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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of the distribution and transfer of Traditional Ecological Knowledge based on generation, gender and resource use

Agbemenya, Seyram Awushie 23 June 2011 (has links)
The state of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is of importance to ecologists and conservationists considering the recent trends in the loss of local culture and indigenous knowledge systems worldwide. An understanding of the factors that affect the distribution and transmission of TEK may offer scientists an insight into how it can be conserved to persist to inform ecological decisions. This study investigated the distribution and transmission of TEK based on gender, age and tree resource use in two rural communities in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. The distribution of this knowledge was assessed based on respondents’ ability to identify local tree species, their uses and conservation techniques. Their ecological knowledge of a number of common and rare indigenous tree species was also assessed. This was done mainly through focus group discussions, individual interviews and a participatory appraisal technique. Age group rather than gender had a significant effect on the distribution of TEK with old age respondents being more knowledgeable than youths and middle aged respondents. Resource use also affected the distribution of knowledge indicating that knowledge was highly dependent on resource use. Females were the main actors in the transfer of TEK in this community and majority of this knowledge was acquired through passive means. The results revealed a combination of factors that may pose a threat to the loss of TEK in these communities. These factors include; the continuous and unregulated harvesting of trees in the area, the effects of modernisation and globalization on aspects of the traditional community and the high levels of rural urban-migration.

Le progressisme et la réforme de l’État en Équateur, 1883-1895 / Porgressivism and State reform in Ecuador, 1883-1895

Medina, Alexis 02 December 2016 (has links)
Le progressisme est un courant politique né en Équateur dans les années 1860 cherchant à incarner une voie médiane entre le conservatisme et le libéralisme. Une fois au pouvoir, de 1883 à 1895, les progressistes entendent moderniser l’Équateur sur le plan politique et économique. Sur le plan économique, ils cherchent à consolider le modèle agro-exportateur fondé sur le cacao, développer l’enseignement technique et scientifique, construire des voies ferrées et redéfinir les relations entre l’Église et l’État. Ils souhaitent également stabiliser les institutions républicaines, fondées sur le respect des libertés publiques, la séparation des pouvoirs et le suffrage comme source de la légitimité politique. Cependant, les progressistes doivent affronter l’opposition des conservateurs et des libéraux. Isolé et affaibli, le progressisme est renversé en 1895 par les libéraux. Malgré ses échecs, le progressisme représente une étape déterminante dans la construction de l’État-nation en Équateur. / Progressivism was a political movement born in Ecuador in 1860s that aimed at embodying a third way between conservatism and liberalism. While they were in power, from 1883 to 1895, the progressives tried to modernize Ecuador both politically and economically. On the economic level, they sought to consolidate the agroexport model, develop technical and scientific education, build railroads and redefine the relationship between Church and State. They also wanted to stabilize the republican institutions, based on the respect for civil liberties, separation of powers and suffrage as the source of political legitimacy. In spite of its failures, progressivism represents a fundamental step in the formation of the Nation state in Ecuador.

Modernização e desenvolvimentismo: formação das primeiras favelas de São Paulo e a favela do Vergueiro / Modernization and development: formation of the first of São Paulo\'s favelas and the Vergueiro favela

Lara, Fernão Lopes Ginez de 16 January 2013 (has links)
Nessa dissertação tratamos da formação das primeiras favelas paulistanas e em especial da favela do Vergueiro (~1949-1969), como particularidade de um estudo sobre a constituição do capitalismo no Brasil em seu momento desenvolvimentista. Tomando o capitalismo como uma socialização crítica, considera-se a realização da acumulação como momento conceitual que nega a si mesmo, expresso pelo movimento de expulsão da fonte originadora do capital - o trabalho - através do desenvolvimento das forças produtivas. No Brasil, teria se dado uma industrialização sem ruptura completa da forma social, refletindo-se num processo posto em grande parte pelas necessidades de venda de mercadorias do departamento de bens de capital global. A periferia capitalista se expressaria por uma formação negativa do trabalho, expropriando trabalhadores/as e forçando sua mobilização para o trabalho, sem sua necessária incorporação como polo negativo do capital. Sem dispor de base de valorização produtiva, muitos investimentos capitalistas concentram-se na propriedade da terra através do mercado imobiliário, expresso na retenção de terras na cidade de São Paulo. No período analisado - meados de 1930 a 1970 - as favelas não eram tão significativas comparativamente à magnitude que o fenômeno viria a assumir a partir dos anos 1970; entretanto, são igualmente representativas das particularidades das contradições postas pela modernização brasileira. A contradição entre expropriação, industrialização periférica e mercado imobiliário culminaria na profusão de favelas, identificando a princípio o próprio Estado como agente formador de favelas, vindo o processo a assumir maior expressão face aos movimentos migratórios e dificuldades do acesso à terra para moradia. Por último, analisamos as políticas de desfavelamento, aqui entendidas como formadoras para o trabalho e para garantir a liberação da propriedade privada. / The object of this dissertation is the Vergueiro favela (shantytown), ~1949-1969, one among the first of São Paulo\'s favelas. At the time covered by the study, they had not yet grown to their later large sizes, but they are nevertheless representatives of the phenomena yilding from Brazilian modernisation. Capitalism is taken as critical socialisation, whose conceptual carrying out is its own negation, expressed by the eviction of capital\'s originating source (labour) by means of the development of the productive forces. Industrialisation in Brazil has taken place largely as posed by the need for the sale of goods from the global capital assets department. The periphery of capitalism is expressed by the negative formation of labour, expropriating workers and forcing their mobilisation, without its incorporation as the negative pole of capital. As a basis of productive valorisation was unavailable, many capitalist investments concentrated in land tenure within the real estate market, expressed by the holding of land in the city of São Paulo. The contradiction between expropriation, peripheral industrialisation and real estate market culminated in the profusion of favelas throughout the city. Such favelas had to face removal policies (defavelisation) aiming at the formation of labour and the liberation of private property.

Modernisation d’applications patrimoniales par les modèles / Software modernization : a model driven engineering approach

Deltombe, Gaëtan 16 December 2013 (has links)
La modernisation logicielle est un domaine en plein essor du fait du vieillissement des technologies datant des années 1960, tel que COBOL ou FORTRAN. Aujourd'hui, bon nombre de ces applications sont toujours en service du fait de leur criticité. Ce sont elles qui continuent d'assurer le bon fonctionnement du système d'information de l'entreprise. Face à l'arrivée en force de technologies récentes de type Cloud ou Mobile, il devient urgent de les moderniser. Toutefois, près de deux projets de modernisation sur trois échouent à cause du manque ou la perte de documentation de l'application, la complexité du logiciel (qui lui n'a cessé de grandir avec le temps), la perte des connaissances techniques (les jeunes développeurs n'ont jamais étudié ces anciennes technologies), tout cela couplé à un manque d'outils et de méthodes industrielles. Face à ce constat implacable, cette thèse suggère une solution pour l'industrialisation du processus de modernisation à travers l'utilisation de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM), notamment en prenant pour base les métamodèles issus de l'initiative Architecture Driven Modernisation de l'OMG. Nous montrons qu'il est ainsi possible d'automatiser une majorité du processus du fait de l'utilisation de métamodèles pivots technologiquement neutres, ainsi que l'utilisation d'une série d'outils permettant d'obtenir une automatisation des tâches de migration de l'application. Nous proposons également de rendre cette solution adaptable à n'importe quel langage légataire au travers d'une chaîne de modernisation paramétrable via l'utilisation d'un moteur de transformation dédié offrant des mécanismes d'extensibilité et de réutilisabilité. Pour terminer, nous illustrons l'ensemble des idées développées dans cette thèse sur l'exemple concret d'une application codée en COBOL. / Software modernization is a fast-growing sector due to the aging technologies from the 1960s, such as COBOL or FORTRAN. Nowadays, many of these applications are still being used because of their criticality. These applications allow companies to maintain their information system. But to face the arrival of newer technologies and platforms, like Cloud or Mobile, companies must modernize their systems to deliver the same services and also develop new ones in order to compete. However, nearly two out of three modernization projects fail because of the lack or the loss of applications documentation, the complexity of the software (that has continued to grow over time), the loss of technical knowledge (the junior developers have never studied these ancient technologies), plus a lack of tools and industrial methods. Faced with this relentless observation, this thesis suggests a solution to the industrialization process of modernization through the use of Model Driven (IDM) Engineering, especially by using metamodels base from Driven Architecture Modernization of the OMG. We therefore demonstrate that it is possible to automate the process thanks to technologically neutral metamodels and by using a set of tools to get the automation of application migration tasks. We also propose to have this solution adapted to any languages through a configurable chain of modernization by using a dedicated processing engine that provides scalability and reusability mechanisms. Finally, we illustrate the ideas developed in this thesis in the concrete case of a coded COBOL application.

'Better, farming, better business, better living' : the Irish Co-operative Movement and the construction of the Irish nation-state, 1894-1932

Doyle, Patrick John January 2013 (has links)
This thesis argues that agricultural co-operative societies under the leadership of the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society played a crucial role in building the Irish state and defining a national identity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. By questioning widely held assumptions about a formative period in Ireland’s political and economic development, it is argued that critical ideas about the Irish nation emanated from the sphere of economics. In particular, the efforts of co-operative activists are understood as important actors in the process of building the Irish nation-state through their interventions to reorganise rural society. The co-operative movement’s attempts to organise the resources and population of the Irish countryside represented a serious modernising effort that shaped the character of the politically autonomous nation-state that emerged in the 1920s. The establishment of co-operative societies introduced new agricultural technologies to rural districts and placed local farmers in control of agricultural business. Although co-operators met with frequent frustration in their objective to restructure Irish society along co-operative lines, the study of the movement remains central to a thorough understanding of social and political conditions in the period under review. Co-operative ideas became incredibly influential amongst Irish nationalists associated with Sinn Féin. It is argued that the co-operative movement’s modernising project became embedded in the Irish countryside and enmeshed in a political economy of revolutionary nationalism. As a consequence, the co-operative movement exerted a significant influence upon those who seized governmental power after the Irish revolution, which extended beyond independence. The thesis utilises a range of local and national sources which include records for individual co-operative societies, reports and publications associated with the national movement, as well as a wide variety of contemporary literature and journalism. By applying a local approach that feeds into an analysis of the co-operative movement on a national level, the thesis presents a detailed analysis of how co-operative activists and ideas influenced the creation of Ireland’s political culture. Crucially, the work of interstitial actors is reinserted into the process of the Irish state’s development. The building of state institutions is viewed through the work of a network of co-operative experts and therefore as something that occurred outside the deliberations of official circuits of power. The thesis breaks new ground in the historiography of the development of the Irish state by analysing the important work of those involved in shaping rural social relations and institutions such as co-operative organisers, engineers, propagandists, managers and secretaries.

Modernisation and Mongolia : A case study on Inglehart’s and Welzel’s modernisation theory and the democratisation of Mongolia

Ansar, Jasmin January 2019 (has links)
This essay is a theory testing study that aims to examine to what extent modernisation promotes democratisation. This is done by applying and testing aspects of Inglehart’s and Welzel’s revised modernisation theory to a case study of a specific country, namely Mongolia. The aspects studied are 1) trust in politicians and the political system, 2) how widespread literacy is within the nation and 3) the mass belief among the Mongolian people. The study shows that elements of each aspect are present in Mongolia and that they have indeed influenced the country’s democratisation. The study concludes by summarising the result of each aspect and stating that Mongolia’s democracy is still developing.

Global Environmental Change and the Politics of Sustainable Consumption in New Zealand

Lewin, Joanna Alice January 2009 (has links)
Consumption has emerged as a pivotal concept in environmental sustainability debates. Since the 1992 Earth Summit, there has been an increasing focus on the role that consumption and consumer lifestyles play in global environmental change. Agenda 21 called on countries to promote more 'sustainable consumption' patterns and lifestyles. Despite these recommendations, there are significant political and ideological challenges to implementing effective sustainable consumption policies at a global and national level. This thesis explores the politics of sustainable consumption in New Zealand. Using critical discourse analysis and in-depth semi-structured interviews with nine consumers, I employ post-structural and cultural geography theories to unpack the problematic nature of sustainable consumption. In particular, I examine dominant environmental and consumption discourses to explore why barriers to sustainable consumption exist. It is important to examine these issues from a socio-cultural perspective, as the dominant hegemonic discourses relating to the environment and sustainability shape both policy responses and public understandings of environmental change and sustainability issues. Prevailing policy responses to environmental change in New Zealand construct the 'environmental problem' in narrowly scientific and economic terms. Concern has centred on 'managing' carbon emissions, rather than addressing the underlying drivers of environmental degradation which lie in current political-economic structures and consumption levels. As such, environmental policy has been embedded within an ecological modernisation discourse which links sustainability with notions of 'progress' and efficiency. Under this discourse, the consumer has been repositioned as an important 'political' agent responsible for fostering sustainable consumption and environmental care. Through largely non-political and non-regulatory measures, consumers have been encouraged to reduce their 'carbon footprints' by considering the environmental impacts of their daily personal consumption habits. This approach has individualised and depoliticised environmental issues, obscured the complexities of personal consumption and sustainability, and left limited options for participation in processes of change.

Modernisation villageoise et distance à la ville en Inde du Sud

Oliveau, Sébastien 16 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
La rapidité du changement social et des transformations économiques en Inde est responsable d'une<br />recomposition spatiale très importante du pays. Les effets de cette modernisation rapide des<br />comportements sociaux (baisse de la fécondité, baisse de l'analphabétisme...) et économiques<br />(développement du secteur tertiaire) sont cependant loin d'être uniformes. Les différences envisagées au<br />niveau des états, des régions et des districts n'ont jamais été étudiées de façon systématique à l'échelle<br />villageoise, alors que c'est le plus souvent à cette échelle que les effets de transition ou de barrières se<br />révèlent.<br />Pour pouvoir procéder à cette analyse spatiale détaillée de la modernisation du pays, nous avons mis<br />en place un système d'informations géographiques inédit, reposant sur les données du recensement de<br />1991. Nous avons ainsi pu observer la relation qu'entretiennent les 16085 villages avec les 235 unités<br />urbaines qui composent le Tamil Nadu, état situé au sud-est de l'Inde et choisi pour son relatif dynamisme<br />et son développement urbain important.<br />Après avoir montré le rôle de l'enclavement des villages (apprécié par la distance et surtout par<br />l'accessibilité à la ville) dans leur retard de développement relatif, nous avons souligné l'importance de la<br />dynamique propre des espaces ruraux (synthétisé par la taille de leur population). Enfin, le recours à la<br />géostatistique, et plus particulièrement aux indices locaux d'association spatiale (LISA), nous a permis de<br />mettre en avant la forte structuration régionale des inégalités, qui dépassent les limites administratives et<br />ajoute ses effets à ceux de la distance à la ville.

Både finsk och svensk : modernisering, nationalism och språkförändring i Tornedalen 1850-1939

Elenius, Lars January 2001 (has links)
This study deals with the impact by modernisation and nationalism on the ethnicity and national identity among the Finnish speaking minority in the Torne Valley in the north of Sweden. The starting point is 1809 when Sweden lost the Finnish part of the kingdom to Russia. It resulted in the division of the Torne Valley into two na­tion-states and modernisation projects. The aim of the study is to investigate what happened to the ethnic content in the national identity in the two parts of the valley over time. The focus is placed on the parish of Övertorneå on the Swedish side between 1850 and 1939. According to the modernist and constructivist approach in theories of nationa­lism, national consciousness and national sentiments are confined to the era of industrialisation and modernisation. In the dissertation nationalism on the contrary is regarded as a myth-symbol complex which is transferred by one or many ethnic groups from the pre-modern state to the modern nation-state. A perspective from both above and below is used in the study. The investigation in the state assimilation policy shows, by contrast with previous studies, that the main aim up to the middle of the 1880s was to maintain religious hegemony in relation to the Laestadian revi­valist movement. It also shows that the assimilation policy was influenced by the continuity of the Finnish speaking minority in the nation-state and the previous link of Sweden together with Finland in the former unitary state. Moreover it shows that it was influenced by internal changes in the paradigm of education and party policy, the new international status of national minorities after First World War and language revitalisation in the Torne Valley. The process of language shift is used as an important marker of ethnicity and national identity. When following the shift of language use among the Torne Valley people from 1890 to 1930 the study shows that the language policy in school played an essential role for the shift, but the difference between women and men also reve­als the impact from the society outside school. It also reveals a dynamic change from both Finnish to Swedish and reverse before 1890. In contrast to previous studies the writing abilities in Finnish was at a considerable level and sustain in time compared to the writing abilities in Swedish. The stable pattern of inter-marriage between the Swedish Torne Valley and Finland 1860-1919 reveals a cultural continuity which stands in contrast to the dramatical political events of the time. / digitalisering@umu

Lokal Agenda 21 för hållbar utveckling : en studie av miljöfrågan i tillväxtsamhället / Local Agenda 21 for sustainable development : a study of the environmental challenges in the growth society

Forsberg, Björn January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse sustainable development as a political challenge at the local level of governance. It explores how local organisation for sustainable development (LA21, a short form of local Agenda 21) is influenced by economic conditions in contemporary society, as well as the specific conditions in the local context. The empirical focus is activity relating to LA21 in four Swedish municipalities (Kungsör, Sala, Trollhättan and Örebro). In analysing the challenge of sustainable development, the economic development model of contemporary society is used as a theoretical starting-point. It is argued that the promotion of economic growth is crucial in determining the parameters of environmental policy; indeed, environmental policy can be described as a result of a dialectic contradiction between economic and ecological concerns. As theoretical tools, I define three perspectives on how to deal with ecological problems. Economism represents the ideological foundation of the present growth economy, and sees environmental problems as something secondary to the goal of creating economic growth. Ecomodemism represents an effort to implement sustainable development through reforming the growth economy. Social ecology promotes the substitution of the growth economy with another economic model in realising sustainable development. The analysis shows that LA21 has in a number of ways raised the profile of environmental concerns in the four municipalities examined. Their LA21 action programmes express a radical (social ecological) political agenda for sustainable development. The municipal strategies have also gradually widened their scope to, for example, include more complex and controversial issues. However, most of the participating actors consider LA21 as a reform strategy for sustainable development, rather than an ideological challenge to the present economic growth model. The political leaderships tend to be influenced by ecomodernist ideas, and usually also consider LA21 as an economic development project. When in conflict with environmental concerns, economic growth policies tend to be prioritised. Conflicts over growth-related projects also tend to reduce the legitimacy of LA21 among citizens. In the four studied municipalities, LA21 gradually reaches a critical point at which further deepening (corresponding to the goals of action programmes) is unlikely unless local actors change their perceptions of ecological problem-solving. / <p>ISBN 91-7305-041-5 (ogiltigt nummer) finns angiven i tryckt bok.</p> / digitalisering@umu

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