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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preaching for the upbuilding of the church in transition

Lee, Sang-Heung 05 October 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study is to develop a homiletic theory for the upbuilding of the church in transition. This dissertation investigates the validity of the hypothesis that in order to build up the church in a transition, the theory and practice of preaching must achieve a dynamic relationship with a faithful and relevant ecclesiology. At the same time, the theory and practice of preaching in the Korean church, where these are linked with a dominant accommodated ecclesiology can not form a faithful and relevant ecclesiology. To test these two hypotheses, this study defines the methodology use in practical theology to develop a homiletic theory (Chapter 1). The research develops a homiletic theory from a hermeneutic-communicative perspective, which bears a dynamic relationship to a faithful and relevant ecclesiology. Firstly, this study identifies a faithful and relevant ecclesiology from a missional perspective. Secondly, Ricoeur’s model of collective narrative identity is articulated. From these two understandings, a homiletic theory as a hermeneutic-communicative act is developed. The homiletic theory for forming a faithful and relevant ecclesiology is composed through preaching as an act of translation, an act of exchange, and an act of forgiveness (Chapter 2). The next aspect of this study is an empirical study. It links the question of the connection of a contemporary homiletic theory of the Korean church with an ecclesiology. The object is to try to explain a preaching praxis that relates to ecclesiology. In this study it is found that the praxis of preaching is closely related to an accommodated ecclesiology (Chapter 3). This section develops a hermeneutical interaction between the results of the empirical research and those of the literature study. This chapter reflects the interplay of information from the empirical research and information from the literature study. It produces new or modified ideas for a relevant theory of practice that guide and direct preaching praxis. This is a regulative activity that aims to change the current praxis (Chapter 4). / Thesis (DPhil (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Le droit chinois face à la modernité : les voies de l'adaptation d'une tradition plurimillénaire

Jing, Xin 10 December 2014 (has links)
À l’heure ou la Chine s’affirme comme un leader de l‘économie mondiale, participant a la mondialisation économique et intégrant l’OMC, il semble essentiel de s’intéresser a l’impact d’un tel bouleversement sur son ordonnancement juridique, c’est-a -dire analyser la manière dt le droit chinois s’adapte a la modernité . Ce processus de transformation apparaîtcomme le « fruit d’une alchimie particulière » entre la tradition juridiplurimillenaire chinoise et les sources d’inspiration exogènes que constituent les droits étrangers. Pour appréhender au mieux cette évolution cruciale, il importe de porter le regard sur l’origine et la formation de la tradition juridique chinoise, a travers ses deux composantes fondamentalesque sont le confucianisme et le legisme. Cela doit permettre de mieux mesurer l’ampleur des transferts d’éléments issus de droits étrangers, notamment de la tradition continentale, a partir du de but du XX e siècle, et de constater qu’actuellement, malgré tous les facteurs historiques et politiques entravant cette modernisation, le droit chinois poursuit sa longue marche vers l’instauration d’un État de droit / As China asserts itself as a global economic leader – taking part in the economic globalisation and integrating the WTO – it is imperative to look at impact that such an upheaval has on its judicial scheduling, i.e. analyse the way Chinese law adapts to modernity. This process of transformation appears to be the « result of a particular chemistry » between an ancient Chinese legal tradition on the one hand, and the exogenous sources of inspiration of foreign laws on the other hand. To fully grasp this critical evolution, it is important to focus on the origin and on the creation of the Chinese legal tradition, by taking into account two of its fundamental components: Confucianism and Legalism. This should allow to better measure the scope of elements which has been transferred from foreign law - especially from Western continental tradition - from the beginning of twentieth century on, and to ascertain that at present, in spite of all the historical and political factors hindering this modernization, Chinese law continues towards its establishment of a state grounded on the rule of law.

Proces modernizace elektronického marketingu náboru nového vojenského personálu do Armády České republiky / The process of modernizing electronic marketing of recruiting the new military personnel for the Army of the Czech Republic

Misík, Michal January 2021 (has links)
The theoretical part of the diploma thesis is focused on t he s election of research methods, a description of the process of modernization of electronic marketing both in general in the public s ector and especially in the r ecruitment of milita ry personnel t o t he C zech Army. Specifically, it is a description of modernization and the goals of recruitment to the AČR as such. The theoretical part concludes with a description of the relevant personnel aspects - the specifics and human limits of recruitment to the AČR. In t he m ethodological p art of t he di ploma t hesis, pa rtial r esearch segments are ana lyzed. Quantitative analyzes of the success of advertising campaigns and recruitment websites are complemented by observation of the attitudes of relevant officials in the issue, reflecting the atmosphere and preferences i n the r elevant representatives. T he s ub-research areas are: technical a nalysis of modernization of w ebsites a nd c onstruction of ne w w ebsites f or recruitment to the AČR; quantification of running results a fter m odernization a nd quantification of results after the start of running of the new website; analysis of preparations for advertising campaigns; quantitative specifics of the development and especially the results of advertising campaigns for recruitment to...

Modernizace řízení frézky FNG / The modernization of control system of milling machine FNG

Holas, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with a proposal modernisation of control and electroinstalation of the milling machine FNG 32. The thesis is divided into several sections: The first section is dedicated to the research of the milling machine and the description of its current condition. The second section deals with possible options of retrofitting and with the components.The third section includes the technical and economical evaluation and the selection of the solution. In the next section, the selected components are described and an electronic documentation of the machine has been created in EPLAN. In the last section, a proposal of control of the milling machine has been created with the help of the TwinCAT development environment provided by Beckhoff company.

To IOT or not IOT : a critical analysis of the key legal considerations applicable in internet of things of implementations in the mining industry

Wessels, Carina Helena January 2016 (has links)
The research introduces the fourth industrial revolution philosophically, exploring the application of innovation and automation in broad terms and the Internet of Things (IoT) specifically within the mining industry. It explains the business and societal motivation for such interventions, highlighting some of the key benefits. It further explores the inadvertent risks, some of which have already manifested in mining applications and others which can be inferred from other industrial and social applications. A critical analysis is conducted of the application of the South African Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations on such applications in the mining environment, as well as considering key other pieces of South African legislation. A comparative analysis with Australian legislation confirms that Western Australia has recognised the need for regulation and have started regulating, primarily mining automation, at least. Through these analyses it is established that a legislative vacuum exists, despite the general application of many requirements in relation to safety considerations during the utilisation of IoT applications. The paper concludes by recommending collaboration between the Department of Mineral Resources and the Chamber of Mines to seek ways to lead legislative and regulatory developments in this space in order to enable the sustainability of the South African mining industry. In particular, the research suggests the emphasis should be to legally encourage and permit the implementation of IoT solutions in the mining industry in as many instances as reasonably possible, whilst consecutively addressing the new and emerging risks created through such. / Mini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Public Law / LLM / Unrestricted

Beer Festival and Place Identity : An Analysis of Munich Oktoberfest And Qingdao International Beer Festival

Wang, Rucheng January 2022 (has links)
As microcosms of German and Chinese societies, Munich Oktoberfest and Qingdao International Beer Festival are important manifestations of local culture. This study intends to answer the following question: to which extent are beer festivals in Germany and China related to local history and the local sense of place? A historical overview of the beer festivals in Munich and Qingdao is provided, as well as an analysis of how people seeking a sense of belonging creatively combine cognitive schemata of modernity with local cultural systems on a symbolic level. Through textual analysis and interviews, this study attempts to explore the historical development of beer festivals in Germany and China and provide an analysis case of place identity through beer symbols and tourist experience based on a historical and geographical framework regarding uniqueness, authenticity, liminality and local identity. Originating in local history, Oktoberfest has evolved from a folk festivity to a globally known tourist spectacle. Faced with modernisation, "Heimat" helps Germany in smoothing the tension between the traditional sense of place and the modern nation-state identity. As a former German colony, Qingdao celebrates its beer festival emphasising recreation and enjoyment above traditions. The local beer-related customs such as plastic bags and drinking with seafood reflect the cultural hybridity of Qingdao in which consumerism and nostalgia are combined in reaction to the vast tourism generated by globalisation and modernisation. It remains a challenge for beer festivals both in Germany and China facing homogenisation and commercialisation to maintain a genuine connection with people, especially the locals. Future work on beer festivals could explore a variety of beer events in other historical, national and contextual settings, different perspectives as well as genderisation, which will enrich the study on festival tourism and place identity.

Trade-off or synergy? : An analysis of Swedish parliamentary parties’ framing of the relationship between climate change mitigation and growth

von Otter, Vera January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Klimatekonomins lyxproblem? Diskursiv kamp kring försäljning av överskott på utsläppsrätter

Blomquist, Emma, Tell, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie tillämpar diskursanalys i syfte att förstå var det råder samstämmighet eller konflikt kring huruvida Sverige ska sälja, spara eller annullera överskottet på utsläppsrätter inom EU:s och FN:s utsläppshandel. Genom kritisk diskursanalys har vi kategoriserat och kodat tio riksdagsdebatter mellan åren 2010 och 2014, i vilka en ekologisk diskurs och en ekonomisk diskurs kämpar om tolkningsföreträde. Bortsett från samstämmigheten att handel med utsläppsrätter – vilken kan ses som ekologisk modernisering – är ett viktigt verktyg för att minska klimatförändringar; råder öppen kamp kring hur ett överskott på utsläppsrätter ska hanteras. Kampen har delats in i sju kategorier baserat på huruvida: 1) ett beslut om annullering kan tas direkt eller om det krävs en utredning först, 2) en annullering är en symbolisk handling eller styrs av marknadens logik, 3) en försäljning leder till ökade utsläpp, 4) på vilket sätt överskottet ska fungera som förhandlingsstrategi under klimatmöten, 5) Sverige förlorar sitt klimatanseende vid en försäljning av överskott på utsläppsrätter, 6) utsläppshandeln i högre grad borde styras av politiker eller marknadsmekanismer, och slutligen 7) huruvida överskott på utsläppsrätter bör ses som ett lyxproblem. Eftersom det ännu inte finns en fixerad diskursiv entydighet angående hur överskott på utsläppsrätter ska hanteras, menar vi att ingen av diskurserna kan ses som helt hegemonisk. Den ekonomiska diskursen har dock patent på rationaliteten eftersom den, till skillnad från den ekologiska diskursen, har accepterat ekomodernismen. Om den ekonomiska diskursen blir hegemonisk är det sannolikt att ytterligare överskott på utsläppsrätter säljs.Nyckelord: klimatförändringar, EU-ETS, Kyotoprotokollet, ekologisk modernisering, diskursiv kamp. / The following study uses insights derived from discourse analysis to examine whether there is consensus or conflict regarding if Sweden should sell, save or invalidate the surplus of allowances within the emissions trading systems of the EU and the UN. Through critical discourse analysis, we have categorized and coded ten parliamentary debates between the year of 2010 and 2014, in which an ecological discourse and an economic discourse can be derived. Aside from the consistency that the emissions trading systems – which can be seen as ecological modernization - is an important tool to mitigate climate change; an open struggle can be seen regarding how a surplus of allowances should be governed. The struggle has been divided into seven categories based on whether: 1) a decision of invalidation can be taken directly or if an investigation is necessary, 2) an invalidation is a symbolic act or controlled by the logic of the market, 3) a sale directly leads to an increased amount of emissions, 4) in what way the surplus of allowances should serve as a negotiating strategy during international climate meetings, 5) Sweden’s climate profile will be lost in case of a sale, 6) the emissions trading systems to a higher rate should be controlled by politicians or mechanisms of the market, and finally 7) whether the surplus of allowances should be seen as a luxury problem. Since there is not yet a fixed unity regarding how surplus of allowances should be governed, we argue that none of the discourses can be seen as completely hegemonic. However, the economic discourse have positions on rationality due to that it, unlike the ecological discourse, has accepted the ecological modernisation. If the economic discourse becomes hegemonic it is likely that additional surplus of allowances will be sold.Key words: climate change, EU-ETS, the Kyoto Protocol, ecological modernisation, discursive struggle.

Lika barn lajkar bäst - Miljönyheter på Facebook

Al-Qassam, Ahmed, Pettersson, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Studien tittar på miljönyhetssidorna Supermiljöbloggen och Aktuell Hållbarhet, samt den slutna gruppen Omställning Sverige, på Facebook. Vi har utfört en innehållsanalys på de 40 mest gillade inläggen under tidsperioden 1 april 2015 – 31 mars 2016 på respektive sida. Vi valde att kategorisera inläggen utifrån vilken aktör som ansvarar för lösningen/problemet. Är det staten, vetenskapen, individen eller marknaden? Vi har även placerat inläggen och sidorna i ett spektrum mellan följande idéströmmningar; ekologisk modernisering och sufficiency. Vi har funnit att de inlägg som lockar till sig flest gilla-markeringar, i både Supermiljöbloggen och Aktuell Hållbarhet, överensstämmer med en svagare ekologisk modernisering. Detta korrelerar även med att de dominerande aktörerna på dessa sidor är Staten och Marknaden. Omställning Sverige- gruppens inlägg uppvisar mestadels en diskurs som följer mikro-sufficency vilket också korrelerar med Individen som största aktör. Att ekologisk modernisering lockar till många gilla- markeringar tror vi beror på ett mer slagkraftigt språkbruk än sufficiency. / Social media is today established as a natural part of peoples information-gathering. Different framings of the environment in media triggers actors to act in different ways. We studied therefore the newspages Supermiljöbloggen and Aktuell Hållbarhet on Facebook. We also included the closed group Omställning Sverige in the study. We conducted a content analysis of the 40 most liked post from each page or group, during the time span 1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016. The posts were categorised from which actor that was responsible for the solution/problem. Is it the State, the Scientific sector, the Individual or the Market? We have also placed the posts and the pages/group in the spectra of the though paradigms: Ecological Modernisation and Sufficiency. We have found that the posts that attracts the most likes in both Supermiljöbloggen and Aktuell Hållbarhet, is in accordance to the weaker ecological modernisation. This also correlates with the dominating actors on these pages, which are the State and the Market. The posts in the group Omställning Sverige proves to have a discourse that is according to mikro-sufficiency which correlates with the Individual as the greatest actor. The reason why ecological modernisation attracts alot of likes is, according to us, partly because of the hard-hitting use of language compared to Sufficiency.

'Monday will never be the same again': the transformation of employment and work in a public-private partnership

Smith, Andrew J. January 2012 (has links)
No / Under the public-private partnership (PPP) programme, private sector finance, management expertise and innovation are used in ‘partnership’ to modernize public services. However, advocates fail to account for the differing aims and responsibilities of the public and private sectors, in that private companies plan to make a profit out of non-profit public sector organizations. There is a paucity of critical empirical research into new ‘partnership’ forms of privatization and the implications that these have for employment and work. This article will examine the PPP of National Savings and Investments (NS&I) and some of the initiatives introduced and problems encountered, which resulted in the creation of a multi-tier workforce, together with the insourcing, outsourcing and the first ever offshoring of UK Government work to India.

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