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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Debating Islamism, modernity and the West in Turkey. The role of the Welfare Party

Dinc, Cengiz January 2005 (has links)
This study focuses on the Welfare Party elite's conceptualisation of modernity during the party's last 4-5 years before its closure in 1998. Since the party was the most important Islamist organisation in Turkey. it was at an important point of interaction between Islamism and modernity. The study tries to determine the significance of the WP discourse on key modernisation issues by answering such questions as how the WP elite conceptualised modernity; how this conceptualisation was formulated, constructed and what was modernity's relationship with the West in their view. It argues that, the WP elite had a distinct (Islamist) understanding of modernity which, despite its differences in its approach to some basic issues (e. g. secularism) overall remained within modernity by sharing most of its major characteristics. The WP elite, similar to many other Islamist movements, advocated a more Islamic (less secular and less Westernising) route to modernity; and they could not be considered as anti-modernists. The study contributes towards a better understanding of the critical role that a version of Islamism plays in Turkey's politics and process of modernisation and provides insights about the impact of Western modernity on the sizeable Islamist section. The study employs important concepts such as secularisation, nationalism, the modern state, economic development (science, technology, industrialisation), capitalism and democracy as important components of modernity. (It also provides a general analysis of Islamism in the Middle East vis-ä-vis modernity through these concepts). An analysis of the views of the WP elite with regard to these concepts and processes serves to better understanding the Islamist stance towards the particular path of modernisation in Turkey, modernity in general, and also the West. / Osmangazi University, Turkey / Additional content files accompanying this thesis are not available on Bradford Scholars, but are available from the British Library Ethos Service: https://ethos.bl.uk

Architectures et aménagement urbain à Metz (1947-1970) : action municipale : la modernisation d’une ville / Architectures and urban planning in metz (1947-1970) : local council action : the modernisation of a city

Maurer, Pierre 04 June 2018 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la ville de Metz entre 1947 et 1970, durant les mandats du maire Raymond Mondon (1914-1970). La production architecturale et l’aménagement urbain sont interrogés à travers le prisme de l’action municipale. De la lutte contre l’habitat insalubre et de la résorption de la crise du logement de l’après-guerre aux opérations de rénovation urbaine des années 1960, en passant par la création de grands ensembles de logements collectifs, la recherche interroge la modernisation de la ville. Outre les projets architecturaux, elle explore également l’évolution des limites territoriales de cette commune militaire annexée deux fois en moins d’un siècle, en s’appuyant essentiellement sur le dépouillement et l’analyse des fonds d’archives locales. Professionnels de la construction, hommes politiques, agents administratifs ou encore riverains, différents intervenants sont conviés au sein de cette étude afin d’éclairer les processus par lesquels la ville se construit et se transforme durant des années marquées par une forte croissance. / This study focuses on the city of Metz between 1947 and 1970, during the tenure of Mayor Raymond Mondon (1914-1970). The issues of architectural production and urban planning are studied under the light of local council actions. From the fight against unsanitary housing and the end of the post-war housing crisis to the urban renewal of the 1960s, to the creation of large multi-family housing projects, the process of modernisation of the city is put into question. In addition to the architectural projects, it also explores the evolution of the territorial limits of this military commune annexed twice in less than a century, relying mainly on the counting and analysis of local archives. Construction professionals, politicians, administrative agents or local residents, various stakeholders are invited in this study to highlight the processes by which the city is built and transformed during years marked by strong growth.

La modernisation de la Justice au Sénégal : vers la recherche de la performance / The modernisation of Justice in Senegal : the best way of efficiency

Lam, Cheikh Tidiane 10 July 2018 (has links)
Mon projet de thèse porte sur les enjeux de la modernisation de la justice car le Sénégal, après avoir mis en place un système original d'unité de juridiction à dualité de contentieux en 1960, a procédé à des réformes majeures de son organisation judiciaire en 1984, en 1992, en 2008 et enfin en 2015. Entre temps, le pays a signé le traité de Port-Louis instituant l'OHADA qui a mis en place une Cour commune de justice et d'arbitrage, une école de la magistrature et pris dix actes uniformes qui régissent le droit des affaires dans les 17 Etats parties. Le pays a également été le premier pays signataire du traité de Rome instituant la CPI et après avoir reçu mandat de l'Union africaine de juger l'ancien président tchadien monsieur Hussein Habré, a créé les chambres africaines extraordinaires dans son dispositif institutionnel. Le Sénégal avait amorcé également un vaste programme de modernisation de la justice dénommé programme sectoriel justice avec comme objectifs spécifiques d'accroître l'accessibilité de la justice, son efficacité et d'améliorer son cadre institutionnel. La mise en œuvre de toutes ces réformes a certes donné des résultats significatifs mais des contraintes majeures demeurent. Mon étude a donc pour vocation de présenter un système judiciaire qui s'est complexifié au fil de ses réformes, ambitionne de se hisser à des normes de standard international d'où la nécessité de changer de paradigmes pour atteindre les performances qui donnent satisfaction aux justiciables, aux citoyens et aux investisseurs. / My thesis project focuses on the challenges of modernizing the justice system. The reason for this choice is that Senegal, after having originally set up a dual system of juridiction in 1960, made major reforms of its judicial organization in 1984,1992, 2008 and ultimately in 2015. Meanwhile,the country signed the Port Louis Treaty establishing the OHADA which set up a common Court of Justice and Arbitration, a Judicial Academy and led to adoption of 10 uniform acts that govern the business law in the 17 member states. Senegal was the first country sign the treaty of Rome establishing the International Crininal Court and after receiving a mandate from the African Union to try the former President of Tchad Mister Hussein HABRE, created the Extraordinary African chambers in its institutional system. The implementation of all these reforms has certainly yielded significant results but major contraints still remain. My study therefore aims to present a judicial system that as become more complex throughout its various reforms, and rise up to international standard hence the need to change paradigms in order to achieve performance that give satisfaction to litigants, citizens and investors.

Landscape, practice and tradition in a Sicilian market

Marovelli, Brigida January 2012 (has links)
This research explores the dynamic relationship between place, history and landscape in an urban food market, Catania, Sicily. This market informs a mythological image of the island and my main concern is what significance lies underneath this representation. I examine the ways in which this image has been constructed through ideas of history, space, landscape, modernity and tradition. Unpacking these notions in the light of my in-depth ethnography, I address how vendors and buyers frame and define their relationship with space and time. After placing the market in relation to its historical and geo-political context, I argue that the representation of passivity and the lack of agency have contributed to the maintaining of elitist local and national powers. The use of space within the market informs a distinctive cosmology, in which the landscape constitutes the main local organising principle. The landscape is looked at as a cultural process, constantly renegotiated and recontextualised. The principal categories of food classification ‘wild’, ‘local’,and ‘foreign’ are explanatory notions of a specific relationship between people, food and locality. The interaction between vendors and buyers cannot be understood as a purely economic transaction. Their relationship is articulated through a unique set of practices, which are analysed throughout this thesis. Senses, social interactions, culinary knowledge, and conviviality contribute to the ability to operate within the market. I look at my own ethnographic experience as a practical “apprenticeship”. I also address the local ideas of tradition and modernity, mainly through the analysis of the shared fears of being left behind and of losing control over the process of change. The idea of modernisation as an ongoing process carries with it a sense of loss, of nostalgia for an idealised past.

Policy stability in a time of turbulence : the case of elite sport policy in England/the UK

Chapman, Pippa January 2014 (has links)
The research analyses stability and change in the English/British elite sport policy landscape in the period 2005 to early 2014. In the context of a recession and change of government, the policy environment could be described as turbulent and cuts to public funding and commitment to deregulation have been key features of the overarching policy landscape. There was an assumption that elite sport would not be immune from the policy turbulence. The policy landscape is described as consisting of three elements: organisations, public funding and political salience. The original contribution of the thesis is threefold: first, in relation to the empirical study of the relative impact of the political and economic turbulence on the elite sport system; second, in the application of institutional theory and punctuated equilibrium theory to the analysis of elite sport policy; and third, the application of theory to explain the extent of stability uncovered through the empirical research. The research used a case study approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 senior officials from sport in England/the UK from both sport-specific NGBs and organisations with wider, national remits for elite sport and incorporating both government and non-government organisations. Due to the sample of interviewees, the nuances of elite interviewing were an important consideration for the researcher. A document analysis study was also carried out. Through the existing literature and the data gathered, three cases emerged and were examined in depth: youth talent search and development; nurturing and transferring talent; and sustaining world class athletes. Thematic analysis was used to examine the data. The data revealed that the policy landscape was, for the most part, stable in the period studied. There were changes to the intensity of financial and political support and refinements of policy objectives, especially due to the hosting of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, but the overall policy aims remained consistent. The reasons identified for this stability were as follows: the absence of an alternative, critical lobby; strong leadership in the sector; and the hosting of the London 2012 Games. The long-term impact of Labour s Modernisation agenda was found to have contributed to the stable governance of elite sport, which includes a structure for decision-making and accountability around funding of NGBs by UK Sport. Historical Institutionalism was found to offer the most useful meso-level framework for analysis of the data and clear critical junctures and path formation phases could be identified.

Debating Islamism, modernity and the West in Turkey : the role of the Welfare Party

Dinc, Cengiz January 2005 (has links)
This study focuses on the Welfare Party elite's conceptualisation of modernity during the party's last 4-5 years before its closure in 1998. Since the party was the most important Islamist organisation in Turkey. it was at an important point of interaction between Islamism and modernity. The study tries to determine the significance of the WP discourse on key modernisation issues by answering such questions as how the WP elite conceptualised modernity; how this conceptualisation was formulated, constructed and what was modernity's relationship with the West in their view. It argues that, the WP elite had a distinct (Islamist) understanding of modernity which, despite its differences in its approach to some basic issues (e. g. secularism) overall remained within modernity by sharing most of its major characteristics. The WP elite, similar to many other Islamist movements, advocated a more Islamic (less secular and less Westernising) route to modernity; and they could not be considered as anti-modernists. The study contributes towards a better understanding of the critical role that a version of Islamism plays in Turkey's politics and process of modernisation and provides insights about the impact of Western modernity on the sizeable Islamist section. The study employs important concepts such as secularisation, nationalism, the modern state, economic development (science, technology, industrialisation), capitalism and democracy as important components of modernity. (It also provides a general analysis of Islamism in the Middle East vis-ä-vis modernity through these concepts). An analysis of the views of the WP elite with regard to these concepts and processes serves to better understanding the Islamist stance towards the particular path of modernisation in Turkey, modernity in general, and also the West.

L'innovation managériale et la modernisation des entreprises

Vandewattyne, Jean 24 March 1998 (has links)
<p align="justify">Partant du mouvement managérial de remise en cause de l'organisation classique aussi appelée bureaucratie mécaniste ou encore entreprise taylorienne et fordienne qui a pris vigueur au début des années 80, l'architecture de cette thèse se structure en trois parties étroitement interdépendantes.</p> <p align="justify">La première partie porte sur l'innovation managériale, c'est-à-dire sur les doctrines et les outils de gestion qui, à partir de la fin du siècle passé et du début de ce siècle, ont façonné l'histoire du management. Le regard porté conduit à relativiser voire à rompre avec certains lieux communs. Ainsi force est de constater que l'entreprise classique a fait l'objet au cours du temps d'un certain nombre de critiques, d'un certain nombre de tentatives d'aménagement voire même de dépassement. Notons toutefois que, par rapport aux tentatives précédentes, celle qui a débuté au début des années 80 apparaît beaucoup plus profonde au niveau des intentions et surtout beaucoup plus largement partagée par les managers. Par ailleurs, la lecture avancée insiste sur la dimension cyclique de l'histoire du management. Enfin, concernant la période actuelle, l'idée de mode est réfutée au profit de celle d'un construit étalé dans le temps.</p> <p align="justify">La deuxième partie est consacrée à une étude de cas portant sur une grande entreprise sidérurgique. L'analyse faite s'articule autour du concept de bloc sociotechnologique dont la paternité revient à Pierre Bouvier (Le travail au quotidien: une démarche socio anthropologique, Paris, PUF, 1989). Dans cette optique, l'histoire récente de l'entreprise peut être posée comme celle du passage d'un bloc à un autre, c'est-à-dire d'une articulation relativement cohérente entre des variables différentes sociale, économique, politique, technologique... à une autre. Pour le faire ressortir, trois histoires connexes ont été relatées et analysées en détail:</p> <p align="justify">La première histoire est micro-économique. Elle fait une large place à la crise comme élément de rupture par rapport au passé et aux restructurations successives qu'elle a entraînées. Sur la durée, celles-ci sont particulièrement révélatrices de l'évolution des rapports de force entre les acteurs. Elles mettent également en lumière les "dégâts" humains et sociaux provoqués par la modernisation.</p> <p align="justify">La deuxième histoire est relative à l'évolution technologique. En sidérurgie, comme dans la plupart des secteurs traditionnels, les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication sont venues véritablement bouleverser les univers de travail. A ce niveau, l'analyse s'est centrée sur les multiples effets socio-organisationnels liés à l'informatisation des outils.</p> <p align="justify">La troisième et dernière a trait à la modernisation managériale. Dans le cas particulier de l'entreprise, elle débute à la fin des années 70 avec l'arrivée d'un nouveau directeur général. Toutefois, ce n'est qu'au début des années 80 que la volonté de renouveau managérial commence réellement à se concrétiser avec le développement des cercles de qualité et de progrès. Par la suite, l'entreprise ne cessera d'innover. Ainsi, vers la fin des années 80, la direction adopte la qualité totale comme mode de management. Dans ce cadre, elle multiplie les nouveaux concepts et les nouveaux outils de gestion: plan d'amélioration de la qualité, assurance qualité, topomaintenance, statistical process control, prime de progrès, etc. Enfin, après avoir réalisé d'importantes économies et fiabilisé son processus de production, vers le milieu des années 90, la direction témoigne d'une volonté de repenser son mode d'organisation et de gestion du personnel. Ainsi, par exemple, il est de plus en plus question d'organisation apprenante ou qualifiante.</p> <p align="justify">Chacune de ces innovations a fait l'objet d'une présentation et d'une analyse socio-organisationnelle approfondie. Sans entrer dans les détails, soulignons cependant que la mise en oeuvre d'une nouvelle organisation du travail et d'une gestion individualisée des carrières vient en quelque sorte finaliser l'émergence d'un nouveau bloc sociotechnologique.</p> <p align="justify">Quant à la troisième partie, elle est consacrée à une lecture théorique de l'innovation managériale à partir des concepts de l'analyse stratégique. Toutefois, la mobilisation du cadre théorique développé par Michel Crozier et Erhard Friedberg a également conduit à en souligner certaines limites dont le rejet de la dimension historique de l'organisation et de ses acteurs.</p>

Housing Themselves : Transformations, Modernisation and Spatial qualities in Informal Settlements in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Nguluma, Huba January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to address issues of housingtransformation in informal settlements. Transformation ofhouses is seen to be associated with modernisation forceswhereby people adapt their houses to suit their needs anddesires. On one hand the desire to own a“modernhouse”may lead to deterioration of spatial qualities, onthe other hand fulfilment of the desire may contribute to themodernisation of urban settlements. The informal settlement ofHanna Nassif was chosen as a case study to illustrate theprocess of housing transformations in informal settlement.Knowledge on the transformation processes serves as animportant tool to address issues of spatial qualities, housingmodernisation, actors in the processes of transformation anduse of space. The results show that there is a wide range oftransformation activities that have been taking place in termsof extensions and alterations. The desire to modernise theirhouses impels developers to use modern building materials. Insome instances houses constructed with traditional buildingmaterials are replaced with industrially produced materials.Through transformation processes new house types emerge. Thestudy identifies problems as well as positive aspectsassociated with the whole process of housing transformation.The positive aspects are those of increased indoor space,increase of rooms for renting and in other cases separation offunctions. The problems emerging from this process include:decrease of outdoor space, increase of housing density,blockage of ventilation and light in the transformedhouses. The study concludes that housing transformation being oneway in which lowincome earners strive to get access to housingdeserves government support, particularly in the absence ofalternative housing supply. It is further observed that todatemany urban dwellers have managed to secure housing as a directresult of house extensions effected by house owners. The houseextensions are being carried out outside the established formalplanning regulations. It is in the light of these developmentsthat there is a cause for government intervention to guidehousing development processes in informal settlements.Professionals like planners and architects should also assume arole for quality and sustainability to prevail. The study alsosuggests specific problem areas for further investigation. <b>Key words:</b>Tanzania, housing transformation, informalsettlements, modernisation, spatial qualities and housetypes.

La gestion de l'eau au Mexique : les organisations internationales, l'état et le secteur privé

Nava Jiménez, Luzma Fabiola January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La place que prend la gestion politique de l'eau dans notre recherche est centrale. À travers la gestion de cette ressource, nous examinerons comment elle reflète la modernisation de l'État mexicain et son choix d'adopter, et de mettre en place, les discours des organisations internationales ainsi que d'impliquer le secteur privé dans cette gestion. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous nous intéressons, d'une part, à la modernisation de l'État, et d'autre part, aux accords qui en résultent, entre l'État, les organisations internationales et le secteur privé, quant à la gestion de cette ressource. Tout cela dans le but de dégager l'impact de la gestion de l'eau au Mexique. Dans ce sens, le Mexique a été appelé à mettre en place des structures institutionnelles sur lesquelles reposeraient les mécanismes de gestion de la ressource eau dans le but de s'ajuster aux dynamiques de libéralisation. Nous avons donc constaté que c'est à partir de 1980 que les autorités mexicaines ont témoigné des intentions de moderniser l'État et de l'insérer dans la dynamique de mondialisation des économies. Or, pendant cette période, la modernisation du Mexique s'est traduite d'une part, par un virage dans la façon de gérer les domaines d'intérêt public -comme celui de l'eau -, et, d'autre part, par l'implication du secteur privé en même temps que par une relation plus étroite avec les organisations internationales. Ce qui progressivement réduit la forte présence de l'État tout en amplifiant le rôle du secteur privé qui semble être, pour les organisations internationales, un partenaire clé pour accélérer la modernisation de l'État. Nous examinerons cette dynamique particulière dans le contexte de la mise en place de nouvelles modalités de gestion de l'eau et du développement du secteur hydrique au Mexique. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : BM, Eau, État, FMI, Gestion, Mexique, Modernisation, Partenaire, Privé, Ressource.

Housing Themselves : Transformations, Modernisation and Spatial qualities in Informal Settlements in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Nguluma, Huba January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis is an attempt to address issues of housingtransformation in informal settlements. Transformation ofhouses is seen to be associated with modernisation forceswhereby people adapt their houses to suit their needs anddesires. On one hand the desire to own a“modernhouse”may lead to deterioration of spatial qualities, onthe other hand fulfilment of the desire may contribute to themodernisation of urban settlements. The informal settlement ofHanna Nassif was chosen as a case study to illustrate theprocess of housing transformations in informal settlement.Knowledge on the transformation processes serves as animportant tool to address issues of spatial qualities, housingmodernisation, actors in the processes of transformation anduse of space.</p><p>The results show that there is a wide range oftransformation activities that have been taking place in termsof extensions and alterations. The desire to modernise theirhouses impels developers to use modern building materials. Insome instances houses constructed with traditional buildingmaterials are replaced with industrially produced materials.Through transformation processes new house types emerge. Thestudy identifies problems as well as positive aspectsassociated with the whole process of housing transformation.The positive aspects are those of increased indoor space,increase of rooms for renting and in other cases separation offunctions. The problems emerging from this process include:decrease of outdoor space, increase of housing density,blockage of ventilation and light in the transformedhouses.</p><p>The study concludes that housing transformation being oneway in which lowincome earners strive to get access to housingdeserves government support, particularly in the absence ofalternative housing supply. It is further observed that todatemany urban dwellers have managed to secure housing as a directresult of house extensions effected by house owners. The houseextensions are being carried out outside the established formalplanning regulations. It is in the light of these developmentsthat there is a cause for government intervention to guidehousing development processes in informal settlements.Professionals like planners and architects should also assume arole for quality and sustainability to prevail. The study alsosuggests specific problem areas for further investigation.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Tanzania, housing transformation, informalsettlements, modernisation, spatial qualities and housetypes.</p>

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