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E-Tourism: Context-Aware Points of Interest Finder and Trip DesignerAlghamdi, Hamzah January 2017 (has links)
Many countries depend heavily on tourism for their economic growth. The invention of the web has opened new opportunities for tourists to discover new places and live new adventures. However, the number of possible destinations has become huge and even an entire lifespan would not be enough to visit all of these places. Even for one city, there are a significant number of possible places to visit. Nowadays, searching online to find an interesting place to visit is harder than ever, not because there is a lack of information but rather due to the vast amount of information that can be found.
Trip planning is a tedious task, especially when the tourist does not want to pick a preplanned itinerary from a traveling agency. That being said, even these preplanned itineraries need a lot of time and effort to be customized. Moreover, the set of itineraries that a tourist can select from is usually limited. In addition, there may be many places that tourists would enjoy visiting but that are not included in the itineraries. Thus, static planners do not always choose the right place at the right time. This is why the planning process should take into consideration many factors in order to give the tourist the best possible suggestions.
In this Thesis, we propose an algorithm called the Balanced Orienteering Problem to design trips for tourists. This algorithm, combined with a context-aware recommender system for tourism suggestions, create the infrastructure of the mobile application for the augmented reality tourism guide that we developed. We cover the background knowledge of tour planning problems and tourism recommender systems and describe the existing techniques. Furthermore, a comparison between the existing systems and our algorithm is completed to illustrate that our proposed algorithm yields better results. We also discuss the workflow of our system implementation and how our mobile application is designed. Lastly, we address suggestions for future works and end with a conclusion.
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Metodika vývoja mobilných aplikácií / Methodology of mobile applications developmentMészáros, Maroš January 2013 (has links)
Trends in IT are focusing on the development of mobile applications. With that, pressure on the software companies to include software development for mobile platforms is increasing. The current methodologies managed to cope with the development of small and custom software development and web applications. Intensive efforts are underway to revise current methodologies to be adjusted for the mobile platform. Goal of this thesis is to design methodology to suit small businesses up to 50 employees and enable them to develop efficiently. Using practical knowledge retrieved from this type of companies, it suggests the entire set of processes and tools that can be used for this purpose, and then tests them in practical demonstrations focusing on the analysis phase.
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Proyecto ViaggioCastañeda Vergara, Karina Vanessa, Giha Pernas, Lucienne, Portocarrero Vidaurre, Renato, Romero Arnillas, Yuri Adrian, Valdizan Woodman, Micaela 25 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto consiste en una aplicación móvil “Viaggio” orientada hacia los turistas extranjeros y nacionales que visitan Lima de entre 15 y 64 años, de NSE “A” y “B” y utilizan smartphones durante sus viajes. Identificamos que los turistas prefieren conocer la ciudad según la información que encuentran en internet ya que algunos no disponían de suficiente tiempo, otros no se podían adecuar al horario del tour o preferían ir a su propio ritmo. Asimismo, estas personas buscan ahorrar ya que Lima, generalmente, es un destino de paso. Viaggio ofrece rutas establecidas y rutas personalizables de Lima en donde brindamos información detallada de cada lugar de interés. El usuario podrá decidir si desea escuchar o leer la información, además de poder hacer las rutas caminando, los usuarios podrán compartir las rutas y valorizarla. Los servicios serán brindados a diferentes precios para que el usuario pueda elegir el plan de su preferencia.
Para llevar a cabo este proyecto realizamos una investigación sobre el consumidor, los proveedores, la competencia, los grupos de interés y la industria del turismo en la ciudad de Lima. Asimismo, establecimos las estrategias necesarias para llevar a cabo el proyecto. Luego de realizar el plan financiero se realizará una inversión inicial de 74,791.55 soles para luego obtener una utilidad neta de 234,932.52 soles en el primer año de operaciones, 1’627,426.62 soles en el segundo año y finalmente 780,530.95 soles en el tercer año. / This project consists of a mobile application called “Viaggio” targeted to foreign and national tourists who visit Lima between 15 and 64 years old, from socio-economic levels “A” and “B” and use smartphones during their trips. We identified that tourists prefer to get to know the city according to the information they find on the internet since some tourists did not have enough time to walk around and others could not adapt to the tour schedule or some prefer to go at their own pace. In addition, these tourists usually want to save some money because Lima is generally a passing destination. Viaggio offers established and customizable routes in Lima, where we provide detailed information of each place of interest. The user can decide whether to listen or to read the information, in addition to being able to make walking routes, users can share their routes and value them. The services will be provided at different costs so that users can choose the plan of their choice.
To carry out this project we performed an investigation on consumers, suppliers, competition, interest groups and the tourism industry in the city of Lima. We also established the necessary strategies to carry out this project. After completing the financial plan, an initial investment of 74,791.55 soles will be made to obtain a net profit of 234,932.52 soles in the first year, 1’627,426.62 soles in the second year and finally 780,530.95 soles in the third year of operations. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto Chapa tu TrenAsmat Romero, Brenda, Gómez Chávez, Alexandra Nathaly, Llerena Huamán, Alejandra Erika, Llerena Huamán, Lucía Carolina, Ramirez Magde, Mariana Malena 04 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación e implementación de un aplicativo móvil donde los usuarios pondrán recargar la tarjeta de la línea 1 del tren de Lima con la finalidad de mejorar el proceso de espera del usuario al trasladarse a sus centros de trabajo y/o estudios. Es importante mencionar que, a través de este aplicativo el usuario podrá visualizar su saldo disponible y contará con dos opciones de suscripción la clásica y la Premium. La primera, por cada recarga realizada se le cobrará al usuario una comisión mientras que, con la segunda opción, estaría accediendo a una membresía mensual en la cual podrá obtener beneficios. Asimismo, se analizará la problemática en las estaciones del tren tomando en cuenta el punto de vista de las personas que se trasladan en estas unidades de transporte. Con ello, podremos identificar los principales malestares que enfrentan al momento de querer recargar sus tarjetas y proponer soluciones tomando en cuenta nuestro aplicativo móvil respaldado por el creciente uso de aplicativos en los consumidores limeños según Diario Gestión. Por ello, optamos por ofrecer una aplicación sencilla de manejar y útil que pueda satisfacer las necesidades del cliente.
Para implementar nuestro proyecto se requiere de un capital de S/ 60,000 que incluyen los gastos preoperativos, la implementación de la plataforma móvil entre otro. Para finalizar, validaremos nuestro proyecto a través de la intención de suscripción para adquirir nuestra membresía y al hacer clic en la landing page utilizada en la página de Facebook. / The main objective of this project is to create and implement a mobile application where users will recharge their card of line 1 of Lima train in order to improve the user waiting process when moving to their jobs centers and / or studies. It’s important to mention that, through this application, the user will be able to view how much money they have on the card and will have two subscription options: classic and Premium. The first one, for each recharge made, the user will be charged a commission while, with the second option, he would be accessing a monthly membership in which he can obtain benefits. Likewise, the problem in the train stations will be analyzed taking into account the point of view of the people who move in these units transport. With this, we can identify the main discomforts they face when they want to recharge their cards and propose solutions taking into account our mobile application backed by the increasing use of applications in Lima consumers according to Diario Gestión. For this reason, we opted to offer a simple and useful application that can satisfy the client's needs.
To implement our project, we will required a capital of S / 60,000, which includes pre-operational expenses, the implementation of the mobile platform, among others. To finish, we will validate our project through the intention of subscription to acquire our membership and by clicking on the landing page used on the Facebook page. / Trabajo de investigación
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Návrh a implementace mobilní aplikace pro systémy iOS a Android / The Design and Implementation of Mobile Applications for iOS and AndroidKraina, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on proces of UI/UX designing and implementation of mobile application for operation systems Android and iOS. Application is developed using multiplatform mobile framework React Native and programming language JavaScript. Automatization of testing and publishing in App Store and Google Play is also subject of this thesis. Application serves as guide for visitors of theathre festival Encounter/Setkání organised by students of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts.
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Nvrh a vytvoen mobiln aplikace v zaÄnajc firmÄ / Designing and creating a mobile application in a starting companyOndrejiÄka, Michal January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with designing and implementing mobile application dedicated for Android smartphone devices. The application will help tourists in Bratislava to better navigate between main points of interest. An analysis of internal as well as external environment precedes the design process and builds a solid base of functional, cybersecure and graphic requirements to which the solution needs to adhere to.
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Mobilní aplikace pro ovládání prvků chytré domácnosti / Mobile Application for Controlling Smart Home DevicesMasár, Andrej January 2021 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is the issue of the Internet of Things and its application as a Smart Home. The work describes the design and implementation of a native mobile application for Android to control the elements of a Smart Home. The application communicates with the Smart Home using the MQTT protocol. The resulting application demonstrates the control of devices in a Smart Home according to the MQTT2GO convention.
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Návrh, tvorba a implementace softwarové aplikace ve firemním prostředí / Design, Creation and Implementation of Software Application in the Corporate EnvironmentZavadilová, Patrícia January 2021 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the design and creation of a solution for converting company’s software application into the mobile and web form. The main goal is make business processes more efficient and maintain information and cyber security. The result should be a system that brings an innovative and convenient solution, time and financial savings.
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Análisis de la responsabilidad de los servicios de delivery de comida por aplicativos móviles, en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana, en el año 2019 / Analysis of the responsibility of food delivery services by mobile applications, in the city of Metropolitan Lima, in the year 2019Vidal Ruiz, Maria de Lourdes 14 November 2019 (has links)
La demanda del servicio de delivery de comida, se ha visto incrementada con la presencia de empresas como Glovo, Rappi y UberEats, que han tenido una gran acogida entre los consumidores; sin embargo, desde hace algún tiempo, los usuarios vienen manifestando su insatisfacción por la incertidumbre de no saber quién responderá por un servicio no idóneo.
En el primer capítulo, se formula el problema, se determina la hipótesis principal y dos secundarias; sus objetivos y el motivo del análisis, dando paso al siguiente capítulo donde el marco teórico, nos ayudará a conocer la postura de la doctrina y los conceptos básicos sobre los temas materia de investigación.
En el tercer capítulo explicaré la metodología que he utilizado y la forma en la que se ha conseguido información adicional que ha ayudado a complementar la presente tesis.
Respecto del cuarto capítulo, en este, se analizará los contratos de los aplicativos con los consumidores, proveedores de alimentos y repartidores; las posibles causas que generan los reclamos por incumplimiento del servicio de delivery, producto incompleto o en mal estado; así como, la atención de los reclamos que interponen los usuarios de los aplicativos.
En el quinto capítulo se analizará la información facilitada por el INDECOPI, los resultados obtenidos de la encuesta realizadas; además de los reclamos recogidos de las redes sociales.
Finalmente, propondré una solución al problema, a fin de que Glovo, Rappi y UbearEats perduren en el mercado. / The demand for food delivery services has increased with the presence of companies such as Glovo, Rappi and UberEats, which have been very well received by consumers; however, for some time now, users have been expressing their dissatisfaction with the uncertainty of not knowing who will be responsible for an unsuitable service.
In the first chapter, the problem is formulated, the main hypothesis and two secondary hypotheses are determined; its objectives and the reason for the analysis, giving way to the next chapter where the theoretical framework will help us to know the position of the doctrine and the basic concepts on the subjects of research.
In the third chapter I will explain the methodology that I have used and the way in which additional information has been obtained that has helped to complement the present thesis.
With respect to the fourth chapter, in this one, we will analyze the contracts of the applications with consumers, food suppliers and distributors; the possible causes that generate the claims by noncompliance of the delivery service, incomplete product or in bad state; as well as, the attention of the claims that interpose the users of the applications.
The fifth chapter will analyse the information provided by INDECOPI, the results obtained from the survey carried out, as well as the complaints collected from social networks.
Finally, I will propose a solution to the problem, so that Glovo, Rappi y UberEats remain in the market. / Tesis
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Mobile banking capabilities required to serve the unbanked market in South AfricaMkhumbuza, Kongkong Siwalakahle 02 April 2013 (has links)
In developed countries, the business environment is highly saturated, with large numbers of banks, and mobile network operators. As a result, customers have a range of options in choosing preferential services providers. In Africa, most countries have dissimilar business environments; however, some countries have paved new frontiers in enabling access to financial services mainly through mobile banking services.In South Africa, a different situation prevails even though in certain instances the business environment is more advanced than other African countries. Over the past five years, South Africa reported upward trends in real income for LSM1-5 (living standard measure), and the number of mobile subscribers per household. Conversely, it also reported 60:40 ratios between the number of mobile subscribers and bank account holders with an expectation that the gap will grow further if key fundamentals are not revised in the banking sector.This research explored mobile banking capabilities required to serve the unbanked market of South Africa; and in doing so highlight the prospects of financial inclusion towards social and economic development, particularly when the firm seeks to offer products and services, which are reflective of the demographics of this country.Thus, as an exploratory study, it was necessary to gain insights from experts involved in designing, co-ordinating, and delivering mobile banking products and services. As a result, the research noted gaps in the products and services being offered across the different market segments. It also noted that in addressing these gaps; the banking sector requires participation from other key role players, such as the mobile network operators, regulator, and government. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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