultados: Foram incluídos 41 pacientes com a média de idade 11,1 ± 4,1 anos. A mediana da escala de Borg modificada após o TC6 foi 2(1-3). A média de percentual do previsto do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1%) foi de 96,6 ± 31,9%. Sessenta e um por cento dos pacientes apresentaram escore Z da distância percorrida (ZTC6) igual ou menor que -2. A escala de Borg modificada apresentou correlações fracas com as demais variáveis, quando toda a amostra foi avaliada. Houve correlação significativa e maior da escala com o VEF1 (r=-0,59; p=0,003) e com o ZTC6 (r=0,46; p=0,026), avaliando-se separadamente os pacientes com idade superior a 9 anos. Ao analisar os pacientes em diferentes níveis de corte de acordo com a idade pela curva ROC, obteve-se a partir do ponto de corte da escala de Borg modificada de 2,5 uma área de 0,80 proporcionando uma sensibilidade de 80% e especificidade de 77% na faixa etária superior a 9 anos para prever o VEF1% menor de 80%. Conclusão: A percepção subjetiva da dispnéia avaliada através da escala de Borg modificada apresenta acurácia em crianças com idade superior a 9 anos e adolescentes com fibrose cística. / Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of the modified Borg scale to estimate lung impairment measured by forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF). Methods: This cross-sectional prospective study was conducted with CF patients (6 to 18 years of age). Subjective perception of dyspnea, (modified Borg scale) before and after submaximal exercises, as well as its correlation with lung function (spirometry) and, secondarily, with the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) results and the nutritional status according to body mass index (BMI) were evaluated. Results: Forty-one patients aged 11.1 ± 4.1 years were included in the study. Median score in the modified Borg scale after 6MWT was 2 (1-3). Mean percent predicted of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1%) was 96.6 ± 31.9%. The z score of walked distance (Z6MWT) for 61% of the patients was equal to or lower than -2. The modified Borg scale correlated weakly with the other variables when all patients in the sample were analyzed. There was a significantly greater correlation of the scale with FEV1% (r=-0.59; P=0.003) and with 6MWTZ (r=0.46; P=0.026) when patients older than 9 years were evaluated separately. The ROC curve analysis revealed that a cut-off point of 2.5 in the modified Borg scale generated an area of 0.80, had a sensitivity of 80%, a specificity of 77% and accuracy of 0.78 to predict FEV1% lower than 80% in the group of patients older than 9 years. Conclusion: The modified Borg scale is accurate to assess the subjective perception of dyspnea of children older than 9 years and adolescents with cystic fibrosis.
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Determinantes da distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca / Determinants of Distance Walked During the Six-Minute Walk Test in Patients Undergoing Cardiac SurgeryOliveira, Géssica Uruga 14 April 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction: The walk test (6MWT) is a measure of functional capacity, simple, objective and reproducible, in which patients were instructed to walk as far as possible in six minutes. The 6MWT is widely used in cardiac rehabilitation as an indicator of functional status and as an outcome measure in patients after cardiac surgery, acute myocardial infarction and patients with chronic heart failure. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the determinants of distance walked in six-minute walk test (6MWT) in patients undergoing cardiac surgery and establishing a reference equation and test its reliability. Methods: This is a descriptive study, sixty patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery type were evaluated. The assessment was performed preoperatively and at discharge. Were collected from medical records type of surgery , duration of mechanical ventilation, duration of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), days of ICU stay , days of hospitalization, ejection fraction of the left ventricle, hemoglobin and comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia). To assess functional capacity Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was applied, the quality of life was assessed using the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). The 6MWT was performed at discharge. We used univariate analysis to select the variables to be used in the multivariate analysis model. For univariate analysis, we consider a level of significance less than 20% (P<0.20). Then the multivariate analysis was performed using multiple linear regression. For multivariate analysis, we consider a level of significance less than 5% (P<0.05). Results: The 6MWT was well tolerated by all patients and no test was interrupted before completing 6 minutes. The mean 6MWD was 260.20±89.20 meters. In multivariate analysis the following variables were selected: type of surgery (P=0.001), duration of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) (P=0.001), Functional Independence Measure - FIM (0.004) and body mass index - BMI (0.007) with r=0.91 and r2=0.83 with P<0.001. The equation derived from multivariate analysis: 6MWD = Surgery (89.42) + CPB (1.60) + MIF (2.79 ) - BMI (7.53) - 127.90. Conclusion: In this study, the determinants of 6MWD in patients undergoing cardiac surgery were: the type of surgery, CPB time, Functional Independence Measure and body mass index. It was possible in this study to generate a predictive equation for the DTC at discharge in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. / Introdução: O teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6) é uma medida de capacidade funcional, simples, objetiva e reprodutível, no qual os pacientes são instruídos a caminhar tão longe quanto possível em seis minutos. O TC6 é amplamente utilizado na reabilitação cardíaca como indicador do status funcional e como uma medida de resultado em pacientes após cirurgia cardíaca, infarto agudo do miocárdio e pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca crônica. Objetivos: Identificar os fatores determinantes da distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (DTC6) na alta hospitalar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca e estabelecer uma equação de referência para o calculo da DTC prevista nesta população. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, em que foram avaliados 60 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca do tipo eletiva. A avaliação dos pacientes foi realizada no pré-operatório e na alta hospitalar. Foram coletados dos prontuários tipo de cirurgia, tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), dias de internação em UTI, dias de internação hospitalar, fração de ejeção de ventrículo esquerdo, dosagem de hemoglobina e presença de comorbidades (hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes e dislipidemia). Para avaliação da capacidade funcional foi aplicado a Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF), a qualidade de vida foi avaliada através do Perfil de Saúde de Nottingham (PSN). O TC6 foi realizado na alta hospitalar. Para a analise dos dados utilizamos a análise univariada, realizada através de regressão linear simples, para selecionar as variáveis a serem usadas no modelo multivariado. Para a análise univariada, consideramos um nível de significância menor que 20% (p<0,20). Em seguida foi realizada a análise multivariada, através da regressão linear múltipla. Para a análise multivariada, consideramos um nível de significância menor que 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: Foi observado que o TC6 foi bem tolerado por todos os pacientes, a DTC6 média foi de 260,20 ± 89,20 metros, o que representa 49% do previsto pela equação de Enright e Sherrill. Na análise multivariada, foram selecionadas para inclusão no modelo final da equação preditiva da DTC6 as seguintes variáveis: tipo de cirurgia (p=0,001), tempo de circulação extracorpórea - CEC (p=0,001), capacidade funcional MIF (0,004) e índice de massa corpórea - IMC (0,007), com r=0,91 e um r2= 0,83 com p < 0,001. A equação derivada da análise multivariada foi: DTC6 = Cirurgia (89,42) + CEC (1,60) + MIF(2,79) IMC(7,53) 127,90.
Conclusão: Neste estudo, os determinantes da distância percorrida no TC6 em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca foram tipo de cirurgia, tempo de CEC, capacidade funcional e índice de massa corpórea. Foi possível neste estudo gerar uma equação preditiva para a DTC6 na alta hospitalar de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca do tipo eletiva.
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Estudo do comportamento hemodinâmico e variáveis metabólicas no teste de esforço cardiopulmonar e teste de caminhada de seis minutos em portadores de insuficiência aórtica crônica assintomáticos / Study of hemodynamic and metabolic variables in cardiopulmonary exercise testing and six-minute walk test in patients with asymptomatic chronic aortic regurgitationDaniela Caetano Costa dos Reis 12 August 2016 (has links)
A insuficiência aórtica (IAo) crônica é uma lesão regurgitante, caracterizada pelo fluxo retrógrado de sangue durante a diástole. A utilização do exercício físico como forma de exploração das repercussões funcionais, caracterização da gravidade da IAo e determinação da classe funcional objetivamente, além da identificação de parâmetros funcionais capazes de identificar o estágio clínicofuncional na IAo é bastante atraente. Objetivos: avaliar a capacidade funcional dos portadores de IAo através do teste de esforço cardiopulmonar (TCP) e do teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6\'), subdivididos de acordo com a gravidade da regurgitação da válvula; comparar o desempenho desses portadores de IAo no TCP a um grupo de voluntários saudáveis; testar a reprodutibilidade do TC6\' nessa amostra de portadores de IAo. Casuística e métodos: os pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética cardíaca e distribuídos em grupos IAo leve (n=6), IAo moderada (n=9) e IAo grave (n=10). Doze voluntários saudáveis foram incluídos (grupo controle - GC). Os voluntários estudados foram submetidos a um TCP máximo em cicloergômetro, com protocolo incremental do tipo rampa e a dois testes de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6\'-1 e TC6\'-2), com intervalo de 30 minutos entre eles. Resultados: no repouso, não encontramos diferença estatisticamente significante dos valores de VO2, frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial diastólica; a pressão arterial sistólica foi menor no GC, comparada ao grupo IAo grave. No esforço submáximo não identificamos diferença estatisticamente significante nos parâmetros, exceto pela potência que foi menor no grupo IAo grave quando comparada ao GC. A FC pico foi maior no GC, comparado ao grupo IAo leve e IAo moderada; a potência no pico do esforço foi maior no GC comparado aos grupos IAo leve, IAo moderada e IAo grave; a Ve no pico do esforço foi menor no grupo IAo grave quando comparado ao GC. No 9 grupo IAo grave, a medida de VO2 pico real foi menor que o VO2 pico predito, representando 77% do predito. Ve/VCO2 slope, OUES e pulso de O2 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. As medidas obtidas no TC6\', no repouso, no pico ou na recuperação, não demonstraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos; os TC6\'-1 e TC6\'-2 se mostraram reprodutíveis e houve fraca correlação entre VO2 pico obtido no TCP e distância percorrida do TC6\'-2 nos portadores de IAo, independente da gravidade da regurgitação da válvula. Conclusão: em portadores de IAo crônica pura assintomáticos, as medidas de trocas gasosas e as respostas hemodinâmicas e metabólicas frente ao exercício físico podem não caracterizar a gravidade da regurgitação da válvula. Apesar de assintomáticos ou minimamente sintomáticos, e de apresentarem modestos sinais de remodelamento ventricular esquerdo, os portadores de IAo grave apresentavam-se com capacidade funcional reduzida, podendo ser resultado do processo evolutivo da doença. O TC6\' não foi capaz de diferenciar os portadores de IAo crônica pura assintomáticos, porém mostrou ser reprodutível nessa amostra de pacientes com IAo, o que sugere ser essa ferramenta útil no seguimento desses pacientes e possível identificação de limitações funcionais que possam vir a surgir com a evolução da doença. / Aortic regurgitation (AR) is a chronic regurgitant lesion, characterized by the backflow of blood during diastole. The use of physical exercise as a form of exploration of functional repercussions, characterizing the severity of AR and objectively determining the functional class, and identification of functional parameters able to identify the clinical and functional stage in AR is quite attractive. Objectives: To evaluate the functional capacity of patients with AR through cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and the six-minute walk test (6MWT), subdivided according to the severity of valve regurgitation; compare the performance of these carriers in the CPET with group of healthy volunteers; test the reproducibility of the 6MWT in this sample of patients with AR. Methods: Patients underwent cardiac resonance magnetic and distributed in mild AR groups (n = 6), moderate AR (n = 9) and severe AR (n = 10). Twelve healthy volunteers were included (control group - CG). Volunteers studied were submitted to a maximum CPET ergometer with incremental protocol ramp type and two sixminute walk test (6MWT-1 and 6MWT-2) with an interval of 30 minutes between them. Results: at rest, no statistically significant difference in VO2 values, heart rate (HR) and diastolic blood pressure; systolic blood pressure was lower in the CG compared to the severe AR group. In submaximal effort, we did not identify statistically significant differences in the parameters, except for the load that was less severe AR group compared to the CG. HR peak was higher in the CG compared to the mild group and moderate AR; load at peak exercise was greater in the CG compared with the mild AR groups, moderate and severe AR; the Ve at peak exercise was lower in severe AR group when compared to the CG. In severe AR group, the measure VO2 real peak was lower than the predicted peak VO2, representing 77% of predicted. Ve / VCO2 slope, OUES and O2 pulse were not different between groups. The measurements obtained in the 6MWT, at rest, at 11 the peak or recovery, showed no statistically significant difference between the groups; the 6MWT-1 and 6MWT-2 proved to be reproducible and there was a weak correlation between peak VO2 obtained in TCP and the distance traveled 6MWT-2 in patients with AR, independent of valve regurgitation severity. Conclusion: in patients with pure chronic asymptomatic AR, measures gas exchange and hemodynamic and metabolic responses during physical exercise can not characterize the valve regurgitation severity. Although asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, and present modest signs of left ventricular remodeling, the severe AR carriers presented with reduced functional capacity, may be the result of the evolutionary process of the disease. The 6MWT was not able to differentiate patients with pure chronic AR asymptomatic, but proved to be reproducible in this sample of patients with AR, which suggests that this useful tool in monitoring these patients and possible identification of functional limitations that may arise with the evolution of the disease.
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A study of the 15-minute city concept : Identifying strengths, risks and challenges through imagining the implementation of the 15-minute city concept in Munich, / En studie av konceptet 15-minutersstaden : Identifiering av styrkor, risker och utmaningar genom en användning av konceptet på MünchenZakariasson, Alva January 2022 (has links)
The planning concept "15-minute city" has in recent years become a popular model, after which, for example, Mayor Anne Hidalgo plans and builds Paris. The model advocates a set time limit (15 minutes) during which the inhabitants of the city and the neighbourhood must be able to reach their daily nodes and needs by walking or cycling. Despite the name 15-minute city, the focus is not on zealously keeping this limit, but on the fact that all residents are being able to live locally in their neighbourhood. In the 15- minute city, car-use is greatly reduced, and the preferred means of transport are walking and cycling. However, the concept, which according to its author Carlos Moreno will generate better health and a more sustainable city, has been heavily criticized for contributing to gentrification and making unreasonable demands on the built environment. Similar concepts are implemented all over the world, for example in Munich, where this master's thesis has its point of departure. The purpose of the investigation is to be able to contribute to an ongoing debate about 15-minute cities and integrated neighbourhoods. More specifically, the purpose of this study is threefold: (1) identify strengths and weaknesses of the concept, (2) identify challenges that implementation of the concept may encounter in Munich and (3) identify challenges that implementation of the concept may encounter in three areas of varying character in Munich. Two of the areas already exist, one central and one peripheral, and the third area is being built according to the principles of an integrated local neighbourhood. The investigation has been carried out through a case study and the empirical material has been analysed through qualitative content analysis. Theories on what constitutes safe and lively streets and neighbourhoods as well as on how to construct long-lasting public spaces have been used as the theoretical framework. The results show that strengths with the concept include inherent resilience, an acceleration of the shift to sustainable transport, and that the concept appeals to a broad mass. Risks include a reduced desire to build in a recession, an imbalance in the distribution of resources and the concept per se being vaguely defined. The results also show that the high housing prices in Munich may make it more difficult for an implementation of the 15-minute city and that the built environment and public transport are deficient, which makes the implementation of the 15-minute city costly. Finally, the results show that the nature of the different areas generates different challenges. For example, the results indicate that the central area's biggest challenge is lacking infrastructure and political will, while the more peripheral area will be struggling to attract “urban amenities” and the area under construction is facing extensive difficulties in coordinating actors.
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Geologic mapping of the Sparta 7.5-minute quadrangle in northern Mississippi via remote sensing, traditional geologic survey, and applied geospatial information systems methodsParnell, Rayford Dean 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional geologic mapping involves substantial time and labor in the field as geologic contacts are manually examined and interpreted. The processes of mapping geologic contacts can be condensed into a quicker and less laborious process using advances in remote sensing and GIS (geospatial information systems), including increased resolution and computerized data management and interpretation. Application of these advances reduces the costs and time of geologic mapping. The Sparta 7.5-minute quadrangle provides a mostly unaltered view of regional Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous geology due to its rural locale, lack of development, and stream topography. Recently LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) survey data covering the Sparta quadrangle were collected. These data were not available during previous attempts to map the area using computer modeling. With these new data, high-resolution topographic maps have been produced based on modern satellite imagery together with pre-existing maps of the Sparta quadrangle, which support improved geologic mapping.
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SoberRecchia, Remigius Ward 26 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Development of Fluency and Comprehension Literacy Skills of Second Grade Students by Providing Regular Use of the Fluency Development LessonEvanchan, Gail E. 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Taux quotidiens d’inhalation et paramètres cardio-pulmonaires chez l’humain selon les données publiées en rapport au double marquage des molécules d’eau pour l’analyse du risqueBrochu, Pierre 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer certains paramètres respiratoires et cardiovasculaires chez des sujets de tous âges pour utilisation, à titre d’intrants physiologiques, en modélisation toxicocinétique et en analyse du risque toxique. La base de données utilisée est tirée de la littérature. Il s’agit de mesures portant sur la dépense d’énergie quotidienne de base et la dépense d’énergie quotidienne de totale obtenues, l’une par calorimétrie indirecte, l’autre par double marquage isotopique des molécules d’eau. Selon le type d’unité retenu, les valeurs les plus élevées au 99e centile des taux quotidiens d’inhalation sont obtenues chez des adolescentes et des femmes âgées de 11 à 55 ans souffrant d’embonpoint ou d’obésité, durant leur 36e semaine de grossesse (47,31 m³/jour), ainsi que chez des garçons de poids corporel normal âgés de 2,6 à moins de 6 mois (1,138 m³/kg-jour) et de 10 à moins de 16,5 ans (22,29 m³/m²-jour). Chez les enfants et les adolescents de poids corporel normal âgés de 5 à moins de 16.5 ans, les valeurs pour l’écart entre le 2,5e au 99e centile sont généralement plus élevées que celles obtenues chez les sujets plus âgés : taux de ventilation minute, 0,132 à 0,774 L/kg-min ou 4,42 à 21,69 L/m²-min versus 0,076 à 0,461 L/kg-min ou 2,80 à 16,99 L/m²-min; taux de ventilation alvéolaire, 0,093 à 0,553 L/kg-min ou 3,09 à 15,53 L/m²-min versus 0,047 à 0,312 L/kg-min ou 1,73 à 11,63 L/m²-min; débit cardiaque, 0,065 à 0,330 L/kg-min ou 2,17 à 9,46 L/m²-min versus 0,045 à 0,201 L/kg-min ou 1,63 à 7,24 L/m²-min; ratio de ventilation-perfusion, 1,12 à 2,16 versus 0,78 à 2,40. Il faut conclure que les apports inhalés en polluants, exprimés en ug/kg-min ou ug/m²-min sont plus élevés chez les enfants que chez les sujets plus âgés pour des concentrations d’exposition comparables. D’autres données montrent qu’il en est de même pour les apports inhalés par unité de poids corporel chez les femmes enceintes et les femmes qui allaitent par rapport à des sujets males d’âge comparable. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus suggère notamment que les valeurs des NOAELH de Santé Canada pourraient être abaissées par un facteur de 2,6 par utilisation du 99e centile le plus élevé des taux quotidiens d’inhalation chez les enfants; le taux de ventilation minute de 20,83 L/min approximé pour une journée de travail de 8 heures peut être considéré comme étant conservateur ; par contre, l’utilisation du taux quotidien d’inhalation de 0,286 m³/kg-jour (c.-à-d. 20 m³/jour pour un adulte de poids corporel de 70 kg) est inappropriée en analyse et gestion du risque lorsqu’appliquée à l’ensemble de la population. / The aim of the present study is to determine some respiratory and cardiovascular parameters in subjects of all ages for use, as physiological inputs, in toxicokinetic simulations and toxic risk assessment. The database used is taken from the literature. Data of interest include basal energy expenditures and total daily energy expenditures obtained by indirect calorimetry and doubly labeled water measurements respectively. Depending upon the unit value chosen, the highest 99th percentiles for daily inhalation rates were found in overweight/obese females 11 to 55 years old during their 36th weeks of pregnancy (47.31 m³/day), as well as in normal-weight boys aged 2.6 to less than 6 months(1.138 m³/kg-day) and 10 to less than 16.5 years (22.29 m³/m²-day). Generally higher values for the 2.5th up to 99th percentile were found in normal-weight children and teenagers aged 5 to less than 16.5 years compared to those for older individuals: minute ventilation rate, 0.132 to 0.774 L/kg-min or 4.42 to 21.69 L/m²-min versus 0.076 to 0.461 L/kg-min or 2.80 to 16.99 L/m²-min; alveolar ventilation rate, 0.093 to 0.553 L/kg-min or 3.09 to 15.53 L/m²-min versus 0.047 to 0.312 L/kg-min or 1.73 to 11.63 L/m²-min; cardiac output, 0.065 to 0.330 L/kg-min or 2.17 to 9.46 L/m²-min versus 0.045 to 0.201 L/kg-min or 1.63 to 7.24 L/m²-min; ventilation-perfusion ratio, 1.12 to 2.16 versus 0.78 to 2.40. Higher intakes of air pollutants by the respiratory tract expressed in ug/kg-min or ug/m²-min are expected in children compared to older individuals for identical exposure concentrations.The same conclusion is reached in pregnant and lactating females compared to male subjects of same ages, for intakes expressed per unit of bodyweight. The aggregate results obtained notably suggests that NOAELH values from Health Canada could be decreased by a factor of 2.6 by the use of the highest 99th percentiles for daily inhalation rates found in children; the minute ventilation rate of 20.83 L/min approximated based on an 8-hour workday may be considered as being conservative; however, the use of the daily inhalation rate of 0.286 m³/kg-day (i.e. 20 m³/day for a 70-kg adult) is inappropriate in risk assessment and management when applied to the whole population.
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Taux quotidiens d’inhalation et paramètres cardio-pulmonaires chez l’humain selon les données publiées en rapport au double marquage des molécules d’eau pour l’analyse du risqueBrochu, Pierre 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer certains paramètres respiratoires et cardiovasculaires chez des sujets de tous âges pour utilisation, à titre d’intrants physiologiques, en modélisation toxicocinétique et en analyse du risque toxique. La base de données utilisée est tirée de la littérature. Il s’agit de mesures portant sur la dépense d’énergie quotidienne de base et la dépense d’énergie quotidienne de totale obtenues, l’une par calorimétrie indirecte, l’autre par double marquage isotopique des molécules d’eau. Selon le type d’unité retenu, les valeurs les plus élevées au 99e centile des taux quotidiens d’inhalation sont obtenues chez des adolescentes et des femmes âgées de 11 à 55 ans souffrant d’embonpoint ou d’obésité, durant leur 36e semaine de grossesse (47,31 m³/jour), ainsi que chez des garçons de poids corporel normal âgés de 2,6 à moins de 6 mois (1,138 m³/kg-jour) et de 10 à moins de 16,5 ans (22,29 m³/m²-jour). Chez les enfants et les adolescents de poids corporel normal âgés de 5 à moins de 16.5 ans, les valeurs pour l’écart entre le 2,5e au 99e centile sont généralement plus élevées que celles obtenues chez les sujets plus âgés : taux de ventilation minute, 0,132 à 0,774 L/kg-min ou 4,42 à 21,69 L/m²-min versus 0,076 à 0,461 L/kg-min ou 2,80 à 16,99 L/m²-min; taux de ventilation alvéolaire, 0,093 à 0,553 L/kg-min ou 3,09 à 15,53 L/m²-min versus 0,047 à 0,312 L/kg-min ou 1,73 à 11,63 L/m²-min; débit cardiaque, 0,065 à 0,330 L/kg-min ou 2,17 à 9,46 L/m²-min versus 0,045 à 0,201 L/kg-min ou 1,63 à 7,24 L/m²-min; ratio de ventilation-perfusion, 1,12 à 2,16 versus 0,78 à 2,40. Il faut conclure que les apports inhalés en polluants, exprimés en ug/kg-min ou ug/m²-min sont plus élevés chez les enfants que chez les sujets plus âgés pour des concentrations d’exposition comparables. D’autres données montrent qu’il en est de même pour les apports inhalés par unité de poids corporel chez les femmes enceintes et les femmes qui allaitent par rapport à des sujets males d’âge comparable. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus suggère notamment que les valeurs des NOAELH de Santé Canada pourraient être abaissées par un facteur de 2,6 par utilisation du 99e centile le plus élevé des taux quotidiens d’inhalation chez les enfants; le taux de ventilation minute de 20,83 L/min approximé pour une journée de travail de 8 heures peut être considéré comme étant conservateur ; par contre, l’utilisation du taux quotidien d’inhalation de 0,286 m³/kg-jour (c.-à-d. 20 m³/jour pour un adulte de poids corporel de 70 kg) est inappropriée en analyse et gestion du risque lorsqu’appliquée à l’ensemble de la population. / The aim of the present study is to determine some respiratory and cardiovascular parameters in subjects of all ages for use, as physiological inputs, in toxicokinetic simulations and toxic risk assessment. The database used is taken from the literature. Data of interest include basal energy expenditures and total daily energy expenditures obtained by indirect calorimetry and doubly labeled water measurements respectively. Depending upon the unit value chosen, the highest 99th percentiles for daily inhalation rates were found in overweight/obese females 11 to 55 years old during their 36th weeks of pregnancy (47.31 m³/day), as well as in normal-weight boys aged 2.6 to less than 6 months(1.138 m³/kg-day) and 10 to less than 16.5 years (22.29 m³/m²-day). Generally higher values for the 2.5th up to 99th percentile were found in normal-weight children and teenagers aged 5 to less than 16.5 years compared to those for older individuals: minute ventilation rate, 0.132 to 0.774 L/kg-min or 4.42 to 21.69 L/m²-min versus 0.076 to 0.461 L/kg-min or 2.80 to 16.99 L/m²-min; alveolar ventilation rate, 0.093 to 0.553 L/kg-min or 3.09 to 15.53 L/m²-min versus 0.047 to 0.312 L/kg-min or 1.73 to 11.63 L/m²-min; cardiac output, 0.065 to 0.330 L/kg-min or 2.17 to 9.46 L/m²-min versus 0.045 to 0.201 L/kg-min or 1.63 to 7.24 L/m²-min; ventilation-perfusion ratio, 1.12 to 2.16 versus 0.78 to 2.40. Higher intakes of air pollutants by the respiratory tract expressed in ug/kg-min or ug/m²-min are expected in children compared to older individuals for identical exposure concentrations.The same conclusion is reached in pregnant and lactating females compared to male subjects of same ages, for intakes expressed per unit of bodyweight. The aggregate results obtained notably suggests that NOAELH values from Health Canada could be decreased by a factor of 2.6 by the use of the highest 99th percentiles for daily inhalation rates found in children; the minute ventilation rate of 20.83 L/min approximated based on an 8-hour workday may be considered as being conservative; however, the use of the daily inhalation rate of 0.286 m³/kg-day (i.e. 20 m³/day for a 70-kg adult) is inappropriate in risk assessment and management when applied to the whole population.
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Examining Spatial Change in the Form of the 15-Minute City and Its Capability to Address Social Inequalities in Stockholm, Sweden / En undersökning av rumsliga förändringar i form av 15-minutersstaden och dess förmåga att bekämpa sociala ojämlikheter i StockholmGustafson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to explore contemporary trends in the field of urban planning in Stockholm, Sweden, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is furthermore to, from an urban justice perspective, investigate the potential application of the “15-minute city” in Stockholm, a planning model with the central premise of residents having no longer than 15 minutes to basic services and functions by foot or bicycle. A variation of the concept is the “one-minute city”, used to describe the street transformation projects Framtidsgatan and Street Moves. The findings suggest that the pandemic has more or less confirmed the strategic direction of the city, rather than changing it. The 15-minute city model is not explicitly mentioned in any strategies or planning documents, but the city’s planning seems to be guided by principles in line with those of the model, for instance in the centering of components such as proximity, density and (physical) diversity. The 15-minute city model and relevant street transformation projects further primarily seem to address justice issues through spatial redistribution. On the street level, this entails transforming space intended for cars into recreational space, to the benefit of pedestrians and cyclists. On the regional level, it entails a restructuring of the built form in compliance with components such as proximity, density and diversity, in order to bridge the gap in accessibility to basic services and functions between different social groups. The analysis suggests that spatial changes in accordance with the 15-minute city model can have some positive effects in furtherance of justice but that this is highly dependent on these measures being implemented in socio-economically vulnerable areas as well as there being measures in place to assure that local residents are not displaced through gentrification, among other things.
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