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RSS-based WLAN Indoor Positioning and Tracking System Using Compressive Sensing and Its Implementation on Mobile DevicesAu, Anthea Wain Sy 14 December 2010 (has links)
As the demand of indoor Location-Based Services (LBSs) increases, there is a growing interest in developing an accurate indoor positioning and tracking system on mobile devices. The core location determination problem can be reformulated as a sparse natured problem and thus can be solved by applying the Compressive Sensing (CS) theory. This thesis proposes a compact received signal strength (RSS) based real-time indoor positioning and tracking systems using CS theory that can be implemented on personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphones, which are both limited in processing power and memory compared to laptops. The proposed tracking system, together with a simple navigation module is implemented on Windows Mobile-operated smart devices and their performance in different experimental sites are evaluated. Experimental results show that the proposed system is a lightweight real-time algorithm that performs better than other traditional fingerprinting methods in terms of accuracy under constraints of limited processing and memory resources.
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Augmented Reality som ett hjälpmedel för produktvisualisering i möbelindustrin: en fallstudieJohansson, Victor January 2009 (has links)
This paper examines the potential benefits of using augmented reality as a tool for visualizing furniture in a buyer’s own environment before buying it. A simple prototype is developed and tested. The steps for developing the prototype are described in great detail as well as the tools being used. The prototype is tested both on people working in the furniture business as well as people with experience in buying furniture online. In conclusion the results from the user tests are analyzed and the potential benefits are described. In addition to analyzing the potential benefits of the tool this paper also describes how this tool should be designed to best fit the needs of the would-be users.
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Multi-platform development of applications for mobile devicesSjödin, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
This bachelor thesis has been performed at Combitech, a technology, development and management consultancy company. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the possibilities for multi-platform development of applications for mobile devices, as well as actually developing a simpler application using multi-platform development. The application is supposed to have functionality for sending an expression of interest for work and thesis work at Combitech, and should be available both as a native application for the Android and iOS operating systems as well as in the form of a web application. The thesis begins with an investigation of the possibilities for multi-platform development of applications for mobile devices. It is concluded that there is a wide range of available development frameworks that target several mobile platforms. It is decided that an HTML/CSS/JavaScript-based framework is most suited for the application to be developed. Therefore four HTML/CSS/JavaScript-based multi-platform development frameworks targetting mobile devices are analyzed more closely, namely jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, Sencha Touch and Appcelerator Titanium. jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap are chosen to develop the application, and the thesis describes the development work as well as the resulting application. It is concluded that HTML/CSS/JavaScript-based frameworks can provide a nice touch screen optimized user interface that is consistent across platforms with e.g. jQuery Mobile, as well as access to native features and the possibility to package a web application as a native application with e.g. PhoneGap. It is also concluded that jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap can be used to create a modular application that, with well defined interfaces, can be run both as a web application and packaged as a native application on different mobile operating systems with no or minor changes to the code.
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Augmented Reality som ett hjälpmedel för produktvisualisering i möbelindustrin: en fallstudieJohansson, Victor January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper examines the potential benefits of using augmented reality as a tool for visualizing furniture in a buyer’s own environment before buying it. A simple prototype is developed and tested. The steps for developing the prototype are described in great detail as well as the tools being used. The prototype is tested both on people working in the furniture business as well as people with experience in buying furniture online. In conclusion the results from the user tests are analyzed and the potential benefits are described. In addition to analyzing the potential benefits of the tool this paper also describes how this tool should be designed to best fit the needs of the would-be users.</p>
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Mobile devices in the university education : Greek and French students' attitudes, opinions and representations / Οι φορητές ψηφιακές συσκευές στην πανεπιστημιακή εκπαίδευση : στάσεις, απωπσίες [sic] και αναπαραστάσεις Ελλήνων και Γάλλων φοιτητώνStoica, Doina 27 August 2009 (has links)
- / The research presented in this master thesis is based on two complementary studies conducted in
Greece, to the University of Patras, Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood
Education and in France, to the University Paris 5, Department of Humain and Social Sciences.
The Research question of our study is: How university students perceive mobile technology in
relation with the educational process and their everyday lives?
Our objectives are:
· exploring the attitudes, opinions and representations, of university students concerning
mobile technology in general and as an instrument for the educational process and
· investigating cultural differences’ influence upon mobile technology usage by university
The research had four phases: literature review on mobile learning and mobile devices in order to
identify the most popular mobile devices and the devices the research community is more concerned
with: that is personal digital assistants (PDAs). This is a research study on the attitudes, opinions and
representations of second year Greek university students from the Department of Educational
Science and Early Childhood Education from the University of Patras, Greece, related to mobile
technology (PDAs).The findings of the study: PDAs not popular among Greek students, combined
with the fact that we wanted a more diverse, abundant student population, motivated us to continue
our exploration with new studies. The third phase consisted of a research study on the attitudes,
opinions and representations of the French university students from the Department of Human and
Social Sciences, Sorbonne related to mobile technology. The questionnaire allowed subjects to first
choose the main mobile device used for learning. This study has not gathered a satisfactory amount
of data, however from the gathered data we have been driven towards exploring laptops in relation
with their position in the life of Parisian students regarding learning. Also to meet time constraints
and the desired number of respondents we enlarged the target group to students from any Parisian
In the fourth phase we have conducted a research study on the attitudes, opinions and
representations of the students of Parisian universities (PU) related to mobile technology: laptops.
The obtained results gave us a better view about what students want from mobile technology and
how they understand the use of it for educational purposes.
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Nuotolinis modulių testavimas mobiliesiems įrenginiams / Remote Unit Testing for Mobile DevicesPackevičius, Šarūnas 25 May 2005 (has links)
Software for mobile devices is becoming increasingly popular. The limited resources and limited user interface brings new issues in software development process for mobile devices. These limitations should be considered especially in design and testing phases of software development process. The software for mobile devices can not be thoroughly tested, because unit tests can not be stored in mobile device due to the lack of storage on it. Testing results can not be easily observed on small screens of mobile devices. This work depictures the influence of mobile technologies to software development process. The influence is exemplified with a project “Mobile Professor”. This work concentrates on problems encountered in software testing process for mobile devices especially in unit testing. The work presents other authors suggested solutions for earlier mentioned problems, and also suggest the new approach for performing unit testing for mobile devices, which does not suffer for these limitations of mobile devices. Existing and suggested methods are compared and evaluated experimentally.
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Rijndael simetrinio šifravimo algoritmo tyrimas / Research on Rijndael symmetric encryption algorithmBanionis, Mindaugas 01 September 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės technologis tobulėja labai sparčiai – itin greiti dedikuoti serveriai, didelio pralaidumo interneto kanalai, leidžia vis daugiau taikomųjų programų perkelti į virtualią erdvę, vadinamą „Debesų kompiuterija“. Šioje erdvėje vykstantys procesai užtikrina, kad visi viešinami kompiuteriniai resursai, pvz., programinė ir techninė įranga bei interneto srautas būtų optimaliai paskirstytas. Tai suteikia palankias sąlygas atsirasti naujoms paslaugoms: daugialypės informacijos transliavimas, dokumentų redagavimas internete ir pan. Tokio tipo paslaugos yra paremtos „plono kliento“ architektūra, kuri ypač svarbi mobiliesiems įrenginiams. Pagrindinis šios architektūros privalumas – taikomosios programos, kurioms reikia daug skaičiavimo išteklių, gali būti vykdomos serveriuose, o rezultatai pateikiami mobiliųjų įrenginių ekranuose. Faktas, jog programos nėra vykdomos mobiliajame įrenginyje, sumažina tikimybę, jog svarbi informacija bus užkrėsta virusų, kirmėlių.
Tarp daugelio egzistuojančių mobiliųjų įrenginių problemų, noriu išskirti dvi: energijos sąnaudos ir informacijos apsauga. Pirmoji problema egzistuoja dėl neadekvataus progreso tarp kompiuterinių resursų ir baterijos energijos talpos (pvz., procesoriaus sparta per kelis metus padidėja keletą kartų, tačiau baterijos energijos talpa padvigubinama tik kartą į dekadą). Antroji problema yra artymai susijusi su pirmąją. Šiandien žmonės nori dirbti įvairiose vietose, tad atsiranda grėsmė, jog mobilus įrenginys, įskaitant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays technologies are being improved rapidly – extremely fast dedicated servers, high internet and network throughput, enables more and more applications to be moved to a virtual space, which is called ‘Cloud computing’. Cloud computing is responsible that all shared computer resources, like Software, Hardware and Network would be allocated for services in optimal way. This feature enables to appear new services, like media streaming, documents editing online etc. This kind of services are based on ‘Thin client’ architecture, which is especially important for mobile devices. Main feature of this architecture is that applications which require many computations, now can be executed in dedicated servers and results can be displayed in mobile device screen. Fact, that aplication is not executed in mobile device environment decreases probability that important information will be infected by viruses, worms etc.
However, between many existing problems with mobile devices there are two major which should be stated in the first place: energy consumption and information security. The first issue is due to inadequate progress of computational resources and battery energy power (e.g., CPU speed, memory capacity is being increased several times within a few years, while battery power doubles only in a decade). The second issue is closely related with the first one. Today people want to work anywhere, so there is abillity that mobile devices including important information could... [to full text]
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Mobilaus įrenginio ir serverio duomenų sinchronizacijos galimybių tyrimas esant nepastoviam interneto ryšiui / Feasibility study of mobile device and server data synchronization with limited internet connectionMiliauskas, Evaldas 24 August 2009 (has links)
Duomenų sinchronizacija yra neatsiejama šiomis dienomis, kuomet eina kalba apie paskirstytas aplikacijas, kurios veikia mobiliuose įrenginiuose. Kuomet duomenys yra sinchronizuojami mobiliajame įrenginyje, jų vartotojai yra nepriklausomi nuo duomenų serverio ir gali laisvai naudotis lokaliais duomenis atsijungę nuo tinklo. [14] Šiame darbe išnagrinėjome galimas duomenų prieigos architektūras: 1. Visuomet atsijungęs 2. Visuomet prisijungęs 3. Mišrus Taip pat aptarėme techninės realizacijos ypatumus, problemas su kuriomis susiduriama, kuriant sinchronizacijos algoritmus bei būtiną informaciją reikalingą šių algoritmų funkcionavimui (ID valdymas, pakeitimų sekimas, greita/lėta sinchronizacija ir kt.). Projektinėje dalyje buvo išnagrinėtos jau egzistuojančios sistemos architektūra, bei aprašyti reikalingi pakeitimai, tam kad būtų galima įtraukti sinchronizacijos procesą į sistemos funkcionalumą. Galiausiai detaliai išanalizavome mišrios duomenų prieigos architektūrą, jos paskirtį, privalumus ir trūkumus. Taip pat sudarėme imitacinį modelį pagal šios architektūros principus panaudodami sudėtingų sistemų formalizavimo agregatinį metodą bei atlikome jo parametrų analizę. / Distributed applications are modeled around replicating copies of the same data on many hosts in a network for a variety of reasons. For one, system designers can alleviate the single-server implosion problem and instead distribute client requests for data across many hosting servers. Second, making data locally available on a host speeds up applications because the applications do not block for network input/output as data is transmitted. In this work we have analyzed several data access architectures: 1. Always offline 2. Always online 3. Mixed architecture Also we have described technical implementation details, problems which occur developing synchronization algorithms and mandatory information which is needed for these algorithms to work correctly (ID handling, change detection, fast/slow synchronization etc.). Furthermore, we investigated existing system architecture and defined mandatory changes needed for incorporating synchronization process into system functionality. Finally, we did detail analysis of mixed data access architecture, which included real world appliance, pros and cons. After that we created a model using complex systems formalization aggregation method which was based on these architecture principles. Also we did models parameter analysis in experimental part.
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Kriptografinių algoritmų įtaka energijos suvartojimui mobiliuose įrenginiuose / Cryptographic algorithms influence on mobile devices energy consumptionGrigaravičius, Gytis 21 August 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamaje darbe nagrinėjama plačiai naudojamų asimetrinių ir simetrinių šifrų bei maišos funkcijų įtaka mobilių įrenginių energijos suvartojimui. Darbe ištirti AES, Camellia ir Serpent simetriniai blokiniai ir RC4 simetrinis srautinis šifras. Tirti asimetriniai šifrai: RSA, DSA, ECDSA ir ElGamal bei MD5, SHA1, SHA2 ir Whirlpool maišos funkcijos. Suformuluotas ir pasiūlytas baterijos elgsenos matematinis modelis. Skirtingi kriptoalgoritmai palyginti energijos sąnaudų atžvilgiu ir atrinkti našiausi kiekvieno tipo šifrai. / Main topic of Master thesis is analysis on how widely used asymmetric and symmetric ciphers and hash functions influence energy consumption then used on mobile devices. In this paper AES, Camellia and Serpent block ciphers and RC4 stream cipher are being analyzed. There were RSA, DSA, ECDSA and ElGamal asymmetric ciphers and MD5, SHA1, SHA2 and Whirlpool hash function analyzed too. Proposed mathematical model of battery behaviour. Different ciphers were compared to each other and energy-wise best one are pointed out from each cipher type.
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Asmeninių įrenginių saugaus konfigūravimo sprendimų paramos sistema / Secure configuration decision support system for personal devicesNeverdauskaitė, Vaida 21 August 2013 (has links)
Mobilieji įrenginiai tobulėja ir pateikia vis daugiau galimybių jų vartotojams. Tokie įrenginiai naudojami tiek asmeniniais, tiek darbo tikslais, kas sukelia papildomų saugos grėsmių įmonėms. Esant tokiai situacijai, reikalingos papildomos valdymo priemonės, kurios užtikrintų asmeninių įrenginių saugos konfigūravimą, atitinkantį organizacijos saugos politiką. Organizacijos saugos politika privalo atsižvelgti į dvi pagrindines sritis: organizacijos sistemų saugumą ir mobiliojo įrenginio saugumą. Magistrinio darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti mobiliesiems įrenginiams keliamas grėsmes bei sudaryti mobiliųjų įrenginių saugios konfigūracijos paramos sistemos prototipą. / The mobile industry is evolving rapidly and new mobile devices with sophisticated capabilities are released almost every day. The technical advancements in mobile industry have resulted in increase of security threats and attacks. To provide strong security mechanism a combination of solutions need to be implemented at different levels based on enterprise mobile application security requirements. Enterprise mobile security should ensure two key components: enterprise system security and device security. The aim of this paper is to create secure configuration decision support system prototype for personal devices.
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