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Conception et développement de systèmes biométriques multimodaux / Design and development of multi-biometric systemsGaldi, Chiara 22 February 2016 (has links)
La reconnaissance biométrique a été utilisée longtemps dans des espaces confinés, généralement à l'intérieur, où les opérations de sécurité exigeaient des systèmes de haute précision, par exemple dans les postes de police, les banques, les entreprises, les aéroports. Les activités de terrain, au contraire, exigent plus de flexibilité et portabilité conduisant au développement de dispositifs pour l'acquisition des traits biométriques et des algorithmes pour la reconnaissance biométrique dans des conditions moins contraintes. L'application de la reconnaissance biométrique "portable" est limitée dans des domaines spécifiques, par exemple pour le contrôle de l'immigration, et exige des dispositifs dédiés. Pour étendre l'utilisation de la biométrie sur les appareils personnels, des tentatives ont été faites par l’intégration des scanners d'empreintes digitales dans les ordinateurs portables ou les smartphones. Mais la reconnaissance biométrique sur les appareils personnels a été utilisée seulement pour un nombre limité de tâches, comme le déverrouillage d'écrans à l'aide des empreintes digitales au lieu de mots de passe. Les activités décrites dans cette thèse se sont portées sur le développement de solutions pour la reconnaissance de l'iris sur les appareils mobiles: - Acquisition: collection de la base de données MICHE, contenant des images d'iris capturée par des appareils mobiles; - Segmentation: développement d'un algorithme de segmentation innovante; - Extraction de caractéristiques: la reconnaissance de l'iris a été combinée avec le visage et la reconnaissance du smartphone.Enfin, la reconnaissance du regard a été étudiée afin de vérifier sa possible fusion avec l'iris / Biometric recognition for a long time has been used in confined spaces, usually indoor, where security-critical operations required high accuracy recognition systems, e.g. in police stations, banks, companies, airports. Field activities, on the contrary, required more portability and flexibility leading to the development of devices for less constrained biometric traits acquisition and consequently of robust algorithms for biometric recognition in less constrained conditions. However, the application of "portable" biometric recognition, was still limited in specific fields e.g. for immigration control, and still required dedicated devices. A further step would be to spread the use of biometric recognition on personal devices, as personal computers, tablets and smartphones. Some attempts in this direction were made embedding fingerprint scanners in laptops or smartphones. So far biometric recognition on personal devices has been employed just for a limited set of tasks, as to unlock the screen using fingerprints instead of passwords. The research activities described in this thesis were focused on studying and developing solutions for iris recognition on mobile devices. This topic has been analyzed in all its main phases: - Acquisition: collection of the MICHE database, containing pictures of irises acquired by mobile devices; - Segmentation: development of an innovative iris segmentation algorithm; - Feature extraction and matching: iris recognition has been combined with the face and with sensor (smartphone) recognition. Finally, the use of gaze analysis for human recognition has been investigated in order to verify its possible fusion with iris.
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Mobile devices have advanced tremendously during the last ten years and have changed our daily life in various ways. Secure pairing of mobile devices has become a significant issue considering the huge quantity of active mobile device connections and mobile traffic. However, current commonly used file sharing mobile applications rely on servers completely that are always targeted by attackers. In this thesis work, an innovative mechanism is proposed to generate symmetric keys on both mobile devices independently from a shared movement in arbitrary pattern, which means no server needs to be involved and no data exchange needed. A secret wireless-communication channel can then be established with a particular network strategy.
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Mobile learning: Examining the relationships between the use of mobile devices and student performance in ELA and math within technology and non-technology districtsJones, Gabrielle S 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Mobile and other internet-connected devices infiltrate society, including K-12 classrooms. A large body of research indicated that these devices might distract students; however, other studies have revealed many benefits when the devices are used for educational purposes. This study aimed to examine the relationships between the use of mobile devices and student performance in mathematics (MA) and English Language Arts (ELA). The study compared two districts, one that had implemented a 1:1 technology infrastructure for learning and one that had not. Archival data on the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) standardized test were accessed from the two districts, containing fourth-grade students' MA and ELA scores from the assessment. Additional data included students' gender and i-Ready diagnostic test scores in the 1:1 technology district. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests revealed that MAAP MA scores were significantly higher for students in the 1:1 technology district than for students in the non-technology district. However, no difference was found in students' ELA scores. A Pearson's rho correlation analysis indicated a significant association between i-Ready and MAAP MA and ELA scores for students in the 1:1 technology district. Linear regression analysis revealed that gender explained a small but significant variance in MAAP ELA scores across the two districts. The study provided mixed results for using mobile devices for student learning. Students may benefit more from mobile technology in mathematics than in ELA, possibly because specific mathematics skills can be isolated, taught, and practiced using technology. Additionally, because this study took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, future research should attempt to focus on mobile technology and its presence post-COVID-19. Finally, more research should explore making the most effective use of technology solutions to support student learning.
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Application Sharing from Mobile Devices with a Collaborative Shared DisplayShurtz, Richard S. 05 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
With the increasing ubiquity of smartphones, tablets, and large pixel-rich displays, there are many exciting new possibilities for using these devices for collaborative work. While there already exist hardware and software that support communication and interaction between mobile devices and shared displays, application sharing in these scenarios is still limited and inflexible. We present a new method of application sharing which allows collaborators to download clips or snapshots of each other's applications. These snapshots can be used to re-launch and resume the shared application back to the state it was in when it was shared. We have built a system that supports sharing, annotating, organizing, and downloading these applications to and from a LearnSpace server. We have built an application framework which allows Android applications to be built for this system while only requiring minimal changes to the program. We also describe solutions for extending our solution to new types of collaborative displays and to other application platforms.
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Working as a Technical Communicator in a Tumultuous Software Development Environment: An InternshipHeidtmann, Sara C. 15 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Designing a Mobile Reading User Interface for Aging PopulationsZhao, Tong 03 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Mobile Enabled ResearchDearnley, Christine A., Walker, Stuart A., Fairhall, John R. 06 1900 (has links)
No / This chapter explores the use of mobile devices in supporting practice based learning for health and social care students and practitioners, against a of current UK disability legislation. The authors present the ‘Mobile Enabled Disabled Students’ case study in depth, accounting for its methodology and discussing the outcomes and implications. They will demonstrate how the features of mobile devices can support the organisational, memory and writing needs of dyslexic students specifically and how they can add value generally to learning and assessment processes. They make recommendations for implementing mobile assessment for practice learning based on a theory of mobile learning designed for accessibility.
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Introducing location related aspects to mobile multimedia environmentsMartinez, David January 2006 (has links)
<p>This work describes a design of a multimedia content delivery system based on context, to provide multimedia information and other services according to the user location and his preferences. It focuses on mobility and the problem of different coherent and cohesive presentations depending on the available resources of the presentation environment.</p>
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Introducing location related aspects to mobile multimedia environmentsMartinez, David January 2006 (has links)
This work describes a design of a multimedia content delivery system based on context, to provide multimedia information and other services according to the user location and his preferences. It focuses on mobility and the problem of different coherent and cohesive presentations depending on the available resources of the presentation environment.
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Utveckling av kommunikationsapp för servicebranschen : Swapp – för ett enklare restaurangbesökHagvinprice, Cantona Luthon January 2015 (has links)
In recent years there have been many breakthroughs in software and hardware, which has increased the demand for mobile application development. Technology and innovation today has a big impact on how we live our lives as cell phones and the internet have taken market share and has become a part of everything we do, which is forcing companies to become more digitalized. The goal of this thesis is to develop a mobile application that will be used as a communication tool to streamline the work/communication within service industries. The work begins with a quantitative study where two restaurants were interviewed, TGI Friday and Grand Hotel, with the goal to get an image of the problem that needs to be solved. During the development phase Scrum is used as a project method to plan the progress of the project. In the end of the development a usability test is performed and the system is evaluated using Semat Kernel. The project results in a mobile application written in Objective C and Swift programming languages using the integrated development environment Xcode with ability to create account login using Facebook, and a map that displays the users current location and the ability to call the waitress anywhere in the restaurant. / De senaste åren har det varit många genombrott inom mjukvara och hårdvara, vilket har ökat kraven på mobilapplikationsutveckling. Teknik och innovation har idag en stor inverkan på hur vi lever våra liv eftersom mobiltelefoner och internet har intagit marknadsandelar och blivit en del av allt vi gör. Något som tvingar företag att bli mer digitaliserade. Målet med detta kandidatexamensarbete var att utveckla en mobilapplikation som ska användas som ett kommunikationsverktyg för att effektivisera arbetet och kommunikationen inom restaurangbranschen. Arbetet inleds med en kvantitativ förstudie där intervjuer genomfördes på två restauranger, T.G.I Friday och Grand Hôtel, med mål att få en bild kring problemet som ska lösas. Under utvecklingsfasen används Scrum som arbetsmetod i projektet. I slutet av utvecklingsfasen genomfördes en testanalys för att utvärdera användargränssnittet. Sedan används Semat Kernels utvärderingskriterier för att utvärdera systemet. Projektet resulterar i en mobilapplikation skriven i Objektive C och Swift programmeringsspråk med utvecklingsmiljö Xcode. Systemet möjliggör skapandet av konto och inloggning med Facebook samt en karta som visar användarens nuvarande position samt att användaren kan exempelvis kalla på personalen med hjälp av en knapp.
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